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Pauline Barosy


Bold Points




The dream version of my future self is elevated to the highest level, as I achieve my goals of being a successful business owner, and dedicate my free time to serving my community.


DeVry University

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Health and Medical Administrative Services
  • Minors:
    • Criminology
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • City/Urban, Community, and Regional Planning
    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Legal Services

    • Dream career goals:

    • Mail handler

      2021 – Present3 years
    • Eligibility specialist

      NYC HRA
      2023 – Present1 year



    2007 – 20103 years


    2012 – 20142 years


    2017 – 20181 year

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Luxury creations — Creator / owner
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Holy cross angle of god — I was a group leader / community associate helper
      2017 – Present

    Future Interests




    Phoebes in Philanthropy Scholarship
    Title: The Influence of Phoebe(s) and My Aspiration to Pay It Forward In my life, certain individuals, whom I refer to as "Phoebe(s)," have significantly shaped my journey and contributed to the person I am today. These influential figures have guided me through tough times, provided unwavering support, and molded my values and ambitions. Their impact has been pivotal in helping me overcome challenges and navigate life's complexities. One of the most influential Phoebe(s) in my life is my elder sister, Phoebe. She has always been my rock and a source of motivation. From a young age, she demonstrated the importance of resilience and determination. Despite facing numerous hardships, she pursued her dreams with unwavering dedication, never allowing setbacks to dampen her spirit. Her resilience in the face of adversity has instilled in me a profound sense of perseverance and the belief that no obstacle is insurmountable. Another impactful Phoebe is my mentor and former teacher, Mrs. Phoebe. Through her guidance and support, she ignited my passion for learning and encouraged me to pursue my academic and personal goals. Mrs. Phoebe's unwavering belief in my abilities empowered me to strive for excellence and pursue my dreams. Her mentorship has been instrumental in shaping my academic and professional aspirations, instilling in me a lifelong love for learning and personal growth. If honored with this scholarship, it would enable me to make a positive impact in the lives of others. The financial assistance provided by this scholarship would alleviate the burden of educational expenses, allowing me to fully dedicate myself to my academic pursuits. With this support, I will be able to focus on acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to make a positive impact in my community and beyond. Furthermore, this scholarship would allow me to engage in community outreach programs and initiatives aimed at empowering underserved youth and promoting educational equity. I am passionate about creating opportunities for those who face systemic barriers to education and personal development. With the help of this scholarship, I aspire to establish mentorship programs, educational workshops, and scholarship opportunities for students from underprivileged backgrounds, providing them with the support and resources they need to pursue their aspirations. Moreover, the scholarship would enable me to invest in initiatives that promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility. I am committed to fostering a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come. With this scholarship, I plan to engage in research and advocacy efforts focused on environmental conservation and sustainable development, working towards creating a healthier and more equitable world for all. In summary, the Phoebe(s) in my life have been instrumental in shaping my character, guiding me through challenges, and inspiring me to strive for excellence. If awarded this scholarship, I am committed to paying forward the support and guidance I have received by making a meaningful and lasting impact in the lives of others. Through educational empowerment, community engagement, and environmental advocacy, I aim to create positive change and contribute to a brighter future for individuals and communities in need. This scholarship will serve as a stepping stone for me to fulfill my aspirations and continue the legacy of impact and empowerment set forth by the Phoebe(s) in my life.
    Devante Lane Scholarship
    [ Subject: Scholarship Application - Harnessing College Education to Combat Gun Violence Dear Scholarship Committee, I am writing to apply for the Devante Lane Scholarship offered by your esteemed organization. I am deeply committed to making a positive impact on my community and addressing the pressing issue of gun violence in Brooklyn ,New York City. With the assistance of this scholarship, I aim to utilize my college education to give back to my local community and contribute to efforts aimed at reducing the epidemic of gun violence. The devastating loss of my cousin to an act of gun violence has been the driving force behind my determination to effect change. Witnessing the profound impact of this tragedy has ignited a deep passion within me to pursue higher education as a means of equipping myself with the necessary knowledge and skills to address the root causes of gun violence. Through my college education, I intend to focus on three key areas: 1. Empowering Youth through Education: I firmly believe that education is a powerful tool for breaking the cycle of violence. By engaging with local schools and community organizations, I plan to establish mentorship programs, conduct workshops on conflict resolution, and promote educational initiatives that empower the youth. By providing them with guidance, support, and opportunities, I aim to steer them away from the allure of gun violence and towards a path of success. 2. Advocacy and Policy Reform: To effectively combat gun violence, it is imperative to address the underlying systemic issues. By pursuing my college education, I will gain a deep understanding of gun laws, public safety policies, and mental health initiatives. Armed with this knowledge, I intend to actively participate in advocacy groups, engage with local lawmakers, and work towards implementing sensible gun control measures and comprehensive reforms that prioritize public safety. 3. Community Outreach and Awareness: Raising awareness about the devastating impact of gun violence is crucial for prevention. With the knowledge and resources acquired through my college education, I will organize community events, workshops, and public campaigns that highlight the consequences of gun violence. By fostering conversations, promoting empathy, and providing resources, I aim to mobilize community members to actively participate in efforts to reduce gun violence. Receiving the Devante Lane Scholarship would greatly assist me in realizing my goals and allow me to dedicate myself fully to making a meaningful impact on my local community. The financial support provided by this scholarship will help alleviate the burden of tuition fees and enable me to focus on my studies and community engagement initiatives. I am committed to utilizing my college education to actively address the epidemic of gun violence in New York City. I am determined to make a difference by empowering youth, advocating for policy reform, and raising awareness in order to save lives and create a safer future for our community. Thank you for considering my application. I am grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Devante Lane Scholarship and for the potential to further my education and contribute meaningfully to the reduction of gun violence in New York City. I look forward to the possibility of moving one step closer to realizing my goals with your support. Yours sincerely, Pauline
    Phillip Robinson Memorial Scholarship
    Title: Pursuing the Practice of Law: A Journey Towards Justice Ever since I was a child, I have always been fascinated by stories that center around justice, fairness, and the complex intricacies of human behavior. This fascination ultimately led me towards my decision to practice law. My interest is not born out of a desire for prestige or wealth, although these are common misconceptions associated with the profession. Instead, it stems from the belief that law is a powerful tool in creating a just society, and being a part of this process is a privilege that comes with significant responsibility. The seed of this passion was first planted during my high school years when I volunteered at a local legal aid clinic. There, I met a woman named Maria, a single mother of two who had recently immigrated to our country. Maria had been unjustly evicted from her home by a landlord who was exploiting her lack of familiarity with the local laws and her language barrier. Witnessing her desperation was a poignant moment for me, and it was then that I realized the crucial role legal professionals play in the lives of individuals like Maria. I remember how she walked into the clinic, her face etched with worry and uncertainty, clutching her eviction notice like a lifeline. She was scared and felt helpless, yet she was determined to fight for her rights and the future of her children. Our team worked diligently to understand her case and navigate the complex labyrinth of housing laws. I was struck by how our legal system, which should ideally protect and serve every citizen, could be daunting and inaccessible for those like Maria. It was not an easy battle, but through diligent research, careful preparation, and passionate representation, we were able to protect Maria's rights. The day the court ruled in her favor was one of the most rewarding moments of my life. That victory was not about defeating an unscrupulous landlord. It was about restoring Maria's faith in justice and giving her a fighting chance at a better life for her family. This experience taught me that law is more than statutes written in heavy books. It's about ensuring that these laws work for everyone. It's about using knowledge, logic, and empathy to bridge the gap between the legal system and those it serves. It's about standing up for individuals like Maria, who, without legal representation, could be easily exploited or discarded by those who wield power. So, why do I want to practice law? Because I believe that the law is a means to justice. Because I want to be the voice for those who cannot speak for themselves. Because I want to utilize my skills and knowledge to make a tangible difference in people’s lives. In conclusion, my desire to practice law is not just a career choice; it's a commitment. A commitment to uphold justice, to serve the community, and to use the power of law to correct wrongs and protect rights. The path is challenging and often thankless, but every time I recall Maria's relieved smile and the peace that replaced the worry on her face, I am reminded of why this journey is worth every step.
    Good People, Cool Things Scholarship
    Title: The Art of Creativity: Passion, Time, and Inspiration From a young age, I've always been drawn to music. It's more than just a hobby or a pastime for me - it's my creative passion. There's something incredibly inspiring about having the ability to create something that can touch people's hearts, lift their spirits, and bring them together. It's a universal language that transcends borders, cultures, and generations. Music has the power to change the world for the better, one note at a time. It can give a voice to those who can't express their feelings in words. It can bridge gaps and break barriers, fostering understanding and empathy among people from different walks of life. Through my music, I hope to inspire others, to bring joy and comfort, and to provoke thought and conversation about important issues. If I were blessed with an extra 24 hours in a day, I would unquestionably devote it to my passion. More time to practice, to compose, to learn - the possibilities are endless. I could delve deeper into different genres, experiment with new instruments, and collaborate with other musicians. However, it's not just about creating music. I would also use the extra time to listen and learn. There's a wealth of music out there, a plethora of styles and cultures to explore. The more I listen, the more I can grow as a musician and as a person. Creativity is not a constant stream but comes in waves. It can be elusive, often striking when least expected. For me, I feel most creative during the quiet hours of the night. There's something about the silence, the tranquility, that sparks my imagination. The world slows down, distractions fade away, and I can truly listen, not just to the music, but to my thoughts and emotions. These moments of introspection are crucial to my creative process. They allow me to tap into my deepest feelings and translate them into melodies and harmonies. It's a profound and personal journey, one that has taught me more about myself than anything else could. In conclusion, my creative passion for music is not just an integral part of who I am, but it's also my way of making a positive impact on the world. With extra time in the day, I would immerse myself even further into this world of sound and emotion. Creativity is a precious gift, one that comes alive in the hush of the night, guiding me on this incredible musical journey.