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sophia jaffal


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Hello! My name is Sophia Jaffal. I am a second-year student at the University of Cincinnati studying Finance and Economics. During my freshman year of college, I joined a program called Bearcat Buddies, which is an organization that takes students to local schools to tutor children. When I first came to university, all I wanted was a career that would make me money; I ended up choosing something I wasn't passionate about. I felt lost for the first few months, but that changed after I went to my first Bearcat Buddies session. I was teaching kindergarten math, and in that hour, my entire perspective changed. I knew what I wanted to do: teach. Watching the students progress over the semester and seeing their confidence change as they continue to get better and better is a different type of intrinsic reward. This program gave me a sense of purpose and belonging. I am now studying economics and finance in hopes of teaching high schoolers about the world of money. Growing up, my family always struggled; money was and still is a sensitive topic. It has affected me, and I want to take my experiences and hardships and turn them into something good. I want to be a guiding light to students who face the same struggles—to help educate the next generation of artists, writers, entrepreneurs, business owners, and teachers on how to manage their money so they can choose a career they love without the worries of a salary stopping them.


University of Cincinnati-Main Campus

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Finance and Financial Management Services
  • Minors:
    • Architecture and Related Services, Other
  • GPA:

Saint Joseph High School

High School
2019 - 2023
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Architecture and Related Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I want to teach students about the world of money.

    • 2023 – Present1 year
    • dairy queen
      2021 – Present3 years


    • Art and design 1-6

      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Bearcat buddies — Tutor
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      environmental club
      2022 – Present
    • Volunteering

      box factory
      2022 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Key club
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      animal hospital
      2017 – 2020

    Future Interests





    Book Lovers Scholarship
    "There are no wrong roads to anywhere," a quote from the Phantom Tollbooth, the book I believe everyone should read. I read this book in the fifth grade for class. I didn't think much of it at the time, yet I had to reread it in tenth grade. Juster was an excellent writer; his creativity has had this book in the back of my mind for years. I think about it more often than I should, and for some reason, it has a hold on me. It was one of the books that made me fall in love with reading—the adventures and letting my imagination run wild. Through the years, over the hundreds of books that I have read, the Phantom Tollbooth is one of a kind. It may not help anyone become financially stable, get anyone in the proper habits, or help someone fight addiction, but it will give them a taste of what a good book can do. When I read this book, I was transported; I became Milo, zipping down strange roads and going to unknown kingdoms. Reading has become so unpopular in the last decade it's a surprise when you see kids reading instead of playing on their phones or iPads. It is truly a shame to know that kids aren't growing up reading about magical lands and strange creatures. I noticed that when a person is forced to read a book they aren't interested in, it makes them despise reading. Yet I believe if a person had to read this book, it would make them fall in love with reading the way it did for me. I chose this book because I believe it's a book that makes people fall in love with reading.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    When I told my parents that I would move 280 miles away to pursue my career, they laughed at me. They told me I couldn't, was not allowed to go away, and had to stay near them. My father moved to America when he was just 18 years old; he and my mother come from very traditional families where college was never a possibility. Fast forward 20 years, my parents have five kids, four boys and one girl. Hence, me. I am the third of my siblings and will be the first in my family to attend college. Growing up, my parents worked hard day and night to give my brothers and me a good life, yet we still didn't have much. I'm forever grateful for all my parents gave me, but I don't want to live the life they did. So I am choosing to change my path and go to college, not just for myself but for my family. In my family's culture, the girls are supposed to stay home to cook, clean, and take care of the children. My parents expected me to do the same. First, to stay home with them until I get married, then to stay home for my husband. I don't want to do that; I want to go out and make my future, not wait for someone to pay my bills. I want to learn and experience the world, put myself out there, and reach my potential. The world is vast and fantastic, and I plan to see it all. Coming from a traditional immigrant family, I have hundreds of cousins, and of all the girls, I would be the first to move out after high school. I get looked down on for this; I get told that I won't be able to do it and that I'm wasting my time. Yet I don't believe that. I will make a future for myself and change the path my family has been on for so long. I hope to change the minds of my family and inspire others to break away from silly traditions. To be independent, make their path, and do what makes them happy. My family doesn't support my decisions. When I leave for college in the fall, I hope to show them that I'm willing to put in the hard work to be successful. I pray they will change their minds and see this as an amazing opportunity for me and a blessing for our family--rather than a waste of time.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    Im a very soft-spoken and shy person, and it takes a lot for me to even speak in front of my friends and family. So when I do speak I'm not usually heard or listened to, I usually just stay silent. I listen through, I listen to everything everyone tells me, and I would say I am a good listener. I know how it feels to be ignored so I try my hardest to let my friends or family tell me what's on their minds. Besides I believe listening to someone is easy, all someone has to do is let them talk, and try to understand how they're feeling. When someone listens to me it means so much to me, and I know that they are a good friend. Yet when I get ignored I feel worthless, unwanted, and stupid. It makes me think badly of myself, so when a person can sit there and listen to me I feel like someone understands me. Like Im not alone and I have people who care. So when my friends come with a problem I set all my thing aside, and put my full undivided attention to them. And I just listen, actively listen to what they're saying and how it's affecting them. I like to put myself in their shoes and think about how whatever going on would affect me. Then I would try to give them advice and tell them that everything is ok. However, sometimes I don't give advice I just give them my time and hear what they're saying because sometimes people just want to be heard. I know what it's like to not be heard and I would never want anyone to feel the way I sometimes do. That's why listening is so important to me.
    Bold Hobbies Scholarship
    Hobbies are such amazing things that make a person who they are. I love hearing about other people’s hobbies, especially when we have the same ones. It’s a great way to create relationships and meet people. I have 3 hobbies that I feel make me who I am which are baking ,painting and reading. These have been the only hobbies that I’ve kept, since I can remember. Reading is my favorite and the most important hobby to me, it truly helps me get through my hardest days. I absolutely adore reading and it always inspires me go and do what I love. Moving forward I also love painting and doing any art really. When I paint I feel totally at peace, I can shut the world out and not worry about anything. Lastly I thoroughly enjoy cooking and baking. The past few months I haven’t had much time to bake but I try to do it as often as possible. I love sharing all the goods I make with everyone. Any time I bake I’ll take it to work or school and give everyone a piece and when they get happy it makes me happy. Food I believe is the best way to bring people together and that’s why it’s so important to me.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    Reading. I read every day twice three, four times a day. I love reading more than anything else in the world. It has become such an important part of me, I wouldn't want to live without it. Reading helps me escape from my problems and live in someone else's shoes for a little while. I have been reading since I was just a kid and haven't stopped since. I have read hundreds of books in all the different genres. Whenever I have bad anxiety or can't seem to fall asleep, I open my book up, and all my problems dissolve like sugar on my tongue. I especially love reading when I feel stuck, I could be a knight fighting a dragon, or a princess ruling over her country. I could go anywhere I've ever wanted while sitting in my bed. Reading is such a wonderful thing and everyone should be able to experience it.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    Throughout all the people I have met in my lifetime, I wouldn't say I have met one truly happy person. Everyone always seems miserable, nobody is truly comfortable in their own skin. We as humans are always seeking some sort of approval, friends, parents, teachers, or anyone, to make us feel valid. It's exhausting and takes a hard toll on everyone. For me to live my best life is to be confident with myself and take control of my own life. Not letting people's opinions and judgment get in the way of doing what I love. I will never make everyone happy, there will always be one person who doesn't like or agree with Me. Most people strive to make that one person different, causing them to not live life to the fullest potential. If everyone just would do as they like, and not listen to all the doubt and miserable people they could live their best life. Stress and worrying over stupid things should not affect your one chance at living.