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Sean Chan


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My name is Sean Tzu-En Chan, I am from Taiwan. I have recently moved to the United States three years ago. I have been in love with sports my whole life and have pursued playing basketball in Taiwan. But I had gotten an injury dealing with my meniscus which caused me to be sidelined. Due to my love of sports, I have seen that there are more ways to allow myself to involve myself in this field. That is why I am currently very passionate about Sports Medicine. I love the science behind figuring out how to deal with the rehabilitation of injuries and just figuring out that our bodies have many things to understand to help us optimize our activity. My greatest passion lies in the field of kinesiology and physical therapy, where I have dedicated myself to understanding the human body's mechanics and promoting overall health and well-being. This passion has been nurtured and developed over time through personal experiences, academic pursuits, and practical involvement in sports and community service. From my early days as a dedicated athlete on the basketball court and soccer field to my academic achievements in sports medicine, I have consistently demonstrated a keen interest in human movement and anatomy. Moreover, my involvement in volunteer work, such as Gleanings for the Hungry and church service, has allowed me to witness firsthand the transformative power of physical activity and rehabilitation in improving individuals' quality of life.


Pasadena City College

Associate's degree program
2024 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness

Temple City High School

High School
2021 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
    • Movement and Mind-Body Therapies and Education
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Physical Therapist



      2014 – 20184 years


      2019 – 20212 years


      • Mofa Mei Li Jiaoshi(Taiwan)

        Three art story books and mutiple art works
        2014 – 2020

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Gleanings For The Hungry — Group/Team leader
        2022 – 2023
      • Volunteering

        Gleanings For The Hungry — Volunteer, I was the worker under the sun in the morning set up all the fruit that needs to be dry, and in the machine factory doing all the work like cutting fruit, washing, cleaning and so on for rest of the day.
        2022 – 2023

      Future Interests




      Ginny Biada Memorial Scholarship
      My mother grew up in a Christian household. She is a mother of four children and loves Jesus. She quit her job and dedicated herself to becoming a housewife after I was born, intending to have more time to accompany educate, and guide me with the teachings of the Bible. When I made mistakes, she would patiently explain how I could do better. What I most appreciate and what has influenced me is that every time I made mistakes, she would use words from the Bible to guide me, and lead me to confess and repent through prayer. This is invaluable, this experience has had a significant impact on me in the future. Whether in times of success or failure, I can come before Jesus to seek him. I have always been her priority, putting our needs first and often neglecting her own. As a teenager, I usually felt dissatisfied with the situation and frequently provoked arguments to get more. But she never complained, never held my immaturity against me, instead providing for me generously and sacrificially. Only as I grew up did I understand how difficult and how great this love was. Acts 20:35, "In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work, we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’" This passage interprets her attitude toward life and dealing with others, being generous to her children and anyone in need. During my elementary school years, she decided to homeschool us. Growing up in Taiwan, where the traditional notion was that studying and exams at school were always paramount, my mother was one of the few parents willing to break away from this stereotype and adopt homeschooling for three children. She took us on various adventures, exposing us to different aspects of life. Several years later, even while pregnant, she continued to bear the responsibility of educating us. All of this was built upon her reverence for the kingdom of God and her unwavering faith, which nurtured confidence in us. I became the friendliest person among my classmates after I went back to school. Through my mother, I saw a model of living out God's love, and I wanted to help my classmates understand Jesus through me. In early 2021, my parents made a decision that changed my life. My father responding to God's call, brought our family to the United States and he started to attend a seminary. Life in a foreign land was not easy and with the halt in family income, this situation led me to extreme stress and panic. As an athlete at the time, I suffered a torn meniscus injury, feeling like my life was over. At this moment, I remembered my mother's strength and all her sacrifices, realizing that what I was facing wasn't so frightening. During this low point, my mother became my rock, unconditionally supporting me. Even when our financial situation was dire, she did her best to me pursue my dream of becoming a physical therapist. Her emotional support was the reason I persevered to this day. I am grateful to God for giving me such a special and loving mother. She taught me that God knows what we need, and in God all things are possible. Living out the example of the Lord is our duty. Thank God for His guidance to me, my mother, and my family.