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Quinn McGonigle


Bold Points






Hey there! I'm all about setting big life goals and chasing them down with everything I've got. My ultimate dream? To make a positive impact on the world by blending my passion and skills. What am I most passionate about? It's a tie between history and art. I'm not talking about dry textbooks or fancy galleries. I love to make history come alive, whether through storytelling, photography, or even murals. And that's where my artistic side kicks in! Art isn't just creating something pretty; it's a way to convey stories and emotions, to make people think, feel, and connect. Why am I a great candidate for this scholarship? Because I'm not afraid to dive deep into what I love. I'm a curious explorer, always ready to learn and grow. I'm not just about grades; I want to make a real impact. With this scholarship, I can take my passion for history and art to the next level. I don’t just strive for personal success; I want to share my love for these subjects with others, helping them see the world in a new way. So, in a nutshell, I'm a goal-chaser, passionate about history and art, and I'm ready to use this scholarship to create positive change and inspire others to do the same. Let's make the world a better place together!


Fort Hayes Arts And Academic Hs

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Visual and Performing Arts, General
    • History
    • Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      To share history through the arts

    • Life Guard, Swim Instructor and Swim Coach

      Columbus Recreation and Parks
      2021 – Present3 years



    2020 – 20211 year


    • Columbus City League Girls Runner-Up Champions


    • History

      Fort Hayes Historical Society — Researcher and Presenter
      2022 – 2022


    • Visual Arts
      2015 – Present
    • Photography
      2022 – Present
    • Graphic Art
      2021 – Present
    • Computer Art
      2021 – Present
    • Ceramics
      2017 – Present
    • Painting
      2015 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Fort Hayes Historical Society - African American Burials at Greenlawn Cemetery — Featured in a 2022 episode of PBS show Columbus Neighborhoods called “African American Burials at Greenlawn Cemetery”
      2023 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Westgate Recreation Center — I designed and painted sets for a community theater production of Cinderella
      2023 – 2023
    • Volunteering

      Teen Eco Summit Grant — Video production and editing
      2024 – 2024
    • Advocacy

      Columbus City School Student Ambassador — As a student leader, I represent Columbus City Schools at various events, while also acting as a bridge between the district and the community and collaborating with the Superintendent's office.
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Comfest — Pick up trash and register other volunteers at Comfest, an annual community arts and music festival celebrating diversity, local talent, and social activism.
      2017 – Present
    • Advocacy

      Fort Hayes Historical Society — Our Historical Society educates about the school’s history and other significant histories of Central Ohio
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Fort Hayes Green Team — Work on sustainability initiatives, environmental education, gardening, and eco-friendly projects to promote environmental stewardship.
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests




    Samantha S. Roberts Memorial Scholarship
    Art is an integral part of my identity, shaping my perspective and spurring my ambition to make a positive impact in the world. Growing up in Columbus, Ohio, I have always been surrounded by a supportive and diverse community that has inspired my artistic projects. My passion for art began in childhood, evolving from simple drawings to more complex projects as I explored various mediums and techniques. I love painting, drawing, collage, crochet, pottery, and graphic design, making it difficult to pick a single favorite piece of art. Looking around my room as I write this, I realize that my bedroom itself stands out because it is a blend of all these elements, reflecting my artistic identity and personal history. It holds the memories and inspirations that define me. The walls are covered from floor to ceiling with artwork, photographs, knickknacks, and mementos that capture moments in time and tell the story of my life. Each item has been carefully selected and placed to create a space that is uniquely mine, a sanctuary where I can retreat to relax, read, create art or spend time with friends. What makes my bedroom so special is the little details. There are prints of pictures I took, a vintage camera from a thrift store, a set of plastic teeth, an Aries card, and a variety of stars that always make me happy because they symbolize reaching for my goals. There’s a COTA pass from the public bus, a bracelet from my Grandma’s funeral, and an album cover that reminds me of the winter holiday my family celebrates together. Every friendship, hardship, and relationship has led to the creation of this space. It's more than just a room; it's an extension of myself and my creative process. One of the most meaningful creative experiences to me was my participation in a community-based mural project. Working alongside other artists to create a mural that complemented an existing piece was a powerful reminder of the collaborative nature of art. This project challenged me to think critically about the themes and messages I wanted to convey and how to integrate them into a public space. It also taught me about the varied responses art can evoke, as not everyone in the community was initially supportive of our work. However, the project ultimately fostered dialogue and brought people together, demonstrating art's ability to bridge differences. After college, I aspire to use my art to make the world a better place. I am particularly interested in the intersections of art, history, and social justice. I believe that art can be a powerful tool for advocacy and education, shedding light on marginalized histories and promoting inclusivity. My goal is to create public art projects that celebrate diverse voices and challenge viewers to think critically about social issues. Whether through murals, photography, or mixed media, I want to create work that inspires change and fosters a sense of community. My passion for art is driven by a desire to connect with others and make a positive impact. My bedroom, my favorite piece of art, embodies this connection, representing my journey and the experiences that have shaped me. With the support of the Samantha S. Roberts Scholarship, I am excited to continue my artistic journey and contribute to a more inclusive and vibrant world.
    Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
    As I prepare to begin my journey at Sarah Lawrence College this fall, I reflect on the experiences and values that have shaped me, particularly the importance of community, kindness, and service. I strive to make a positive impact on others through acts of love and compassion. My involvement in the Fort Hayes Historical Society has enriched my understanding of our community's history and its importance. We preserved and cataloged artifacts, gave tours, and participated in a PBS show episode of Columbus Neighborhoods called "African American Burials at Greenlawn Cemetery." Through this work, I gained a deeper appreciation for the diverse stories that shape our community and the significance of preserving these narratives. One of the most fulfilling aspects of my high school years was my involvement in the Shot Tower Art Gallery, where I served as an intern for three years. In this role, I assisted with the installation and removal of exhibitions, managed events, and engaged with visitors. My efforts were focused on creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where art could be appreciated by all. I believe that art has the power to unite people and spark meaningful conversations, and by making the gallery accessible, I helped foster a sense of community and cultural appreciation. Beyond the gallery, I actively participated in Artsway Columbus and SCRAWL, local organizations dedicated to public art and community engagement. Through these initiatives, I collaborated with professional artists to design and create murals that reflect the diverse cultural heritage of our neighborhood. These projects not only beautified our surroundings but also encouraged dialogue about the role of art in public spaces. My commitment to community service extends to environmental sustainability as well. As a member of the Fort Hayes Green Team, I worked on various projects, including environmental education and gardening initiatives. One of my proudest achievements was our participation in the 2024 Teen Eco Summit Grant competition, where we won a grant from the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium. I created the video submission for our school, which enabled us to enhance the campus and garden at Fort Hayes. This project taught me the value of teamwork and the significant impact a dedicated group can have on their environment. Additionally, my experience as a lifeguard and swim coach for Columbus Parks and Recreation has been deeply rewarding. Over the past three summers, I have taught swim lessons and coached the Tuttle Torpedoes swim team. Working with children from various backgrounds, I have helped them develop confidence and skills in the water. Providing a safe and supportive environment has allowed me to make a meaningful difference in their lives and foster a love for swimming. In all these endeavors, my motivation has been to make a positive impact through love and acts of kindness. Whether through art, environmental initiatives, or teaching, I strive to create spaces where people feel valued and supported. Like Janie Mae, I believe in the power of education and the importance of lifting others up, regardless of the challenges we face. As I embark on my college journey at Sarah Lawrence College this fall, I am committed to continuing my efforts in service and compassion. This scholarship would enable me to further my mission of making a difference in my community and beyond.
    Natalie Jude Women in the Arts Scholarship
    It is so hard to pick my favorite piece, but the one I had the most fun making is a photograph below called "All Over the Place." I used photography and photoshop skills to edit myself many times into the same photo. I enjoyed thinking through the various shadows that I needed to add or change for it to look as realistic as possible. I am in a photography career center at my high school and I think this one shows how my skills have improved since I started the program my junior year. I love how it turned out and I feel that it does a good job of representing me because I, too, am all over the place - but hopefully in a good way. I love so many different things and wish I could split myself into clones so that I could experience everything. You can see from the attached portfolio that in addition to photography and photoshop, I also love painting, muraling, ceramics, and digital design. I feel that each one allows me to express myself in unique ways.