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Shannon Brown-Ruffin


Bold Points






Hi! My name is Shannon. I'm fueling my undergrad journey with dreams of doughnuts and dollars! Business major with a hunger for success in the food industry. From crunching numbers to crunching on crisps, I'm all about turning spreadsheets into spreads on bread. Join me as I carve a path from 'foodie' to 'food-preneur' - because why just feast when you can also fund? Let's cook up some profits and devour those doughnuts along the way! 🍰📊


Richard Bland College

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business/Corporate Communications
    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services
    • Business/Commerce, General
    • Culinary, Entertainment, and Personal Services, Other
    • Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other

Amelia County High

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Food Production

    • Dream career goals:



      Junior Varsity
      2014 – 20151 year


      • Trophie

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Parks and Recreation — Made the food as the customers requested
        2017 – Present
      Charles Brown Culinary Scholarship
      I practically slid out of the womb with a chef hat on my head and a spatula in my hand. Seriously, my first words were probably "sauté" or "simmer." Blame it on my mom, who practically lived in the kitchen. From toddlerhood, I'd perch on the countertop, mesmerized by the magic she whipped up with a dash of this and a pinch of that. Fast forward a few years, and I became her pint-sized sous chef, slicing and dicing like a culinary prodigy. Sure, the playground was calling, but I had more pressing matters—like perfecting my pancake flip. My love for cooking matured alongside me. By middle school, while others were immersed in video games, I was devouring cookbooks like they were novels, turning the kitchen into my experimental playground. I'm on a mission to become the next Ratatouille, minus the rat, or perhaps the next Gordon Ramsay—minus the occasional outbursts. My culinary dreams are as big as a soufflé, and my ambition is hotter than a habanero. Imagine me with my own food truck, dishing out culinary delights that make taste buds dance. I want people to line up for my creations like it's the hottest concert in town. I see myself not just as a chef but as a culinary artist, creating edible masterpieces that leave an indelible mark on taste buds and hearts alike. My dream isn't just about feeding stomachs; it's about creating memories around food, turning every meal into a celebration. Let's talk about my secret sauce—the community. I believe in the power of giving back, sprinkling a little kindness wherever I go. Volunteering at local soup kitchens, concession stands, and other community events has been my way of sharing the joy that food brings. Whether it's cooking for a charity fundraiser or teaching kids how to make their first batch of cookies, I've seen how a simple meal can foster connections and build a stronger community. These experiences have fueled my belief that food isn't just sustenance; it's a language that transcends barriers. It's the glue that binds communities together. As I pursue my culinary dreams, I don't just want to be a chef; I want to be a force for good, using my skills to make a positive impact on the world. It's not just about a love for cooking; it's about a commitment to turning that passion into a force for good. With this scholarship, I'll not only hone my culinary skills but also amplify my ability to give back. This is an investment in a future where every bite is a step toward a better, more connected world. I'm not just a student with a love for culinary arts; I'm a flavor enthusiast, a culinary maestro in the making. With your support, I'll turn my dreams into reality, one delectable dish at a time. Together, let's cook up a future that's as bright and flavorful as a summer barbecue. Bon appétit!
      Jeannine Schroeder Women in Public Service Memorial Scholarship
      You know how life sometimes feels like a rollercoaster ride you didn't quite sign up for? Well, let me tell you about my wild journey through the foster care system. Picture this: I've been surfing the waves of uncertainty for what feels like eons, all because my folks couldn't quite get their act together. So there I was, bouncing from one foster home to another like a pinball in an arcade game, until finally, I hit the jackpot – a foster mom who showered me with the love and care I'd been craving. Isn't it funny how life turns out? One minute you're lost in the shuffle, and the next, you're discovering a version of yourself you never knew existed. Now, let me paint you a picture of this foster mom extraordinaire. Imagine a force of nature wrapped in a cozy sweater, armed with endless patience and a heart big enough to rival Santa's toy sack. Yep, that was my foster mom. Bless her soul for taking on the challenge of raising a kid who wasn't exactly stamped with her DNA. But you know what? Despite the odds, she made me feel like one of her own. And let me tell you, that's a feeling worth its weight in gold. Fast forward to today, and guess where you'll find me? Drumroll, please... College! Yep, yours truly is now a proud student, diving headfirst into the world of business with a dash of culinary flair. Who would've thought? Certainly not the kid who used to dream of stability amidst the chaos. So, how am I working to tackle this whole foster care conundrum? Well, I'm flipping the script. I'm sending a message loud and clear – to all the foster kids out there who might be feeling lost or forgotten – that there's hope. Because if I can claw my way out of the system and into a bright future, then heck, anything's possible. I'm turning my story from one of adversity into one of triumph. By pursuing my passion for culinary arts and business, I'm not just making my mark; I'm proving that where you come from doesn't dictate where you're going. Before you go, let's have a quick heart-to-heart. The thing about addressing social issues is that it takes a village. Sure, I'm doing my part by carving out my path, but real change? That's a team effort. So, here's the deal: whether you're a foster kid like me, a foster parent in the making, or just someone who gives a darn, let's join forces. Let's be the ripple that turns into a tidal wave of change. Because together, we've got the power to rewrite the story for every kid who's ever felt like they didn't belong. And with that, I'll leave you with a challenge. Take a good look around you. What social issue is tugging at your heartstrings? Maybe it's foster care, maybe it's something else entirely. Whatever it is, don't just sit there twiddling your thumbs. Get out there, make some noise, and let's shake things up. Trust me, the world's got enough bystanders. What it needs now are some gutsy game-changers.
      Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
      In the whirlwind of my early years, I found myself bouncing from one foster home to another, like a lost ping pong ball with no place to settle. But then, in the midst of the uncertainty, I stumbled upon a beacon of stability and warmth – my foster mom. Life had thrown me into a mix of diverse households, but it was in her kitchen that I discovered my passion and purpose. Picture this: a kid lost in the foster care system, trying to find a sense of belonging. That was me – Shannon, a white kid in a sea of unfamiliar faces and places. Then, like a stroke of luck, I ended up in the care of a remarkable woman of color who would become the guiding force in my life. My foster mom was no ordinary caregiver; she was a culinary maestro, a kitchen sorceress whose culinary creations danced with flavors and aromas that could captivate even the most indifferent taste buds. The kitchen, for me, became a sanctuary, a place where I found solace and purpose amidst the chaos of my early years. As a curious observer, I spent countless hours by her side, soaking in the art of cooking like a sponge. It wasn't just about the recipes or the techniques; it was about the magic that unfolded in that sacred space. My foster mom effortlessly transformed simple ingredients into masterpieces, and in those moments, I felt a spark ignite within me. It was amidst the clatter of pots and pans, the sizzle of ingredients meeting a hot pan, that I realized my calling. Culinary school beckoned, and the dream began to take root in my young heart. My foster mom, oblivious to the profound impact she was having, was unknowingly shaping the trajectory of my life. Fast forward to today – I am a college student, navigating the challenging yet exhilarating world of culinary arts. The journey from a lost kid in the foster care system to a budding chef in training has been nothing short of transformative, and I owe it all to the woman I now proudly call Mom. The transition from foster care to a stable home was not just a change in my living situation; it was a seismic shift in my perspective on life. Mom didn't just provide me with a roof over my head; she gave me a sense of identity and purpose. In her kitchen, I found not only the joy of cooking but also a path forward. As I chop, sauté, and bake my way through culinary school, I carry with me the lessons learned in that sacred space – resilience, creativity, and the ability to turn simple ingredients into something extraordinary. Mom's influence is not just confined to the kitchen; it's woven into the fabric of who I am becoming. Life's journey may be tumultuous, but sometimes, amidst the chaos, we find unexpected anchors that steady us and guide us towards our true potential. My foster mom, a woman of color who defied societal norms, became that anchor for me. She not only opened her home but also her heart, fostering not just a child but a dream. So here I am, a culinary enthusiast turned college student, ready to savor every moment, just like those delectable dishes that first sparked my passion. Mom, thank you for being the recipe that shaped my life.
      Girls Ready to Empower Girls
      Hey there, I'm Shannon. Life has a funny way of tossing us around, and my ride on the rollercoaster of foster care wasn't exactly a smooth one. I bounced from house to house, feeling like a leaf in the wind until I finally landed in the care of someone who would change the course of my life - my foster mom. Now, let me tell you about her. She's not your typical foster mom - she's a woman of color, and I'm as white as they come. But let me tell you, color didn't matter to her, and that made all the difference. We connected in the heart of the home - the kitchen. As I watched her work her magic with spices and ingredients, I felt something click inside me. It was like a light bulb moment. I wanted to be a part of this world, the world where flavors danced and kitchens were the stage. That's when I knew - culinary school was my path, my calling. College wasn't a given for me. Being in and out of foster care, stability was a rare luxury. But my foster mom saw something in me, something beyond the labels and the system. She became my anchor, my steady force, pushing me towards the dream I didn't dare to dream before - a life filled with the aroma of spices and the sizzle of pans. Getting to college wasn't a walk in the park. There were financial hurdles, paperwork nightmares, and the constant reminder of my unconventional family background. But with every challenge, my foster mom was there, not just as a guardian but as a friend who believed in my culinary aspirations. College life hit me like a whirlwind. The classes were demanding, and the kitchen was my battleground. But my foster mom's lessons echoed in my mind - the patience to let a dish simmer, the precision in measuring ingredients, and the art of turning mistakes into masterpieces. She didn't just teach me recipes; she taught me life skills, resilience, and the importance of savoring every moment. There were times when I felt like throwing in the apron, but my foster mom's voice echoed in my head, "You've got this, Shannon." She became my pillar of strength, my reminder that I was more than the system's statistics, more than the labels that clung to me. As I stand here, midway through my culinary journey, I can't help but reflect on the incredible woman who stood by me when the world seemed ready to let me fall. My foster mom's unwavering support wasn't just about making it through college; it was about proving to myself that dreams can come true, no matter where you start. So, here I am, a student navigating the complexities of culinary school, thanks to a woman who saw beyond the surface, beyond color and circumstance. My journey is still unfolding, but one thing's for sure - I carry the flavors of her wisdom and the spice of her encouragement in every dish I create. In the grand buffet of life, my foster mom's, or simply 'Mom' as I now fondly call her, influence is the secret ingredient that makes my story uniquely mine. She's not just a woman who opened her home to me; she's the reason I'm living my culinary dream. And as I walk through the doors of my college kitchen, I can almost hear her saying, "You've got this, Shannon. Now, go and make something amazing."
      McGovern Legacy Scholarship
      The story of my life has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride. From bouncing around foster homes to finding a loving foster mom who made me feel like one of her own, I've had my fair share of challenges and blessings. Now, I stand on the threshold of a bright future, pursuing my dreams in culinary arts in college. It's an exciting journey that defies the odds, and I'm thrilled to share how I plan to overcome the shadows of my family history and forge a new legacy. Growing up in the foster care system was a bit like living in a topsy-turvy world. My parents struggled to get their act together, and as a result, I hopped from one home to another, never truly belonging anywhere. It was a bumpy ride, but it was during those years that I discovered a strength within me I never knew existed. One day, my life took a turn for the better when I found myself in the loving care of a foster mom who treated me like her own child. It was a transformational experience. I went from feeling lost and abandoned to finding a sense of belonging and love that I had longed for. I don't even recognize the old me anymore. That once uncertain child has evolved into a determined and optimistic individual. Today, I'm proudly pursuing a degree in business, with a culinary focus. Who would have thought that the kid who once struggled to find stability in life would be on the path to becoming a chef? Life has a way of surprising us, and I'm ready to seize every opportunity that comes my way. So, how do I plan to overcome the challenges of my family history and build a new legacy? Well, first and foremost, I intend to use my experiences as a source of strength. Every obstacle I've faced has equipped me with resilience and a unique perspective that can be invaluable in my chosen field. My love for cooking was kindled during those turbulent years, as it was my way of finding solace and expressing myself. Now, I'm determined to turn that passion into a thriving career. I want to bring the joy I find in preparing and sharing food with others. I envision owning my restaurant one day, where people from all walks of life can gather, share stories, and enjoy delicious meals. Surrounding myself with a supportive network is also crucial. My foster mom, who has been a guiding light in my life, continues to inspire me. I intend to make her proud by reaching my full potential. Furthermore, I've met incredible friends and mentors who've shown me the importance of a strong support system. In this quest to create a new legacy, I'm committed to giving back to my community. I want to be an example for other young people who have faced challenges like mine. Whether it's through mentorship, volunteering, or other means, I want to offer support and guidance to those who need it most. I refuse to be a victim of my family history. Instead, I choose to be the author of my destiny. Through my love for culinary arts, my dedication to education, and my commitment to my community, I'm forging a new legacy that reflects the strength and optimism I've discovered within myself. I invite you to join me on this exciting and flavorful journey of transformation and triumph.
      Essenmacher Memorial Scholarship
      Growing up in the foster care system has been quite an adventure, to say the least. It's like being on a rollercoaster that you never quite signed up for, but as the cliché goes, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger. I've been on this wild ride for what feels like a lifetime, thanks to my parents not exactly being the picture of responsibility. They couldn't quite get their act together. It was like I had my invisible wings, hopping from home to home. Each new house meant new rules, new faces, and new opportunities to learn. But, boy, did I yearn for some stability! My life changed when I was welcomed into the home of my foster mom. You see, she was a remarkable woman, and her skin color didn't matter one bit. She was black, I was not, and that was the least interesting thing about us. In her arms, I learned the true meaning of love and family. It's funny how life can surprise you. I never thought I'd turn out to be the person I am today, and I owe a great deal of that transformation to my foster mom. Let me tell you, it must have been quite the challenge for her to raise a child who wasn't biologically hers. But you know what? She did it with grace, love, and a healthy dose of humor. I may not be her own by blood, but I certainly felt like one of her own. The endless bedtime stories, the homemade cookies, and the occasional stern lecture – they all blended to create a family dynamic that made me feel like I truly belonged. Today, I am proud to say that I am attending college, and pursuing my dreams. I'm majoring in business, with a focus on culinary arts. It's incredible to think about the journey that brought me to this point. The foster care system, with all its twists and turns, has shaped me into the person I am today. It taught me resilience, the importance of family, and the power of love. I'm here to share my story, not as a tale of woe, but as a testament to the incredible transformation that can occur when you find the right people to stand by your side. Of course, life isn't always a fairy tale, but that doesn't mean it can't have a happy ending. For me, my happy ending is still a work in progress, but I'm determined to make it as colorful and joyful as possible. Who would have thought that a journey that began in foster care would lead me to discover a deep passion for culinary arts? As I stand here today, I realize that every experience, every foster home, and every challenge has played a crucial role in shaping my character. They've been like puzzle pieces, each contributing to the unique picture of who I am becoming. I wouldn't change a thing about my past because it has led me to this very moment. I am filled with gratitude for the love and support I've received along the way, especially from my foster mom. Life may have started with a few twists and turns, but it's turning into a joyful and delicious ride, one recipe at a time. Just like a perfectly crafted dish, life has its unique blend of ingredients, and I'm savoring every moment, eager to see how the flavors of my future unfold. Bon appétit!
      Sharen and Mila Kohute Scholarship
      Once upon a time in the crazy kitchen of life, I was tossed around the foster care system like a salad in a giant bowl. My parents were the culprits, couldn't quite figure out the recipe for responsible parenting, and so there I was, a wandering chef-in-the-making, trying to find my flavor. Then, in the whirlwind of foster homes, I stumbled upon a gem – a foster mom who treated me like the missing ingredient in her secret sauce. It was like coming out of the womb with a chef hat and utensils in hand, ready to whip up something extraordinary. My foster mom was a kitchen wizard, a culinary maestro who could turn the mundane into the magnificent. The kitchen became my playground, and I became her little sous-chef, chopping veggies and stirring pots like a miniature culinary superhero. I soaked up her culinary wisdom like a sponge, and soon, I was the go-to person for spice recommendations and flavor experiments. It wasn't just about the meals; it was about the love and care she infused into every dish. Her kitchen wasn't just a place to cook; it was a haven where I found stability and warmth. I realized that cooking wasn't just a skill; it was my superpower, my way of adding a dash of joy to the otherwise chaotic menu of my life. I took my newfound passion and ran with it. Cookbooks became my bedtime stories, and I devoured them with the same enthusiasm I had for a plate of freshly baked cookies. I experimented with recipes, turning ordinary ingredients into extraordinary creations. I dreamed of becoming the next Gordon Ramsay, not just for the fame but for the chance to spread happiness through the magic of food. My culinary journey didn't stop in my foster mom's kitchen. I ventured out, running concession stands like a culinary entrepreneur and taking cooking classes to sharpen my skills. It wasn't just about becoming a chef; it was about evolving into the best version of myself. But the real turning point was when I started using my culinary powers for good. I volunteered at homeless shelters, turning simple ingredients into hearty meals for those in need. It was in those moments of giving back that I realized the true potential of my culinary skills – the power to make a difference in people's lives, one delicious meal at a time. My foster mom didn't just teach me how to cook; she taught me resilience, kindness, and the importance of using my talents to make the world a better place. In her kitchen, I found not just a passion but a purpose. So here I am, a foster kid turned culinary superhero, armed with a spatula and a heart full of gratitude. Thanks to my foster mom, I've discovered the recipe for realizing my full potential, and now, I'm ready to serve it up to the world. In the grand buffet of life, I've learned that sometimes, all it takes is the right person to help you unlock your true flavor. My foster mom did just that – she didn't just give me a home; she gave me the ingredients for a fulfilling life. And with a sprinkle of determination, a dash of resilience, and a whole lot of love, I'm cooking up a future that's as delicious as it is fulfilling. Cheers to finding the perfect recipe for success! Bon appétit!
      Clevenger Women in Foster Care Award
      Let me dish out my grand plan to sprinkle a bit of flavor into the lives of my community and beyond. See, life tossed me around like a salad in the foster care system, but I emerged with more than just survival skills. I emerged with a spatula in one hand and a heart full of culinary passion. I basically came out of the womb with a chef hat on—talk about a spicy entrance! My culinary journey started when I found a home where the kitchen was the heart of the house. My foster mom was the real MVP, always cooking up love and care along with some delicious meals. It's like she knew I was destined to be a culinary wizard. From that moment, I was her little kitchen sidekick, helping chop veggies and stir pots. I practically grew up in an apron! As I got older, I graduated from the kiddie table to owning my own set of cookbooks. I wasn't messing around with picture books; I was diving into the world of complex recipes. I started experimenting in the kitchen, adding my own twists to classic dishes. You could say I was the mad scientist of the stove. But I didn't stop there. I've run concession stands, aced cooking classes, and even brought my culinary skills to the rescue at homeless shelters. Nothing warms the heart like a good meal, right? And I'm on a mission to spread that warmth far and wide. Let's talk about my career. Move over Ratatouille, step aside Gordon Ramsey—there's a new chef in town, and I'm ready to take the culinary world by storm. I've got the skills, the passion, and the secret ingredient (spoiler: it's love). Whether it's crafting a fine dining experience or flipping burgers at a food truck, I'm all in. But it's not just about the glamour of the kitchen lights. It's about giving back to the community that has shaped me. I want to create opportunities for those who, like me, have faced a rocky start. I'm talking culinary programs, mentorship, and maybe even a food truck that hires folks looking for a second chance. Food is my art, and I want to share that canvas with everyone. So, as I embark on this gastronomic journey, I'm not just cooking for a paycheck. I'm cooking to make a difference, one meal at a time. Because let's be real, life's too short to eat bland food. It's time to spice things up! In the grand banquet of life, I'm not just here to eat—I'm here to cook up change. Together, let's create a feast of flavors that leaves a lasting impression, a legacy of love served on a platter. Bon appétit, my friends!
      Larry Leon Irons Culinary Memorial Scholarship
      I practically slid out of the womb with a chef hat on my head and a spatula in my hand. Seriously, my first words were probably "sauté" or "simmer." Blame it on my mom, who practically lived in the kitchen. From toddlerhood, I'd perch on the countertop, mesmerized by the magic she whipped up with a dash of this and a pinch of that. Fast forward a few years, and I became her pint-sized sous chef, slicing and dicing like a culinary prodigy. Sure, the playground was calling, but I had more pressing matters—like perfecting my pancake flip. My love for cooking matured alongside me. By middle school, while others were immersed in video games, I was devouring cookbooks like they were novels, turning the kitchen into my experimental playground. I'm on a mission to become the next Ratatouille, minus the rat, or perhaps the next Gordon Ramsay—minus the occasional outbursts. My culinary dreams are as big as a soufflé, and my ambition is hotter than a habanero. Imagine me with my own food truck, dishing out culinary delights that make taste buds dance. I want people to line up for my creations like it's the hottest concert in town. I see myself not just as a chef but as a culinary artist, creating edible masterpieces that leave an indelible mark on taste buds and hearts alike. My dream isn't just about feeding stomachs; it's about creating memories around food, turning every meal into a celebration. Let's talk about my secret sauce—the community. I believe in the power of giving back, sprinkling a little kindness wherever I go. Volunteering at local soup kitchens, concession stands, and other community events has been my way of sharing the joy that food brings. Whether it's cooking for a charity fundraiser or teaching kids how to make their first batch of cookies, I've seen how a simple meal can foster connections and build a stronger community. These experiences have fueled my belief that food isn't just sustenance; it's a language that transcends barriers. It's the glue that binds communities together. As I pursue my culinary dreams, I don't just want to be a chef; I want to be a force for good, using my skills to make a positive impact on the world. So, why should I be awarded this scholarship? It's not just about a love for cooking; it's about a commitment to turning that passion into a force for good. With this scholarship, I'll not only hone my culinary skills but also amplify my ability to give back. This is an investment in a future where every bite is a step toward a better, more connected world. I'm not just a student with a love for culinary arts; I'm a flavor enthusiast, a culinary maestro in the making. With your support, I'll turn my dreams into reality, one delectable dish at a time. Together, let's cook up a future that's as bright and flavorful as a summer barbecue. Bon appétit!