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Ruben Garza


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I am a student at The Woodlands College Park High School. I played piano for nine years and did AP Music Theory in high school. I also played the clarinet for three years. I was part of the robotics team "Cavbots," which competes in the FIRST Robotics Competition, for two years. I have my CSWA certification for Solidworks.


The Woodlands College Park High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

    • Dream career goals:



      2011 – 202413 years


      • Texas Music Teachers Association (Piano)

        2014 – 2024
      • The Woodlands College Park Marching Band

        2020 – 2021

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Saint Anthony of Padua — Collector
        2021 – 2022

      Future Interests



      Judith A. Vaughn Scholarship
      Growing up in a Mexican family means that every weekend we all watch some game together, whether it is a game from Mexico, Spain, or England. Here in the U.S., we will be watching the game. This has brought my family together to watch Mexico play on international levels like the Copa America, the Gold Cup, and the World Cup. These moments are times that I cherish as we all make food and watch a game together as a family. I also grew up playing soccer since I was five years old and have learned a lot from playing. Besides learning how to play the game, it taught me different skills that are good to know. One is how to work under pressure. As a center-back and sometimes a midfielder, I need to quickly come up with a plan of what I will do before I get pressured by the attacker, either clearing the ball or quickly passing to one of my teammates. Another thing that playing taught me was leadership skills. I normally am a quiet person outside of the game, but I became more of a leader and vocal in the game. Playing soccer has taught me how to keep encouraging my teammates not to give up and to keep pushing to score and keep morale up, while also helping from the backline call out and help my team out. I have also learned how to keep a cool head, how to deal with heated situations, and how to keep my teammates from getting frustrated with each other or upset because of the game. These skills can be used as I pursue a degree in engineering, which can be frustrating at times, but it is also good to know how to problem-solve and work in a team to complete a goal. Soccer has always been the sport I love and has helped me relieve stress and get away from all the negativity in the world. Playing soccer has allowed me to meet new friends and build a connection over the love of "the beautiful game." It allows me to get out of my shy and quiet side and play and enjoy the sport. I am glad that I have grown up watching and playing this sport, as it has helped me learn new skills, meet new friends, and allow me to grow as a person. This is how soccer has had an impact on my life.
      Simon Strong Scholarship
      High school was definitely an unexpected learning experience. My freshman year of high school started in the middle of the pandemic, and I had to adapt from virtual learning to transitioning back into in-person learning in the same year. That first semester, I started taking engineering classes; however, the virtual setting made it a bit more challenging as I was adjusting academically and socially. During this time taking Principles of Engineering virtually, I began to struggle with problem solving and the rigorous math skills needed for the course. I was not sure I was suited to become an engineer in the future. My parents guided me to not give up and to at least try it one more year. I’m glad I didn’t quit!  In my sophomore year, I started working on improving my design skills. I got more comfortable with Solidworks and using machinery. As an example, I was part of a team that created a little robot car made from a 3D model. We used aluminum tubing, plywood, and other materials to create it. We also wired the electrical components so that they could actually move via remote control. At the end of that year, I obtained my CSWA (Certified SOLIDWORKS Associate) certification and became more confident in myself and the path I had chosen. My previous experience in DI (Destination Imagination) also helped enhance my imagination, problem-solving, communication, and thinking skills to be more creative. In my junior year, I continued to grow as an engineer with help from my teacher and became even more confident in designing and creating parts using machinery like the Nebula CNC mill. This year, I joined the school robotics team, CavBots, which participates in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) robotics competitions. Joining CavBots meant working long days after school to be able to design, assemble wire, and code the bot to be ready to compete in these competitions. In addition to helping with the bot, I helped design a battery cart to be compatible with the chargers and batteries we had. In my second year on the team, I became the safety lead. As a safety lead, I have the responsibility of ensuring team members use adequate safety equipment and the proper use of any machinery in the robotics lab and in the competition pit. Being a part of the robotics classes and club has allowed me to be myself, find people with similar interests, and realize how all the things I have learned in the past are applicable to real-life experiences. Playing soccer has also helped me gain teamwork skills and learn how to communicate with my team to do our best. Soccer also helps me by making me think about what my next move will be, whether to make a run or pass, and by making me fluid and adaptive with tactics mid-game. This reminds me of how, in engineering, we’re always thinking ahead and what else we need to do to be successful. These experiences and the people around me have contributed to seeing a clear pathway towards engineering. I have grown in different skills and abilities, overcame challenges, worked in different teams, and most importantly, maintained my curiosity by finding ways to problem-solve and think outside the box. This journey has helped me realize that I am prepared and ready for my next step in continuing my education in college.
      Mark Caldwell Memorial STEM/STEAM Scholarship
      My academic aspiration in the field of engineering centers around attaining a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering, a pivotal milestone that will set the stage for my professional journey. After this achievement, I envision immersing myself in the dynamic realm of engineering, steadily accumulating practical experience that will enrich my skill set. Ultimately, my trajectory leads to pursuing a master's degree, a pinnacle that will further refine my expertise and open new horizons. Among the key influencers shaping my trajectory towards engineering are my parents and my high school engineering instructor, Mr. Jordan. My parents have been unwavering pillars of support, guiding me towards steadfast determination and resilience in the face of challenges. They imparted the ethos of relentless diligence, nurturing a tenacious work ethic that thrives on overcoming difficulties. Through their encouragement, I've imbibed the mindset of exploring diverse problem-solving avenues, a disposition that resonates deeply with the essence of engineering. In parallel, Mr. Jordan's impact on my journey cannot be overstated. His guidance in the realm of engineering has been transformative, particularly through his emphasis on computer-aided design (CAD) skills. Under his tutelage, I honed my ability to swiftly conceptualize and materialize designs, enhancing my efficiency in the intricate process of modeling. Mr. Jordan's adept use of visual aids to elucidate the intricate mathematics and physics behind engineering concepts proved instrumental. His mantra to "embrace the math" resonates, encouraging a proactive approach towards calculations that bolster the structural and functional aspects of engineering projects. His pedagogical acumen has significantly augmented my ability to approach challenges analytically and think critically, essential traits for an aspiring engineer. These individuals collectively fuel my unwavering commitment to the engineering path. The foundation set by my parents, characterized by perseverance and adaptability, forms the bedrock on which I build my aspirations. Simultaneously, Mr. Jordan's mentorship underscores the significance of marrying theoretical knowledge with practical applications, an amalgamation that epitomizes the spirit of engineering. In a broader sense, my pursuit of engineering is fueled by the relentless quest to innovate, create, and drive meaningful change. Engineering encapsulates a symphony of creativity, technical prowess, and problem-solving acumen, and it is these elements that ignite my passion. The prospect of devising solutions that transcend barriers, address real-world challenges, and enhance the quality of life resonates deeply with my intrinsic motivations. As I embark on this journey, I am acutely aware of the challenges that lie ahead. The landscape of engineering is perpetually evolving, demanding an agile and adaptive mindset. Nevertheless, armed with the lessons imparted by my parents and Mr. Jordan, I am resolute in my pursuit. The prospect of contributing to the advancement of society through innovative engineering solutions is both exhilarating and humbling. In conclusion, my academic voyage in engineering is underpinned by the pursuit of excellence, guided by the enduring influence of my parents and the transformative mentorship of Mr. Jordan. Armed with their wisdom and support, I am poised to navigate the intricacies of this dynamic field with an unwavering commitment to growth, innovation, and the enduring spirit of engineering.
      Nintendo Super Fan Scholarship
      Nintendo games have always had a soft spot in my heart because they are easy for anyone to learn. I remember when I was younger playing Mario Kart Wii with my parents and cousins, as well as Wii Sports. Those games were fun and loved by everyone since the versatility of sports in Wii Sports and the different kart and character combinations in Mario Kart Wii allowed us to connect with family, play together, and have a fun and memorable time without having to teach anyone complicated controls. Nowadays, I would say my favorite games are Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. There is more strategy and decision-making involved in Mario Kart to beat your "rivals," and there are more characters in both games. I have also met many friends who play these games, which has allowed us to come together on multiple occasions to spend hours playing and having a great time. A memorable moment was after our homecoming when a bunch of my friends went over to one of their houses, and we ended up playing Smash Bros. for most of the night. Nintendo games have profoundly shaped my life, fostering connections with family and friends through accessible, enjoyable gameplay. From childhood memories of Mario Kart Wii and Wii Sports with my parents and cousins to current favorites like Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate, these games have been a consistent source of joy and camaraderie. They have taught me the value of strategy, collaboration, and friendly competition. As I pursue my academic and professional goals, I am reminded of the importance of these connections and the lessons I have learned through gaming. This scholarship would not only support my educational journey but also help me continue fostering meaningful relationships and experiences, much like those cherished moments with Nintendo games.
      Crawley Kids Scholarship
      In my community, I've volunteered to assist with food donations for my church and other local organizations. Engaging in community service enables me to aid those in need and contribute to the well-being of our community. I always strive to lend a hand whenever possible and spread kindness wherever I go. As I pursue a career in engineering, I aspire to leverage my skills to create solutions that promote environmental sustainability and enhance people's lives. My goal is to play a part in making the world a better place. I remain dedicated to giving back to my community and extending help to others whenever the opportunity arises.
      Fútbol is Life Scholarship
      Growing up in a Mexican family means that every weekend we all watch some game together, whether it is a game from Mexico, Spain, or England. Here in the U.S., we will be watching the game. This has brought my family together to watch Mexico play on international levels like the Copa America, the Gold Cup, and the World Cup. These moments are times that I cherish as we all make food and watch a game together as a family. I also grew up playing soccer since I was five years old and have learned a lot from playing. Besides learning how to play the game, it taught me different skills that are good to learn. One being how to work under pressure. As a center back and sometimes a midfielder, I need to quickly come up with a plan of what I am going to do before I get pressured by the attacker, either clearing the ball or quickly passing to one of my teammates. Another thing that playing taught me were leadership skills. I normally am a quiet person outside of the game, but I became more of a leader and vocal in the game. Playing soccer has taught me how to keep encouraging my teammates to not give up and keep pushing to score and keep morale up, while also helping from the backline call out and help my team out. I have also learned how to keep a cool head, how to deal with heated situations, and how to keep my teammates from getting frustrated with each other or upset because of the game. These skills can be used as I pursue a degree in engineering, which can be frustrating at times, but it is also good to know how to problem-solve and work in a team to complete a goal. Soccer has always been the sport I love and has helped me relive stress and get away from all the negativity in the world. Playing soccer has allowed me to meet new friends and build a connection over the love of "the beautiful game." It allows me to get out of my shy and quiet side and play and enjoy the sport. I am glad that I have grown up watching and playing this sport, as it has helped me learn new skills, meet new friends, and give me an opportunity to grow as a person. This is how soccer has had an impact on my life.