Hobbies and interests
Painting and Studio Art
Photography and Photo Editing
Movies And Film
Book Club
Literary Fiction
I read books daily
Sunrya Peace-Friedman
Bold Points2x
Sunrya Peace-Friedman
Bold Points2x
Hi! My name is Sunrya. I am a curious and dedicated student, committed to making a positive impact.
I am passionate about the arts, the environment, self-development, and grounded human wellness- mentally, physically, and spiritually. When I'm not buried deep in a book, I can be found foraging for wild plants, lifting weights at my local gym, painting in nature, or cooking for friends, family, and those in need.
I find a great amount of enjoyment in learning and am wholeheartedly devoted to my studies. I believe education brings out the best in people, shining light on strengths, empowering action, and developing compassion. I am an undergraduate student, but suspect I am still just beginning my educational journey. I hope to fulfill my desire for growth, without accumulating debt or placing undue financial burden on my family. It is important for me to graduate university and scholarships offer the best possible chance of doing so. I am sincerely grateful to be considered as a recipient.
Florida State University School
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Fine and Studio Arts
- Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies
Lincoln High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Studio Intern
Anne Hempel Studio and Gallery2021 – Present4 years
Club2011 – 20176 years
Club2010 – 20188 years
Intramural2018 – Present7 years
Club2019 – Present6 years
Club2018 – Present7 years
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research
TCC2021 – 2022
Danielle Figuora Art
PaintingKillearn Art Show2018 – 2021
Public services
International Refugee Committee2021 – PresentVolunteering
LeMoyne Arts2021 – Present
Future Interests
Student Life Photography Scholarship
Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
My best friend texted me today "It makes me happy that my sisters and I are starting to break generational curses. like going through a lot but being able to turn that shit around, and accomplish our goals and so on." I felt that in my bones. Growing up, we never saw success. We had nobody to guide us- to give us the blueprint. Not many kids at my school know what it's like to ask for another serving of cereal in the morning and have it be an issue. I was a very present child and those circumstances were all I knew, and so I was OK. I am grateful to have experienced it because now I recognize the polarity of where I am now and how far I've come. That being said, I am doing everything in my power to prevent other kids from growing up in the same situation- facing daunting socioeconomic difficulty and a lack of positive role models. Right now, in this phase of my life, that intention looks like volunteering at local food banks and shelters as well as casting my vote for politicians I believe will initiate change for the better. Volunteering is a grasstop initiative, but it is fulfilling to connect with people on a fundamentally human level- a genuine smile, a quick embrace, a longer conversation about harvesting peanuts, or what Budapest is like in January, or which is the smoothest street in town to take rollerskates down. Joy can be found everywhere, the most important things in life- relationships, time, thoughts and words- are free. Money isn't everything, but not having it is. Looking ahead, my goal is to pursue a career in a field that allows me to advocate for social change- to support growth for the better. Whether through education, community development, or policy reform, my intention is to make the tools of advancement available to those who need them- to contribute to a more equitable society where everyone has the opportunity to thrive, and to be the positive role model I wish I had as a child. Money is only one of the keys to success, but it is an integral one. A fundamental building block upon which you can support healthy physical habits, academic achievement and connection to the people around us. With this scholarship, you are giving that gift to a student. I would be sincerely honored if that student was me. Thank you.
Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
Grateful and content, yet never ceasing in exploration and expansion. That is the mindset I have gained through my years of service. Early mornings in hospitals, the hand of a patient reassuringly steady in my own; hours stacked upon hours of building, taking part in the creation process of the most necessary of shelters; sorting, sifting, distributing boxes of nourishment, boxes of hope and the promise of another meal; late nights, phone calls with precious souls who, like Lauren Czebatul, needed someone to hold onto. I am grateful for the gradient of experience gained through my role as a volunteer. The good, the bad, the mundane and the exquisitely beautiful. Volunteering has forever tinted the way I see the world and I will continue to do so throughout my life. I believe the act of service has a way of bringing out the best in people, shining light on strengths, empowering further action, and developing compassion. It is my intention to earn a college degree that will enable me to be of greater positive impact; allowing me to stand tall, doing what I love, caring for all those I possibly can. Though not monetarily rich, I am wealthy in time and energy. These two resources I eagerly give to meaningful causes. I am rich in purpose and I have noticed that the generosity I embody always comes back tenfold.
I am striving to be a financially sustainable student. Coming from a low-income, first-generation household in the American south, a college degree free of debt is a worthy pursuit. The Lauren Czebatul Scholarship would go a long way toward assisting my goal. With a scholarship like this, I can spend time volunteering, where my time and energy have the most significant impact, rather than working a job out of necessity. Dedication and service, have been, and will continue to be, top priorities. I have set up my finances as intelligently as possible, living rent-free with my parents and siblings, sharing a car with my mother, and cooking meals for myself and my family at home. I have canceled memberships, applied for scholarships and had "staycations" instead of vacations. Graduating debt free is important to me, my family and my community as a whole. I am intentionally structuring my life in a way that will provide the best possible chance of doing so. This scholarship would be a significant step towards achieving that goal. I am sincerely grateful to be considered.
John J Costonis Scholarship
A worthy pursuit is, and will always be, education. Neither of my parents graduated from college, but they have succeeded in setting constructive examples of what life long learning can mean. For my younger sister and I, a marathoner mother means training together on Sundays, and for my fathers part - a contractor, construction worker, and heavy duty equipment operator - both daughters know their way around a nail gun and a skid steer. At a very early age, I realized that I could master anything given adequate time and attention. It is in my nature enjoy learning, reading, practicing, applying and teaching the golden wisdom I have gathered. It is my goal to share the gift of education with others.
As a student at Lincoln High School, I thrived both inside and outside the classroom as a role model for my fellow students. I spent over one hundred hours volunteering - most of which was dedicated to tutoring children at our public library - and spent my senior year supporting my peers through an SGA leadership position. I learned the value of remarkable teachers, worthy mentors and wholehearted friends. I have always had an affinity for both teaching and learning, but it was within those walls that the clear image of my calling began to manifest. I graduated with a 4.3 GPA and a burning desire to continue my education, so that I may have the privilege to educate others.
I the spring of 2023, I will begin attending Florida State University. It is my intention to earn my Bachelor’s Degree while maintaining an outstanding GPA, building enduring relationships with professors as well as peers, and adding value to the campus culture and community. Post graduate education will follow, in the form of a Master’s Degree and Ph.D in Education. Florida State’s School of Education has an outstanding history of preparing future leaders in the field, and I have no doubt it will enable me to change lives. I plan to be more than simply an educator, I will be an advocate, innovator, mentor, and friend. Offering wisdom, strength, support and knowledge to the next generation of students is, and will always be, my purpose. Thank you for supporting my journey there.
Share Your Poetry Scholarship
what now
now that you’ve ramrod thin
pale, thin skin stretches across bones
and the energy needed to take a step forward
is barely there
and your skinny
but not the right kind of skinny
black dress
clinging to a young body
a mirror of a girl
only here for a moment
standing in the marshland of the present
leaves fall
lungs expand
this moment
then the next
Lieba’s Legacy Scholarship
A worthy pursuit is, and will always be, education. Neither of my parents graduated from college, but they have succeeded in setting constructive examples of what life long learning can mean. For my younger sister and I, a marathoner mother means training together on Sundays, and for my fathers part - a contractor, construction worker, and heavy duty equipment operator - both daughters know their way around a nail gun and a skid steer. At a very early age, I realized that I could master anything given adequate time and attention. It is in my nature enjoy learning, reading, practicing, applying and teaching the golden wisdom I have gathered. It is my goal to share the gift of education with others.
As a student at Lincoln High School, I thrived both inside and outside the classroom as a role model for my fellow students. I spent over one hundred hours volunteering - most of which was dedicated to tutoring children at our local library - and spent my senior year supporting my peers through an SGA leadership position. I learned the value of remarkable teachers, worthy mentors and wholehearted friends. I have always had an affinity for both teaching and learning, but it was within those walls that the clear image of my calling began to manifest. I graduated with a 4.3 GPA and a burning desire to continue my education, so that I may have the privilege to educate others.
I the spring of 2023, I will begin attending Florida State University. It is my intention to earn my Bachelor’s Degree while maintaining an outstanding GPA, building enduring relationships with professors as well as peers, and adding value to the campus culture and community. Post graduate education will follow, in the form of a Master’s Degree and Ph.D in Education. Florida State’s School of Education has an outstanding history of preparing future leaders in the field, and I have no doubt it will enable me to change lives. I plan to be more than simply an educator, I will be an advocate, innovator, mentor, and friend. Offering wisdom, strength, support and knowledge to the next generation of students is, and will always be, my purpose. Thank you for supporting my journey there.
Avis Porter English Study Scholarship
I have a large collection of cookbooks: freshly minted ones with modern designs, tall imposing green books that will claim the entire table width when splayed out in their full glory, the spiral-bound church and Junior League books from cities throughout the country — a signed copy of Paul Bocuse’s French Cooking, classics from Paula Wolfert, Edna Lewis, and Thomas Keller — but all of those are in my living room. In my kitchen, there is only a small space on the top shelf, which serves as the home for a tiny, well worn, hand written collection of note cards. Each card contains the directions for unique and precious magic; one that turns tough green leaves into buttery kale risotto, or brings the flavors and feelings of home onto the plate placed delicately before us. These cards hold the love that my grandmother passed down to me. "We are the chefs" she would tell me "it is our privilege to feed those around us". In her day, looking up a recipe would have been near scandal. She spend hours in the kitchen perfecting and fool-proofing her recipes, which would then be meticulously recorded. I can't imagine her typing them, and I am grateful she took the time to write each out, because I see her in the sophisticated scrawl. Today they sit contentedly on my top shelf, watching me whirl around the kitchen each day. Each time I pluck one from the deck, the looping, elegant letters remind me of my grandmother. She will always be a source of inspiration and love. Her knowledge, love and encouragement culminate in these handwritten gifts.
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
WinnerFinding the right study methods for my personality has changed the game. When I realized studying didn't have to be an arduous, time consuming task, the sustainability of my performance in school drastically shifted. I have always been a "exceeds expectations" student, but somewhere along the way I realized I couldn't fly by with easy A's anymore. After throwing out flash cards, rewriting notes and studying with big groups of people, I came across strategies like active recall, idea dipping, and flipping my experience by attempting to teach the information to others. These have all served me well by keeping my mind engaged and processing on a deep level. Last year I took a course taught by Jim Quick, an accelerated learning coach, who transformed the way I approached productivity, retention, focus and creativity. My favorite strategy is attempting to teach others - usually a to the detriment of an unfortunate family member in the vicinity. It builds connection between myself and those around me through education and creativity. Not only are these study methods are more productive, but I genuinely enjoy integrating the material, which, in the end, should be what school is all about. I am dedicated to consistently showing up as an engaged student, excited to learn and grow.
Graduate Debt-Free Scholarship
Hi, my name is Sunrya and I am striving to be a financially sustainable student. This scholarship would go a long way towards assisting that goal. I love learning and trying new things. I believe education brings out the best in people, shining light on strengths, empowering action, and developing compassion. I am a high school senior, but suspect I am still just beginning my educational journey. I hope to fulfill my desire for growth without accumulating debt. In order to meet this goal I have set up my finances to be as frugal as possible. I live rent-free with my parents and siblings, sharing a car with my mother, and cooking meals for myself and my family at home. I have been canceling memberships, applying to scholarships and having "staycations" instead of vacations. It is important for me to graduate debt free and I am setting my life up to give myself the best possible chance of doing so. This scholarship would made a significant difference. I am sincerely grateful to be considered.
Empowering Women Through Education Scholarship
The highest form of education leads to creativity, curiosity and kindness. Everyone, regardless of race, gender or age should have that opportunity. “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” - Nelson Mandela
Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
Confidence is not always loud and proud. I have learned humble confidence from the strong, brave woman that is my mother. She has taught me that I am aloud to be just the way I am. I do not need to dominate or assert myself in order to be confident. My confidence is quiet, strong and self-assured. I know I am enough simply as I am. I can be quiet, creative, observant, empathetic and undeniably powerful at the same time. I have nothing to prove yet so much kindness, support and curiosity to share.
Bold Empathy Scholarship
Often, we underestimate how much the small things can mean. A simple "thank you" or "good job" can matter so much. Kindness, empathy, love - these are not finite resources. Empathy is contagious. I give freely, to the greatest extent possible, and receive so much more in return. Listening to a loved one speak about their day, offering encouragement or reassurance, providing scaffolding for others to step out of their comfort zone, each moment offers a new opportunity. We all just want to be appreciated, seen, loved and valued. I will always do what I can to manifest more of this good in the world.
Bold Books Scholarship
I read constantly, and when I'm not reading, I'm listening to books. Each is precious and inspiring in it's own right. From Brief Answers to the Big Questions by Stephen Hawking to Stillness is the Key by Ryan Holiday to The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller, each story provokes unique insights, emotions, and actions. Yesterday I finished reading Cloud Cuckoo Land by Anthony Doerr, a stunning novel still floating at the top of my consciousness. This book was remarkable. Doerr tells this wild story through a half dozen protagonists, following themes through fantasy and historical fiction while examining relevant social and environmental issues. The reader has the feeling of mounting a stallion only to have it bolt, holding on for dear life and the story rushes by, fierce as wind whipping at your clothes and hair flying behind you. It defies genre and refuses to give the reader simple answers. Not only is this book physically massive, weighing in at nearly 700 pages, but it scopes thousands of historical centuries and dips into fantasy worlds. Not only was the content throughout provoking but the way in which the book was pieced together touched the young author in me. I feel very grateful to have this work of art fall in my lap this December. Cloud Cuckoo Land is one that will stay with me.
Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
It has taken me a long time to be able to honor my authenticity. I am a very quiet person and have spent a lot of my life fighting that. Introversion is generally not a quality that is admired in society. It is not the quiet child who gets praised or the girl on the outskirts who makes friends. Sometimes I find it difficult to jump into a conversation or approach new people at a party. What I have come to recognize is that there is always a yin to the yang. Silence, patience, focus, and serenity come easily to me. Most importantly I listen. When people speak, I honor their voices and create space for their expression. This has served me well in life and will continue to do so. People are drawn to my soft, quiet curiosity, and will often tell me something I don't know. Each individual is a wealth of unique knowledge, experience, and perspective. Experts are usually more than happy to share their skills, elders enjoy telling stories, and bonds are built when listening to a loved one speak about their day. For so long I condemned myself for not being loud and assertive, ignoring what came easily to me. The simple gift of listening is one I deeply value and gladly share with the world around me. I step into my authenticity as a quiet, peaceful, curious young woman who will wholeheartedly hear you.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
Art is an activity I completely lose myself in. I become all consumed in the creation of beauty whether it is whirling around a kitchen, madly mixing pigments on a palette, or allowing the right words to manifest themselves onto a page. Hours go by and I often will not notice. When time begins moving at its normal pace again, I dance to the next project, ever following the inspiration. I am insatiably curious and incredibly grateful. Recently, I have taken to oils. The winter atmosphere seems to fit perfectly with the rich medium. I will sit outside, blustery wind attempting to steal my scarf as I sketch out plump red berries and little bluebirds. I feel honored when animals let me draw them. Often, when I am still long enough, creatures will move about my resting place, unbothered by the friendly stranger in their midst. The natural world is a stunning muse. She is there when I need a deep breath and inspiration for pen on paper. She is there through a camera lens and as I dig for potatoes. I don't intend to capture her beauty but to honor and learn from it. I strive to keep my feet firmly planted on the earth, with my garden, pottery, and paints - yet keeping my mind free and untethered, allowed to wander, explore and discover.