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Sarah D


Bold Points






Hi, my name is Sarah! I dream of being able to pursue musical theatre as my future career so that I can become a creative storyteller and make a positive influence on others through my art form. I hope to use my love for the arts and theatre to change the lives of audience members and help future students discover their passions. Currently, I am a student at UW-Milwaukee where I am an incoming junior. I am studying for my BFA in Musical Theatre, with a minor in both Communications and Dance. I am also hoping to get a teaching degree so that I can help other young individuals further their love for theatre.


University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Bachelor's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft
  • Minors:
    • Communication, General
    • Dance

Southeast Missouri State University

Bachelor's degree program
2020 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Drama/Theatre Arts and Stagecraft

Libertyville High School

High School
2016 - 2020


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Education, Other
    • Communication, Journalism, and Related Programs, Other
    • American Sign Language
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 29


    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Performer (singing, acting, dancing)

    • Seasonal Sales Associate

      2021 – 2021
    • Activity Attendant

      Southeast Missouri State University
      2021 – 2021
    • Piano Accompanist

      Self Employed
      2020 – Present5 years
    • Performance Usher

      Southeast Missouri State University
      2021 – 2021
    • Gate Guard

      Libertyville Boat Club
      2018 – 20224 years



    2006 – 20137 years


    • Stageplayers

      Pippin, All Shook Up, Blithe Spirit, The Laramie Project, Comedy Sportz, Romeo & Juliet, Bleacher Bums, The Sparrow, Evita, The Little Mermaid, Peter and the Starcatcher
      2016 – 2020
    • LHS Choir, ILMEA Choirs

      Bel Canto, Chorale, Concert Choir, Acabellas, Master Singers, ILMEA All-State Honors, ILMEA District Choir
      2016 – 2020
    • Orchesis

      Orchesis Spring Productions each year
      2017 – 2020

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      LHS Spanish Tutor — Tutor.
      2019 – 2020
    • Volunteering

      Libertyville Manor Nursing Home — Singer/pianist.
      2018 – 2020

    Future Interests


    Alexis Potts Passion Project Scholarship
    I've grown up surrounded by choir and musicals and was a typical "theatre kid" who was obsessed with show tunes for the majority of my elementary and middle school life. Every day, my life revolved around one thing- music. From listening to Taylor Swift as I get ready for the day to practicing my vocal rep in a practice room, to humming my favorite songs when I'm bored, music consumes my average day. Now as a theatre student where I am studying vocal repertoire and sheet music on the daily, I've learned so much through my personal journey- whether that be the power of storytelling in a song or even effectively communicating your message simply through sound. This idea of connecting with others and relaxing through music became a much bigger picture for me as I started my undergrad education. It's not just something enjoyable, but music gives you a guide to peace of mind. Music allows you to be still for a moment, take in your surroundings, and disappear into the sound. That's the experience I want to give to others in the future. Hopefully, through singing and my studies, I can share these special moments with people of all ages and connect with them through a simple song.
    Bold Music Scholarship
    I'm a big music gal- I've been involved with piano, singing, and so many other musical activities throughout my life, and I find the songs that are most inspiring are those without words. My favorite piano song is called Nocture No.2 in E flat major by Chopin. I find that this song, although it has no words or direct message at all, is one that uplifts the listener to summon the strength to defeat their inner battles. Personally, I tend to go back to this piece when I need a motivational uplift for my day. It is easy to get carried away in the music and find yourself becoming lighter and lighter with each note. What I love most about piano music though, is that each listener has a different take on the message. While I find this piece uplifting in its ability to drive me forward throughout the day, another may perceive it in an entirely different way. I am inspired by how the piano is an outreach to so many different emotions and can be ever changing to suit your needs in each and every moment.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    "You don't have to live forever, you just have to live". - Natalie Babbitt, author of Tuck Everlasting Tuck Everlasting is a classic middle school book club choice, and although I was introduced to Babbitt's timeless story in this same atmosphere, I still find the importance of the tale and cling to its message today. The book opens with a ferris wheel extended metaphor to parallel the wheel of life, due to the protagonist, Winnie, being in a constant battle between choosing a complete life or a neverending life. This image of a ferris wheel is crucial in supporting her choice, because when she does intentionally decide to live her life to the fullest, without altering her future to live forever, it ties in with the meaning of a ferris wheel. A ferris wheel may appear to continue on and on, without stopping- but just like anything in real life, it must come to an end and the ride of life will be put to a rest. Tuck Everlasting is a special book, not only because of my history with diving into the story, but because it serves as a constant reminder to live my own life to the fullest. There are no second chances, and the character of Winnie advises me to make the most of my own ferris wheel ride in life. I find the message to be straightforward, but because of this simplicity, the meaning is fully felt by the reader and inspires each new audience to take in every bit of the story, and find their own inner drive and motivation in everyday life.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    Everyday, my life revolves around music- it consumes my average day as a lover of music and as a musical theatre major. For me, it reminds me that my emotions are valid and that I am connected with others through my love of certain genres, themes, and artists. Without it, life would have no meaning. Music has taught me that there are multiple ways to express yourself, whether that be through storytelling or communicating your message simply through sound. Hearing artists' share their own personal stories through their work gave me my own strength as a young adult in high school when I was struggling with my future and handling the drama of the world at that age. I realized that I wasn't alone in my struggles, and that I could connect with others and destress through music. By pursuing music and singing in my degree, I can use it as guide to peace for others. In the past, I've volunteered to play piano and sing at nursing homes and I always loved to see the residents relax and recall memories because of the songs I play. I've been interested in a future in music therapy or even just continuing with my volunteering because it unifies the people in the room and releases the tension of our chaotic world. Music allows you to be still for a moment, take in your surroundings, and disappear into the sound. That's the experience I want to give to others in the future. Hopefully, through singing or piano, I can share these special moments with people of all ages and connect with them through a simple song.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    For years before the pandemic, I was involved in many forms of community service for my town. From volunteering at our local nursing home to tutoring students at my high school, I enjoyed helping my community and giving back to the place that had helped me grow up to be successful. With tutoring, I served for a semester, averaging an hour per week for a year. At the nursing home (where I played the piano for the residents), I served about an hour each Sunday for about two years. I loved seeing a sense of hope in those around me and creating a bit of good in our ever-changing world. Interacting with the students and nursing home residents was special to me and brightened my day because I could see their eyes light up at the success of a correct answer or at the memory of a song. In the future, I strive to continue my work in my hometown, as well as seek out more solutions to create a better and sustainable world for future generations. During my first years of college, I engaged in learning more about creating differences in my everyday life that will help the environment and be less damaging to the world around us. Through this, I try to make a significant impact to sustain our future. With my college and hometown experiences, I've learned how to be resourceful and be a source of positivity for my community. I hope to combine my two experiences with community service and environmental research to create a local group or organization that will benefit the world as a whole, as well as transition my town into a healthy and long-lasting place for the future.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    As a student in my first year of college, I experienced many life-changing adjustments that brought up new experiences of anxiety, a mental illness that I mildly struggled with in the past. My anxiety surged more than ever during my first year of school away from home, due to being homesick and struggling to find my place in a new environment. Noticing that my anxiety seemed to be growing worse and I couldn't find a stable solution alone, I sought help through my school's counseling clinic. Before then, I had never met with a counselor or therapist, and admitting what I felt was 'defeat' and taking my issues seriously was scary. I didn't tell my friends or family that I was getting help in fear of being told that my issues weren't real that I didn't need the help, or judged differently. Despite these worries, now I'm able to reflect back on that moment with pride in myself for reaching out. My first semester significantly improved and that sense of loneliness and isolation became more controllable with what was once my unpredictable anxiety. Throughout the past year year, I've learned so much from my struggle with anxiety and although my health has improved, I am still in the process of learning how to manage my mental health. Despite this, the central lesson that I've learned is that mental health should not go unrecognized. Unfortunately, it's often still seen as "taboo" for everyday conversation. I believe that that fixed mindset allows no room for society to grow in their views on mental health. It keeps those who are struggling with a mental illness worried that they won't be accepted. Mental health should be recognized with a positive outlook for those who are struggling. To sum up the courage to reach out to find a solution or even to simply recognize the root of the problem takes a lot of inner strength that goes unrecognized. I've learned to be proud of myself for seeking help, and in the future, I want to make sure that I reflect this same outwardness of acceptance and offer open help to those around me who are also struggling.
    Bold Dream Big Scholarship
    It's Monday morning and for quite a few hours, the sun has already been shining her bright orange beams over the city. But in this moment, you are just waking up. Ready to start the day, you hop out of bed and leisurely stroll to the kitchen to down a cup of tea next to the eliminated window. The day continues on at a calm pace, until the moments before 5pm. Once the clock hits the fifth hour of the night, you are energized and ready to relive the dream from the day before. What was once every theatre kid's dream in middle and high school- being a successful working actress and performer. On Broadway, of course. Walking to the subway, with your tote bags full of herbal teas and makeup and snacks and dance shoes, you begin to hum a vocal warm-up. As you take your seat in the train car, you see a row of unfamiliar faces, all with different stories, as they head off the train and onto their next adventure. Getting off at 50th Street, you begin your own adventure to the theater where you will sign in and march straight to your dressing room with walls covered in photos, cards, flowers, music. As you mingle with your fellow cast members, the show begins and the theater grows completely dark and silent until everyone in the room hears the first sounds of the orchestra, announcing the start of another night living the absolute dream. Your night ends simply, as you walk to the subway with your friends, and then decompose in bed at home mesmerized by yet another fantastic theatrical experience on Broadway in the one and only New York City.
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    Hi there, I'm Sarah Donofrio! I am a unique and powerful young woman, working on my degree in Musical Theatre, with a double minor in Communications and Dance. My dream is to be a working performer. I believe that my resilience and determination will guide me to grow to be a successful actress and role model in the theatre world. Outside of theatre, I find myself to be productive and resourceful of my time- I love to crochet, read, play piano, and create music with my friends or on my own. The arts are a crucial outlet for me to be myself and find creativity in the world around me.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    William Shakespeare is a crucial icon in the history of English and Elizabethan theatre. Recently, in my acting class at my university our focus this semester is diving deep into the works of Shakespeare and how he grew to be such an influential and significant part of the theatre world. Like many other playwrights, Shakespeare began writing plays simply for his audience and for entertainment purposes, but as England began to dive into more political conflicts and struggles, his works started to reflect the real events happening around London. His art truly reflected life, and many audience members found solitude and relatability in his new tragedies such as Hamlet or Henry V. Despite Shakespeare using the events of his day to influence his writing, the most significant thing that has transcended and dumbfounded me today was the fact that none of his plays or works gave off any of his specific political opinions whatsoever- completely leaving the audience to determine their own point of view from the production. His open-ended plays are something I admire so much because it leaves the story up to the audience and unlike playwrights today who share their specific outlooks on current events, Shakespeare left England wondering and eager to piece together this puzzle, which would never be solved. Shakespeare created the perfect balance within his most famous plays where he never shared a single opinionated viewpoint, but still successfully questioned the conflicts of his time.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Love. The thing I most admire about myself is the love I have for others and how easily I can give my love to someone. This wasn't always the case- I used to hate how willingly I would give my love to others because, in turn, people could and did abuse that worthy trait and use it. It used to be my main fault and I would loathe myself for being so easily manipulated. Now, after a few years with Covid and social distancing, as well as family struggles with health and life, I've learned to appreciate this quality of mine a lot more. I've grown from being the shy girl who was too scared to say anything about love or affection verbally and physically, but in these times, I've changed. I've learned that my family is precious, as well as my friends, my education, myself, and everything around me. I want to appreciate and love while I can and not regret not doing so in the future. At this point, we've all grown and survived through many struggles within the pandemic, and the most important thing I've taken away from this is to love fully and unconditionally. This strong trait of mine will no longer be taken as a strike against me like it has in the past, but I know I will overcome anything with this. I know it sounds cheesy, but as long as I can appreciate life and bask in the presence of those loving people around me, I can get through anything in my journey through life.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    "You don't have to live forever, you just have to live.” - Natalie Babbit, Tuck Everlasting Originally read during my middle school education, Tuck Everlasting was simply a classic that I read in a mother-daughter book club when I was a young teenager. So much conflict surrounded this book- should the main character, Winnie, drink the water to live forever, or live a life that will naturally end in death? My seventh-grade self was fully emerged in the romance between Winnie and Jesse and obviously pleaded with Winnie to drink the water and live with him. But alas, 10-year old Winnie, who was much wiser than I was at 13, chose to refuse the offer. After re-reading this book over the past summer, I admire the symbolism and metaphorical wheel of life Natalie Babbit creates, as well as the character development Winnie undergoes. She transforms from a naive and sheltered kid to a girl who is able to process her current situation fully and make a firm decision. The quote "you don't have to live forever, you just have to live" is her message behind not choosing an immortal life and the need to simply just "live". Tuck Everlasting is a book that reminds me of the meaning of life and the importance to live every day with fullness, which is something I aspire to do due to the reminders of how precious life can be in Tuck Everlasting. (P.S: Despite Winnie choosing to live her own life, my best friend and I still wrote a sequel, called Tuck Everlasting 2, where she somehow magically lived forever so she can end up with Jesse- fulfilling our seventh-grade hopes.)
    Bold Caring for Seniors Scholarship
    Before the pandemic and Covid, I was involved in volunteering at my local nursing home in providing a form of entertainment for the seniors there. I love music, and as a musical person, I feel that this art form has the power to connect others together and share special messages. So, at my local nursing home, I played piano and sang on Sundays for the elderly community there. I volunteered for about 1.5 years there, and I loved every moment. Each weekend when I would come in the morning, there would always be a relatively large crowd gathered around the piano just to simply listen to the music. Many times, I would get asked what songs I was playing or some residents would even come up after I played to share stories about their experiences with piano or singing when they were younger. This was my favorite part of my volunteer work there. Being able to connect with this community and find commonalities through the music was really touching because it reminded me of why I love music so much and how important it is to the world around us. How one piece of music can uplift someone's day so quickly. Now with Covid, I haven't been able to go back to the nursing home, but I am looking forward to the day when I can sit at their piano and share a few moments with them once again.
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    Piano has been a constant in my life. From the moment I learned to play in the fifth grade up until now, I have sat at the piano bench numerous times and called that instrument my friend on multiple occassions. I've grown as a person from the variety of music I've learned, as well as having a dependable de-stressor from my everyday life. As a musical theatre major, being able to play the piano and having that musical skill has supported me in many unexpected ways. From playing piano as a gig every now and then, to performing in the pit orchestra for musicals, I've done almost everything. Currently, the piano is supporting me in my songwriting. Although this is still a journey in process, in the future, I hope to write a song cycle musical for the theatre with my piano skills there to guide me along the way. I dream of being a performer on stage but having others perform my own original work would truly be a reward and an adventure I would love to experience while I can. My original piece submitted for this scholarship is a small clip of a possible musical theatre song for my song cycle, currently with only the piano part. I came up with the melody about a year ago and this scholarship led me back to it and finally got me started on my dream. Now that I've begun, I can't wait to see where this musical journey guides me.
    Bold Bucket List Scholarship
    After my brother traveled to Italy to experience our family's hometown and background in person, I've always wanted to follow in his footsteps. I love learning about my heritage from my family and actually being able to immerse myself in the culture my grandparents were a part of would be an unforgettable experience, one that I was always jealous my brother had. In addition to traveling to our family's small town in Italy, my bucket list mostly consists of places of travel that I want to experience. From Paris to Greece, and simply just backpacking through most of Europe, I want to detach myself from my ordinary life and find something new and exciting. I could not be able to live my life to the fullest if I didn't know what life was like outside of our everyday life and our country, and I want to truly see the world and understand other cultures. Although I have not achieved any of the items on my bucket list, now that I am in college, I do hope I can study abroad and travel my way through each historic and momumental moment of Europe and see the world from a different point of view. Oh yea, and sky dive.
    Studyist Education Equity Scholarship
    Over the past school year, I wrote a proposal argument and research essay on a specific topic- the inequality within Chicago Public Schools. Being from the Chicago suburbs, and not the actual city, as I started my research, I slowly became aware of how uninformed I was on this topic. There were hundreds of thousands of students who were undervalued in the state of Illinois and not granted a feasible education for their futures simply because of their backgrounds and income. Writing my essays, I became angered with my state and how they weren't willing to give public city schools the attention they deserved and needed. As I continued writing, I often thought of how I would feel if I were a student studying in that school system. Constantly seeing teachers on strike, governors speaking carelessly about you- it was disheartening. I wanted to do something. I've brainstormed ideas in my proposal argument to resolve this tension within the school system- plans from fundraising events within the arts to unique training opportunities for teachers who are working within this unequally funded system. Overall, educational inequity is a topic that sparks an argument within me and I believe it deserves to be acknowledged and not just pushed aside. It not only affects the schooling and lives of students who will shape our future, but if we continue to live in this world that doesn't create equal footing for all young adults, we are accepting ourselves as a flawed and immoral world.
    "Wise Words" Scholarship
    "Find what you love and let it kill you". This was the advice of the late poet, Charles Bukowski. Upon seeing this quote for the first time, I felt drawn to the sense of desperation and intensity of his words. "Find what you *love* and let it *kill* you". "Love" and "kill", although completely opposite feelings and actions, were the ones that allowed me to resonate so well with his words. It forced me to put my own path into perspective. Was I truly happy with my intended career? Did I have something in my life, something so meaningful, that my passion for it would inflict such a strong emotion within my own life? And it led me to realize, that yes, I did. This quote not only helped me put my future into a realistic lense, but I found enjoyment in bonding with the wise words of a famous poet. I finally understood the power of one's passion and how it can lead to a special outlook on the world. How it can end up being the fuel for a meaningful life.
    Kozakov Foundation Arts Fellowship
    I hopped up the auditorium steps, ready to salsa my way into the hearts of the four directors. Looking out into the audience, I paused. Hundreds of empty seats were waiting to be entertained, waiting for something. My future looked back at me, with shining lights and endless rehearsals and muted laughs from backstage- everything that I could possibly dream of. This was just the start. From a young age, theatre and music was pure fun: a carefree place to hang out with my friends and sing and dance for a few hours. I grew up surrounded by the music and lights as well as my friends who shared my same interest. But as I grew older and started taking theatre more seriously, especially in high school, I realized the influence it had on my upbringing and life. My childhood pastime developed into a passion that I realized I couldn’t live without. It not only helped me grow into a confident young adult with a clear image of my dream and future but it helped me find a place of community and family within these groups. Nevertheless, my favorite part of theatre is also the people who come to watch a show and partake in this world that you create. One of the most notable theatre playwrights, Anton Chekvov, created a play titled "The Seagull". After bad reviews and reworking his show, it finally became a critical moment for theatre. After opening night, the audience was said to have sat in silence where "it was as though they held their breath [...]- all at once there was a deafening crash of applause from all " from friends and enemies"". My goal in theatre is to live through these experiences. I treasure the moments when I can come together with my peers and my fellow artists to impact someone’s life and make them feel something- even for a minute. I think of this moment with Chekvov's play and how inspiring a great piece of work and dedicated actors can influence strangers and give them an outlet for their emotions, whether happy or sad. Art in all its aspects are able to gift regular audience members with a form of escape from the ordinary life, to be able to expeirence a new world and be released from their personal troubles. Continuing on in my college education and my career within the arts, I want to give others a unique experience like stated above, either through perfromance or through teaching. As I pursue my college degree, I hope to not only be a performer after I graduate, but a mentor and role model for other students as well. I have learned so much about myself while exploring theatre, and want to give the same experience to others, where they too can find their inner passions and work towards their own dreams.
    Women in Music Scholarship
    It was early into my junior year of high school, and auditions for the Illinois Music Education Association choir were just around the corner. Despite not getting in the previous year, I was eager to do better. I dreamed of being able to sing in the choir and work among others with the same determination. Nevertheless, the audition music was difficult. The rhythms were complicated and the notes needed to sound effortless. I spent hours upon hours a week practicing in my room, attending choral workshops, rehearsing with my choir director, because I was determined that this year would be my year. My mind was consumed with the music, constantly thinking about the scales and triads and Italian pronunciation. Then auditions happened. I walked into the audition rooms feeling different. Nervous, as usual, but also confident. My passion for the music charged my singing and I entered each room believing I could truly perform at my best. And that hard work played out in my favor. I made it to Districts and eventually All-State! My choir-filled dreams became a reality and not just out of luck, but because I was rewarded by my time and effort. In this moment of success and excitement, I realized how much music pushed me to be the best I can be. Singing in the choir became not only a dream, but it was my fuel and my guide in learning how powerful my passion can be. This passion was what allowed me to take my hopeful future and turn it into a reality. Although this experience was a couple of years ago, I've learned that with this mindset, I can give my all to anything I am passionate about. Even with rejection, once I put my mind to a task, I won't be filled with regret or doubt in my skills. Moving forward, I am excited to take my passions of music and choir to a professional standpoint once I graduate college with my degree in Musical Theatre. I hope to not only be able to perform but also teach others the lessons that music has taught me from a young age. I want to work as a community and feel a sense of family with my future students as we take on this journey of music together. I want to give students the chance to fuel their dreams, work towards a goal, and feel the power of hard work as their reward. Teaching students will help me make a great impact on the music industry because I will be able to watch future musicians and singers grow into their best selves. Without the teachers who have watched me grow to where I am today, I wouldn't be a part of the music world, but because of them, they inspired me to reach for my dreams, and I hope to follow in their footsteps.
    Nikhil Desai "Favorite Film" Scholarship
    Ever since I was a girl, the book Little Women by Louisa May Alcott was a constant favorite in my upbringing. I started out by reading the shortened version for children and instantly fell in love with the four March sisters and their family dynamic. Growing up around theatre also introduced me to the Broadway musical adaptation of the book, which still includes some of my dream roles for my future career in theatre. Overall, the story of the four little women and their resilience in the world sparked my attention from a young age. My goal one day was to read the full-length book. Although I have yet to accomplish this, when the new 2019 movie adaptation came out, I was thrilled to see my four favorite sisters on the screen. The movie included an amazing cast of actors and such detail with the storytelling, especially when the present-day moments would coincide with Jo's past memories. The director, Greta Gurwig, transitioned between these two timelines effortlessly, using different colors and lighting, as well as mimicking the same blocking to unify the story and create unique moments of deja vu. Because the story was set in the 1800s, things seemed to be simpler back then. The sisters would write plays, listen to Beth's piano, or spend a quiet day at the beach. Although it was a time period with fewer responsibilities from the world, the March family still struggled with money, health, and sometimes unity. That is why I love this film. The troubles the family go through are different from what we may encounter today but are still relevant and carry a lesson with them. Despite all of their obstacles, they are able to remain as one unit and share their love for each other with the world.
    Shreddership: A Music Scholarship
    Make Me Laugh Meme Scholarship
    This hamster meme is one of the memes that is the most present photo in my friend group. My friend from home, Maja, started sending this out to our small high school friend group a few years ago and it never fails to make me laugh or ease up a conversation. Even though I've seen it so many times and we have all sent this to each other for years, it's become an inside joke in our little circle. I find it so funny today that I just send it to people randomly or just to Maja. I love seeing her response because we get so excited to see this photo. It sums up our relationship and that's why I love it so much.
    Sarah D Student Profile |