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Sofia Mateo


Bold Points






Greetings! Assuming you know my name, I'll dive right into the essentials. I am a highly expressive person who enjoys hobbies that let me reveal parts of who I am. This is why I took up playing the keyboard and guitar about three years ago. My love for music is immense, but my passion for the arts extends far beyond any word count. Being Dominican provides me with a unique perspective, as people often don't see me as "representative" of my ethnicity. As an Afro-Latina, I'm determined to make a significant impact in marketing by leveraging my unique identity and family experiences. My aspiration is to first become the chief marketing strategist for my favorite beauty companies and later build my own marketing firm. By pursuing a bachelor's degree in Business and Marketing, I aim to become my family's first college graduate. I also aspire to establish a platform that allows me to fund many scholarships. I want to help financially disadvantaged children achieve their dream education, no matter where it takes them.


Stony Brook University

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Minors:
    • Accounting and Related Services

Williamsburg Charter High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Marketing and Advertising

    • Dream career goals:

      To work as the main marketer for E.L.F beauty cosmetics and other beauty companies.

    • Front Cashier

      The Brooklyn Emporium
      2023 – 2023



    2022 – 20231 year


    • no


    • Caribana

      2024 – Present
    • Ceramics
      2019 – 2022

    Public services

    • Advocacy

      Harmony Over Harm — Creative director/Founder
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      National Honor Society — Senior Member
      2021 – 2023

    Future Interests



    Neal Hartl Memorial Sales/Marketing Scholarship
    I grabbed 30 sheets of white paper and folded them in half. I stapled the folded side and began designing my book cover. I drew a girl falling from the sky. That night, I planned to write a sci-fi/mystery novel. However, I was eight, and it was nearing 10 o’clock, so naturally, I fell asleep before I could write a New York Times bestseller. Throughout my upbringing, I've been deeply drawn to the arts—whether literature, painting, music, or dance. My hardworking parents made countless sacrifices to enroll me in my various artistic interests when I was younger, managing to support my interests despite financial challenges. As I grew older, I sacrificed those interests to help them financially. We faced our share of economic challenges, which gave me firsthand insight into the importance of financial literacy and planning. My journey began in a supportive household where every dollar mattered, and it continued in my final year of high school, where I was introduced to business economics. The class taught me about the different aspects of running a business. One of our final assignments was to create a company, considering costs, economics, and marketing. This was the first time I combined my creative interests and skills with the aspects of business. Around the same time, I started working a part-time job to help contribute to the family income and save for college. One of the most impactful experiences was my time as a solo cashier at an organic/vegan deli. There, I learned the importance of understanding customer needs, presenting products compellingly, and building genuine relationships. This experience sparked my interest and revealed a talent for persuading people in ways that felt authentic and beneficial to both parties. My passion for business solidified during my college years, where I excelled academically and took my first psychology class with a professor who specialized in decision sciences. He unknowingly convinced me to pursue business marketing by connecting psychological concepts and theories to how things are marketed in the media. I soon understood that marketing is an industry that constantly evolves, driven by changes in consumer behavior, technological advancements, and cultural trends. As a result, I fell in love with the idea of not only being part of an industry where innovation is necessary for success but also one where I could use my storytelling skills. As I look forward, my career goal is to leverage my education and experiences to make a lasting positive impact on my community. Post-graduation, I hope to create a marketing institution where I can help individuals and small businesses gain traction, spend wisely, and plan for the future by providing sound marketing advice and support to underserved communities. My personal goal is to be able to repay my parents with the comfortable financial life they sacrificed to ensure that I had all the opportunities open to me. From folding those 30 sheets of white paper into a potential novel to navigating the complexities of business economics and discovering my passion for marketing, my journey was shaped by a blend of creativity, perseverance, and the support of my family. Every encounter I have had, from working as a lone cashier to my college courses, has reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact through business and marketing. While I may not be writing any novels soon, I hope to forge new pathways and approaches to marketing that I can teach others.
    Advancement of Minorities in Finance Scholarship
    I used to be a gymnast. When I was 9, I attended gymnastics classes for young girls like myself. I learned all about flexibility, how to flip, and so much more. It was fun for the month it lasted, but it became hard for my family to keep up with the financial demands. My parents, both hardworking individuals, instilled in me the values of dedication, perseverance, and giving back to the community. They made many sacrifices to enroll me in all my artistic interests when I was younger, whether it was painting, dancing, or even playing the piano. As I grew older, I sacrificed those interests to help them in return. We faced our share of financial challenges, which gave me firsthand insight into the importance of financial literacy and planning. My journey began in a modest household where every dollar mattered. It continued in my final year of high school, where I was introduced to business economics. The class taught me about the different aspects of running a business. One of our final assignments was to create a business, considering costs, marketing, and economics. This was the first time I combined my creative interests and skills with the concept of business. Around the same time, I started working a part-time job to help contribute to the family income and save for college. One of the most impactful experiences was my time as a solo cashier at an organic/vegan deli. There, I learned valuable skills in customer service, sales, and community engagement. I also saw the power of small businesses in supporting and uplifting local communities. My decision to donate my shift tips to help homeless individuals afford meals was a small step towards giving back, reinforcing my belief in the importance of community support. My passion for business solidified during my college years, where I excelled academically and took my first psychology class with a professor who specialized in decision sciences. He unknowingly convinced me to pursue business marketing by connecting psychological concepts and theories to how things are marketed in the media. His engagement and dedication to teaching a relatable class paid off in my life, and sent me right down the path I had already built towards throughout my life. Looking ahead, my goal is to leverage my education and experiences to make a lasting positive impact on my community. Post-graduation, I hope to create a marketing institution where I can help individuals and small businesses gain traction, spend wisely, and plan for the future. By providing sound marketing and accounting advice and support to underserved communities, I aim to help others achieve financial success and stability. I would offer workshops, seminars, internships, and one-on-one consultations. I hope to bridge the knowledge gap and empower more people to pursue business. Additionally, I aspire to fund scholarships to support low-income students, ensuring they can pursue higher education without the burden of financial stress. In conclusion, my family environment significantly influenced my aspirations and career goals in business and accounting while growing up. The access to arts and education, which my parents worked hard to provide, allowed me to discover my passion for marketing. Witnessing my family's struggles and triumphs not only motivated me to pursue a minor in accounting but also inspired me to give back to those around me. While I may not be a gymnast anymore, I hope to flip limited outcomes into better ones for more generations to come.
    Devante Lane Scholarship
    Violence has become an overused punchline. As a native New Yorker, my relationship with the city is a mix of love and frustration, shaped by experiences that oscillate between the two extremes. Growing up, we made jokes about the thunderous echoes of bullets hitting street corners that we called our alarm clocks. We laughed about unnerving encounters with strangers that we feared would escalate into something far more sinister.​ The truth is, I don’t think we ever found it funny. We were petrified and the only way we knew to cope was to laugh it off. On February 8th, 2023, the thin veil of humor and ignorance that I was clinging onto had shattered. What was supposed to be a typical school day, a Wednesday took a catastrophic turn. Wednesdays used to be the peak of our week, when we could leave an hour sooner. Our routine, however, was disrupted by an incident that killed any lingering humor and forced us to confront the reality of our situation. Anyone who resides in New York is no stranger to high school brawls; some suspect hormonal teenagers are sure to get into a brawl or two, and perhaps that's all it was. But it wasn't; it was more. It was an example of how third parties interfere. Third parties tend to make decisions about people's lives that aren't their own, and that's exactly what the gunman did that day. He determined that our lives deserved to be more traumatic than innocent. Stealthily, he crept around the corner, clenching metal in his hands, and discharged his weapon aimelessly. His shots struck children uninvolved in the altercation, a guard dutifully performing his job, and the sole outcome for him was a sentence to prison. This is why I don’t laugh anymore because it reminds me of the screeching cries for help of my classmates. It reminds me of piercing lockdown alarms. Most importantly, it serves as a reminder of my past ignorance. It is easy to laugh at a joke you’ve never lived through, but now that I have I will spend every year of my life making sure gun violence is never taken as a joke again. When I began college life, I found myself asking, “How could I possibly contribute back to the gun epidemic in New York in the future?” but the truth is I can start now and I have. My classmates and I began an Instagram page called Harmony Over Harm, dedicated to educating people about gun violence in America and how it affects college students. Truthfully, I soon see us expanding to addressing gun violence as a whole because it’s too big of an issue to specify in one aspect. We want to bring awareness to how prominent gun violence is in our communities. Utilizing the research sources I am acquiring during my college journey, I aim to enlighten the broader public on events that might not be easily accessible to everyone. As an aspiring marketing major, fostering connections with people and captivating audiences will be a crucial aspect of my professional responsibilities. I envision using these skills not just for marketing campaigns or advertisements but, more importantly, for effecting tangible and meaningful change. It may be something simple at the moment yet I envision that, with the right networks and information, this platform will evolve into a formidable force capable of shaping legislation in New York. Perhaps, in the future, the gravity of gun violence will become a mere punchline, no longer a grim reality.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    I have an addiction to binge-watching Netflix. My earliest memories of watching Netflix are followed by the elongated experience of finishing a show the same day I started. I have encountered the most unique scripts, tropes, and endings in my electrifying journey to swallow every storyline entered into Netflix. I'd like to honor a show in this essay today called The 100. The 100, first created in 2014, ran on air until 2020, finishing off with seven strong seasons. I loved the way "The 100" seamlessly blended elements of science fiction, dystopian drama, and ethical dilemmas, creating a narrative tapestry that kept me hooked from start to finish. The show's premise, where a group of juvenile delinquents is sent down to a post-apocalyptic Earth to determine if it's habitable, immediately captured my imagination. It's a thought-provoking concept that explores the resilience of humanity in the face of adversity. One of the aspects that truly stood out to me in "The 100" was its character development. Throughout seven seasons, I witnessed characters evolve and adapt to the harsh realities of their world. It wasn't just about survival; it was about the moral choices they made along the way. Main characters like Clarke Griffin and Bellamy Blake became emblematic of the show's exploration of leadership, sacrifice, and the blurred lines between right and wrong. Moreover, "The 100" wasn't afraid to tackle complex themes. It delved into issues like environmental destruction, tribalism, and the consequences of our actions on future generations. These themes resonated with me as someone deeply interested in making a difference in my community. It reminded me that our choices today have lasting effects, just as the characters' decisions in the show shaped the fate of their world. The show's commitment to diversity and representation also deserves applause. As a Latina of African descent, I appreciate seeing characters from diverse backgrounds taking on pivotal roles in the storyline. It reflects the real world in a way that's both refreshing and essential. "The 100" didn't just provide entertainment; it sparked meaningful discussions and encouraged introspection. It's a testament to the power of storytelling to address relevant societal issues. In conclusion, "The 100" isn't just another show I binge-watched on Netflix; it's a series that left a lasting impact on my perspective. Its exploration of humanity, morality, and the consequences of our actions resonated with me on a deep level. I admire its ability to merge thought-provoking themes with compelling characters and applaud its commitment to diversity. "The 100" is not just a show I’d recommend; it's a story that everyone should dive into at least once in their lifetime.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    Stepping into the college world as a first-generation black Latina student often feels like I'm treading a delicate tightrope, where the gaps beneath me threaten to swallow my dreams whole, much like a penny disappearing into the depths of a sewage drain. The unexpected setbacks that come my way can be disheartening, and it's clear that some are beyond my control. However, the prospect of securing this scholarship is a glimmer of hope that empowers me to take charge once again. If I'm fortunate enough to earn this scholarship, it won't just be a financial boost; it will be a chance for me to make a lasting impact on my communities.   Looking back at my journey, I can see the profound influence that financial support can have. With this scholarship in hand, I envision using the funds not only to ease the immediate financial strain of my education but also to amplify my influence on a much larger scale. Freed from the constant worry of financial obligations, I'll be able to wholeheartedly immerse myself in my studies and extracurricular activities like music, dancing, and art to maximize my potential.   Beyond the immediate benefits, this scholarship would serve as a stepping stone toward my long-term ambitions. Armed with a degree and unburdened by excessive debt, I'm driven to establish a scholarship program tailored specifically to the needs of first-generation and minority students in my community. This initiative would provide them with the same kind of support that has been instrumental in shaping my own journey. However, this scholarship isn't just a means to an end; it's an opportunity for my personal growth and development. Participating in workshops, seminars, and networking events has made it possible to develop skills that extend far beyond the classroom. Those experiences have transformed me into a more effective advocate for educational equity and social justice. Unfortunately, most of these events often require professional attire, which can be hard to sustain when facing financial burdens. By investing in myself through these avenues, I firmly believe that I can create tangible, positive changes in the lives of those around me by dressing as a professional and intelligible student worthy of all the same opportunities that non-BIPOC are offered.   Ultimately, this scholarship isn't just about financial aid; it's a catalyst for change and empowerment. With the backing it provides, I'm fully dedicated to crafting a brighter future for myself and, in turn, lifting up my communities through education, passionate advocacy, and hands-on mentorship. This scholarship isn't just an award; it's a tool that I'm determined to use to reshape the landscape of opportunity for those who walk a similar path.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    Minecraft has been a multi-generational building block game since 2011, or at least in my family, it has been. I was 7 years old when I first caught a glimpse of the game from the opening of my brother’s cracked open door. The game was vibrant and inviting, yet also very complex for my 7-year-old self to fully comprehend. My first understanding of the game was that the objective was to build, but I learned after years of watching and playing that it is more than that. I soon learned about the world of multiplayer settings, achievements, and even mods, which only expand the game as a whole. My favorite part of it all is the endless creativity it fosters. Over the years, I've discovered that Minecraft isn't just about placing blocks and constructing structures; it's a canvas for imagination. The game has allowed me to bring my wildest ideas to life, whether recreating iconic landmarks, designing intricate redstone contraptions, or crafting fantastical landscapes. This aspect resonates with me profoundly because it empowers me to transform my thoughts into tangible creations. The ability to shape entire worlds, limited only by my ingenuity, instills a sense of accomplishment and freedom that few other games can provide. It's not just about completing objectives; it's about crafting a narrative through architecture, design, and ingenuity. This, in my view, is the true magic of Minecraft—it's a realm where the boundaries between the virtual and the absolute blur, and the only true limit is the extent of one's creativity.
    Hispanic Climb to Success Scholarship
    When the college application season began, a gray cloud began to accumulate over me. This cloud shadowed all my decisions and goals because of the fear it would one day begin to rain and drown everything I'm working towards. This is what I like to call the "shadow of educational cost". I’ve heard countless stories of college students who say that college has only put them in debt or that they aren't able to use the major that costs them thousands. This negativity towards pursuing higher education instilled a fear of student loan debt within me. After reaching out to several college students, many told me to make smart decisions but also not to restrict myself within the bounds of income because situations can always change. With this scholarship, I could begin conquering that gray cloud and make a change. I’d be able to attend Stony Brook University despite all the financial limits I have met. This money would essentially finance my dream to become a financial advisor for other low-income families. Whether I major or minor in financing/economics, I know that I want to use the knowledge I have about economics to assist low-income immigrant families who never received formal education on how to manage finances. As a high school senior taking a government & economics course I have already learned so much about finances that my family didn't get the opportunity to learn as immigrants from the Dominican Republic. Many families are stuck within this low income because most don't have access to formal education in finance, and are unable to budget accordingly to their situation. I hope that by using my college education to learn more, I can give back to my community both to those in the USA, but as well as back home in the Dominican Republic. When answering the question of why I should be awarded this scholarship, it is because I desire to help others with the knowledge I will accumulate without the fear that I can not "afford" to make a difference in the world. There are far too many families in America walking around with gray clouds over their heads, that deserve sunnier days, and that deserve to not have to worry their dreams will be flooded by financial costs. I cannot promise clear skies, but I hope that by going to Stony Brook University and at the minimum minoring in finance/economics, I can provide an umbrella to my Hispanic/Latinx community.