Hobbies and interests
Business And Entrepreneurship
Music Composition
Voice Acting
Theology and Religious Studies
Counseling And Therapy
Stocks And Investing
I read books multiple times per week
Sarah Smith
Bold Points4x
Sarah Smith
Bold Points4x
Hi, I'm Sarah Smith Clodfelter and my life goal is to love God and love people the best I can!
I grew up experiencing a lot of internal pain, as many people do. I also saw many people receive great healing from pain and trauma through the presence of God fostered in a healthy Church, just as I did. As I volunteered in worship leading and youth ministry, I felt the strong call of God on my life to work in full-time ministry to help serve others.
I earned my bachelor's degree in Vocal Performance to increase my skills in worship leading, songwriting, composition, and performance. I am studying to get my Master's in Divinity to better my knowledge and skills in ministering to various populations.
I currently work in ministry as a Prayer Minister, taking calls, encouraging people with Scripture, and praying with them to help them heal from pains and traumas. I am so blessed to see this positive effect I have on their lives!
Whether it be through teaching, counseling, or public speaking, I want to see the quality of people's lives increase everywhere I go.
My husband and I have large lifetime goals to help others in big ways. Eventually, I would like to fully fund an orphanage and school for children in an impoverished area. We know we want to do philanthropic work, but we are currently trying to get our master's degrees and pay off student debt.
Scholarships would be a great financial help for my husband and I as we try to offset graduate school costs and get better equipped to help others.
Thank you for taking the time to read this - God bless!
Liberty University
Master's degree programMajors:
- Divinity/Ministry
Texas A & M University-Commerce
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Music Performance, General
San Jacinto Community College
Associate's degree programMajors:
- Music
Desired degree level:
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Prayer Minister
Daystar Television Network2021 – Present4 yearsDelivery Driver and Bakery Opener
Panera2018 – 2018Delivery Driver
Tiff's Treats2020 – Present5 years
Discus Throw
Varsity2013 – 20152 years
Junior Varsity2016 – 2016
TAMUC Music Department
MusicMusic Showcase, Choir Productions2017 – 2020TAMUC Music Department
ActingI love you, You're Perfect, Now Change, Xerxes2017 – 2019
Public services
Thanksgiving Feast at George R. Brown Convention Center — I performed on stage as well as helped with package can goods2013 – 2018
Future Interests
Bold Investing Scholarship
The best investing tip I have learned applies not only to investing but to many aspects of life. Consistency is key. No one can expect to go to the gym once, twice, or even three times a year and see the full results of their physical goals. I also know that if I eat one salad it will not put me in my healthiest state. I can even eat a piece of cake now and then and not worry about my health, because one day of change, good or bad, does not equate to the long-term change we set in our expectations.
When it comes to investing, the same consistency is necessary. One good day does not make the bank just as one bad day does not break the bank. The long-term goals we set for decades down the road, and even the shorter-term goals we set for 5-10 years down the road, all come from the consistency with each paycheck. Investing 10-15% of just one paycheck is not necessarily going to make someone rich decades later. It is the consistency of investing a percentage of each paycheck, even if a small percentage, allowing the principal number to grow and the compound interest to do the magic that makes the difference in meeting goals.
There is no need to fear the bad stock days and no need to over-rejoice in the stock highs. We can save ourselves the emotional roller coaster of always watching the market. We do not have to worry if we forgot to invest one week or two because it is the consistency over years that climbs the mountain. In the long run, investing works to beat inflation and build wealth for the future, but consistency is key.
Bold Wise Words Scholarship
The wisest words I have ever heard come from wisdom literature in scripture. Ecclesiastes chapter 3 begins with, “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven,” (Ec. 3:1 ESV). For most of my life, even growing up as a Christian, I had never heard these words and I was far from understanding them at the time, but just in the past couple of years, these words have been the most liberating to me.
The next seven verses in that passion passage elaborate on specifically what that phrase looks like. The author, attributed to King Solomon, known as the wisest man on earth, gives specific examples of different seasons and matters that occur in life. From birth to passing away, from planting to harvesting, from killing to healing, from breaking down to building up, from weeping to laughing, from mourning to dancing, and so on, and so on, there is a specific time for everything (Ec. 3:2-4).
This acknowledgment of the good things that happen, as well as the horrible things that happen on earth, gave recognition to the sad, joyful, scary, powerful, confusing, and confident things that had occurred in my personal life. It also gave me much hope for the future because just as I had been through dark times, I knew I had also been through some good times, and I can expect at least some good in the future just as I can expect some bad. It also allowed me to be honest about whatever kind of season I am in. If I am in a mountain-top season, then I will enjoy the mountain-top while it lasts. If I am in a valley season, then I will endure through the valley, knowing there is a season for everything, and seasons change.
Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
I have been a Christian and loved Jesus since I was a young girl but just a few years ago I felt the heartbreak and tragedy of this world so much I did not want to live anymore. On the surface, my symptoms looked like panic attacks, seasons of mild depression, and ADHD, but the root cause was emotional pain and self-neglect. This mental and emotional unhealth affected every area of my life, though I did not realize that at the time. Since then, I have received much healing directly from God and freedom from past pains, traumas, and haunting experiences. I have also been able to read, study, and learn how to better acknowledge my true feelings and process them healthily before they cause damage to myself or others. Now, I am passionate to learn as much as I can to not only be wholly healthy myself but to guide and lead others as well on this journey to healing and freedom.
There is so much pain, so much pressure humans can endure without realizing the significance of the weight they are carrying and the effects it can have over time. It is like going to a chiropractor or a massage therapist and not realizing there was so much physical stress in your body until they adjust your joints or massage the tightness in your muscles away. The phrase, “you don’t know what you have until it’s gone,” applies here but with negative emotions instead of positive opportunities. Many people do not recognize the negative or toxic thoughts, feelings, and emotions that are buried within them until something causes them to either release healthily or erupt dangerously.
This was the case with me. I was self-trained from a young age to bury my emotions, good or bad, in fear of what others would think of me. This unintentional skill grew to the point where I wasn't aware of the pain I had been carrying for years, all the while I was still trying to force myself to carry on and exceed expectations in everything I did. Little did I know that as much as I tried with willpower and determination, this self-neglect was slowing me down, negatively affecting relationships with others, and preventing me from experiencing true peace and joy from the inside out.
There has been a great stigma, and lie, in and out of the church that Christians and followers of Jesus should not, or cannot, struggle with mental or emotional health if they are truly Christians. Like the Pharisees, Christians can even sometimes be the greatest accusers of those who are broken or hurting and seeking help. They forget the words of Jesus himself when he said, “those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick,” (Lk 5:31 ESV). One of the names prophesied about Jesus is Counselor, and he has come to heal mentally, emotionally, and physically (Is. 9:6b ESV).
These experiences from my past have greatly affected my vision. My underlying goal with everything I do in life is to serve my God which means to love and serve others the best I can wherever he leads me. Now that I am on this continuous journey of seeking emotional/mental, spiritual, and physical health, I am excited to help others learn and cope as well. My ‘why’ is embedded in the hope I have for others to be healed of pains and traumas, just as I was healed of pains and traumas, and I have such a passion to be a part of that journey with others.
I am working to earn my master’s in divinity so I may be well equipped in scripture to minister in any setting I am placed. I am grateful to already have a bit of experience in one-on-one ministry, helping lead small groups, and ministering to larger groups through leading worship. This degree however will give me the knowledge, preparatory skills, and certification to speak and teach to much larger groups. The scriptures themselves offer much knowledge, wisdom, counsel, healing, and hope for the broken-hearted. I have also considered getting a license or degree in psychology so I may legally counsel others. This may be a road I take in the future but for now, I will focus on one degree at a time.
Furthermore, I have always had dreams of writing. I see myself writing at least one book if not several on various topics concerning faith and emotional health. I have a great passion for wholeness and health in every area of life. I want to see others changed for the healthier in their spirit, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body. I believe they are all connected, and I plan on using each area in tandem to help others. I sense these books and other literature I write will be more appropriately written after I graduate so I have more education and certification under my belt. Until then, I will continue to help and teach as I can with the influence I have.
One long-term goal I have had in my heart is to build an orphanage paired with a school in areas where it is needed most, to show the Father’s love to those who have not had earthly parents. I believe it is better to raise healthy children than it is to fix broken adults. An orphanage/school would allow children who would otherwise likely grow up with pain and trauma, to grow up with healthy teachers, mentors, and counselors to become resilient in the world.
The need for mental health teaching and awareness is not leaving anytime soon. I believe we are on a precipice in education and in application for well-rounded healing to be a cultural goal and eventually a standard. I plan and hope on being a part, even if a small part, of this greater goal of helping and healing others.
I Am Third Scholarship
I have been a Christian and loved Jesus since I was a young girl but just a few years ago I felt the heartbreak and tragedy of this world so much I did not want to live anymore. On the surface, the symptoms looked like panic attacks, seasons of mild depression, and ADHD, but the root cause was emotional pain and neglect of myself. Since then, I have received healing directly from God. I have also been able to read, study, and learn how to better acknowledge my true feelings and process them healthily before they cause damage.
My intention with everything I do in life is to serve my God which means to love and serve others the best I can wherever he leads me. Now that I am on this continuous journey of seeking emotional/mental, spiritual, and physical health, I am excited to help others learn and cope as well. My ‘why’ is embedded in the hope I have for others to be healed of pains and traumas, just as I was healed of pains and traumas, and I have such a passion to be a part of that journey for others.
I'm getting my master’s in divinity so I may be well equipped in scripture to minister in any setting I am placed. I am grateful to already have a bit of experience in one-on-one ministry, helping lead small groups, and ministering to larger groups through leading worship. This degree however will give me the knowledge, preparatory skills, and certification to speak and teach to much larger groups. The scriptures themselves offer much knowledge, wisdom, counsel, healing, and hope for the broken-hearted. I have also considered getting a license or degree in psychology so I may legally counsel others. This may be a road I take in the future but for now, I will focus on one degree at a time.
I have always had dreams of writing. I see myself writing at least one book if not several on various topics concerning faith and emotional health. I have a great passion for wholeness and health in every area of life. I want to see others changed for the healthier in their spirit, soul (mind, will, and emotions), and body. I believe they are all connected, and I plan on using each area in tandem to help others. I sense these books and other literature I write will be more appropriately written after I graduate so I have more education and certification under my belt. Until then, I will continue to help and teach as I can with the influence I have.
One long-term goal I have had in my heart is to build an orphanage paired with a school in areas where it is needed most, to show the Father’s love to those who have not had earthly parents. I believe it is better to raise healthy children than it is to fix broken adults. An orphanage/school would allow children who would otherwise likely grow up with pain and trauma, to grow up with healthy teachers, mentors, and counselors to become resilient in the world.
The need for mental health teaching and awareness is not leaving anytime soon. I believe we are on a precipice in education and in application for well-rounded healing to be a cultural goal and eventually standard. I plan and hope on being a part, even if a small part, of this greater goal of helping and healing others.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
The most famous Bible verse in the world begins with, “for God so loved the world that he gave…” (Jn. 3:16). Generosity is a fundamental necessity of life, and it is a direct result of love. If we love, then we will give, but if we do not love, we cannot expect ourselves to give, at least not for the right reasons. The rest of the verse explains the great sacrifice that God’s generosity encompassed.
Generosity is sacrifice. It is not simply sending a check, though we are called to be generous with our money, it is pouring out the heart, emotions, and empathy as well. It is donating time as well as brainpower. It is visiting hospitals, visiting the nursing homes, and visiting prisons. It is volunteering when others are receiving a paycheck. It is knowing that there are more valuable things in life than money, such as people’s lives. It is typically inconvenient. It is typically uncomfortable, but it is also one of the most satisfying burdens on which to take.
Generosity is an opportunity. It is an invitation to sacrifice our own desires for the greater good of others and the environment around us. It is a calling to invest in something bigger than ourselves, for the position of generosity has inherent value. It can be as small of an act as to make someone’s day better or as significant of an act as to change someone's life forever.
We are closer to the beings we were created to be when we are generous. If we are made in the image of God, called to be like God, then let us be generous, not as the world is generous, but as God is.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
It was only a few years ago I was at the point of praying and asking God to take me from this earth if there was no reason or purpose for me being here. I had been living with unprocessed emotional pain for many years, some knowingly and some unknowingly, and I was ready for the suffering to be over. Not long after that prayer, I humbly prayed that if God did have a purpose for me being alive, that he would keep me here so I may fulfill that purpose. The one thing I have learned to put my faith and hope in, is that Jesus has already conquered the world.
Overtime, God, through his Holy Spirit, has healed me greatly of many emotional and mental pains and traumas. He has also called me to go and help others who are struggling with emotional and mental pain as well of various kinds. This purpose is very exciting to me because I have lived through great darkness and have come out the other side victorious. I know others are longing for that same victory and I want to provide it wherever I go.
I currently work as a Prayer Minister at an international ministry, taking a wide spectrum of prayer requests and encouraging others with scripture and prayer. I know there is great suffering in the world, but I also know the peace and healing God offers through his presence and truth. I am happy to offer others this peace and truth that I experience daily. Whether it will be speaking in large conferences, teaching in a classroom, leading small group studies, or counseling someone one on one, I have so much hope for the good that will be done through me. This is why I study and strive to attain knowledge and applicable skills that will change people’s lives.
I know the future will be better because God has equipped me with every tool I need to do what he has called me to do, which is to help, serve, and teach others. He has given me the healing I needed personally and the vision of hope for the future, not just in this lifetime, but for the life after. He has also given me peace that surpasses all understanding, and the wisdom to apply this knowledge in my daily life. Not only do I trust the Lord to help me and make my personal life more satisfied in Him, but I know I will be changing the environment around me for others to experience a better quality of living as well.