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Simon Salazar-Marin


Bold Points






Raised in a small, marginalized town in Colombia, my life's journey has been shaped by resilience and determination. Growing up amidst challenges, I found solace and inspiration in the pages of books, developing a deep love for reading that would later intersect with my passion for coding. As political unrest and coups rocked my homeland, I took a leap of faith and traveled alone to the United States, seeking refuge and a chance to mold my future. My fascination with technology led me to immerse myself in the world of programming. I not only completed the prestigious CS50 course from Harvard, but I also earned several certificates from a respected polytechnic university in Colombia. These experiences fortified my belief in the transformative power of education and technology to bridge gaps and create opportunities. Being bilingual, fluent in both Spanish and English, and equipped with foundational knowledge of French and Portuguese, I've come to appreciate the beauty of language as a means of connection. As a devoted soccer enthusiast, I've discovered the camaraderie and unifying spirit that sports can bring, transcending borders and cultures. Currently, I'm diligently juggling two jobs, working tirelessly to financially support my education. The challenges are substantial, but they only fuel my drive to succeed. My dream job is one that not only harnesses my coding skills but also enables me to give back to the community I hail from. I envision a future where I can leverage technology to uplift the marginalized, fostering growth and empowerment.


College of Charleston

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Data Science
    • Engineering, Other

Harvard Extension School

Technical bootcamp
2020 - 2020
  • Majors:
    • Computational Science


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Computer Software

    • Dream career goals:

    • Barista

      2023 – Present1 year
    • Cook/Cashier

      2023 – Present1 year



    2019 – 20223 years


    • Regional Champion


    • Computer Science

      College of Charleston — Student Ambassador
      2024 – Present


    • FreeCodeCamp

      2020 – 2021

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Ancianato Hermanitas de los Pobres (Nursing home) — Caretaker
      2019 – 2021
    Let Your Light Shine Scholarship
    My journey from a small, marginalized town in Colombia to the United States has been driven by a steadfast ambition to create a legacy of empowerment and positive change. Growing up amidst political unrest and limited resources, I developed a deep appreciation for the transformative power of education and technology. My experiences have shaped my vision to build a business that not only thrives in the tech industry but also uplifts and empowers marginalized communities. From an early age, I understood the importance of resilience and determination. In my hometown, where opportunities were scarce, I found solace and inspiration in books, which fostered a lifelong love for learning. This passion led me to immerse myself in the world of programming, completing the prestigious CS50 course from Harvard and earning multiple certificates from a respected polytechnic university in Colombia. These accomplishments laid the groundwork for my entrepreneurial aspirations. My dream is to establish a tech-based non-profit organization that focuses on providing free coding education and technological resources to underprivileged communities, both in Colombia and globally. This organization will offer comprehensive coding boot camps, mentorship programs, and access to technology, empowering individuals to harness their potential and create their own opportunities. By bridging the digital divide, I aim to foster innovation, economic growth, and social equity. To shine my light and create a lasting legacy, I have consistently engaged in volunteer work that aligns with my passion for education and technology. In Colombia, I initiated free coding workshops for young people in my community, helping them develop valuable skills and ignite their interest in technology. Upon relocating to the United States, I continued this mission by volunteering at local community centers, teaching English as a Second Language (ESL) to fellow immigrants. My bilingual abilities in Spanish and English, coupled with my foundational knowledge of French and Portuguese, have enabled me to make the learning process inclusive and impactful. Currently, while balancing two jobs to support my education, I remain dedicated to mentoring students in coding. I believe that by equipping them with technical skills, I am giving them the tools to transform their lives and contribute positively to society. My involvement in organizing local youth soccer matches also reflects my commitment to fostering community and teamwork, values that are integral to my entrepreneurial vision. The business I aspire to create will be built on the principles of social entrepreneurship, where success is measured not only by financial gains but also by the positive impact on communities. I envision partnering with schools, community centers, and tech companies to expand the reach of my programs, ensuring that more individuals have access to the education and resources they need to thrive. By leveraging technology, I aim to create a ripple effect of empowerment, where those I help can, in turn, help others. In conclusion, my plan to create a legacy is rooted in my passion for education, technology, and community empowerment. The business I hope to start will serve as a catalyst for change, providing opportunities for marginalized individuals to unlock their potential and achieve their dreams. My journey has been one of resilience and determination, and I am driven by the belief that with ambition and perseverance, I can shine my light and create a lasting, positive impact on the world. Winning this scholarship would be a crucial step in realizing this vision and furthering my mission to empower others.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    I will be forever thankful to my dad for introducing me to the world of coding, he always dabbled in different areas, and I didn't understand why at first, but now I can see that what he wanted was to help me find my passion. Luckily I did, I still fondly remember my dad struggling to understand some code and asking me for help debugging or finding errors, of course, that gave me the precious skill of patience, and an ability to explain rather complex concepts into simpler and understandable language, skill that has now become crucial in my current position. We, now a couple thousand miles away from each other, often reminisce about these interactions, I just wanted him to be happy, and so did he, and that is the thing I value the most. Raised in a small, marginalized town in Colombia, my journey has been shaped by resilience and a deep desire to make a difference. Growing up in an environment fraught with challenges, I eventually found a fascination for technology, setting me on a path where I could harness the power of coding to create opportunities and uplift those around me. My commitment to helping others began in my hometown, where resources and opportunities were scarce. Recognizing the transformative power of education, I started tutoring younger students in mathematics and science. I saw firsthand how personalized attention and encouragement could unlock students' potential and change their trajectory. Unfortunately, there is an overarching reality, where having the knowledge and skills isn't enough, especially in a country where money is valued over skills, such as Colombia sadly has become. In Colombia, I earned several certificates from a respected polytechnic university. These achievements not only advanced my own skills but also provided me with the credibility to inspire and mentor others. I began offering free coding workshops in my community, focusing on young people who, like me, were eager to learn but lacked the resources. These workshops became a beacon of hope, showing that with the right support, anyone could overcome their circumstances. When political unrest forced me to seek refuge in the United States, I carried this mission with me. Despite the challenges of adapting to a new country and language, I remained committed to helping others. And making the adaptation process to a new country as smooth as possible. My ultimate dream is to combine my coding skills with my desire to give back to my community. I envision creating a non-profit organization that provides technology education to marginalized communities, both in Colombia and globally. This organization would offer free coding classes, mentorship programs, and resources to help individuals develop the skills they need to succeed in the digital age. By doing so, I aim to create a ripple effect of empowerment, where those I help can, in turn, help others. In summary, my life's purpose and passion lie in helping others become their best selves through education and technology. The challenges I've faced have only strengthened my resolve to make a positive impact. I am driven by the belief that by empowering individuals with knowledge and skills, we can create a more equitable and hopeful future. Winning this scholarship would be an honor and a testament to the enduring spirit of selflessness and generosity that I strive to embody every day.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    Growing up in a small, marginalized town in Colombia, adversity was an ever-present companion on my journey. However, one particular instance stands out as a defining moment of challenge and triumph. Amidst the political unrest and instability gripping my homeland, I made the daunting decision to seek refuge and opportunities in the United States. The political and economical situation in my country didn't seem to stop, and I have no option more than embark on this journey by myself. The adversity I faced during this transition was multifaceted. I was leaving behind everything familiar — my family, my friends, and the comfort of my native land — in pursuit of a better future. Moreover, as an immigrant navigating a new country, language, and culture, I encountered numerous barriers and obstacles along the way. Overcoming this adversity required resilience, determination, and a steadfast belief in the power of education. Despite the uncertainties and hardships, I refused to succumb to despair. Instead, I embraced each challenge as an opportunity for growth and learning. One of the most pivotal moments came when I decided to pursue my passion for technology and coding. Despite the lack of resources and support, I seized every opportunity to expand my knowledge and skills. Completing the rigorous CS50 course from Harvard and earning certificates from a respected polytechnic university in Colombia were testament to my unwavering dedication. This adversity has shaped me in profound ways. It instilled in me a deep sense of resilience and tenacity, teaching me to persevere in the face of adversity. Moreover, it reinforced my belief in the transformative power of education to transcend barriers and create opportunities for individuals from underserved communities like mine. If I were to offer advice to someone facing similar circumstances, I would emphasize the importance of resilience, perseverance, and self-belief. Adversity may seem insurmountable at times, but it is often a catalyst for personal growth and development. By embracing challenges as opportunities for learning and growth, we can overcome even the most formidable obstacles on our journey towards realizing our dreams. In conclusion, while adversity has been a constant companion on my journey, it has also been a source of strength and resilience. Through perseverance and a steadfast commitment to education, I have overcome challenges that once seemed insurmountable. As I continue along my educational journey, I am determined to honor the legacy of Simon M. Humphrey by uplifting underrepresented students and empowering them to pursue their dreams, regardless of the obstacles they may face.
    Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship
    Art, to me, is not just a medium of expression; it's a vibrant tapestry woven with personal experiences, aspirations, and a profound desire for creative exploration. My journey into the arts is a testament to the transformative power of creativity and its ability to shape identities and foster personal growth. Growing up amidst diverse cultural influences, my fascination with art found roots in the rich tapestry of my background. Raised in a multicultural environment, I was exposed to a spectrum of artistic expressions—from the vibrant hues of traditional paintings to the rhythmic beats of indigenous music. These experiences served as a kaleidoscope, shaping my artistic sensibilities and igniting a passion for creative exploration. The pivotal moment in my artistic journey came during a challenging period in my life. Art became my sanctuary, offering solace and a means to articulate emotions that eluded verbal expression. Sketching, painting, and delving into musical compositions became more than mere hobbies—they became a lifeline, providing me with a means to navigate through life's complexities and express emotions that words failed to capture. Influences from mentors and personal experiences further enriched my artistic endeavors. Guided by a supportive mentor, I honed my skills and discovered new dimensions of creativity. Moreover, nature's intricate beauty—captured in the subtle shades of a sunset or the melodic symphony of a rainstorm—served as an endless well of inspiration, shaping my artistic vision. The Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship resonates deeply with me, embodying the essence of passion, dedication, and the enduring impact of the arts. It's more than a financial opportunity; it's a tribute to the transformative nature of art and the profound influence it has had on my life. Receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate financial constraints but also signify a profound recognition—a validation of the dedication and passion I've poured into my artistic pursuits. It would further reinforce my commitment to pursuing an education in the arts, fueling my aspirations to contribute meaningfully to the world of creative expression. In conclusion, the arts have been the thread weaving through the diverse fabric of my life, drawing upon my multicultural upbringing, personal experiences, and an unwavering passion for creative expression. The Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship stands as more than a mere financial opportunity; it symbolizes the culmination of my journey—an affirmation of the dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to artistic exploration that has shaped my identity. It echoes the sentiment that art transcends mere aesthetics; it's a conduit for emotions, a vessel for cultural expression, and a medium through which connections are forged. Receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burdens associated with pursuing an education in the arts but would also validate the significance of creative endeavors in fostering personal growth and community enrichment. It would serve as a catalyst, empowering me to continue nurturing my artistic pursuits and contributing meaningfully to the creative landscape. The Heather Rylie Memorial Scholarship encapsulates the enduring legacy of an individual passionate about the arts, and it fuels my aspirations to honor that legacy by becoming an artist who inspires, connects, and leaves a lasting imprint through the profound language of creativity.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    Chris Jackson's legacy is a testament to the profound impact one person can make through empathy, dedication, and a genuine connection with others. His ability to be present in every moment, coupled with his unwavering support for those around him, serves as a guiding light for aspiring individuals like me in the field of computer science. The allure of computer science captivated me from an early age. The realm of coding, algorithms, and technological innovations sparked a curiosity that evolved into a deep-seated passion. I envision a career where I not only contribute to groundbreaking advancements but also embody the spirit of Chris Jackson by fostering genuine connections and offering unwavering support to those around me. My pursuit of a computer science degree isn't solely a career choice; it's a path that aligns with my aspiration to create meaningful and impactful solutions. The transformative potential of technology to reshape industries, solve societal challenges, and enhance lives is what drives my enthusiasm for this field. It's a canvas where creativity meets logic, empowering individuals to craft solutions that transcend boundaries and make a tangible difference. Aspirations for a career in computer science extend beyond personal gain; they encompass a desire to pay homage to Chris Jackson's legacy. His journey, marked by financial struggles to attain a degree that propelled him into a rewarding career, resonates deeply with my own experiences. I've encountered hurdles on this educational path, but these challenges have only fortified my determination and resilience. Receiving the Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship would not only alleviate financial constraints but also serve as a beacon of affirmation—a testament that my dedication, aspirations, and commitment to fostering meaningful connections align with the values Chris epitomized. My vision extends beyond the confines of a degree; it's about utilizing the knowledge and skills gained to contribute meaningfully to the field. I aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, leveraging technology to bridge gaps, empower communities, and cultivate an inclusive tech landscape. In conclusion, the Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship embodies the spirit of an individual who not only excelled in his career but also touched countless lives through his empathy and support. Pursuing a computer science degree isn't just a career goal for me; it's a commitment to upholding Chris's legacy by making a difference in the world through technology and genuine human connections. This scholarship would not only propel my educational journey but also serve as a reminder of the values Chris personified—empathy, dedication, and a genuine willingness to uplift others.
    Eco-Warrior Scholarship
    Living sustainably is not just a choice; it's a commitment to nurturing and preserving our planet for future generations. As a passionate advocate for environmental stewardship, my journey toward reducing my carbon footprint has been a tapestry woven with conscious choices and unwavering dedication. Each day presents an opportunity to make choices that contribute to a sustainable lifestyle. From embracing plant-based diets to reducing energy consumption and embracing public transport or cycling over personal vehicles, every decision matters. I've adopted a lifestyle that emphasizes recycling, reducing waste, and supporting local, eco-friendly businesses. Each choice stems from a deep-rooted belief in the significance of individual actions in mitigating the impacts of climate change. The urgency of minimizing our carbon footprint resonates deeply with me. Climate change isn't just a future threat; it's an immediate crisis that demands collective action. The consequences of inaction reverberate across the globe, affecting vulnerable communities and ecosystems. Understanding this compels me to advocate for sustainable living as a means to curb carbon emissions and mitigate environmental degradation. Reducing my carbon footprint isn't merely an individual endeavor; it's a commitment to collective responsibility. Each sustainable choice—be it opting for reusable alternatives, conserving water, or supporting renewable energy sources—contributes to a larger narrative of safeguarding our planet. The importance of this endeavor lies not just in mitigating climate change but in fostering a harmonious relationship between humanity and the environment. It's about recognizing our interconnectedness with nature and acknowledging our responsibility to be stewards of this Earth. To me, sustainability isn't just a trend; it's a moral imperative. It's about ensuring that future generations inherit a planet teeming with life, vibrant ecosystems, and clean air and water. It's about fostering a world where ecological balance and human well-being coexist harmoniously. The significance of rewarding and encouraging individuals dedicated to sustainable living cannot be overstated. By acknowledging and supporting these efforts, we cultivate a culture that values and prioritizes sustainability, inspiring others to join the cause. In conclusion, the choices I make daily to reduce my carbon footprint stem from a deep-seated belief in the importance of preserving our planet. It's a commitment to living in harmony with nature and recognizing the urgency of collective action in mitigating climate change. This scholarship not only acknowledges individual efforts but also serves as a catalyst for a broader movement toward sustainable living, emphasizing the significance of our collective responsibility in protecting our Earth.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    The fabric of the universe, woven intricately with mysteries and revelations, has beckoned to me as a canvas for exploration and understanding. Aspiring to decode its enigmas, my pursuit of higher education is not just a personal journey; it's a quest to contribute to the collective endeavor of comprehending our existence. The Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship embodies the essence of supporting passionate minds driven by curiosity across diverse fields. The allure of understanding our world captivates me, transcending disciplinary boundaries. Whether delving into the equations of physics, unraveling the complexities of philosophy, deciphering the symphony of biology, or immersing myself in the narratives of literature, each path converges toward a deeper comprehension of our existence. As a first-generation college student, I stand at the intersection of opportunity and determination. My journey reflects the aspirations of countless underrepresented individuals who yearn to contribute to the pursuit of knowledge. This scholarship is not solely a financial aid; it's a beacon of support for those like me, aiming to embark on a journey where financial barriers need not hinder the pursuit of understanding the universe. The vision upheld by Sean Carroll, echoed through the Mindscape podcast, resonates profoundly. The commitment to lifting up underrepresented voices in fields seeking to unravel the universe's mysteries is both commendable and inspiring. To contribute to this vision is to partake in a shared endeavor—to support and nurture the brilliance and diversity of minds delving into the vastness of human inquiry. With the scholarship's support, I aim not only to pursue higher education but also to become a catalyst for inclusivity within the academic realm. I envision fostering an environment where individuals from diverse backgrounds can actively engage in the pursuit of knowledge without constraints imposed by socio-economic disparities. Education, to me, is not just about accumulating knowledge; it's a catalyst for transformation and empowerment. It's a tool that shapes perspectives, dismantles barriers, and fosters collaboration. This scholarship isn't just an opportunity; it's a catalyst for change, enabling me to contribute to the collective understanding of our existence while amplifying the voices of underrepresented communities in the pursuit of knowledge. In conclusion, the Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship embodies the ethos of supporting passionate minds eager to fathom the complexities of our universe. With this support, I aspire not only to contribute to the understanding of our world but also to advocate for inclusivity and diversity in the realm of higher education, echoing the vision of Sean Carroll and the Mindscape podcast.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    Embarking on the journey to higher education as a member of an immigrant family is a testament to resilience amidst a sea of challenges. My story mirrors the struggles and triumphs of countless individuals who navigate a new world, driven by the dreams and sacrifices of their hardworking families. As the child of immigrant parents, our voyage has been painted with hues of resilience, determination, and unwavering hope. My family's arrival in a new land meant grappling with language barriers, financial constraints, and the absence of established networks. Yet, within these challenges lie the seeds of strength and tenacity that define our pursuit of education. Similar to Rhia Ramlal Wagner's narrative, I've encountered setbacks and hurdles, each a lesson in resilience and perseverance. My family's ethos, steeped in hard work and unwavering dedication, serves as my guiding light. Witnessing their sacrifices to provide me with opportunities has instilled in me a profound appreciation for the value of education. This scholarship, dedicated in honor of the hardworking grandparents from the Goobie and Ramlal families, echoes the sacrifices of my own family. Their toil on sugarcane plantations in Trinidad and Tobago epitomizes the spirit of determination and the pursuit of a better life through education. My pursuit of higher education isn't just a personal endeavor; it's a promise to honor the sacrifices of my ancestors and the aspirations of my family. With this education, I aspire to be a catalyst for change, bridging divides and fostering inclusivity. My vision for the future transcends personal accomplishments. I envision leveraging my education and experiences to advocate for underrepresented communities, echoing the values instilled by my immigrant family. By immersing myself in initiatives that promote educational access, I aim to pay forward the opportunities I've been granted. Education, to me, isn't merely a tool for personal advancement; it's a means to effect positive change. It's the bridge that connects dreams to reality, empowering individuals and communities. My ambition is to harness this transformative power to create a world where opportunities are not limited by background or circumstance. In conclusion, as a college-bound student of an immigrant family, my journey has been shaped by resilience, determination, and an unwavering commitment to education. The legacy of hard work and sacrifice echoes in my pursuit of higher learning. With this scholarship, I aim to not only advance my own education but to utilize it as a catalyst for positive change, echoing the values and aspirations of my immigrant family.
    Caminos de Éxito: The Jose Prado Scholarship
    As a first-time Hispanic college-goer, my journey has been a testament to resilience amidst adversities, sculpting my educational aspirations while unveiling the transformative power of perseverance. Raised in a small, marginalized town in Colombia, I navigated a landscape riddled with challenges. Yet, amid these obstacles, my pursuit of education became a beacon of hope, guiding me through turbulent times. My educational journey began against the backdrop of political turmoil and unrest in my homeland. The instability posed challenges, but it was the catalyst that ignited my determination to seek refuge and opportunities beyond borders. Arriving in the United States alone was daunting, but it fueled my aspirations to carve a future molded by education. In this odyssey, role models emerged as guiding stars, illuminating the path toward higher education. My parents, although not formally educated, instilled in me an unwavering belief in the power of knowledge. Their relentless sacrifices fueled my drive to excel. Additionally, the legacy of Jose Prado, a staunch advocate of education, resonates deeply with me. His commitment to supporting educational endeavors echoes in my pursuit, inspiring me to pay it forward. The hurdles on my educational path have been numerous. Financial constraints forced me to juggle multiple jobs while pursuing my studies, a balancing act that tested my resolve. However, these challenges forged a determination within me, reinforcing my belief in the transformative potential of education. Each obstacle served as a stepping stone, teaching me resilience, time management, and unwavering dedication. The legacy of Jose Prado, a champion of education, ignites a philanthropic vision within me. If I were to establish a scholarship, its purpose would transcend financial aid. It would seek individuals embodying resilience, passion for learning, and a commitment to community betterment—traits reminiscent of Jose Prado's ethos. Education, to me, embodies unparalleled power—the power to break barriers, transcend circumstances, and foster growth. It's a beacon of hope that can illuminate the darkest corners, empowering individuals and communities. My own journey stands as a testament to this belief, showcasing how education has been my compass amid turbulent seas. In conclusion, my journey as a first-time Hispanic college-goer has been defined by challenges transformed into opportunities. Role models, personal grit, and the legacy of educational advocates like Jose Prado have sculpted my aspirations. I envision a future where I leverage the transformative power of education to uplift others, echoing the legacy that inspires my own educational journey.
    Lotus Scholarship
    My life's journey has been uniquely shaped by the backdrop of a single-parent, low-income household, a narrative that resonates with resilience and determination. Hailing from a small, marginalized town in Colombia, my background has been a tapestry of financial constraints and the unwavering commitment of a single parent, a thread that weaves through my pursuit of higher education. Coming from a small Colombian town, where financial hardships cast a shadow over the prospects of pursuing higher education, instilled in me a profound appreciation for the transformative power of learning. The struggles I witnessed in my family's quest for a better life ignited my determination to rise above adversity through education. In the face of financial constraints, the resolve to pursue higher education grew stronger. My single parent, the cornerstone of our family, juggled work tirelessly to provide for our needs, while teaching me the value of diligence and determination. Their unwavering commitment, despite financial hardships, became my beacon of inspiration. My unique background propelled my determination to seek higher education as a means of escaping the financial limitations that marked my upbringing. Despite the financial hurdles that seemed insurmountable, I was resolute in my mission to carve a different path, one that would lead to a more prosperous future not just for myself but also for my family and my community in Colombia. My journey through higher education, as a software engineering major, has been a testimony to resilience. I seized part-time jobs, meticulously managed my finances, pursued scholarships, and navigated the complexities of financial aid. The financial constraints, which might have deterred me, became stepping stones for my personal and academic growth. My background, with its roots in a single-parent, low-income household in a small Colombian town, has bestowed upon me a profound sense of empathy and social responsibility. I carry with me the knowledge of the challenges individuals in similar circumstances face and the conviction that accessible education is a transformative force. I am committed to utilizing my life experiences as a platform for positive change. My aspiration is to be an advocate for educational accessibility, ensuring that financial limitations do not thwart the dreams of others, both in my community in Colombia and on a broader global scale. On a grander scale, I envision using my education and personal experiences to contribute to initiatives addressing global challenges related to education, poverty, and inequality. I aim to be a catalyst for change, working toward a more equitable and prosperous world where financial constraints are not insurmountable barriers to accessing education and pursuing dreams. In conclusion, my journey from a single-parent, low-income household, rooted in a small Colombian town, is a testament to determination and resilience. My life's experiences have forged in me the values of empathy and a profound sense of social responsibility. I aspire to use my education and personal experiences as tools for advocating educational accessibility, both in my community and on a broader global scale. My goal is to serve as an inspiration for those facing similar adversities, demonstrating that adversity, when met with resilience, can be the spark that ignites positive change in the world.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    If I had the opportunity to choose one book for every person in the world to read, it would be "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Gabriel García Márquez. This novel is not just a masterpiece of literature; it's a journey into the intricacies of the human experience, a tapestry of culture, history, and emotions that transcends boundaries and resonates with people from all walks of life. My background, marked by diverse cultural influences and a passion for literature, has driven me to appreciate the power of storytelling to connect individuals across the globe. Born in a small, marginalized town in Colombia, a nation with a rich history of storytelling, I developed a deep love for literature from a young age. The pages of books became a sanctuary, offering an escape from the confines of my surroundings and introducing me to the world of imagination. "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is a book that mirrors my own journey. It takes place in the fictional town of Macondo, which, in many ways, echoes the small towns of Colombia. The novel tells the story of the Buendía family, spanning seven generations and weaving together the personal with the historical, the magical with the mundane. It captures the essence of human existence - a tapestry of love, conflict, dreams, and the relentless passage of time. The book delves and explores the intricate relationship between the individual and their culture, and it speaks to the universal human longing for meaning and connection. This book is not just a literary treasure; it's a bridge that connects cultures, generations, and individuals worldwide. It invites readers to delve into the magical realism of Macondo, a place where the ordinary and the extraordinary coexist. It invites us to contemplate the richness of our histories and the stories that have shaped us. In conclusion, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" is more than a book; it's an exploration of the human soul, a mirror to the complexity of our existence. Its narrative, deeply rooted in my Colombian background, encapsulates the essence of storytelling's power to unite people across the globe. By choosing this book, I would hope to inspire a collective reflection on our shared humanity, our past, and our future. It is an invitation to embrace the richness of our cultural diversity while recognizing the universal experiences that bind us all together.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    Education stands as the cornerstone of personal and societal growth, a force that fuels innovation, progress, and the realization of human potential. It is a beacon of hope for countless individuals, transcending barriers and enabling dreams. However, not all journeys toward education are smooth; some are marked by adversities that, when surmounted, reveal the true strength of character. My name is Simon Salazar-Marin, and my path to higher education has been shaped by the profound conviction that adversity, when confronted with resilience, can be a catalyst for transformation. My story is one of determination, dreams, and the tenacity to overcome challenges. Adversity first appeared on my horizon as a result of circumstances beyond my control. These adversities had the potential to derail my dreams and shatter my aspirations. However, they did the opposite. They ignited a fire within me, a determination to rise above circumstances and seize the transformative power of education. The pursuit of higher education became my refuge and my path to personal growth. As I delved into my studies, I discovered not only a world of knowledge but also a haven of inspiration. My field of study, Software Engineering, became my chosen domain, a place where I could hone my skills, express my creativity, and contribute to the world. The Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship is not just an avenue for financial support; it is a symbol of recognition for individuals who have harnessed their adversities to unlock their potential. It underscores the belief that adversity, when overcome, does not define us but refines us, and it strengthens our determination to pursue our goals. My goals extend beyond personal success; they encompass a fervent desire to use my education and experiences to make a meaningful impact on society. I see my journey as a source of inspiration for others facing adversity. I hope to prove that challenges are not insurmountable roadblocks; they are stepping stones to progress. In conclusion, the path to higher education is often characterized by resilience, and this scholarship is a testament to that spirit. My journey, marked by adversity and triumph, serves as a reminder that challenges do not define us. They empower us to reach higher, to achieve our goals, and to give back to the community. Education, when coupled with determination, is a powerful force for personal and societal growth. The Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship is more than financial support; it is a symbol of belief in the potential of individuals who have confronted adversity and emerged stronger. Through my experiences, I aspire to inspire others to recognize that adversity, when met with resilience, is not an obstacle but an opportunity for growth and transformation.
    Reinaldo Jiraud Memorial Scholarship
    My journey as a first-generation Hispanic student majoring in software engineering is a testament to the enduring power of determination and dreams. Against the backdrop of my unique background, my path to higher education in this field has been marked by resilience and the unwavering pursuit of knowledge. I hail from a small, marginalized town in Colombia, a place where the hope of attending college was often overshadowed by economic constraints and limited access to quality education. The struggles of my family and the sacrifices my parents made to provide for us served as a constant reminder of the value of education. However, their own experiences were devoid of college education, leaving me with the task of pioneering a path to higher education in my family, particularly in the specialized field of software engineering. As a first-generation Hispanic student with aspirations in software engineering, the complexities of the college admission process were daunting. Understanding financial aid applications and deciphering the nuances of academic programs in this highly technical field felt like navigating an intricate labyrinth. My parents, while supportive, could offer limited guidance, leaving me to seek answers independently. These challenges, however, were not deterrents; they were stepping stones that strengthened my determination and deepened my passion for software engineering. The financial burdens of tuition, textbooks, and daily living expenses added another layer of complexity to my journey. I balanced my academic pursuits with part-time work, determined to alleviate the financial strain on my family. The financial constraints only served to enhance my resolve; they were the fuel for my aspirations in the world of software engineering. Being a first-generation Hispanic student and aspiring software engineer also meant embracing the role of a trailblazer in a highly specialized field. I was conscious of the expectations resting on my shoulders, not just for my own success but as an example for my younger siblings and others who might be inspired to venture into this technically challenging domain. The struggles I have faced as a first-generation Hispanic student pursuing a software engineering major have not been setbacks; they have been invaluable lessons that have shaped my personal and academic growth. These experiences have instilled in me resilience, adaptability, and resourcefulness, qualities essential for a successful career in software engineering. I have learned that failures are not final; they are learning opportunities that drive progress. This scholarship, tailored for first-generation Hispanic students with ambitions in software engineering, represents more than just financial support; it symbolizes a recognition of the unique journey of individuals who are pioneering their way into highly specialized and technical fields. It underscores the potential we bring to enriching our communities and society at large. It is a symbol of belief in the power of education to transform lives and pave the way for more diversity and representation in STEM fields. In conclusion, my journey as a first-generation Hispanic student majoring in software engineering has been shaped by determination, dreams, and personal and academic growth. I am committed to using my education to empower not only myself but also my family and community. This scholarship is a testament to the belief that supporting first-generation Hispanic students pursuing careers in highly specialized fields is an investment in a brighter future for all. My experiences have taught me the value of resilience and the transformative power of education, and I hope to pay this forward by becoming a source of inspiration for others who embark on similar journeys into the world of software engineering.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    The prospect of college education, with its potential to unlock numerous doors to the future, is a dream that should be attainable for all who seek it. Unfortunately, many students from low-income or first-generation households, including myself, have often viewed higher education as an elusive aspiration, primarily due to financial barriers. I hail from a small, marginalized town in Colombia, a place where the horizon of opportunities was often overshadowed by financial constraints and limited access to educational resources. Growing up, the notion of attending college was akin to reaching for the stars – a distant dream that seemed almost unattainable. In a household where my parents, hardworking and supportive, had not experienced college themselves, the idea of higher education was seldom discussed. My early understanding of what was possible in terms of academic pursuits was thus shaped by these circumstances. As a first-generation college aspirant, the financial strain of tuition, books, and the bewildering array of application procedures was overwhelming. The cost of education could easily eclipse the dream of higher learning. However, my dreams and passions remained undeterred. I yearned for knowledge, and I had a burning desire to make a meaningful impact in my chosen field. It was through the unwavering support of mentors, teachers, and the guidance of educational programs that I discovered the possibility of college. These individuals provided the encouragement and insight necessary to navigate the complex college application process, and I realized that my aspirations were indeed within reach. The scholarship being offered is not just a monetary support but a symbol of hope for students like me who have had to surmount formidable obstacles in their pursuit of a college education. It recognizes that not all paths to higher education are straightforward and that barriers, particularly financial ones, can deter talented and passionate individuals from reaching their full potential. My background and experiences have not been without challenges, but they have instilled in me a profound sense of resilience and determination. They have taught me that no dream is too ambitious, and no obstacle is insurmountable. My background, with its unique set of challenges, has driven me to be resourceful and dedicated in my pursuit of education and personal growth. My plans for the future revolve around obtaining a college education that equips me with the knowledge and skills to contribute to society. I am passionate about [mention your field of interest or major] and aspire to make a meaningful impact in this field. College is not just an abstract goal; it is the gateway to turning these aspirations into reality. This scholarship will play a pivotal role in my journey. It will alleviate the financial burden associated with higher education, allowing me to focus on my studies and actively engage in extracurricular activities that further enrich my learning experience. It will provide the resources necessary to pursue internships, research opportunities, and community engagement that are integral to my growth as a student and as a future professional. In conclusion, the opportunity to access higher education is a transformative force, and this scholarship, designed to empower underrepresented minority and first-generation college students, represents a lifeline for many. My plans for the future are fueled by the belief that education is a pathway to progress, and this scholarship, in light of my unique background, will play a crucial role in turning those plans into reality. It is a testament to the belief that with the right support and opportunity, dreams that once seemed distant can be achieved.
    Lemon-Aid Scholarship
    The opportunity to apply for the Coleen Elizabeth Lemon scholarship, which celebrates the legacy of a remarkable individual who exemplified service and love, is a profound honor. Coleen's dedication to helping children and her strong advocacy for the transformative power of education strike a chord deep within me. Her legacy inspires me to not only pursue my educational dreams but to reflect on the influence of kindness in shaping my aspirations. For me, kindness found its embodiment in my father's dear friend, Jorge Ramos. He wasn't just a family friend; he was a guardian of dreams and a provider of opportunities. Jorge Ramos and I share a special bond; he was the one who extended his hand and gave me the opportunity to return to this country and pursue my education. My background includes a life marked by challenges and uncertainties, growing up in a place where the path to higher education was fraught with financial and logistical obstacles. College often felt like a distant dream beyond my reach. However, Jorge Ramos recognized my potential and the value of education in shaping my future. He graciously offered to sponsor my return to the United States, a gesture of kindness that has forever changed the course of my life. Jorge Ramos's impact on the way I think is immeasurable. His selflessness and belief in my potential have been a driving force in my journey. His kindness has instilled in me a profound sense of gratitude and a desire to pay it forward. He showed me that one person's generosity and kindness can illuminate the path for another, setting off a chain reaction of positivity. My background has instilled in me a commitment to using education as a means to create opportunities and open doors for others. Inspired by Jorge Ramos, I am dedicated to helping students, particularly those who face financial obstacles, realize their potential and pursue their dreams. In conclusion, Jorge Ramos's kindness and generosity, coupled with my background of challenges and aspirations, have been a guiding light in my life. His support and belief in my potential have left an indelible mark on my journey. He has shaped the way I think, inspiring me to be an advocate for others and to use education as a means to create opportunities and open doors for those in need. The Coleen Elizabeth Lemon scholarship, with its mission of honoring kindness and supporting students with financial need, would be a tremendous opportunity to further my educational aspirations and my commitment to giving back to my community.
    Debra Victoria Scholarship
    I am deeply honored to apply for the Debra Victoria Thomas-Banks scholarship, which aims to support underrepresented students from single-parent households. Debra Victoria's story of unwavering dedication to education and her daughter's commitment to continuing her legacy resonates with me on a profound level. I have experienced firsthand the challenges and triumphs of growing up in a single-parent household, and I am determined to forge a path that honors Debra Victoria's legacy. Living in a single-parent household has significantly impacted my career goals. I witnessed my mother's relentless efforts as a single parent, often working double and triple hours to ensure that my educational dreams were within reach. These sacrifices, although necessary, were not without their share of challenges. Financial constraints cast a looming shadow, and my mother's relentless work schedule meant that our time together was limited. However, these experiences instilled in me a strong sense of determination and resilience. I knew that the opportunities I had been given were not to be squandered. Rather, they were to be seized with both hands and transformed into a better future. The challenges I faced in a single-parent household have shaped my career aspirations. I am passionate about education and the transformative power it holds. This passion stems from my journey of overcoming obstacles. I aspire to make a positive impact through education, especially for those who, like me, come from underprivileged backgrounds. The sacrifices my mother made to ensure my access to education have inspired me to carry the torch forward. I am determined to pursue a career that centers on providing educational opportunities to those who face financial and social barriers. After college, I plan to leverage my education to bridge the gaps faced by individuals from single-parent households. I intend to work in the field of engineering, dedicating myself to developing programs and initiatives that make quality resources and education accessible to all. I believe that by focusing on equitable educational opportunities, we can empower individuals to overcome the challenges associated with single-parent households and chart a course toward success. Receiving the Debra Victoria Thomas-Banks scholarship would be a significant stepping stone in my journey. It would alleviate some of the financial burdens and create a smoother path to realizing my dreams. The scholarship would not only ease the burden of tuition fees but also allow me to focus on my studies and community initiatives. It would provide me with the resources to pursue internships and extracurricular activities, enhancing my skills and knowledge. Inspired by Debra Victoria's legacy, I am committed to giving back to my community and supporting students from similar backgrounds. I aspire to honor her memory by making a meaningful difference in the lives of those who, like me, come from single-parent households. I aim to create a positive impact, to be a role model, and to inspire others to believe in the power of education and determination. In conclusion, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Debra Victoria Thomas-Banks scholarship. My experiences of growing up in a single-parent household have strengthened my determination to pursue a career in education and make a meaningful impact. With the support of this scholarship, I hope to take the first steps towards honoring Debra Victoria's legacy and creating a brighter future for myself and others.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    ME. Just the best possible version of myself. Fighting for my dreams and helping the ones that I love.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    Growing up in a small, marginalized town in Colombia, my life's journey has been a testament to resilience and unwavering determination. Despite the challenges that defined my early years, my love for reading became a beacon of hope, offering solace and inspiration. This love for books would ultimately intersect with my deep passion for coding, setting the stage for a journey that would take me across borders and test my limits. In the midst of political unrest and coups that rocked my homeland, I found myself standing at a crossroads. Faced with uncertainty and limited opportunities, I took a leap of faith and made the decision to travel alone to the United States. Leaving behind my family, friends, and everything familiar was a daunting prospect, but I believed it was the only way to shape a brighter future and escape the turmoil that had engulfed Colombia. Arriving in the United States, I faced a myriad of challenges. Adapting to a new culture, navigating a foreign education system, and learning to communicate in a language I had previously only studied were just a few of the hurdles. Yet, these challenges were not deterrents; they were catalysts for personal growth. They pushed me to break out of my comfort zone and develop a resilience I never knew I possessed. My fascination with technology and coding served as a guiding light during these uncertain times. Through self-study and dedication, I immersed myself in the world of programming. I sought out mentors and online courses, determined to acquire the skills that would open doors to a brighter future. With each line of code I wrote and each project I tackled, I discovered the immense power of technology to bridge gaps and create opportunities. In parallel to my academic pursuits, I found myself developing a deep appreciation for the beauty of language. Being bilingual, fluent in both Spanish and English, and having foundational knowledge of French and Portuguese, I came to understand the universal importance of communication. Language became a tool not only for personal growth but also for connecting with people from diverse backgrounds, transcending borders and cultures. Currently, I find myself diligently juggling two jobs, working tirelessly to financially support my education. The challenges are substantial, but they only fuel my drive to succeed. My dream job is one that not only harnesses my coding skills but also enables me to give back to the community I hail from. I envision a future where I can leverage technology to uplift the marginalized, fostering growth and empowerment. Receiving this scholarship would be a pivotal moment in my journey. It would ease the financial burdens that have been a constant presence as I strive to build a better life in the United States. With this support, I can devote more time and energy to my education and community-oriented goals. It would not only be an investment in my future but also in the collective future of marginalized communities, where technology can be a catalyst for transformation. My journey from a small, marginalized town in Colombia to the United States has been a profound testament to resilience, determination, and the unwavering pursuit of dreams. I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for this scholarship, as it would not only support my educational pursuits but also empower me to continue working toward my vision of using technology to uplift and empower those who need it most. Leaving my comfort zone and taking a leap of faith was just the beginning, and with your support, I am committed to making a lasting impact on the world.
    Abu Omar Halal Scholarship
    Born from the crucible of challenges in my native Colombia, my journey has been shaped by resilience and a deep-rooted commitment to making a lasting positive impact. Guided by an unwavering belief in the power of education and the potential of technology, I have set my sights on a career in software engineering with a singular goal: to uplift and empower my community through innovation. My fascination with technology, particularly software engineering, ignited during my early years. The intricacies of coding and the creative process of crafting functional applications captivated me. This passion evolved into a formidable skill set, evidenced by my successful completion of esteemed courses such as the CS50 program. Through these experiences, I've come to recognize that software engineering holds the potential to transcend boundaries and to be a catalyst for profound change. At the heart of my career aspirations lies a deep desire to give back to the community that has nurtured me. Colombia, a country marked by diversity and challenges, has taught me the value of empathy and resilience. By employing my expertise in software engineering, I aspire to develop innovative solutions that address critical issues facing my community. Education, for instance, remains a cornerstone of empowerment. I envision creating user-friendly platforms that facilitate distance learning, granting access to quality education to those who need it most. In underserved areas, limited healthcare access is a pressing concern. I believe that technology can bridge this gap. Through software engineering, I intend to develop applications that streamline healthcare information and enhance telemedicine capabilities, enabling individuals to receive medical attention irrespective of their location. This is not merely a career path; it's a commitment to creating lasting, sustainable change. My journey is driven not only by my technical skills but also by my deeply ingrained empathy. I have experienced firsthand the challenges faced by my community, and this intimate understanding fuels my determination to make a difference. By crafting solutions that address their unique needs, I aim to empower individuals and open doors to new possibilities. However, the road ahead is not without its challenges. The intricate landscape of software engineering demands continuous learning and adaptation. But like the community I aim to uplift, I approach these challenges with resilience and determination. Juggling responsibilities to support my education, I have honed my resourcefulness and time management skills – attributes that I believe will serve me well in my career journey. Furthermore, I recognize the importance of embracing diverse perspectives. In a world as interconnected as ours, cultural sensitivity and the ability to bridge gaps between different communities are vital. Through my bilingualism and openness to learning from others, I am equipped to create software solutions that resonate on a global scale while remaining locally relevant. As I embark on this path, I draw inspiration from the notion that our impact is not measured solely by personal achievements but by the positive change we bring to others. I am reminded of the collective potential for transformation and upliftment that lies within my community, waiting to be unlocked. In conclusion, my trajectory in software engineering is a fusion of my passions, my commitment to my roots, and my drive to serve. Just as previous generations have left legacies of generosity and progress, I am determined to contribute to the betterment of my community. Through software engineering, empathy, and innovation, I hope to reshape lives and leave behind a legacy of empowerment – one that reflects the transformative power of technology in the service of humanity.
    Christina Taylese Singh Memorial Scholarship
    n the tapestry of my life, threads of resilience, determination, and a commitment to community empowerment are woven seamlessly. Raised in a town where challenges were commonplace, I understood the importance of helping those in need. This ethos, combined with my passion for technology and a deep-rooted empathy, has propelled me towards a career in healthcare informatics – a field that resonates with my desire to make a positive impact on healthcare accessibility and quality. My journey into technology began with a curiosity that evolved into a deep-seated passion. The world of coding and digital innovation opened up a realm of possibilities, culminating in my successful completion of the prestigious CS50 course from a renowned institution. This journey underscored the transformative power of technology, igniting a desire to channel this power towards creating equitable healthcare solutions. The field of healthcare informatics beckons to me like a harmonious symphony. It blends my ardor for technology with my unwavering commitment to uplifting those facing challenges, echoing the legacy of generosity left by many before me. Like the master conductor of an orchestra, healthcare informatics orchestrates data, technology, and compassionate care to create an environment where patients' needs and well-being take center stage. What draws me most to healthcare informatics is its potential to bridge gaps and remove barriers in healthcare delivery. The juxtaposition of health and technology has the power to break down geographical boundaries, ensuring that even the most marginalized communities can access quality care. Having witnessed firsthand the struggles of underserved areas, I am driven by the desire to ensure that healthcare is no longer a privilege but a right for all. My personal experiences have forged a strong connection between my aspirations and my journey. Overcoming financial hardships, I understand the significance of accessible healthcare. This understanding fuels my determination to leverage my tech skills to develop solutions that enable individuals, regardless of their economic circumstances, to receive the medical attention they deserve. Beyond the realm of technology, my empathy for others' struggles forms the foundation of my character. The legacy of service and generosity left by those who have given back to their communities resonates deeply within me. I view healthcare informatics as a canvas on which I can paint a picture of compassionate care. By streamlining medical information, enhancing communication between healthcare providers, and making healthcare data accessible, I aim to ensure that patients are at the heart of every decision made. My journey is not only a pursuit of professional growth but a commitment to societal betterment. This path has led me to embrace diverse cultures and perspectives through language acquisition. In healthcare informatics, diversity is not just a buzzword; it's a driving force that ensures solutions cater to the unique needs of all individuals, regardless of their backgrounds.. In conclusion, my journey has been shaped by the desire to uplift, the curiosity to innovate, and the commitment to empower others. Healthcare informatics is more than a career choice; it's a vehicle through which I can leave an indelible mark on the world. Just as the echoes of past legacies continue to inspire, I am determined to create a symphony of care and innovation that resonates for generations to come – a melody that harmonizes the wellbeing of individuals with the transformative power of technology.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    Cheryl Twilley's legacy of generosity is a beacon of inspiration that resonates deeply with my own journey. Her belief in serving others and reaching out to those facing socioeconomic challenges strikes a chord within me, igniting my passion to make a meaningful impact on the lives of those who, like me, have experienced financial adversity. Just as Cheryl's spirit lives on through her acts of kindness, I too am committed to creating positive change in the face of adversity. Growing up in a marginalized town in Colombia, I witnessed firsthand the profound impact of socioeconomic struggles on individuals and communities. Cheryl's dedication to supporting those facing financial hardships reminds me of my own aspirations. The pursuit of a better future and the desire to uplift my community have been the driving forces that have guided me on my journey from that small town to pursuing education and opportunities in the United States. Cheryl's devotion to giving back resonates with me deeply. My own path has been shaped by adversity and the determination to overcome it. As I navigated political upheavals and pursued safety in a new land, I recognized the transformative power of education and the significance of extending a helping hand to those grappling with similar challenges. My love for learning, fueled by curiosity and an unyielding spirit, has propelled me forward. From delving into literature for both solace and inspiration to embracing the world of coding to understand and shape the digital realm, I have harnessed my passions to enhance my understanding and capabilities. Education, for me, is not merely a means to personal growth, but a tool to uplift my community. I hold a fervent ambition to use my education and skills to address the very adversities that have marked my journey. Cheryl's legacy reinforces my commitment to supporting and empowering those who share my background, who understand the struggle of transcending socioeconomic challenges. My dream job aligns with Cheryl's legacy - a role where I can work tirelessly to create opportunities for those who have been marginalized, helping them pave their own paths to success. My own experiences with financial hardship have provided me with a unique perspective on the barriers that young people face in pursuing their dreams. Juggling two jobs to support my education, I have witnessed firsthand the hurdles that come with limited financial resources. However, these challenges have not deterred me; rather, they have fueled my determination to overcome obstacles and to advocate for equitable access to education and opportunities. Cheryl's legacy of generosity reminds me that even in the face of adversity, we have the power to make a difference. Just as she believed in extending outreach to those in need, I am resolute in my mission to dismantle the barriers created by socioeconomic struggles. Through my bilingualism, dedication to learning new languages, and the pursuit of knowledge, I aim to foster understanding among diverse cultures and perspectives. In conclusion, Cheryl Twilley's legacy is a testament to the transformative power of generosity and compassion. Her commitment to addressing socioeconomic adversity resonates with my own experiences and aspirations. As I strive to make a difference by creating opportunities and breaking down barriers, I am guided by Cheryl's spirit, motivated to honor her legacy through my own actions and endeavors. Just as she left a mark of kindness, I am determined to leave a mark of progress and empowerment, one that echoes for generations to come
    Dr. Samuel Attoh Legacy Scholarship
    For me, legacy is the thread that connects us to the past while weaving the tapestry of the future—a reflection of the impact we leave behind, not just in terms of material possessions, but in the lives we touch, the values we uphold, and the positive change we inspire. To me, legacy is the echo of our existence that reverberates through time, a testament to the choices we make, the values we embrace, and the imprint we leave on the world. My upbringing in a marginalized Colombian town has been the cornerstone of my journey, shaping both my perspective and aspirations. It instilled in me a resilient spirit, teaching me the value of unity in the face of adversity and the power of community support. My heritage has shown me that strength arises from shared struggles, and it's a reminder that embracing diversity and empathetic understanding fosters unity and growth. The civil unrest that rocked my homeland in 2020 was a pivotal chapter in my life. It taught me that challenges can be the catalysts for transformation, igniting a fervent desire to make a difference. Witnessing the turmoil firsthand, I realized the importance of social justice and the role of education in creating positive change. My upbringing in Colombia, amid struggles and triumphs, intensified my commitment to leveraging my opportunities for the greater good. My plan is to honor my heritage and break cycles of adversity by pursuing higher education and careers that empower marginalized communities. I want to amplify underrepresented voices, much like the resilient voices that emerged from my homeland's turmoil. My goal is to channel the strength I've cultivated from my Colombian roots into projects that foster inclusivity and advocate for equitable opportunities. Through education, I aim to dismantle the cycle of limited resources that hinder progress. By supporting initiatives that provide education and mentorship to marginalized youths, I strive to offer them the tools to create their own legacies. I believe in the power of knowledge to uplift, and I'm committed to providing opportunities that can alter the course of young lives, just as my path was altered by seizing educational opportunities. Breaking the cycle also involves transcending boundaries. My Colombian heritage has taught me to embrace cultural diversity, and I'm dedicated to fostering inclusivity in every sphere I enter. I plan to engage in projects that bridge gaps, whether it's through technological innovations that enhance accessibility to education or community programs that promote cultural exchange. In conclusion, legacy to me is about nurturing a garden of positive impact that flourishes long after I'm gone. My upbringing in Colombia has shaped my journey, imbuing me with resilience, empathy, and an unwavering commitment to creating a better world. By leveraging education, fostering inclusivity, and supporting marginalized communities, I aspire to redefine the narrative, break the cycle of adversity, and etch a legacy that resonates with empowerment, unity, and transformative change.
    Windward Spirit Scholarship
    The ebb and flow of time carry the call of destiny across generations, a timeless rhythm that resonates uniquely with each era. As an impassioned participant in the tapestry of the Millennials-Gen Z, the echoes of my Colombian heritage infuse my response to the Ode to Millennials-Gen Z with a rich mosaic of emotions and insights. This ode, a masterpiece of intergenerational reflection, beckons us to ponder our own "rendezvous with destiny" while recognizing the profound ways our diverse origins shape our responses to the intricate challenges we confront. The foundation of my identity was laid in the embrace of a marginalized Colombian town—a crucible that molded resilience amidst adversity's flames. The reverberations of civil unrest that echoed through Colombia in 2020 left an indelible imprint, underscoring the struggles that have indefatigably chiseled the narrative of my life. Immersed in the ode's verses, history's threads entwine, as the poem bridges the chasm between the Greatest Generation and the Millennials-Gen Z. An era marked by economic tumult and global conflict resonates with our own, characterized by economic volatility, environmental urgencies, and intricate societal complexities. The ode's exploration of communication preferences illuminates the intricate dance of generational dynamics. My Colombian heritage, steeped in the warmth of personal connections, encountered the swift currents of technological innovation, reshaping my understanding of connectivity. This juxtaposition of tradition and modernity paints the backdrop against which I navigate my aspirations, a harmonious blend of two worlds that births a unique perspective. The ode's portrayal of the Millennials-Gen Z as a generation marked by kindness and empathy strikes a profound chord, harmonizing deeply with my heritage. My Colombian upbringing nurtured a profound respect for others—a deeply ingrained value that fuels my commitment to my community and the global sphere. Rooted in the foundations of my culture, I've internalized the belief that positive change blooms not from resentment but from embracing challenges with resilience and grace. This philosophy, an intrinsic part of my heritage, resonates harmoniously with the ode's depiction of a generation embracing adversities as the fuel for catalyzing societal transformation. In essence, the ode's exploration of parallel destinies illuminates the boundless potential residing within resilience and determination. My Colombian roots have imparted the wisdom that adversity is the fertile soil from which growth emerges. The ode's call to wholeheartedly embrace life's journey resonates with a potency that kindles an unwavering commitment within me—to carve a positive impact amid the tumultuous currents of our era. As the ode envisions the emergence of "The Greatest Generation 2.0," my heart swells with unwavering resolve, nourished by my heritage and the collective aspirations of the Millennials-Gen Z. The confluence of diverse backgrounds and unified values forms the bedrock upon which we shall construct a renewed era of transformation. With each brushstroke of our efforts, we aim to color the canvas of history with vibrant hues of unity, progress, and social harmony. In closing, as I heed the ode's call to embrace my rendezvous with destiny, I stand acutely aware that my Colombian heritage and the unified spirit of the Millennials-Gen Z intertwine to compose a narrative that is both a brilliantly woven tapestry and a luminous promise—a narrative that orchestrates the echoes of history with the vibrant rhythm of the present, forging a path illuminated by empowerment, unity, and an unwavering dedication to catalyzing positive change. In this harmonious symphony of generations, our heritage and aspirations converge to paint a future that resonates with the enduring spirit of transformation
    Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
    In the symphony of pursuing a college degree, every student's melody carries its own unique notes. For students from diverse backgrounds, especially those belonging to underrepresented racial minorities, the journey is often an intricate composition, shaped by challenges that are both shared and distinctive. This scholarship recognizes the fortitude required by underrepresented minority students like me and seeks to offer a guiding light through the complex labyrinth of higher education. My personal journey as a BIPOC student has been an odyssey of resilience, shaped by a unique blend of experiences. Raised in Colombia, a nation that embodies vibrant diversity and cultural tapestries, I learned the value of unity in the face of adversity. My roots in a land of rich heritage and history have armed me with the strength to tackle challenges head-on—a resilience that was put to the test during the tumultuous civil unrest that rocked my homeland in 2020. The echoes of civil unrest that reverberated through Colombia in 2020 created a seismic shift in my life. The turmoil and uncertainty that accompanied the protests were stark reminders of the socio-political challenges faced by my community. However, these events also fortified my resolve to embrace my identity as a member of an underrepresented minority and to amplify voices that had been marginalized for far too long. Amidst the upheaval, the pursuit of higher education remained a beacon of hope—a testament to the transformative power of knowledge. As a BIPOC student, I was driven to carve a path that defied adversity and embraced the opportunities education could provide. My journey, infused with the echoes of my Colombian heritage, empowered me to be a bridge between diverse cultures and perspectives, a commitment I wholeheartedly embrace as a student pursuing higher education. The impact of my identity as a minority member has been profound and far-reaching. As I continue to navigate the corridors of academia, I remain mindful of the importance of representation, both in the classroom and beyond. The challenges of isolation, financial constraints, and racial prejudice have only deepened my resolve to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion. With the scholarship's embrace, I am poised to leverage my experiences and aspirations. The journey of an underrepresented minority student encompasses trials and triumphs, each contributing to the evolution of an empowered and resilient individual. As I gaze into the future, my commitment to overcoming barriers and dismantling inequalities remains unwavering. I aspire to become a catalyst for change, leveraging my experiences to shape inclusive spaces and amplify voices that have long been suppressed. In conclusion, my journey as a BIPOC student is an intricate mosaic woven with threads of heritage, resilience, and a fervent commitment to transformation. This scholarship, founded on recognizing the unique challenges we face, serves as a symbol of unity and empowerment. Through education, I am determined to break barriers, celebrate diversity, and ignite a ripple of change that reverberates far beyond the classroom, leaving an indelible mark on the world.
    Minority/Women in STEM Scholarship
    The pursuit of education has been a journey of resilience—a path paved with obstacles that have tested my determination and shaped my aspirations. Reflecting on the challenges I've overcome while seeking education, I find alignment with the scholarships inspired by exceptional figures who embody qualities of growth, integrity, and ambition. As I navigate the challenges unique to my background, I am poised to channel my STEM education toward making a meaningful impact on the world. Originating from a marginalized town in Colombia, my path was defined by trials that demanded unwavering resolve. Political turmoil and limited resources compelled me to embark on a courageous journey to the United States—an odyssey fueled by the promise of opportunities and the pursuit of a brighter future. Within the realm of education, the spark of learning became my guiding light. However, financial limitations cast shadows on my academic aspirations. The intricate balance of managing multiple jobs to sustain my studies underscored my determination to overcome adversity and excel academically. Through my journey, I've embraced the intrinsic power of STEM education to enact positive change. Empowered by the support I've received, I am committed to paying forward the guidance and resources that propelled me. My STEM education has equipped me with the tools to bridge divides, harnessing technology and science to empower underserved communities. The challenges I've encountered have not deterred me but rather fueled my sense of purpose. As I tread this path, I envision a future where STEM education transcends barriers, empowering individuals to innovate and uplift their communities. Inspired by a commitment to growth, my vision reflects the ideals exemplified by the scholarships—ideals that illuminate my journey and steer my aspirations. In forging my path, I am reminded that challenges can be stepping stones towards change. My journey in education has sculpted me into a resilient and empathetic individual, poised to make a positive impact. Through STEM education, I aspire to drive innovation, cultivate equity, and create opportunities for those who face obstacles similar to mine. In conclusion, my educational journey is an embodiment of triumph over challenges, reflecting the spirit of growth that the scholarships encapsulate. Through my STEM education, I aim to carve a legacy of empowerment, bridging disparities and fostering a world where knowledge is a beacon of change. This legacy, rooted in shared values and aspirations, pays homage to those who inspire me and embodies the promise of a brighter future for all.
    Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    Resilience, the bedrock of my journey, is a force that propels individuals beyond adversity, guiding them towards a brighter future. This trajectory of perseverance and aspiration is vividly encapsulated in the scholarships inspired by remarkable figures like Andy Nieto, Chadwick D. McNab, Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr., and Richard P. Mullen. Each scholarship, bearing the name of an individual who embodies values such as ambition, growth, and integrity, strikes a resonant chord with my own narrative—a narrative driven by a fervent desire to give back, to learn, and to make an enduring impact. Originating from a marginalized Colombian town, my life story weaves through challenges that have deepened my resolve to create positive change. In the face of political unrest and turmoil, I embarked on a courageous journey to the United States, driven by the pursuit of safety and the promise of a future defined by opportunities. The thread of learning has been my constant companion, weaving through two distinct realms—literature and coding. Books became my refuge and a wellspring of inspiration, while coding emerged as my gateway to comprehending and shaping the digital world. My accomplishment in completing Harvard's prestigious CS50 course isn't just a testament to my determination; it reflects my passion for technology and the transformative potential it holds. Amidst the challenges, my dreams have remained steadfast—a fervent aspiration to uplift the community that shaped my identity. With an intimate understanding of the struggles endured by marginalized communities, I am unwavering in my commitment to leverage my education and skills to enact meaningful change. My envisioned career path, an embodiment of my journey and values, centers around empowering and supporting those who share a similar voyage. As I strive towards my ambitions, I find resonance in the values and legacies etched into the scholarships named after Hilliard L. "Tack" Gibbs Jr. These types of scholarships serve as beacons of not only financial support, but also of their commitment to progress, innovation, and community betterment. Amidst this journey, my aspirations are tethered to the reasons that drive me—the same reasons I hold close to my heart. Just as each scholarship honors the legacy of individuals who left indelible marks, I aspire to be a catalyst for change, driven by the desire to give back and make the world a better place. This commitment, guided by the torchbearers who paved the way, fuels my determination to pursue science, technology, and growth—to forge a path that not only shapes my destiny but leaves a lasting impact.
    Chadwick D. McNab Memorial Scholarship
    The realm of technology beckons with its vast horizons of opportunity, promising personal growth and the power to effect change. Chadwick D. McNab, a luminary in software development, epitomized this ideal throughout his career, inspiring countless individuals to embrace progress and uplift their communities. His legacy, rooted in empowerment and growth, finds resonance in my journey, driving me to honor his vision and create a lasting impact as a burgeoning technologist. Incorporating the essence of Chadwick D. McNab's career, I've embraced the philosophy of progress and innovation that a technological path offers. His mentorship and dedication to both personal and communal development echo in the aspirations of countless individuals, including my own. His profound influence underscores the transformative power of technology in our lives. My own technological journey, shaped by the backdrop of my Colombian origins, culminated in a project that reflected both my passion for coding and my commitment to community. Collaborating within a team during the pandemic, we developed a software solution that generated affordable and accessible COVID test certificates—an initiative born from the desire to alleviate a pressing need within my community in Colombia. This project encapsulated the spirit of technology as an enabler of solutions, addressing real-world challenges with innovation and empathy. The project not only underscored the potential of technology to shape lives but also highlighted its role in nurturing communities. The software, a bridge between health necessities and accessibility, exemplified my conviction that technology serves as a vehicle for positive change. Just as Chadwick D. McNab championed growth and progress, I experienced firsthand the profound impact a technological solution can have on the lives of those in need. The Chadwick D. McNab Scholarship, a tribute to his legacy, offers a poignant connection between his ideals and my journey. As an undergraduate student with Colombian roots, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for a scholarship that encapsulates the very essence of my aspirations. Majoring in computer science, I am driven by the vision of technology as a catalyst for personal and communal betterment. The scholarship's prompt, inviting us to share both our technical endeavors and our inspirations, resonates deeply with my experiences. The COVID test certificate project, initiated to support my community in Colombia during a global crisis, showcases the transformative power of technology when harnessed for the greater good. It embodies the core values that Chadwick D. McNab stood for—innovation, empathy, and community impact. In closing, a career in technology signifies an odyssey of endless possibilities, inviting personal growth and empowerment. Chadwick D. McNab's legacy serves as a guiding light, illuminating the path of progress and transformation. As I chart my own course within the realm of technology, his life's journey becomes a beacon of inspiration, reminding me that technology holds the key to effecting meaningful change. The scholarship in his name not only supports my pursuits but also validates the mission I share with him—to utilize technology to empower communities, bridge gaps, and create a brighter future.
    Richard P. Mullen Memorial Scholarship
    Integrity, the embodiment of unwavering principles and ethical values, lies at the heart of meaningful character. Richard P. Mullen, a paragon of integrity, encapsulated these virtues in every facet of his life. His selfless guidance and commitment to others exemplify a legacy that continues to inspire. As I reflect on the essence of integrity, I find it mirrored not only in my aspirations but also in my journey from a marginalized town in Colombia to pursuing engineering—an endeavor that aligns seamlessly with Mr. Mullen's legacy. The life of Richard P. Mullen stands as a testament to the very ideals of integrity that he embodied. Graduating Cum Laude from Rutgers University in his thirties, he exemplified a commitment to education that was unshaken by challenges. As a brilliant structural engineer, he set an example of uncompromising dedication, culminating in the establishment of his own firm. Yet, it was his selfless nature in guiding others that truly set him apart, underscoring the profound impact that integrity can have on a community. My personal journey, stemming from a marginalized town in Colombia, resonates with the virtues that Mr. Mullen lived by. Just as he forged his path despite adversities, I've navigated a similar path, seeking refuge in the United States to escape political turmoil and pursue my dreams. My background has instilled within me a profound appreciation for the transformative power of education and the significance of contributing positively to my community. The values of perseverance, resilience, and determination that I've cultivated are inextricably linked with the integrity that Mr. Mullen exemplified. Pursuing a degree in engineering is more than an academic pursuit; it's an embodiment of integrity. This field demands a commitment to precision, ethics, and accountability, mirroring the principles that Mr. Mullen so beautifully embodied. Just as he left an indelible impact on the field, I aspire to contribute to the world of engineering while upholding the same values of honesty and ethical responsibility. The scholarship established in honor of Richard P. Mullen not only reflects his legacy but resonates with the trajectory of students like me. My journey as a first-generation student from a marginalized background aligns with Mr. Mullen's commitment to education. The scholarship extends a supportive hand, not only easing the financial burdens but also symbolizing a shared dedication to the values of integrity and selfless service. Just as Mr. Mullen devoted his time to guide and assist others, I am committed to utilizing my education to uplift and empower my community through engineering projects and initiatives. While I am still crafting my legacy, I am resolute in my determination to make a positive impact, guided by the principles that Mr. Mullen embodied. With the scholarship's support, I am not only embarking on a journey in engineering; I am embracing a path that resonates with my values, aspirations, and the unwavering principles Mr. Mullen championed. The financial aid represents more than its tangible value—it signifies the endorsement of my commitment and the opportunity to follow in the footsteps of a remarkable individual. In conclusion, integrity is a force that transcends words—it shapes character and leaves an indelible mark. Richard P. Mullen's life stands as a testament to the enduring impact of integrity. As I navigate the realm of engineering, his legacy serves as a guiding light, reminding me of the values he held dear. This scholarship, borne from his legacy, propels me toward a future defined by unwavering principles, ethical responsibility, and a commitment to creating positive change through my journey in engineering.
    Cybersecurity & The Latinx Community Scholarship
    My life's narrative has been one of resilience, determination, and a deep-rooted desire to make a meaningful impact. Growing up in a marginalized town in Colombia and navigating the challenges of seeking refuge in the United States, I've come to recognize the power of education and the importance of securing our digital world. These experiences have led me to embark on a journey in cybersecurity—an endeavor that not only aligns with my affinity for coding but also fulfills my aspiration to create a safer, more secure future for all. The world of coding became my refuge and passion, offering an escape from the adversities I encountered. Through books and coding, I discovered the realm of technology, recognizing its transformative potential. However, alongside this potential came the sobering reality of cyber threats that could compromise individuals, businesses, and communities. The increasing frequency and sophistication of these threats underscored the need for cybersecurity experts who could safeguard our digital landscape. My background, with its brushes with political unrest and personal challenges, further fueled my determination to contribute to this critical field. Opting to pursue a degree in cybersecurity was a natural progression—a decision that crystallized my purpose. It amalgamates my love for coding with my unwavering commitment to fortify our digital defenses. Just as I confronted the challenges life threw my way, I am eager to tackle the complexities of cybersecurity, continuously adapting and learning to stay ahead of ever-evolving threats. Looking ahead, I envision myself at the forefront of cybersecurity innovation, working collaboratively to engineer solutions that shield our digital infrastructure. I am driven by the vision of a future where individuals and organizations can harness technology's potential without fear, where data is secure, and where the digital landscape fosters progress rather than peril. My academic journey, bolstered by the CS50 course at Harvard and certificates from a polytechnic university in Colombia, has equipped me with the knowledge to contribute meaningfully in this dynamic field. The seamless connection between my background and chosen path is unmistakable. Just as my experiences shaped my resilience, my aspirations underscore my commitment to making a lasting impact. My future entails not only strengthening cybersecurity protocols but also fostering inclusivity within the field. I aspire to create avenues for underrepresented individuals to excel in technology, helping them navigate a landscape that is often uncharted for them. In conclusion, my pursuit of a degree in cybersecurity encapsulates my journey—from a marginalized town in Colombia to pursuing a path that aligns with my passion and purpose. Coding, a refuge in my earlier years, has transformed into a tool to secure our digital world. My experiences and aspirations intertwine, propelling me toward a future where I can safeguard individuals and organizations from the threats that loom in cyberspace. As my journey unfolds, I aim to leave an indelible mark on the world of cybersecurity, forging a path to a safer and more secure future for everyone.
    Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship
    Achieving dreams isn't a swift journey; it's a process that requires resilience, determination, and the courage to confront the obstacles that stand in our way. These challenges, whether they stem from financial constraints, family circumstances, or unique trials, are not hindrances but opportunities for growth. The Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship recognizes that the path to success is paved with challenges, and it aims to support minority students like me as we overcome these obstacles and strive to make our dreams a reality. As a BIPOC student, my journey has been marked by hurdles that I've faced head-on. Financial constraints have often cast a shadow on my aspirations, making it clear that my dreams would require relentless effort and dedication to overcome. However, I've come to understand that running away from these challenges only leads to stagnation. Instead, confronting these obstacles and channeling my energies into surmounting them has enabled me to inch closer to my aspirations. One of the defining challenges I've encountered is that of balancing education with familial responsibilities. As a single parent, the demands on my time and energy have been monumental. However, this role has also shown me the power of perseverance and the value of selflessness. Through late-night study sessions and early morning parenting duties, I've learned the art of time management and multitasking – skills that are invaluable not only in academics but also in life. My chosen path is driven by my aspiration to give back. By embracing the opportunities that higher education offers, I aim to equip myself with the skills and knowledge necessary to empower those who are marginalized and underserved. I envision leveraging my education to create mentorship programs, workshops, and initiatives that provide guidance and resources to those facing similar obstacles. The scholarship I receive would not just be a financial boost; it would be an affirmation of the potential impact I can make on my community. The Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship, designed to uplift minority students like me, holds profound significance. It recognizes that success isn't determined by the absence of challenges but by the courage to tackle them head-on. The preference given to single parents acknowledges the unique struggles we face and highlights the importance of providing a support system that acknowledges and values our efforts. In conclusion, the journey toward achieving dreams is a testament to one's resilience and determination. I am deeply honored to apply for the Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship, as it aligns with my personal journey and aspirations. By confronting the obstacles I've encountered and transforming them into stepping stones, I am inching closer to my dream career while also embracing the responsibility of giving back to my community. This scholarship not only offers financial aid but also signifies a partnership in my pursuit of success and empowerment. Just as obstacles are an integral part of any journey, this scholarship is an integral part of my journey toward meaningful impact and lasting change.
    Dr. Andy Nieto Memorial First Generation Opportunity and Excellence Scholarship
    Dr. Andy Nieto was more than just a brilliant scientist; he was a beacon of inspiration, a paragon of academic achievement, and a beloved brother whose memory continues to resonate within the realms of materials science and engineering. As a first-generation student raised in a marginalized town in Colombia, my journey to pursue higher education in engineering mirrors the determination and passion that defined Dr. Nieto's life. With unwavering resolve and a deep connection to my roots, I stand on the threshold of my aspirations, driven not only by personal ambition but also by a burning desire to honor the legacy of a remarkable individual. That personal ambition brought me the opportunity to come to the United States on a journey of my own and pursue the future that my parents wanted me to have but the circumstances didn't let it be so. In my formative years, I found myself immersed in a world of adversity, marked by political upheavals and economic challenges. These circumstances ignited a fervent longing for change, compelling me to seek a path that would lead me toward a future where I could make a meaningful impact. Driven by my love for reading and coding, I embarked on a transformative journey that eventually led me to the United States, away from the coups and chaos that had plagued my homeland. My journey mirrors Dr. Nieto's in its pursuit of knowledge and progress, albeit in a different field. With a heart full of hope and a mind eager to learn, I delved into the world of engineering. The realms of possibilities that engineering offered resonated deeply with my aspirations to contribute to my marginalized community. Every equation I solved and every concept I grasped became a step towards realizing my dream job: one that enables me to uplift and support the very community that shaped my earliest experiences. This dream encapsulates the essence of Dr. Nieto's legacy, as he not only excelled in his academic pursuits but also touched the lives of his students and family through his dedication and compassion. As a student who has achieved a GPA of over 3.5, I align with the academic excellence that Dr. Nieto embodied. However, what truly draws me to his story is his connection to first-generation students. Dr. Nieto's journey from his roots to becoming an esteemed alumnus of FIU and a respected scholar resonates with my own experiences. Being a first-generation college student comes with its unique set of challenges, but it also carries the power to break generational barriers and set an example for those who will follow. The field of material science holds a special place in my heart, primarily because of its potential to transform industries and solve real-world problems. Just as Dr. Nieto's pioneering research on graphene reinforced ceramic matrix composites pushed the boundaries of possibility, I am drawn to material science for its capacity to innovate and reshape our world. My enrollment in the CS50 course from Harvard and the acquisition of certificates from a polytechnic university in Colombia attest to my dedication to this field, underscoring my alignment with Dr. Nieto's passion for groundbreaking research. This scholarship, in a certain way, serves as a bridge between his legacy and my aspirations. It is not just a financial support system; it symbolizes the passing of a torch from a brilliant scientist to an eager first-generation student. As I stand at this crossroads, I am profoundly aware of the responsibility that comes with being a recipient of such an honor. It is not just about pursuing an engineering degree; it is about embracing the opportunity to learn, grow, and ultimately give back. The importance of being a first-generation college student cannot be understated. It signifies a journey of breaking molds, shattering limitations, and paving the way for future generations. Dr. Nieto's story reminds us that the pursuit of knowledge is a noble endeavor, one that transcends boundaries and shapes destinies. His legacy ignites a fire within me to continue pushing forward, to excel not only for my own advancement but also to carry his legacy forward in the field of engineering and material science. In conclusion, my journey from a marginalized town in Colombia to pursuing an engineering degree is interwoven with the essence of Dr. Andy Nieto's life. The challenges, dreams, and aspirations that have defined my path echo the spirit of a brilliant scientist who left an indelible mark on his field and his students. This scholarship is more than just financial assistance; it is an affirmation of my potential, a validation of my dedication, and a connection to a legacy that embodies excellence and compassion. As I forge ahead in my pursuit of higher education, I do so with profound gratitude for the opportunity to honor Dr. Nieto's memory and to continue the narrative he has woven into the fabric of materials science and engineering.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    The Chris Jackson Computer Science Education scholarship carries a profound significance for me, as its very essence aligns remarkably with my personal journey. Much like Chris Jackson, I've been on a path shaped by determination, adversity, and a profound passion for computer science. From a marginalized town in Colombia to pursuing education in a new land, my narrative mirrors his in many ways. My fascination with computer science was sparked amidst the challenges of my upbringing. Raised in a town where resources were scarce, books became my refuge. As I delved into literature, my intrigue with technology grew. The more I learned, the more I saw its potential to uplift marginalized communities like my own. This led me to embark on the journey of coding, a journey that culminated in my completion of Harvard's CS50 course and certificates from a renowned polytechnic university in Colombia. Looking ahead, my dream job after attaining my computer science degree is to become a bridge between technology and marginalized communities, just as Chris Jackson's legacy exemplifies. My heart resonates with the idea that computer science can be a powerful tool for empowerment. I envision myself crafting innovative solutions that address challenges faced by underserved populations, whether it's through educational platforms, community-driven applications, or sustainable development initiatives. What sets me apart as the best candidate for the Chris Jackson scholarship is the intersection of my experiences, aspirations, and dedication. My journey from Colombia to the United States was not only a physical transition but a testament to my resilience and pursuit of education against all odds. Juggling two jobs to fund my education underscores my commitment and resourcefulness. My passion for coding, combined with my fervent desire to uplift communities, fuels my conviction that I can truly make a difference in the spirit of Chris Jackson's legacy. I am not only driven by personal ambition but by a genuine desire to catalyze positive change in the lives of those who, like me, have faced adversity. Just as Chris Jackson saw the transformative power of education, I too believe that computer science can be a catalyst for empowerment and growth. For these reasons, the Chris Jackson Computer Science Education scholarship encapsulates the essence of my journey and aspirations. My trajectory from a marginalized town in Colombia to pursuing my dreams in the US echoes the spirit of Chris Jackson's story. With a profound passion for computer science, a dream of supporting marginalized communities, and a journey defined by resilience, I am committed to continuing his legacy (and my dream) of using technology to create a more inclusive and empowered world.