Hobbies and interests
Speech and Debate
Adult Fiction
Science Fiction
I read books daily
Tiy Glover
Bold Points2x
Tiy Glover
Bold Points2x
I spent my high school years on the Honor Roll. While taking three AP classes per year, and dedicating my time to over three clubs. As well as doing community service through my church. I am currently fighting through my second semester of my first year in Baruch. In order to better acclimate to the change of pace, I have not yet joined any clubs. I give my all in my classes, but I cannot help but notice all the college expenses burning a hole in my pocket.
CUNY Bernard M Baruch College
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Computer and Information Sciences, General
Hillside Arts and Letters Academy
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
- Computer and Information Sciences and Support Services, Other
- Mechatronics, Robotics, and Automation Engineering
Dream career field:
Computer Software
Dream career goals:
Software developer
Intramural2011 – 20165 years
My cousin’s dance school
Performance Art2010 – 2013My personal shop
Jewelry2010 – Present
Public services
Greater Allen A.M.E. Cathedral — Any role they’d give me2012 – Present
Future Interests
Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
Many may look at the vastness of space and the depths of the sea, and are struck with fear. But within the unknown holds infinite potential. We didn’t figure out that a dolphin’s penis has muscles, and can be used as an appendage without exploring the ocean. Dolphin sexual intentions aside, we have only skimmed the surface of our own planet. Nevermind the convoluted nature of the vast universe. In searching throughout our universe for answers, we have found more questions and a few answers. The potential for possibilities is something that we can’t find in the bubble of what we know. We can not simply assume what we know with such little knowledge of what we don’t. Our bubble of pseudo-safety is based on our fragile understanding of the universe. Based on theories that we can’t prove without exploring. Our very planet is constantly changing and shifting. Our moon is slowly getting farther away. We are constantly moving away from our sun. The sun is slowly ticking towards the demise of our solar system, and everything within it. We know all this is happening, it’s apparent in all the data we have collected. But when we have to find the why, is when we have to get a bit creative with what we look for. When you are looking to understand something, you sometimes have to look at it in little pieces. We are looking into the vacuum of space and the ground beneath us. But we have neglected the small pieces that surround us, and the depths of the sea. More than eighty percent of the ocean remains unexplored. And there is certainly a substantial amount of ocean. That means that of seventy percent of our home planet, we only know about twenty percent of it. Not to mention how we are actively killing it with our contributions to global warming. While politicians tend to ignore science, we do need to find ways to keep our planet alive enough to stay on it. The more we explore the facets of our home, the more likely we are to keep it until the death of our solar system. In the end, our understanding of the universe is subpar at best. Due to our overwhelming lack of knowledge. We need to find a way to truly explore and understand the anatomy and physiology of the universe. Before we continue our journeys through the stars, we must find an understanding of our own planet. So at the very least, we will have a baseline for whatever we find. That’s why I hope to employ the exploration of the ocean and observe the microscopical aspects of the world to better understand our universe.
Redefining Victory Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life. However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors, even people in the street who seem to need it. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But also larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could. I can only hope I will be the lucky receiver of this scholarship. But I thank you for your time regardless.
Jennifer and Rob Tower Memorial Scholarship
Helping people is something that I have always enjoyed. Mostly for the sake of seeing their smiles if not just killing time. There were even times of me helping random people on the street for no real reason. I would just think to myself, “they seem like they need a hand” and then give them that hand. I am not sure if I was trained to give my aid so willingly, or if it is simply a part of my intrinsic instincts. But I will bear this badge proudly nonetheless.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I was a co-leader of. However this particular club is a non-profit fundraising club, centered around relevant history and current events. While quite a few of our endeavors are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, numerous homeless shelters, the victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. We figured since teenagers are known for being ravenous, it would work out well. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period. And we were happy to hear that we could take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. There were many points where we were bombarded with fellow students eager to get their precious snacks. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers, mentors and peers. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. He was so grateful for my help that he insisted on giving me some to take home. I was quite touched and happy to help a nice guy. Plus my mother got two pomegranates out of it, which is one of her favorites. That being said, after that I made sure to wash my fruit really well before I ate it. Since you never know what happened to it before it hit the shelf. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
While I am the type of person who loves to help others, you truly are making the world that much more affordable with each scholarship you give. I can only pray that you decide to help me next, but whoever gets the prize would surely deserve it. I’m sure you have plenty of applicants knocking on your door. And I am thankful that you took the time to read my essay.
Bright Lights Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life. However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors, even people in the street who seem to need it. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But also larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could. I can only hope I will be the lucky receiver of this scholarship. But I thank you for your time regardless.
James Gabriel Memorial Scholarship
My maternal grandmother is a very strong-willed woman with a lot going on. Even in her seventies, she maintains a thriving garden and does daily exercise every morning. She has been going to the same church longer than I have been alive. Even in the face of adversity she pioneered and has been helping our family as much as she could.
As much as she helps us and gives us advice, she also pushes us. To be the best version of ourselves, to do better than her. When she was my age, she had an opportunity to go to college free of charge. However, her father did not see the point and figured they would wrangle money out of her somehow. As such he did not allow her to take advantage of the opportunity. Since then, all of her descendents have been to college one way or another and earned their degrees. Now, it is my turn.
I will soon find myself attending college classes and meeting my college professors. Throughout this journey towards my career, I will hold onto the discipline she drilled into me. As well as the skills she taught me and the advice she gave me. She inspired me to persevere and find the bright side to every dark moon. I plan to take that inspiration and experience as far as I can and then some. Use what I have been given to succeed in college, and use that degree to start my journey as a software programer.
Software programming is my overall goal for my future for a myriad of reasons. But the reason I stuck with it and began to plan my future around computers was my grandma. She told me to look for things that will likely stick around. Things that everyone needs now and forever. I took her advice and ran with it. I took classes in and out of school, regarding programming languages and the basics of how the internet works. I passed my advanced placement computer science principles test and I have now taken my advanced placement statistics test.
In the end, I just want to become someone that my grandmother can be proud of. She has gone through so much in her life, and she finally had a sense of peace. She had gotten to a good point in her life, and Covid took it away. I want to help, but I can not right now. Not in a way that is meaningful, at least. The least I can do is give my all to the future that she looks forward to everyday. That is what I will put my inspiration towards.
Hines Scholarship
My maternal grandmother is a very strong-willed woman with a lot going on. Even in her seventies, she maintains a thriving garden and does daily exercise every morning. She has been going to the same church longer than I have been alive. Even in the face of adversity she pioneered and has been helping our family as much as she could.
As much as she helps us and gives us advice, she also pushes us. To be the best version of ourselves, to do better than her. When she was my age, she had an opportunity to go to college free of charge. However, her father did not see the point and figured they would wrangle money out of her somehow. As such he did not allow her to take advantage of the opportunity. Since then, all of her descendents have been to college one way or another and earned their degrees. Now, it is my turn.
I will soon find myself attending college classes and meeting my college professors. Throughout this journey towards my career, I will hold onto the discipline she drilled into me. As well as the skills she taught me and the advice she gave me. She inspired me to persevere and find the bright side to every dark moon. I plan to take that inspiration and experience as far as I can and then some. Use what I have been given to succeed in college, and use that degree to start my journey as a software programer.
Software programming is my overall goal for my future for a myriad of reasons. But the reason I stuck with it and began to plan my future around computers was my grandma. She told me to look for things that will likely stick around. Things that everyone needs now and forever. I took her advice and ran with it. I took classes in and out of school, regarding programming languages and the basics of how the internet works. I passed my advanced placement computer science principles test and I have now taken my advanced placement statistics test.
In the end, I just want to become someone that my grandmother can be proud of. She has gone through so much in her life, and she finally had a sense of peace. She had gotten to a good point in her life, and Covid took it away. I want to help, but I can not right now. Not in a way that is meaningful, at least. The least I can do is give my all to the future that she looks forward to everyday. That is what I will put my inspiration towards.
John J Costonis Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for a freelance business, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Where can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths. Allowing me to start thinking about my career in programming and the impact I’ll have on the world.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that my business would be my legacy and my light. That I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about my mental health, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened four times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful what you're doing in her honor. I’m sure she looks down on you with pride.
To be quite frank, the reason my mental health is important to me is that I tend to spend a lot of time in my head. This is because when I feel a bit out of focus or off-pace, it helps to focus on something else for a while and come back to the original task. The easiest way to do that most times is to daydream or read a book. If I’m not in the right headspace, then my main source of productivity and creativity is impaired. Which is not ideal to say the least.
In my life, I do my best to be my best for the most part. I give what I can to anything I do. I often take time to reflect on myself and the world around me. But when I feel lost about something or overwhelmed with the task at hand, I can explore somewhere else. I can pick up a good book and experience something from my wildest dreams or my worst nightmares. Or I can take a moment to search within myself, and try to understand my inner workings. Then I can return with a fresh face to my world, sometimes with a new perspective.
There are days when reading about the struggles of another life, make me question my own. When I see things in this realm of reality reflected in another, it makes me wonder just how similar and different these two places are. Not everybody can rest and recuperate reading an action novel. But it’s what works for me and it is my method for dealing with challenges to my mental health.
Creative Expression Scholarship
HeySunday Eco-Innovation Scholarship
Global warming is a bit of a catch all for everything that humanity has done to the environment as well as all of the effects. But to be more specific, I would put my effort towards air pollution. Our atmosphere affects every aspect of our lives and should really be protected just as much as anything else on the planet. The problem is that we do not protect our ecosystem as much as we need to.
Our atmosphere is a mix of elements in their gaseous forms. They are all brought down to the earth’s surface through the power of gravitas. All living things on this earth benefit from and contribute to this mix of gasses. Whether this contribution is positive or negative, it adds to the concoction of air we breathe. Pollution is what happens when the overall negative contributions outweigh the positive ones. That being said, we have researched the ways we contribute to this crisis without actually doing anything.
We already understand what we are doing and how it is affecting the world around us. The problem is the lack of action in nearly every level of human society. There are hundreds upon millions of people living in such a way to decrease the weight they put on the planet. However the biggest contributors to the pollution crisis are large businesses. This has unfortunately been the case for centuries. Unless governments around the world start cracking down on this blatant disrespect on our planet, it will continue to be the case for many years to come.
There are quite a few ways to either encourage or force these businesses to aid in keeping our planet healthy. I will start with the more forceful ways so that we can end on a higher note. First and foremost, the easiest way to enforce anything is through the IRS. All it would take is some proper funding and a few changes in policy. The IRS can easily be used to get money from companies being antagonistic towards the ecosystem. If there is anything that will get a company to change faster, it is losing money. Making it so that companies that contribute too much to pollution owe more taxes would certainly make an impact one way or another.
The way of encouragement also deals with the IRS but in a different direction. Businesses that are allies to the ecosystem would get more tax breaks and exemptions. This ensures that they, at the very least, keep up the good work. However, farms would have to be on a different policy as natural animal waste should not be a factor in these policies. Rather, farms that follow economically safe practices in growing their produce should be rewarded. While those that use techniques that endanger the world around them should receive the higher tax rates. Of course, this is all just theory and rhetoric. I’m sure it is much more nuanced and complicated than that but it could be a nice start to a better future. So I am really just glad I had a chance to get this idea off my chest. I thank you for your time, and I hope to work alongside you someday for a brighter future.
Xero Trust Cyber Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to utilize. I could go on about the cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future using my computer science degree. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to foster the growth and prosperity of communities. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
Considering my current course of study is a big part of modern technology, it is quite easy to use technology for innovation. Our understanding of the limits to technology changes everyday. So I am looking forward to being on the front lines of programming innovation. That being said, innovation usually starts in the known and from there grows something new. The seed from which my innovation will sprout will be the day to day of the modern everyman. After all, what is innovation if it cannot help the masses?
The fact is, the websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it is likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they cannot afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources have not fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
The true key to innovation is to strive for progress in everything you do. Going with the natural growth as you adapt and persevere through your chosen craft. The sprout of your efforts tend to blossom into things that have very little to do with the original context. Of course, that does not mean you cannot find a multitude of uses and philosophies. I doubt there is anything on this earth that cannot be monetized or profited from in some way. And I hope that I can find an innovative future. I thank you for your time, consideration, and hopefully for your aid.
Women in STEM Scholarship
In my junior year of highschool I was taking advanced placement computer science principles. In this class I not only learned the programming language python, but also the basics of AI and how the internet works. While my classes were certainly challenging, I did want to find other avenues of learning to see what else I could shove into my brain. Which is where I stumbled into the Black Data Processing Associates. Also known as BDPA. My time in BDPA was some of my favorite moments throughout the school year and I would not trade the experience for anything. While BDPA was mostly focused on coding websites and apps, it did dip into machine learning as well.
First and foremost, my time in AP computer science principles. Once the teacher figured that we knew enough about python, the class turned into a bit of a lecture and debate hall. We started learning more about the internet and how it all worked. Redundancies in routing, phishing messages, how AI is being used and manufactured. That last one especially, seeing how much more prevalent it is becoming. We delved into how it is being used by police to identify suspects, write homework, and make art. We had quite a few discussions on the ethics behind using it for such things. As well as how the lack of diversity in the computer science industry can affect the learning curve of AI especially in recognizing faces.
Partway through the year I was told about BDPA and how you could sign up for the program by going to the Google headquarters in Manhattan. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity to learn more coding languages and broaden my horizons as far as what I knew about how it worked. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I skipped my way to the train almost every Saturday. And if I was not skipping to the train, I was hopping onto my computer for a zoom call. We went over a few coding languages to learn how you use them together. As well as different ways to write the same piece of code and which situations are best for each way. We all worked together to make a website for a coding competition at the end of august. I was never told how we placed, but I am confident that our team did well.
To be quite honest, it seems unrealistic to think one person can make a huge impact without some sort of backing. I do not think I will make a difference as me, myself, and I alone. But I will be joining the workforce within a wave of gen Z, women, and minorities. This could make a grand shift in perspective for the industry, as well as foster more diversity in the workforce. This is how I see myself making an impact on this field.
Mental Health Importance Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about my mental health, I’d have thirty cents. Which sounds like a lot but it is really not since I have applied to over a hundred scholarships. I am glad that you are one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship.
To be quite frank, the reason my mental health is important to me is that I tend to spend a lot of time in my head. This is for multiple reasons. One of which is when I feel a bit out of focus or just generally bad, it helps to focus on something else for a while and come back to the original task. The easiest way to do that most of the time is to daydream or read a book. If I am not in the right headspace, then my main source of productivity and creativity is impaired. Which is not ideal to say the least.
In my life, I do my best to be my best for the most part. I give what I can to anything I do. I often take time to reflect on myself and the world around me for the sake of taking inventory, so to speak. But when I feel lost about something or overwhelmed with the task at hand, I can explore somewhere else. I can pick up a good book and experience something from my wildest dreams or my worst nightmares. I can take a moment to explore a world within myself. Either trying to understand my inner workings, or just imaging a story that has not been written yet. Then I can return with a fresh face to my world, most times with a new perspective.
There are days when reading about the struggles of another life, make me question my own. When I see things in this realm of reality reflected in another. It makes me wonder just how similar and different these two places are. Not everybody can rest and recuperate reading an action novel. But it is what works for me and it is my method for dealing with the world's challenges to my mental health.
Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
Helping people is something I have always enjoyed. Mostly for the sake of seeing their smiles or just killing time. There were even times of me helping random people on the street for no real reason. I would just think, “they seem like they need a hand” and then give them that hand. I’m not sure if I was trained to give my aid so willingly. Or if it is simply a part of my intrinsic instincts. But I will bear it proudly nonetheless.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, homeless shelters, victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. He was so grateful for my help that he insisted on giving me some to take home. I was quite touched and happy to help a nice guy. Plus my mother got two pomegranates out of it, which is one of her favorites. That being said, after that I made sure to wash my fruit really well before I ate it. Since you never know what happened to it before it hit the shelf. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
While I am the type of person who loves to help others, you truly are making the world that much more affordable with each scholarship you give. I can only pray that you decide to help me next, but whoever gets a prize would surely deserve it. I’m sure you have plenty of applicants knocking on your door. And I am thankful that you took the time to read my essay.
Barbara Cain Literary Scholarship
There are many different things that a person can do for their extracurricular activities. One such thing is reading fictional stories. Whether it be online or on paper, reading is one of the few things I can truly focus on. Getting lost in a story is my favorite pastime, especially when it's quiet. When I read a fictional story, I find myself in a new world behind someone else’s eyes. When I truly enjoy a story the rest of the world melts away, and I find myself in a new place. I can walk for miles in the shoes of a stranger. I get to learn things about their environment that no one else could.
In my life, I do my best to be my best. I give what I can to anything I do. I often take time to reflect on myself and the world around me. But when I feel lost about something or overwhelmed with the task at hand, I can explore somewhere else. I can pick up a good book and experience something from my wildest dreams or my worst nightmares. Then I can return with a fresh face to my world, sometimes with a new perspective. There are days when reading about the struggles of another life, make me question my own. When I can see things in this realm of reality reflected in another and it makes me wonder just how similar these two places are.
Another reason behind my fascination with fictional literature is the novelty of reading what someone else created with their own imagination. They created these characters and brought them to life. They made this world and its mechanics. They founded governments and tore them down. The author wrote the rules of science and magic and sometimes even made a character who broke them to create something new. The author is the puppet master of their universe and to watch how they make things unfold in their own little dimension is entertaining in of itself.
I also like to learn more about books and their intricacies. Mostly from my English classes. Lessons on how authors piece their stories together. How they dictate a character's actions. Figuring out the logic behind their choices. Seeking the method to their madness. Finding that pot of rhetorical gold on the end of the proverbial rainbow will always be my favorite pastime. Another source of information is my mother. Seeing as she has written several books herself, as well as the fact that she is an avid reader. There are things she’s picked up from reading and writing. Those things are quite intuitive and it helps that she’s happy to share them with me.
In the end, books are an escape from reality. They can give intuitive knowledge about human nature, and how the world works. Even teaching me life lessons without having to step out my door. But the reason I read is to get away from the world. I read to find solace in living the life of a stranger and seeing other worlds. I read to have fun in ways that I can't or won’t in real life. I will always give everything my all and work hard to get where i want in life and maintain that position. But when I have time to myself, you will find me curled up with a book.
Harry B. Anderson Scholarship
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, Language, and World History. This is because I had finished the credits for some of my high school classes in middle school. And legally speaking, I needed to be in school for at least five hours. Out of all of them, AP Computer Science ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home.
While I enjoyed my computer science class, it was not the first time I had a computer class. I didn’t enjoy it in middle school, so I figured it might be a difference in my teachers. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. I learned more about Python, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML. I learned how to make a website and what real programmers do to debug code. And most of all, I learned that there was a difference in teachers and I really enjoyed coding.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths.
My talent for details and my affinity for catching mistakes have come in very handy during my lessons. And I plan to use these skills to achieve my goal of financial stability. In this ever-changing world, there are few things that have stayed the same throughout the ages. One of which is the concept of money, as it simplifies trade. While the economy can be volatile, achieving stability among the chaos is currently possible. Once you finally attain a goal it is a lot easier to maintain. So finding a job that pays well is a good way to zero in on stability. And finding one fast is a good way to stay afloat. My aspirations may be humble, but they mean a lot to me. And I would appreciate your consideration to help me accomplish them.
Career Test Scholarship
In my junior year of highschool I was taking advanced placement computer science principles. In this class I not only learned the programming language python, but also the basics of AI and how the internet works. While my classes were certainly challenging, I did want to find other avenues of learning to see what else I could shove into my brain. Which is where I stumbled into the Black Data Processing Associates. Also known as BDPA. My time in BDPA was some of my favorite moments throughout the school year and I would not trade the experience for anything. While BDPA was mostly focused on coding websites and apps, it did dip into machine learning as well.
First and foremost, my time in AP computer science principles. Once the teacher figured that we knew enough about python, the class turned into a bit of a lecture and debate hall. We started learning more about the internet and how it all worked. Redundancies in routing, phishing messages, how AI is being used and manufactured. That last one especially, seeing how much more prevalent it is becoming. We delved into how it is being used by police to identify suspects, write homework, and make art. We had quite a few discussions on the ethics behind using it for such things. As well as how the lack of diversity in the computer science industry can affect the learning curve of AI especially in recognizing faces.
Partway through the year I was told about BDPA and how you could sign up for the program by going to the Google headquarters in Manhattan. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity to learn more coding languages and broaden my horizons as far as what I knew about how it worked. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I skipped my way to the train almost every Saturday. And if I was not skipping to the train, I was hopping onto my computer for a zoom call. We went over a few coding languages to learn how you use them together. As well as different ways to write the same piece of code and which situations are best for each way. We all worked together to make a website for a coding competition at the end of august. I was never told how we placed, but I am confident that our team did well.
To be quite honest, it seems unrealistic to think one person can make a huge impact without some sort of backing. I do not think I will make a difference as me, myself, and I alone. But I will be joining the workforce within a wave of gen Z, women, and minorities. This could make a grand shift in perspective for the industry, as well as foster more diversity in the workforce. This is how I see myself making an impact on this field.
Thomas Mashig Foundation Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about me specifically, I would have twenty-five cents. Which may seem like a lot but I have applied to over a hundred scholarships at this point. However, it always is a bit of a challenge since most people are taught to not refer to themselves when they write a professional piece of literature such as an essay. Talking about my club and my trade is a lot easier.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, homeless shelters, victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
While it may be somewhat debated, software programming is largely considered a trade in of itself. This is because a trade is a skilled job, typically one requiring manual skills and special training. My trade is building websites. Websites come in all shapes and sizes, and the best ones are the ones that take the user experience into account.The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. The time people have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. My talent for details and my affinity for catching mistakes have come in very handy for applying my computer knowledge. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives. I plan on making more of these efficient sites throughout my hopefully lucrative career. My aspirations may be humble, but they mean a lot to me. And I would appreciate your consideration to help me accomplish them.
Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
Leadership is something that can be argued over in philosophical circles until the cows come home. However, my definition of a leader is someone who helps to organize a group of people to achieve an endeavor more effectively and efficiently. I have been that leader on multiple occasions in just about all of my social circles. However, besides my lovingly placed title as the “mom friend”, my most qualified leading roles are in my extracurricular activities. As a co-manager in my artistry club ‘Fyre Zone’. As well as a cabinet member for Alphabet soup during our many charity fundraisers.
Fyre Zone is a club that focuses on teaching kids how to make money in the creative industry. For example, at one point we were writing a song to record and perform. We were learning about the behind the scenes process of songwriting and how to go about the more professional aspects. However while writing the lyrics, they often got sidetracked in their brainstorming. While I mostly left it alone to foster the creativity needed for the project. There were times that my peers got distracted to the point of not writing the lyrics. In those cases, the teacher and I would call them back to attention and I would remind them of where we left off.
Alphabet soup is also an afterschool club, however this particular club is about relevant history and current events. We discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, homeless shelters, victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. We were bombarded with customers. It was a mob of people all yelling at us and each other. Wanting their orders with their hands waving money in our faces. I corralled them into a line with our supervisor, and told them to wait their turn. They came in waves, each more in a hurry than the last. So I had to do that several times over with more of a fight each time. But I pushed through and we were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
While both situations were quite different in context and content, the main issue was maintaining order. In the case of the Fyre Zone, it was a ‘rallying of the troops’ type of ordeal. Learning how to lead the discussion in the right direction was instrumental in keeping the group productive. However, in the case of Alphabet soup the issue was not in the club members, but rather the customers. I had to figure out how to corral the customers to make the process smoother. As well as make sure that our club had enough time and energy to get everything done.
In the end, the most important lesson in my experience is gauging the best approach for the most cooperation. While there will always be outliers, it is best to focus energy and time into making sure that most people are following along. So in conclusion, improved organization and communication skills destined these situations to be rewarding. Which fostered enough cooperation for a successful project.
Joy Of Life Inspire’s AAA Scholarship
I do enjoy giving myself plenty of challenges for the sake of experience and exploration. One such challenge was my time in the MSQI Debate Leagues. MSQI stands for Middle School Quality Initiative, and is a way to encourage students to be their best. It certainly worked for me. I made quite good friends with my team, and have always enjoyed debating for the heck of it. Although, that isn’t much of a challenge, is it?
The challenge of the debate team was perfecting the art of parley for a side I didn’t believe in. Not to be confused with parlay, which is to gamble with particularly high stakes. While parley is to discuss something for the sake of convincing. Just about anyone can argue for something they care about. And if they really regard something as true, they can dispute their case until they’re blue in the face. But to argue in favor of something that you don’t care about, or outright disagree with, is something that not many would bother with. Much less be good at it, in the slightest. Not to mention the requirement of staying civil. Most people get too heated in the moment, and begin to weave their animosity into their words. As such, maintaining a professional manner was crucial. While I didn’t have the mind to measure my progress in those regards, I think the four top speaker awards I earned speak for themselves.
It was not something that life threw my way. Nor was it a hardship that I went through alone. But it was a challenge that shaped how I interact with people. It was a test that helped me in English classes down the line. A trial that, despite how much I wanted to quit, I dedicated nearly three years to. I treasured my time with them. And I will always look back on those years with a fond nostalgia.
Well as far as agape love, there are a myriad of ways one can give back to their community. But the ways I have done so would be spending on small businesses within the community and doing community service at a local church. Now one of those things can be considered debatable, so let me explain.
You help a small business in your neighborhood to thrive, the people running that business will spend money in their neighborhood, which is yours, meaning that your neighborhood will have kept money in instead of going out to a business conglomerate that will spend that money on another conglomerate or community. Thereby taking money out of your neighborhood. In other words, your community economy thrives when you choose to invest in local small businesses.
While community service is important to a community, it is not the end all be all of giving to your community. There are ways to give back that most people never even consider in their day to day lives. I simply wanted to give tribute to myself and others who give back in unorthodox ways. Even if they don’t know it.
Schmid Memorial Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life.
JT Lampert Scholarship
Helping people is something I have always enjoyed. Mostly for the sake of seeing their smiles or just killing time. There were even times of me helping random people on the street for no real reason. I would just think, “they seem like they need a hand” and then give them that hand. I’m not sure if I was trained to give my aid so willingly. Or if it is simply a part of my intrinsic instincts. But I will bear it proudly nonetheless.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, homeless shelters, victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. The time people have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
There are many versions of the iconic character Spiderman. From the comics to the big screen and everywhere in between, Spiderman is inevitable. There are three main versions of Spiderman that everyone knows. The big screen corporate movies with the actors Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfeild, and Tom Holland in that order. While it was a tough decision, my favorite of those three is Tobey Maguire. The original Spiderman and the founder of many spider-memes.
Now, I understand that the first live-action spiderman movie far predates Tobey. However, when I say original, I mean the original of the modern take on spiderman. Tobey was the first spiderman to have CGI and it doesn’t really show. It is done really well the production and film crew really outdid themselves and made this an amazing movie series. Not to mention how well executed the acting was. I had never seen Tobey before, but when I saw him in spider man it made me want to see his other stuff. Things like The Great Gatsby and Babylon. That isn’t even touching on the prime real estate he gave to the meme community. All in all, Tobey Maguire is the Greatest of All Time when it comes down to the live-action spider man.
John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. That, of course, was when I found the magic of YouTube. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I garnered a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school for the sake of learning new coding languages. It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that my business would be my legacy and my light. That I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
1989 (Taylor's Version) Fan Scholarship
Taylor Swift is one of many artists that will alway have a home on any music profile I have. Simply because I love her style of music composition. However when it comes to songs that cater to me or my life, there are not many Swiftie songs that I can relate to without reaching a bit. So out of all twenty-one songs in the album, I could only find three to put on such a soundtrack.
The first song was Welcome To New York. With lyrics like, “everybody here wanted something more[;] searching for a sound we hadn't heard before” it wasn’t any wonder I thought of my time touring college campuses. And eventually getting to know my fellow freshmen at my college of choice. That anticipation and excitement that I heard in the song was exactly what I felt as I walked through My future lecture halls, talking with people that will be my classmates in August. So that would definitely be going on my soundtrack for the year.
The next song to be on the soundtrack is Shake It Off, for one reason. This is pretty much how I go about my personal life. While “what people say” about Taylor is not similar to what they say to me, we do react to it similarly. Simply shaking it off and moving on with our lives. This song would be going on any and all soundtracks to describe me, end of story.
The last song to go on Tiy’s version (2024) is Wonderland. This song is supposed to be about a relationship on its last leg while the couple try to keep it going. However I interpreted it a bit differently. Lyrics such as, “You and I got lost in it [;] and we pretended it could last forever” gave me the impression of looking towards the past and trying to hold onto the present. Something most people can be caught doing, myself included. Holding onto the last shreds of highschool before being thrust into a world of responsibilities. Ones that I will not know I am ready for until after I have been trusted with them. As my friends and I kept trying to pretend that highschool would last forever, we were constantly reminded of the end of our childhood. So Wonderland would definitely be on my soundtrack of the year.
As I said in the beginning, most of Taylor’s songs just do not fit my life and experiences. That does not mean I will stop listening to her, but I will now start on actually building that soundtrack of my year. I just have to look elsewhere for song choices.
Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
Partway through the year I was told about BDPA and how you could sign up for the program by going to the Google headquarters in Manhattan. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity to learn more coding languages and broaden my horizons as far as what I knew about how it worked. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I skipped my way to the train almost every Saturday. And if I was not skipping to the train, I was hopping onto my computer for a zoom call. We went over a few coding languages to learn how you use them together. As well as different ways to write the same piece of code and which situations are best for each way. We all worked together to make a website for a coding competition at the end of august. I was never told how we placed, but I am confident that our team did well.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. One of our more recent fundraisers was for victims in Palestine, selling bracelets and jewelry we made. Giving every cent to Muslim Hands USA so they could help their muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. While I spent hours weaving different color strings into bracelets and necklaces, others carefully picked beads to string into similar things. We made nearly two hundred dollars, and we were happy that all of it would go to a good cause.
Fyre Zone is a club that focuses on teaching kids how to make money in the creative industry. For example, at one point we were writing a song to record and perform. We were learning about the behind the scenes process of songwriting and how to go about the more professional aspects. However while writing the lyrics, they often got sidetracked in their brainstorming. While I mostly left it alone to foster the creativity needed for the project. There were times that my peers got distracted to the point of not writing the lyrics. In those cases, the teacher and I would call them back to attention and I would remind them of where we left off.
While all of these situations were quite different in context and content, the main issue was maintaining order. In the end, the most important lesson in my experience is gauging the best approach for the easiest task execution. While there will always be outliers, it is best to focus energy and time into making sure that most people are following along. So in conclusion, improved organization and communication skills destined these situations to be rewarding. Which fostered enough cooperation for a successful project.
To The Sky Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold. Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I do have a dream of becoming a software programer. Seeing as software is imperative to the running of today’s society, it will be a favorable job market.
When everything shut down for covid, I came across the Thomas Sanders YouTube channel. His fandom -the Fanders- was filled with people that were very accepting, creative, and sweet. Something that was quite common in the Fanders was talking about ways to give back to the community. For example, opening a camp to become a safe haven for queer youth and could double as a homeless shelter. While I was quite young when I first gave my support for the idea, I would join that cause in a heartbeat today. I love the idea and could see the camp getting financial support from The Trevor Project or other gay rights groups. While I do not know about helping with the kids, I would be happy to use my computer expertise to help the place grow by making the website and taking care of their IT needs.
This was not the beginning of my contributing mindset, but it is a reason why it stuck for so long. I had been a part of a church since I was four years old, which was how I started on this path. I really can not pinpoint one particular event, but rather a series of events.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. This particular club is about relevant history, current events, and taking what action we can. We discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. One of our more recent fundraisers was for victims in Palestine, selling bracelets and jewelry we made. Giving every cent to Muslim Hands USA so they could help their muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. While I spent hours weaving different color strings into bracelets and necklaces, others carefully picked beads to string into similar things. We made nearly two hundred dollars, and we were happy that all of it would go to a good cause.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could. While I am the type of person who loves to help others, you truly are making the world that much more affordable with each scholarship you give. I can only pray that you decide to help me next, but whoever gets the prize would surely deserve it. I’m sure you have plenty of applicants knocking on your door. And I am thankful that you took the time to read my essay.
Nell’s Will Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
I claimed I would demonstrate how my occupation can change the world for the better. Proper software engineering has the power to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation doesn’t make the world a better place, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
West Family Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for a freelance business, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Where can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths. Allowing me to start thinking about my career in programming and the impact I’ll have on the world.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that my business would be my legacy and my light. That I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
FLIK Hospitality Group’s Entrepreneurial Council Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for a freelance business, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Where can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths. Allowing me to start thinking about my career in programming and the impact I’ll have on the world.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that my business would be my legacy and my light. That I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
CEW IV Foundation Scholarship Program
There are days where the teachers in my school tell us some of the do’s and don'ts in the working world. How certain mannerisms can keep you from a job you deserve. There are certain ways you have to carry yourself to be considered civil and professional. But the way most of us saw it was, adhering to the cookie cutter shape that is the average paper pusher. Many of the people who are currently working just see it as putting on a face for your coworkers. Most of the next generation see a piece of the typical dystopian society. This elimination of individuality means people from certain backgrounds feel as though being themselves will be to their detriment in their career.
When you see someone like you in a position you want to be in, it gives you hope for your future. Whether it be beauty or wealth, it is possible for you to attain it. That is one of the many reasons minority and disabled dolls are making their way to markets in this day and age. That sight in of itself, comes with the assurance that it is possible. Perhaps you can even find out how they got there. That motivation can be what the next generation uses to create a better world.
Not to mention how the person in the spotlight can forge a path for those coming behind them. An example of more diverse voices in the public view would be Jackie Robinson; world renowned baseball player. However Mr. Robinson was much more than a baseball player in a league that didn’t want him. He gave his all to his craft, and used his fame to speak out on the injustices he had to face to get there. Even after he retired, he did his best to care for the people he could reach. He gave his life to help others and his wife made sure he could continue that after he passed.
But without his sacrifice and perseverance, we would be majorly setback in the fight for civil rights. In the decade that followed his integration; the military, public schools, and public transport were all desegregated. It likely would have taken a century without him. Not to mention a lot more violence. His voice projecting the voices of his black brothers and sisters was a leap for african americans, and a marathon for mankind.
In the end, diversity is something that every avenue should strive to attain. Accurate and well-planned forms of representation in everyday life can open people’s eyes to the lives of others. As well as reassure minorities that they are seen, and that they are not alone. Of course, we should always recognize the firsts that put us on the path to diversity. As without them, we wouldn’t be talking about it without resistance. This future of openness between the minority and majority is coming, and this is how we get there.
Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
The Wizards of the Lab
The wizards of waverly place find the basement of Mr. Davenport through typical Alex shenanigans.
She tried to use the door in the attic to take her to a good lab for her science project. Or some other excuse.
Leo is the first one to see her, goes to find the others and she escapes but she doesn’t take herself off the cameras.
Nobody believes Leo until he convinces them to look at the camera footage and see Alex. They don’t tell mr. davenport.
Alex tells her brothers what she saw and they don’t believe her or they want to see, so they plan to go together.
The lab gang set up a trap to catch her, but it only half works and there is sudden chaos before the dust settles and each group has a hostage of the other group (probably Justin and Leo)
They try to negotiate for their comrades and end up revealing enough of their side of the story to de-escalate the situation.
After that, it is smooth sailing with each gang introducing themselves and getting along fairly well. Then the parents appear.
Dun, dun, DUN!
Davenport is not happy to see these people in his basement, the wizard parents are not happy that their kids did a breaking and entering with the attic door.
The two groups separate sadly, never to see each other again. With the wizard parents putting some type of spell on the door so it doesn’t go back there.
To be Continued…
Part two!
Chase and Justin figure out how to reconnect the attic door with the basement door because they are nerds and they took each other's numbers.
Cue dramatic secrecy shenanigans as they continue to stay in contact while keeping it a secret from their parental figures.
Both sets of parents are initially unaware until they notice something that seems amiss.
Like, Davenport finding remnants of a spell in the lab.
Or the wizard parents finding unusual burn marks from Adam’s laser eyes.
They get more and more suspicious, starting to grill their kids on it with the teens either deflecting or dodging the questions.
Either way, it all leads up to the parents working together to corner them at one place or another. (probably the wizards’ house since it started at davenport’s)
The parents scold them for deliberately disobeying them while the teen’s stand up for their friendship.
It ends up on a compromise, with the teens being grounded but able to see each other once their un-grounded.
Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
Well there are three main parts to the game of Minecraft. Which are crafting or building things, mining or searching through caves, and general strategy based on your goals. A smaller part of minecraft is taming neutral animals to be your companions. Since only a couple other NPCs are peaceful and everything else is hostile. Many people do not exactly pay attention to the strategy aspect of the game, and I am no better. I am not the biggest fan of digging around for gold or searching for amethyst geodes in caves either. So the obvious answer from there would be the crafting and building, which is the right one for me!
I love to create things in general, so when I found minecraft creative mode I was elated! A world where it was just me, no attacks, and any block I wanted at my fingertips?! I could make all sorts of things! And if I did not like it, it was as simple as a few blocks of tnt to remove it. I have made so many lovely houses with aquariums attached. And I have destroyed so many horrid excuses for a building. It is a shame I lost that world, but I am sure the forty wolves I ended up with are enjoying it. I only tamed three at first, but I never had the heart to kill the ones they made and you can not ‘untame’ them. I think that is my one gripe with the game. Either way, while exploring the caves and fighting monsters was certainly thrilling, it is not something I look for in a game. As I would rather watch such things than play them. So I keep minecraft on my computer to unwind with a cool new house design. And maybe this time I’ll keep cats!
Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
Zendaya was a big part of my tween years. Her music was what introduced me to her. Which was what got me into KC Undercover as her big break in disney channel. Those are the aspects of her career that I am most familiar with. But if asked to choose between them, I find myself at a loss. I absolutely adore her music, and I love watching her in general. So which should I choose? I choose not to choose.
Zendaya has a wonderful voice and she has a talent for lyricism like very few artists nowadays. Not to mention how she was the one that wrote the theme song for her disney debut, “Keep it Undercover” and she nailed it. Then there is the fact that she is an amazing actress. Whether it was confident overachiever K.C or the cynical and rude M.J, she delivered every time and I have always loved seeing it for myself.
If I had the chance to either be a background singer with Zendaya or be an extra in one of her scenes, I would panic and miss the opportunity. Because, OH MY GOD ZENDAYA. But that’s just me being indecisive and fangirling. All in all, I just love Zendaya and I wish her nothing but happiness in life.
Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
When most people think of anime they think of the big names like One Piece and Naruto. But there are so many smaller names to the anime genre that are just overlooked and vastly underappreciated. One such anime is the series, By the Grace of the Gods. An isekai anime that thankfully does not follow the overdone isekai tropes. Ones where the main character collects a harem and traipses around doing whatever he wants. Only gaining more power and goodwill as the story progresses. Instead, he spends three years in the woods collecting slimes.
Now, you don’t see these three years, just the before and after. However it seems like he just likes them because they are cute and finds other uses for them afterwards. For example, he creates two new species of slime by accident and does not realize it until much later on. He spends these three years studying magic textbooks and acquiring more slimes. Why is he acquiring more slimes? Because why not, that’s why. Once he finally decides to move to a town and stop being a hermit, he finds out that almost everything about him is extraordinary. How he was able to train slimes to use tools, which was previously unheard of. The fact that he had hundreds of slimes when most tamers couldn’t even get up to one hundred.
The rest of the series is between a slice of life and an adventure. With plenty of world building to boot. Which is exactly why I like it. Slice of life is certainly cute and endearing, but it gets boring very quickly. Adventure anime are always so thrilling and fun, but they can get a bit too fast paced for me. The world building that is so intertwined with isekai is the main reason I like the genre. But it’s hard to find an isekai that doesn’t get caught up in the harem building and leave me with unanswered questions about the world itself. Which is why By the Grace of the Gods is my infinitely rewatchable comfort anime.
Mental Health Empowerment Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about my mental health, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened four times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship.
To be quite frank, the reason my mental health is important to me is that I tend to spend a lot of time in my head. This is because when I feel a bit out of focus or off-pace, it helps to focus on something else for a while and come back to the original task. The easiest way to do that most times is to daydream or read a book. If I’m not in the right headspace, then my main source of productivity and creativity is impaired. Which is not ideal to say the least.
In my life, I do my best to be my best for the most part. I give what I can to anything I do. I often take time to reflect on myself and the world around me. But when I feel lost about something or overwhelmed with the task at hand, I can explore somewhere else. I can pick up a good book and experience something from my wildest dreams or my worst nightmares. Or I can take a moment to search within myself, and try to understand my inner workings. Then I can return with a fresh face to my world, sometimes with a new perspective.
For example, The book I am about to share with you may not be a book by your standards. But to me, a book is a piece of literature that holds a well written and thought-out story. Regardless of the avenue it was published through or the money the author makes off of it.
That being said, you should go onto the website ArchiveofOurOwn.com and look up the title, “Stray Hearts are Subject to Change”. You will be treated to thirty six chapters of someone healing from their past and walking into their future with the support system that so many people dream of today. It is a rollercoaster showing the ups and downs of recovery. It accurately shows how trauma can affect the mind and body even after escaping the situation. How triggers work and the best ways to mitigate them.
This is because the author is writing from experience, portraying their struggle through a character that went through the same things. This is quite common on the site, at least in that particular fandom. There are plenty of stories you can turn to for accurate depictions of abuse, trauma, recovery, and the mindsets that fuel it. However this is one of the few that are completed and still on the site. Sometimes the authors are encouraged to take it down by therapists or concerned close ones. But most times it is encouraged, as a way to cope with what they went through and spread the word on how it really works.
There are so many people that end up victim blaming and shaming because they simply do not understand how much practice goes into manipulating others. This book could open up the eyes of so many people and allow for better and more available support for these people.
A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities.
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, which ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. But something that these lessons showed me is how simple yet complicated and tedious building a website is. As well as how making a user-friendly site wasn’t much more than a couple extra lines here and there.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor's degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Scholarship Institute’s Annual Women’s Leadership Scholarship
Leadership is something that can be argued over in philosophical circles until the cows come home. However, my definition of a leader is someone who helps to organize a group of people to achieve an endeavor more effectively and efficiently. I have been that leader on multiple occasions in just about all of my social circles. However, besides my lovingly placed title as the “mom friend”, my most qualified leading roles are in my extracurricular activities. As a co-manager in my artistry club ‘Fyre Zone’. As well as a cabinet member for Alphabet soup during our many charity fundraisers.
Fyre Zone is a club that focuses on teaching kids how to make money in the creative industry. For example, at one point we were writing a song to record and perform. We were learning about the behind the scenes process of songwriting and how to go about the more professional aspects. However while writing the lyrics, they often got sidetracked in their brainstorming. While I mostly left it alone to foster the creativity needed for the project. There were times that my peers got distracted to the point of not writing the lyrics. In those cases, the teacher and I would call them back to attention and I would remind them of where we left off.
Alphabet soup is also an afterschool club, however this particular club is about relevant history and current events. We discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, homeless shelters, victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. We were bombarded with customers. It was a mob of people all yelling at us and each other. Wanting their orders with their hands waving money in our faces. I corralled them into a line with our supervisor, and told them to wait their turn. They came in waves, each more in a hurry than the last. So I had to do that several times over with more of a fight each time. But I pushed through and we were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
While both situations were quite different in context and content, the main issue was maintaining order. In the case of the Fyre Zone, it was a ‘rallying of the troops’ type of ordeal. Learning how to lead the discussion in the right direction was instrumental in keeping the group productive. However, in the case of Alphabet soup the issue was not in the club members, but rather the customers. I had to figure out how to corral the customers to make the process smoother. As well as make sure that our club had enough time and energy to get everything done.
In the end, the most important lesson in my experience is gauging the best approach for the most cooperation. While there will always be outliers, it is best to focus energy and time into making sure that most people are following along. So in conclusion, improved organization and communication skills destined these situations to be rewarding. Which fostered enough cooperation for a successful project.
Powering The Future - Whiddon Memorial Scholarship
There are days where the teachers in my school tell us some of the do’s and don'ts in the working world. How certain mannerisms can keep you from a job you deserve. There are certain ways you have to carry yourself to be considered civil and professional. But the way most of us saw it was, adhering to the cookie cutter shape that is the average paper pusher. Many of the people who are currently working just see it as putting on a face for your coworkers. Most of the next generation see a piece of the typical dystopian society. This elimination of individuality means people from certain backgrounds feel as though being themselves will be to their detriment in their career. Of course, that’s not the only thing that can affect one’s career.
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about me specifically, I’d have six nickels. Which is not a lot but it is weird that it only happened six times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful that donors are asking about the applicants.
While I’m guessing you set up this question to hear about the sob stories and tragedies of the many applicants of today, I don’t like lying on the web. Unfortunately, I have no such sob story. Instead, I was taught by my father to count my blessings. I’ve always aimed for the highest grade and accepted the grade I got as my best. I read chapters upon chapters on a daily basis, but garnered a fascination for YouTube during Covid.
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. I found myself online for hours every day, just watching whatever caught my eye. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I found a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school with Black Data Processing Associates for the sake of learning new coding languages. I soon began researching different career paths I could take with my knowledge. I found that most of the market is largely on the rise.
Of course, a lucrative career requires substantial education. And, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
AROC AI/ML Scholarship
In my junior year of highschool I was taking advanced placement computer science principles. In this class I not only learned the programming language python, but also the basics of AI and how the internet works. While my classes were certainly challenging, I did want to find other avenues of learning to see what else I could shove into my brain. Which is where I stumbled into the Black Data Processing Associates. Also known as BDPA. My time in BDPA was some of my favorite moments throughout the school year and I would not trade the experience for anything. While BDPA was mostly focused on coding websites and apps, it did dip into machine learning as well.
First and foremost, my time in AP computer science principles. Once the teacher figured that we knew enough about python, the class turned into a bit of a lecture and debate hall. We started learning more about the internet and how it all worked. Redundancies in routing, phishing messages, how AI is being used and manufactured. That last one especially, seeing how much more prevalent it is becoming. We delved into how it is being used by police to identify suspects, write homework, and make art. We had quite a few discussions on the ethics behind using it for such things. As well as how the lack of diversity in the computer science industry can affect the learning curve of AI especially in recognizing faces.
Partway through the year I was told about BDPA and how you could sign up for the program by going to the Google headquarters in Manhattan. I, of course, jumped at the opportunity to learn more coding languages and broaden my horizons as far as what I knew about how it worked. To say I was ecstatic would be an understatement. I skipped my way to the train almost every Saturday. And if I was not skipping to the train, I was hopping onto my computer for a zoom call. We went over a few coding languages to learn how you use them together. As well as different ways to write the same piece of code and which situations are best for each way. We all worked together to make a website for a coding competition at the end of august. I was never told how we placed, but I am confident that our team did well.
To be quite honest, it seems unrealistic to think one person can make a huge impact without some sort of backing. I do not think I will make a difference as me, myself, and I alone. But I will be joining the workforce within a wave of gen Z, women, and minorities. This could make a grand shift in perspective for the industry, as well as foster more diversity in the workforce. This is how I see myself making an impact on this field.
Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
I do enjoy giving myself plenty of challenges for the sake of experience and exploration. One such challenge was my time in the MSQI Debate Leagues. I made quite good friends with my team, and have always enjoyed debating for the heck of it. However, the challenge of the debate team was perfecting the art of parley for a side I didn’t believe in. Not to be confused with parlay, which is to gamble with particularly high stakes. Just about anyone can argue for something they care about. And if they really regard something as true, they can dispute their case until they’re blue in the face. But to argue in favor of something that you don’t care about, or outright disagree with, is something that not many would bother with. Not to mention the requirement of staying civil. Most people get too heated in the moment, and begin to weave their animosity into their words. As such, maintaining a professional manner was crucial. While I didn’t have the mind to measure my progress in those regards, I think the four top speaker awards I earned in my later debate years speak for themselves. And that speaking skill lended itself quite well to my community service hours.
While volunteer work is important to a community, it is not the end all be all of giving to your community. There are a myriad of ways one can give back to their community. But the ways I have done so would be spending on small businesses within the community and doing community service at a local church. If you help a small business in your neighborhood to thrive, the people running that business will spend money in their neighborhood. In other words, your community economy thrives when you choose to invest in local small businesses. My mother has her own business she is trying to start up. However she needs a website for her clients to use, which is where I step in.
I have had some training in the nuance of different coding languages. I do my best to make it how she likes while keeping it user friendly. When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create throughout my career. In the end, I figured that I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
North Star Dreamers Memorial Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life. However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors, even people in the street who seem to need it. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But also larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
Since you have put this money aside specifically for those that find value in being the difference they wish to see in the world, I can see that your jobs as injury attorneys were not just for the sake of the money. I can only hope I will be the lucky receiver of this scholarship. But I thank you for your time regardless.
Rainbow Futures Scholarship
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. I found myself on YouTube for hours every day, just watching whatever caught my eye. Eventually I came across the Thomas Sanders channel. Thomas was an anxiety-ridden, fun-loving, homosexual. His fandom -the Fanders- was filled with people that were very accepting, creative, and sweet. However, as I heard from people all over the queer spectrum, I found myself relating to them in much different ways than I imagined. I found myself questioning if I really was straight. When I truly thought to myself about my preferences and sexuality, I found it easier to think of romancing a girl than I thought it would be. It took much more deliberation and confusion to find myself under the label of panromantic and demisexual that I have today.
Something that was quite common in the Fanders was talking about ways to give back to the community. For example, opening a camp to become a safe haven for queer youth and could double as a homeless shelter. While I was quite young when I first gave my support for the idea, I would join that cause in a heartbeat today. I love the idea and could see the camp getting financial support from The Trevor Project or other gay rights groups. While I do not know about helping with the kids, I would be happy to use my computer expertise to help the place grow!
That, of course, was another thing I found through the magic of YouTube. Something else I found out in quarantine, was how vast the internet truly is. Before this I had largely focused on schoolwork and reading in my spare time. So I hadn’t interacted with the social aspect of the WorldWide Web much beyond a few hours every month. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I garnered a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school for the sake of learning new coding languages. It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree.
However, a substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Learner Math Lover Scholarship
When Sir Issac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz first created calculus, did they think of all the different ways it could be applied? Sir Issac probably did not, seeing as he wrote more for himself than anyone else. Of course, this meant he would use whatever notation he thought of on that day. However, Mr. Leibniz saw the importance of good notation and put a lot of thought into the symbols he used. So much of the calculus we know today is from Leibniz's handiwork. But I do not think he could have expected his precious notes to be used in something as alien to him as modern science!
Now, I have not taken Calculus yet. But I have finished AP computer science and started AP statistics. I was wondering why I needed statistics for my computer science degree and decided to do some digging. I found that not only is statistics needed in certain coding scenarios, but so is calculus and many other types of math. Some that I have already learned, others I have not yet. Each form of math had its purpose in conveying the code to the computer. For calculus, the main purpose is differential equations. A differential equation calculates how something changes and how fast that happens, so a computer can predict future outputs. These equations help in designing simulations and improving problem solving programs. As well as creating effective algorithms and developing accurate graphs. This is also handy for when you’re coding a calculator that needs to know calculus.
All in all, I love math because it is important in the STEM field. Math has a hand in every piece of the STEM world, making it a solid cornerstone of modern society.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about my mental health, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened four times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful what you're doing in her honor. I’m sure she looks down on you with pride.
To be quite frank, the reason my mental health is important to me is that I tend to spend a lot of time in my head. This is because when I feel a bit out of focus or off-pace, it helps to focus on something else for a while and come back to the original task. The easiest way to do that most times is to daydream or read a book. If I’m not in the right headspace, then my main source of productivity and creativity is impaired. Which is not ideal to say the least.
In my life, I do my best to be my best for the most part. I give what I can to anything I do. I often take time to reflect on myself and the world around me. But when I feel lost about something or overwhelmed with the task at hand, I can explore somewhere else. I can pick up a good book and experience something from my wildest dreams or my worst nightmares. Or I can take a moment to search within myself, and try to understand my inner workings. Then I can return with a fresh face to my world, sometimes with a new perspective.
There are days when reading about the struggles of another life, make me question my own. When I see things in this realm of reality reflected in another, it makes me wonder just how similar and different these two places are. Not everybody can rest and recuperate reading an action novel. But it’s what works for me and it is my method for dealing with challenges to my mental health.
Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about me specifically, I’d have six nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened six times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful that donors are asking about the applicants.
While I’m guessing you set up this question to hear about the sob stories and tragedies of the many applicants of today, I don’t like lying on the web. Unfortunately, I have no such sob story. Instead, I was taught by my father to count my blessings. I’ve always aimed for the highest grade and accepted the grade I got as my best. I read chapters upon chapters on a daily basis, but garnered a fascination for YouTube during Covid.
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. I found myself online for hours every day, just watching whatever caught my eye. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I found a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school with Black Data Processing Associates for the sake of learning new coding languages. I soon began researching different career paths I could take with my knowledge. I found that most of the market is largely on the rise.
Of course, a lucrative career requires substantial education. And, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Connie Konatsotis Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. Considering that I plan to be a software developer, I could go on about cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to make the world a better place. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. Those are the websites that my computer memorized after just two weeks of having it. Those are the places I find most of my time being used. One reason is what they do. While crunchyroll is for my free time, docs is used for school and personal writing projects such as this one. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
Considering how versatile my preferred occupation is, I could very well improve society through different means. However, I wish to use my software engineering to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation doesn’t positively impact society, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
Kayla Nicole Monk Memorial Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for a freelance business, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Where can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths. Allowing me to start thinking about my career in programming and the impact I’ll have on the world.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that my business would be my legacy and my light. That I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. I could go on about the software in cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to foster the growth and prosperity of communities. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. Those are the websites that my computer memorized after just two weeks of having it. Those are the places I find most of my time being used. One reason is what they do. While crunchyroll is for my free time, docs is used for school and personal writing projects such as this one. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, the websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
Helping people is something I have always enjoyed. Mostly for the sake of seeing their smiles or just killing time. There were even times of me helping random people on the street for no real reason. I would just think, “they seem like they need a hand” and then give them that hand. I’m not sure if I was trained to give my aid so willingly. Or if it is simply a part of my intrinsic instincts. But I will bear it proudly nonetheless.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. Such as The Trevor Project, which was our first fundraiser. So we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised over one hundred and fifty dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
One of our more recent fundraisers was for victims in Palestine, selling bracelets and jewelry we made. Giving every cent to Muslim Hands USA so they could help their muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. While I spent hours weaving different color strings into bracelets and necklaces, others carefully picked beads to string into similar things. We made nearly two hundred dollars, and we were happy that all of it would go to a good cause.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could. While I am the type of person who loves to help others, you truly are making the world that much more affordable with each scholarship you give. I can only pray that you decide to help me next, but whoever gets the prize would surely deserve it. I’m sure you have plenty of applicants knocking on your door. And I am thankful that you took the time to read my essay.
Joanne Pransky Celebration of Women in Robotics
A rather normal day at Collin’s Robotical Headquarters, an RV was supposed to be on its way to the Mondeplex to deliver their newest additions. However, there was a minor setback…
“Where the hell is Monty?”
“Has anyone checked the pool?”
“C’mon, of course we checked the pool!”
The other five androids have been waiting somewhat patiently inside the vehicle for the past ten minutes.
One looked like a burly man in a baby blue jacket, navy blue trousers and black sneakers. He had dark blonde hair and greenish blue eyes, with a complexion similar to whipped honey.
Another, more slender humanoid android wore a more pirate-themed getup. His entire being seemed to be centered around red, gold and black. Red hair, jacket, and pants. Gold accents, buttons, and eyes. Black hook for a hand, boots, and eye patch. The only thing that wasn’t one of those colors was his skin, which was a rich milk chocolate.
Yet another android was in a comfortable middle ground between well-built and slim. With a lavender jacket, ripped black jeans, and combat boots.
While all of these androids were quite obviously built to be men, the next two were decidedly not.
One was quite the dark-skinned beauty. Wild gray locks with green steaks framed a face dipped ebony. Her muscular figure was covered by a red jumpsuit, accentuated with a black studded belt and a gray sleeveless leather jacket.
The other seemed to take after someone with albinism. Skin you’d see on a vampire, with bright pink eyes. Hair that could’ve been spun from light itself tied into a high ponytail. She wore a bright pink, frilly romper with white sneakers and baby pink leg warmers.
The red pants of the jumpsuit crossed paths as the wearer spoke up.
“Ugh, they can’t even find him? How stupid can they be?”
The baby blue jacket rustled as its android leaned forward to look at her.
“Now Roxanne, he was supposed to be in his room for pick up. It is not their fault they cannot find him.”
Pink eyes widened in curiosity as the albino android asked,
“What happened to that thingy that shows them where we are?”
The pirate answered back,
“Meh don’t think it’s that specific lass.”
The android in purple put in his two cents.
“Plus, I’m kinda sure that the new bosses have that Chica.”
It all circled back to the albino, now named Chica.
“Oooohhhh, well I guess they gotta do it the old fashioned way!”
Just then, the door to the loading bay opened to find the Android in question. Another burly male-seeming android with milk chocolate skin, but bright purple hair and deep green eyes. His outfit was a green jacket and camo pants with a purple shirt and black army boots. Complete with black claw-like nails and surprisingly sharp teeth. He had an easy-going smile as he opened his mouth to speak.
“Sorry I'm late y’all, nobody picked me up so I came m’self.”
They all looked confused, mr purple spoke up,
“What do you mean nobody picked you up?”
Monty answered
“I mean I was waitin’ in my room for 20 minutes, realized I was late by 8, and rushed over here.”
There was a beat of silence that Monty took as an invitation to get inside. Then the floor manager noticed he was there and asked,
“Where were you waiting?”
“My room, like ya said to.”
There was another beat of silence, where Roxanne visibly tried not to laugh. The manager just sighed, as if to say he didn’t get paid enough.
“Alright, get it outta here.”
The doors closed and the six were on their way.
Purple again asked,
“Were you really in your room the whole time?”
Monty replied,
“Yep, I even skipped breakfast. Do they got food in here?”
Baby blue answered,
“Yes, I believe there is food inside the miniature refrigerator.”
As Monty got up to check, Roxanne spoke her mind.
“Wow, how stupid could they be to not realize you were in there?”
Baby blue was quick to chastise her.
“Now Roxanne, that may not be the case. We should not judge before knowing all of the facts first.”
Then the pirate spoke up.
“Ya got a point there Fred. But to not see ‘im in ‘is own room is one ‘ell of a blunda.”
Fred looked almost scandalized as he exclaimed, “Et tu Phillip?!”
As they all laughed, Monty sat back down sipping at a neon blue pouch and relaxed into the couch. The roadtrip to their new stations was a bit of a bumpy ride with a couple stops for gas, but it was filled with laughter between friends and colleagues.
Chica was the first to ask questions about their new situation.
“Hey Vance, what do you think we’ll be doing at the Mondeplex?”
Purple, now known as Vance, answered with, “Considering Phillip is here, I think at least a few of us will be catering to kids.”
Roxanne uttered her distaste,
“I hope I'm not one of them, I'm not dealing with spoiled brats and entitled moms all day.”
Phillip went on to assure her, “M’ doubt they’d have a racin’ droid deal wit’ tikes all day.”
Fred was happy to add in, “Besides, I have no doubt we’ll be great at whatever they decide to have us do!”
Monty guffawed with an, “Aye Aye Cap!”
Phillip was quick to take offense, “Oi! I’M Captain ‘round ‘ere!”
As the room devolved into giggles and laughter, the RV came to a stop. They didn’t hear the driver get out and walk around to the back. But they did notice him open up the doors for them.
“We’re here. Everybody out.”
As they all left the RV, they thanked the driver and walked towards their new beginning at the Mondeplex.
To Be Continued!
Pride in Diversity Scholarship
Book Lovers Scholarship
The book I am about to share with you may not be a book by your standards. But to me, a book is a piece of literature that holds a well written and thought-out story. Regardless of the avenue it was published through or the money the author makes off of it.
That being said, you should go onto the website ArchiveofOurOwn.com and look up the title, “Stray Hearts are Subject to Change”. You will be treated to thirty six chapters of someone healing from their past and walking into their future with the support system that so many people dream of today. It is a rollercoaster showing the ups and downs of recovery. It accurately shows how trauma can affect the mind and body even after escaping the situation. How triggers work and the best ways to mitigate them.
This is because the author is writing from experience, portraying their struggle through a character that went through the same things. This is quite common on the site, at least in that particular fandom. There are plenty of stories you can turn to for accurate depictions of abuse, trauma, recovery, and the mindsets that fuel it. However this is one of the few that are completed and still on the site. Sometimes the authors are encouraged to take it down by therapists or concerned close ones. But most times it is encouraged, as a way to cope with what they went through and spread the word on how it really works.
There are so many people that end up victim blaming and shaming because they simply do not understand how much practice goes into manipulating others. This book could open up the eyes of so many people and allow for better and more available support for these people. So if I could have
Heal Our World Software Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. I could go on about the software in cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to foster the growth and prosperity of communities. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. Those are the websites that my computer memorized after just two weeks of having it. Those are the places I find most of my time being used. One reason is what they do. While crunchyroll is for my free time, docs is used for school and personal writing projects such as this one. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, the websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
I claimed I would demonstrate how my occupation can help communities grow and prosper. Proper software engineering has the power to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation does not promote inclusivity, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
I do enjoy giving myself plenty of challenges for the sake of experience. One such challenge was my time in the MSQI Debate Leagues. I made quite good friends with my team, and have always enjoyed debating for the heck of it. The challenge of the debate team was perfecting the art of parley for a side I didn’t believe in. If someone really regards something as true, they can dispute their case until they’re blue in the face. But to argue in favor of something that you don’t care about, or outright disagree with, is something that not many would be good at. While I didn’t have the mind to measure my progress in those regards, I think the four top speaker awards I earned speak for themselves. And that speaking skill lended itself quite well to my community service hours.
While volunteer work is important to a community, it is not the end all be all of giving to your community. There are a myriad of ways one can give back to their community. But the ways I have done so would be spending on small businesses within the community and doing community service at a local church. If you help a small business in your neighborhood to thrive, the people running that business will spend money in their neighborhood. In other words, your community economy thrives when you choose to invest in local small businesses.
While it is important to give back to your community, giving back to your family is just as important. Older family members may need your time and energy for activities they have grown too weary to do themselves. Or maybe a less tech savvy family member might need a hand with their computer. One of the many ways I have been giving back to my family is through the latter. My mother has her own business she is trying to start up. However she needs a website for her clients to use, which is where I step in. I have had some training in the nuance of different coding languages. I do my best to make it how she likes while keeping it user friendly.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create throughout my career. In the end, I figured that I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
Our Destiny Our Future Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. I could go on about cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to make the world a better place. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. Those are the websites that my computer memorized after just two weeks of having it. Those are the places I find most of my time being used. One reason is what they do. While crunchyroll is for my free time, docs is used for school and personal writing projects such as this one. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
I claimed I would demonstrate how my occupation can change the world for the better. Proper software engineering has the power to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation doesn’t make the world a better place, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
Delon Hampton & Associates African Americans in STEM Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold. Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I do have a dream of becoming a software programer. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in due to my leadership skills.
Leadership is something that can be argued over in philosophical circles until the cows come home. However, my definition of a leader is someone who helps to organize a group of people to achieve an endeavor more effectively and efficiently. I have been that leader on multiple occasions in just about all of my social circles. However, besides my lovingly placed title as the “mom friend”, my most qualified leading roles are in my extracurricular activities. As a co-manager in my artistry club ‘Fyre Zone’. As well as a cabinet member for Alphabet soup during our many charity fundraisers.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives. I plan on making more of these efficient sites.
My talent for details and my affinity for catching mistakes have come in very handy during my lessons. And I plan to use these skills to achieve my goal of financial stability. In this ever-changing world, there are few things that have stayed the same throughout the ages. One of which is the concept of money, as it simplifies trade. While the economy can be volatile, achieving stability among the chaos is currently possible. Once you finally attain a goal it is a lot easier to maintain. So finding a job that pays well is a good way to zero in on stability. And finding one fast is a good way to stay afloat. My aspirations may be humble, but they mean a lot to me. And I would appreciate your consideration to help me accomplish them.
Star Farm Scholarship for LGBTQ+ Students
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. I found myself on YouTube for hours every day, just watching whatever caught my eye. Eventually I came across the Thomas Sanders channel. Thomas was an anxiety-ridden, fun-loving, homosexual. His fandom -the Fanders- was filled with people that were very accepting, creative, and sweet. However, as I heard from people all over the queer spectrum, I found myself relating to them in much different ways than I imagined. I found myself questioning if I really was straight. When I truly thought to myself about my preferences and sexuality, I found it easier to think of romancing a girl than I thought it would be. It took much more deliberation and confusion to find myself under the label of panromantic and demisexual that I have today.
Something that was quite common in the Fanders was talking about ways to give back to the community. For example, opening a camp to become a safe haven for queer youth and could double as a homeless shelter. While I was quite young when I first gave my support for the idea, I would join that cause in a heartbeat today. I love the idea and could see the camp getting financial support from The Trevor Project or other gay rights groups. While I do not know about helping with the kids, I would be happy to use my computer expertise to help the place grow!
That, of course, was another thing I found through the magic of YouTube. Something else I found out in quarantine, was how vast the internet truly is. Before this I had largely focused on schoolwork and reading in my spare time. So I hadn’t interacted with the social aspect of the WorldWide Web much beyond a few hours every month. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I garnered a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school for the sake of learning new coding languages. It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree.
However, a substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Morgan Stem Diversity in STEM Scholarship
I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for a freelance business, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Where can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. Allowing me to start thinking about my career in programming and the impact I’ll have on the world.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives. I plan on making more of these efficient sites. But the lack of diversity in the computer science field has me worried
There are days where the teachers in my school tell us some of the do’s and don'ts in the working world. How certain mannerisms can keep you from a job you deserve. There are certain ways you have to carry yourself to be considered civil and professional. But the way most of us saw it was, adhering to the cookie cutter shape that is the average paper pusher. Many of the people who are currently working just see it as putting on a face for your coworkers. Most of the next generation see a piece of the typical dystopian society. This elimination of individuality means people from certain backgrounds feel as though being themselves will be to their detriment in their career. Of course, that’s not the only thing that can affect one’s career.
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line. Regardless, I look forward to using my knowledge to join the STEM world as myself; culture and all.
Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for a freelance business, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, and it means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task. This is something I have always excelled in.
Of course, finding this interest in coding begged the question, “Where can I find a job with this?”. As such, I started digging for answers to find out who would hire me besides the obvious employers of Google, streamers, and the like. I found that in this age of technology, businesses need computer programmers and computer engineers. Also, the people with these jobs tend to be paid very well for their knowledge and services. So, I began to plan a life as a computer programmer as I found programming to be much more fitting to my strengths. Allowing me to start thinking about my career in programming and the impact I’ll have on the world.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites, which I plan to create. In the end, I figured that my business would be my legacy and my light. That I could use it to become the change I want to see in the world. And I hope that I have convinced you to help me achieve it.
Williams Foundation Trailblazer Scholarship
Helping people is something I have always enjoyed. Mostly for the sake of seeing their smiles or just killing time. There were even times of me helping random people on the street for no real reason. I would just think, “they seem like they need a hand” and then give them that hand. I’m not sure if I was trained to give my aid so willingly. Or if it is simply a part of my intrinsic instincts. But I will bear it proudly nonetheless.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. Such as The Trevor Project, which was our first fundraiser. So we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised over one hundred and fifty dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
One of our more recent fundraisers was for victims in Palestine, selling bracelets and jewelry we made. Giving every cent to Muslim Hands USA so they could help their muslim brothers and sisters in Palestine. While I spent hours weaving different color strings into bracelets and necklaces, others carefully picked beads to string into similar things. We made nearly two hundred dollars, and we were happy that all of it would go to a good cause.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could. While I am the type of person who loves to help others, you truly are making the world that much more affordable with each scholarship you give. I can only pray that you decide to help me next, but whoever gets the prize would surely deserve it. I’m sure you have plenty of applicants knocking on your door. And I am thankful that you took the time to read my essay.
C.L. Scholarship of Black Women in Engineering
My maternal grandmother is a very strong-willed woman with a lot going on. Even in her seventies, she maintains a thriving garden and does daily exercise every morning. She has been going to the same church longer than I have been alive. Even in the face of adversity she pioneered and has been helping our family as much as she could.
As much as she helps us and gives us advice, she also pushes us. To be the best version of ourselves, to do better than her. When she was my age, she had an opportunity to go to college free of charge. However, her father did not see the point and figured they would wrangle money out of her somehow. As such he did not allow her to take advantage of the opportunity. Since then, all of her descendents have been to college one way or another and earned their degrees. Now, it is my turn.
I will soon find myself attending college classes and meeting my college professors. Throughout this journey towards my career, I will hold onto the discipline she drilled into me. As well as the skills she taught me and the advice she gave me. She inspired me to persevere and find the bright side to every dark moon. I plan to take that inspiration and experience as far as I can and then some. Use what I have been given to succeed in college, and use that degree to start my journey as a software programer.
Software programming is my overall goal for my future for a myriad of reasons. But the reason I stuck with it and began to plan my future around computers was my grandma. She told me to look for things that will likely stick around. Things that everyone needs now and forever. I took her advice and ran with it. I took classes in and out of school, regarding programming languages and the basics of how the internet works. I passed my advanced placement computer science principles test and I am now taking my advanced placement statistics test.
In the end, I just want to become someone that my grandmother can be proud of. She has gone through so much in her life, and she finally had a sense of peace. She had gotten to a good point in her life, and Covid took it away. I want to help, but I can not right now. Not in a way that is meaningful, at least. The least I can do is give my all to the future that she looks forward to everyday. That is what I will put my inspiration towards.
Zamora Borose Goodwill Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in.
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, Language, and World History. This is because I had finished the credits for some of my high school classes in middle school. And legally speaking, I needed to be in school for at least five hours. Out of all of them, AP Computer Science ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home.
While I enjoyed my computer science class, it was not the first time I had a computer class. I didn’t enjoy it in middle school, so I figured it might be a difference in my teachers. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. I learned more about Python, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML. I learned how to make a website and what real programmers do to debug code. And most of all, I learned that there was a difference in teachers and I really enjoyed coding.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
There are days where the teachers in my school tell us some of the do’s and don'ts in the working world. How certain mannerisms can keep you from a job you deserve. There are certain ways you have to carry yourself to be considered civil and professional. But the way most of us saw it was, adhering to the cookie cutter shape that is the average paper pusher. Many of the people who are currently working just see it as putting on a face for your coworkers. Most of the next generation see a piece of the typical dystopian society. This elimination of individuality means people from certain backgrounds feel as though being themselves will be to their detriment in their career.
When you see someone like you in a position you want to be in, it gives you hope for your future. Whether it be beauty or wealth, it is possible for you to attain it. That is one of the many reasons minority and disabled dolls are making their way to markets in this day and age. That sight in of itself, comes with the assurance that it is possible. Perhaps you can even find out how they got there. That motivation can be what the next generation uses to create a better world.
Not to mention how the person in the spotlight can forge a path for those coming behind them. An example of more diverse voices in the public view would be Jackie Robinson; world renowned baseball player. However Mr. Robinson was much more than a baseball player in a league that didn’t want him. He gave his all to his craft, and used his fame to speak out on the injustices he had to face to get there. Even after he retired, he did his best to care for the people he could reach. He gave his life to help others and his wife made sure he could continue that after he passed.
But without his sacrifice and perseverance, we would be majorly setback in the fight for civil rights. In the decade that followed his integration; the military, public schools, and public transport were all desegregated. It likely would have taken a century without him. Not to mention a lot more violence. His voice projecting the voices of his black brothers and sisters was a leap for african americans, and a marathon for mankind.
In the end, diversity is something that every avenue should strive to attain. Accurate and well-planned forms of representation in everyday life can open people’s eyes to the lives of others. As well as reassure minorities that they are seen, and that they are not alone. Of course, we should always recognize the firsts that put us on the path to diversity. As without them, we wouldn’t be talking about it without resistance. This future of openness between the minority and majority is coming, and this is how we get there.
Marcus Stroman Scholarship 2024
Many people go through life with certain goals. One of these common goals is their dream university or college. I will be quite honest, I never had such a goal. While I have always aspired to graduate college with a bachelor's degree, I was never too picky about which college it would be. I was fine so long as I could live comfortably with a manageable debt.
However, I was quite thorough in my college search. Looking for schools with good dorms, work study, travel opportunities and the like. I have found several rather good schools and applied to all of them. Since I didn’t have to pay for applications and wanted to see what I could get from them scholarship-wise. While it was quite close, I decided that my new dream college would be Baruch City College of Technology. Which is fitting, since I have been aiming to become a software developer.
I thank you. Both for the drive to become the best version of yourself. And for using that drive to give what you earned to those who need it. While there are many people applying to this scholarship, I can only hope that you see me as one of your winners.
Julia Elizabeth Legacy Scholarship
There are days where the teachers in my school tell us some of the do’s and don'ts in the working world. How certain mannerisms can keep you from a job you deserve. There are certain ways you have to carry yourself to be considered civil and professional. But the way most of us saw it was, adhering to the cookie cutter shape that is the average paper pusher. Many of the people who are currently working just see it as putting on a face for your coworkers. Most of the next generation see a piece of the typical dystopian society. This elimination of individuality means people from certain backgrounds feel as though being themselves will be to their detriment in their career.
When you see someone like you in a position you want to be in, it gives you hope for your future. Whether it be beauty or wealth, it is possible for you to attain it. That is one of the many reasons minority and disabled dolls are making their way to markets in this day and age. That sight in of itself, comes with the assurance that it is possible. Perhaps you can even find out how they got there. That motivation can be what the next generation uses to create a better world.
On the other hand, it also aids in the processing of whatever these STEM based companies are selling. Say, for instance, you want to create facial recognition artificial intelligence. Usually, any programs you make are tested by you and your coworkers. But if you and your coworkers look similar, then there isn’t much room for the program to grow through learning. So it would have trouble discerning between people that look different from the original testers.
This has already begun to happen, a New York Times article detailed how a man was wrongfully accused of larceny and shoplifting due to a faulty AI facial recognition software. It later on pointed out how M.I.T. and the National Institute of Standards and Technology have found that facial recognition AI is less accurate for minorities. All because of the aforementioned lack of diversity in the images used to develop the underlying databases.
This could easily be solved with a more diverse data pool in general. Seeing as the data pool is usually the company’s workers, a more diverse workplace would have most likely avoided this whole affair. While the STEM world is only recently catching up with this notion, the fact remains that this won’t be a problem for long. With the influx of career-minded hopefuls, comes an influx of people starting on their STEM journey. Many of those expected to begin their STEM journey will likely be minorities. As I start on my own path to be a computer programmer, I can not help but be thankful that I too will be able to ride this wave of minority inclusion. Giving STEM more diverse representation in the career field.
Chris Ford Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities.
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, which ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. But something that these lessons showed me is how simple yet complicated and tedious building a website is. As well as how making a user-friendly site wasn’t much more than a couple extra lines here and there.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor's degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life. However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors, even people in the street who seem to need it. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But also larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
It is truly a gift that you have put this money aside specifically for those that find value in being the difference they wish to see in the world. I can only hope I will be the lucky receiver of this scholarship. But I thank you for your time regardless.
Learner Calculus Scholarship
When Sir Issac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz first created calculus, did they think of all the different ways it could be applied? Sir Issac probably did not, seeing as he wrote more for himself than anyone else. Of course, this meant he would use whatever notation he thought of on that day. However, Mr. Leibniz saw the importance of good notation and put a lot of thought into the symbols he used. So much of the calculus we know today is from Leibniz's handiwork. But I do not think he could have expected his precious notes to be used in something as alien to him as modern science!
Now, I have not taken Calculus yet. But I have finished AP computer science and started AP statistics. I was wondering why I needed statistics for my computer science degree and decided to do some digging. I found that not only is statistics needed in certain coding scenarios, but so is calculus and many other types of math. Some that I have already learned, others I have not yet. Each form of math had its purpose in conveying the code to the computer. For calculus, the main purpose is differential equations. A differential equation calculates how something changes and how fast that happens, so a computer can predict future outputs. These equations help in designing simulations and improving problem solving programs. As well as creating effective algorithms and developing accurate graphs. This is also handy for when you’re coding a calculator that needs to know calculus.
During my research on the importance of calculus, I found a first hand account of how you use it in the coding world. But they were in college at the time while working. So it was most likely work study or some form of internship. In any case, they detailed that it was necessary in statistics and high level computer science work. Since a main focus of that level is modeling for natural sciences. Most likely through the simulations previously mentioned. However, that was the only application they found for it at the time. I decided to take all this with a grain of salt once I realized that they were still in college and the account was from ten years ago. However, it did give some insight towards the practical applications that might be around now, or they simply did not know about yet.
All in all, I think calculus is important in the STEM field because it can aid in monitoring and measuring data. This is important for tracking progress and ensuring gains or losses. The simulations that it helps to build can help predict the outcomes to experiments. Its aid towards problem solving programs can be a huge help to engineers and architects that are new to the job. Its development of accurate graphs is instrumental in any field where data is best compiled and demonstrated in a graph. Especially natural sciences, which are incredibly complex and convoluted. Using models to better understand the connections is a big help to the overall research these people do. In other words, calculus has a hand in every piece of the STEM world, making it a solid cornerstone of modern society. This is a piece of how the STEM field has been positively affected by calculus.
Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. I could go on about cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to make the world a better place. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. Those are the websites that my computer memorized after just two weeks of having it. Those are the places I find most of my time being used. One reason is what they do. While crunchyroll is for my free time, docs is used for school and personal writing projects such as this one. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
I claimed I would demonstrate how my occupation can change the world for the better. Proper software engineering has the power to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation doesn’t make the world a better place, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
Justin Moeller Memorial Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about me specifically, I’d have six nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened six times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful that donors are asking about the applicants.
While I’m guessing you set up this question to hear about the sob stories and tragedies of the many applicants of today, I don’t like lying on the web. Unfortunately, I have no such sob story. Instead, I was taught by my father to count my blessings. I lived in North Carolina until I was four but I still have the accent. I love most animals and am fine with most bugs, but flying things freak me out for some reason. I’ve always been beloved by teachers, but my grades in science have always depended on what type we were talking about. I’ve always aimed for the highest grade and accepted the grade I got as my best. I read chapters upon chapters on a daily basis, but garnered a fascination for YouTube during Covid.
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. I found myself online for hours every day, just watching whatever caught my eye. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I found a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school with Black Data Processing Associates for the sake of learning new coding languages. I soon began researching different career paths I could take with my knowledge. I found that most of the market is largely on the rise.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor’s degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Innovators of Color in STEM Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities.
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, which ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. But something that these lessons showed me is how simple yet complicated and tedious building a website is. As well as how making a user-friendly site wasn’t much more than a couple extra lines here and there.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor's degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Shays Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in.
While I did enjoy my advanced placement computer science class, it was not the first time I had a computer class. I didn’t enjoy it in middle school, so I figured it might be a difference in my teachers. But when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. I learned more about Python, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML. I learned how to make a website and what real programmers do to debug code. And most of all, I learned that there was a difference in teachers and I really enjoyed coding.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, to aid in funding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
VNutrition & Wellness’ Annual LGBTQ+ Vitality Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. Considering that I plan to be a software developer, I could go on about cars, air conditioning units, or even prosthetic limbs. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app can help someone in their own way. And when it’s easy to use, it really helps to make the world a better place. As I will demonstrate in my essay.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. Those are the websites that my computer memorized after just two weeks of having it. Those are the places I find most of my time being used. One reason is what they do. While crunchyroll is for my free time, docs is used for school and personal writing projects such as this one. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t afford the better option. Or they have very specific needs that most other sources haven’t fulfilled. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be used with loved ones, or working on projects. It could very well be taking time, energy, and focus away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it even a little user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when a newer similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish networks across the globe. These people can find comradery in their appreciation for the app. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive; abolishing slavery, women’s suffrage, equal rights and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans.
Considering how versatile my preferred occupation is, I could very well improve society through different means. However, I wish to use my software engineering to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation doesn’t positively impact society, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
Jerzee Foundation Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life. However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors, even people in the street who seem to need it. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But also larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
Since you have put this money aside specifically for those that find value in being the difference they wish to see in the world, I can see that your jobs as injury attorneys were not just for the sake of the money. I can only hope I will be the lucky receiver of this scholarship. But I thank you for your time regardless.
Onward and Upward Scholarship
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, Language, and World History. This is because I had finished the credits for some of my high school classes in middle school. And legally speaking, I needed to be in school for at least five hours. Out of all of them, AP Computer Science ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home.
While I enjoyed my computer science class, it was not the first time I had a computer class. I didn’t enjoy it in middle school, so I figured it might be a difference in my teachers. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. I learned more about Python, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML. I learned how to make a website and what real programmers do to debug code. And most of all, I learned that there was a difference in teachers and I really enjoyed coding.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, Mr. Lomask, to aid in finding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
LGBTQ+ Wellness in Action Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about me specifically, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened four times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful that donors are asking about the applicants.
To be quite frank, the reason my mental health is important to me is that I tend to spend a lot of time in my head. So when I feel a bit out of focus or off-pace, it helps to focus on something else for a while and come back to the original task. The easiest way to do that most times is to daydream. If I’m not in the right headspace, then my main source of productivity and creativity is impaired. Which is not ideal to say the least.
However, in the case of my physical health, it is because I want to be able to do the things I want without too much restriction. Lying in bed watching cartoons all day is certainly nice. But I want to be able to get up and go for a walk without feeling like I'm running a marathon. If I wake up one day and decide to do a small exercise routine, I won't pass out halfway through. This isn’t something I struggle with at the moment. And I would like to keep it that way.
I’ll be honest, I don’t do as much with my physical health as I should. I walk to and from school everyday, and I am pretty active in physical education. But I know I'm not as healthy as I’d like to be. I’m quite comfortable in my skin. But my family has continually encouraged me to improve myself. To no avail so far, but the fact that they care so much about my health is comforting. I’ve decided to start a small routine in the morning or evening. I figured it’s best to start small. Plus the easier it is at the start, the easier it will be to maintain.
In my life, I do my best to be my best for the most part. I give what I can to anything I do. I often take time to reflect on myself and the world around me. But when I feel lost about something or overwhelmed with the task at hand, I can explore somewhere else. I can pick up a good book and experience something from my wildest dreams or my worst nightmares. Then I can return with a fresh face to my world, sometimes with a new perspective. There are days when reading about the struggles of another life, make me question my own.
When I see things in this realm of reality reflected in another, it makes me wonder just how similar and different these two places are. Not everybody can rest and recuperate reading an action novel. But it’s what works for me and it’s certainly a fun read. And those are my methods for dealing with the challenges to my mental and physical health.
Dr. Michal Lomask Memorial Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in.
In my junior year of high school I was put into Advanced Placement Computer Science, Language, and World History. This is because I had finished the credits for some of my high school classes in middle school. And legally speaking, I needed to be in school for at least five hours. Out of all of them, AP Computer Science ended up being my second favorite period of the school day. My first being lunch, since it was the end of the day and meant I could go home.
While I enjoyed my computer science class, it was not the first time I had a computer class. I didn’t enjoy it in middle school, so I figured it might be a difference in my teachers. So when I heard that you could go to the Google Headquarters in Manhattan to learn more about coding for free, I went for it. I wanted to see how I would do in that sort of environment, and I jumped at the opportunity to pursue coding. I found that the Saturdays I went to learn were what I looked forward to throughout the week. I learned more about Python, CSS, bootstrap, and HTML. I learned how to make a website and what real programmers do to debug code. And most of all, I learned that there was a difference in teachers and I really enjoyed coding.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, Mr. Lomask, to aid in finding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
In this day and age there are hundreds upon thousands of different technologies to choose from. But I figured I should focus on what I hope to make in the future. That being, user-friendly apps and websites. A website or app is helpful. But when it’s easy to use, it really helps to make the world a better place.
While I could find thousands of websites and hundreds of apps that fit the mold of ‘user-friendly’, the ones I use most are Google Docs and Crunchyroll. One reason is what they do. But the other reason is how easy they are to use. Crunchyroll’s navigation and operation is seamless and simple. Doc’s has your tools in easy to find places, and if you can’t find it there is a search bar.
The fact is, that websites and apps that are hard to understand and navigate are the sites and apps that no one wants to use. And if they do, it’s likely they have no other choice. These people are probably stuck in a bind where they can’t use a better option for one reason or another. The time they have to take to struggle through these inefficient sites is wasted. This is time that could very well be taken away from the cure to cancer or just earning enough money to pay for utilities. A user-friendly interface is the key to efficiency in day to day lives.
When you make it user-friendly, it makes it all the more likely that the users will be loyal to familiar ground when another similar app comes along. It will likely foster community between the users one way or another. Creating unity, which can establish sprawling networks across the globe. When you see any real change in the world, it usually comes from a group of people in unity. Most times that change is positive, like abolishing slavery and the like. Nowadays it is easier than ever to communicate and coalesce into communities across nations and oceans. The main reason for this is user-friendly websites.
I claimed I would demonstrate how my occupation can change the world for the better. Proper software engineering has the power to turn the whole world into one community. If the potential for worldwide cooperation doesn’t make the world a better place, nothing will. I thank you for your time and consideration. And hopefully for your aid.
HM Family Scholarship
In the two years I have taken to apply to these scholarships, I have filled pages with quite a few things. From universal exploration, to what ice cream flavor I would be. But if I had a nickel for every essay prompt that asked about me specifically, I’d have four nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it only happened four times. I’m glad that you’re one of them though, it makes me feel like I picked a good scholarship. And it’s wonderful that donors are asking about the applicants.
While I’m guessing you set up this question to hear about the sob stories and tragedies of the many applicants of today, I don’t like lying on the web. Unfortunately, I have no such sob story. Instead, I was taught by my father to count my blessings. I lived in North Carolina until I was four but I still have the accent. I love most animals and am fine with most bugs, but flying things freak me out for some reason. I’ve always been beloved by teachers, but my grades in science have always depended on what type we were talking about. I’ve always aimed for the highest grade and accepted the grade I got as my best. I read chapters upon chapters on a daily basis, but garnered a fascination for youTube during Covid.
As for how I came upon the path of a software developer, it was one of the many things I found through the magic of YouTube. Something I found out in quarantine, was how vast the internet truly is. Before this I had largely focused on schoolwork and reading in my spare time. So I hadn’t interacted with the social aspect of the WorldWide Web much beyond a few hours every month. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I found myself fascinated by the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school for the sake of learning new coding languages. I soon began researching different career paths I could take with my knowledge. While game developers are often overworked and underpaid, the rest of the market is largely on the rise.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like yourselves, the HM family, to aid in finding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
“I Matter” Scholarship
Helping people is something I have always enjoyed. Mostly for the sake of seeing their smiles or just killing time. There were even times of me helping random people on the street for no real reason. I would just think, “they seem like they need a hand” and then give them that hand. I’m not sure if I was trained to give my aid so willingly. Or if it is simply a part of my intrinsic instincts. But I will bear it proudly nonetheless.
Alphabet Soup is an afterschool club that I am a co-leader of. However this particular club is about relevant history and current events. While most topics are on the queer spectrum, we discuss and raise money for all sorts of things. For example, we have done fundraisers for The Trevor Project, homeless shelters, victims in Palestine, and many others. The Trevor Project was our first fundraiser, as such we decided to go with the most reliable option of a snack sale. As teenagers are known for being ravenous. We raised one hundred and sixty-four dollars that period, and we got to take what little snacks were left home as a treat for our hard work. Of course, selling over one hundred dollars in twenty-five cent to five dollar snacks in one fifty-minute period can get chaotic. But we pushed through and were happy to be able to give so much on our first time.
However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. He was so grateful for my help that he insisted on giving me some to take home. I was quite touched and happy to help a nice guy. Plus my mother got two pomegranates out of it, which is one of her favorites. That being said, after that I made sure to wash my fruit really well before I ate it. Since you never know what happened to it before it hit the shelf. But I also do larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
While I am the type of person who loves to help others, you truly are making the world that much more affordable with each scholarship you give. I can only pray that you decide to help me next, but whoever gets the prize would surely deserve it. I’m sure you have plenty of applicants knocking on your door. And I am thankful that you took the time to read my essay.
PRIDE in Education Award
When everything shut down for covid, I was left with a lot more time to myself. I found myself on YouTube for hours every day, just watching whatever caught my eye. Eventually I came across the Thomas Sanders channel. An anxiety-ridden, fun-loving, homosexual that used to be quite famous on Vine before it closed down. His fandom -the Fanders- was filled with people that related to him on a personal level. It was a very accepting, creative, and sweet fandom that was easy to join. But to say there weren’t many heterosexual people in the fandom would be an understatement. At the time, I had thought myself the minority within the Fanders. But it didn’t stop me from engaging with and befriending quite a few of them.
However, as I heard from people all over the queer spectrum, I found myself relating to them in much different ways than I imagined. I found myself questioning if I really was straight. After all, I always had more interest in girls than boys. When I truly thought to myself about my preferences and sexuality, I found it easier to think of romancing a girl than a man. But men were still on the table, so I labeled myself as bisexual and left it at that. It took much more deliberation and confusion to find myself under the label of panromantic and demisexual that I have today. But I'd say it was well worth it, lest I deal with that confusion much later in life.
Of course, that’s not the only thing I found through the magic of YouTube. Something else I found out in quarantine, was how vast the internet truly is. Before this I had largely focused on schoolwork and reading in my spare time. So I hadn’t interacted with the social aspect of the WorldWide Web much beyond a few hours every month. I found myself an avid follower of science, music, and lets-play channels almost exclusively. Lets-plays being channels like Markiplier, where you watch someone play a game for you. Like watching football, but for video games.
While watching these Lets-Play videos, I garnered a fascination for the inner workings of the video games. I ended up researching game development and software engineering. I found myself further enamored with the subject when I began AP coding in my junior year of high school. I even started taking classes outside of school for the sake of learning new coding languages. I soon began researching different career paths I could take with my knowledge. While game developers are often overworked and underpaid, the rest of the market is largely on the rise.
It was then I decided to pursue a career in computer programming, starting with higher education. As such, I deemed it fitting to major in computer science while I earned my bachelor degree. With the job market on my side, it will be easier to find and secure a job. Not to mention how much an average programmer gets paid. Or how easy it is to work from home with a job that is entirely computerized. This made the decision a no-brainer. Hence I found myself looking to people like you, the Williamson’s, to aid in finding my future. I am truly grateful that you offered such an opportunity. And I thank you for reading.
Jiang Amel STEM Scholarship
I do enjoy giving myself plenty of challenges for the sake of experience. One such challenge was my time in the MSQI Debate Leagues. I made quite good friends with my team, and have always enjoyed debating for the heck of it. Although, that isn’t much of a challenge, is it? The challenge of the debate team was perfecting the art of dispute for a side I didn’t believe in.
Just about anyone can argue for something they care about, even until they’re blue in the face. But to argue in favor of something that you don’t care about, or outright disagree with, is something that not many would bother with. Not to mention the requirement of staying civil. Most people get too heated in the moment, and begin to weave their animosity into their words. While I didn’t have the mind to measure my progress in those regards, I think the four, "Top Speaker" awards I earned speak for themselves.
Each tournament, you would have a teammate by your side. You had to coordinate what you would say with them beforehand and work together. We had to think on our feet to answer the questions of the other team. Or try to think of what questions they will ask to find an answer in our preparations. This honed my skill of seeing things in a different perspective. We worked together to balance each other's faults, and taught each other quite a bit about what we were lacking. This helped to shape my collaboration skills, as well as how I speak.
There was also another issue with my strange form of collaboration skills. While it was not glaring until that point, I would usually just insert myself as the leader and delegate tasks based on who was most skilled at what. Or do whatever I was the best at and leave the rest to my teammates. This came in handy when people didn’t feel like working or just didn’t know what to do. However working with one other person who was equally motivated and knowledgeable meant finding a new way of collaboration. One where I actively communicated with my partner and figured out who was doing what and which part came first. This led to us earning an, “MSQI and NYC Urban Debate League Tournament TOP TEAM” award right before covid shut everything down.
Those weren’t the only upsides to my time as a debater. While I was talented at general writing, I was also very concise in my texts. As such, I needed to work on explaining thoroughly in a way that people could actually understand. Since I would often rectify my lack of wording by explaining it in such a roundabout way that it was hard to figure out what I was talking about in the first place. This was a slight problem in writing my speeches. As four minutes was the time limit for how long you could recite your speech, but you would get points off for being too brief.
It was not something that life threw my way. Nor was it a hardship that I went through alone. But it was a challenge that shaped how I interact with people. It was a test that helped me in English classes down the line. A trial that, despite how much I wanted to quit, I dedicated nearly three years to. I treasured my time with them. And I will always look back on those years with a fond nostalgia.
Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
Many may look at the vastness of space and the depths of the sea, and are struck with fear. But within the unknown holds infinite potential. We didn’t figure out that a dolphin’s penis has muscles, and can be used as an appendage without exploring the ocean. Dolphin sexual intentions aside, we have only skimmed the surface of our own planet. Nevermind the convoluted nature of the vast universe. In searching throughout our universe for answers, we have found more questions and a few answers.
The potential for possibilities is something that we can’t find in the bubble of what we know. We can not simply assume what we know with such little knowledge of what we don’t. Our bubble of pseudo-safety is based on our fragile understanding of the universe. Based on theories that we can’t prove without exploring. Our very planet is constantly changing and shifting. Our moon is slowly getting farther away. We are constantly moving away from our sun. The sun is slowly ticking towards the demise of our solar system, and everything within it.
We know all this is happening, it’s apparent in all the data we have collected. But when we have to find the why, is when we have to get a bit creative with what we look for. When you are looking to understand something, you sometimes have to look at it in little pieces. We are looking into the vacuum of space and the ground beneath us. But we have neglected the small pieces that surround us, and the depths of the sea.
More than eighty percent of the ocean remains unexplored. And there is certainly a substantial amount of ocean. That means that of seventy percent of our home planet, we only know about twenty percent of it. Not to mention how we are actively killing it with our contributions to global warming. While politicians tend to ignore science, we do need to find ways to keep our planet alive enough to stay on it. The more we explore the facets of our home, the more likely we are to keep it until the death of our solar system.
In the end, our understanding of the universe is subpar at best. Due to our overwhelming lack of knowledge. We need to find a way to truly explore and understand the anatomy and physiology of the universe. Before we continue our journeys through the stars, we must find an understanding of our own planet. So at the very least, we will have a baseline for whatever we find. That’s why I hope to employ the exploration of the ocean and observe the microscopical aspects of the world to better understand our universe.
Ambition Scholarship
Dreams are oftentimes left to gather dust. Serving as reminders of the good old days when you could afford the time to fantasize. I will not pretend that the inevitable probably won’t happen to me. I also will not pretend that I’m not in that state of being. Where I’m still fantasizing about the future and what it may hold.
Of course, I know enough not to fantasize about becoming a dragon anymore. But I have a dream of becoming a software programmer. I chose this path because it gives the most opportunity for freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in.
I’ve found that you can find the information and training to succeed in that field in many places. One of these places is the Black Data Processing Associates. An organization that educates people of minority groups in computer programming for free. I always made sure to participate in every session to the best of my ability. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken in-school classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
Ever since my extracurricular coding classes, as well as my advanced placement computer science class, I’ve gained quite a bit of practical computing knowledge. I know the basics of five different coding languages. As well as most of the inner workings of the World Wide Web. This has come in handy when troubleshooting my family’s computers, smartphones, and the like. As well as explaining different applications in a way my grandparents understand.
Of course, my being able to use the knowledge for the future right now doesn’t seem to connect with the prompt. However, being able to find many practical uses for such a specialized tool is indicative of my ingenuity for finding solutions. As well as my effort to exercise my creativity in coding and control over how I use it. This has led to a deeper understanding and appreciation for the work that software professionals put into powering our everyday lives. Which is how I’ve prepared myself to pursue my dream of being a software programmer.
Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
A substantial education is usually the predecessor of a lucrative career. Of course, such an education must come at a lucrative price. While there are many ways to pay for such a thing, most of them leave you in debt. Two ways that don’t are through grants of money or supplies, or scholarships like this one. There are many things to pay for in a college education. Such as tuition, books, room and board, transportation, and any food you survive on along the way. Of course, with how expensive all of these things can get, I somewhat doubt the money you give the lucky winner will cover more than two of these. However, every penny counts towards the end goal. A secure income, and a place above the poverty line.
Of course one can always go straight to the workforce from high school, so why should I bother? In most careers, your education level is reflected in your pay. The one I have chosen is no different. While you can find the information and training to succeed in many places, the best way to get a job is to get a certificate that says you have the training as well. Unfortunately, most places in the United States that give you that certificate are not free. Hence my application for your scholarship.
I’ve gone on about needing a good education and certification for my job, so you must be curious about what that will hopefully be. The career I have chosen is software developer. As it gives the most opportunity to freelance, as well as working from home. Of course, those aren't the only reasons I preferred this job over the countless other opportunities. Software is imperative to the running of today’s society, so having a bachelors in computer science will ensure that I can find a job just about anywhere. It also means that I will usually be working with a team to complete a task, which is something I have always excelled in. On top of that is my overall enjoyment of programming. As I have taken multiple classes to that end and have not only succeeded in class, but enjoyed the classes as well.
A person with debt can live with that debt until the end of their days once you account for interest. The less money they have to borrow for their future, the better. This scholarship can go quite a way in shaving off just a bit more off of someone’s student loan debt. Which can go a long way to save a family from generational debt. As of right now I can only dream of making such a huge impact on someone’s life. However I have gone out of my way to help those in need whenever I could. I often find myself volunteering to help teachers and mentors, even people in the street who seem to need it. I have done small things like help someone pick up fruit that dropped from a truck on its way to a neighborhood supermarket. But also larger things like helping out at a food pantry in any way and at any time that I could.
Since you have put this money aside specifically for those that find value in being the difference they wish to see in the world, I can see that your jobs as injury attorneys were not just for the sake of the money. I can only hope I will be the lucky receiver of this scholarship. But I thank you for your time regardless.