Hobbies and interests
Movies And Film
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Meditation and Mindfulness
Bible Study
Hiking And Backpacking
Food And Eating
Board Games And Puzzles
Biking And Cycling
Theology and Religious Studies
Stocks And Investing
Christian Fiction
Literary Fiction
Realistic Fiction
Young Adult
Science Fiction
Short Stories
I read books daily
Sophia Mandt
Bold Points9x
Sophia Mandt
Bold Points9x
-It is my goal to attend college and earn a double major in English and history. I am pursuing the study of English to deepen my appreciation of literature and writing. I also want to study history to gain a broader understanding and knowledge of the past. I choose this educational path because I have always been utterly fascinated by the studies of English and history. I wish to pen stories inspired by both historical events and fictional worlds of my childhood imagination.
-As a freshman, I never imagined that I would represent my class as the Valedictorian. Looking back, I realize I earned this honor due to my grit and determination, traits that will help me in achieving my future college and career goals and ambitions.
-When I attend college, I plan to maintain my commitment to service by volunteering at a local animal shelter and as a Sunday School teacher. Volunteering has improved my interpersonal skills in areas like empathy and communication. These skills are invaluable in both my life and future career.
-Once I graduate from college, I will start my career as an author. I know that the process of writing a book will be difficult. The arduous steps of editing and publishing will guarantee a hard path without instant gratification. But I refuse to give up! I will write works to inspire, challenge, inform, and entertain my audience.
-If I could choose twelve words to describe myself, they would be...
Diligent, calm, introverted, kind-hearted, studious, sensitive, positive, easy-going, motivated, passionate, driven and curious.
Waterloo Christian School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Rhetoric and Composition/Writing Studies
- Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
- Cognitive Science
- Alternative and Complementary Medicine and Medical Systems, General
- History
- Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
- Visual and Performing Arts, Other
Dream career field:
creative writing
Dream career goals:
To work hard in a satisfying and fulfilling career.
Mowing my neighbor's back and front lawn as needed.
2020 – Present5 yearsMy roles included monitoring the kids, assisting them while keeping them entertained, keeping track of their schedule, giving the kids snacks, and making sure the childcare room was kept clean and organized
Cedar Falls Bible Conference2021 – 2021
Varsity2021 – Present4 years
Junior Varsity2020 – Present5 years
- Mississippi Valley Conference All Academic Honors Award (2021-2022 season)
Independent — Research and write essays detailing Online Censorship and Database Marketing2022 – 2022
Hawkeye Community College's ETC Art and Literary Magazine
WritingMy essay is titled "A Portrait of my Grandfather"2022 – 2022Waterloo Christian School
DesignThe 2020-2021 High School Yearbook!2020 – 2021Music Hill Studios
Music2020 – PresentMusic Hill Studios
Music2021 – PresentPeet Junior High Orchestra
MusicAs I did in elementary, I learned and performed many pieces, alongside working on such things as music theory, chords, and technique.2016 – 2020Cedar Heights Orchestra
MusicI played many pieces during my elementary years!2014 – 2016Music Hill Studios
MusicI have played many pieces over the years, and have been involved with Federation Festival2015 – PresentArt Class(Throughout Elementary, and parts of Junior High and Highschool) Currently I take Art at Waterloo Christian School.
DrawingI have a sketchbook filled with many of my drawings from my Sophermore Year of High School, I made a unique clay sculpture! , I have some charcoal sketches as well!2019 – Present
Public services
Trinity Bible Church — I helped organize crafts and supervise children for my church’s 2022 Vacation Bible School2022 – 2022Volunteering
Operation Christmas Child — Helper, assistant, check-in2021 – 2021Volunteering
Alzheimer's Association/Dementia Friendly — I suppose you could say entertainer (: (I played the piano for those suffering with dementia)2021 – 2021Volunteering
Cedar Falls Bible Conference — I helped with repainting interior walls in a room that was in the process of being redesigned.2021 – 2021Volunteering
Cedar Bend Humane Society — Walking dogs, and giving all animals care and attention. I also was a cat companion!2021 – PresentVolunteering
Northeast Iowa Food Bank — Helping package and sort food.2020 – Present
Future Interests
I Can Do Anything Scholarship
I dream of me being a successful writer and actor who freely travels the world with my many dogs, soulmate, close relationship to God and harmony with nature as I be a light unto others helping the helpless while always exhibiting kindness, patience, and a peaceful presence.
Share Your Poetry Scholarship
A Sonnet of Birds and Wishes
The bird flies over yonder in the sky,
As the little boy glances up outside,
He begins to ponder and wonder why,
People live less free than beasts worldwide.
Such as avifauna who fly so high
That the shape of them becomes lost in sight.
All this the boy thought with a slight small sigh,
For he wished to reach such powerful height’s.
If only, thought he, I could be so free,
Not tied down to this earth with rules and laws,
Yet if I was a bird I wouldn’t be,
Intelligent – I could only caw-caw!
I’m thankful to be made in God’s likeness,
For I am grateful to have such brightness!
-Sophia Mandt
Bold Wisdom Scholarship
“I don't want to know what time it is...what day it is or where I am...none of that matters.”
― Christopher McCandless
Knowing where you live will not bring you permanent fulfillment. Knowing your purpose and what kind of person you are will.
Whenever I am on vacation, I find joy in the journey as well as the destination. Ultimately though, my happiness is found in feeling as if I am part of something profound. Often I feel this way alone, connecting with my inner self. Other times, the feeling of happiness comes when I am with those I love, be it family, friends, animals, or nature. For those reasons, I relate strongly to the person to whom this sentence is attributed.
Christopher McCandless was a man sick of the greed and power our world lives in. After graduating from college, he lived an ever-increasingly nomadic and isolated lifestyle. He ended up living with hippies, burning all of his belongings, and working odd and erratic jobs in his search to live freely and find himself. Eventually, his choices lead to him deciding to live off the land alone in Alaska. After many days, he passed away, likely due to starvation. Yet, according to Christopher's journal, there is no need for mourning! Christopher had lived a happy life full of adventure and unique experiences.
After reading this sentence from the biography Into the Wild, written about Christopher, I decided to make a permanent life decision. From now on, I will focus on living a purposeful life. When I die, I want to be proud of the life I live. A life where I quit worrying or obsessing over the trivial and temporal. Instead, I shall focus on what will stay with me into eternity and the next life.
Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
There are many things we can do to create a smaller carbon footprint. One simple way I work to have a positive impact on the climate is by adopting a vegan diet. I first decided to go vegan two years ago. Since then, I have never looked back or cheated on my diet. Not. Even. Once.
It's common knowledge that meat production produces far more greenhouse gases than plant production. In other words, my simple diet involves eating foods that wreak less havoc on the climate and slow the rate of global warming.
Because I know that this simple act is good for the earth I find myself gently advising others to try and eat a more plant-based diet. I'm not saying anyone should be forced to become vegan, but the fact is that by adopting a more plant-based diet you are contributing to a greener society. After all, adding a few Meatless Mondays or veggie burgers to your schedule never hurt anyone!
With that, I will conclude by encouraging everyone to try going vegan! Even if it's only for a day, the earth's climate will thank you!
Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
Confidence means standing out as a unique individual instead of giving in to mediocrity and the masses. I am working hard at living an unapologetic life in which my interests and beliefs are not dictated by what's popular but rather what I truly believe. In today's divided world where countless insults are regularly shared online and people look before they leap, this can be difficult.
I find it sad that many fellow human beings give in to drug abuse and alcoholism because they want to be socially accepted. As a child, I thought that was ridiculous. As a teen trying to make my way in an overwhelming and confusing world, I understand. So many people want to be liked by their peers that they engage in self-destructive acts, killing individuality and the soul. I won't lie and say I don't ever feel tempted to compromise my beliefs and give in to peer pressure, but I know that if I want to make a difference, I will not give in to cheap extravagances. Instead, I must focus my mind on activities that will bring me and others benefit in the mind, body, and soul even if those activities aren't what my peers are doing. Only then, can I consider myself a good role model to others.
Currently, I am intently working on improving my confidence. I am doing this by volunteering in my community and reaching out to others while I volunteer. I am a very shy and introverted person and the more positive things I do in my community, the more my people skills improve and the more confident and fulfilled I feel in my passions and purpose. I know that if more people did this, the world would be a more confident, positive, and fulfilling place.
Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
For this scholarship, I will share a sonnet of mine I wrote some time ago. Whenever I feel stressed or inadequate I remember this work, knowing that I am good enough in God's eyes. I will not attach a file. Instead, I will put my poem in this application.
The bird flies over yonder in the sky,
As the little boy glances up outside,
He begins to ponder and wonder why,
People live less free than beasts worldwide.
Such as avifauna who fly so high
That the shape of them becomes lost in sight.
All this the boy thought with a slight small sigh,
For he wished to reach such powerful height’s.
If only, thought he, I could be so free,
Not tied down to this earth with rules and laws,
Yet if I was a bird I wouldn’t be,
Intelligent – I could only caw-caw!
I’m thankful to be made in God’s likeness,
For I am grateful to have such brightness!
Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
Last year, I had a Personal Finance class. In that subject, I learned that misusing credit can often lead to one getting into humongous amounts of debt!
We humans may like to think we have control of our finances and debt, but statistics show this ideology to be untrue. According to a 2019 Survey of Human Finances, the median US household debt is $65,000!
Therefore, the most helpful piece of financial advice I have learned is that one must be very careful when using credit. Without great self-control, one can easily get into debt thanks to the addictive nature of credit! An example is paying for something with a credit card vs paying for something with cash. With cash, it psychologically hurts to part with it because you can visually see the money coming out of your pocket. Yet with a credit card, it is a mere rectangle that only exists to be swiped.
I am someone that struggles with spending too much money. Because of this, I am grateful for the advice on credit that my Finance teacher gave me last year. To summarize in one sentence: Be careful with credit, because you can easily end up spending more than you have, thus getting you into debt and preventing the growth of wealth.
I view what I learned about credit to be the most important financial information I have received. I now know that because of my spending habits, I have to be very careful when using credit. Had I not learned such important information, I would likely hold a more careless attitude towards credit which could lead to major financial issues in the future.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
When the worldwide pandemic struck, my family and I were forced to isolate ourselves.
I had planned to continue attending school after spring break and start the woman's golf season. All of this was halted thanks to Covid.
I'm no extrovert, but I do love hanging out and talking to my friends during lunch or a free period. When the news broke out that school would resume online-only, I could feel a sense of loneliness and dread inside me. I was already bored, and I certainly didn't love the fact that golf was now canceled!
Looking back, I could have continued to wallow in months of self-pity and frustration. However, I decided to make the most out of a situation that affected everybody! I continued to work hard on my online assignments.
Though I don't consider myself a cook, for the first time I found myself regularly spending time preparing meals and desserts with my sister and mother. While sports may have been canceled, I resolved to try and keep being physically active. I made sure to walk on the treadmill every day. I found biking trips with my father a great way to get outside, albeit socially distanced from others.
I also found that I had more time on my hands to do one of my favorite hobbies, reading! I was able to plow through more books than I would normally have time to read! As I look back to when the pandemic struck, I realized that I stayed optimistic when many others didn't. Thanks to my optimism, I stayed happy and healthy! I remained productive when I could have done nothing.
By staying optimistic in hardship, I have learned that having a positive attitude can get one through any obstacle and make a tough time more bearable.
Bold Art Matters Scholarship
In my short life, I have seen multitudes of beautiful and inspiring art. Yet, as I write this essay, one painting stands out in particular. That is, The Scream, painted by the talented yet deeply troubled artist Edvard Munch.
While I certainly wouldn't consider The Scream to be as abstract as say, Jackson Pollock's Autumn Rhythm, I consider the painting to appear far less realistic in human proportion than your classic Mona Lisa. And yet, despite The Scream's apparent simplicity, the horror displayed by distorting human and nature's natural proportions to such extremes showcases a specific darkness and power of emotion that affects me greater than any other art piece that I can think of.
Many people have gone through intense feelings of despair and distress. The fact that one painting can display such feelings so well speaks to me on an almost spiritual level. The Scream inspires me by letting me know that I am not alone in my dark thoughts and feelings. In addition, The Scream has caused me to realize that raw, human emotion, is one of the universe's greatest and most confounding things. I must confess that I enjoy scary and nightmarish art. And The Scream, with its dark scary figures in the back and famously distressed central figure, is in my opinion, somehow the most disturbing of all.
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
Before the pandemic, I lived a life that focused more on myself than others. It wasn't until 10th grade, when the world started creeping out of lockdown, that I made a concentrated effort to help those in need.
In 10th grade, I began volunteering at the food bank. I assisted with sorting, organizing, and packaging food. One time, I helped take out carts filled with groceries for needy families to pick up. That experience was eye-opening! I realized that many people in my own community struggle to obtain food, one of the most basic human needs.
After my sophomore year, I began volunteering at the Humane Society. I adored giving the dogs attention and exercise by walking them and brushing their fur. I also enjoyed giving the cats love and affection. These animals through no fault of their own were without a loving family. I felt sad that so many loving animals were stuck in shelters. I was able to feel solace by knowing that I, one person, was helping to take care of these animals. And I could tell from the happy tail wagging and rumbling purring that I was making a difference in these creatures' lives.
This same feeling accompanied me when I volunteered at the Food Bank. It was a feeling of satisfaction, of usefulness. I was helping people get the food they needed. Without people working together to help others, nothing would get accomplished.
As of April 13th, I have spent roughly 120 hours volunteering over the past 18 months. These hours tell a story. A story, of how I made the decision to spend more of my time helping others and making a positive difference in my community.
Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
I love nature because I view it as a simple escape from a stressful reality.
The world is filled with constant greed, stress, lust, and evil. Yet nature is peaceful and calm.
I can sense the outside world beckon me to explore. I know that when I do so, my stress will be relieved and I will become more focused on the present, rather than the past or future.
Oftentimes I find nature by walking alone, with no one else to bother me but my dog. While I walk and look at the trees, the flowers, and the birds, I become deeply introspective. I stop focusing on temporal matters that I know will pass away in a short breath. Instead, I focus on finding my inner peace.
I appreciate nature because doing so allows me to better understand and come to terms with God, my family, friends, and myself. By viewing nature and all its beauty, and choosing to respect nature rather than see it as something to control, I find myself holding a greater love and appreciation of this wondrous world each passing day. I love nature because while humans may squabble, the aura and stillness of nature will press on, unaffected by mere human matters.
Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
Last year, I had a class called Personal Finance. In that subject, I learned that misusing credit can often lead to one getting into humongous amounts of debt!
We humans may like to think we have control of our finances and debt, but statistics that I learned from my class show this ideology to be untrue. According to a 2019 Survey of Human Finances, the median US household debt is $65,000!
Therefore, the most helpful piece of financial advice I have learned is that one must be very careful when using credit. Without great self-control, one can easily get into debt thanks to credit's addictive nature. An example is paying for something with a credit card versus paying for something with cash. With cash, it psychologically hurts to part with it because you can visually see the money coming out of your pocket. Yet with a credit card, it is a mere rectangle that only exists to be swiped.
I am someone that struggles with spending too much money. Because of this, I am grateful for the advice on credit that my Finance teacher gave me last year. To summarize in one sentence: Be careful with credit, because you can easily end up spending more than you have, thus getting you into debt and preventing the growth of wealth.
I view what I learned about credit to be the most important financial information I have received. I now know that because of my spending habits, I have to be very careful when using credit. Had I not learned such important information I would likely hold a more careless attitude towards credit which could lead to major financial issues in the future.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
“I don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters.”
― Christopher McCandless
Knowing where you live will not bring you permanent fulfillment. Knowing your purpose and what kind of person you are will. Whenever I am on vacation, I find joy in the journey as well as the destination. Ultimately though, my happiness is found in feeling as if I am part of something profound. Often I feel this way alone, connecting with my inner self. Other times, the feeling of happiness comes when I am with those I love, be it family, friends, animals, or nature. For those reasons, I relate strongly to the person to whom these wise words are attributed.
Christopher McCandless was a man sick of the greed and power our world lives in. After graduating from college, he lived an ever-increasingly nomadic and isolated lifestyle. He ended up living with hippies, burning all of his belongings, and working odd and erratic jobs in his search to live freely and find himself. Eventually, his choices lead to him deciding to live off the land alone in Alaska. After many days, he passed away, likely due to starvation. Yet, according to Christopher's journal, there is no need for mourning! Christopher had lived a happy life full of adventure and unique experiences.
After reading the biography Into the Wild, written about Christopher, I decided to make a permanent life decision. From now on, I will focus on living a purposeful life. When I die, I want to be proud of the life I live. A life where I quit worrying or obsessing over the trivial. Instead, I shall focus on what really matters.
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
School can be stressful! Certain subjects like math are difficult for me. Though I am by no means a perfect student, as I continue my high school academic journey, I have found plenty of studying methods that work well for my academic goals.
One such strategy is to simply reach out and ask for help. Oftentimes, I need assistance with understanding certain concepts in Algebra and Chemistry so that I may succeed on assessments in those classes. Sometimes during my study halls, I go to my teacher's rooms and receive special one on one time to better understand the subject. If that's not enough, I am blessed with a family that's willing to help teach me how to better understand certain topics.
When I was a middle school student, I was admittingly too afraid to ask for help, even when I knew I needed it. I am glad that I am no longer embarrassed to reach out to others now that I am older.
Another specific study technique I use is simply taking full advantage of a well-known study app. This app is called Quizlet. I enjoy using the application because it breaks down terminology I must study in a non-intimidating way that's easy for me to remember.
I find that using Quizlet is also highly efficient. I can spend roughly half as much time studying specific terms on Quizlet versus trying to remember certain notes written down in my notebooks.
Finally, I like to set a timer and spend a set number of minutes studying each subject. I've found that setting specific time goals for studying allows me to get through a topic in a focused, competent, and productive manner.
Youssef University’s College Life Scholarship
If I received 1,000 dollars, I know exactly what I'd do!
I would donate 100 dollars to the poor and needy,
To help them get through!
I would use another hundred to donate to my animal shelter,
for I know that those animals deserve love and care.
Who knows, perhaps my donation will even give the animals clothes to wear!
I would use 200 to save and invest.
After all, it's good to be wise with your money, or else your wits will be put to the test!
Another 200 I will spend on gifts for my friends and relatives to make them feel like a king.
I wish to have enough money so that I can buy my family all kinds of wonderful things!
I have learned that giving money to those who need it is a good thing to do.
By doing so you are helping others which in turn causes you to feel good too!
Some of you may notice that I still have 400 dollars left which I shall save up for college.
After all, it is there where I hope to receive a post-secondary degree and gain more knowledge!
Yet college is expensive you see.
That is why I am working hard to save money and earn scholarships so that I can graduate debt-free!
Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
For this scholarship, I will share a sonnet of mine I wrote some time ago. Whenever I feel stressed or inadequate I remember this work, knowing that I am good enough in God's eyes. I will not attach a file. Instead, I will put my poem in this application.
The bird flies over yonder in the sky,
As the little boy glances up outside,
He begins to ponder and wonder why,
People live less free than beasts worldwide.
Such as avifauna who fly so high
That the shape of them becomes lost in sight.
All this the boy thought with a slight small sigh,
For he wished to reach such powerful height’s.
If only, thought he, I could be so free,
Not tied down to this earth with rules and laws,
Yet if I was a bird I wouldn’t be,
Intelligent – I could only caw-caw!
I’m thankful to be made in God’s likeness,
For I am grateful to have such brightness!
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
One way I relax is by taking a nice hot bath!
When I bathe, my brain relaxes as the invigorating and curative waters cleanse my body. On the occasion that I have either bath bombs or bath salts on hand, my mental state becomes even calmer!
I love watching a bath bomb slowly dissolve in the tub, changing the water's color before disappearing in a fizzy mist.
I find that bath salts provide a lovely scent while I soak. Recent evidence has shown that bath salts help keep one's skin luscious and youthful by cleansing and removing dead skin cells.
The only thing that makes a nice bath even more heavenly is the addition of a good book. I love reading wonderful works of literature while I bathe. For whatever reason, I find it easier to focus on whatever I am reading while in a tub than under normal circumstances. I believe that's because soaking my body in water successfully causes my mind to destress.
It is for that reason, that after a hard day in the life I find taking a hot bath an excellent and relaxing method for rest and recuperation.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
Like many fellow teenagers, I would consider my list of hobbies quite varied! In this application, I will mention two. My first hobby is reading. Much of my free time consists of me forgetting about the outside world and burying my brain into the deep depths of literature. Books like The Hobbit and Harry Potter help me escape into another world and get rid of stressful thoughts.
Such love of books will lead me into my second hobby, and one in which I have some interest as a career. What hobby you ask? One word: writing! Though I often struggle with figuring out what to write about, along with procrastination, nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than expressing my thoughts through the written realm.
When I write, I aim to portray characters with unique thoughts and values, who try to deal with many of life's struggles. Like all of us, sometimes they fail. Yet despite failure, sometimes one has no choice but to take the hard road of redemption and keep on keeping on, through this crazy thing we call life.
As my short pieces of free writing continue to be created, I start to understand more of myself reflected on the pages. I see that I love things deeply theological and philosophical. I also see reflected in my works, a struggle to find peace, to answer the unanswerable, and to discover the unknown.
Though I am merely a junior, and thus my writing is fairly rudimentary, I refuse to give up my passion. I will write a great book! I will write something to make authors like C.S Lewis proud! I just have to do it! I will not give up on my dream of becoming a writer!
Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
Before the pandemic, I lived a life that focused more on myself than others. It wasn't until 10th grade, when the world started creeping out of lockdown, that I made a concentrated effort to help those in need.
In 10th grade, I began volunteering at the food bank. I assisted with sorting, organizing, and packaging food. One time, I helped take out carts filled with groceries for needy families to pick up. That experience was eye-opening! I realized that many people in my own community struggle to obtain food, one of the most basic human needs.
After my sophomore year, I began volunteering at the Humane Society. I adored giving the dogs attention and exercise by walking them and brushing their fur. I also enjoyed giving the cats love and affection. These animals through no fault of their own were without a loving family. I felt sad that so many loving animals were stuck in shelters. I was able to feel solace by knowing that I, one person, was helping to take care of these animals. And I could tell from the happy tail wagging and rumbling purring that I was making a difference in these creatures' lives.
This same feeling accompanied me when I volunteered at the Food Bank. It was a feeling of satisfaction, of usefulness. I was helping people get the food they needed. Without people working together to help others, nothing would get accomplished.
By giving up my free time to volunteer in my community, I am making a positive impact on the world around me.
I may just be one person, but I am making a difference!
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
Before the pandemic, I lived a life that focused more on myself than others. It wasn't until 10th grade, when the world started creeping out of lockdown, that I made a concentrated effort to help those in need.
In 10th grade, I began volunteering at the food bank. I assisted with sorting, organizing, and packaging food. One time, I helped take out carts filled with groceries for needy families to pick up. That experience was eye-opening! I realized that many people in my own community struggle to obtain food, one of the most basic human needs.
After my sophomore year, I began volunteering at the Humane Society. I adored giving the dogs attention and exercise by walking them and brushing their fur. I also enjoyed giving the cats love and affection. These animals through no fault of their own were without a loving family. I felt sad that so many loving animals were stuck in shelters. I was able to feel solace by knowing that I, one person, was helping to take care of these animals. And I could tell from the happy tail wagging and rumbling purring that I was making a difference in these creatures' lives.
This same feeling accompanied me when I volunteered at the Food Bank. It was a feeling of satisfaction, of usefulness. I was helping people get the food they needed. Without people working together to help others, nothing would get accomplished.
Ultimately, my favorite way to help others is by volunteering. By giving up my free time to help those who need assistance, I am making a positive impact on the world around me.
Hobbies Matter
Like many fellow teenagers, I would consider my list of hobbies quite varied! In this application, I will mention two. My first interest is reading. Much of my free time consists of me forgetting about the outside world and burying my brain into the deep depths of literature. Books like the Hobbit and Harry Potter help me escape into another world and get rid of stressful thoughts.
Such love of books will lead me into my second hobby, and one in which I have some interest in as a career. What hobby you ask? One word: writing! Though I often struggle with figuring out what to write about, along with procrastination, nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than expressing my thoughts through the written realm.
When I write, I aim to portray characters with unique thoughts and values, who try to deal with many of life's struggles. Like all of us, sometimes they fail. Yet despite failure, sometimes one has no choice but to take the hard road of redemption and keep on keeping on, through this crazy thing we call life.
As my short pieces of free writing continue to be created, I start to understand more of myself reflected on the pages. I see that I love things deeply theological and philosophical. I also see reflected in my works, a struggle to find peace, to answer the unanswerable, and to discover the unknown. For me, writing reduces my stress levels and allows me to feel peace.
Though I am merely a junior, and thus my writing is fairly rudimentary, I refuse to give up my passion. I will write a great book! I will write something to make authors like C.S Lewis proud! I just have to do it! I will not give up on my dream of becoming a writer!
Bold Community Activist Scholarship
Before the pandemic, I lived a life that focused more on myself than others. It wasn't until 10th grade, when the world started creeping out of lockdown, that I made a concentrated effort to help those in need.
In 10th grade, I began volunteering at the food bank. I assisted with sorting, organizing, and packaging food. One time, I helped take out carts filled with groceries for needy families to pick up. That experience was eye-opening! I realized that many people in my own community struggle to obtain food, one of the most basic human needs.
After my sophomore year, I began volunteering at the Humane Society. I adored giving the dogs attention and exercise by walking them and brushing their fur. I also enjoyed giving the cats love and affection. These animals through no fault of their own were without a loving family. I felt sad that so many loving animals were stuck in shelters. I was able to feel solace by knowing that I, one person, was helping to take care of these animals. And I could tell from the happy tail wagging and rumbling purring that I was making a difference in these creatures' lives.
This same feeling accompanied me when I volunteered at the Food Bank. It was a feeling of satisfaction, of usefulness. I was helping people get the food they needed. Without people working together to help others, nothing would get accomplished.
As of February 2nd, I have spent roughly 105 hours volunteering over the past 16 months. These hours tell a story, of how I made the decision to spend more of my time helping others by making a positive difference in the world.
Lo Easton's “Wrong Answers Only” Scholarship
1:becaZe i have eggcellent grammer and riting abilit-tees. i knowwww i am useing perfect grammer. also i deserve this schoarship bc i deserve anything that I apply for! it doesnt matter if i dont include a relevent personal story or get off topic. if i apply i win!
2:my goal is to be a freelance writer. i have no plans after highschool. i will probly live with my parents foever. i don't want to hold a regular paying job. i am planning to fail or drop out of all my classes after junior year. thx for hearing about my lofty goals!
3:my biggest acomplishment/obstacle is getting out of bed each morning. its so hard to wake up! i love to sleep and do nothing alllllllllll day! another obstacle i passed was not failing kindergarden. i tell ya, preskol was haaaaarrrrrd but kindergarden was even haaarder! its a miracle i have made it to my junior year!
thx for listening! plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz pick me!!!!! (:
Bold Art Scholarship
In my short life, I have seen multitudes of beautiful and inspiring art. Yet, as I write this essay, one painting stands out in particular. That is, The Scream, painted by the talented yet deeply troubled artist Edvard Munch.
While I certainly wouldn't consider The Scream to be as abstract as say, Jackson Pollock's Autumn Rhythm, I consider the painting to appear far less realistic in human proportion than your classic Mona Lisa. And yet, despite The Scream's apparent simplicity, the horror displayed by distorting human and nature's natural proportions to such extremes showcases a specific darkness and power of emotion that affects me greater than any other art piece that I can think of.
Many people have gone through intense feelings of despair and distress. The fact that one painting can display such feelings so well speaks to me on an almost spiritual level. The Scream inspires me by letting me know that I am not alone in my dark thoughts and feelings. In addition, The Scream has caused me to realize that raw, human emotion, is one of the universe's greatest and most confounding things. I must confess that I enjoy scary and nightmarish art. And The Scream, with its dark scary figures in the back and famously distressed central figure, is in my opinion, somehow the most disturbing of all.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
When the worldwide pandemic struck, my family and I were forced to isolate.
I had planned to continue attending school after spring break and start the woman's golf season. All of this was halted thanks to Covid.
I may not be extroverted, but I do love hanging out and talking to my friends during lunch or a free period. When the news broke out that school would resume as online-only, I could feel a sense of loneliness and dread inside me. I was already bored, and I certainly didn't love the fact that woman's golf was now canceled!
Looking back, I certainly could have continued to wallow in months of self-pity and frustration. However, I decided to make the most out of a situation that affected everybody! I continued to work hard on my online assignments.
Though I don't consider myself a cook, for the first time I found myself regularly spending time preparing meals and desserts with my sister and mother. While golf may have been canceled, I resolved to try and keep being physically active. I made sure to walk on the treadmill every day. I also frequently walked my dog. Biking trips with my father were a great way to get outside, albeit socially distanced from others.
I also found that I had more time on my hands to do one of my favorite hobbies-reading! I was able to plow through more books than I would normally have time to read! As I look back to when the pandemic struck, I realized that I stayed optimistic when many others didn't. Thanks to my optimism, I stayed happy and healthy! I remained productive when I could have done nothing.
Bold Art Matters Scholarship
In my short life, I have seen multitudes of beautiful and inspiring art. Yet, as I write this essay, one painting stands out in particular. That is, The Scream, painted by the talented yet deeply troubled artist Edvard Munch.
While I certainly wouldn't consider The Scream to be as abstract as say, Jackson Pollock's Autumn Rhythm, I consider the painting to appear far less realistic in human proportion than your classic Mona Lisa. And yet, despite The Scream's apparent simplicity, the horror displayed by distorting human and nature's natural proportions to such extremes showcases a specific darkness and power of emotion that affects me greater than any other art piece that I can think of.
Many people have gone through intense feelings of despair and distress. The fact that one painting can display such feelings so well speaks to me on an almost spiritual level. The Scream inspires me by letting me know that I am not alone in my dark thoughts and feelings. In addition, The Scream has caused me to realize that raw, human emotion, is one of the universe's greatest and most confounding things. I must confess that I enjoy scary and nightmarish art. And The Scream, with its dark scary figures in the back and famously distressed central figure, is in my opinion, somehow the most disturbing of all.
Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
Before the pandemic, I lived a life that focused more on myself than others. It wasn't until 10th grade, when the world started creeping out of lockdown, that I made a concentrated effort to help those in need.
In 10th grade, I began volunteering at the food bank. I assisted with sorting, organizing, and packaging food. One time, I helped take out carts filled with groceries for needy families to pick up. That experience was eye-opening! I realized that many people in my own community struggle to obtain food, one of the most basic human needs.
After my sophomore year, I began volunteering at the Humane Society. I adored giving the dogs attention and exercise by walking them and brushing their fur. I also enjoyed giving the cats love and affection. These animals through no fault of their own were without a loving family. I felt sad that so many loving animals were stuck in shelters. I was able to feel solace by knowing that I, one person, was helping to take care of these animals. And I could tell from the happy tail wagging and rumbling purring that I was making a difference in these creatures' lives.
This same feeling accompanied me when I volunteered at the Food Bank. It was a feeling of satisfaction, of usefulness. I was helping people get the food they needed. Without people working together to help others, nothing would get accomplished.
As of February 2nd, I have spent roughly 105 hours volunteering over the past 16 months. These hours tell a story, of how I made the decision to spend more of my time helping others by making a positive difference in the world.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
“I don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters.”
― Christopher McCandless
Knowing where you live will not bring you permanent fulfillment. Knowing your purpose and what kind of person you are will. Whenever I am on vacation, I find joy in the journey as well as the destination. Ultimately though, my happiness is found in feeling as if I am part of something profound. Often I feel this way alone, connecting with my inner self. Other times, the feeling of happiness comes when I am with those I love, be it family, friends, animals, or nature. For those reasons, I relate strongly to the person to whom these wise words are attributed.
Christopher McCandless was a man sick of the greed and power our world lives in. After graduating from college, he lived an ever-increasingly nomadic and isolated lifestyle. He ended up living with hippies, burning all of his belongings, and working odd and erratic jobs in his search to live freely and find himself. Eventually, his choices lead to him deciding to live off the land alone in Alaska. After many days, he passed away, likely due to starvation. Yet, according to Christopher's journal, there is no need for mourning! Christopher had lived a happy life full of adventure and unique experiences.
After reading the biography Into the Wild, written about Christopher, I decided to make a permanent life decision. From now on, I will focus on living a purposeful life. When I die, I want to be proud of the life I live. A life where I quit worrying or obsessing over the trivial. Instead, I shall focus on what really matters.
Bold Art Scholarship
In my short life, I have seen multitudes of beautiful and inspiring art. Yet, as I write this essay, one painting stands out in particular. That is, The Scream, painted by the talented yet deeply troubled artist Edvard Munch. While I certainly wouldn't consider The Scream to be as abstract as say, Jackson Pollock's Autumn Rhythm, I consider the painting to appear far less realistic in human proportion than your classic Mona Lisa. And yet, despite The Scream's apparent simplicity, the horror displayed by distorting human and nature's natural proportions to such extremes showcases a specific darkness and power of emotion that affects me greater than any other art piece that I can think of. Many people have gone through intense feelings of despair and distress. The fact that one painting can display such feelings so well speaks to me on an almost spiritual level. The Scream inspires me by letting me know that I am not alone in my dark thoughts and feelings. In addition, The Scream has caused me to realize that raw, human emotion, is one of the universe's greatest and most confounding things. I must confess that I enjoy scary and nightmarish art. And The Scream, with its dark scary figures in the back and famously distressed central figure, is in my opinion, somehow the most disturbing of all.
Last year, I was inspired to sketch a replica of The Scream in Art class. See attached link.
I have also attached a file to the original painting of The Scream, by Edvard Munch.
New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
Hi everyone! My name's Sophia. Currently, I am a junior at Waterloo Christian School.
Though I don't love homework, I do love learning! While I may not be a perfect student I always try my best.
I adore animals. In fact, I often volunteer at my local humane society.
I may be introverted, but that doesn't mean I dislike people! I absolutely love talking to my friends and family about various things, from movies to nature to shower thoughts.
Sometimes I struggle with feeling overly stressed out.
Praying helps.
I cannot wait to see what I can accomplish this year!
Bold Relaxation Scholarship
One way I relax is by taking a nice hot bath! When I bathe, my brain relaxes as the invigorating and curative waters cleanse my body. On the occasion that I have either bath bombs or bath salts on hand, my mental state becomes even calmer! I love watching a bath bomb slowly dissolve in the tub, changing the water's color before disappearing in a fizzy mist. I find that bath salts provide a lovely scent while I soak. Recent evidence has shown that bath salts help keep one's skin luscious and youthful by cleansing and removing dead skin cells. The only thing that makes a nice bath even more heavenly is the addition of a good book. I love reading wonderful works of literature while I bathe. For whatever reason, I find it easier to focus on whatever I am reading while in a tub than under normal circumstances. I believe that's due to the fact that soaking my body in water successfully causes my mind to destress. It is for that reason, that after a hard day in life I find taking a hot bath an excellent destressing method that allows me to rest and recuperate.
Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
Above is a link to my current story in progress, entitled The Experiment. As of now, the story is 14 pages long. Though it may be unfinished, I remain proud of my work. You see, I wish to become a writer. I view getting some kind of post-secondary degree in the realm of creative writing as a way to achieve that goal. Being a writer is absolutely my dream job!
I have always had an interest in writing since I was a little child, obsessed with reading. After reading books that inspired and challenged me, from The Giver to Harry Potter, I realized that I wanted to create an epic story of my own. A job such as writing, where I can truly express myself, is a job I know I am meant to have! My vision is for me to create a fictional world as enthralling as C.S Lewis's Chronicles of Narnia. I know firsthand that great works of literature have the power to inspire a generation. I want to be one of those authors, who will create deeply flawed yet alluring characters forced to come to terms with various trials and tribulations. By those characters confronting their demons, perhaps the reader will become brave enough to face down their own.
So far, my story contains elements of horror, mystery, action, and suspense. I am planning to have my characters (Michael, Jeremy, etc.) first introduced as being middle school students age-wise. Later in my work, I will have those same characters, but now as young men and women.
I hope everyone enjoys my story!
Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
School can be stressful! Certain subjects like math are difficult for me. Though I am by no means a perfect student, as I continue my high school academic journey, I have found certain studying methods that work well for my academic goals. One such strategy is to simply reach out and ask for help. Oftentimes, I need assistance with understanding certain concepts in algebra and chemistry so that I may succeed on assessments in those classes. Sometimes during my study halls, I go to my teacher's rooms and receive special one on one time to better understand the subject. If that's not enough, I am blessed with a family that is willing to help teach me how to better understand certain topics. When I was a middle school student, I was admittingly too afraid to ask for help, even when I knew I needed it. I am glad that I am no longer embarrassed to reach out to others now that I am older. Another specific study technique I use is simply taking full advantage of a well-known study app. This app is known as Quizlet. I enjoy using the aforementioned app because it breaks down certain terms I must study in a non-intimidating way that is easy for me to remember. I find that using Quizlet is also highly efficient. I can spend roughly half as much time studying certain terminology on Quizlet versus trying to remember certain details on paper. Finally, I like to set a timer and spend a set number of minutes studying each subject. I've found that setting specific time goals for studying allows me to get through a subject in a focused, competent, and productive manner.
Bold Hobbies Scholarship
Like many fellow teenagers, I would consider my list of hobbies quite varied! In this application, I will mention two. My first interest is reading. Much of my free time consists of me forgetting about the outside world and burying my brain into the deep depths of literature. Books like the Hobbit and Harry Potter help me escape into another world and get rid of stressful thoughts. Such love of books will lead me into my second hobby, and one in which I have some interest in as a career. What hobby you ask? One word: writing! Though I often struggle with figuring what to write about, along with procrastination, nothing gets my creative juices flowing better than expressing my thoughts through the written realm. When I write, I aim to portray characters with unique thoughts and values, who try to deal with many of life's struggles. Like all of us, sometimes they fail. Yet despite failure, sometimes one has no choice but to take the hard road of redemption and keep on keeping on, through this crazy thing we call life. As my short pieces of free writing continue to be created, I start to understand more of myself reflected on the pages. I see that I love things deeply theological and philosophical. I also see reflected in my works, a struggle to find peace, to answer the unanswerable, and to discover the unknown. Though I am merely a junior, and thus my writing is fairly rudimentary, I refuse to give up my passion. I will write a great book! I will write something to make authors like C.S Lewis proud! I just have to do it! I will not give up on my dream of becoming a writer!
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
I imagine my dream life as one in which I work hard doing a job I love. Often it seems like our culture tells us we should choose a job both well-respected and high earning. Sure, there can be benefits to choosing a career path fitting that criteria, but what will it matter if you hate your job no matter how much it pays? People ask adults all the time if they are planning to get married, when they want to retire, and what they like to do for fun. But really, how many times do you hear people ask each other if they are happy? If life gives them satisfaction? Does the Declaration of Independence not state "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?" Sadly, many people think of their profession as means to get by rather than something to enjoy doing. Life is short. Shouldn't we all aim to work hard at achieving satisfaction instead of wasting time away in a career you merely tolerate to pay the bills? In fact, according to a Gallup Poll, 85 percent of people hate their jobs. I do not want myself or others to be part of that statistic. For that reason, I give this advice:live life fully. Aim to make life meaningful rather than mundane. Strive not for perfection but contentment in your work so that you may achieve fulfillment in a job you will savor. Once I learn to follow my advice, I know my wishes will come true.
Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
Last year, when I was in tenth grade, I took a class on personal finance. One topic mentioned was credit cards. In my class, we learned how the creation of credit cards led to humongous amounts of debt. In other words, there are lots of negatives to using credit cards. We humans may like to think we have control of our finances and debt, but statistics show this ideology to be untrue. According to a 2019 Survey of Human Finances, the median US household debt is $65,000! For that reason, I believe heavily limiting one's use of credit cards could be the key to staying out of debt and building wealth. There are several reasons why credit cards led to people becoming slaves to debt. One reason is psychological. All of us form a personal attachment to cash. Money is something that we earned. Parting with a physical representation of such can be outright painful! Credit, on the other hand, is merely a card that you swipe on the checkout line.
My second reason may sound overly simple and obvious, but I still find it worth noting. Technically, it is impossible to get into debt if you use only cash. Sure, you might be broke, but you won't have to deal with the stress of trying to pay someone back with the money you owe.
The third and most controversial issue of credit cards is the credit score. I will not say that a credit score is useless, but it's not something you should obsess over. All credit scores measure is how good you are at paying back debt. That's it. There is virtually no advantage to having perfect credit (850) versus merely "excellent" credit. The lenders don't care! The lesson learned is, limit credit, limit debt!
"Wise Words" Scholarship
“I don't want to know what time it is. I don't want to know what day it is or where I am. None of that matters.”
― Christopher McCandless
I have always found life to be valuable and meaningful. However, when someone asks me what I truly care about, one may be surprised at my response. To me, knowing where I am or where I will go is meaningless. I know many people who work at a typical nine-to-five job they find both stressful and tiring. They may know where they work and live, as well as what they do for a living, but what does it matter? To me, that only means you happen to complete tasks in an organized manner.
I often feel as if most people work in a mechanically programmed robotic way, where individuality is lacking. The robot cannot think for itself and create something entirely new. Instead, the robot must listen to the leader or program day after emotionless day. If the robot were to ever scoff or reject this ideal, it would be viewed as a broken anomaly needing to be fixed. People would be terrified! After all, robots are not intended to turn against their makers!
I have learned that knowing where you live will not bring you permanent fulfillment. Everlasting fulfillment will not be obtained by keeping the same unchanging schedule either. Knowing your purpose and what kind of person you are will. Whenever I am on vacation, I find joy in the journey as well as the destination. Ultimately though, my happiness is found in feeling as if I am part of something profound. Often I feel this way alone, connecting with my inner self. Other times, the feeling of happiness comes when I am with those I love, be it family, friends, animals, or nature. For those reasons, I relate strongly to the person to whom this quote is attributed.
Christopher McCandless was a man sick of the greed and power our world lives in. After graduating from college, he lived an ever-increasingly nomadic and isolated lifestyle. He ended up living with hippies, burning all of his belongings, and working odd and erratic jobs in his search to live freely and find himself. Eventually, his choices lead to him deciding to live off the land alone in Alaska. After many days, he passed away, likely due to starvation. Yet, according to Christopher's journal, there is no need for mourning! Christopher had lived a happy life full of adventure and unique experiences. After reading the biography Into the Wild, written about Christopher, I decided to make a permanent life decision. From now on, I will focus on living a purposeful life. No longer shall I worry about where I am or the constantly changing time. When I die, I want to be proud of the life I live. A life where I quit worrying or obsessing over the trivial. Instead, I shall live a life of joyfulness with no regrets.
Mirajur Rahman Self Expression Scholarship
3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
I find that there are many ways our society can work to empower and uplift women when there still exists gender inequity today. First, we should work to improve the caliber of public education. Unfortunately, in some countries, getting a free and quality education is difficult and even dangerous-especially for girls. Working to create more educational opportunities worldwide will help women struggling due to inequality to become more capable and educated.
Second, we should work to end sexual violence that occurs against women at a disturbingly high rate. We need to be alert and on our feet when we hear about sexual accusations and take them seriously. Sexual violence is never ok. We can't allow perpetrators of assault and bloodshed to walk away from their actions unscathed. Justice will be delivered to the abusers putting women in horrific situations, forcing women to become victims of trafficking, child marriage, and labor.
Yet another way we can work to empower female members of humanity is to mentor them. Instead of girls going into poverty due to a lack of available resources, we can help girls out of rough situations. We can encourage women and give helpful advice to prevent women from falling back into a cycle of hardship and poverty. Doing so will allow girls to live a successful, comfortable, and capable lifestyle. Three organizations that work to mentor, help, and empower individuals, including women, are Girls Write Now, Concern Worldwide, and Million Woman Mentors.
Fourth, we can encourage women through advocacy and awareness programs. According to the World Economic Forum, even today, women still hold only twenty-five percent of parliament positions globally. This statistic is proof that we still live in a society of gender inequality. But the world doesn't have to stay that way! We need to tell others about such information. Hopefully, as a result, people will become encouraged to stand up for increased female representation!
Finally, we can ensure countries pass and enforce legislation that prohibits discrimination based upon gender. The World Economic Forum notes that some countries like the Democratic Republic of the Congo have limited laws against gender discrimination. That country has zero non-discrimination laws for hiring women and equal pay, a lack of financial services for women, and no laws against domestic violence. Many other of the worst ranking countries for gender equality are also guilty of such discriminatory standards.
In conclusion, we need to stand up for equal rights! We women will not be silent anymore about the worldwide gender inequity the world still faces. It is high time we stand up for equality and empowerment for all! When we work to pass laws that help ensure equality between men and women, society will become free and just. When that happens, women from around the world will become free from oppression.