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Rudy Morelli


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I am from Oakland Ca, and currently enrolled in UCSC as a Film/Digital Media major. I am very passionate about acting, skateboarding, cars, and hanging out with my friends.


University of California-Santa Cruz

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Motion Pictures and Film

    • Dream career goals:



      2018 – 20224 years


      • captain of varsity 2022


      • Talking Fish LLC

        2023 – 2023
      Journey 180 Planner Changemaker Scholarship
      The UCSC skate club has been a catalyst for profound community impact, particularly in fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. What began as a simple passion for skating evolved into a vibrant hub where individuals from all backgrounds converge, finding common ground on wheels. Firstly, our club promotes diversity by welcoming skaters of all ages, genders, ethnicities, and skill levels, with our motto being "all wheels welcome". We've created an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Through workshops and events, we celebrate different cultures and perspectives, enriching our collective experience and challenging stereotypes within the skateboarding community. In terms of inclusion, our club actively engages with marginalized groups, including LGBTQ+ individuals and people with disabilities. We collaborate with local organizations to create adaptive skating programs and barrier-free spaces, fostering a sense of belonging and enabling everyone to experience the joy of skating without limitations. Social justice is a fundamental pillar of our mission. Beyond the skate park, we advocate for systemic change, addressing issues such as public space accessibility and urban planning to promote safer, more inclusive environments for skaters and pedestrians alike. Through activism and community outreach, we strive to amplify marginalized voices and drive meaningful change in our city's policies and attitudes toward alternative sports and recreation. Personally, these efforts have been transformative. I've witnessed firsthand the power of community to drive positive change and dismantle barriers to equality. As a leader within the club, I've grown in empathy, resilience, and leadership, learning to navigate challenges and inspire others to join our cause. Every success, whether it's a new member overcoming their fears or a policy change benefiting the entire community, reaffirms the importance of our mission and motivates me to continue advocating for a more just and inclusive society. In conclusion, our skate club is more than just a place to skate—it's a force for diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. By nurturing a supportive community and advocating for systemic change, we're not only transforming lives but also paving the way toward a more equitable and inclusive future for all. Our skate club has been a catalyst for profound community impact, particularly in fostering diversity, equity, inclusion, and social justice. What began as a simple passion for skating evolved into a vibrant hub where individuals from all backgrounds converge, finding common ground on wheels. Firstly, our club promotes diversity by welcoming skaters of varying ages, genders, ethnicities, and skill levels. We've consciously created an inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. Through workshops and events, we celebrate different cultures and perspectives, enriching our collective experience and challenging stereotypes within the skateboarding community. Equity is another core principle we uphold. We provide access to equipment and facilities, ensuring financial constraints do not hinder participation. By offering scholarships and organizing donation drives, we support underprivileged youth, empowering them with opportunities to engage in positive, constructive activities that promote physical fitness and personal growth. In terms of inclusion, our club actively engages with marginalized groups, including LGBTQ+ individuals and people with disabilities. We collaborate with local organizations to create adaptive skating programs and barrier-free spaces, fostering a sense of belonging and enabling everyone to experience the joy of skating without limitations. Social justice is a fundamental pillar of our mission. Beyond the skate park, we advocate for systemic change, addressing issues such as public space accessibility and urban planning to promote safer, more inclusive environments for skaters and pedestrians alike. Through activism and community outreach, we strive to amplify marginalized voices and drive meaningful change in our city's policies and attitudes toward alternative sports and recreation.
      Mad Grad Scholarship
      my "why" is fueled by a profound passion for creativity and storytelling. There's an intrinsic joy in bringing ideas to life, whether through illustration, graphic design, or multimedia projects. This drive stems from a desire to connect with others on a deeper level, to evoke emotions, and to provoke thoughts through visual mediums that resonate universally. The rapid advancements in technology, such as artificial intelligence and digital tools, present both opportunities and challenges. While these innovations have expanded the possibilities for creative expression beyond what was imaginable just a few decades ago, they also underscore the importance of maintaining the human touch in art. My motivation lies in harnessing these tools to amplify my creativity, not to replace the authenticity and emotion that define meaningful artistic experiences. Looking ahead, I am committed to integrating the spirit of creation and storytelling into my future projects. One significant endeavor I am eager to pursue is a graphic novel series that blends captivating artwork with intricate narratives. This project aims to explore complex themes and characters while leveraging technology to enhance storytelling dynamics, such as interactive elements that engage readers on a deeper level. Additionally, I aspire to develop a TV series that pushes the boundaries of traditional storytelling by incorporating AI-generated characters and plotlines. This endeavor seeks to explore new forms of audience interaction and narrative flexibility, all while maintaining a compelling human narrative core. Ultimately, my goal as a student of the arts is to contribute to a future where creativity flourishes amidst technological advancements. By embracing innovation while preserving the essence of human creativity and emotion, I hope to create works that inspire, provoke thought, and resonate with audiences across different cultures and generations. Through these endeavors, I aim to make a meaningful impact in the visual arts landscape while staying true to the timeless power of storytelling.
      CF Boleky Scholarship
      My best friend, Emily, and I met in college during one of our introductory philosophy classes. From the start, we bonded over our mutual confusion and shared sense of humor about the abstract concepts we were studying. Sitting next to each other on the first day, we quickly found common ground, leading to the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Our bond solidified when we formed a study group for our philosophy class. Emily and I often met in the library to review notes and discuss readings, blending serious study with lighthearted banter. One memorable moment was a late-night study session before a big exam. Exhausted and stressed, we ended up debating the ethics of borrowing pens without asking, turning a tense situation into a hilarious one. This moment highlighted how well we clicked, both intellectually and humorously. A spontaneous road trip during spring break was another defining moment. With no plan, just a car and a map, we drove to the coast, explored small towns, and talked for hours about our dreams, fears, favorite books, and music. This trip revealed Emily's adventurous spirit, kindness, and her ability to find joy in the simplest things. Despite getting lost multiple times, we didn't care; it was all about the journey and the company. Our friendship deepened as we supported each other through various challenges. Emily was there for me during a tough period with family issues, offering a listening ear, practical advice, and unwavering support. Similarly, I stood by her during a difficult breakup, helping her move out and start anew. These experiences reinforced our bond, proving we could rely on each other through thick and thin. Emily has been a constant source of support and positivity. Her belief in me has often bolstered my own self-confidence. She sees the best in people and encourages them to pursue their passions. We’ve grown together, learning from each other’s strengths and weaknesses. Emily’s resilience and optimism have inspired me to be more hopeful and proactive, while my pragmatism has helped her stay grounded. Emily brings immense joy into my life. Whether through our shared sense of humor, adventures, or deep conversations, she makes even the mundane moments special. Emily’s friendship has profoundly shaped who I am today. Built on trust, respect, and a shared history of experiences, it is a relationship I deeply cherish and look forward to nurturing for many years to come.
      Cody Cochlin Memorial Scholarship