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Sereen Elder


Bold Points




University of Michigan-Dearborn

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations

Schoolcraft College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Business Administration, Management and Operations


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      creative director

    • Dream career goals: x Forever 21 Scholarship + Giveaway
      Ruebenna Greenfield Flack Scholarship
      As a POC, coming from a low-income family, and being a business and digital marketing major, I've personally experienced the challenges faced by minorities like myself in the US. For example, for 2 years, I worked as a manager in a small business and witnessed gender disparities in the workplace. It was disheartening to see male employees receiving better benefits and opportunities, while women faced scrutiny for similar actions. Although I had some advantages as a leader, the disparity between men and women was still evident. These experiences have fueled my passion to create a more equal world and utilize my major to make a positive impact. I am determined to fight for equality and empower others through my work. As a woman of minority, my mission to create a positive global impact through a creed of business and digital marketing is propelled by a determination to champion empowerment, diversity, and transformative change. In a field that remains largely male-dominated, my unique perspective becomes a catalyst for reshaping norms and driving progress. Central to my creed is the cultivation of a business ecosystem that merges economic prosperity with ethical consciousness. I envision a realm where profit is pursued hand in hand with social responsibility, where success is measured not only in financial gains but in the positive impact we leave on the world. By exemplifying unwavering integrity and transparency in my leadership, I aim to set a precedent that shifts the business narrative toward sustainability and equality. In a world that thrives on diversity, my creed finds its anchor. I wholeheartedly believe that diverse teams breed innovation and propel organizations forward. I am steadfast in my commitment to create an environment where individuals from all walks of life, regardless of their background or identity, are welcomed, valued, and empowered to contribute their unique insights. In doing so, I aspire to break down the barriers that have historically hindered equal representation. Recognizing the pivotal role of digital marketing, I see it as both a tool and a responsibility. As a platform that amplifies voices and ideas, digital marketing becomes my megaphone to amplify stories that often go unheard. I am driven to leverage this dynamic landscape to spotlight underrepresented narratives, thereby fostering a sense of global community that thrives on the richness of diverse cultures. A cornerstone of my creed is empowerment through mentorship. Understanding the challenges faced by women of minority, particularly in a male-dominated industry, I am resolute in my mission to guide, uplift, and empower. By providing mentorship and creating pathways for others to succeed, I intend to not only change individual trajectories but to alter the course of the entire industry, steering it towards greater inclusivity. Embracing innovation, another tenet of my creed, I view technology as a bridge to transformative change. Harnessing emerging technologies, I aim to drive solutions that address societal gaps while fostering growth. Through initiatives such as leveraging e-commerce to support marginalized businesses, I intend to show that innovation is a force that can level the playing field. In sum, my creed as a woman of minority in business and digital marketing is driven by empowerment, diversity, and innovation. In an industry that traditionally skews towards male representation, I am committed to challenging the status quo, rewriting the narrative, and inspiring others to join this movement. By living out this creed, I am confident in my ability to carve a path towards a future where equality is the norm, diversity is celebrated, and positive global impact is the legacy we leave behind.
      Book Lovers Scholarship
      Others might overlook my answer, but I hold my religion of Islam dearly, therefore my answer to this question would be my holy book, the Qur'an. As Christian might answer with the bible or a jew with the Torah. If I could recommend one book for everyone in the world to read, it would undoubtedly be the Qur'an. Beyond its religious significance, the Qur'an offers profound insights and wisdom that transcend cultural boundaries and resonate with the human experience. At its core, the Qur'an encourages self-reflection and a deeper understanding of our existence. Its teachings emphasize compassion, justice, and the importance of treating others with kindness and respect. By delving into its verses, individuals can cultivate empathy and bridge divides, fostering unity in a world often plagued by discord. The Qur'an's timeless guidance on ethical and moral principles serves as a universal compass for navigating life's complexities. Its emphasis on humility, gratitude, and sincerity can lead to personal growth and meaningful connections with others. Moreover, the Qur'an encourages critical thinking and the pursuit of knowledge, inspiring individuals to seek truth and broaden their horizons. Through the Qur'an, readers are invited to explore the beauty of language and the artistry of expression. Its poetic verses provoke contemplation, evoking emotions that transcend linguistic barriers. This experience of language underscores the power of literature to connect hearts and minds across cultures and languages. In recommending the Qur'an, I advocate not just for religious understanding, but also for the enrichment of human values. By engaging with its teachings, individuals can cultivate a deeper sense of empathy, a commitment to justice, and an appreciation for the interconnectedness of humanity. The Qur'an, with its universal themes and timeless wisdom, has the potential to inspire positive change on a global scale, fostering a world characterized by harmony, compassion, and mutual respect.
      Augustus L. Harper Scholarship
      Empowering Dreams Through Education “Just as Augustus L. Harper” Education is the cornerstone of personal growth and societal progress, shaping individuals into empowered beings capable of transforming their dreams into reality. As a passionate advocate for education, I firmly believe that learning is a lifelong journey that not only imparts knowledge but also nurtures critical thinking, empathy, and resilience. My journey through education has been a testament to its transformative power, steering me towards a path of self-discovery, empowerment, and the pursuit of excellence. Growing up in a close-knit BIPOC community, the importance of education was ingrained in me from an early age. I witnessed individuals, who had risen above adversity through education. Their stories resonated deeply, inspiring me to embrace learning not as a mere obligation, but as a gateway to empowerment. Education became my tool to transcend limitations and redefine possibilities. My academic journey has been marked by diligent effort, fueled by a thirst for knowledge and personal growth. Pursuing a degree in business has provided me with a multidimensional perspective on the world, equipping me with skills that extend far beyond the classroom. From strategic analysis to effective communication, each lesson learned has contributed to my holistic development. However, the true value of education lies not solely in academic achievements, but in its ability to shape character and instill values. Education has taught me resilience in the face of challenges. Just as Augustus L. Harper found his escape from poverty through education, I have discovered my strength through perseverance. The countless late nights poring over textbooks, the determination to grasp complex concepts, and the commitment to exceed my expectations have all fostered a sense of resilience that extends beyond academics. This resilience has empowered me to embrace challenges with an unwavering belief in my ability to overcome them. Furthermore, education has been the gateway to a world of empathy and understanding. Engaging with diverse perspectives, both in the classroom and through extracurricular activities, has broadened my horizons and deepened my appreciation for the richness of human experiences. Just as Augustus Harper dedicated his life to promoting inclusivity, I have been inspired to champion diversity within my academic and personal spheres. Education has allowed me to bridge cultural gaps, fostering connections with individuals from various backgrounds and enhancing my ability to collaborate effectively in a globalized society. As a business major, I recognize the profound impact that education has on economic empowerment. Just as Augustus L. Harper contributed to the field of accounting and finance, I aspire to utilize my education to drive positive change in the business world. With each lesson in financial management, ethical decision-making, and strategic planning, I am equipping myself to make meaningful contributions that extend beyond profit margins. By leveraging my education, I aim to create a lasting impact on my community. In conclusion, education is not merely a means to an end; it is a transformative journey that empowers individuals to shape their destinies. Just as Augustus L. Harper believed, education is the key to unlocking opportunities, driving progress, and fostering empowerment. Through my academic journey, I have discovered resilience, empathy, and the capacity to enact change. I stand on the precipice of possibilities, fueled by the belief that education is the catalyst for personal growth and societal transformation. In honoring the legacy of Augustus L. Harper, I am reminded of the profound impact that one individual can have on the lives of many. This scholarship would not only alleviate financial burdens but also enable me to amplify the power of education, contributing to a brighter and more inclusive future for all.
      Neal Hartl Memorial Sales/Marketing Scholarship
      A Journey of Passion and Potential In the dynamic world of business, marketing has always fascinated me. The ability to connect with people, unleash creativity, and make a tangible impact on businesses has ignited a strong passion within me. While I may not have extensive experience in the field, my enthusiasm and eagerness to learn drive me to explore and excel in marketing. What draws me to marketing is the power of effective communication. I believe that the art of crafting compelling messages and engaging campaigns can captivate audiences and drive positive outcomes. Additionally, I possess strong analytical thinking skills that enable me to analyze data and identify trends, which is a crucial aspect of devising successful marketing strategies. Although my experience may be limited, I have actively sought opportunities to immerse myself in the world of marketing. Through coursework, I have gained a solid foundation in marketing principles and consumer behavior. Moreover, I have taken the initiative to manage social media accounts and organize events, honing my skills in content creation and campaign execution. These experiences have not only enhanced my practical abilities but have also led to noticeable growth and engagement outcomes. While my journey in marketing is just beginning, I am fueled by a burning desire to learn and grow in this field. I am confident that with my passion, creativity, and dedication, I can make a meaningful impact. I am ready to embrace new challenges, expand my knowledge, and contribute to the ever-evolving world of marketing. On a more personal level, as a business major with a keen interest in design and art, I see a unique opportunity to incorporate these elements into my work. By infusing traditional Palestinian motifs into my design projects and using my business skills to create platforms that highlight Palestinian artists, I can contribute to the preservation and celebration of Palestine's rich heritage. Through this interdisciplinary approach, I hope to create a lasting impact within the realm of marketing and raise awareness about the beauty and significance of Palestine. With my marketing skills, I can further promote Palestine and its cultural heritage, fostering appreciation and understanding. In conclusion, my passion for marketing, coupled with my transferable skills in communication, creativity, and analytical thinking, make me a strong candidate for success in this field. I am committed to continuous growth and development, and I am excited to embark on this journey and create a lasting impact within the realm of marketing.
      Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund
      Assalamualaikum I'm a student who wants to establish an identity in this Dunya that will help those that are similar to me. In other words, I'm a Palestinian student who wants to promote the culture, religion, politics, and art of my nation. As a business major with a keen interest in design and art, I see a unique opportunity to incorporate these elements into my work. By infusing traditional Palestinian motifs into my design projects and using my business skills to create platforms that highlight Palestinian artists, I can contribute to the preservation and celebration of Palestine's rich heritage. Through this interdisciplinary approach, I hope to create a meaningful impact and raise awareness about the beauty and significance of Palestine. With my marketing skills, I can further promote Palestine and its politics. By leveraging strategic marketing campaigns, I can effectively communicate the country's political aspirations and advocate for its rights on various platforms. Utilizing social media, content creation, and targeted messaging, I can raise awareness about Palestine's political situation and engage a wider audience. Through my business acumen and marketing expertise, I can contribute to shaping a positive narrative and fostering support for Palestine's political goals. I also have an aspiration to create a platform for myself, whether it's through my own business or by creating unique art pieces. It's crucial for individuals like us to step up and use these platforms to spread important messages, especially for a country like Palestine that is facing the risk of erasure. It's inspiring to know that there are many other passionate individuals like myself, who are working tirelessly to safeguard the culture and identity of our beloved country. Together, we form a community of like-minded individuals who are dedicated to preserving and promoting Palestine. This collective effort not only gives us the freedom to express ourselves creatively but also strengthens our impact in creating positive change. The cost of my tuition is the difficulty I'm currently experiencing. And I hope to receive this scholarship because it will open the door to achievement for me. I firmly believe that Allah (SWT) is in charge of my finances at all times, and I pray that he would accept my request for this offer. I'm grateful either way. How would this scholarship help me achieve my goals? it will give me the time. It would cover the cost of my first couple of classes at my new University, While also enabling me to find employment. That way I can get back on track and complete my schooling effectively. Inshallah, you will accept my application.