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Samuel Dorcelus-Cetoute


Bold Points






Hello, my name is Samuel Dorcelus-Cetoute; I am a Haitian-American college junior at Palm Beach State College, transferring to the University of Florida to pursue a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering focusing on Structural Engineering. I'm very passionate about engineering and its solutions to the world around us.


Palm Beach State College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Civil Engineering

Royal Palm Beach High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Civil Engineering, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Test scores:

    • 1280


    • Dream career field:

      Civil Engineering

    • Dream career goals:

      Senior Engineer

    • Civil Engineer Intern

      Wantman Group Inc
      2024 – Present7 months
    • Drummer / Media Technician

      Grace Baptist Evangelical Community
      2013 – Present11 years



    2021 – 20232 years


    • Capain, District 7A D11 Winner


    2010 – Present14 years


    • 2014 Vero Cup Winner
    • Palm Beach Soccer League Tournament Winner
    • Wellington Wave Soccer Tournament Winner
    • Adidas Brandon Cup Winner
    • Disney Memorial Day Soccer Shootout Winner


    • Engineering Technology, General

      School — Research Intern
      2019 – Present


    • AutoCad Inventor

      Computer Art
      Toothpaste Extractor
      2021 – 2023

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Church — Pianist, Missionary, Organist, Drummer, Teacher, Volunteer
      2009 – Present
    • Public Service (Politics)

      Church — Technician, Drummer, Pianist, Organist, Teacher, Volunteer
      2009 – Present

    Future Interests


    Jacques Borges Memorial Scholarship
    When planning my future in college, I've discovered that I have two passions: soccer and civil engineering. The Jacques Borges Memorial Scholarship aligns perfectly with my goals. My interest in engineering and its influence on the hydropower industry developed at an early age through my father's guidance during household projects in the state of Florida, where we are surrounded by water, and hurricanes are common. Civil engineering is more than a career for me; it represents a commitment to innovation and environmental sustainability. I aspire to contribute to the industry by creating solutions that use water as natural power to generate sustainable electricity, with water being an abundant resource in South Florida the usage of hydroelectric power. Specifically, dams which use the natural flow of water to help generate electricity that will be collected and distributed for people in the area to use. This scholarship plays a role in realizing this ambition by providing me with the opportunity to pursue higher education without the financial limitations that were faced by my siblings throughout their years of schooling. My goals are to earn a bachelor's degree in civil engineering and potentially pursue a master's degree if necessary, as I will also need to obtain my professional engineering license. During the pandemic, I honed skills such as a work ethic, effective time management, and unwavering determination – all highly valued in today's professional work field. Education has always been instilled in me as a core value by my father, which drives me toward achievements while making meaningful contributions to my community on a regular basis. I have placed importance on the safety of my family and community while navigating through the COVID-19 epidemic by adhering to the many safety measures set in place both at home and out in public. This experience further strengthens my commitment to community welfare, which aligns with my objective of positively impacting the world. Thіs scholаrshіp symbolіzеs аn аcknowlеdgmеnt of my commіtmеnt to sports, еducаtіon, аnd communіty sеrvіcе, whіch lіnks to my еnthusіаsm for еngіnееrіng. Not only will this award fill the financial gap that I will face when paying for college, but it will also give me hope that my future goals can come to life with the help of others. Thank you for tаkіng thе tіmе to еvаluаtе my аpplіcаtіon; І аm еxcіtеd аbout thе possіbіlіty of mаkіng а lаstіng еffеct on my dеsіrеd pаth with your help.
    Lauren Czebatul Scholarship
    Volunteering has been a life-changing journey, impacting my beliefs and inspiring me to change the world. I am deeply grateful for this scholarship as it recognizes the grantor's outstanding work and provides financial freedom while striving towards further academic goals. As the youngest sibling, I have witnessed my older siblings struggle with student loans after college, which motivated me to seek financial aid and seize every opportunity available. Like many others, when the Covid-19 pandemic hit, I initially underestimated its impact on our lives. As COVID-19 surged across America, it was obvious that changes were needed in our education system; I realized this through my shift to virtual learning. My work ethic and motivation changed rapidly, showing me just how essential adaptation is during these turbulent times. At first, the extended spring break seemed like a reason to celebrate, but soon we realized the seriousness of the situation as we transitioned to an all-virtual format for the remaining school year. The switch to virtual learning took a toll on my discipline and focus, with the noise of family members at home during classes affecting my concentration. Despite the difficulties, I persevered, managing a rigorous course load that included two AICE and two AP classes. I purchased an agenda to better organize my schedule and prioritize my studies to regain control of my time and responsibilities. Despite the distractions, I maintained my commitment to church obligations, demonstrating my determination to balance academic and personal commitments. Navigating the demands of virtual school while maintaining an active church schedule sharpened my work ethic and discipline. By overcoming these challenges, I gained the ability to tutor peers, empowering me to help friends who struggled with their coursework. With this scholarship, I would be able to positively impact the lives of those around me through my education and extracurricular activities. My passion for giving back is further fueled by experiences watching my older siblings grapple with student loan debts; therefore, it's essential to seek financial aid opportunities so that I don't have similar financial burdens during or after college. As such, receiving this scholarship not only supports my academic endeavors financially but also reinforces the value of hard work and dedication while inspiring me to continue contributing positively toward society in alignment with its mission. Volunteering has cultivated my empathy, compassion, and sense of responsibility towards others, shaping my mindset to prioritize making a difference in the lives of those in need. In conclusion, volunteering has transformed my mindset and ignited a passion for positive change in the world. The financial need for this scholarship arises from my determination to alleviate the burden of student loans that many students, including my older siblings, have faced. As I navigate challenges during the pandemic, I have honed my work ethic and discipline, emerging more assertive and more determined to excel academically and pursue my dreams. This scholarship represents an opportunity to fulfill my aspirations and continue giving back to the community, embracing the grantor's commitment to making a difference.
    Nasser Seconi Scholarship Fund
    The best time and worst in my soccer career was undoubtedly during the ESPN Disney Tournament with Wellington Wave. I had a fantastic experience participating in the prestigious tournament highly revered by Florida athletes. Despite facing a discouraging 0.23 win/loss ratio before it, our team made changes to improve their performance, resulting in success at the event - creating its rewarding moment. Over the years, my coach inspired me with powerful pep talks that motivated us to work as a team and strive for success. His words of wisdom helped foster unity among teammates while pushing each one of us to challenge ourselves and reach our goals. As I stepped up in responsibility as one of the leading goal-scorers for my team, his guidance kept me focused on what mattered most — achieving victory together. Instead of solely focusing on scoring, I created more chances for my teammates by racking up many assists. Having steered my team to success via increased communication and understanding of its dynamics, I experienced gratification from the collective accomplishment. We needed to work cohesively to establish more vital chemistry in the field. We built a formidable team through constant communication, understanding each other's strengths and weaknesses, and adapting our strategies accordingly. The ESPN Disney Tournament provided the ultimate test of our efforts and improvements. We experienced a nerve-wracking journey, needing to best two challenging opponents with high goal differentials to advance to the finals. Through our lessons learned during the season, we combined individual triumphs and team efforts for the final victory. We emerged as champions, not solely relying on individual brilliance but working together seamlessly. With over a decade of experience in soccer and leadership, I have gained invaluable skills that apply to my academic and athletic pursuits. The joy of lifting the trophy with my teammates has taught me how powerful resilience and collaboration can be when working towards collective goals. Soccer has provided me with an opportunity to take risks and an understanding of selflessness, which is helpful both on and off the field. My soccer career honed my resilience, allowing me to tackle challenges with determination and mental strength. A scholarship would enable better access to higher education by providing financial relief from college expenses allowing one to focus solely on studies while having enough money for adequate training facilities, coaching sessions, or even competing at advanced levels - thus making it possible to reach full potentials getting extra attention from college scouts or pro teams simultaneously. Receiving this scholarship would be a massive achievement for me and the progress I made in my soccer career. It will enable sufficient funds to further develop my skills and create opportunities to receive additional training or education that could give me an edge in achieving success down the road. In conclusion, the best time in my soccer career was when my team, Wellington Wave, won the ESPN Disney Tournament. The past few years of playing soccer have taught me a lot. From the highs of good teamwork and successes to tough communication challenges and complex losses, it shaped my character and goals for the future. This scholarship would provide an essential financial stepping stone towards achieving those dreams while recognizing my commitment to excel both on and off the field in pursuit of them.
    Rev. Frank W. Steward Memorial Scholarship
    Engineering has the power to significantly impact our society, so it is my goal and aspiration to use this skill set for positive change. My career goal is simple - leverage my passion for engineering to make a lasting difference in the world. This drives me as an individual, pushing me forward into college and furthering my education with aspirations of becoming one of the leading engineers today who creates better experiences and more efficient solutions for all generations living in this world. Although the journey to obtaining an engineering degree may pose challenges, its rewards far outweigh the difficulties. The rigorous academic workload is one of the main obstacles I anticipate during my college education experience. Engineering programs demand a deep understanding of complex mathematical and scientific principles, requiring dedication, focus, and hard work. To overcome this challenge, I will rely on my strong foundation in math and science and my experience with discipline from playing soccer at a competitive level. Time management and effective study strategies will be essential in successfully navigating the academic demands of college. I plan to set aside dedicated study hours, seek assistance from professors or tutors when needed, and collaborate with classmates to enhance my understanding of course material. Another potential obstacle could be balancing my academic pursuits with my desire to continue playing soccer at the college level. Joining the school team is an aspiration close to my heart, as soccer has been an integral part of my life, shaping my character and work ethic. I will prioritize my responsibilities and create a well-structured schedule to balance academics and athletics. Time management is essential for achieving my goals in college, on the field, and further down the line. With careful time, resources, and energy planning, I can ensure that academics and athletics are balanced effectively. This rewarding combination will enable success in all areas - academically, athletically & professionally - leading ultimately to reaching whichever goal I choose with confidence! I plan to continuously push myself throughout this journey and maintain a growth mindset. I understand the importance of overcoming challenges to create positive change. Consequently, no matter the difficulty or adversity faced, I remain committed to taking on new learning opportunities and seek guidance from mentors and peers alike to stay focused on my goals. Additionally, embracing diversity is essential for creating an inclusive environment that can lead to innovative solutions that benefit everyone involved - something that has been integral throughout my academic career studying engineering while playing professional soccer simultaneously. In this way, I plan to use these experiences as a role model and advocate for equal representation within both arenas. In conclusion, my education plans and career goals are centered around positively impacting the world. I have set my sights on a rewarding and fulfilling future, one I know will come to fruition with dedication and hard work. I am ready to take up new challenges that come along with this field while honing my current abilities even further. I aim to become a leader who effectively communicates complex ideas through innovative solutions. However, it is worth every minute of effort - ultimately aiming toward crafting innovative engineering solutions or inspiring others through the beauty of football.
    Overcoming Adversity - Jack Terry Memorial Scholarship
    Ever since I was a young child, I found immense pride in my African-American heritage. As I navigated the world, I adopted a mindset that refused to let a person's ethnicity become a basis for judgment, recognizing that beneath our diverse exteriors, we all share the same crimson life force coursing through our veins. It struck me as profoundly unfair to cast aspersions on someone simply because of the circumstances into which they were born as if they had any control over their ethnic background. In stark contrast to my own experiences, there were individuals whose parents hailed from the continent of Africa. However, it was during my high school years, particularly in a predominantly white educational setting, that the impact of racial prejudice truly made its mark. Over the virtual school year, as the internet became our main channel of communication, the anonymity it provided emboldened certain individuals to unleash a torrent of hateful messages directed towards us solely because of the color of our skin. Messages like, "You tar babies do not deserve rights," not only revealed the depths of their ignorance but also left an indelible mark on our psyches. Additionally, these derogatory remarks were often accompanied by demeaning references, such as addressing us as "boys," to undermine and belittle us due to our ethnic backgrounds. These hurtful encounters served as pivotal moments in my life, shaping my outlook and influencing the way I interact with others. Through these challenging experiences, I gleaned invaluable life lessons that have become the foundation of my character. I have learned to remain steadfast in my authenticity, embracing who I am without compromise. Treating every individual I encounter with unwavering equality and respect, regardless of their ethnic background, has become my guiding principle. I realize that everyone deserves the same opportunities and chances in life, just as I would hope for if I were in their shoes. The wisdom gained from these encounters has taught me to look beyond superficial appearances, to delve deeper into the pages of a person's story before making any judgments. This invaluable lesson resonates within me every day, influencing the way I approach every interaction and shaping the fabric of my being. For my career and plans for college, I want to either become a professional soccer player or an engineer. For college, I hope to major in engineering, specifically civil, where I will get training and insight into what it is like to be an engineer. A goal of mine in the field is to invent something that would eventually save the world as it could be through anything, but I am determined to do so. With my goals set in place, and my mind set to accomplish these said goals I will use my acquired skills to reach new heights in my life.
    Ward AEC Scholarship
    The idea of being an engineer was something I have been thinking about since a young age, I believe it started around when I was seven years old, as it was something that has been built upon for years because of my father, who would take me along as we would fix up the house, or the church. A goal of mine is to invent something that would eventually have a positive effect on society not just in the United States, but around the globe, as it could be through anything, but I have been determined to achieve this goal and I believe that pursuing engineering could help me on my journey. In school, my go-to subject was always math as the runner-up was science and I never understood why my peers hated the subject as I saw it as the only subject to have answers that have no variation in the sense that it is not up to interpretation, it only had solid answers that could be backed up by theorems and rules. With my passion for math and science, I would not want to give it up so coming into high school I joined the stem program to further me more on the subjects. I believe that if I were to major in engineering in college I would not only learn more about tools and the materials that are used with them but I would also advance myself in math and science to a degree that would satisfy my want to excel at said subjects. The reason I specifically chose to major in civil engineering was that the major has many branches that fall under it so if I do not want to pursue a certain part of civil engineering, I can switch to another and continue to learn and build things. In preparation for this, I have enrolled in the engineering academy at my school, as well as the FIRST Robotics club which basically is a competition to create a robotic from a kit that has to be programmed to complete tasks. In addition to this, I joined SECME and within it we compete in various competitions including the balsa wood bridge, bottle rockets test, and the creation of mousetrap cars as all of these competitions help me gain more experience with tools, materials, their properties, and much more that I believe will aid me in my goal.