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Rachel Ways


Bold Points




My ultimate ambition is to become a Clinical Psychologist. The intricacies of the human mind never fail to captivate me, and my fascination continues to grow with each passing day. At the age of 15, I was diagnosed with Leukemia. Although I entered remission, the illness resurfaced in 2023, leading me to undergo a Bone Marrow Transplant. Despite these challenges, my unwavering determination towards my aspirations and academic pursuits remains unchanged. The substantial cost of my treatments has left me concerned about financing my college education. However, regardless of my obstacles, I am committed to surmounting them and realizing my vision of contributing to the world's mental well-being. I will not give up, no matter what is thrown at me.


Rochester Community High School

High School
2021 - 2025
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Psychology, General
    • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mental Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Clinical Psychology/Experimental Psychology

    • Barista

      Dunkin' Enterprises INC.
      2023 – 2023


    • Allied Health Diagnostic, Intervention, and Treatment Professions

      National Cancer Institute (NCI) — Patient
      2021 – Present
    • Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions

      Children's Oncology Group — Patient
      2021 – Present


    • Private Lessons

      2020 – 2021
    • Rochester Community High School

      2022 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Blood Drive — Volunteer
      2023 – 2023
    • Public Service (Politics)

      National Honor Society — Member
      2024 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Student Council — Class Vice President
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests




    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    The intricacies of human behavior and the inner workings of the human mind have always fascinated me profoundly. The diverse manifestations of human nature both intrigue and unsettle me. My passion for psychology was ignited but set ablaze when I completed an online psychology and sociology course offered by a local college during the summer of 2022. This course, which delved into theories, academic papers, and case studies, such as those regarding nurture vs. nature, captivated me and deepened my love for the subject beyond what I thought was possible. At the age of 15, in the year 2021, I received the life-altering diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia. I went into remission and completed my treatments in 2022. After experiencing a relapse of Acute Myeloid Leukemia in 2023, I had to undergo a stem cell transplant, which presented an even greater risk of mortality. Learning of this prompted me to deeply contemplate the meaning of life and my own purpose. Despite the daunting statistics that suggested I should not have survived, I consider my continued existence to be a profound and miraculous gift, a result of what I can only describe as divine intervention. This gratitude for life and profound appreciation for every breath I take has driven my journey. Despite uncertainty about my future, I was determined to make a positive impact for as long as possible. I found purpose in improving outcomes for others and remained committed to making a difference, guiding me through challenging moments. My ultimate goal is to become a trailblazer in the field of psychology. I plan to earn a Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology, focusing on the psychological aspects of illness and recovery. I am particularly interested in exploring the connection between psychology and medicine, and I want to contribute to academic research and the development of new treatments that will have a lasting impact. I have personally experienced the challenges of dealing with illness and have witnessed the mental health issues that can arise from treatment. Our society often stigmatizes people, especially children, adolescents, and adults, who are dealing with mental health issues or disorders. These challenges usually stem from problems with the brain's signaling system or an individual's genetic makeup. Everyone deserves to live a peaceful life, and I am committed to working towards that goal. My dream is to live in a society where people aren't judged based on their genetics and where individuals don't suffer from memory loss due to faulty brain signals. I am dedicated to creating programs and initiatives to help these individuals lead fulfilling lives. Ignoring these issues won't make them disappear, so I am eager to pursue an education that will equip me to collaborate with like-minded individuals passionate about making a difference. I will not give up my academic goals and studies until all individuals in my country do not succumb to mental diseases that could soon be treatable.
    Tim Dunham Blood Disorder Awareness Scholarship
    I remember the bruises that started to appear on my body out of nowhere. I just assumed that it was because I was a very clumsy teen. I always joked with my friends that I had two left feet, so I took the purple and blue swirls on my knees with a grain of salt. I remember popping in a Tylenol to stop the pain and headaches at 2 am, but I could not swallow them. My body rejected it, and I coughed them up in the sink, blood splattering over the drain. It was terrifying, and I felt helpless. The following 24 hours were a whirlwind of fear and uncertainty. I found myself in the ER, undergoing test after test to determine the cause of my health issues. When the results came back, my heart sank. My white blood cell count was a staggering 196,000, revealing something wrong. As doctors looked under a microscope at my blood sample, the reality of my diagnosis became true. I had Leukemia, and to make matters worse, it was Acute Myeloid Leukemia. The world seemed to stand still as I grappled with the weight of this life-altering news. 92%. 92% of my blood was myeloblast cells. Essentially, my body was cutting off oxygen to my organs. I was drowning in my own blood and cancer. We started chemotherapy less than a week later. Blood. There was so much blood. I had a blood cancer, and once it was gone, I was left with the bloody aftermath. Puddles of blood would seep from my body. My gums were barely visible, and I would wake up screaming while I choked on my own blood clots. I became very acquainted with blood transfusions, along with platelets. I have had over 100 blood and platelet transfusions. That was 2021, I was 15. In 2023, I relapsed. Thankfully, my story doesn't end there. Today, in 2024, I am in remission after a Stem Cell Transplant. When I was initially diagnosed, I was uncertain of my future. It became essential to me that I became a research patient. Everything I did, took and experienced was written down. I even have a research paper written based on a side effect I experienced, and it is now being used in hospitals for kids who experience what I experienced. I may have suffered, but my suffering will prevent other children from experiencing the same fate I did. That gives me peace of mind at night; some mothers will not have to hold their children like my mother would hold me most nights. No mother should have to help her children cough up blood clots, and now, with my information, they are finding ways to help the body clot better after chemotherapy. This journey has been incredibly tough, but knowing it's helping others makes every tear shed and every struggle worth it. I am now a supporter and educator on the facts of cancer and blood care. I advocate for my local blood drives and speak to my classmates and community about donating blood products. This cause is very close to my heart, and I hope to make a real difference in the lives of those fighting similar battles. To this day, I still am dealing with conditions and side effects from my treatments. My blood pressure is very wonky, and it is sometimes hard to do daily activities. Without donors of blood, I would be dead. Since I am not dead, I plan to make every moment of my life worth living and actively ensure others have the same chance to live.
    Jonathan Tang Memorial Scholarship
    When I was 15, I was confronted with the life-altering diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). This unexpected turn of events significantly accentuated the anxiety that had been a constant companion and introduced a newfound depth of dread and uncertainty into my life. This personal confrontation with the grim reality of my mortality marked the commencement of a solitary journey, one that I had to navigate unaccompanied for the very first time. However, amidst the pervasive fear and uncertainty, this journey also facilitated unprecedented personal growth and resilience that I had not previously recognized within myself, a testament to the human spirit's ability to overcome even the most daunting challenges. The omnipresence of mortality casts a looming shadow over every individual, yet it's a formidable concept to comprehend fully. Our world, while enchanting, also presents an unforgiving facade, offering mesmerizing sunrises and sunsets that serve as mere distractions from the relentless passage of time toward our eventual demise. In facing the stark reality of my mortality, I experienced a profound realization that I no longer desired to be held captive by a life dominated by fear. This transformative encounter with my mortality, a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment, shaped an entirely new perspective and reignited within me a passionate zeal for life. I found myself profoundly inspired by the very essence of life, as it hosts an abundance of positivity and promise. Paradoxically, the ordeal of cancer instilled within me a renewed passion for existence, arguably one of the most challenging experiences an individual can confront. Throughout my hospitalization, I encountered numerous exceptional individuals whose extraordinary empathy and selflessness transcended all expectations. Their boundless kindness and unwavering fortitude throughout my treatments were a poignant reminder that even amidst the most daunting circumstances, an inherent beauty awaits discovery. Their acts of compassion imparted comfort and served as a formidable force that guided me through the darkest moments, uplifting my spirit and motivating me to embrace life's essence. During my treatments, I endeavored to utilize every spare moment by immersing myself in scholarly pursuits and diligently completing schoolwork. This was not just a distraction from the pain and discomfort, but a way to keep my mind engaged and focused on the future. Overcoming cancer has spurred me to dedicate myself to enriching the mental well-being of others. The field of psychology and the complexities intertwined with the human mind capture my fascination above all else. My interactions with esteemed medical professionals have reshaped my comprehension of human behavior. While I grasp the biological underpinnings of specific disorders and behaviors, my ardor lies in advocating that every individual deserves a fulfilling life. My ultimate aspiration is to spearhead research teams dedicated to realizing this vision.
    North Star Dreamers Memorial Scholarship
    The news of "your child has Leukemia" is earth-shattering. In an instant, everything changes. We've all seen heart-wrenching ads about children battling cancer, but when it becomes your reality, it hits differently. In a matter of minutes, I went from a carefree teen to a child with cancer. After many tests, a Bone Marrow Biopsy, and a Spinal Tap, I was officially a child with cancer, fighting an aggressive form of Leukemia known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). During my prolonged hospital stays and intensive treatments, I remained critically immunocompromised. Despite this, I continued my education and excelled at it. As a Freshman, when I was first diagnosed with Leukemia, I completed 18 classes. My academic accomplishments bring me immense joy, and I am grateful for thriving during this challenging time. Throughout my cancer journey, my education has been my anchor, providing me with hope, purpose, and determination to overcome the odds. It's not just about completing classes; it's about defying limitations, embracing life, and inspiring others facing similar struggles. My academic journey amidst adversity is a testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering human spirit. As a Senior in high school, I maintain a GPA of 3.9 and currently hold the position of class Vice President, ranking within the top 10% of my class. I have diligently pursued my education, including completing online college courses. Despite not attending a physical classroom, I remained dedicated to thriving and challenging myself to grow, even during my cancer journey. Before my battle with cancer, financing my college education didn't faze me. However, post-treatment, financial concerns weigh heavily on my mind. Though difficult, prioritizing my health and safety over college was a non-negotiable. The financial strain my family endured during my cancer treatment has left me apprehensive about pursuing my dream of becoming a Clinical Psychologist or entering a related field. Despite this, the prospect of utilizing psychology to enhance mental well-being and foster a positive environment continues to be a driving force. Surviving cancer has imbued me with a sense of purpose - to help others. I will not stop until I reach my goal. The struggle I've faced has been immense. Enduring five rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, countless blood and platelet transfusions stays in the ICU, and kidney failure requiring dialysis has taken a toll on my family. They've expended thousands of dollars and made countless sacrifices for my well-being. Just as we were starting to regain our financial stability, the devastating news of my Leukemia relapse in December shattered our hopes. This journey has not only been physically and emotionally agonizing for me, but it has also placed an enormous burden on my loved ones, who have given up so much to support me through these challenging times. The weight of this guilt is overwhelming, and I'm doing everything in my power to prevent a recurrence of Leukemia. Witnessing my family sacrifice everything for my sake fills me with a profound sense of responsibility, and I cannot bear the thought of them enduring further hardships. Receiving this scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial strain on my parents as I pursue my education. Moreover, it would enable me to realize my aspirations of aiding others and effecting positive change within my community. The potential impact of this scholarship on my future and the community I aspire to serve is beyond measure.
    Jake Thomas Williams Memorial Scholarship
    As a Freshman in High School, I was given the devastating news of being diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). It felt like my whole world was collapsing around me. As a young person, I had a vague understanding of mortality, but the actual weight of it was beyond my grasp. Yet, amid this turmoil, I found comfort in memories of the awe-inspiring sunrises painted in vibrant hues of yellow and gold and the gradual transition of colors from pink and purple to a deep, starry sky as I sat atop our local sledding hill. The exquisite beauty of this natural cycle served as a poignant reminder of the passage of time. It became a beacon of hope and inspiration for me until I realized that the pretty colors were just masks to make me and others forget that time passes on, whether we are ready or not. As I lay in the hospital, the world around me was a stark landscape of pure, blinding white. The sterile, antiseptic environment served as a constant reminder of the relentless battle I was fighting - a brutal, inescapable struggle against illness. There were no pretty skies to distract from the smell of blood or the taste of pills. Throughout my stay, I often found myself contemplating the fragility of life and my mortality. It was the first time I had come face to face with the stark reality of potentially facing death. The memory of a "code blue" emergency in the cancer unit remains vivid in my mind, intensifying my already palpable fear of the unknown. The haunting, anguished cries of a mother who had just witnessed her child's final breath have left an unforgettable mark on my soul, serving as an unsettling reminder of the unforgiving nature of illness and the toll it takes on mental health. During the extended periods I spent confined to a hospital bed, I had the opportunity to delve into the world of reading and studying. Engaging in insightful conversations with professionals in psychology provided me with reassurance and a newfound sense of purpose. Their experiences, insights, and the latest research widened my understanding and kindled a profound passion for psychology within me. This experience nurtured a flame in my soul that inspires and propels me forward. It was through education and learning that I found hope and a path forward, a testament to the transformative power of knowledge. The human mind is a complex and mysterious realm, holding countless secrets yet to be unveiled. I aim to advance therapies for the most complicated mental illnesses. I refuse to accept the concept of impossibility, as it is often used as a convenient justification. I firmly believe in the capacity for transformation and improvement. With a solid educational background, I am confident that I can achieve groundbreaking progress in mental health disorders, instilling confidence in my ability to make a significant and positive difference in the field.
    Aaryn Railyn King Foundation Scholarship
    The news of "your child has Leukemia" is earth-shattering. In an instant, everything changes. We've all seen heart-wrenching ads about children battling cancer, but when it becomes your reality, it hits differently. In a matter of minutes, I went from a carefree teen to a child with cancer. After many tests, a Bone Marrow Biopsy, and a Spinal Tap, I was officially a child with cancer, fighting an aggressive form of Leukemia known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). During my prolonged hospital stays and intensive treatments, I remained critically immunocompromised. Despite this, I continued my education and excelled at it. As a Freshman, when I was first diagnosed with Leukemia, I completed 18 classes. My academic accomplishments bring me immense joy, and I am grateful for thriving during this challenging time. Throughout my cancer journey, my education has been my anchor, providing me with hope, purpose, and determination to overcome the odds. It's not just about completing classes; it's about defying limitations, embracing life, and inspiring others facing similar struggles. My academic journey amidst adversity is a testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering human spirit. As a Senior in high school, I maintain a GPA of 3.9 and currently hold the position of class Vice President, ranking within the top 10% of my class. I have diligently pursued my education, including completing online college courses. Despite not attending a physical classroom, I remained dedicated to thriving and challenging myself to grow, even during my cancer journey. Before my battle with cancer, financing my college education didn't faze me. However, post-treatment, financial concerns weigh heavily on my mind. Though difficult, prioritizing my health and safety over college was a non-negotiable. The financial strain my family endured during my cancer treatment has left me apprehensive about pursuing my dream of becoming a Clinical Psychologist or entering a related field. Despite this, the prospect of utilizing psychology to enhance mental well-being and foster a positive environment continues to be a driving force. Surviving cancer has imbued me with a sense of purpose - to help others. I will not stop until I reach my goal. The struggle I've faced has been immense. Enduring five rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, countless blood and platelet transfusions stays in the ICU, and kidney failure requiring dialysis has taken a toll on my family. They've expended thousands of dollars and made countless sacrifices for my well-being. Just as we were starting to regain our financial stability, the devastating news of my Leukemia relapse in December shattered our hopes. This journey has not only been physically and emotionally agonizing for me, but it has also placed an enormous burden on my loved ones, who have given up so much to support me through these challenging times. The weight of this guilt is overwhelming, and I'm doing everything in my power to prevent a recurrence of Leukemia. Witnessing my family sacrifice everything for my sake fills me with a profound sense of responsibility, and I cannot bear the thought of them enduring further hardships. Receiving this scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial strain on my parents as I pursue my education. Moreover, it would enable me to realize my aspirations of aiding others and effecting positive change within my community. The potential impact of this scholarship on my future and the community I aspire to serve is beyond measure.
    Project Kennedy Fighting Cancers of All Colors Scholarship
    The news of "your child has Leukemia" is earth-shattering. In an instant, everything changes. We've all seen heart-wrenching ads about children battling cancer, but when it becomes your reality, it hits differently. In a matter of minutes, I went from a carefree teen to a child with cancer. After many tests, a Bone Marrow Biopsy, and a Spinal Tap, I was officially a child with cancer, fighting an aggressive form of Leukemia known as Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML). During my prolonged hospital stays and intensive treatments, I remained critically immunocompromised. Despite this, I continued my education and excelled at it. As a Freshman, when I was first diagnosed with Leukemia, I completed 18 classes. My academic accomplishments bring me immense joy, and I am grateful for thriving during this challenging time. Throughout my cancer journey, my education has been my anchor, providing me with hope, purpose, and determination to overcome the odds. It's not just about completing classes; it's about defying limitations, embracing life, and inspiring others facing similar struggles. My academic journey amidst adversity is a testament to the power of resilience and the unwavering human spirit. As a Senior in high school, I maintain a GPA of 3.9 and currently hold the position of class Vice President, ranking within the top 10% of my class. I have diligently pursued my education, including completing online college courses. Despite not attending a physical classroom, I remained dedicated to thriving and challenging myself to grow, even during my cancer journey. Before my battle with cancer, financing my college education didn't faze me. However, post-treatment, financial concerns weigh heavily on my mind. Though difficult, prioritizing my health and safety over college was a non-negotiable. The financial strain my family endured during my cancer treatment has left me apprehensive about pursuing my dream of becoming a Clinical Psychologist or entering a related field. Despite this, the prospect of utilizing psychology to enhance mental well-being and foster a positive environment continues to be a driving force. Surviving cancer has imbued me with a sense of purpose - to help others. I will not stop until I reach my goal. The struggle I've faced has been immense. Enduring five rounds of aggressive chemotherapy, countless blood and platelet transfusions stays in the ICU, and kidney failure requiring dialysis has taken a toll on my family. They've expended thousands of dollars and made countless sacrifices for my well-being. Just as we were starting to regain our financial stability, the devastating news of my Leukemia relapse in December shattered our hopes. This journey has not only been physically and emotionally agonizing for me, but it has also placed an enormous burden on my loved ones, who have given up so much to support me through these challenging times. The weight of this guilt is overwhelming, and I'm doing everything in my power to prevent a recurrence of Leukemia. Witnessing my family sacrifice everything for my sake fills me with a profound sense of responsibility, and I cannot bear the thought of them enduring further hardships. Receiving this scholarship would significantly alleviate the financial strain on my parents as I pursue my education. Moreover, it would enable me to realize my aspirations of aiding others and effecting positive change within my community. The potential impact of this scholarship on my future and the community I aspire to serve is beyond measure.
    ADHDAdvisor's Mental Health Advocate Scholarship for Health Students
    Embracing therapy alongside medication, I found stability and a newfound purpose in supporting children in the cancer unit. My journey from a patient to an advocate allowed me to connect with and comfort young patients, eventually leading to an invitation to join an adolescent cancer group focusing on mental health. These experiences fueled my passion to pursue a career as a clinical psychologist, driving me to continue my efforts in supporting and advocating for children with mental disorders. Amidst the challenges I've faced, including battling cancer twice, my determination to pursue my dream remains unwavering. I believe my purpose is to make a meaningful impact, drawing from my experiences to help others. I have grappled with anxiety for as long as I can remember, and this challenge intensified following my diagnosis with Leukemia in October 2021. However, a turning point came when I overcame the perceived stigma of weakness and decided to try medication. This decision led to a positive shift in my mindset and thought processes, offering hope and inspiration to others facing similar challenges. That moment was truly inspiring. Alongside therapy, I achieved mental stability and felt a strong desire to help children like me who were suffering in silence. I transformed from a patient to a supporter, reaching out to kids in the cancer unit through interaction and phone calls, offering advice and comfort. Toward the end of my treatment, I was invited to join an adolescent cancer group aimed at addressing the mental side effects of cancer. The opportunity to help others fueled my passion even more, inspiring me to continue my journey of support and advocacy. I am determined not to let my battle with cancer define me. I have faced this challenge head-on, overcoming cancer twice. Throughout my journey, the unwavering support of my loved ones, friends, and medical team, as well as the courage I have seen in other children fighting cancer, have been my sources of inspiration. I believe that my survival has a purpose: to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others. My determination to help and support others propels me forward, and I am confident that with hard work, resilience, and unwavering dedication, I will achieve my goal of positively impacting psychology.