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Sade Hyman


Bold Points




I am a military child, artist, and entrepreneur from North Carolina. I take pride in being an athlete and expressing my creativity through art.


Fashion Institute of Technology

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Fine and Studio Arts

Bowie High

High School
2021 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Fine and Studio Arts
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Gallerist Assistant

      Overdue Recognition Art Gallery
      2021 – 20232 years


    Track & Field

    2019 – 20234 years


    • Community Organization and Advocacy

      BLEU Club — Member
      2022 – 2023


    • Art Club

      2021 – 2023

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      JROTC, Overdue Recognition Art Gallery, Rhoers Events — Several Different Roles
      2021 – 2023

    Future Interests




    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    I'm an artist, and I am currently working hard on my education to expand my knowledge and obtain a degree that demonstrates my expertise in my craft. I have a deep passion for art, and I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my dream future, living the life I desire and inspiring and impacting those around me. Pursuing my education will empower me to soar towards my future and contribute to the betterment of the world. Knowledge grants us the ability to transform our surroundings, influence others, and reshape social structures. It is an established truth that educated individuals have played the most significant role in shaping history. As a young woman of color, I take pride in my education, knowing that I possess the capacity to enact change in ways that were not available to my ancestors. Access to information and its utilization level the playing field. I have chosen to enter the art field, where I can apply my knowledge of colors and symbols to create visually stunning works that inspire change. As an educated poet, I can utilize my voice to raise awareness, spread positivity, and bring about transformation. Education equips me with a multitude of tools and opportunities to create impact, not only in my own story and that of my family but also for individuals who share similar experiences. Knowledge is a gift, and education is a privilege that I am fortunate to obtain. Currently, I am embarking on a unique educational journey, specializing in fine arts. While some argue that art is an innate talent that does not necessitate formal training, I believe that having an education in art history, access to art-making tools, and knowledge of various techniques enables me to create art with intent and effectively express specific ideas. I aspire to infuse my pieces with meaning and purpose. To accomplish this, I must continue to expand my knowledge. Through my education, I can authentically communicate my experiences, culture, and thoughts on profound subjects while also reflecting on my own identity and what I aspire to share with others. Education is vital for personal and professional growth, as it provides knowledge, skills, and resources for advancement. With the opportunities afforded by education, I can create lasting change not only within my family's narrative but also within my own story and the narratives of those who share similar backgrounds. Recognizing that not everyone is granted the same tools for success, I am grateful for my education and vow never to take it for granted. In conclusion, I am wholeheartedly dedicated to making the most of the resources and opportunities around me, including scholarships and grants. These financial aids have the power to help me move forward with one less burden and hurdle in my life. I am committed to striving for excellence in my academic courses and personal pursuits as an athlete while recognizing the importance of prioritizing my mental well-being. By maintaining a healthy mindset, I can ensure that I have the mental capacity to create and explore new possibilities as I progress. I truly believe that I have been blessed with the opportunity to receive an education, a talent for creation, and a world brimming with resources. Winning this scholarship would provide me with one more chance to make myself proud.This journey toward self-improvement is dear to me, and obtaining financial support will enable me to focus on what truly matters: growing as a person and contributing positively to society.
    Elizabeth Schalk Memorial Scholarship
    Often times, mental health is stigmatized heavily. Sometimes, even in conversations meant to be open and encouraging, it does not feel like a truly safe space. As I have grown older, I have realized that everyone may not be battling mental illness; everyone has their own personal struggles. . When I was younger, I didn't fully grasp how different situations and problems could truly affect those around me. However, over the years, I have witnessed the impact of poor mental health and self-care on my family members and myself. It took me a while to identify it because many people wear masks. Strength is highly valued in my family, and while it is a positive trait, I don't believe that valuing strength should mean ignoring one's pain. Even as a young girl, I found it challenging to open up and be vulnerable because I didn't want others to see me as weak. As I faced problems, I struggled to ask for help because I didn't want to burden anyone. Ironically, the strong front I thought I was presenting was not very convincing. While those around me may not have known the exact issue, it was evident that something was amiss. I found it difficult to get along with my parents and connect with my peers and friends. It was tough because I was striving to be "strong," but in reality, I was harming myself mentally and physically and damaging my relationships. I was struggling, as were the people around me. In junior year, there were several members of my family facing mental health problems that I wasn't fully aware of. It saddens me to realize that even though I talked to someone every day and saw signs that something was wrong, I didn't understand the full reality or extent of their pain. All the while, I was still dealing with my own mental health and self-harm issues that I had been struggling with for years. Later, I became more vulnerable about my problems and was able to receive the appropriate help and support. Now, looking back, I realize that I should have allowed myself to be honest and open with my loved ones and with myself. I have also come to understand the importance of being there for each other. I strongly believe that, as a world and society, we need to remove the stigma surrounding therapy and mental health problems so that we can become a more loving and peaceful world as a whole. We should create greater access to mental health professionals and more education about what mental illness and self-harm look like. Additionally, we need increased resources to help alleviate these challenges. As a society, we need to bring about change, and I believe it starts at home. It is necessary to check up on those around us. Ensure that your family members and friends are aware of your support and feel that they can trust you. We need to be there for each other. I also think that we should let go of our pride and allow ourselves to lean on those who are open to us, embracing vulnerability and companionship. Moving forward, I am doing my best to change my mindset and have a positive impact on others. I am striving to be a safe space and recognizing when it's time to stop trying to be so "strong" and seek solace. Because you can't be strong if you're not alive.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    I have been developing and cultivating my skills as an artist ever since I picked up a paintbrush. My style has been steadily evolving for years, and even though I am young in the grand scheme of things, I know I have come very far. I am always curious and open to trying new things. My journey as an artist has been no different. When I was younger, I was particularly interested in jewelry-making. I created a business and did commissions for people at school, church, and other family friends. I found joy in working with my hands in a 3D medium. At the same time, I also delved into abstract art, where I enjoyed the freedom of creating shapes from my imagination and how each person could interpret them in their own unique way. This art style was incredibly liberating and allowed me to express myself fully. Throughout the years, I have also explored realistic art using pencils and sketches, which eventually evolved into painting on canvases. I realized my passion for portraying figure portraits and elements from nature, like the sun, the moon, mountains, waves, and flowers. I incorporate flowers into my paintings, as they hold so much symbolism and meaning. Interestingly, I also utilize these same elements as literary devices in my poetry, which has been an interest of mine since childhood. It's important to note that even during periods of art block or slower growth, I have never stopped creating. I am constantly evolving, and I believe that growth is a lifelong process. The last few months have been incredibly transformative for me as I pursue my Fine Arts degree at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. I have experienced unprecedented growth during this time. It is the first opportunity I have had to receive a consistent art education, and the projects I have undertaken and the exceptional teaching I have received have contributed to my accelerated growth. Moreover, I have noticed that my resilience and endurance in creating art have substantially increased. Throughout my artistic journey in recent years, I have come to realize the importance of infusing purpose into my art. I want my creations to serve as tools to help others on a mental and spiritual level. My aim is to create art that inspires people to effect positive change in our society, forging stronger connections with themselves and those around them. Additionally, I believe that art offers a remarkable opportunity to establish a unique bond with someone, even without physically knowing them. When people encounter an artist's work, they gain insight into the artist's mind and attempt to understand their perspective without a single word being exchanged. That, in itself, is a truly beautiful phenomenon. My artistic vision is driven by three key narratives: mental health, my perspective as a young black woman, and my profound connection with the environment. I strive for my art to provoke thought and contemplation, encouraging individuals to reflect on their relationship with their mind, body, and the world around them. Every day, I am reminded that we are all in this together and that the problems we face often stem from different forms of the same root issue. I firmly believe that by addressing these issues through the medium of art on a personal level, we can positively impact individuals and the world at large. This is the purpose I aspire to fulfill with my art.
    Stephan L. Wolley Memorial Scholarship
    There are many factors in my life and qualities that shape me into the individual I am today, the individual I am becoming, and the individual I have been. Lately, I have been contemplating the fact that I am not only the young woman I am today, but also, in some ways, the younger me. Some aspects and feelings I had while growing up are still a part of me, and I am not a completely different and separate individual. However, with new experiences, I grow into a new woman every day. I must mention that there are core aspects of me that have remained consistent and make me who I am. One of my most defining characteristics is my creativity. I have always been interested in creation since I was young. I derive joy from working on something and seeing the result manifested in some form of art. I find satisfaction in putting in hard work and witnessing success or growth. Another quality about me is that I am a dedicated and passionate worker. When I set my mind on something, I expect good results and work diligently towards those goals. I believe this is a result of my family dynamics. My parents are disciplined individuals who taught me to have high standards for myself and to pursue my dreams and the positives in my life. I remember small yet significant things, such as when I was very young, I wasn't allowed to say, "I can't." This may seem like an odd rule, but ultimately, it taught me several valuable lessons. First, do not give up before trying. Second, the importance of self-talk, as many times in life people set themselves up for failure because they already have a defeatist mindset. Third, it taught me that with hard work and smart effort, I can achieve things that may seem impossible. Lastly, and still relevant today, it taught me that we must do things we don't want to do in order to be successful. There are times when I don't want to go to the gym or work on my art, but I realize that if I only do things when I want to, I probably wouldn't even get out of bed in the morning. My parents and family have provided me with endless nuggets of wisdom, and they continue to support and guide me even now. Currently, I am studying at the Fashion Institute of Technology, pursuing a Fine Arts degree. I work diligently in my classes and have gained valuable insights over the past few months. Although it hasn't been perfect or easy, I am committed to working hard and graduating with honors, like I did in high school. I strongly value education, as it empowers us with knowledge and helps us grow in many ways, fostering a beautiful connection with the universe. Following college, I will work in the industry. Recognizing the benefits of multiple income streams and influence, I may also explore other entrepreneurial endeavors. However, my current focus is on selling my art and poetry. In the long run, my goal is to establish my own art gallery where I can showcase my creations as well as the work of other minority and female artists, promoting a powerful and positive atmosphere.
    Kalia D. Davis Memorial Scholarship
    I'm an artist, and I am currently working hard on my education to expand my knowledge and obtain a degree that demonstrates my expertise in my craft. I have a deep passion for art and I am willing to do whatever it takes to achieve my dream future, living the life I desire and inspiring and impacting those around me. Currently, I am in a phase of growth and development. I am dedicating myself to writing essays in order to secure scholarships, staying up late to complete assignments and prove myself as the top student, and striving to grow both personally and artistically. I am also prioritizing my mental and physical well-being and cultivating positive habits as I transition into adulthood. I am actively creating a beautiful space in my relationship with myself, while also making strides in my education, art career, and financial stability. Pursuing my education will empower me to soar towards my future and contribute to the betterment of the world. Knowledge grants us the ability to transform our surroundings, influence others, and reshape social structures. It is an established truth that educated individuals have played the most significant roles in shaping history. As a young woman of color, I take pride in my education, knowing that I possess the capacity to enact change in ways that were not available to my ancestors. Access to information and its utilization levels the playing field. I have chosen to enter the art field, where I can apply my knowledge of colors and symbols to create visually stunning works that inspire change. As an educated poet, I can utilize my voice to raise awareness, spread positivity, and bring about transformation. Education equips me with a multitude of tools and opportunities to create impact, not only in my own story and that of my family but also for individuals who share similar experiences. Knowledge is a gift, and education is a privilege that I amfortunate to have. Currently, I am embarking on a unique educational journey, specializing in fine arts. While some argue that art is an innate talent that does not necessitate formal training, I believe that having an education in art history, access to art-making tools, and knowledge of various techniques enables me to create art with intent and effectively express specific ideas. I aspire to infuse my pieces with meaning and purpose. To accomplish this, I must continue to expand my knowledge. Through my education, I can authentically communicate my experiences, culture, and thoughts on profound subjects, while also reflecting on my own identity and what I aspire to share with others. Education is vital for personal and professional growth, as it provides knowledge, skills, and resources for advancement. With the opportunities afforded by education, I can create lasting change not only within my family's narrative but also within my own story and the narratives of those who share similar backgrounds. Recognizing that not everyone is granted the same tools for success, I am grateful for my education and vow never to take it for granted. Currently, I am on a unique educational journey focused on the fine arts, where I am learning to be intentional in my artistic endeavors. Through my education, I am able to delve into profound subjects and contemplate my cultural experiences, identity, and beliefs. This scholarship paves the way for me to pursue an advanced education, granting me the necessary resources to obtain a degree in my desired field. It alleviates the financial barriers that often hinder students, allowing me to wholeheartedly focus on my learning.And one more chance to be here.
    Novitas Diverse Voices Scholarship
    Throughout history, there have been numerous instances where individuals from marginalized communities, such as people of color or other minorities, have been unjustly denied the proper representation and reflection they deserve. In my opinion, now more than ever, we have an abundance of opportunities and no valid reason for there not being a wide array of voices contributing to public narratives. Firstly, similar to many other fields, it is crucial to put forth more effort towards ensuring adequate representation and inclusion of all individuals. It should not just be a superficial attempt to fulfill the status quo by having one or two token minorities. Instead, there should be a balanced representation of individuals from various backgrounds, diverse skin tones, different age groups, differing opinions, and unique narratives. This approach can ensure that all people are given the respect and representation they deserve. It holds even greater significance in the realm of public relations and public narratives since these are the voices shaping the narratives surrounding us. If only a single perspective is voiced by individuals who look alike, act alike, and come from similar backgrounds, it is inherently unfair to those who differ and observe it. Consequently, it is of utmost importance that both young and older people are exposed to more than just one skin color, one age group, or one gender. Additionally, it is crucial to eliminate bias by ensuring that voices from diverse backgrounds are given a platform together. This collaborative approach enables them to fight for their respective communities and represent the experiences of individuals who share similar realities. One cannot accurately convey a negative or positive perspective regarding a particular situation unless they have personally experienced it. All too often, the media and the narratives we encounter are limited to a single point of view. In cases where there is a lack of diversity and balance, stereotypes perpetuate, miscommunication occurs, and misleading information spreads. Sometimes people do not intend to cause harm, but their lack of understanding or relatability prevents them from taking positive action. On the other hand, there are individuals who deliberately promote malice and aim to inflict harm. In such instances, it would be immensely beneficial to have someone who could counter their messaging and ultimately correct their actions. Lastly, there are numerous positive effects that arise when you invite voices from diverse perspectives and different angles. Incorporating such voices fosters more creativity and innovation, as they bring unique insights and fresh approaches to the table. This, in turn, leads to more engaging and impactful public narratives, revealing the intricate complexity and beautiful diversity of humanity on our planet. Moreover, I firmly believe that by having an abundance of voices sharing their perspectives, we can bridge communities that are often divided due to misconceptions and prejudices. Imagine a media and public relations landscape that embraces a wide variety of voices, representing various age groups, ethnicities, cultures, and backgrounds. Such inclusivity would undeniably help address the problems, stereotypes, and biases that separate our communities. In fact, it has the potential to enhance the positive effects of diversity and promote the harmonious coexistence of individuals who share love and respect despite their differences.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    As I've aged, I've realized that I am not only goal-oriented, but I am committed to following my heart's desires. When I set my mind to something, I am passionate about it and do everything in my power to accomplish that goal. Setting and completing goals is essential for mental health because it fosters a sense of direction in life. Regularly pursuing objectives that bolster mental wellbeing has been incredibly beneficial for me. For instance, my dedication to my recent fitness journey has helped me achieve more consistent results than ever before. Activities like working out consistently have improved my energy levels, happiness, and overall health, which in turn positively impact my mental state. Other examples where I set goals, such as writing affirmations or expressing gratitude in a journal, support my mental health journey. Other objectives, like staying on top of schoolwork and maintaining good grades, help alleviate stress. I am learning that embracing persistence and consistency is crucial to avoiding procrastination resulting from poor work ethics. As a naturally expressive person, it becomes very apparent when my mental health is declining. In my interactions with others, I'm usually open, expressive, and silly.However, when I'm dealing with mental health problems such as anxiety, insecurity, or depression, being around people drains me. I become overly concerned about how my interactions go, or sometimes my mind goes blank, leaving me unsure of what to talk about or how to act. In those moments, I feel like an object rather than a person, just existing without really feeling alive or engaged. Relationships are a way to connect with people, so it's important for me to be connected with myself first in order to connect with others.I have learned to prioritize my mental health by taking several steps. In the past few years, I have realized the importance of writing affirmations, as I mentioned earlier. To counteract negative narratives I have found it helpful to write down positive words or gratitude. I make it a point to revisit these affirmations during difficult times or regularly, ensuring that I maintain a positive mindset that can help me through challenging situations. My mental health has influenced the way I perceive the world. A negative mindset can lead to pessimistic thoughts about the surrounding environment and humankind. However, maintaining good mental health allows me to appreciate that life is filled with ebbs and flows and recognize the innate goodness within humanity and our planet. It's essential to maintain solid mental wellbeing to see the inherent beauty in our ever-changing world. Mental health has significantly impacted me in various ways. Over the years, I have gained a deeper understanding of myself and mental health in general. I continually strive to maintain a healthy mental and spiritual state.
    Morgan Levine Dolan Community Service Scholarship
    Pursuing my education will empower me to soar towards my future and contribute to the betterment of the world. Knowledge grants us the ability to transform our surroundings, influence others, and reshape social structures. It is an established truth that educated individuals have played the most significant roles in shaping history. As a young woman of color, I take pride in my education, knowing that I possess the capacity to enact change in ways that were not available to my ancestors. Access to information and its utilization level the playing field. I have chosen to enter the art field, where I can apply my knowledge of colors and symbols to create visually stunning works that inspire change. As an educated poet, I can utilize my voice to raise awareness, spread positivity, and bring about transformation. Education equips me with a multitude of tools and opportunities to create impact, not only in my own story and that of my family but also for individuals who share similar experiences. Knowledge is a gift, and education is a privilege that I am fortunate to have. Currently, I am embarking on a unique educational journey, specializing in fine arts. While some argue that art is an innate talent that does not necessitate formal training, I believe that having an education in art history, access to art-making tools, and knowledge of various techniques enables me to create art with intent and effectively express specific ideas. I aspire to infuse my pieces with meaning and purpose. To accomplish this, I must continue to expand my knowledge. Through my education, I can authentically communicate my experiences, culture, and thoughts on profound subjects while also reflecting on my own identity and what I aspire to share with others. Education is vital for personal and professional growth, as it provides knowledge, skills, and resources for advancement. With the opportunities afforded by education, I can create lasting change not only within my family's narrative but also within my own story and the narratives of those who share similar backgrounds. Recognizing that not everyone is granted the same tools for success, I am grateful for my education and vow never to take it for granted. Currently, I am on a unique educational journey focused on the fine arts, where I am learning to be intentional in my artistic endeavors. Through my education, I am able to delve into profound subjects and contemplate my cultural experiences, identity, and beliefs. Regarding my future career, there is a harsh reality that many emerging artists struggle with: balancing creative dreams with financial survival. When starting out, artists have to build a clientele by creating art while also figuring out how to make ends meet. Generating enough art to sell and make money takes a lot of time, and there is not always an immediate payout. As a result, some artists are forced to give up their dreams to survive. Now, I am attending college to learn how to market and trade my artwork while also acquiring skills to make my work influential. I recognize the power of reaching out to resources and seeking help. I have no intention of acquiring loans and starting my career with financial deficits; thus, obtaining grants and scholarships will contribute significantly to my long-term success. This scholarship paves the way for me to pursue an advanced education, granting me the necessary resources to obtain a degree in my desired field. It alleviates the financial barriers that often hinder emerging arts, allowing me to wholeheartedly focus on my creative journey.
    Priscilla Shireen Luke Scholarship
    Recently, I have been dedicated to advocating for mental health positivity and art sustainability. I believe it is crucial to raise awareness, foster understanding, and promote empathy around these matters.For instance, last year, I joined the B.L.E.U. club at my school, which stands for Being Loving, Empathetic, and Understanding. In this club, we strive to educate others about the importance of mental health and encourage open conversations. Additionally, we learned about healthy relationships, boundaries, and human trafficking, allowing us to educate our peers. Throughout the school year, we collaborated with local mental health professionals and organizations, which enabled B.L.E.U. to make a positive impact in my school. Through panel discussions, workshops, and presentations, I engaged with numerous individuals, sparking conversations and breaking down barriers. Furthermore, I believe in utilizing my art to inspire and uplift individuals struggling with their mental health. With the use of vibrant colors, soothing imagery, and empowering symbols, I will create art that evokes positive emotions and promotes self-care. Whether it be through spoken word or paintings depicting strength and love, my art aims to connect individuals to a beautiful community. Mental health is a cause that holds profound significance in my life. While I may devote my energy to many other causes as the years go on, I will always be involved in mental health advocacy. I recognize there are many problems in the world, but there are also many solutions. There are many ways every individual can make a small change. Anyone can lead initiatives, create awareness, empower support systems, advocate for policy change, and volunteer. By fostering open conversations, offering vital support channels, and acting as a catalyst for policy improvements, we create a brighter future. Together, we can build a society that values individuality and recognizes that we do have the capacity to build a better world. Art can foster understanding and empathy for mental health issues. By creating visual representations or narratives, art can provide a glimpse into the internal struggles and complex emotions that individuals with mental health challenges experience. Through my art, I aim to create a safe space and an air of positivity. While creating this space of positivity and mental conciseness, I also intend on promoting sustainable art habits. Looking ahead, I am eager to become more involved in environmental initiatives. For example, by creating a nonprofit that focuses on adding more creative greenery to the city or participating in volunteer work that entails picking up trash and upcycling art pieces, I want to contribute to raising awareness and caring for our planet in the art and design community. Sadly, many are unaware of the struggles our planet is facing and its urgency. Therefore, one of my current goals is to find a way to raise awareness so that everyone can make small changes to help the world. In doing so, we can create a domino effect of positive change. As artists, we must advocate for sustainable and eco-friendly practices. This includes creating sculptures out of upcycled materials, using environmentally friendly canvases, and minimizing or eliminating harmful and toxic mediums. It is vital to capture the beauty of the earth without harming it. This year has been an amazing personal journey of growth,I have actively pursued creating a positive impact through my art, participating in clubs for education and protection, and increasing my knowledge about environmental sustainability and global initiatives. I have gained valuable insights, and I am excited to discover what future involvements await me as time progresses.
    McClendon Leadership Award
    What does leadership mean to you and why is it important? When it comes to leadership, whether in a household, community, workplace, government, or even a friend group, it is crucial to distinguish between positive and negative leadership. Strong leaders possess the ability to guide their followers, exert a positive influence, and empower those around them, all while growing as individuals. The type of leader you are and the type of leader you choose to follow will determine the path you take as a leader. If you exhibit traits that attract followers but lead them down a path of negativity and destruction, you are essentially setting them on a negative course. For instance, imagine relying on someone for directions who ends up leading you down a dark alley or giving you the wrong turn. If you trust and follow this person, you'll find yourself lost. On the other hand, if your leader is moving in the right direction, you'll follow them towards the correct destination. This principle applies to all aspects of life, whether it be having a boss, teacher, or coach with positive intentions leading you towards a positive mental or physical space. The influence of those we follow can have a significant impact on our own behavior. As a leader, it is essential to create a positive influence and serve as an example for those around you. As an older sister, I have observed that when people naturally follow you, they tend to adopt your habits and behaviors. If you consistently engage in negative actions in their presence, they may perceive it as acceptable and imitate those behaviors. Conversely, if you consistently demonstrate positive actions, speak kindly, and treat others with respect, they will naturally emulate these behaviors. Therefore, it is crucial for leaders to be mindful of the influence they have over others and use it ethically to uplift those around them. Building and empowering those who follow you is one of the most important aspects of leadership. In my life, my parents embody what true leadership looks like, and I aspire to be like them. Over the years, I have witnessed their growth and resilience, and I have also experienced their unwavering support in pushing me towards personal growth. For me, leadership means positively nurturing and guiding others to reach their full potential by showing them how to fulfill their dreams and live a better life. Being a leader is a tremendous responsibility, as it demonstrates that someone trusts your ability to help them safely reach their goals, both mentally and physically.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    Your brain, even without your awareness, takes control of your entire body. It sends signals to get your heart pumping and your lungs moving. Without conscious thought, your brain also regulates your hormones. Your mental health and brain function are crucial, as they impact every aspect of your life. Poor mental health can negatively affect relationships, physical wellbeing, and work ethics. When feeling depressed or negative, it becomes challenging to move forward in other areas of life. It becomes difficult to work to your full potential, give your all to your craft, be patient with others, and appreciate the simple things in life. Therefore, maintaining good mental health is vital. In my own mental health journey, I have faced numerous trials and tribulations, but they have taught me valuable lessons. Recognizing and processing your feelings, protecting your peace, and finding healthy outlets are key to maintaining good mental health. Neglecting these aspects can lead to a negative mental state. I have discovered that protecting my peace greatly benefits me. This includes managing my time, surrounding myself with positive influences, and maintaining a healthy sleep schedule. The next step is to recognize that, as humans, we will experience a full range of emotions. It is important not to suppress your sadness or anger and pretend they don't affect you, as this will only trap you in these feelings. Instead, it is best to acknowledge and process your emotions in the moment and then let them go, so they do not fester. There have been times when I tried to act unaffected by things that bothered me, but it only made me feel numb and led to a state of depression. I have learned to release my emotions in positive ways, such as through painting, writing poetry, or journaling, rather than resorting to self-harm. Another way I maintain mental well-being, even when not experiencing anger, is by going outside and connecting with nature. It is an impactful experience to bask in the sunshine, appreciate the beauty of the earth, and connect with the elements, as it helps to alleviate feelings of loneliness. Additionally, purposeful and meditative breathing with the intention of releasing negative energy has been beneficial for me. It allows me to slow down and process my emotions instead of perpetually cycling through negative feelings. These steps have greatly contributed to my personal growth. Every day, maintaining good mental health requires effort. We must actively work towards peace and prioritize positive habits. Mental health should be destigmatized and given as much importance as physical health in our society. Encouragement for finding peace and mental well-being should be prevalent, just as we value material wealth. Having a strong mind is the highest state a human can achieve.
    Reasons To Be - In Memory of Jimmy Watts
    My volunteer experiences have been incredibly enlightening and have truly shaped my understanding of the value of teamwork and collaboration. As an individual, I have learned that there are many ways to lead. My time spent volunteering has instilled in me the importance of active listening, valuing and respecting the ideas and opinions of others, and fostering a strong sense of unity and collaboration within my community. It has become evident to me that a true leader is not simply someone who delegates tasks but rather someone who leads with honesty, love, and action. Additionally, a true leader is someone who recognizes a problem and becomes devoted to helping solve it. Volunteering has given me a unique sense of community. When I am with a large group of people coming together to help the community or a specific cause, it is beautiful and creates a sense of togetherness. Whether I volunteer at church or a homeless shelter, for example, it makes me feel connected to those around me and gives me hope in humanity. It brings me happiness to know that in this world, with so many problems, there are people who selflessly come together to help without any reward other than a sense of accomplishment. It is also amazing because, while for-profit work can bring joy or relief, volunteering is entirely selfless and gives a wholesome feeling. Sometimes, we can live in our own bubble and only think of our own struggles and what is going on. However, when you work together to put boxes of simple things like hygiene products, for example, to help someone who has nothing at all, it puts into perspective what you have to be thankful for. Not only does it help you realize what you have to be thankful for, but it also helps you recognize that you can connect with people from all walks of life. Volunteering, like art, is an impactful way to gain perspectives beyond yourself. It can help you recognize the strength, resilience, and humanity in everyone. Volunteer work has given me morals that I practice in my everyday life. For example, I aspire to be an independent artist and poet, owning my own art gallery and displaying both my art and the original works of others, where my creations positively and powerfully impact the art industry. There are many different paths to success, but my decision to pursue fine arts and business will cultivate the skills and knowledge to understand and articulate artistic processes and become a successful artist. I expect to gain new techniques and expand my mental capacity. I naturally explore and try new things from my imagination. To be an artist, you must be self-reflective and outwardly aware to produce something impactful. Existing as an individual and artist in today's society is beautiful and amazing. I have the opportunity to connect with others while learning and creating. As an artist, I have the opportunity to build something new that is my own and share that with the world around me, combining my independence with a sense of community. One day, as I live my life as a successful artist, I will continue to create. I will allow empathy, perseverance, and appreciation to guide me. All these elements have contributed to who I am today and continue to mold me every single day.
    Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
    Pursuing my education will empower me to soar towards my future and contribute to the betterment of the world. Knowledge grants us the ability to transform our surroundings, influence others, and reshape social structures. It is an established truth that educated individuals have played the most significant roles in shaping history. As a young woman of color, I take pride in my education, knowing that I possess the capacity to enact change in ways that were not available to my ancestors. Access to information and its utilization levels the playing field. I have chosen to enter the art field, where I can apply my knowledge of colors and symbols to create visually stunning works that inspire change. As an educated poet, I can utilize my voice to raise awareness, spread positivity, and bring about transformation. Education equips me with a multitude of tools and opportunities to create impact, not only in my own story and that of my family but also for individuals who share similar experiences. Knowledge is a gift, and education is a privilege that I am fortunate to have. Currently, I am embarking on a unique educational journey, specializing in fine arts. While some argue that art is an innate talent that does not necessitate formal training, I believe that having an education in art history, access to art-making tools, and knowledge of various techniques enables me to create art with intent and effectively express specific ideas. I aspire to infuse my pieces with meaning and purpose. To accomplish this, I must continue to expand my knowledge. Through my education, I can authentically communicate my experiences, culture, and thoughts on profound subjects, while also reflecting on my own identity and what I aspire to share with others. Education is vital for personal and professional growth, as it provides knowledge, skills, and resources for advancement. With the opportunities afforded by education, I can create lasting change not only within my family's narrative but also within my own story and the narratives of those who share similar backgrounds. Recognizing that not everyone is granted the same tools for success, I am grateful for my education and vow never to take it for granted. Currently, I am on a unique educational journey focused on the fine arts, where I am learning to be intentional in my artistic endeavors. Through my education, I am able to delve into profound subjects and contemplate my cultural experiences, identity, and beliefs. This scholarship paves the way for me to pursue an advanced education, granting me the necessary resources to obtain a degree in my desired field. It alleviates the financial barriers that often hinder students, allowing me to wholeheartedly focus on my learning journey.
    Windward Spirit Scholarship
    The millennials of Generation Z have come to accept that we don't live in an ideal world. Through constant exposure to news and social media, we witness the tragedies that occur in our society. Many young people are no longer surprised by the downfalls we see. Growing up, I never heard my parents discuss how the world was getting worse. However, I believe that the world has always faced problems, but it is the people in my generation who recognize them more readily due to the constant flow of information through social media and technology. We have become somewhat desensitized to these issues, but we also find it easier to seek out solutions. While there are many tragic events, there are also many solutions, and we can witness how people come together to address them. We have accepted many circumstances and understand that we must be agents of change. I feel encouraged knowing that there are numerous avenues available for enacting change. In the past, people had fewer opportunities to venture outside their small town or community, and the possibilities for making a difference were more limited. Today, our generation appears to be more mature in some respects compared to previous generations, but we also have areas where we lack maturity. Each decade, the youth encounter different problems. My parents faced different challenges than my grandparents, and in the future, I may be more mature than my parents in certain aspects. Ultimately, our environment plays a significant role in shaping our perspectives. Events like the Covid-19 pandemic have had a profound impact on the lives of young people. Throughout history, many global epidemics affected primarily adults, while childhood remained largely unaffected. However, when the pandemic hit, the entire world came to a halt, and regardless of age, it was impossible to deny that something significant was occurring. Such events can foster maturity in ways that our parents may not have experienced. Furthermore, these challenges have helped us grow. We recognize that many problems in our society are caused by adults and leaders, and it is up to us to fix them. We have access to vast knowledge and resources, allowing us to identify these problems much earlier. We, the members of Gen Z, are more optimistic and realistic than other generations. Many people around my age believe they can pursue their desired careers. We are not held back by expectations or social norms. Instead, we are eager to make a unique contribution to the world. While we aspire to live our dream lives, we are equally determined to bring about positive change. Previous generations have addressed and resolved numerous issues and made groundbreaking innovations, yet there remain unresolved problems that we are passionately committed to solving. As humans, we naturally have hope and a desire to strive for excellence. Gen Z remains encouraged because it is the only option we have. I, like many others, want the most of the world we are given and leave our unique mark on it.
    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    I think it's important to understand the nature of our universe so we can know where we're going. We have a natural curiosity to discover who we are, as knowing ourselves helps guide our actions in life. The universe may have answers regarding why we feel compelled to survive, even in difficult times, it can provide meaning to our lives. Or how much time humankind has left on Earth, for example. By learning more about the universe and its principles, we can find purpose in this miraculous journey called life. We often seek what lies beyond us to better understand what lies within us. Understanding the nature of the universe is not about finding a specific purpose, but rather finding our place within it. Rather than needing a predetermined purpose for a meaningful life, we all strive to find our place. Knowing where we fit in the universe brings clarity and perspective to our minds. To find these answers, we must better understand our galaxy's history. History is crucial in science because we need to know where we've been to understand our path forward. The galaxy beyond us and surrounding us may hold answers to Earth's curiosities. For instance, where did the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs originate? How did the sun and moon become part of our solar system? These discoveries could help us comprehend the potential for exploring new planets or even uncharted territories on our planet, such as the vast depths of the ocean. Acquiring this knowledge might unlock new ways to unravel mysteries like Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, or desert disappearances. By understanding the broader universe, we may gain insights into the phenomena occurring right here on Earth. Exploring the nature of our universe could reveal the existence of aliens, advance scientific knowledge, or uncover the psychological motivations behind human behavior and conflicts. Ultimately, the quest to understand the universe satisfies our inherent curiosity as human beings. The true scale of our existence, whether big or small, remains a mystery. We may never fully understand the purpose of life or the significance of humans in the grand scheme of things. However, I believe that life itself is a miraculous phenomenon. Even though there may exist more advanced creatures in the universe, we should appreciate the fact that we are still here. It's incredible to think that we exist in this particular moment outside of all the conceivable realities. By seeking to unravel the nature of the universe, we can discover the possibilities available to us and gain a better understanding of our worth.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    In life, it is important to treat others how you would like to be treated. If you are going through a difficult time, you would hope that someone would lend a hand, so it is only fair to do the same for others. However, it is crucial to approach helping others with the right intentions. Don't help someone just because you expect help in return if you ever need it. Instead, help others because it is the right thing to do. No one can navigate through life alone. We as humans need a sense of community, and in order for a community to thrive, people must come together and support one another. The cycle of life demonstrates this concept perfectly. We start off as helpless babies, reliant on our mothers to survive. But even our mothers have their own support system to lean on. As we grow older, we benefit from mentors, teachers, coaches, and other individuals who shape us into who we become. It is a reminder that no one can go through life without assistance. We all need help, which is why it is crucial to extend a helping hand and give back to others. By doing so, we create a positive cycle of love and selflessness. Additionally, I believe in the cliche that helping others brings joy and satisfaction. There is something incredibly fulfilling about making a difference outside of ourselves and witnessing growth or success because of our assistance. This world functions as a community of giving and sharing. If everyone offered a helping hand when it was needed, many of the problems we face today would be significantly reduced. When we actively participate in acts of kindness and contribute to our communities, we not only benefit others but also foster a sense of belonging and forge new connections. This innate desire to help promotes inclusivity and enhances our overall well-being. It allows us to form meaningful relationships based on empathy and shared understanding. By dedicating time and effort to supporting those in need, we strengthen our bonds within various social circles, ultimately cultivating a deeper sense of belonging that contributes to our overall happiness. Engaging with individuals, businesses, and neighborhoods through community projects enables us to gain firsthand insight into their challenges and successes, nurturing our empathy and compassion. Beyond the immediate benefits of our social connections, helping others serves as a catalyst for personal growth and fulfillment. Engaging in acts of kindness and making a positive impact on someone else's life boosts our self-esteem and overall satisfaction. Witnessing the positive effects we can have on others motivates us to continue helping, fostering a cycle of positivity. Moreover, the skills and experiences gained through volunteering, such as leadership, empathy, and problem-solving, contribute to our personal development, making us more adaptable and resilient in our interactions with others. Helping others provides a fresh perspective on empathy.
    Top of the Mountain Memorial Scholarship
    Growing up, my relationship with nature has always been important to me. My parents instilled in me the value of spending time outdoors and connecting with the planet. Sustainability has been a core principle in my household for as long as I can remember. Whether it was taking my siblings and me camping or on hikes, encouraging us to learn about different ecosystems and organisms, or practicing everyday conservation by using reusable instead of disposable Ziploc bags to reduce plastic waste in the ocean. I also make an effort to recycle and repurpose containers and glass bottles, using them to hold plants or dried flowers for my artwork. Thrifting my clothes is another way I contribute to sustainability, as it reduces the environmental impact of mainstream commercial shopping. Supporting local businesses is important to me as well since they often source their products locally, resulting in a smaller environmental footprint. Additionally, I try to avoid eating at fast-food restaurants due to the harm they cause to animals and the environment. As I've grown older, I've realized my desire to make a greater impact on the environment and the Earth's future. I have considered starting a nonprofit focused on combating deforestation in rainforests or creating a for-profit organization that actively plants trees to offset environmental damage. Being an artist, I have also learned how to make my artwork more sustainable by repurposing old materials that would otherwise be wasted. Additionally, I make my own paint using Earth pigments, avoiding paints with harmful chemicals that contribute to environmental degradation. I recognize that my industry, art, can leave a significant carbon footprint, but I believe it's crucial to create something beautiful while also respecting and preserving the Earth. When we reach the pinnacle of our journeys, it is important to leave behind a message of consideration for ourselves, others, and the surrounding space. Carelessness often leads to unnecessary problems arising from disregard for others' feelings and well-being. However, it is equally important to consider how our choices and actions impact our own inner peace. By being mindful of the energy within and around us, we can cultivate not only personal happiness but also a positive influence on the future and the well-being of those around us. If I could leave my flag and message at the top of the mountain, I would encourage everyone to strive for balance in the spiritual, physical, and mental aspects of life.
    Terry Masters Memorial Scholarship
    I have had the spirit of creativity for as long as I can remember. As a child, I was drawn toward creation. I have an abundance of vivid journals filled with rhymes and sketchbooks complete with art. I’ve always loved to dance, paint, draw, and make poetry. Art brought me to life.Moving my hand to create is a beautiful means of positive release. Even when the art resulting is viewed as sad, angry or negative, it teaches me that I can have, then, move past emotions. Art has constantly taught me to breathe and excel, to be the full version of myself. When I create a piece of art, it can be viewed from different angles, remind one of different things, and make people feel in their individual ways. Nonetheless, when I sign my name, my art is complete. A masterpiece cannot be judged, loved and understood- if it isn't made. I choose to create myself every day, despite adversity, because I’m an important part of my world and community. Through paintings, poetry, or drawings, I am able explore the many intricacies of our world. By creating visual representations I am able to show appreciation to my culture, influences and inspirations. Through my art, I aim to create a safe space and air of positivity. Art, in its various forms, has the power to evoke emotions and provoke thought, ultimately giving me a fresh perspective on life. When I paint or draw, I use bright colors because I think this world is alive, bright and colorful. I primarily make figurative pieces because I am in awe of humans as living art themselves. Everyone has a story and I hope to give everyone a voice and connection through my pieces.
    Valiyah Young Scholarship
    In this wide universe of innumerable identities, I find comfort in the vivid spectrum of my special and varied traits. My life has been a beautiful journey shaped by my creativity, family traditions, and my adventures as a military child. Who I am today results from a unique upbringing, which has given me a special perspective and passion. Growing up as a military child has lit my soul with a strong hunger for new experiences, pushing the limits of what I accepted to be conceivable. Every move uncovered a world saturated with history, culture, and new friendships. This allowed me to learn many leadership and people skills. No matter what my environmental factors, I have worked towards make positive change and being a light to those around me. For instance, last year I became involved with the B.L.E.U club at my school. B.L.E.U stands for Being Loving Empathetic and Understanding. In the club, we strive to educate people about the significance of mental health and encourage open conversations. Additionally, we learned and were able to educate peers about healthy relationships, boundaries, and human trafficking. Throughout the school year, we were in collaboration with local mental health professionals and organizations. With their knowledge and resources, B.L.E.U was able to make a positive change in my school. Through panel discussions, workshops, and presentations, I addressed numerous people, lighting the discussion and separating boundaries. Additionally, I advocate for mental health awareness through my art. Through paintings, poetry, or drawings, I have found my own way to explore the numerous complexities of emotional battles and feature the strength, beauty, and determination of people managing such issues. Art has given me the ability to help others cultivate understanding and sympathy towards mental wellness issues. By creating visual representations or narratives, my art can provide a glimpse of complex emotions and open many important conversations. Through my art, I aim to create a safe space and an air of positivity. I intend to use my creation to remind the world that our dreams, presence, and voices matter. I embrace the excellence of my culture, and I strive to bring pride to my community. The basis of personal and professional growth is education, which provides people with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to set them on the path to advancement. With an education, I have so many tools and opportunities to create. To create change in my family's story, in my story, and in the stories of people similar to me. Knowledge is a gift, and education is a privilege. Everyone is not provided with the tools to excel, so I will not take my education for granted. Currently, I am on my unique educational journey, learning about the fine arts. I am learning to be very intentional in my pieces. My specific education will allow me to mirror my experiences and my culture, and it will permit me to plunge into various profound subjects and give me the chance to ponder my identity, the confidence I have in it, and what I want to share with the world. This scholarship clears the way to achieving an advanced education, providing me the resources to pursue a degree in my ideal field. By getting the grant, I can conquer the monetary limitations that frequently trouble yearning understudies, which empowers me to focus on growing my knowledge. The support from this scholarship supports me in seeking after my interests passionately, empowering me to influence my community. With this help, I'm sure that I will perform at my maximum capacity and, thus, contribute positively to our world.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    In this wide universe of innumerable identities, I find comfort in the vivid spectrum of my special and varied traits. My life has been a beautiful journey shaped by my creativity, family traditions, and my adventures as a military child. Who I am today results from a unique upbringing, which has given me a special perspective and passion. Growing up as a military child has lit my soul with a strong hunger for new experiences, pushing the limits of what I accepted to be conceivable. Every move uncovered a world saturated with history, culture, and new friendships. This allowed me to learn many leadership and people skills. No matter what my environmental factors, I have worked towards make positive change and being a light to those around me. I choose to share my outlooks through my creations. By creating visual representations or narratives, my art can provide a glimpse of complex emotions and open many important conversations. Through my art, I aim to create a safe space and an air of positivity. My art is also a tool I use to bring light to the beauty and strength of my family and culture as a person of color. I intend to use my creation to remind the world that our dreams, presence, and voices matter. I embrace the excellence of my culture, and I strive to bring pride to my community. The basis of personal and professional growth is education, which provides people with the knowledge, skills, and resources necessary to set them on the path to advancement. With an education, I have so many tools and opportunities to create. To create change in my family's story, in my story, and in the stories of people similar to me. Knowledge is a gift, and education is a privilege. Everyone is not provided with the tools to excel, so I will not take my education for granted. Currently, I am on my unique educational journey, learning about the fine arts. I am learning to be very intentional in my pieces. My specific education will allow me to mirror my experiences and my culture, and it will permit me to plunge into various profound subjects and give me the chance to ponder my identity, the confidence I have in it, and what I want to share with the world. This scholarship clears the way to achieving an advanced education, providing me the resources to pursue a degree in my ideal field. By getting the grant, I can conquer the monetary limitations that frequently trouble yearning understudies, which empowers me to focus on growing my knowledge. The support from this scholarship supports me in seeking after my interests passionately, empowering me to influence my community. With this help, I'm sure that I will perform at my maximum capacity and, thus, contribute positively to our world.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    I have had the spirit of creativity for as long as I can remember. As a child, I was drawn towards creation. I have an abundance of vivid journals filled with rhymes and sketchbooks complete with art. I’ve always loved to dance,paint, draw and make poetry. Art brought me to life. As years progressed, I went through phases of wanting to pursue different future careers. Writer, party planner, fashion designer, ext. As I continued to draw and paint over the years, my love for art multiplied. One beautiful day, I realized I couldn’t live- wouldn’t live without making art.I desire to live a lifestyle were my creations positively and powerfully impact the art industry. There are many different paths successful creatives before me have taken. Nonetheless, I intend on earning a Degree of Fine Arts. This degree will help me understand and articulate artistic processes. I also expect to gain new techniques and expand my mental capasity. Currently, I make my art based off of rudimentary skills. Dexterity I learned from school, books, tutorials and natural inclination. Time alone has cultivated my skills. Even so, with formal training I will be able to make it to the next level much easier. Individuals can figure problems and competency on their own. Individual progression- with little or no guidance is made by people everyday. In fact, for thousands of years this has occured. However, I don’t intent to “ reinvent the will” when it comes to starting an art career. As an artist, I naturally explore and try new things from my imagination. Honestly, one of my favorite aspects of creating is the process of making something unique. Something eccentric. I am a very independent person and I pride myself in hardwork. There is a sense of fullfillment in figuring things out but, being taught is necessary to make steps further than the first person to exist. I believe my Degree will give the the baseline knowledge I need in order to make strides further than what I could imagine. To date, I have been involved in many artistic endeavors which have impacted me tremendously. One of the most impactful art programs I have attended, was associated with the Berridge Programs. This week long program that allowed me to experience time where the focus was creating art, learning, and growing as an individual. Currently, I work at a black owned art gallery called Overdue Recognition Art Gallery. In the process of discovering the internship, I had to research and reach out to many organizations. I pursued a desire that benefited my future,and it manifested more independence. I have met and conversed with many successful artists and the gallery owners have taught me a great deal about the art industry and entrepreneurship. I can honestly say it has made me a fuller person and given me a better scope of how I should pursue my future. Existing as a human being and an artist in todays society is beautiful and amazing. I think as a human I have the opportunity to connect with others to learning and creating. As an artist, I have the opportunity to build something new that is mine own. In order to be the best person and creator, I want to combine my independence with a community. As an artist I think you have to be inwardly coherent while outworldly aware and understanding to make something impactful. Winning this scholarship will help financially support me and allow me to learn more about the art world while actively adding something impressive to it.