Hobbies and interests
Shopping And Thrifting
Biking And Cycling
True Story
Realistic Fiction
I read books multiple times per week
Shahed Ottallah
Bold Points2x
Shahed Ottallah
Bold Points2x
Hello everyone! My name is Shahed Ottallah and I am currently a senior attending Lutheran high school in Louisiana. I am Muslim and I am striving to be a registered nurse or a member of the medical field. I love communicating with kids so my aim is to be a kid's pediatrician. I’m excited to expand my knowledge in the medical field and be more hands-on when I go to college. My goals are to learn more about different cultures and traditions, travel the world, and do more of what I love. I like learning about the people around me and where they come from and their background.
Last year, in 2021, I traveled to the United States so I can further my education. It was difficult trying to adjust to the new environment because I haven’t been to the United States for more than seven years. What made it worse was trying to make new friends and trying to keep them protected from COVID. It was difficult trying to adjust to masks and keeping our desks six feet apart from each other. I thought that I was gonna have a great high school experience but still to this day COVID has been making it difficult for us to socialize and get closer with those around us. I am very hopeful that by next semester we will all be vaccinated and will be protected from the harms of COVID-19 so during prom we’ll be making up for all the socializing that we’ve missed with smiles and laughter.
A Journey Of 1000 Miles Starts With A Single Step.
Lutheran High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Human Biology
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
- Philosophy and Religious Studies, Other
Dream career field:
Hospital & Health Care
Dream career goals:
Public services
laketown village (senior home) — My role is to hand out their daily newspaper, take them to dinner, get their meals situated for them, and my favorite thing to do with the seniors is give them manicures while talking with them and their day!2021 – PresentVolunteering
Gigi's playhouse — Set up a cute little balloon arch for an event they were having for the kids. Helped with clean up and hung out with the kids! My favorite part was crafting with the kids (outlined our hands on paper and decorated it) and gave them face painting!2021 – Present
Future Interests
Bold Longevity Scholarship
The best way to live a long healthy life, in my opinion, is to focus on yourself first. Make sure that your emotional and overall health are as high as they can get. People who are emotionally healthy are generally more in control of their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. They cope with life's challenges easier than others normally would. They are flexible and can keep problems in perspective. They bounce back from setbacks quicker than others. They feel good about themselves and have good relationships. The best way to live a long healthy life is to enjoy doing what you're proud of and sharing it with the rest of us.
To live a healthy life, I make sure to block out the haters and walk away from people who try and bring me down. I make a blessing out of every day by staying in a positive mood and surrounding myself with positive people.
Another way I try living a healthy life is by connecting with other people. I believe that building good relationships are important for improving my mental well-being. Paying attention to the present moment and being mindful of what is around you is really important to get the full experience of a long healthy life.
Bold Career Goals Scholarship
My dreams for my future are to work doing what I love. My future career goals are to become a Physician and open my own clinic. To open my own clinic I need to obtain the right education so I can move forward with my plan to do that. This plan is not a cheap one but I am willing to do anything that I can to fulfill my goals. Getting a good education will cost me but having the satisfaction of the day I open my own kid's pediatric clinic will be worth every penny I have put in it.
An additional goal to opening my own clinic is to have my nieces, nephews, and own children under my care when I have my clinic and hopefully one day my grandchildren as well. I want them to enter and be able to see their brave faces when they enter to get their vaccines and checkups. I want to create a safe environment for them.
Bold Driven Scholarship
My future career goals are to become a Physician and open my own clinic. To open my own clinic I need to obtain the right education so I can move forward with my plan to do that. I know that this plan is not a cheap one but I am willing to do anything that I can to fulfill my goals. Getting a good education will cost me but having the satisfaction of knowing there will be a day where I open my own kid's pediatric clinic will be worth every penny I have put in it.
An additional goal to opening my own clinic is to have my nieces, nephews, and own children under my care when I have my clinic and hopefully one day my grandchildren as well. I want them to enter and be able to see their brave faces when they enter to get their vaccines and checkups.
My family goal is to have an awesome family that I can grow with. Together we will adventure and share inside jokes that no one else would understand.
My ultimate goal in life is to live an amazingly full life that I won't regret. I want to live every day without any regrets or guilt. My future life will continually be blessed, no matter how hard life gets.
Bold Empathy Scholarship
Having empathy is having the ability to feel and understand what other people are going through. People have trouble expressing their emotions especially when something is bothering them. Most times they will share their story only when they are ready and comfortable enough to. When they do share their story it is important to empathize with them and let them know that you are there for them.
I make sure to treat others with empathy by showing them that I understand their pain or happiness and that I want to share it with them. I do whatever is in my ability to help make things better for them and I make sure to not make them feel like a burden when they share their emotions with me whether it is happiness or sadness. Another simple and easy way I empathize with those around me is by asking them questions about how their life is and how are things at home. The most important thing to do for a person is to check on their mental health. Try and improve their mental health by offering them small things like baked goods or a walk in the park while being attentive to what they are saying, they might indiscreetly be letting you know that they are not okay.
Empathy should not only be shared only during times of joy but also during times of sadness. Being attentive and present is always the right way to act when you are empathizing with someone. Make sure to let those around you know that you care and that you will always be there if they need anything.
Bold Passion Scholarship
I believe that people with great passion can make the impossible happen. Thomas had the passion to simulate experiences that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty, or atmosphere through the use of moving images Edison invented motion pictures and built the path for the invention of the television. No one would have believed it to be possible at all if Edison had not had such a great passion for it before.
My passion is my religion. I am an American Muslim raised by two of the most amazing Muslim Palestinians. They struggled to make a living for themselves and for their children but through it all, they knew that they had God by their side and that thought alone made them all the more resilient.
I have also had the pleasure of learning about Islam through my parents. They taught me and my siblings about the grace and love of God. It was their passion to teach us all they knew in life and it is my passion to teach my future family the same.
Islam is not just a religion to me, it is a way of life. It is the good we can accomplish when we work together and lend a hand to those in need. It is the selflessness within us when we realize that we are all in the same boat trying to make a living with what we can. Islam is my passion, and it will always be my passion.
Bold Loving Others Scholarship
Surrounding yourself with those who make you feel important and good about who you are is essential for your growth. Those who love you understand your struggles and fight them alongside you till the very end. This is what makes having loved ones special. I surround myself with as many people as I can but I keep those who share great love and honesty with me closer. My friends and family mean everything to me because they make an effort to understand who I am.
In return, to show them that my love for them is an honest and strong connection, I let them know through jokes, gratitude, and communication. I listen to what they need and try and do my best to provide them with it. I share my time off with them and let them know that the time I choose to spend with them is a firm decision I make because I genuinely want their company. I let them understand that my time with them is not a burden, it is a pleasure.
My loved ones and I have an open relationship, we try our best to share what we can with each other and not be too pressing with the private things that we do not want to share. We have an understanding that allows us to see past our mistakes and instead seek the beauty and achievements that we have made. We can only learn to love by loving.
Pettable Pet Lovers Scholarship
Bold Giving Scholarship
Giving is an act for humanity to get a chance to get to know one another better. It is a chance for us to bond and become closer and more relatable to each other. When we give we are stating that we care and wish well for those we are giving to. We want them to know that we appreciate them and wish them the best. Giving is important to me because I want those who I give to know that they are worth more than they can imagine. I want them to understand that they are loved and cared for and that I was thinking about them.
When my family and I give to our community; share dinner with neighbors, give to those who can not afford it, and participate in the community we enjoy hearing their stories and seeing the smiles on their faces. There is no better feeling when someone you care about shows you that you care by stopping by and dropping off some dinner or just simply checking up on you and your family. It shows that they were thinking about you and are concerned about how you are doing. No one has ever become poor by giving; so give. :)
Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
This probably is not something that you would expect but my simple pleasures are eating, walking to the park, and having that feeling of cool wind blow on my face. I love eating, no matter what it is. I can eat almost anything but my all-time favorite type of food has to be beef Shawarma and Kibbeh (both are Mediterranean foods). It is even better when you eat it when they are served hot. Eating just calms my nerves and puts me in a better mood because it is one of those times where you just sit down and all your energy and focus is not occupied on work or what errands you need to complete, instead it is a time for you and those around you. When it is time to eat a good meal my family and I get together and have this little moment for ourselves (which we rarely get during the day since we all are occupied with our own things like work, school, practice, etc.)
Going to the park is another simple activity that gives me great pleasure. We have a park that is walking distance from our house so whenever I and my brothers are free we go walking to the park together. We usually bring snacks, a ball, and some drinks with us. The walks are the best part because I can feel the cool air on my face as we walk and it feels like the whole world just stops and stays still for a while. Everything is quiet and calm for just a brief moment and it clears my thoughts and worries.
During the day, we should each have something simple we look forward to, that way we have the motivation to get through every day with satisfaction and appreciation.
Marilyn J. Palmer Memorial
Being an American means having the freedom to express myself freely and confidently. With this title, I am able to raise my head high and face any obstacle that life throws at me. Americans have that quality of never giving up. It is true that I was born here and raised here but that is not what makes me an American. I have a greater background and a much bigger history just like anyone else does. Being American highlights my culture and ethnicity. It allows me to be who I am and what I want to be without any trouble. Being American allows me to be more than just an Americana, it gives me the opportunity to be so much more.
Everyone around you is an American. Go to school, the supermarket, or even a religious area in the United States, and everyone you see is without a doubt an American but the special part is that being an American is not all that they are. There you will see African Americans, Palestinian Americans, Asian Americans, and a whole range of different types of Americans. This identity makes everyone that is different the same; it makes us all equal. I am not just an American and neither are you, we are so much more and that is what makes being an American special. Americans share a commitment to a set of values and ideals that help them understand one another more. This set of values and ideals provides boundaries, mutual respect, and peace between one another.
Your teachers, your boss, and even your neighbors understand the pride that comes with having the ability to say that they are American openly. To me being an American means having the freedom to believe in what I want and experiencing the other cultures around me to make it a part of who I am.
People from all around the world travel to the United States seeking a better future along with greater opportunities. America is known to be the land of opportunity and of freedom. Millions of immigrants left their own homes to find something in our country not readily available in their own: an opportunity to succeed. A large part of that success is defined by having a job. To my family, this meant the same thing as well. If it were not for their choice to seek a better lifestyle for themselves and their family then my life would be totally different with very few opportunities and very limited freedom. To me, being an American means becoming something I thought I could never be.
Act Locally Scholarship
Be part of the solution, not the pollution. Pollution is becoming a growing problem for the whole world and it needs to stop. It is not only affecting our community or country but the whole world. Just recently it has gotten worse for the people living near the congested ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. One resident spoke up against this rise in pollution near her and said, “Our air is so dirty, that it is illegal". Air pollution kills millions worldwide and it is only getting worse in the western U.S. Not only is the pollution bad because of the terrible smell it produces, but also because nitrogen oxides and other cancer-causing pollutants are being released into the air for us to breathe it all in. What is even worse is predicting how future pollution would be if we do not do anything about it now. Humans are not the only ones suffering, innocent animals are also being tangled in this crossfire of pollution simply because we do not know how to clean our messes after ourselves. If we refrain from doing anything right now there might not be a possibility for a later. Our kids won't be able to have the chance to breathe some fresh clean natural air in their lifetime. Individually, we are one drop but together we are an ocean.
The change the world deserves is the ability to be inhabitable just like it once was when it was first created. It deserves to continue being like that for all to see: past generation, current generations, and most importantly our future generations. We all need to come together and make the world into what it once was: inhabitable, clean, and beautiful. Everyone deserves the chance to see the world as it once was when you could actually see it for what it truly was. Now we have to squint in order to get a better look at what is surrounding us because of the polluted air.
Doing something as simple as placing trash where it is meant to be, or recycling, or using a bike to reach near destinations can make a large impact on the overall care for the Earth. An even bigger difference is telling those around you to do the same. By working together, pooling our great resources, and building on our strengths, we can accomplish great things. By working together, our kids will never have to see the world as we did and that would be the greatest incentive of all. If everyone is moving forward together then success takes care of itself.
Coming together is a beginning, keeping together is progress, and working together is a success. Working together is what we need to do. We can no longer save this for later, we need to do something about it now because our time is limited. Working together should not be a difficult task because we have come together before and built pyramids, made bridges, and created the impossible. We are the determined so we are going to do all that we can to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to live pure and clean just like the Earth will.
Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
Patience is a virtue that I am grateful my dad passed down to me. My dad is the most patient person I know. He has the capacity to tolerate trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. I always look up to him during difficult circumstances because of his ability to endure them. When I see how calm and patient my dad is I understand and know that everything will be fine.
Patience is important to me because it teaches me to be more understanding and aware of the situations around me. It gives me self-control over my actions. Over the years, I also learned that it is important to be patient in order to understand the whole situation and not rush headfirst into them. Most of the time they are just misunderstandings, so I make sure that I listen all the way through before I give a reaction so I don’t end up misjudging a situation.
The calm and empathetic behavior of patient people gives them inner peace and the ability to keep smiling despite challenges. Keeping a good attitude towards others is what gives them a good attitude towards life, this I learned from my dad.
Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
I'm gonna be honest, life can be very stressful at times, and it's hard getting back on my feet after going through rough times but no matter how hard life gets I always know that I will always get back up and continue to hustle. However, it is not always easy and sometimes I convince myself that it is alright to stay down that way I can take a moment to myself and relax. When I fall to the ground I'm not in rush to get back up. That way I can sit and have some time to collect myself and think. Sometimes we need to be pushed down so we can realize that we need to have time for our mental health and we need to give ourselves a break.
Mistakes are opportunities that help you grow and learn. I keep a growth mindset by holding on to three important things, they are patience, perseverance, and practice. I know that not everything is meant to be perfect and when I realized that I grew to love my flaws more. I learned to love what's around me for what it is, in my eyes everything is a blessing even the small mistakes I make. Mistakes have the power to change you into something better than you were before.
Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
Think about the times you had the most fun, now think about those memories that don't stop repeating in your head, and think about all those late nights you and your friends stayed up late talking. Now think about who it was you did all these things with, no doubt they hold a very special place in your life and in your mind. Your friends are the ones who stay with you till the very end, they are the ones who stay for you when everyone else doesn't.
Friendship is not just a word, it is an unspoken bond between you and the special people around you. It is a pillar that is built on trust. It is when you call late in the evening asking for toilet paper or salt and knowing that your friends will bring you a lifetime supply of toilet paper. The most valuable gift you can get is an honest friend. There are friends, there is family, and there are friends who become family.
Bold Self-Care Scholarship
Trying to juggle high school, dual enrollment, work, and taking care of my siblings can be stressful. Sometimes I just need a day to myself, where I can just sit and give myself a break. Practicing self-care every once in a while is what keeps me on my toes every day because I always know that no matter how hard things get around me I will always have time for me and that is important.
Everyone deserves to put themselves and their mental health first. When I practice myself care I take some time for myself and light a scented candle in my room, make some tea so I can sit back and enjoy a good book. Another way I enjoy practicing self-care is by practicing it with my friends where we all spend time with ourselves together!
Whenever we have a long exhausting week we hang out together and destress over brunch and good laughs. This is my favorite way to take care of myself, by also taking care of those around me. Understanding my value and learning to appreciate it teaches me how to appreciate the values of those who surround me.
Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
The world is facing many problems including racial discrimination a rise in violence and global warming. One problem that I believe should be examined more closely is the debate on whether women have the right to request an abortion. The biggest problem is how people automatically start taking matters into their own hands and completely ignore your decision. They completely ignore the reason why you decided on the abortion and claim it as inhumane whereas the rape that was behind your pregnancy was not labeled as "inhumane".
I support women who want to have an abortion as long as the embryo that is in the womb has not yet developed as a breathing human being. Some reasons why I stand behind women who want an abortion is because of the struggle that they go through if they were forced to go forth with the pregnancy. Some women are single and don't have the means to support themselves let alone another full-on human being with no right hand to help her. Sometimes the fear of having to look out for a whole new addition to your life can take a toll on your mental state. Even though babies and children are a wonderful blessing, sometimes it is difficult to put your undivided attention to them if you don't even have yourself organized.
Women should be supported on their decision and they should have the option to either decide on the abortion or not. If you truly think that that s a mistake then offer them a helping hand and some advice to show them that they should not be afraid and if they still decide on it because they are scared, unprepared, or have their life, not in shape then you should let it be.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
Hope is an optimistic state of mind that provides us with an enormous peace of mind for the future. It instills the will to believe and it provides us with the strength to conquer any misery or misfortunate that comes our way. Lately, hope has become difficult to come across since everything we once knew has drastically changed due to the pandemic. No matter how hard we try, however, there will always be that small shred of hope in us that we are never able to let go of. That consistent shred of hope in us is what keeps us on our feet and our heads high.
Hope is what makes our dreams, it is what shapes us into becoming the future. That is why hope is a never ending cycle, we look up to those who have it, grow up with it and then give it to those who come after us. We look up to those who made a difference and then become the very difference that our predecessors were looking for. We strive to be that light and we strive to share it.
One thing that gives me hope that the future will be better is the generation and kids who will grow up and become great firefighters and engineers, those who are determined to solve the problem of global warming, and those who are fighting to find a cure to cancer. I have extreme faith that this generation (me and my siblings included)will make the future a better, brighter place. With God and hope by my side, I know that there will always be something great waiting for me wherever I am. This is why I have faith in the future because hope is being able to see the light despite all the darkness. Once you choose hope anything is possible.
Imagine Dragons Origins Scholarship
In 2021 both my mother and father decided that I should travel and go to the United States to complete my high school education there. They wanted to increase my chances of earning a better and higher education in a country that provided it. Both my parents realized that the opportunities in the United States were much stronger than the opportunities that I had overseas. Here in the U.S, I could increase my chances of earning a better education and more scholarships that will help me and my family financially for college. I am a Middle Eastern Muslim whose parents are both Palestinians. I was raised in Palestine close to cousins and relatives so it was really difficult for me to part away from my family and friends all by myself to earn a better education. I remember the day before I left all my aunts and uncles told me to go and make them proud and come back and amaze them with what I will become.
Overseas it was only studying 24/7 and we were not able to visit other countries or do science projects and experience more opportunities as we can here. We also did not have many college choices. Since there were only two main colleges where I lived it was either this college or that. Here I can participate and join in many clubs and do more volunteering with my school and community. For my future, I am aiming to become a kids pediatrician or a member in the medical field, and to become that I am going to need all the support I can get and I already know that I can count on more than half of that support to come from my family back home and I can wait to earn my diploma and go back and show my family that I did it.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity is not just a word, it is a noble action made by someone who wants to make a difference in someone else's life. It is the consideration of others and their feelings and doing everything they can to show them love, care, and support even if they are not directly related. Generosity is giving without expecting anything in return. It is showing kindness to someone you have just met or have known for years. It is understanding their silent struggles and being the hand that guides them out of those struggles. Being generous is a selfless act that a person does out of their own free will not because their next door neighbor is watching. Those who are generous and give do it because they understand that struggles are not meant to be confronted alone and it is always better to have someone who understands be there for you when you need it. My family shows generosity to others because they are thankful for what God blessed them with, so, in turn, they want to bless others with the same blessings that we received. Blessings are better when they are shared because that we get to share the same feeling of gratitude and happiness. The most beautiful thing in the world is to realize that you were the person who put that smile on that little kid's face when you gave him that stuffed toy, or when you opened the door for that kind old lady, or when you donated food to that lovely family just down the street. Reach out and help others. If you have the power to make someone happy, do it. No one ever became poor by giving.
Bold Dream Big Scholarship
During family events and get-togethers, my uncles and aunts would always come to me to babysit their children. They knew that I was good with children and whenever they needed anything I would automatically know what it was so no one ever had to worry about any crying and disturbances from them. Everyone would end up having a good time including me and the children when we would color together or play hide and seek. Ever since I learned how good I was and how much I cared for children I have made it my dream to become kids pediatric, teacher, or child life specialist. I learned that this way I would be able to help little children with their tiny headaches or their runny nose while cheering them up and making them laugh. I also love the innocence that they have and how open and honest they are even if their comments can be a little too honest. I want to be the one who children feel safe with and can rely on when they are hurt. My dream life is to help families and children navigate the process of illness, injury, disability, trauma, or hospitalization while they feel relaxed and calm trusting me in their care. My dream life includes helping children and families during challenging times while developing a beautiful and healthy family of my own.
Bold Future of Education Scholarship
One change that would make education better for future generations is education on real-life tasks. I know this might be considered a little bit old school but I wish that even this generation grew up knowing simple tasks, like knowing how to mend shoes or sew their ripped clothes on their own. I can not count the number of times that I went to my mom asking her to fix my jeans or skirt for me. Most of us have grown up too consumed with homework and jotting down notes that it has become the only thing we now know.
Technology has become a breakthrough but now this generation has become too time consumed with it that they are not able to function without it. Teens should be taught how to grow plants, raise animals, sew clothes and be able to know how to look after themselves and their families. The future generations should be more hands-on with what they learn. This year and the last year are great examples of why we should be more educated on these tasks. During the pandemic, everyone had a shortage of food and they were rarely allowed to go out to the grocery store and stock up on food items. Those who did not know how to cook and relied on dine out before the pandemic had an awful time learning how-to on their own at home. Some people were in luck and they were able to use their own backyard space as an area to grow their own vegetables. Learning how to make our own clothes can also be very helpful, we could reuse fabric on old clothes to make new better fitting ones for ourselves.
Education on basic survival knowledge should be among the things that we are taught while we are in high school.
Bold Great Minds Scholarship
Prophet Mohammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) is an Arab religious, social, and political leader. He was divinely inspired to preach and confirm the monotheistic teachings of Adam, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and other prophets. Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) is a man from the past that I admire and look up to. He is the one that I go to when I look for answers, patience, and guidance. Prophet Mohammad remains an example of piety, love, devotion, and strength for all of humanity, not only Muslims.
The Prophet (PBUH) remained humble while leading the people, he did not take his position for advantage and he genuinely sought the well-being of those around him. There are many examples of the Prophet’s characteristic of staying away from the riches or material goods of this world. His humbleness remains one of the most inspiring characteristics. Another particular reason why I admire him so much is that forgiveness and understanding were at the backbone of his message. He never forced anyone into something and he would be very merciful to those who needed it the most. Although he was faced with unimaginable hatred and backlash from the community the Prophet remained steadfast in his determination to be an example of patience, understanding, and forgiveness. The Prophet is said to have told his companions and family members: “Be lenient to the people in their affairs and do not be rigid; give hope to them and do not cause break up among them…Islam is a balanced religion, so be moderate in acting on its commandments”.
Prophet Mohammad is the admiration of 2 billion people. His beautiful words of wisdom and guidance are what we all aspire to have. We all want to achieve the same loving and caring personality that he carried around with him.
Studyist Education Equity Scholarship
I believe that educational inequity is something that we should all stand for because if we do not stand up for it now, it will only set back the entire community when we least expect it. If we are all on different levels from each other then we won't understand where we are placed in this world. We will not be able to see eye to eye with another and thus this will lead us to arrogance. We will believe that we are ahead of those who did not receive the proper education since it simply was not within their grasp. We are all competing to achieve something great in our lives and some of us are not able to achieve that as quickly as others. The particular reasons for not receiving the same educational resources as someone else would be the result of improper funds being received or undeveloped and encouraged teachers. Education is not to be taken lightly, it is what shapes us and our minds. It builds the creativity within us so we can help us achieve great innovations for ourselves in the future. The innovation of brilliant minds is what grants humanity amazing technology such as space flight or the internet. Receiving educational equality will help us all understand where we are placed with each other and I believe that it will unite us more closely and it will help us look past our incapabilities because of something that was out of our control as children.
Suraj Som Aspiring Educators Scholarship
In life, there is always going to be a structure built for us to view the world from different perspectives. The structure of the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study and behavior of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment is known as science. In mathematics, a structure is a set endowed with some additional features on the set. Spirituality is rooted in offering a sense of structure to a specific religious group. Spirituality is the recognition of a feeling, sense, or belief that there is something greater than yourself. My philosophy about the relationship between the three is that they are all based on a heavily set structure that we have created ourselves. We occupy our time around these beliefs and center our whole life digging further into them to get a better understanding of them. To put it simply, you can not comprehend the nature behind these three elements. Science, spirituality, and math are all organized structures that humans base their lives around. Many people strongly believe all three and base their whole purpose of existence on them.
Over many centuries many people have been dedicating their works to scientific research of the earth, solar system, and the universe beyond our reach. Just how scientists base their lives on understanding their surroundings, so do the faithful. The difference between them is that the faithful dedicate their beliefs to an outside source that is also greater than themselves. Math is not any different from science and spirituality in the sense that it is a belief system that is beyond our grasp and understanding. It is a set of expressions and equations that equal our desired answers. Believing in the elements of science, math, and spirituality gives humans a sense of guidance in life. They need to cling to something bigger than themselves and claim that that is our reality. Being believers, mathematicians, and scientists helps us know our place in the world and it helps us distinguish ourselves from everyone else. It makes us feel complete and content with the way we are living our lives. It gives us a sense of purpose in dedicating our lives to these complicated and intangible concepts.
Science, math, and spirituality are all concepts made from man. We are the ones who chose to believe in them and we are also the ones who continue researching deeper into it so we could get a better understanding of how it connects us with our being and surroundings.