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Rami Mazin


Bold Points






Hello, My name is Rami! I would love to pursue a career in Computer Programming. I am also the first generation in my family to attend college. I try to be exceptionally academically prepared and highly talented to serve as role models for my siblings! My parents encourage my future success in which I also try to bring my best processes to accomplish my goals and solve societal issues. It may be too overwhelming to reach a goal that has a social impact, but I put my best effort into it to continue my dream goals and become the first graduate college student in my family. I am willing to experience the tough challenges that the world has given me so I preclude it from happening to my siblings. Playing an honesty, loyalty, and empathy role in my personality is essential to me as I feel pleasured to become a social person. I have a desire that one day, I will positively impact society and those who've changed my future paths and supported me in chasing after my dreams. Helping does excite me! My goals are to attend a College, then University, and earn a Computer Science bachelor's degree. I will show my dedication in my career to demonstrate my excellent communication skills, and great problem solving and reveal my strong patience and stamina. I am most passionate about assisting anyone with what they are struggling with since we all don't deserve the stress in our lives every day. It brings such a pleasant experience when I find a difference in any person to whom I have impacted their lives. I am trustworthy, dependable, and compassionate.


Henry Ford College

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • Computer Science

Dearborn High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Music
    • Journalism
    • Computer Science
    • Computer Engineering Technologies/Technicians
    • Mathematics and Computer Science
    • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Drama and Theatre Production

    • Dream career goals:

      Gain leadership experiences, achieve a Bachelor's degree, attend acting classes, do writing courses, and build new skills.

    • Coding the characters to move, interact and JavaScript!

      Computer Science Club
      2021 – 2021



    2018 – 20191 year


    • Student Counseling and Personnel Services

      Henry Ford College STUCO — Role as a Secretary member
      2022 – Present
    • Accounting and Computer Science

      School's Computer coding club — Coding
      2018 – 2019


    • Henry Ford College

      2021 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      National Leadership and Success (NSLS) — Leader
      2018 – Present

    Future Interests




    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    In my journey toward my academic goals, the threads of adversity have woven a narrative of resilience, determination, and the unyielding pursuit of knowledge. As a second-year undergraduate student who's attending College and navigating the challenging waters of college life, I stand as a testament to the transformative power of overcoming adversity. My academic odyssey has been a formidable expedition, marked by the towering peaks of Calculus 2 and the subsequent math courses that are next levels. These academic challenges, while daunting, serve as milestones of my ability to confront and conquer adversity. The classroom, with its complex equations and abstract theories, has become both a battleground and a proving ground, where each conquered challenge propels me closer to my goal of earning a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. Yet, my journey extends beyond the academic realm, touching the fabric of social interactions. As an individual who finds solace in embracing individualized learning, I grapple with the challenge of socializing in a landscape that often values collaboration. The hurdles I face in connecting with peers echo the broader theme of overcoming adversity, as I strive to find my voice and contribute to the collective tapestry of shared knowledge. Physics, mathematics, and a myriad of challenging courses form the crucible through which I must pass to fulfill the requirements for the transition from college to university. These academic trials are not just stepping stones but a testament to my tenacity in the face of adversity. Each formula mastered, every problem solved, is a declaration that adversity is not an insurmountable obstacle but a catalyst for growth and achievement. As a Computer Science major, my aspirations extend beyond the confines of classrooms and textbooks. I dream of earning a Bachelor's degree that will validate my academic journey and open doors to a realm of possibilities in the world of technology. The challenges I encounter today become the stepping stones toward the realization of this dream, reinforcing my belief that overcoming adversity is not just a hurdle but a transformative force. Overall, my journey as an undergraduate student is an ongoing narrative of conquering adversity, whether in academics or social dynamics. Each obstacle surmounted, and each challenge faced contributes to the rich tapestry of my educational experience. The "Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship" Scholarship represents not just financial support but a recognition of the triumphs and tribulations that have shaped my journey, propelling me towards a future where adversity is not an impediment but a catalyst for growth and success.
    Lyndsey Scott Coding+ Scholarship
    In the vibrant world of technology, the innovation potential is boundless, yet the landscape often lacks the diversity needed to fuel truly groundbreaking ideas. As a passionate Computer Science student pursuing a Bachelor's degree, I embody the spirit of the "Lyndsey Scott Coding+" Scholarship—a beacon of support for the multifaceted individuals ready to revolutionize the industry. My journey into the realm of Computer Science is not just only a quest for knowledge but a commitment to mastering the intricacies of Java, Python, C programming, C++, and web development. The classroom serves as my laboratory, where each coding challenge is an opportunity to refine my skills and broaden my horizons. As I progress through my educational goals, I envision not just becoming a code developer but a maestro orchestrating the symphony of languages that power our digital future. Beyond the confines of code, I harbor a kaleidoscope of ambitions that extend into the realms of leadership and project management. The vision that propels me forward is that of an Information Technology Project Manager (So-called "IT Manager")—a role that demands a fusion of technical expertise and managerial finesse. This goal propels me beyond the boundaries of coding and positions me at the nexus of innovation, where I can steer projects toward success with a nuanced understanding of both technology and team dynamics. However, my aspirations don't end with the confines of corporate structures. I am drawn to the allure of freelance opportunities, where the canvas of the web becomes a space for artistic expression through code. By venturing into the world of freelancing, I aim to not only apply my skills to real-world projects but also contribute to the dynamic landscape of online innovation. This endeavor aligns with the spirit of the "Lyndsey Scott Coding+" Scholarship—recognizing the potential of individuals to not just code but to weave technology seamlessly into the fabric of their diverse passions. Furthermore, I see a future where my computer science goals harmonize with my non-computer science goals in an intricate dance of creativity and innovation. Whether collaborating on a groundbreaking project within a corporate setting or crafting unique web solutions as a freelancer, the synthesis of my technical and non-technical aspirations will define a trajectory that transcends traditional boundaries. In conclusion, the "Lyndsey Scott Coding+" Scholarship represents more than just financial support; it is an affirmation of the importance of diversity in shaping the future of technology. As I weave my narrative through the world of coding and project management, this scholarship becomes a catalyst, propelling me toward a future where my multi-faceted passions converge to redefine the landscape of computer science.
    Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship
    Recovery to me signifies a profound commitment to reclaiming my health and well-being. It involves a deliberate departure from harmful habits and a concerted effort to cultivate a lifestyle that fosters physical and mental vitality. During my journey, recovery revolves around breaking free from detrimental dietary choices. It means bidding farewell to the allure of sugary snacks, steering clear of the seduction of fast food chains, and consciously opting for nourishing alternatives. Recovery entails a mindful rejection of addictive patterns, such as overindulging in popular brands like Oreo, Kit Kat, and Lays, which once held sway over my choices. I was extremely Addictive to these snacks! Moreover, recovery extends beyond dietary considerations. It encompasses a commitment to regular physical activity, with a conscious effort to engage in workouts that contribute to physical and mental resilience. The path to recovery involves not just abstaining from substances but embracing a holistic approach that prioritizes overall wellness. Overall, recovery is a process of transformation—one where lost dreams awaken to the possibility of a healthier, more fulfilling life. It is a testament to my dedication to self-improvement and a pledge to nurture a lifestyle that honors my body and mind. Through this "Lost Dreams Awaken Scholarship" scholarship, I hope to continue this journey, demonstrating that recovery is not just a personal commitment but a beacon of hope for those seeking a path to a brighter, substance-free future.
    Kyle Lam Hacker Scholarship
    In the world of technology, the legacy of individuals like Kyle Lam stands as a beacon—a testament to the power of curiosity, experimentation, and the hacker spirit. As a second-year undergraduate student immersed in the world of coding and pursuing a Computer Science Bachelor's degree, my journey echoes the ethos that Kyle so vibrantly lived. One particular instance stands out in my exploration of the hacker spirit—a moment when my coding skills not only addressed a problem but delighted others with the unexpected. In my C programming class, the challenge was to create a program that not only collected user information but also stored it in a file. While the task seemed straightforward, I saw an opportunity to infuse creativity and functionality into my solution, and so, I took it. I set out to design a program that not only gathered data from the user but transformed the mundane act of data input into an engaging and interactive experience. The user interface was crafted with precision, making the information entry process not just a requirement but a journey. This endeavor was met with surprise and appreciation from my professor, who was delighted by the unexpected twist I brought to the assignment. However, my exploration did not end with C programming. I delved into the realm of Python, a language known for its versatility and simplicity. Here, I found a canvas to not just solve problems but to entertain and engage users uniquely. One project that epitomized my journey into the hacker spirit was a program designed not just to request information but to provide an immersive experience. The Python program, crafted with meticulous attention to detail, invited users into an interactive dialogue. It wasn't just about data collection; it was about creating an environment where users felt a connection with the technology. The unexpected delight that ensued from this project reinforced the hacker ethos of going beyond the expected and introducing an element of joy into the technical realm. These instances of tinkering and hacking, though modest in scale, reflect the principles Kyle Lam lived by. Just as Kyle delighted his colleagues with inventive solutions and creative experiences, I aim to infuse my work with a similar spirit of innovation. The acknowledgment received from professors and peers alike serves not just as a testament to my coding skills but as a tribute to the enduring influence of the hacker mindset. Overall, the Kyle Lam Hacker Scholarship is not just an opportunity for financial support but a recognition of the commitment to the hacker spirit. My journey, marked by moments of unexpected delight and creativity, aligns with the ethos Kyle embodied. This scholarship serves as a bridge to honor Kyle's memory while fostering the growth of individuals who share his passion for curiosity, experimentation, and generosity within the realm of technology.
    Veterans & Family Scholarship
    In the tapestry of my family's history, the legacy of military service is woven with threads of sacrifice, honor, and unwavering dedication. While I may not become a veteran or a soldier yet, my connection to the military is profound through the experiences of my grandpa, a man whose commitment and sacrifice have left an indelible mark on our family. My grandpa whose a veteran embodied the essence of a great soldier. His tales of service resonated with discipline, leadership, and a profound sense of duty. The sacrifices he made, the challenges he faced, and the values he instilled have shaped not only our family's narrative but also my perspective on the significance of military service. Though I am a non-veteran, the sense of duty and honor instilled by my grandpa's military experience has inspired me to chart a course of personal and academic growth. My educational goals, influenced by the virtues of discipline and determination, align with pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. I am currently navigating my second year of undergraduate studies and aspire to transfer to the University to delve deeper into the complexities of technology and its applications. Post-graduation, I envision myself at the intersection of technology and societal impact. The values learned from my family's military background, coupled with my educational journey, drive me toward a future where I can leverage my skills to contribute meaningfully to both the workforce and the community. Aspiring to become an Information Technology Project Manager (So-called IT project manager), I see myself not only navigating the intricacies of technology but also leading teams toward innovative solutions that address real-world challenges. The "Veterans & Family Scholarship" scholarship is not just a financial opportunity but a recognition of the interconnectedness of military service and the pursuit of education. While I may not have worn the uniform but the values and principles passed down through generations of military service have shaped my character and propelled me toward academic excellence. In supporting veterans' higher education, we collectively invest in a future where individuals like me, connected to the military through familial bonds, can contribute to the strength and resilience of our nation. This scholarship serves as a bridge, connecting the legacy of military service to the pursuit of professional success and academics. In conclusion, my essay is not just a reflection of my personal experiences but a tribute to the generations before me who served selflessly. The "Veterans & Family Scholarship" scholarship is a conduit for the continuation of their legacy, empowering individuals like me to honor the sacrifices made by pursuing education, contributing to society, and forging a path toward a brighter future.
    Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship
    In the tapestry of my journey as a first-generation college student, the threads of resilience, community service, and the indomitable spirit to overcome socioeconomic adversity are interwoven. As I navigate my second year of undergraduate studies to earn a Computer Science Bachelor's degree upon transferring to the University, I find inspiration in the legacy of Cheryl Twilley. Cheryl's commitment to outreach and service resonates deeply with me, propelling me into a realm where education is not just a personal pursuit but also a vehicle for improvements in the face of financial struggles. As a low-income, first-generation student from an underrepresented minority, the "Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial Scholarship" scholarship holds profound significance in my educational journey. Community service, for me, is not a mere obligation but a calling. Serving as a Secretary member and then later as a Representative of the Student Council has been an immersive experience that transcends the boundaries of my academic pursuits. In these roles, I have witnessed firsthand the transformative power of advocacy and assistance. Whether facilitating improvements, addressing concerns, or providing essential support, my involvement in the Student Council has been a testament to the impact that collective action can have on a community. The plan of making positive impacts on my community and college revolves around leveraging technology for social good. As an aspiring Information Technology Project Manager (So-called, IT Project Manager), I aim to bridge the digital divide and create opportunities for underrepresented minorities facing socioeconomic adversity. I believe that technological literacy is a gateway to empowerment, and I aspire to contribute to initiatives that make education, opportunities, and resources accessible to all. Experiencing socioeconomic adversity has been essential and has shaped my beliefs, relationships, and future plans. The struggle for financial stability has created a deep sense of empathy, forging connections with individuals facing similar challenges. It has illuminated the systemic barriers that hinder educational pursuits, motivating me to become a catalyst for change. My beliefs have crystallized around the conviction that education is a powerful equalizer, capable of breaking the chains of socioeconomic adversity. Relationships forged through shared struggles and triumphs have reinforced my commitment to community service as a means of uplifting others. Each challenge faced has become a stepping stone, guiding my plans toward a trajectory where I can effect positive change at the intersection of technology and social impact. In conclusion, the "Cheryl Twilley Outreach Memorial" scholarship is not just a financial aid opportunity; it is a recognition of the shared values of outreach, service, and the pursuit of education as a catalyst for change. As I navigate my academic journey, this scholarship serves as a beacon of hope, propelling me toward a future where the legacy of Cheryl Twilley is not just remembered but also embodied through the positive impact I strive to make in my community and even beyond that.
    Dr. William and Jo Sherwood Family Scholarship
    As a first-generation college student who is attending college for the second year, the financial challenges that come with pursuing higher education are a constant companion as I am considering transferring to University. The rising costs of tuition, textbooks, and supplies cast a formidable shadow, affecting not only my academic journey but also the trajectory of my future! The prospect of transferring to the University of Michigan - Dearborn after the Winter 2024 semester adds another layer to the financial considerations. The increase in tuition costs and associated fees at the university level pose significant hurdles to accessing essential courses and materials required for my Computer Science Bachelor's degree. This "Dr. William and Jo Sherwood Family Scholarship" scholarship stands as a beacon of hope amid the financial intricacies of higher education. Its impact on my journey is profound, catalyzing my academic and professional aspirations. The scholarship will alleviate the financial strain, enabling me to focus on the courses that are integral to my degree without compromise. This, in turn, ensures a comprehensive and robust education that prepares me for the challenges of the technology industry. More than just the tuition, the scholarship will extend its support to cover the costs of essential supplies such as math and science books (Calculus 2, Physics 1 & 2), which are indispensable for my coursework. This financial assistance is not just a means to cover immediate expenses; it is an investment in my future, unlocking the full potential of my educational pursuits. Moreover, the scholarship is a lifeline as I am considering transferring to the University of Michigan - Dearborn. The financial burden of university-level education can be overwhelming, often serving as a deterrent for students with limited financial means. "Dr. William and Jo Sherwood Family Scholarship" Scholarship, however, is a testament to the commitment to fostering higher education opportunities for students like me, transcending financial barriers. In essence, this scholarship is more than a financial boost; it is a transformative force that empowers me to navigate the complexities of academia without compromise. It paves the way for a future where I can fully engage in my educational journey, contribute meaningfully to the field of computer science, and, ultimately, make a positive impact on the social, political, and economic landscape. Overall, the"Dr. William and Jo Sherwood Family Scholarship" scholarship is not just an investment in my education; it is an investment in the collective well-being of students pursuing higher education in Michigan. Its ripple effects extend far beyond the immediate financial relief, shaping a future where the pursuit of knowledge is accessible to all, regardless of financial constraints.
    Stephan L. Wolley Memorial Scholarship
    I am an undergraduate student who finds inspiration in the realms of coding and technology, currently navigating my second year of undergraduate studies. My journey is a tapestry woven with resilience, cultural adaptation, and a genuine commitment to education. Hailing from Iraq, my family and I embarked on a transformative journey, immigrating to California in late 2016. The challenges were numerous, from language barriers to cultural adjustments. Middle school was a crucible where I faced not only the complexities of a new language but also the cruelty of bullying. Students mocked my struggles with English, a hardship that, despite its weight, fueled my determination to overcome. In pursuit of a more supportive environment, my family and I decided to relocate to Michigan. High school in Michigan marked a turning point, where I found acceptance and graduated with newfound confidence. These experiences, though challenging, sculpted my character and strengthened my resolve. As a first-generation college student (Attending second year), I am currently undertaking my second year in college, specializing in Computer Science. My passion for coding encompasses Java, C++, Python, and website development. This journey is not without its financial challenges; being a low-income student, I recognize the hurdles that lie ahead as I plan to transfer to a university after this Winter Semester to pursue my Bachelor's degree in Computer Science. My family dynamic is one of shared struggles, triumphs, and a mutual commitment to a better future. The move to the United States was a wise decision, with each member playing a role in adapting to a new culture. The hardships faced, from seeking assistance at charities to overcoming language barriers, have woven us into a tight-knit unit. Looking ahead, my plans are anchored in my aspirations to become an Information Technology Project Manager or so-called IT manager. This goal is a personal ambition and a commitment to utilizing technology to bridge societal gaps. I envision a future where my skills contribute to positive change, ensuring that technology becomes an accessible tool for all. This scholarship, the "Stephan L. Wolley Memorial Scholarship" scholarship, resonates deeply with me. It represents an opportunity not only to alleviate the financial burden of university tuition but also to honor the memory of Stephan Wolley. The principles he cherished—family, faith, and competition—are values that echo through my journey. In conclusion, my story is one of adaptation, perseverance, and a relentless pursuit of knowledge. The "Stephan L. Wolley Memorial Scholarship" scholarship is not just a financial aid opportunity; it is a recognition of my journey, and my aspirations, and a tribute to the enduring spirit of those who, like Stephan Wolley, found inspiration in family, faith, and the pursuit of both athletic and academic excellence.
    Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship
    My journey as a college-bound student from an immigrant family is a narrative woven with resilience, challenges, and the unwavering determination instilled by the sacrifices of my parents, who immigrated from Iraq to California in late 2016. Their pursuit of a better life echoes the spirit of Rhia Ramlal Wagner's story, and I am proud to stand on the shoulders of hardworking immigrant families! My immersion into the American education system began in middle school in Sacramento, California, where I faced a multitude of challenges, one of the biggest, was the language barrier. As a newcomer, grappling with English fluency became a daily struggle. The corridors echoed with laughter, but for me, it was the harsh resonance of ridicule, as students mocked my struggle with the language, and hurt me. Yet, these difficulties only fueled my determination to succeed. Navigating through the complexities of a new culture and education system, my parents and I sought assistance from local charities and communities that extended a helping hand. From basic survival needs to understanding the intricacies of healthcare, we faced challenges head-on. These experiences, though arduous, laid the foundation for my resilience and instilled in me a deep sense of empathy for those facing similar struggles. The decision to move to Michigan was a pivotal moment, a chance for a fresh start where I found a more supportive environment. High school in Michigan became a transformative chapter, marked by fewer instances of bullying and a growing sense of belonging. It was here that I blossomed academically, graduating with a newfound confidence. As a first-generation college student (First College student in my family) now in my second year, the challenges persist but have evolved. The language barriers are now hurdles I've conquered, and the bullying has given way to an environment of acceptance and support. Despite the difficulties, the journey has been one of growth, learning, and perseverance! This scholarship holds profound significance for me, not just as financial assistance for my university tuition after transferring in the next year but as a recognition of the struggles and triumphs of immigrant families like mine. It symbolizes the dedication of Rhia's grandparents, who toiled on sugarcane plantations in Trinidad and Tobago and echoes the sacrifices of my parents, who uprooted their lives for the promise of a better future. Looking forward, my education is not just a personal endeavor; it's a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Through my experiences, I aspire to be a catalyst for change, especially in supporting newcomers who face similar challenges. As an aspiring Information Technology Project Manager, I aim to utilize my skills to bridge the gap between technology and society, ensuring that everyone, regardless of background, has equal access to opportunities. In conclusion, my journey as a college-bound student of an immigrant family reflects not just personal triumphs but a testament to the enduring spirit of resilience and determination. This "Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship" scholarship is not just a financial boost; it is an acknowledgment of the hardships faced, the barriers overcome, and the potential to make a lasting impact on the world through education and experience. As I stand at the threshold of transferring to university, I carry with me the lessons of the past and a commitment to embody the values of the Goobie-Ramlal Education Scholarship in shaping a brighter future for myself and those who follow.
    Ben Brock Memorial Scholarship
    In navigating the diverse landscape of my academic journey, the confluence of geography and computer science has been shaped by an insatiable curiosity, a passion for learning, and a deep appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military community. My exploration into geography and computer science was a multifaceted journey fueled by diverse interests and a commitment to lifelong learning. The allure of geography captivated me during my college years as I immersed myself in courses that unveiled the intricate tapestry of our world. Studying diverse cultures, landscapes, and the interconnectedness of global systems sparked my fascination. Through captivating maps and spatial analysis, I discovered the power of geography to unravel the stories woven into the fabric of our planet. From the geopolitical implications of borders to the ecological impact of climate change, each geography lesson became a lens through which I viewed the world with greater understanding and appreciation. Simultaneously, my foray into computer science was driven by an enthusiasm for the artistry of coding and the transformative potential of technology. Delving into codings that are Java, C++, Python, and website development, I found joy and the creative expression afforded by programming languages! The ability to craft solutions, automate processes, and contribute to the digital landscape ignited a passion that has become an integral part of my identity as an undergraduate in computer science. While my journey may not include direct family ties to the military, my connection to the military community takes shape as a profound appreciation for the sacrifices made by those who serve. As I navigate the challenges of being a low-income student pursuing higher education, I am acutely aware of the sacrifices made by the military community to uphold the values we hold dear. This awareness fuels my determination to excel in my academic pursuits and honor the legacy of those who have dedicated their lives to service. In honoring the memory of Ben Brock, a lifelong learner, this "Ben Brock Memorial Scholarship" scholarship embodies the spirit of continuous improvement and selfless sharing of knowledge. I am not merely a student of geography and computer science; I am a beneficiary of the wisdom passed down by mentors, the sacrifices of the military community, and the indomitable spirit of lifelong learning. As I embark on the next phase of my academic journey, I carry with me the lessons of geography, the excitement of coding, and a deep sense of gratitude for the military community. The "Ben Brock Memorial Scholarship" is not just a financial opportunity; it is a recognition of my journey, and my aspirations, and a tribute to the legacy of a remarkable individual whose dedication to learning and mentorship continues to inspire learners like me.
    Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship
    From childhood, the world of technology fascinated me, and especially the computers. I found excitement in the intricate dance of code and the limitless possibilities it presented. My journey into computer science began as a curiosity that transformed into a passion during my formative years. I started by delving into books and watching video guides, exploring the realms of Java, C++, and Python coding, and experimenting with website development. The ability to create something tangible from lines of code ignited my enthusiasm for computer science, turning it from a mere interest into a dedicated pursuit. As a second-year undergraduate student navigating the complexities of computer science, I bring not only a deep passion for the field but also a commitment to resilience and excellence. My journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of knowledge in Python, C++, web development, and Java. These skills, coupled with my dedication to becoming an Information Technology Project Manager, embody the spirit of the Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship. My aspirations extend beyond the realm of coding; I envision a future where I can harness my skills as an Information Technology Project Manager. I am driven by the desire to not only contribute to technological advancements but also to lead and inspire teams. The dream job I aspire to involves overseeing IT projects (Information Technology), ensuring seamless execution, and leveraging technology to address complex challenges. I see myself at the intersection of technology and leadership, working collaboratively to drive innovation and positive change. Being a low-income student has brought up the challenges I face in pursuing higher education. The financial burden of university tuition looms large, and my traditional financial aid may not cover the entirety of my expenses. This scholarship represents not just a financial lifeline but a recognition of my determination to overcome barriers and achieve my dreams. In honoring Chris Jackson's legacy, I connect with his story of perseverance and triumph over financial hurdles during his pursuit of a degree. My journey mirrors his in many ways, and I understand the transformative power that education, especially in computer science, can have on one's life. Moreover, my commitment to becoming an Information Technology Project Manager reflects the values Chris embodied – leadership, a genuine desire, and dedication to make a positive impact in the tech industry. I am not only seeking a degree but also I am on a quest to build a meaningful and impactful career that aligns with the principles Chris stood for. In conclusion, I believe that I am the best candidate for the Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship because my journey encapsulates the essence of perseverance, passion, and the transformative potential of education. This "Chris Jackson Computer Science Education Scholarship" scholarship is not just a financial aid opportunity but a beacon of support that will propel me closer to realizing my dream of becoming an Information Technology Project Manager, leaving a lasting legacy inspired by the indomitable spirit of Chris Jackson.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    In the tapestry of my life, the threads of purpose and passion are woven with a commitment to helping others unlock their true potential. As an undergraduate student entering my second year in College (And transferring to University after the Winter semester), I have cultivated a set of skills and values that not only shape my academic journey but, more importantly, drive my dedication to making a positive impact in the lives of those around me. One avenue through which I've honed my skills is my involvement in the National Leadership and Success Organization (NSLS). This experience has been transformative, providing a platform for me to develop leadership skills that extend beyond the classroom. Through workshops, seminars, and collaborative projects, I have gained insights into effective leadership, learning to inspire and guide others toward realizing their full capabilities. These skills not only enhance my academic endeavors but also fuel my passion for helping others recognize and achieve their goals. Critical thinking, another skill I've educated myself with, has become a compass guiding me in navigating challenges and finding innovative solutions. The ability to analyze situations, evaluate options, and make informed decisions is not only valuable in academia but also essential in providing effective support to others. Whether assisting classmates with academic challenges or addressing the diverse needs of my community, critical thinking serves as a cornerstone in my efforts to empower individuals to overcome obstacles and strive for excellence. Empathy (One of the important skills to me), a quality I hold dear, has been cultivated through personal experiences and my role as a caregiver for my grandmother. Navigating the healthcare system, accompanying her to doctor's appointments, and ensuring she has the support she needs in her daily life has developed my ability to understand and connect with the needs of others. This empathy is not confined to my family; it extends to my interactions with peers, where I strive to create a supportive environment that fosters personal and academic growth. My commitment to helping others be their best is not confined to organized settings but extends to everyday acts of kindness and service. Whether assisting a friend with coursework, volunteering at local community events, or simply lending a listening ear, I seek to create a positive impact through small gestures that collectively contribute to a culture of support and encouragement. As I am a caregiver for my grandmother, it has been both a challenge and a source of profound inspiration. It has reinforced my understanding of the impact one person can have on another's life. From coordinating medical appointments to ensuring her emotional well-being, this experience has strengthened my resolve to make a meaningful difference in the lives of those in need. As I reflect on my journey, I recognize that my skills and values are not static; they evolve through continuous learning and a genuine passion for contributing to the welfare of others. The scholarship "TEAM ROX Scholarship" is not just a financial opportunity; it is a recognition of the values instilled in me by the incredible individuals who have touched my life! It represents a commitment to furthering my education and, in turn, expanding my capacity to help others be their best. This scholarship is a bridge connecting my aspirations with the legacy of the incredible individual it honors, motivating me to embody the selflessness and dedication to others that defines her memory.
    Pratibha Pandey Merit-Based Scholarship
    Time management has been crucial in allowing me to excel across my rigorous course load and extracurricular activities while maintaining a 3.8 GPA. As a low-income, first-generation college student, I have had to be resourceful and disciplined with my time. I knew getting involved outside the classroom would allow me to develop leadership abilities and serve my community, so I prioritized it despite my demanding major. I currently serve as a Representative in the Student Council Club. In this capacity, I advocate for over 1,000 students across academic affairs, facilities and operations, student life, and more. It requires attending weekly Council meetings, tracking legislation, meeting with administrators, and gathering student feedback. On top of classes, I devote about 10 hours per week to this leadership role. To balance my time, I block off chunks of time for Student Council Club work just as I do for studying. I also rely on tools like Google Calendar (Or my phone's calendar) to visualize all my commitments in one place. In addition, I work out at the campus gym three days a week for at least one hour. Exercise provides me with an emotional and physical reset from academic stress. However, I struggled at first to fit workouts in without falling behind on coursework. I needed to treat exercise with the same priority as a class by scheduling specific gym blocks. I get more quality studying done in the allotted time that remains as a result. Outside these commitments, I prioritize leisure reading by ending each day with 35-45 minutes of fiction or Self-Educate reading. This personal hobby supports my mental health and reminds me why I have chosen an intense English literature major. By reading consistently at the same time every night, it has organically become part of my routine. Finally, studying itself comprises about 25 hours of my week. I devote Sunday afternoons to carefully planning out study blocks for each class, taking into account assignments, exams, readings, and more. This helps me work efficiently since I know exactly what topics or questions to focus on during designated times. When new commitments come up, I re-evaluate and adjust my schedule accordingly. Through tough calendaring, daily to-do lists, and self-discipline, I have found success in taking on multiple leadership roles and activities outside a demanding course schedule. Time management is always evolving, but the skills I've developed ensure I can dedicate myself fully while excelling as both a student and community leader. This scholarship would allow me to continue this enriching balance.
    John Nathan Lee Foundation Heart Scholarship
    Heart disease is not merely a medical condition; it's a journey marked by challenges, resilience, and the unwavering support of loved ones. The impact of cardiac disease has woven its way through my life, particularly through the experiences of my grandmother (I see the pain she goes through), and in navigating this intricate journey, I have encountered obstacles that have defined my commitment to both her well-being and my academic pursuits. My grandmother, a pillar of strength in our family, battles with a cardiac disease that has reshaped the fabric of our daily lives. Witnessing her struggle to find comfort in sleep (Cannot sleep at all, always awake from pain), facing the limitations imposed by persistent pain, and grappling with the unpredictability of her heartbeats have been profound obstacles we have faced together. Despite numerous consultations with healthcare professionals and a variety of treatments, the relief we sought remained elusive. As here I am alive, always supportive of my grandmother has been both a responsibility and a privilege. The obstacle of seeing a loved one experience physical discomfort and emotional distress has propelled me into the role of caregiver, a role that demands empathy, patience, and an unwavering commitment to her well-being. Late nights spent ensuring she rests comfortably, the countless hospital visits seeking answers, and the emotional toll of witnessing her struggles have become integral parts of my journey, extremely difficult, but have been willing to work harder for her. One significant obstacle has been the emotional toll on our family. The unpredictability of cardiac issues has led to an environment of perpetual concern and a heightened sense of responsibility. Balancing the demands of caregiving with my academic pursuits has required meticulous time management and an unyielding determination to pursue my educational goals despite the challenges. Furthermore, the financial strain of ongoing medical expenses and the pursuit of effective treatments has added another layer to the obstacles we face daily. The scholarship "The John Nathan Lee Foundation Heart" is not just an opportunity for financial assistance to me and assisting her but it symbolizes the recognition of the multifaceted challenges that families like mine confront in the wake of cardiac disease. This scholarship will not only alleviate the financial burdens but also serve as a testament to the resilience and strength cultivated in the face of adversity. Lastly, the obstacles faced due to cardiac disease, particularly through my grandmother, have been numerous and complex. However, these challenges have fortified my commitment to providing support, fostering empathy, and pursuing academic excellence despite the hurdles. This scholarship "The John Nathan Lee Foundation Heart" represents more than just financial assistance; it is a beacon of hope, acknowledging the unique challenges faced by families affected by cardiac disease and offering support to those striving to overcome these obstacles while pursuing their educational dreams.
    West Family Scholarship
    As I am an undergraduate student attending College in my second year and a dedicated fitness enthusiast, I find myself at the intersection of passion and purpose, weaving together my commitment to personal health and well-being with a broader dedication to addressing societal challenges. My journey is defined not only by the pursuit of academic excellence but also by an earnest desire to contribute to the well-being of underserved communities through initiatives aimed at promoting health and fitness. In today's society, health disparities disproportionately affect marginalized communities, contributing to a cycle of inequality. As this is being recognized, I am actively involved in initiatives that strive to bridge this gap by making health and fitness more accessible to those who may face barriers due to economic constraints or systemic inequities, etc. One of my primary endeavors involves volunteering at local community centers to organize and lead fitness classes tailored to diverse populations. These classes not only provide a platform for individuals to improve their physical health but also kind of foster a sense of community and mutual support. Through inclusive and culturally sensitive fitness programs, I aim to break down the barriers that prevent many individuals from being the best version of themselves, particularly from underserved backgrounds, from accessing and embracing a healthier lifestyle. Furthermore, I have initiated collaborations with local schools that are near me to introduce fitness education programs. These programs go beyond the traditional understanding of physical education by incorporating elements of holistic well-being, mental health awareness, and nutrition education. The goal is to empower young minds with the knowledge and skills needed to make informed choices about their health, laying the foundation for a healthier and more resilient community. In addition to my community involvement, my commitment to addressing social issues extends to academic pursuits. I am currently undertaking research that explores the intersectionality of socioeconomic factors and health outcomes. By understanding the nuanced challenges faced by different communities, I hope to contribute to the development of targeted Mediation and policies that address health disparities at their roots. As an undergraduate student who values the transformative power of education, I am particularly inspired by the West Family Scholarship's mission to make higher education more accessible, which to me, is kind of interesting. I firmly believe that education is not only a personal endeavor but a tool for collective empowerment. By investing in my education, this scholarship not only supports my academic journey but also contributes to my ability to effect positive change in the community that’s around me! In conclusion, my commitment to addressing social issues is deeply rooted in the belief that health and education are fundamental human rights. Through my engagement in fitness initiatives and academic pursuits, I am dedicated to breaking down barriers, fostering inclusivity, and working towards a future where everyone, regardless of background, has the opportunity to lead a healthy and fulfilling life. We have seen people having mental issues and diseases due to not being balanced with their health and fulfilling life. The West Family Scholarship represents not only a financial support system for my education but also a shared commitment to creating a more equitable and empowered society.
    Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact Scholarship
    As a person like me who's an undergraduate student, embarking on the journey of a Computer Science Bachelor's degree with the aspiration of becoming an Information Technology Project Manager, I find myself on the frontier of innovation, where the realms of science fiction and science fact often converge. In the dynamic landscape of technology, my chosen field of study not only plays a big role in shaping the future but also holds the key to transforming speculative ideas into tangible realities. The field of Computer Science has been a driving force behind many advancements that were once considered the stuff of science fiction, which we could see and hear from the internet. As I delve into my studies, I am acutely aware of the transformative power that technology wields and its potential to bring about revolutionary changes. One such area where I see the convergence of science fiction and science fact is in the realm of artificial intelligence (AI), that's right. AI will truly make some impact on our world and how we will live. Science fiction has long envisioned intelligent machines with the ability to learn, adapt, and make decisions akin to human cognition. Through my pursuit of a Computer Science degree, I am actively engaged in the exploration of AI and machine learning, contributing to the development of systems that not only process vast amounts of data but also possess the capability to evolve and improve over time. By pushing the boundaries of what is currently possible, I believe that my contributions to the field can help turn the concept of intelligent machines from science fiction into science fact. Moreover, as an aspiring Information Technology Project Manager (So called, IT Manager or IT Project Manager), I recognize the importance of ethical considerations in the development and deployment of emerging technologies. Science fiction often portrays dystopian scenarios arising from unchecked technological advancement. My commitment is to ensure that the ethical implications of technology are a fundamental part of the conversation. By integrating ethical frameworks into the design and implementation of IT projects, I aim to contribute to a future where technology serves humanity responsibly and enhances our collective well-being. In addition to artificial intelligence, another area within my field of study that holds immense potential is the Internet of Things (In short, IoT). The concept of a seamlessly connected network of devices communicating and collaborating has been a staple of science fiction narratives. Through my studies, I am gaining the skills to design and implement IoT solutions that can revolutionize industries, from healthcare to smart cities. By making science fiction scenarios of interconnected devices a reality, I see the potential for profound positive impacts on efficiency, sustainability, and quality of life. Overall, my pursuit of a Computer Science degree is not just a personal endeavor but a commitment to contributing to the transformation of science fiction into science fact. Whether through advancements in AI, the ethical deployment of technology, or the realization of a connected world through Internet of Things, my chosen field empowers me to be at the forefront of innovation. The Sharp Objects Science Fiction Becomes Science Fact Scholarship is not only a financial support system for my education but recognition of the potential of Computer Science to shape the future and bridge the gap between imagination and reality.
    Mental Health Importance Scholarship
    In the whirlwind of college life, with its excitement and challenges, I've come to understand the paramount importance of mental health. As a first-generation college student in my second year, pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, I've faced my fair share of obstacles during my education process. It's during these moments that I've realized the significance of prioritizing my mental well-being. My journey into college was marked by the anticipation of new experiences and opportunities. The prospect of obtaining a degree in Computer Science was exciting, but it also came with its own set of challenges, particularly in mathematics. It didn't take long for me to encounter my first major hurdle. After earning what I considered to be a reasonably good score on a math test, I found myself grappling with overwhelming self-doubt. Thoughts of potential failure loomed large in my mind, fueled by the fear of disappointing my parents, who had high hopes for my success in college. This particular episode was an eye-opener for me, as it made me realize that my mental health was intricately tied to my academic performance. Stress, anxiety, and negative self-talk were taking a toll on my overall well-being. It was at this moment that I recognized the importance of maintaining a healthy mental state, not just for academic success, but for my overall quality of life. One of the challenges I've faced in this journey is dealing with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). While it presents its own set of obstacles, I refuse to let it define or limit me. Instead, I've chosen to confront it head-on, utilizing various strategies to keep my mental health balanced. So, why do I believe my mental health is important? Because, for me, it's the foundation upon which my academic and personal success rests. Without a strong mental well-being, I can't tackle the challenges of my college courses effectively or make the most of the opportunities available to me. In my quest to maintain mental wellness, I've adopted several strategies. First and foremost, I've embraced the power of self-compassion. I've learned that it's okay not to be perfect, that setbacks are part of the learning process, and that my worth is not solely determined by my academic achievements. By practicing self-compassion, I've been able to quiet the self-doubt that plagued me after that math test and maintain a positive outlook on my journey. Additionally, I've sought support and guidance from various resources on campus. From counseling services to academic advisors, these professionals have played a crucial role in helping me manage stress and anxiety. They've provided me with tools to improve my focus and concentration, which has been instrumental in combating my ADHD. I've also prioritized self-care. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep have become non-negotiable elements of my routine. These practices help me stay physically and mentally healthy, ensuring I'm better equipped to handle the demands of college life. In conclusion, The importance of mental health has become very clear to me as a first-generation college student seeking a degree in computer science. I think it's important to take care of my mental health because it's essential for both my academic achievement and general pleasure. I have been able to keep my mental health in spite of difficulties by being kind to myself, getting help when I need it, and placing a high priority on taking care of myself. My experience is proof that, in order to succeed in college, one must first succeed in looking after their mental health.
    Chadwick D. McNab Memorial Scholarship
    As an undergraduate student majoring in Computer Science, my journey in the world of technology has been filled with a deep passion for innovation and an unceasing drive to create and learn! The "Chadwick D. McNab Memorial" Scholarship provides the perfect platform to share my experiences and the project that ignited my enthusiasm for technology. During my first year in college, I embarked on a project that would become a defining moment in my journey. I chose to dive into the world of C programming, a challenging yet rewarding endeavor. The project I worked on was the development of a program that could generate a document for personal information and store it securely within a computer folder that the user would want it to be stored in. This project not only pushed the boundaries of my technical skills but also showcased the transformative power of technology. What made this project particularly special to me was the fusion of creativity and problem-solving. I had the opportunity to design a user-friendly interface, allowing individuals to input and store their personal information effortlessly. As I delved deeper into coding and debugging, I realized the immense potential of technology to simplify everyday tasks and enhance the lives of individuals. What truly inspires me about working in technology is the capacity to transform ideas into reality. The project represented the convergence of my passion for problem-solving and the limitless potential of computer science. It provided a platform for creative expression, allowing me to craft an application that would benefit other users! Witnessing the program in action, storing and retrieving personal information seamlessly, reinforced my belief in the power of technology to make a positive impact. Technology, to me, is a tool of empowerment and innovation. It serves as a catalyst for progress and a means to address real-world challenges. My journey in technology has been marked by the thrill of exploring new frontiers and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. I have been inspired by the ever-evolving nature of this field, which constantly challenges me to adapt, learn, and grow. Furthermore, technology's ability to bring positive change to society has been a significant source of inspiration. From the development of life-saving medical devices to the creation of innovative solutions for environmental sustainability, technology has the potential to shape a brighter future for all. My aspiration is to contribute to these advancements, and to be a part of the global technological community working towards a better world. To sum up, the project I worked on during my freshman year of college is a perfect example of how technology has changed my life. My enthusiasm for creativity, ingenuity, and problem-solving was sparked by it. The limitless opportunities presented by technology and its ability to improve the world really motivate me! With the "Chadwick D. McNab Memorial" Scholarship, I have the chance to carry on my technological path and pay tribute to the memory of people who, like Chadwick D. McNab, have encouraged others to strive for success in this industry. I am appreciative of the opportunity to tell my story and pledge my steadfast support for a technologically advanced future.
    Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship
    As an undergraduate college student, I have come to understand that life extends beyond individual achievements and personal pursuits. It is a journey that gains meaning through selflessness and the positive impact we have on those around us. Michael Rudometkin's legacy of helping others and making the world a better place deeply resonates with me. The Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship offers me the opportunity to reflect on how I embody selflessness and provide examples of when I have extended a helping hand to someone in need. Selflessness, to me, is the act of placing the needs and well-being of others above one's own. It involves empathy, compassion, and a genuine desire to make a positive difference in the lives of those around us. One memorable instance that encapsulates my commitment to selflessness occurred during my Descriptive Astronomy course. As I progressed through the course, I noticed a fellow student, a young woman, who was struggling to grasp the complex concepts and astronomical phenomena we were studying. It became evident that Descriptive Astronomy was not her favorite subject, and she faced significant challenges in understanding the material. Witnessing her struggle, I felt compelled to step forward and offer my assistance. I approached her and expressed my willingness to help her navigate the course material. Together, we embarked on a journey of learning, starting from the basics and gradually working our way through the course content. I dedicated countless hours to explaining complex astronomical concepts in a way that made sense to her. I patiently answered her questions, provided additional resources, and offered moral support to boost her confidence. Through perseverance and collaborative effort, she began to grasp the subject matter more effectively. Her grades improved steadily, and she gained a newfound appreciation for Descriptive Astronomy. The sense of accomplishment and pride she felt upon understanding complex celestial phenomena was truly rewarding to witness. What makes this experience significant in my journey of selflessness is that I did not expect anything in return for my assistance. My motivation was rooted in a genuine desire to help someone in need and make their educational experience more manageable. Seeing her succeed and regain her confidence was a powerful reminder of the positive impact we can have when we extend kindness and support to others. Furthermore, selflessness extends beyond individual acts of assistance. It is a mindset that shapes my approach to community involvement and service. I actively seek opportunities to engage in volunteer work and community service projects that align with my passions and beliefs. Whether it's participating in local food drives, mentoring younger students, or volunteering at nonprofit organizations, I am committed to making a tangible difference in my community. In conclusion, selflessness is not a solitary act but a way of life that permeates every facet of our existence. My experience of helping a fellow student in need during my Descriptive Astronomy course exemplifies my commitment to selflessness. It was a journey of patience, empathy, and unwavering support, which ultimately allowed her to overcome her challenges and succeed academically. This experience has reinforced my belief in the power of selflessness and the positive ripple effect it can create in the lives of others. The Michael Rudometkin Memorial Scholarship serves as a reminder of the enduring legacy of selflessness, and I am honored to continue embodying this principle as I strive to make the world a better place, one act of kindness at a time.
    Share Your Poetry Scholarship
    I am not really great at making poetries. But I've been interested in learning poetry as is a way of teaching rhythm and creative expression. I've always been interested in writing ever since I was young, I find words are powerful and a way to express emotions with others. Writing has been a motivation for me and is a way to write a message to the world in the future. Here is one of my poetry: ----------------------------- Life is worthful to live --------------------------- I may have been stressed in the beginning. I might’ve faced helplessness when the mistakes were spreading. But still encouraged to continue making imaginative ideas into reality. Motivated to proceed on, due to my dreams. Passionate about the impossible dream of becoming a reality. Not a thing in this life is worth living for without having a purpose. A dream to aim and fight the obstacles is the way to call it a day. At the end of the day, looking back, I would already know what the purpose of life is. Ambition is the key to the definition of life and purpose, and nothing else is worth fighting for.
    Mia Noflin Goes to Broadway Scholarship