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Sheinah Bumgardner


Bold Points




I love learning mostly because my absolute favorite thing in the whole world is reading. I will read everything from medical and legal textbooks to stories ending with the classic happily ever after. Fortunately for me, that love of reading translates well to my desire to study law and enter the criminal law sector after graduation. I dream of writing legal thrillers after I retire, inspired by John Grisham's unique and amazing novels. I am currently trying to get myself physically ready to compete in local CrossFit competitions as a healthy counterbalance to my reading. If I am chosen to receive scholarships, it would mean I can go to college and then law school and pick a career where I can help people the way I want rather than picking a career to pay off my student debt, and that is my hope. The other gift my love of reading has given me is my interest in vocabulary. Words are so specific and the more you know, the more perfectly you can use words to fit a situation. Mark Twain even said, "The difference between the almost right word and the right word is really a large matter. ’tis the difference between the lightning bug and the lightning." This need for specific words is hopefully going to be helpful in phrasing things just right when I make it to law school.


Aaec Prescott Valley Colg Hs

High School
2022 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • History and Political Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      criminal law

    • Dream career goals:


      Cross-Country Running

      Junior Varsity
      2021 – 2021


      2010 – 20199 years
      Marian Haley Memorial Scholarship
      Education means opportunity. My parents have always stressed how important education is. The level of education you achieve impacts the opportunities available to you. For that reason, my parents sacrificed anything and everything to send me to good schools. We moved states for better schools, rode a bus an hour in each direction for better education, and gave up time and money so that I could have easier access to something they didn't. Ultimately you don't know what you don't know, and good schools not only impart information but teach how to think. Learning how to think is arguably more important than being filled with information. If a student is taught how to think, they can continue learning for the rest of their life in any topic that pleases them, and this is my goal, to learn everything I need to be as capable of my dream as possible. I want to go to law school and study criminal law before becoming a prosecuting attorney, and that path is not available to me without a bachelor's degree, passing the LSAT, graduating from law school, and then passing the bar. I have always been drawn to the intensity of law, its intricacies, and the grayscale it exists in. For me, why people do what they do has always been fascinating, and I have felt drawn to the criminal sector to help in such an important and understaffed area. I plan to start in prosecution to be taught how to prove an argument true beyond a reasonable doubt, then switch to an area in which I feel I could make more of a difference. My hope is to end up as a criminal defense attorney because everyone, regardless of their actions, deserves fair representation. Furthermore, innocent people end up sentenced for crimes they did not commit due to how overworked the criminal justice sector is. If I have to defend one thousand guilty people to be in a position to help the one innocent person who could otherwise fall through the cracks, all the years of study would be worth it. Education is the chance to open doors that otherwise would be closed, or at the very least, make those doors easier to open. Education represents options, I have always been a firm believer that you should have the opportunity to do anything, and some things can not be done without certain degrees. Scholarships represent the ability to attend college and law school without spending the rest of my life in debt and unable to help those I set out to help in the first place because I am unable even to keep my head above the water, much less someone else's.