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Rawan Tarabeh


Bold Points






Howdy! My name is Rawan Tarabeh, and I am from a military town called Killeen. I am currently a senior at Belton Highschool. My goal is to graduate from Texas A&M Cstat and become a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine with my own clinic. I am passionate about my family, friends, and the largest student-led organization which I have had the pleasure of being involved in, FFA. I was elected one of the vice presidents of my FFA chapter. This leadership opportunity has taught me to lead by example, and to be a dedicated team player. A few fun facts about me, are that I am 5'0 tall, well, short, I am Middle Eastern, I am the eldest of 3 as well as the only girl, I ride horses competitively, I show goats, and I am bilingual. As you can see, I love staying active and being well rounded. I spend my time volunteering at a farm, and a vet clinic. These volunteering opportunities have taught me plenty about agriculture and have given me hands on experiences that have assisted with me being a hands on, and visual learner. My hobbies are photography, horse riding, art, and working out. I played volleyball since I was 7, and stopped playing it my sophomore year. I began horse riding when I was 7 and have enjoyed it ever since. I love giving back to the community, I have gotten several opportunities to volunteer at food drives, fundraisers, as well as an educational farm. My favorite opportunities have certainly been volunteering at the educational farm, assisting a small business in helping make its inventory, and assisting in teaching horse riding lessons.


Belton H S

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Veterinary Medicine
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Doctor of Veterinary Medicine

    • Volunteer/Kennel tech

      2019 – Present5 years



    2010 – 20122 years


    2007 – 20103 years


    2006 – 20137 years


    2008 – Present16 years


    • 2nd place in the Junior Texas Trail Challenge Club


    Junior Varsity
    2017 – 20181 year


    • Best Libero


    • Animal Sciences, General

      FFA — Undergraduate Researcher
      2018 – Present


    • Belton Highschool

      2018 – Present
    • Independent

      2008 – Present
    • Independent/School

      Concerts with School and piano on the side
      2014 – 2018
    • Independent

      2008 – Present

    Public services

    • Public Service (Politics)

      FFA — Vice President
      2020 – Present
    • Advocacy

      FFA — Student advocate
      2020 – Present
    • Volunteering

      FFA — Student
      2018 – Present

    Future Interests




    Pay It Forward Scholarship
    I believe in the future generations. I get told often that I "made the cut off" between the older generations and the present generations. Sure, my generation is educated to say the least, but focusing and saturating that education on the younger/future generations is vital as well. Ensuring the education for the future generations in turn assists the human race in just about everything. A few examples would be the medical field, agriculture and the field of engineering. There are many social and human rights issues in the world that could be resolved in time, as long as the future generations receive the education and guidance they will need in order to make educated decisions.
    Brynn Elliott "Tell Me I’m Pretty" Scholarship
    There are so many great women in my life. My mother being the first and foremost. I hope to be at least half the woman she is when I get older. She is patient, kind and forgiving. There is no "top 5" "top 10" women in my life. They all play a very important role to me. I have volunteered at a vet clinic for the past 2 years. My boss; Dr. Davis I have known since I was 12. She is neighbors with a lady named Leeann that I help out with her farm. I have known Leeann since I was 7. These 2 women including my mom have taught me what hard work is. They have also shown me what it is to love wholeheartedly and to be selfless. I admire them and will forever appreciate what they have done for me and what they have taught me. I will be a diligent student, I will continue to work hard and be selfless like they taught me to be. There is a quote all three of these amazing women have told me and that is: "Leave something better than you found it." Whether that is a person, place or thing. That is something I will carry with me forever as well.
    Writing With a Purpose Scholarship
    A defining moment in my life is when I finally began to accept my ethnicity for making me who I am. It was also eye opening when I finally accepted my culture. I am a first generation Arab-American. When I was growing up for some odd reason I had the idea that being different was a bad thing and that it made me awfully weird to others. I am glad I grew to appreciate who I am, where I am from, and the culture that comes with it. If I had not, I know I would be closed off, immature and confused. I would not have learned anything if I had not allowed myself to experience the culture and appreciate my parents for raising me with the most patience, kindness, selflessness and thoughtfulness. Learning to take my culture/traditions and such into consideration as to what makes me who I am, and why I am the way I am makes a huge difference in my life because it influences the decisions I make. The way my parents raised me plays a big role in that as well. My parents raised me as they were raised in their home country. That not only includes culture and traditions, but religion as well. I am so extremely proud of my culture and ethnicity I could almost have an airhead about it. I love it with my entire being. I now inject my life with my family's culture and continue the traditions we have had throughout each and every generation. Whether that means eating Middle Eastern foods, or listening to Arabic music, even reading and writing in Arabic; All of it is so much more enjoyable when I accepted it because at that point, I didn't feel forced. In fact, I wanted to share it with others and show them that no matter who they are or what they came from, it makes them more interesting because there may be 7 billion people on this Earth, but not a single one of us is exactly alike. Meaning we may have similarities, but we can all have our own likes, dislikes and feelings. It only feels right to appreciate the culture that made me who I am for what it is and if that makes me weird, so be it, I love it. In the end, I believe it comes down to whether or not you are accepting of who you are and I am accepting of me, always.
    Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
    I have a strong will to pursue my dreams. My main aspiration is to become a Doctor of Veterinary medicine. I plan on going to Texas A&M or Blinn to start off my undergrad education and plan on staying on pace or ahead of my work while still being able to understand it. I hope to see my hard work pay off. I want to be successful in helping others. New opportunities, and all the good possibilities excite me the most in this world. I enjoy volunteering and helping others out as much as I possibly can. If I achieve my goal, I would like to help make visits easier on the owner and animal. I am extremely excited to give back to those who helped me, pushed me, and were there along my journey.
    John J. DiPietro COME OUT STRONG Scholarship
    I volunteer at a vet clinic. I have known the lead doctor for years and she has given me so many learning experiences as well as opening doors of new opportunities for me. She has taught me to keep a keen eye when being spoken to in a veterinary clinic, as well as paying attention to the slightest change in an animal, tone, and has influenced me to continue working diligently no matter the place. My lead doctor has taught me anything she can from something as big as patience and persistence in the workplace to something as small as maintaining a steady time table in order to manage my time more efficiently. I have applied what she has taught me into my everyday life, as well as school. I would like to say this has shaped me into a more willing student as well as a happier, more organized person. I am already paying it forward by applying what I have learned to my everyday life to make good habits form and in the future, this will continue to make a great impact on not only myself, but future employers, educators, friends and family of mine.
    First-Generation, First Child Scholarship
    Growing up as a first generation, firstborn child, I can definitely say that there wouldn't be only one word to describe it. It's enjoyable, yet stressful. It can also be overwhelming in the sense of seeming to live a double life when speaking one language at home (many times English as well), and speaking English at school, while having different kinds of relationships with your friends than you do with your siblings and parents. High expectations and standards were set for me from a young age. Mental health-wise, it was draining at times. I also feel as though I overthought often. I was the only Arab-American in my classes almost 99.9% of the time. When I was younger, I struggled with wanting to be more "American." I also remember wanting everything to be more "perfect" like the American way. What I didn't realize then was that I was American and I am perfect in my own way. I had to learn to appreciate my culture and traditions. School was hard because it felt as though my peers picked up what they were being taught almost immediately after a lesson, while it took studying and multiple reviews of one lesson for me to understand what was going on. I also have to set a path for my younger siblings in order to help them out even a little bit. Now that I appreciate my culture and traditions, I am able to take pride in it. Being a bilingual Arab-American is extremely exciting and has so much in store for me. I take pride in not only making my family proud, but my parents. I want them to know that their hard work is what allowed me to gain a good education and receive the opportunities that I have. They continue to show me what hard work looks like and encourage it in me as well.
    Great Outdoors Wilderness Education Scholarship
    I have plenty of experience with the great outdoors. I am always up for an adventure whether that be hiking, exercising outside, studying outside, or even just sightseeing. I ride horses, and do farm work which is outside 99.9% of the time. I have learned that my silence allows nature to speak for itself. I have learned that all the beauty is much better seen with the eyes than a screen, even when taking a picture. It affects my career goal because being a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine does not always mean staying inside a cluttered office with many animals. There are large animal doctors which mainly consist of livestock, and wildlife/exotic doctors as well, they work outside more than half of the time, and seem to enjoy their work a whole lot more when being outside. I can also tell my way around a trail if I take the time and pay attention. Being outside is an extremely more comfortable environment for me personally. Not everybody likes the outdoors and that is understandable, but having an appreciation for it will always been something I keep in my heart. The smell of the earth and grass, sometimes even that whiff and sound of a stream nearby is that cozy feeling. In the winter, it may have ice and snow depending on where you are. There is an endless amount of things in nature to appreciate, you just have to take the time and look.
    Mechanism Fitness Matters Scholarship
    I stay fit by doing farm work, riding horses, and doing the insanity workouts. I only do the insanity workouts when I am not riding or doing farm work. I have been able to move around quicker and have more motivation to move and get on my feet when I am active. I also have a better attitude and a healthier motive when active. I become more focused in my school work and work more diligently with whatever I have to do. I also stay fit and healthy by cutting out foods that are more on the junk side, sometimes even cutting out gluten and dairy which makes me personally feel a whole lot better overall. My stomach doesn't hurt after eating anything gluten free or dairy free, I don't bloat, or feel the need to lay around afterwards, and I am more outgoing.
    Nikhil Desai "Perspective" Scholarship
    When I first began riding horses English style, I was enthusiastic. I still always am to this day but the first time feeling of doing something new while thinking of the endless possibilities that come with it is incredible. My trainer at the time had been so uptight about me possibly falling off and hurting myself, though that risk comes with horse riding, especially English show jumping. She always made sure we went slow when I rode which consisted of only walking and trotting. Trotting is a light, controlled jog. She had kept this up for a few years and slowly, it had instilled a fear of falling, or messing up in me. One day she decided that we were going to lunge the pony I was going to jump while I was on him. He came to an abrupt stop mid lunge and I, not having my seat since I was not used to what she was trying to do, completely flew over his head, and landed on my shoulder and part of my back. I was completely fine so I got up and got back on. She had absolutely lost her mind and was very upset. About 3 years later, I found a new trainer and he was one of the most gentle and patient people I had ever met. I told him what happened with my last trainer and he told me that her frustration with me cut down on my confidence and though it did happen, I should never let that happen again. He worked with me to regain the trust I lacked with my favorite sport. Not only did he train me, he allowed me to assist him on training others. It was his trust and confidence in me that helped me build my confidence back up, and put that trust in not only myself, but my horse as well. My confidence in my ability is a strong quality to have when pursuing a career in the Veterinary Medicine industry. It will allow me to trust my gut, and be confident in not only the decisions I make, but myself. It'll be easier to trust my gut rather than to second guess myself.
    Yifan Zhu "Late Night" Scholarship
    I have volunteered at farms, small ranches, pet shelters, and vet clinics. Many of my hobbies involve skills I will use in the future which also contribute to my college experience. I have learned how to work with a team effectively and diligently, while still being able to enjoy the time spent. I have been in student council all 3 of my middle school years, and during my sophomore year of high school. I also have been in FFA since my sophomore year of high school. I am currently serving as one of the vice presidents, and take on the treasurer role from time to time.These experiences have assisted me in becoming a more organized, well rounded student and team player. Since I have enjoyed the opportunities I have experienced, I sought out a career that would involve what I have been taught throughout my childhood, up until the present moment. I am still being taught plenty that I do not know, and am very open to learning anything I can. When I enjoy what I am learning, there is no limit to what I can accomplish. This will assist me in college by being an open, diligent and eager student.
    Simple Studies Scholarship
    I would like to study Veterinary Medicine. It has been an interest of mine since I was young. I have worked and am still working towards this goal in every way I possibly can from volunteering at shelters, helping out at farms, being a ranch hand, volunteering at vet clinics which I am still doing to this day, and taking all the required classes for this pathway. I am currently in Vet Practicum which is the last class I have left for Ag classes, and anything vet related. I am very passionate and dedicated to reaching this goal. I have put my entire life into this and have always enjoyed it.
    Pettable Pet Lovers Annual Scholarship
    I have two awesome pets. One being my goat, and the other being my cat. Very broad spectrum we have here. My goat’s name is Jack Black because come on, he does look like him doesn’t he? Also, Jack Black is an absolute G.O.A.T. if I say so myself. My cat’s name is Beau Bennett. I named him that after the father character from the show “The Ranch.” Both of my pets act like they’re dogs, and they act like anything but what they actually are. My boys have HUGE personalities, and some insane curiosity. My Instagram is @rawanstarabeh.
    Scholarcash Role Model Scholarship
    My role model is my riding instructor, Greg. He takes a huge part of my life when it comes to equestrianism, horsemanship, and is a great friend to have. Greg has taught me patience, and has taught me to embrace the qualities I have in order to use them to my advantage. I have never met a wiser man than my father, and I can surely say that Greg has defied the odds with it. He is humble, and gentle. His teaching skills make me a better student, and his own patience has well rounded his sweet, thoughtful, and hard working personality. He pushes me to do better, and continue to do what I love no matter what others might say. As his student I sometimes lack confidence and when he sees that, he is quick to remind me that I am capable of anything I set my mind to and to raise my head back up. He says to me "I've seen you excel at this skill once, so I know you can do it again." With patience, gentleness, and thoughtfulness he has helped me grow into a well rounded, exuberant student, and a gentle horsewoman.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    I have ridden horses my whole life. I decided to try competing in a new event this year. In this picture, I am with my horse Kayro and holding the second place ribbon I got competing for the first time in trail. I was just a few points away from the kid who won first every time. After the awards, my trainers said "We are so proud of you. Your hard work payed off, and seeing you succeed is what keeps us doing what we are doing." I am glad to have made an impact on them.
    Act Locally Scholarship
    In my community, I would like to see more coming together, and less judgement. "It is easy to judge. It is more difficult to understand. Understanding requires compassion, patience, and a willingness to believe that good hearts sometimes choose poor methods. Through judging, we separate. Through understanding, we grow." -Doe Zantamata. This quote explains exactly what I believe should happen in order to better not only my community, but our country, and our world as well. I would like to see more care for others and the environment around us whether it's our cities or our rural areas, they deserve more love. Also, in order for our communities, our country, and our world to grow, we must rise first. It's just the same as before taking care of something else, you make sure you are taken care of first. Rather than taking, I would like to see more giving back, and that goes for me just as it would for anyone else as well. I act locally by volunteering at a vet clinic and participating in community volunteer opportunities with my FFA chapter in which I am one of the vice presidents. I also volunteer at a farm with almost 50% of my time that I am not volunteering at the vet clinic, or studying for school. On top of that, I have also let anyone I know in my community who might need help with something in the future to let me know so that if we need more than just me, I have my fellow peers who are also FFA members to reach out to.