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Quincy Amekuedi Jr.


Bold Points




I am a high school student who has lots of fun along the way. I have many interests and hobbies and am hoping to get into a school of my choice. I want to go to school to further my education and be able to reach of my dreams. I want to be successful and continue the path of greatness in my family.


North Carolina State University at Raleigh

Associate's degree program
2024 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
  • Minors:
    • Behavioral Sciences

Rolesville High

High School
2019 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Clinical, Counseling and Applied Psychology
    • Behavioral Sciences
    • Health Professions and Related Clinical Sciences, Other
    • Teacher Education and Professional Development, Specific Levels and Methods
    • Special Education and Teaching
    • Education, General
    • Health Professions Education, Ethics, and Humanities
    • Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions
    • Rehabilitation and Therapeutic Professions, General
    • Psychology, General
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Individual & Family Services

    • Dream career goals:

      Helping as many people as possible

    • Camp Counselor

      Town of Rolesville
      2022 – 2022



    2023 – Present1 year

    Track & Field

    2023 – Present1 year


    2023 – Present1 year

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      UPchieve — Volunteer Tutor
      2023 – Present

    Future Interests



    Spider-Man Showdown Scholarship
    My favorite actor and Spider-Man is Tom Holland. He gets a lot of slander as some people believe he is not qualified for the role. They believe that he is too young and would prefer to see an older Spider-Man. Also, some believe that it would be better to stick to the comics and not change up the storyline. Fans believe that adding to the Tony Stark element has taken away Spider-Man’s independent superhero feel. He is now in a group and looked at as Iron Man Jr. This has left many fans frustrated because they believe Tom has ruined the character they love. However, he is potentially the most accurate and realistic Spider-Man that has been cast so far. I believe this because he portrays a relatable character, is a great actor with mega impact, and has a unique storyline. Spider-Man is supposed to be an inexperienced and immature high school teenager. Therefore, it was perfect for Tom Holland because he was only nineteen, as opposed to the others whose ages were in their late twenties when casted. His age and youth help give a realistic look to his responsibilities. Tom being the same age makes seeing him save the city, have friends, and make immature decisions a lot more believable. Tom Holland had great acting and introduced a 15-year-old Peter Parker which had never been seen before. It gave fans the humor and innocence of a Spider-Man that fans were looking for, as well as helping aid in seeing Tony Stark as a father figure. Also, Tom Holland is a phenomenal actor who has many loving fans. He is skilled in dancing, agility, and general skills that he performs perfectly. He uses these same skills to help execute the agility and athleticism of the young Peter Parker. He also has a small frame which was endorsed by Stan Lee, who liked the change. Tom was coming in to play a Spider-Man role which was a character that people had mixed feelings about. Unfortunately, Disney and Sony companies not believe in the future of the Spider-Man franchise, and chose to go separate ways. Disney and Sony had no interest in joining back with Marvel but, Holland was able to gain back their interest. He sent a heartfelt message to Disney’s CEO which helped get all the companies working together again. His confidence and passion is what has helped build back the popularity of the Spider-Man movies. Lastly, Tom Holland is showing us a Spider-Man that is unlike what is in the comics. This gives every fan a chance to experience a surprising and unique superhero. They do not already know the events to come because his story does follow a specific order. Spider-Man is supposed to be a young teenager who only has one parent/guardian and is poor, according to comics. Instead, Marvel changed everything and portrayed him as an outgoing, friendly, and ambitious Spider-Man. He is out helping the Avengers and saving the world instead of just New York. In conclusion, Tom Holland has shocked the world with his ability to portray Spider-Man in a new way. Tom Holland changed the way fans viewed Spider-Man and has caused me to like Spider-Man. As a teenager, I see someone who is relatable. A teenage superhero who is going through high school with a little immaturity just like me. Tom Holland has changed the game for the Marvel Cinematic Universe because now they know they can be unique, every story doesn’t have to follow the comic books.
    Urena Scholarship
    Personal development is important to me for many reasons. Personal development encourages one to look deep into themselves. To analyze their thoughts and actions and determine how they can grow. When we reflect on ourselves, our newer versions should be stronger, compassionate, and determined. As we grow we should be continuously getting better. This is something I like to focus on for my personal development. I reflect on my past decisions, especially in academics. Ask myself, was this the best course of action? Or sometimes, did you prepare enough for this? I do this because it will help me think through when I am placed in a similar scenario again. The next time I will go more in depth when thinking about the outcome of my decisions. Therefore, this gives me personal development. I am able to change and grow because I know that my academics are important. Another area I work on is being empathetic. I don’t do a good job of trying to understand others. Everyone has emotions and many times I forget to check someone else’s. If I can start to be intentional about checking on someone else, I can develop better relationships. This is easily worked on by having conversations and actively listening so that you can understand how the other is feeling. Then, you can attempt to have a positive interaction to help them. Lastly, I am using personal development to work on my future. I am setting goals and plan to achieve those goals. I always make sure to set goals so that I can observe and make sure that I stay on track. I always want a finish line so that I can check progress. Goals help me stay motivated because they push me to want to be successful. As the goal gets closer to completion, you get excited and give it your all. Imagine doing everything in your power to accomplish something the success would be worth it. Ultimately, I think that personal development is a lifelong journey. It requires a daily commitment to want to get better. I must work to make myself better. I know that by focusing on personal development I will see huge growth. I am striving to become the best version of myself. Striving to become the best version of yourself is very important. If you improve yourself even a little bit daily you do better for others.
    Netflix and Scholarships!
    If there was a competition for the greatest Netflix show, the champion would be Cobra Kai. It has very long episodes that contain lots of suspense, as you wait for the action-packed endings. The show goes back decades after the 1984 All Valley Karate Tournament after Jonny Lawrence lost. He reopens the historic Cobra Kai dojo that he was a part of as a kid. However, opening up Cobra Kai reignites his old rivalry with Daniel Larusso, who he lost to in the tournament final. This simple action is what causes all the unexpected and action-packed fights in this show. Cobra Kai has many interesting characters whose questionable decisions impact others. Fans are able to watch every fight, conversation, or inside thought cause drama. These actions can debated as any character can be viewed as a good guy or bad guy. It is ultimately up to the opinion of the fan to judge their actions. I love this show and I am currently waiting for the next season, but here are my three reasons why I love it so much. Cobra Kai is a true underdog story. The Karate Kid movies were all about Daniel and how he beat Jonny in the All Valley Tournament. Everything was about Daniel and how he was trying to honor Mr. Miyagi. It was believed that he also wanted to get back at Johnny for bullying him, however I believe Daniel was the real bully. Cobra Kai changes everything and shows things from Jonny’s perspective. The TV shows Johnny as a guy who is down on his luck and struggling to make it day by day. He is attempting to make a comeback by working daily and trying to help out with his younger son. It is a true story where Johnny betters his life and you can’t help but root for him. Also, Cobra Kai has awesome characters. There is the old-school karate champ who struggles with adapting to a new life. All Johnny knows is the past but he doesn’t understand modern life. There is Daniel, the rich businessman who used his successful tournament win to gain success. The man who is constantly tormented by his karate past and rich history left behind by Mr. Miyagi. Also, my all-time favorite is the scrawny Eli/Hawk Moskowitz. He changes from the scrawny teenager undergoes a transformation after joining Cobra Kai. He develops an aggressive feature and crazy mohawk hairstyle that helps change insecurities to confidence. However, he eventually changes to the good side and leaves the anger behind him. Ultimately, Cobra Kai is a perfect show that is full of action, humor, and drama. You can easily get lost in the rich history of this show. Cobra Kai allows you to explore the perspective of each character and determine whether they are right or wrong. Also, diving deep into the complex evil that the underdogs are facing. Soon season six will come out showing how Johnny and Daniel have teamed up to fight against Kreese and Silver.
    Once Upon a #BookTok Scholarship
    This community has taken an out-of-the-box approach to the trend of book recommendations. As a huge book lover myself I had to check it out. I recently checked it out for some general suggestions on a good random book to read. I am glad that I did because my taste in books happens to be what is trending on #BookTok. I usually tend to like more realistic books, although sometimes I like fantasy too. I enjoy books where the character develops throughout the story and there is an interesting plot. A journey to beat a villain or someone pursuing their passions. “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen happens to be a book that is trending on #BookTok right now. This is a book that I love and cherish that would most definitely be on my bookshelf. This book is beloved to me because it has so much satire. There is lots of sarcasm and mockery of people’s arrogance. People in those times were mainly focused on three things: getting married, becoming rich, and being popular. They worried about these alone which is what caused so many problems in the novel. You get characters with different personalities clashing against each other. This resonates and gains the communities attention because their arrogance is very obvious. It also resonates with people because of the typical make-believe love story. A story in which two lovers make questionable decisions because of their deep love for each other. This is perfect for creators on #BookTok because they can make humorous statements about the literature. Creators can look at the questionable decisions of characters and reflect. Pride and Prejudice has many parts of the book where any opinion can be debated. It is a book that can lead to lots of conversation. Another great book that I would need to have in my collection would be The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. This book has multiple themes that should resonate with the reader: living the American dream, love, and wealth. Characters attempt to achieve their American dream by believing that anyone including themselves can obtain success. They show love by getting into dangerous affairs with each other and getting greedy for wealth. It also attempts to showcase the Roaring Twenties lifestyle where people lived to the fullest. This book also shows characters with many different personalities. These different personalities ultimately lead to the unfortunate death of Mr. Gatsby. Creators can talk about Mr. Gatsby’s downfall and his actions in each of these themes. The Great Gatsby is a great book in which readers can attempt to relive the Roaring Twenties. They can see the good and bad side to living in a greedy and wealthy community. This book also leads to debates on whether Mr. Gatsby’s death could have been avoided. Lastly any book from the entire Harry Potter series. Harry Potter books hold lots of value in a reader’s hands for many reasons. Harry Potter takes place in a world full of fantasy where there is magic everywhere and lots of secrets kept. This is a great series altogether. Ultimately, these few books that I am picking are just a fraction of what is popular in the community. Booktok is important in helping others find books that might work for them. Readers are able to also make suggestions to others so they can increase the number of fans of their favorite books. Booktok creates a safe space of community which is important for comfortable sharing. However, my books are not just a collection. They are my favorites that I would suggest for anyone to read.
    Ultimate K-Pop Stan Scholarship
    Their music is significant to the world and serves as a constant inspiration to everyone. BTS has lots of music in their music career and it all praises positive encouraging music. They have songs for mental health awareness and normal everyday activities. They are known for promoting self-acceptance, especially during their challenging times. Knowing that there is music that encourages us during difficult times in particular. We can find support in BTS’s music because it was made to support us. They are also a great group to get support from because they have been through challenges. They have been open about their struggles to the world. This shows that they have their own problems too. It is okay to be open when you are going through things. I went through therapy to help me with my challenges. I had lots of stress from having lots of responsibilities at once. I was doing college classes, high school classes, and sports. It was very overwhelming so I needed support. I found support from BTS music and therapy at the same time. BTS has changed things beyond just the music that they create, but also the fashion. This group of seven males consists of many different brands. The group wears many different brands and has been the cause of many trends. BTS has a sponsorship with UNICEF in which they promote good causes. They have started a campaign called “Love Myself” which aims to get people to be confident in themselves. They have also donated large sums of money to fund activities within the “Black Lives Matter” movement which aims to promote justice and equality. BTS is pushing to showcase a really good message to the world. They are increasing mental health awareness and also increasing the support for people to receive. They are dedicated to sparking a positive impact on the world. They make music that inspires the world to make a change. As well as donate large sums of money to charities. By being open about their struggles and showing their good deeds, they are encouraging their fans to do the same. Therefore, they are developing more good people each day. They have a huge impact on the world since they have gained popularity. They made a hit that boosted their popularity. BTS serves as proof to show that you can use your popularity to better the world. They are addressing global and mental issues while also promoting positivity. In conclusion, I believe that BTS is my favorite K-pop group. I believe that their message is a very strong one. They are tirelessly supporting their fans by constantly inspiring them. Their music and good actions have had a huge impact on my life. Their music sounds awesome and is very catchy, and their career actions help encourage a more mentally aware world.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    During high school, my parents and I decided that I should see a therapist. Initially, I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but after talking with them more, I understood that it would help me with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to talk with. My senior year was extremely challenging and brutal. I was dealing with a drastic change in my workload during my senior year. I was dually enrolled in the local community college classes while attending high school, playing multiple sports, and having household chores. This caused me to feel extremely overwhelmed every day. My overwhelming schedule left me feeling overly stressed every day, to the point where I doubted my ability to handle everything. Fortunately, my therapist was a pretty cool guy, and opening up was not so bad. I usually have trouble expressing my feelings to others but it felt natural with my therapist. I told him about how I was feeling and he made sure that I understood it was normal. This helped boost my confidence greatly as I felt heard and understood. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to research time management ideas. This positive therapy experience alongside taking a psychology class in school, really piqued my interest. I decided that psychology would be the major for me. After studying and becoming more knowledgeable I would be able to help other people. I would be given the opportunity to show the same support to someone else who needs it. Being knowledgeable in psychology would allow me to become a therapist and help other teens my age. Teens are at a point in their life when they are developing into adults and that can be difficult. There are lots of mixed emotions and it’s important to provide the right support to help with their challenges. Therefore, I want to provide a safe environment for them to feel comfortable to open up. Allowing them to express themselves and us to go over any concerns. I want to help as many children as possible. I want to provide teens with coping mechanisms and strategies that will help them. Also, becoming a therapist for teenagers is a very unique and personable goal. Teenagers are in the midst of puberty and constantly growing. They are still learning how to manage their emotions, which causes them lots of challenges. We are at a point in our lives where we need a lot more attention. Giving the support that they need will help them to gain confidence. If I can help give teenagers more peace of mind I will be happy. I would like to teach them coping mechanisms similar to the ones I learned while in therapy. Ultimately, my experience is what has propelled me to want to help others. Dealing with stress as a teenager has caused me to understand the importance of mental health. Mental health is very important and constantly changing. We should do our best to study it. I am excited to get my education in psychology. By becoming a therapist I can help make a difference in the world. I can help inspire other teenagers to seek mental help and to pursue their passions.
    Walters Family Oak Grove High School Scholarship
    My name is Quincy Amekuedi Jr. and I recently graduated from Wake Preparatory Academy. I have worked tirelessly throughout my high school years to keep a good standing in school work. I kept good grades and always made sure to keep my GPA high. I accomplished my goal of a 4.0 GPA while doing well in college classes as well. I challenged myself throughout high school by taking honors classes, college classes, and participating in sports. I played cross country, tennis, and track throughout my high school athletics. Taking on this many tasks at once caused me to feel very stressed, to the point where I started to see a Therapist. I understood that it would help with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to speak with. I was dealing with a major change in my workload. My therapist was a pretty cool guy, who expressed that he felt similar in his youth. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to look into time management ideas. While I was getting therapy I was also taking a communications class. I found it relatable to learn about the emotions that I was dealing with, as well as the social cues that I observed daily from others. After seeing how much I enjoyed learning in the class, my professor recommended that I take the psychology class the next semester. I learned about clinical psychology which is the psychology that a Therapist uses. Finding this out piqued my interest because I loved learning about psychology and I loved my experience from therapy. Therefore, I merged the two and realized that I had a calling to become a therapist. Therapy proved to me that working on yourself is beneficial to everyone. It helped me become more comfortable with a larger workload and responsibilities. I believe therapy is what helped me break past a barrier and build confidence in my schoolwork. Therefore, I have decided to major in psychology in order to continue my education in the subject. I want to become a therapist so that I can provide help to others. I will be able to help others develop strategies to cope with their problems and concerns. I want to use this career as a way for me to give back and provide a positive therapy experience to others. I believe that I am deserving of this scholarship because I have proven to be able to manage myself. I have kept my grades up, kept a high GPA, taken rigorous classes, and participated in multiple extracurriculars. I have shown I have what it takes to move on to the collegiate level and maintain this success. Also, a therapist is a career that is always needed. I am motivated and determined to focus on my academics so that I can truly provide the best care possible. I can use this money to help pay for college expenses to be able to reach my dreams. A scholarship would be great so that I can attend a school of choice and get the best education possible for a psychology career. I will get better research opportunities and better networking resources to jumpstart my career.
    “Stranger Things” Fanatic Scholarship
    If I could form a squad with three characters from Stranger things to face supernatural evil, I would choose El, Jim Hopper, and Nancy. These characters are each very strong and important on their own but would be even better together. Together I believe that they would most definitely be able to defeat supernatural problems. Jim Hopper is a very important character. He is a police chief officer that helps with everyday problems in the town of Hawkins. Therefore, he has military and cop background experience that would make him great on the battlefield. He would be great at planning how to fix problems just as he did when helping with El. He took her on and kept her safe. Jim Hopper also knows how to stay safe in bad situations. He is a good leader who will take control of the other partners and help them all survive. Eleven is another important character. As the main character of the show it only makes sense for her to be in my group. With Eleven being able to control things with her mind she can be a very powerful resource. She is also able to reach other dimensions and move that require lots of force. Also, eleven is very brave and dependable. She helped out with the demogorgons and scary creatures from the Upside down. Without Eleven everyone would have died and they wouldn’t have been able to save the world. Eleven is much needed to help protect and friends and the others. Especially when she is willing to put herself in harms way to protect others. Lastly is Nancy Wheeler. Nancy is very intelligent and good at investigating things. She always makes sure to look at all the pieces of the situation before rushing and making decisions. She does a great job of connecting information to help solve problems. Which helps the gang recover very crucial information to stay alive. She is also very brave and willing to put herself in harms way. She showed commitment when she jumped into the lake to save Steve. Each them working together would be a very fantastic squad. Eleven’s powers would be able to help fight off anything coming after them. Hopper has the ability to keep track of ammunition and keep them safe. Nancy’s investigative abilities mean that she can help uncover info which will help the stay on pace to uncover clues. In conclusion, forming a squad with Eleven, Nancy, and Hopper would be a great team. Their unique talents combined make them a great group to protect Hawkins.
    Eras Tour Farewell Fan Scholarship
    Listening to Taylor Swift’s music during the Eras Tour was very inspirational for me. Taylor makes lots of music that helps the fans learn about self-discovery. The songs resonate with her fans no matter what they are going through. As someone who is constantly learning about myself, her music can be very inspirational. I recently went through a path of self-discovery because of immense anxiety. I was dealing with new challenges in school. I was taking college classes, high school classes, playing sports, and doing chores. A complete nine-to-five job without getting paid. All this new responsibility left me extremely stressed and I decided to seek therapy. Taylor had given me a new inspiration to start working on myself. To allow myself to sprout and get rid of the baggage holding me down. Therefore, I began to see a very helpful therapist. He taught me coping mechanisms and allowed me to gain confidence. I then used that confidence to build time management habits that allowed me to be successful. I did well in each class and each sport. I also found my passion for therapy after having such a good experience. I knew that I wanted to give back and provide care for others. I wanted to provide someone else the same opportunity that I was given. Taylor helped me find my passion. She taught me to be less embarrassed and seek a professional that could help. Without Taylor, I wouldn’t have found my passion for psychology, which is what I’m majoring in. I got the passion from a therapist who I began to see. He was supportive and taught me many coping mechanisms. I slowly gained confidence throughout the sessions. I learned time management skills that allowed me to feel less stressed. I implemented these things and was successful for all my goals during the school year. I did well in sports and classes which I thought was going to be impossible. Ultimately, Taylor’s music is great and has helped me a lot. It has been my inspiration to gain confidence and be successful. Her music is meant to help stress the importance of self care. People must be comfortable and be supported to get rid of what is holding them back. Taylor’s music encourages us to look for the positive and find how we can improve. Bettering ourselves is a slow process but it is worth the wait.
    Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
    I have always admired Zendaya’s efforts towards promoting mental health awareness. She makes sure to address several reasons publicly, especially mental health. She has lots of fans who adore her and look up to her. Therefore, she makes sure to represent herself well. Mental health is causing severe changes in the world. No matter what the advancement is, we continue to struggle to manage it. We allow society to cause us to feel insecure and convince us that it is okay to express ourselves. However, Zendaya works to fight this. She makes sure to use her power and fame to help steer people in the right direction. She opens up to other interviewers to be a role model for fans. She encourages fans to engage in conversations without being afraid of judgment. Zendaya also works to be a good role model for teenagers. Teenagers face a lot of mental challenges but Zendaya works to make them feel supported. She shares her own experiences with anxiety and stress to show fans that these feelings are normal. Zendaya stated “ we are all on a journey of being more patient and kind to ourselves.” (Access Hollywood)This is reassuring fans and helps them feel comfortable to seek help. They can understand that it is normal to seek help and that even Zendaya has off days but knows how to recover.
    "The Summer I Turned Pretty" Fan Scholarship
    am Team Jeremiah forever. Jeremiah was obviously the better choice for Belly. He is a fun loving and very lighthearted guy who made everyone happy. Jeremiah is a funny guy with an infectious laugh who was always able to make Belly laugh. They had a really strong friendship that he grew into a strong great potential relationship. These memories that they build together are what bring them together. Jeremiah was ready instantly to come and rescue Taylor and Belly after getting their clothes snatched. He quickly answered the call and helped without asking any questions. Jeremiah is extremely reliable and constantly shows his caring nature. He waited patiently for Belly while she was going through relationship to relationship. Jeremiah is committed to showing her that he will always be there for her. They kissed and he believed that she actually had feelings for her. He believed in the possibility of the connection, and this belief was strong enough for him to take her to the ball. He showed her a good time before she ultimately finished the ball with Conrad. He did all of this despite knowing that Belly might still have feelings for Conrad, though he still decided to step up and help make memories. Jeremiah has been extremely helpful and reliable the entire time. He showed that he genuinely cared for Belly and showed lots of emotions. He was very clear on how he felt about Belly from the beginning without the extra shenanigans. It is straightforward and very clear that he likes her. In conclusion, I believe that Jeremiah is the better pick for Belly. Jeremiah gives her ease and is able to connect to her emotionally. Jeremiah is consistently helpful and encouraging to Belly. He was very driven because he wanted Belly to be happy. He always put her first unlike Conrad who was never sure of feelings. Jeremiah never engaged in shenanigans and his feelings were obvious. Ultimately, I believe that Jeremiah is better for Belly. He is fun and very open about his feelings. He is very supportive and always there when she needs him. He comforts her and has a good friendship and relationship. He is there for her no matter what problems she causes. He knows that she is just trying to fit amongst the others. He wants her summer to be great no matter who she is with. Jeremiah loves her but he wants her to be happy above all.
    Minecraft Forever Fan Scholarship
    Minecraft offers limitless possibilities because it is up to your imagination. You can make anything your goal and your activity is trying to completely build whatever you choose. Minecraft is fun because you can build whatever your heart desires. The building structures can be as intricate or simple as you want them. It’s a free world for you to go out and do whatever you want. You can build dungeons, castles, or even random buildings. Minecraft allows you to be creative and that is my favorite aspect of the game. Minecraft is different from other games that limit your abilities. You are not destined to one route, one objective, or one goal. You are not limited in any way because you are building your own world block by block. I am given a blank canvas to go out and do whatever I want. I loved having the ability to be creative. It was important when I used to play with my legs. I liked being able to make my own world and experience. I would put random pieces together to my liking and use my imagination. Minecraft is similar, I am putting random blocks together without any order. I would build a bunker however I wanted to spend hours getting the designs just right. Minecraft is also just relaxing because it has no action. You're just putting blocks together to whatever difficulty you choose. It can be something to do in your spare time. Especially, when you can play the game with other people. You and other talented builders make extreme creations together. In conclusion, playing Minecraft is a good experience for the player. It has lots of times where creativity is key, and allows you to create stuff that is personal and unique.
    Disney Channel Rewind Scholarship
    Big City Scavenger Hunt Milo, Melissa, and Zack are heading on a field trip to the Big City Annual Festival. Meanwhile, Cricket and the Green family are preparing for the Big City annual festival. They are specifically planning to win the maze run. The maze run was Cricket’s favorite part of the festival and he had been eagerly waiting until he was of age to play. This year he was old enough so he gathered Tilly and his friend Remy to join up for the maze run. Eventually, Milo and his crew arrive at the festival where Murphy’s law (bad luck) kicks in. The bus breaks down and a wheel pops off sending them way into the air. They bounce off tent after tent and then land on the Green family tent. Noticing all the destruction infuriates Bill and he demands that they join Cricket to help him win the prize. In doing so it would help pay for damages that they caused and have some money left over. Realizing that their bus had broken down and they had nowhere else to go, the friends agreed. Later the new teammates began their maze run and Murphy's law kicked in. Random animals begin to run through the maze. Everyone is swept up by horses and taken in random directions leaving everyone lost. Fortunately, Milo’s dog Biogee was one of the animals that came. Milo tells Biogee to sniff out his teammates and eventually everyone is found. Together they reach the end of the scavenger hunt as the first full team to finish. Together they earn their money and create a great friendship with each other. The crowd swoops them up onto their thrones and they all laugh and celebrate together. All kinds of foods are brought out and everyone eats to close out the end of the annual festival. Crickets tells everyone that he is grateful that they made his dreams come true. He was truly grateful and was interested in seeing Milo's town. Dealing with Murphy's law every day sounded fun to Cricket. As the celebration ends Milo and his crew begin to load their stuff back on the bus, when it breaks down again. This time causing everyone to laugh at Murphy's law, even Alice Green. It is just amazing how chaos is unavoidable for Milo. He will forever be dealing with this case of bad luck that is passed down by generations. However, he chooses to make the best of it and use it to have fun with his friends.
    “The Office” Obsessed! Fan Scholarship
    I mostly resonate with Jim Halpert. Jim is a very lovable character in the TV show. He has a great sense of humor and often lightens the office's mood. He pranks Dwight and always has a funny comment. He also has a funny blank look that he gives the audience when something is outlandish, to make them feel like part of the show. This is something I have started as I often find myself looking off into a nonexistent camera. He also has an interesting relationship with Pam that causes more funny moments. He has to show lots of patience when trying to develop a relationship with Pam. Though, in the end, they get married and fulfill the storyline that the audience was expecting. This has changed my idea of what the workplace must look like. It is important to balance work life and personal life. There can be humor in the workplace if you're still doing your job. Finding humor in your everyday interactions with people will make your job fun. The office has helped me realize that there can be fun relationships with coworkers, not every conversation needs to be strict and formal. You can have lots of fun in the workplace especially when making friends.
    Gussie Lynn Scholarship
    During high school, my parents decided that I should see a therapist. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but after talking with them more I understood that it would help me with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to talk with. I was dealing with a drastic change in my workload during my senior year. I was dually enrolled in the local community college classes while attending high school, playing multiple sports, and having household chores. This caused me to feel extremely overwhelmed every day. There were days when I felt that I would be unable to manage everything. My therapist was a pretty cool guy, and opening up was not so bad. I told him about how I was feeling and he made sure that I understood it was normal. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to research time management ideas. During that same school year, I took a communications class. I learned about human emotions and social cues which was fascinating to observe. It was relatable to learn about the emotions that I was dealing with, as well as the social cues that I observed daily from others. After seeing how much I enjoyed learning in the class, my professor recommended that I take the psychology class the next semester. I loved the psychology class and thus decided that I would major in it. Being knowledgeable in psychology would allow me to become a therapist and help other teens my age. Teens are at a point in their life when they are developing into adults and that can be difficult. There are lots of mixed emotions and it’s important to provide the right support, to help with their challenges. Therefore, I want to provide a safe environment for them to feel comfortable to open up. Allowing them to express themselves and us to go over any concerns. I want to help as many children as possible. I want to provide teens with coping mechanisms and strategies that will help them. In conclusion, I am going into therapy to help others like me. I want to show compassion to teens so that they may have a positive therapy experience. According to Bright Path Behavioral Health, “Nearly two out of three teenagers (ages 12 to 17) diagnosed with depression in North Carolina don’t receive treatment.” This is proof that there are so many teenagers out there that I can help. They may be scared or not given the opportunity of therapy and thus may never get help for their depression. I am inspired to give people my all in order to help them navigate their challenges. I want to help get this statistic lowered and I will do that by being the best therapist I can be.
    Ranyiah Julia Miller Continuing Education Memorial Scholarship
    I want to use my education to get a degree in psychology and become a Therapist. A psychology degree will allow me to get a deeper understanding of human behavior, mental processes, and emotional well-being. It will enable me to understand the mental health challenges of my clients and is very important in spotting mental illnesses. I will also use it to encourage others to seek the help that they need and provide the ability to talk openly about concerns. My mental health journey has proved to me that working on yourself can be beneficial. It has slowly helped me become more comfortable with a larger workload and responsibilities. It increases confidence and gives a positive outlook on life. This was more apparent when I set goals for myself at the beginning of the school year. Whether they were academic or personal, I had a craving to be successful. I was confident that even if the goal was difficult I could work and achieve it. This journey was also important to understanding relationships. Therapy showed me that it is wonderful to build deep connections with others, regardless of how you know them. A deep connection can allow people to feel comfortable and express themselves without judgment. Which is something that I try to implement into my friendships/relationships. It is always important to have safe conversations with others and get vulnerable every once in a while because it helps you relieve stress. I want to allow the same opportunity to others. As a therapist, I can give other teenagers the ability to open up and talk to someone too. I can provide one-on-one counseling to help give them a safe space to discuss their issues and concerns. By giving them some intervention and coping strategies I can help them to overcome challenges. A good college education in psychology would help me with exploring all learning opportunities. I would look into each category such as clinical psychology, educational psychology and organizational psychology. Learning about each of these would give me a broader understanding. I can then use more complete understanding to have better practices as a therapist. Having knowledge from multiple areas of psychology will allow me to spot concerns and know where to send the client. Ultimately, a college education would allow me to have a good way of learning the content. I would learn from professors and people knowledgeable in the field. College would also allow me to get connections and network to propel my success as well. College is full of fun experiences but those connections that are built can help you on later in life. My goal is to help as many people as possible, especially teenagers. As someone who has gone through therapy, I know that it is beneficial and can work. I want to give all my clients my very best effort so that they can have a positive experience as well. Therapy promotes mental health awareness and helps empower individuals and communities to make lasting impacts on the world. By stressing the importance of mental health we create a healthier environment for everyone.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    During high school, my parents decided that I should see a Therapist. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but after talking with my parents more in-depth, I understood that it would help me with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to speak with. I was dealing with a major change in my workload during my senior year. I was dually enrolled in the local community college classes while attending high school and playing multiple sports. This caused me to feel extremely overwhelmed every day. There were days when I felt that it would be impossible to manage everything. My therapist was actually a pretty cool guy, who expressed that he felt similar in his youth. I told him about how I was feeling and he made sure that I understood what was normal. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to research time management ideas. During that same school year, I took a communications class. It was relatable to learn about the emotions that I was dealing with, as well as the social cues that I observed daily from others. After seeing how much I enjoyed learning in the class, my professor recommended that I take the psychology class the next semester. In the psychology class, I learned a lot through the many research projects and assignments that we had. We dove deeper into clinical psychology which integrates science, theory, and practice in order to understand, predict, and relieve problems with adjustment, disability, and discomfort. I learned lessons on the mental health of others and being able to observe and point out concerns. I believe that clinical psychology will allow me to help others just as my therapist did for me, allowing me the opportunity to talk to someone in a safe space. As stated by McClean Hospital, 25% of Black people seek mental health treatment when needed, compared to 40% of white people. Showing proof that there is room for me to help. As a black man, I can be a relatable asset for other black people, especially men. A black therapist is more likely to understand the cultural context in conversations due to potential familiarity. Therefore the therapist and client can build a deeper connection because of the shared understanding. Having a therapist of the same race is also important for racial conversations. Many times black clients would find it easier to speak to someone who may have had a similar experience, meaning the therapist would be more relevant in giving strategies to help. Lastly, the client could see the therapist as a role model. Someone whose actions can inspire change. Potentially inspiring that client to follow their heart and breakthrough challenging stereotypes as well. Black therapists make up about 19.8%, according to Summits Edge Counseling. Therefore black professional counseling has lots of room for growth. My mental health journey has proved to me that working on yourself can be beneficial. It has slowly helped me become more comfortable with a larger workload and responsibilities. It increases confidence and gives a positive outlook on life. This was more apparent when I set goals for myself at the beginning of the school year. Whether they were academic or personal, I had a craving to be successful. I was confident that even if the goal was difficult I could work and achieve it. This journey was also important to understanding relationships. Therapy showed me that it is wonderful to build deep connections with others, regardless of how you know them. A deep connection can allow people to feel comfortable and express themselves without judgment. Which is something that I try to implement into my friendships/relationships. It is always important to have safe conversations with others and get vulnerable every once in a while because it helps you relieve stress. For so long I really had no clue what I wanted to do with myself after high school. Once I even wanted to sell ice cream at the zoo. However, finding a topic that you are passionate about is an amazing feeling. Having a genuine interest allows for creativity and a spark to want to study something. Therapy was just one of the many beginning stages of my fascination. While I think that I want to study clinical psychology and become a therapist, I know for sure that I want to use all of this knowledge to help other people. I want to leave a mark on the world even if I’ve only helped one person.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    Starr Carter is the main protagonist of “The Hate U Give”. Throughout the book, she narrates everything that she experiences in her life. The many parties and the unfortunate death of her childhood best friend Khalil Harris. They drive together after gunshots are let out at a party when they are pulled over by a police officer. The officer instructs Khalil to stay still but instead, he reaches for a brush, which gets him fatally shot. His death brought light to the systematic racism and prejudice that is within law enforcement and the justice system. Officer One-Fifteen should have seen the hairbrush and not a gun. However, he assumed it was a gun because Khalil was black. Starr navigates being in an interracial relationship, dealing with gang activity, and being heard as a black woman. People protect Officer One-Fifteen by saying that he was just doing his job. The media also claimed that his actions were justified because Khalil was a “Thug”. Starr fights to have her voice heard by the judge to get justice for Khalil. Starr and her family fight through all of the stereotypes that are placed on black people. She gets justice for Khalil and helps showcase the unfair treatment that causes many black people to suffer. Officer One-Fifteen is convicted of murdering Khalil Harris and sent to prison. Having the entire world read “The Hate U Give” by Angie Thomas would be a very important book for everyone. It would help the world understand the importance of being empathetic, and educated, and reducing racism. It also highlights why some black children fear law enforcement and are taught to be mindful of how they appear to white people.
    John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
    During high school, my parents decided that I should see a therapist. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but after talking with them more I understood that it would help me with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to talk with. I was dealing with a drastic change in my workload during my senior year. I was dually enrolled in the local community college classes while attending high school, playing multiple sports, and having household chores. This caused me to feel extremely overwhelmed every day. There were days when I felt that I would be unable to manage everything. My therapist was a pretty cool guy, and opening up was not so bad. I told him about how I was feeling and he made sure that I understood it was normal. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to research time management ideas. During that same school year, I took a communications class. I learned about human emotions and social cues which was fascinating to observe. It was relatable to learn about the emotions that I was dealing with, as well as the social cues that I observed daily from others. After seeing how much I enjoyed learning in the class, my professor recommended that I take the psychology class the next semester. My mental health journey has proved to me that there is always a good side to every situation. It has slowly helped me with being more and more comfortable with a larger workload and responsibilities. It increases confidence and gives a positive outlook on life. This showed when I set goals for myself at the beginning of the school year. Whether they were academic or personal, I had a craving to be successful. I was confident that even if the goal was difficult I could work and achieve it. This journey was also important to understanding relationships. Therapy showed me that it is wonderful to build deep connections with others, whether new people or not. A deep connection can allow people to feel comfortable and express themselves without judgment. Which is something that I tried to implement into my friendships/relationships. It is always important to have safe conversations with others and get vulnerable every once in a while because it helps you relieve stress. After all of this, I realized that this was my calling. I was truly inspired to help other people. I would like to have the same opportunity that I had at therapy. Having the opportunity to speak to someone else who is impartial allows for more comfortability. This is what I want to do for others.
    Onward and Upward Scholarship
    During high school my parents decided that I should see a therapist. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but after talking with them more in depth I understood that it would help me with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to talk with. I was dealing with a drastic change in my workload during my senior year. I was dually enrolled in the local community college classes while attending high school, playing multiple sports, and having household chores. This caused me to feel extremely overwhelmed everyday. There were days where I felt that it would be impossible to manage everything. My therapist was actually a pretty cool guy, and opening up was not so bad. I told him about how I was feeling and he made sure that I understood what was normal. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to research time management ideas. During that same school year I took a communications class, it was fascinating to learn about social cues, and understanding people’s emotions. It was relatable to learn about emotions that I was dealing with, as well as the social cues that I observed daily from others. After seeing how much I enjoyed learning in the class, my professor recommended that I take the psychology class the next semester. There I did more research on similar topics, and dove deeper into the many different types of psychology. I had no idea that there were so many subcategories of psychology. From clinical psychology which integrates science, theory, and practice in order to understand, predict, and relieve problems with adjustment, disability, and discomfort; to Forensic psychology which deals with issues related to psychology and the law. I had only thought about the very basic level of psychology as the scientific study of our behavior and brain. There are many different career paths that can be taken with these two psychology categories. Clinical psychology would allow me to help others just as my therapist did for me. I can give them someone impartial to talk to and open up to. Alternatively, I can take the forensic psychology approach and work with integrating the law. I can work to protect others as a forensic psychologist. Working with law enforcement to understand the behavior of those who break the law. Ultimately, the possibilities are endless. For so long I really had no clue what I wanted to do with myself after high school. Once I even wanted to sell ice cream at the zoo. Finding something that you can spend hours learning about is an amazing feeling. Having a genuine interest allows for creativity and a spark to want to pursue something worthwhile. While I think that I want to study clinical psychology, I know for sure that I want to use all of this knowledge to help other people. I want to leave a mark on the world even if I’ve only helped one person. Knowing that the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 1 in 4 people will be impacted by mental illness at some point in their lives, I know that through psychology I can help. Psychology will always have an important role in the world.
    Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
    In my junior year of high school my parents decided that I should see a therapist. I wasn’t thrilled about the idea, but after talking with them more in depth I understood that it would help me with how I manage stress and give me someone impartial to talk with. I was dealing with a drastic change in my workload during my senior year. I was dually enrolled in the local community college classes while attending high school, playing multiple sports, and having household chores. This caused me to feel extremely overwhelmed everyday. There were days where I felt that it would be impossible to manage everything. My therapist was actually a pretty cool guy, and opening up was not so bad. I told him about how I was feeling and he made sure that I understood what was normal. He gave me ways to cope with the stress and encouraged me to research time management ideas. During that same school year I took a communications class, it was fascinating to learn about social cues, and understanding peoples emotions. It was relatable to learn about emotions that I was dealing with, as well as the social cues that I observed daily from others. After seeing how much I enjoyed learning in the class, my professor recommended that I take the psychology class the next semester. There I did more research on similar topics, and dived deeper into the many different types of psychology. I had no idea that there were so many subcategories of psychology. From clinical psychology which integrates science, theory, and practice in order to understand, predict, and relieve problems with adjustment, disability, and discomfort; to Forensic psychology which deals with issues related to psychology and the law. I had only thought about the very basic level of psychology as the scientific study of our behavior and brain. There are many different career paths that can be taken with these two psychology categories. Clinical psychology would allow me to help others just as my therapist did for me. I can give them someone impartial to talk to and open up to. They will be able to talk to someone who looks like them. Although we may not have gone through the same struggles we both are automatically at a disadvantage. This will help unpack the emotions and mental health problems that are being hidden due to a lack of trust. For example, 25% of Black people seek mental health treatment when needed, compared to 40% of white people. This opportunity will mitigate the feeling of being misunderstood by someone of a different race. Alternatively, I can take the forensic psychology approach and work with integrating the law. I can work to protect others as a forensic psychologist. Working with law enforcement to understand the behavior of those who break the law. It can also be used to understand the biases that are put on black people. For example, Black people are eight times more likely to be wrongly convicted than a white person for a crime involving sexual violence. Black people are also 19 times more likely to be wrongly convicted of a drug crime than white people. It can be used as a tool to bring notice to the unfair treatment and protect against unfair trials.