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Sophia Loza


Bold Points






I'm Sophia Loza, a 25-year-old Latina from The Bronx, NY. After a three-year break, I returned to school to pursue my education. The decision was prompted by a desire to transition away from roles that failed to recognize my strong work ethic and positive energy. I realized it was time I stopped delaying my passions and returned to school. My ultimate goal is to enter the marketing and advertising field within the entertainment/music industry while pursuing my degree and after graduating. I've created this profile to seek financial assistance, as the challenge of supporting myself and my family while being a full-time student is significant. Thank you for taking the time to read my bio, and I hope you'll consider me for your scholarship!


CUNY Bernard M Baruch College

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Marketing
  • Minors:
    • Graphic Communications

CUNY Borough of Manhattan Community College

Associate's degree program
2018 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

    • Server

      LTH Hospitality
      2022 – Present2 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      BMCC's Office of Student Activities — Student and Volunteer representative of BMCC in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
      2023 – 2023

    Future Interests





    FAR Impact Scholarship
    Growing up as a first-generation Latina student, my journey through school has been shaped by unique challenges. My mother became a parent at 17 years old, facing disability at 25 years old, once I finished high school I took on the role of supporting her and my three younger siblings while being a full-time student. Life wasn't easy; we spent our early years in the shelter system until I finished high school. At just 13 years old, I started working off the books to help at home. These experiences helped me learn the importance of hard work and resilience early on. These experiences have been the driving force behind my determination to break the cycle of adversity and encourage others to do the same. My commitment to public service stems from these personal struggles. I've been involved in community programs and mentorship initiatives, aiming to make education more accessible for those facing similar challenges. A recent experience was during my 2023 Spring semester at Boughouh of Manhattan Community College, I was one of ten students chosen to travel abroad to Brazil, to perform community service work. While in Brazil, we visited the favelas and connected with the children and families within the community. Beyond supporting my family and engaging in community service, I'm pursuing a business degree as a stepping stone to law school. This path is a conscious choice, driven by the goal of using my knowledge to advocate for justice and equality. Legal education will provide the tools to address systemic issues and create meaningful change for those without representation and the low-income families in my community. My career goals align with the scholarship's vision for empowering historically disadvantaged minorities. Through a business and law education, I hope to contribute to policies that break down barriers and ensure fair opportunities for everyone. Whether it's advocating for affordable housing, accessible healthcare, or educational reforms, I aim to create a society where everyone can thrive, regardless of their background. In conclusion, my journey as a first-generation Latina student, overcoming challenges, and supporting my family has fueled my dedication to higher education and public service. By pursuing a business degree and aiming for law school, I'm laying the foundation for a career focused on dismantling systemic barriers. I'm excited to contribute to the scholarship's mission of empowering individuals like me to create positive change and build a more inclusive and equitable future.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    Embarking on the path toward a business degree is not merely a personal pursuit for me; it's a deliberate journey toward empowerment and community upliftment. The Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship is significant in aiding my mission to bring positive change to the South Bronx. My academic journey, starting with an Associate in Business Administration, serves as a foundation for broader aspirations. The next chapter involves pursuing my Bachelor's in Marketing Analytics at NYU’s SPS school. This goal aligns seamlessly with my vision of using data-driven insights to fuel my entrepreneurial dreams and future success. My ultimate goal is to establish a business that transcends profit margins and becomes a catalyst for positive change in my community. Having been the "big sister" and main financial provider for my family, I intimately understand the struggles faced by single mothers and low-income families in the South Bronx. This insight fuels my commitment to returning to my community and establishing a non-profit organization. This organization will provide crucial support in the form of food and rent assistance, alongside fostering the holistic development of children through afterschool programs and sports initiatives. My personal experience managing finances while being a full-time student has instilled in me a sense of responsibility and resilience. These qualities are integral to the success of my future business and the non-profit organization. I firmly believe that empowering single mothers and low-income families alleviates immediate financial burdens and creates a space for others to think about their dreams and aspirations. One tangible step I've taken towards community betterment is enrolling my younger brothers in baseball, recognizing the transformative power of sports in fostering discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being. Witnessing my brothers not only embrace the sport but also share their newfound skills with friends underscores the ripple effect of positive influence. This initiative is a testament to my belief in the potential of the younger generation to shape the future positively. Moreover, my volunteer efforts in Brazil were part of a comprehensive program involving myself and nine other BMCC students. Accompanied by our college president, vice president, and student affairs leader, we visited schools to teach elementary to high school students about American culture, English, and the importance of pursuing higher education. Engaging with local kids from the favelas and volunteers in their communities, we played sports that fostered camaraderie and shared meaningful experiences. These experiences expanded my worldview and deepened my commitment to addressing systemic issues. One of the organized events that stood out to me was the day we went to the Sugarloaf Mountains. The experience of witnessing an entire city built within the mountains, forests, and oceans was unique and eye-opening. Museum tours provided insights into Brazilian culture and history, including an honest acknowledgment of the country's struggles with corruption and systemic racism. What resonated deeply with me was the transparency of each museum and speaker about Brazil's history. It emphasized the importance of acknowledging wrongs and educating future generations to prevent further transgressions of hate, control, and racism. This experience further fuels my determination to use my education and future endeavors to create positive change. In conclusion, the Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship is instrumental in facilitating my pursuit of a business degree and, consequently, my mission to bring about positive change in the South Bronx. Through entrepreneurial ventures, community-focused initiatives, and a global perspective gained through volunteer efforts, I aim to create a lasting impact. The scholarship's support is not just an investment in my education but a commitment to the transformative power of education, community service, and a broader understanding of the world!
    Boyd J. Cameron Memorial Scholarship
    Embarking on a journey towards a business degree is more than just a personal endeavor for me; it's a deliberate path toward empowerment and community upliftment. My decision to pursue a degree in business stems from a profound desire to be not just well-equipped for my future career, but to harness the knowledge and skills gained to make a meaningful impact on the community I call home—the South Bronx. My academic journey began with an Associate in Business Administration, a stepping stone towards my broader aspirations. The next chapter involves delving into Marketing Analytics, a specialization that aligns with my vision of leveraging data-driven insights to fuel entrepreneurial success. My ultimate goal is to establish my own business, a venture that transcends profit margins to become a catalyst for positive change. Having experienced firsthand the challenges of being the "big sister" and main financial provider in my family, I understand the struggles faced by single mothers and low-income families in my community. This insight fuels my commitment to returning to the South Bronx and founding a non-profit organization. This organization will be dedicated to providing crucial support in the form of food and rent assistance, alongside fostering the holistic development of children through afterschool programs and sports initiatives. My personal experience managing finances while being a full-time student has ingrained in me a sense of responsibility and resilience. These qualities will be instrumental in the success of my future business and the non-profit organization. I believe that empowering single mothers and low-income families not only alleviates immediate financial burdens but also paves the way for a brighter future for the community as a whole. One tangible step I've taken towards community betterment is enrolling my younger brothers in baseball, recognizing the transformative power of sports in fostering discipline, teamwork, and physical well-being. Witnessing my brothers not only embrace the sport but also share their newfound skills with friends underscores the ripple effect of positive influence. This initiative is a testament to my belief in the potential of the younger generation to shape the future positively. In conclusion, my pursuit of a business degree is a purposeful endeavor to equip myself with the tools necessary to bring about positive change in the South Bronx. Through a combination of entrepreneurial ventures and community-focused initiatives, I aim to create a lasting impact, uplifting those who face challenges similar to those my family and I have overcome. My journey is not just about personal success but about becoming a beacon of hope and empowerment for my community