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Skyler Bishop


Bold Points






My goal in life is to find my passion. I believe that college will help me do that. I enjoy reading as well as learning about computers. I plan to major in computer science. I first began my type one diabetes journey when I was eight years old. After receiving my diagnosis, I was terrified. I remember thinking my life would never be normal again. The thought of having to take multiple shots a day seemed impossible to me. But over the years, my opinion has changed. The first year of diagnosis was the hardest. Going to school and explaining to my classmates why I kept going to the nurse's offices felt very isolating. I remember thinking that I would never be able to manage my diabetes. But, with a lot of hard work and research, my diabetes has become manageable. My goal in college is to impact the world positively, just as it has impacted me.


James F Byrnes High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Engineering, Other
    • Accounting and Computer Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

      Software engineering

    • Team member

      Chick fil a
      2021 – Present3 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Ronald MacDonald House — To cook food.
      2023 – 2023

    Future Interests




    Bald Eagle Scholarship
    The driving factor of my life throughout the years leads back to one word, inspiration. This word is my personal motto. To inspire is to ignite a flame in someone, that can grow into a burning passion. My mother has taught me the true meaning of this word and continues to show me new ways to implement it into my life. While growing up in a single-parent household posed some challenges, it also taught me important life skills. My mother has been a true inspiration in my life. She has always done her best to provide for my sister and me as best as she could. For that, I will always be grateful to her. Throughout the years, my mom has shown me the importance of perseverance in hard situations. She has always encouraged me to live a fulfilling life and always strive to ignite inspiration in others. If not for my mom motivating me, I wouldn’t have been able to grow into the person I am today. I feel strongly that college would provide me with the opportunity to form bonds with people from diverse backgrounds. Growing up in a single parent household has shown me that college is a great stepping stone into adult life. It will give me the opportunities I’ll need to live a stable and fulfilling life. I'm eager to join study groups, attend lectures, and participate in extracurricular activities to gain insights into different perspectives. College would give me the opportunities I need to become a successful individual. These experiences will help me develop as a person and prepare me to inspire others, just as they have inspired me. The costs of college can be daunting, but there is no doubt in my mind that the years of education I will receive will pay off. By securing a degree, I'll be setting myself up for a brighter future and greater financial stability. Moreover, I have made a point to apply to as many scholarships, grants, and financial aid options as possible to help alleviate the financial burden of attending college. By attending college, I'll gain valuable skills and knowledge, form meaningful relationships, and prepare myself for a successful future. Hopefully, I can show my true appreciation to my mother by giving college my best, just as she did while raising me. I'm excited about the opportunities that attending college will bring, and I'm committed to working hard to achieve my goals of igniting inspiration in others.
    Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship