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Rey david De los santos


Bold Points




My goal is to become one of the greatest ever to grace music. My name is Reydavid De Los Santos and I am a music major. I play the piano and violin. I practice being classically trained through sight reading and studying jazz theory such as reading and playing charts, learning to improvise and play by ear. I've learned how to become an audio engineer through a music studio internship where I mixed and mastered countless artists from RNB to Bollywood productions. At home during my free time, I am self-teaching myself how to produce and compose music in hopes of being able to produce for major artists, score for big movies, and create music for myself. I am very passionate about music, and there's no task too big or small if it'll take me in the direction where I want to be.


Northwest Vista College

Associate's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Music


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Music
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • audio engineer

      stop playing studios
      2022 – 20242 years



    2009 – 20101 year


    • best sportmanship


    • Music

      stop playing studios — engineer
      2022 – 2023


    • stop playing studios

      rey youtube channel
      2023 – 2024

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Thornton Elementary — helping sell snacks and sun glasses
      2008 – 2009
    Barreir Opportunity Scholarship
    Hi, I was born and raised in San Antonio Texas, where over the years I've noticed that my greatest strength is my work ethic/passion for music. My goal is to be one of the greatest ever to touch music and I use all the resources within my city to do so. For example, I currently have 4 piano teachers, and attend 2 music schools along with going to northwest Vista. I clean at one of the music schools for free lessons, and for the other, I got a full-ride scholarship for free piano classes as well, the third teacher is from northwest Vista, and the fourth I pay for 30 minutes a week. The reason for getting so many teachers is to of course learn faster and constantly practice but also to have multiple mentors. I also joined multiple music schools to have the most opportunities to perform, as each school has recitals to offer I’m the first one to sign up to get more experience performing in front of others. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and learn how to communicate/market with people I’ve just met. Aside from the studio I also work at producing instrumentals from home, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, and I’ve purchased and completed over 30 courses within the site attaining certificates to prove. My overall goal in music is to become my music artist, I made a plan a couple of years ago, to get great at engineering, then music theory, then piano, then producing then songwriting then singing and rapping. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at producing which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Just like the other stages of my plan the further I go into it the more opportunities I see and want to get involved, example engineering I want to engineer for huge artists as well someday or engineer TV shows, for piano I want to perform with huge orchestras such as at the Grammys. I have big dreams, but I believe I have the work ethic and passion to help bring me to my goals. With all this being said I've grown up in a single mother household almost my whole life. The main impact it's had on me is you don't need anyone else but yourself, my mom raised me and my brothers by herself and that has been ingrained in my head. My mom is one of the main reasons why I work so hard every day, not a day goes by where I don't think about her and what she's done for me. For if it wasn't because of her and our situation I'm not too sure if I'd have this drive or ambition. I want to repay my mom with a house someday or a car, and while I'm sure it seems impossible now, I'm sure it seemed impossible for her as well. I hope to impact others and inspire them, that anything is possible if you give it your all, there's no such thing as an easy way towards your goals but with heart and ambition anything is possible.
    Career Test Scholarship
    Hi, I was born and raised in San Antonio Texas, where over the years I've noticed that my greatest strength is my work ethic/passion for music. My goal is to be one of the greatest ever to touch music and I use all the resources within my city to do so. For example, I currently have 4 piano teachers, and attend 2 music schools along with going to northwest Vista. I clean at one of the music schools for free lessons, and for the other, I got a full-ride scholarship for free piano classes as well, the third teacher is from northwest Vista, and the fourth I pay for 30 minutes a week. The reason for getting so many teachers is to of course learn faster and constantly practice but also to have multiple mentors, I was told there are two types of pianists one that sight reads and one that does improv. I wanted to do both. I try to play every genre of music there is when it comes to my piano playing to be able to play every style of music thrown at me. I also joined multiple music schools to have the most opportunities to perform, as each school has recitals to offer I’m the first one to sign up to get more experience performing in front of others. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and learn how to communicate with people I’ve just met. I’ve worked with tons of artists, mixed for songs as big as Bollywood corporations, and have engineered for almost every music genre. I even have mixed vocals for nothing music-related such as voice acting and audible book lines. Aside from the studio I also work producing instrumentals from home, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, and I’ve purchased and completed over 30 courses within the site attaining certificates to prove. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend that only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become my own music artist, I made a plan a couple of years ago, to get great at engineering, then music theory, then piano, then producing then songwriting then singing and rapping. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at producing which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Just like the other stages of my plan the further I go into it the more opportunities I see and want to get involved, example engineering I want to engineer for huge artists as well someday or engineer TV shows, for piano I want to perform with huge orchestras such as at the Grammys. I have big dreams, but I believe I have the work ethic to help bring to my goals. I hope you found this letter well, thank you.
    Larry Darnell Green Scholarship
    Hi, I was born and raised in San Antonio Texas, where over the years I've noticed that my greatest strength is my work ethic/passion for music. My goal is to be one of the greatest ever to touch music and I use all the resources within my city to do so. For example, I currently have 4 piano teachers, and attend 2 music schools along with going to northwest Vista. I clean at one of the music schools for free lessons, and for the other, I got a full-ride scholarship for free piano classes as well, the third teacher is from northwest Vista, and the fourth I pay for 30 minutes a week. The reason for getting so many teachers is to of course learn faster and constantly practice but also to have multiple mentors. I also joined multiple music schools to have the most opportunities to perform, as each school has recitals to offer I’m the first one to sign up to get more experience performing in front of others. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and learn how to communicate/market with people I’ve just met. Aside from the studio I also work at producing instrumentals from home, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, and I’ve purchased and completed over 30 courses within the site attaining certificates to prove. My overall goal in music is to become my music artist, I made a plan a couple of years ago, to get great at engineering, then music theory, then piano, then producing then songwriting then singing and rapping. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at producing which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Just like the other stages of my plan the further I go into it the more opportunities I see and want to get involved, example engineering I want to engineer for huge artists as well someday or engineer TV shows, for piano I want to perform with huge orchestras such as at the Grammys. I have big dreams, but I believe I have the work ethic and passion to help bring me to my goals. With all this being said I've grown up in a single mother household almost my whole life. The main impact it's had on me is you don't need anyone else but yourself, my mom raised me and my brothers by herself and that has been ingrained in my head. My mom is one of the main reasons why I work so hard every day, not a day goes by where I don't think about her and what she's done for me. For if it wasn't because of her and our situation I'm not too sure if I'd have this drive or ambition. I want to repay my mom with a house someday or a car, and while I'm sure it seems impossible now, I'm sure it seemed impossible for her as well. I hope to impact others and inspire them, that anything is possible if you give it your all, there's no such thing as an easy way towards your goals but with heart and ambition anything is possible.
    Rev. and Mrs. E B Dunbar Scholarship
    Hello, my name is Rey David De Los Santos, I was born in San Antonio TX and I am a Mexican/American. While living in a city predominantly filled with others of Hispanic culture I still have run into situations where I have felt less than other individuals and opportunities taken away just because of the color of my skin, the language I speak around my family, and the way that I look. I have been racially attacked verbally being called terms that Mexicans were called back in the day. Been told that I don't belong in my workplace and am undervalued by many clients because it's not in my culture to be working in this job. I've received many ugly looks when talking to my family in Spanish by other races. I've had many weird comments thrown at me because of how I look such as specific foods within my culture, people will say "I'm sure you've had plenty of those in your lifetime". and the most recent thing is my girlfriend's grandparents making racist comments towards my race all the time, making me depressed at times because I didn't choose the way that I am and afraid to meet her family. Making comments and jokes such as "tamales are the only things Mexicans unwrap during Christmas" meaning that we're all too poor to afford gifts and again a stereotype that all Mexicans eat tamales. With all this being said it has done nothing but make my heart bigger. While someone could take these experiences and choose to feel hatred and anger, It just makes me feel for others who get treated even worse than me such as black people and other races. I choose to kill hate with kindness as hatred will only make the situation worse. One quote that I love is " It's hard to humble a man when he's as great as you" meaning that everyone is as great as one another and feeling superior or better than one another is a false reality. My race has impacted my life for the better and I would choose it over and over again in every lifetime. It's made my mind wider and my heart bigger. In the future, I hope to be able to stand in an area where others will listen and share with others that no one defines who you are, nor does your skin, language, and race define who you are or what you're capable of. I hope this finds you well thank you.
    Lotus Scholarship
    Hello, I'm Rey David De Los Santos and I grew up in a single-mother household for almost my whole life. The main impact it's had on me is you don't need anyone to support you or your family no excuses can work, my mom raised me and my brothers by herself and that has been ingrained in my head. My mom is one of the main reasons why I work so hard every day, not a day goes by where I don't think about her and what she's done for me. For if it wasn't because of her and our situation I'm not too sure if I'd have this drive or ambition. I want to repay my mom with a house someday or a car, and while I'm sure it seems impossible now, I'm sure it seemed impossible for her as well. I hope to impact others and inspire them, that anything is possible if you give it your all, there's no such thing as an easy way towards your goals but with heart and ambition anything is possible. My passion for music is deeply rooted in my love for it. Music has given me a purpose and a reason to strive for excellence. It has instilled in me the confidence to embrace my true self and motivates me to wake up every day with determination. For example, cleaning for a big music school to get free lessons every week. Or calling every music studio in the city in hopes of landing an internship in engineering (which I finally landed). Joining a music club at my school, went to free jazz shows to observe. Waking up at 5 am to get as much practice as I can before the day starts and the list goes on.
    Kim Moon Bae Underrepresented Students Scholarship
    Hello, my name is Rey David De Los Santos, I was born in San Antonio TX and I am a Mexican/American. While living in a city predominantly filled with others of Hispanic culture I still have run into situations where I have felt less than other individuals and opportunities taken away just because of the color of my skin, the language I speak around my family, and the way that I look. I have been racially attacked verbally being called terms that Mexicans were called back in the day. Been told that I don't belong in my workplace and am undervalued by many clients because it's not in my culture to be working in this job. I've received many ugly looks when talking to my family in Spanish by other races. I've had many weird comments thrown at me because of how I look such as specific foods within my culture, people will say "I'm sure you've had plenty of those in your lifetime". and the most recent thing is my girlfriend's grandparents making racist comments towards my race all the time, making me depressed at times because I didn't choose the way that I am and afraid to meet her family. Making comments and jokes such as "tamales are the only things Mexicans unwrap during Christmas" meaning that we're all too poor to afford gifts and again a stereotype that all Mexicans eat tamales. With all this being said it has done nothing but make my heart bigger. While someone could take these experiences and choose to feel hatred and anger, It just makes me feel for others who get treated even worse than me such as black people and other races. I choose to kill hate with kindness as hatred will only make the situation worse. One quote that I love is " It's hard to humble a man when he's as great as you" meaning that everyone is as great as one another and feeling superior or better than one another is a false reality. My race has impacted my life for the better and I would choose it over and over again in every lifetime. It's made my mind wider and my heart bigger. In the future, I hope to be able to stand in an area where others will listen and share with others that no one defines who you are, nor does your skin, language, and race define who you are or what you're capable of. I hope this finds you well thank you.
    Iliana Arie Scholarship
    Hi, I was born and raised in San Antonio Texas, where over the years I've noticed that my greatest strength is my work ethic/passion for music. My goal is to be one of the greatest ever to touch music and I use all the resources within my city to do so. For example, I currently have 4 piano teachers, and attend 2 music schools along with going to northwest Vista. I clean at one of the music schools for free lessons, and for the other, I got a full-ride scholarship for free piano classes as well, the third teacher is from northwest Vista, and the fourth I pay for 30 minutes a week. The reason for getting so many teachers is to of course learn faster and constantly practice but also to have multiple mentors. I also joined multiple music schools to have the most opportunities to perform, as each school has recitals to offer I’m the first one to sign up to get more experience performing in front of others. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and learn how to communicate/market with people I’ve just met. Aside from the studio I also work at producing instrumentals from home, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, and I’ve purchased and completed over 30 courses within the site attaining certificates to prove. My overall goal in music is to become my music artist, I made a plan a couple of years ago, to get great at engineering, then music theory, then piano, then producing then songwriting then singing and rapping. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at producing which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Just like the other stages of my plan the further I go into it the more opportunities I see and want to get involved, example engineering I want to engineer for huge artists as well someday or engineer TV shows, for piano I want to perform with huge orchestras such as at the Grammys. I have big dreams, but I believe I have the work ethic and passion to help bring me to my goals. With all this being said I've grown up in a single mother household almost my whole life. The main impact it's had on me is you don't need anyone else but yourself, my mom raised me and my brothers by herself and that has been ingrained in my head. My mom is one of the main reasons why I work so hard every day, not a day goes by where I don't think about her and what she's done for me. For if it wasn't because of her and our situation I'm not too sure if I'd have this drive or ambition. I want to repay my mom with a house someday or a car, and while I'm sure it seems impossible now, I'm sure it seemed impossible for her as well. I hope to impact others and inspire them, that anything is possible if you give it your all, there's no such thing as an easy way towards your goals but with heart and ambition anything is possible.
    Mad Grad Scholarship
    My passion for music is deeply rooted in my love for it. Music has given me a purpose and a reason to strive for excellence. It has instilled in me the confidence to embrace my true self and motivates me to wake up every day with determination. For example, cleaning for a big music school to get free lessons every week. Or calling every music studio in the city in hopes of landing an internship in engineering (which I finally landed). Joining a music club at my school, went to free jazz shows to observe. Waking up at 5 am to get as much practice as I can before the day starts and the list goes on. The promise of a future where I can support myself financially, live comfortably, and care for my parents while doing something I love is incredibly fulfilling. When it comes to AI, it's understandable to feel intimidated by its potential to take over careers. However, this fear is not unique to music but spans across various fields. What sets us apart from AI are our emotions, passions, and personal narratives. Our unique stories, with all their flaws and strengths, are irreplaceable and cannot be replicated by machines. My aspirations in music are vast and varied. As a music artist, I aim to create my music and share it with the world. I envision myself performing on grand stages with my piano, captivating audiences with my artistry. Beyond performing, I have dreams of scoring music for major films and TV shows, blending my musical talent with visual storytelling. Additionally, I too want to work on the technical side of music production and aspire to work on the engineering aspects of films, contributing to the creation of immersive auditory experiences. Ultimately, my journey in music is driven by my unwavering passion and the joy it brings me. While AI may advance, it will never replicate the unique human experience that I bring to my craft. Through my music, I aim to connect with others on an emotional level, sharing my story and leaving a lasting impact. Here's a video of me playing
    Leave A Legacy Always Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years, I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness: setting aside resting time. This has often caused my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly, it has prevented me from enjoying time with my family. My ambition in music knows no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest musicians ever. To achieve this, I utilize all the resources available within my community and city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school in exchange for free classes and have a full-ride scholarship for the other music school I attend. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress faster but also to gain various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer. To secure this position, I called every music studio in my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually, one said yes. I have been working there for almost two years now. In this role, I have learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, how to market myself and grow a business, and how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time, I also work on producing instrumentals. I have used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30 certificates in music production. My recent achievements have made me proud. I was promoted to head engineer at my studio job, invited to a master class at one of the music schools I attend (an honor reserved for the top students), won an online music competition with a piece I composed, and became the highest-ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist. I devised a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal: first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I have stuck to this plan and am currently at what I call the “producing stage.” This phase has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing, performing at the Grammys with a piano, and even engineering for major TV shows. My main goal remains to become a great music artist and musician, which I am confident I will achieve. Regardless of the outcome, I know I will make music proud. Music has influenced and changed my life for the better, giving me a reason to work hard every day, multiple dreams to aspire to, and overall, a new stem of happiness. There is a quote I love about music: “The greatest thing about music is the people you’re going to meet.” I stand behind that wholeheartedly. The different relationships I have made over the years have been life-changing, and I can never repay music for the way it has enriched my life, but I will always try. My journey in music has been one of relentless pursuit and unwavering passion. Growing up in San Antonio, I was surrounded by a rich tapestry of musical influences that shaped my love for the art form. My family was always supportive of my musical endeavors, and they encouraged me to pursue my dreams with vigor and dedication. As I navigated my musical journey, I realized that my drive to excel often led me to neglect my well-being. I would spend countless hours practicing, attending classes, and working on my music projects, often at the expense of my health and personal life. This relentless pursuit of perfection sometimes left me exhausted and ill, highlighting the importance of balance in my life. Despite these challenges, my passion for music never wavered. I sought out opportunities to learn from the best in the field, which led me to study under four esteemed piano teachers. Each mentor brought a unique perspective and expertise, enriching my understanding of piano techniques and musical expression. Additionally, my education at two prestigious music schools, along with my studies at Northwest Vista College, provided me with a solid foundation in music theory and performance. My commitment to mastering both sight-reading and improvisation has been a crucial aspect of my development as a pianist. I believe that versatility is essential for any musician, and I strive to excel in both styles to broaden my musical capabilities. Beyond my piano studies, my role as an audio engineer at a local music studio has been instrumental in my growth. The experience of working in a professional studio environment has taught me invaluable skills in editing, mixing, and mastering tracks. It has also provided me with insights into the business side of the music industry, including marketing and networking. In addition to my studio work, I have dedicated my free time to honing my skills as a music producer. Through online courses and self-study, I have gained proficiency in sound design and music production, earning over 30 certificates in the process. These achievements reflect my commitment to continuous learning and improvement in all aspects of music. Looking ahead, my ambition is to become a music artist with a diverse skill set that includes engineering, piano performance, production, and vocal abilities. I have mapped out a detailed plan to achieve this goal, focusing on each stage of my development systematically. While I am currently immersed in the “producing stage,” I am also exploring opportunities in scoring for movies and composing original pieces. One of my ultimate dreams is to perform at the Grammys, showcasing my talents as a pianist and musician on a global stage. Additionally, I aspire to work on major TV shows, contributing my expertise as an engineer and producer. Regardless of the specific path my career takes, I am confident that my dedication and passion for music will lead to a fulfilling and impactful journey. Music has been a transformative force in my life, providing me with purpose, motivation, and joy. The relationships I have formed through my musical pursuits have been incredibly meaningful, and I am grateful for the support and inspiration I have received from my mentors, peers, and family. As I continue to grow as a musician, I remain committed to giving back to the music community and sharing my love for the art form with others. The journey ahead is filled with possibilities, and I am excited to see where my passion for music will take me. These are links to some of my performances.
    Strong Leaders of Tomorrow Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it, which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to become still a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Lastly, as you can tell music has influenced and changed my life for the better, it’s given me a reason to work hard every day, multiple dreams to aspire to, and overall a new stem of happiness. There’s this one quote I love about music, “ the greatest thing about music is the people you’re going to meet” and I can stand behind that, the different relationships I’ve made over my years have been life-changing and I can never repay music that way its paid me, but I’m always going to try.
    Jimmy Cardenas Community Leader Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it, which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to become still a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Lastly, as you can tell music has influenced and changed my life for the better, it’s given me a reason to work hard every day, multiple dreams to aspire to, and overall a new stem of happiness. There’s this one quote I love about music, “ the greatest thing about music is the people you’re going to meet” and I can stand behind that, the different relationships I’ve made over my years have been life-changing and I can never repay music that way its paid me, but I’m always going to try.
    Carolyn Talbert Performing Arts Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it, which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to become still a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Lastly, as you can tell music has influenced and changed my life for the better, it’s given me a reason to work hard every day, multiple dreams to aspire to, and overall a new stem of happiness. There’s this one quote I love about music, “ the greatest thing about music is the people you’re going to meet” and I can stand behind that, the different relationships I’ve made over my years have been life-changing and I can never repay music that way its paid me, but I’m always going to try. video Performance
    Everett J. Collins, Jr. Music Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it, which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to become still a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Lastly, as you can tell music has influenced and changed my life for the better, it’s given me a reason to work hard every day, multiple dreams to aspire to, and overall a new stem of happiness. There’s this one quote I love about music, “ the greatest thing about music is the people you’re going to meet” and I can stand behind that, the different relationships I’ve made over my years have been life-changing and I can never repay music that way its paid me, but I’m always going to try.
    Neil Margeson Sound Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it. Which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to still become a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Thank you for your time and attention.
    Marshall and Dorothy Smith Music Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it. Which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to still become a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Thank you for your time and attention.
    Randall Davis Memorial Music Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it. Which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to still become a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Thank you for your time and attention.
    Lee Aca Thompson Performing Arts Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it. Which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to still become a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Thank you for your time and attention.
    WoodaWorx Music Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it. Which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to still become a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Thank you for your time and attention.
    James B. McCleary Music Scholarship
    I am a born and raised San Antonian with a deep passion for music and a commitment to excellence. Over the years I have come to recognize my greatest strength is my relentless work ethic/passion for music. However, this ties into my greatest weakness which is setting aside resting time, causing my body to become overworked and sick, and most importantly not letting myself enjoy time with family. My ambition in music has no boundaries; I aspire to become one of the greatest to ever do music. To achieve this, I use all resources available within my community/city. For instance, I currently benefit from the mentorship of four piano teachers and concurrently pursue education at two distinguished music schools while also attending Northwest Vista College. I clean for one music school for free classes and have a free-ride scholarship for the other music school I go to. I made it a priority to have more than one teacher, not only to progress a lot faster but to have various perspectives from different mentors. Recognizing that there are two styles of pianism—sight-reading and improvisation—I am determined to master both, understanding that versatility is key. Aside from piano, I work at a music studio as an audio engineer, again using my resources I called every music studio within my city asking if they had any internship programs, and eventually one said yes. I’ve been working there for almost 2 years now, I’ve learned to edit, mix, and master tracks from start to finish, learn how to market myself and grow a business, and on top of this learn how to better communicate with people I’ve just met. In my free time from the studio and school, I also work on producing instrumentals, I’ve used websites such as Udemy to help me learn sound design and music production, obtaining over 30+ certificates in music production. My recent achievements I’ve been proud of were being promoted to head engineer at my studio job, being invited into a master class at one of the music schools I attend, which only the top students can attend, winning an online music competition with a piece I composed and being the highest ranked student at one of my music schools. My overall goal in music is to become a music artist, I made a step-by-step plan a couple of years ago to achieve this goal, first becoming great at engineering, then piano, then producing, and lastly becoming great at singing and rapping through practice. I’ve stuck to this plan and am currently at the “producing stage” I call it. Which has led me to aspire to other goals such as scoring for movies and composing. Performing at the Grammys with a piano, or even engineering for huge TV shows. My main goal is to still become a great music artist/musician which I will become but regardless of the outcome, I know I’ll be making music proud. Thank you for your time and attention.