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Oluwanifemi Fatola


Bold Points




I am a dedicated individual driven by a profound desire to pursue a career in nursing. My journey is fueled by a commitment to positively impacting others through healthcare. Excelling in relevant coursework and gaining hands-on experience through internships, I have witnessed the transformative power of nursing. My empathetic nature, strong communication skills, and commitment to teamwork make me a great candidate for this scholarship. This support would alleviate financial burdens and validate my unwavering dedication to becoming a nurse. With this scholarship, I am confident in my ability to excel academically, gain valuable practical experience, and contribute meaningfully to the nursing profession, fulfilling my dream of making a difference in the lives of those I serve.


Lone Star College System

Associate's degree program
2023 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:




      2015 – 20172 years


      2019 – 20234 years


      • Public Health

        Lone Star Collge Honors College — Student
        2024 – Present

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        American Red Cross — Youth Volunteer
        2024 – Present

      Future Interests




      Zendaya Superfan Scholarship
      Zendaya's ability to seamlessly navigate the diverse realms of fashion, acting, singing, and activism is awe-inspiring. While every aspect of her career deserves admiration, what resonates with me the most is her activism. Beyond the glitz and glamour of the entertainment industry, Zendaya has chosen to use her influential platform to champion causes close to her heart. Her commitment to activism goes beyond mere lip service; it reflects her values and innate sense of responsibility. What strikes me about Zendaya's activism is the fearlessness with which she addresses pressing societal issues. She doesn't shy away from uncomfortable conversations; instead, she uses her influence to spotlight topics like racial inequality and gender discrimination. Her advocacy extends beyond social media, with her actively engaging in conversations and initiatives that seek to bring about tangible change. Zendaya seamlessly integrates her commitment to activism into her public persona, making it an integral part of her identity. Whether she's dazzling on the red carpet or passionately discussing social issues, her authenticity shines through, making her not just an artist but a relatable and influential figure. What sets Zendaya apart is her hands-on approach to activism. It's not just about raising awareness; she actively participates in initiatives to create positive change. From supporting organizations dedicated to equality to encouraging civic engagement, she demonstrates that activism is not a performative act but a consistent effort to make a meaningful impact. In a landscape where celebrity influence is often scrutinized, Zendaya stands out as a positive force. Her activism is not a passing trend but a sustained commitment to contributing positively to the world. It is a powerful reminder that fame can be wielded responsibly, and influential figures can be pivotal in driving social change. In conclusion, while Zendaya's accomplishments in various fields are undeniably impressive, her dedication to activism truly captures my admiration. Her ability to seamlessly weave social justice into her multifaceted career is commendable. It sets a compelling example of how artists can leverage their influence to make a lasting and positive impact on the world.
      Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
      Embarking on the journey of sharing my story is a reflective exercise that brings to light the myriad experiences, challenges, and triumphs that have shaped my character and fueled my aspirations. From the early chapters of my life, I encountered a formidable challenge that would lay the foundation for my resilience—financial adversity. Growing up in circumstances where resources were scarce, I quickly learned the value of resourcefulness and determination. My family's struggles instilled in me an early understanding of the importance of perseverance and the belief that adversity, rather than being a roadblock, could become a stepping stone to personal and academic growth. One of the pivotal moments in my life occurred when my parents couldn't sponsor me in high school more than in Nigeria. This experience demanded not only financial ingenuity but also emotional fortitude. It was during this period that I discovered an inner strength I never knew existed—a strength that propelled me forward in pursuit of my goals. Overcoming financial adversity became a defining chapter in my life, contributing significantly to the person I am today. The ability to navigate challenges with resilience has become a cornerstone of my character, shaping my responses to subsequent adversities and influencing the trajectory of my aspirations. While transitioning into academic pursuits, the lessons I had gained from overcoming hurdles revealed themselves in how I approached difficulty. My perspective shifted from seeing challenges as insurmountable impediments to viewing them as opportunities for personal development and progress. Because of this change in perspective, I am more dedicated than ever to achieving success in both my academic pursuits and my extracurricular interests. Having a strong interest in nursing is the driving force behind my aspirations. Despite the challenges I face, I am resolute in my goal to become a critical care nurse. Challenges have developed in me a strong respect for resiliency and adaptation, both of which are essential to achieving success. I envision leveraging my experiences and skills to create meaningful change, advocating for those facing similar challenges and inspiring resilience in adversity. In essence, adversity has been a relentless yet invaluable teacher. It has sculpted my character, fortified my resolve, and propelled me toward my dreams. The journey may be challenging, but overcoming adversity strengthens me to turn my dreams into reality. As I navigate the chapters that lie ahead, I carry with me the lessons learned and the unwavering belief that every challenge is an opportunity for growth.
      Joseph Joshua Searor Memorial Scholarship
      My educational journey has been a dynamic and transformative experience, marked by career switches, significant adjustments, and a profound realization that nursing is my true calling. Starting with a different major, I initially explored various academic paths, seeking a field that resonated with my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. It was during this exploration that my passion for service, empathy, and the pursuit of a fulfilling and impactful career came into sharp focus. The decision to transition into nursing was not a mere change in career but a significant shift in the trajectory of my life. It was driven by a deep-seated commitment to a vocation that aligned with my core values and aspirations. Returning to school to pursue nursing required a blend of determination, dedication, and a genuine belief in the transformative power of healthcare. While aware of the challenges ahead, I embraced the journey enthusiastically, recognizing that the rewards of contributing to the healthcare profession and positively impacting lives far outweighed the difficulties. The "aha" moment, the catalyst for my nursing journey, occurred during a pivotal clinical experience. While providing care to a patient, I found myself making a meaningful connection that transcended the clinical setting. Offering support and comfort during a vulnerable moment, I realized the profound impact that nurses have on the well-being of individuals. This experience served as an epiphany, solidifying my conviction that nursing was not merely a career choice but a true calling. As I progressed through my nursing education, I gained hands-on experience through internships and clinical rotations. These experiences provided invaluable insights into the dynamic and compassionate nature of nursing. Interacting with patients, witnessing the dedication of healthcare teams, and being part of moments that genuinely made a difference affirmed my decision to pursue nursing wholeheartedly. Pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) represents the next chapter in my educational journey. It signifies a commitment to excellence, continuous learning, and a dedication to becoming a skilled and compassionate nurse. Navigating the challenges and joys of the BSN program, I am fueled by a sense of purpose and excitement for the future. Each step in my educational journey has contributed to my growth, resilience, and determination to make a positive impact in the nursing field. I am eager to continue this trajectory, gaining practical experience and contributing to the healthcare profession with a deep sense of dedication and purpose. This educational odyssey is not just about acquiring knowledge and skills; it is a transformative journey that aligns with my calling to serve others and make a meaningful difference in the lives of those entrusted to my care.
      James Lynn Baker II #BeACoffeeBean Scholarship
      In my community, a pressing issue that demands attention and concerted efforts for positive change is the insufficient accessibility of mental health resources and the prevailing stigma surrounding mental health. This issue not only affects the overall well-being of individuals but also contributes to a culture of silence and misunderstanding that impedes those in need from seeking the necessary support and treatment. To address this multifaceted challenge, I envision a comprehensive approach that integrates awareness, advocacy, and collaboration as critical pillars of the initiative. Firstly, initiating community-wide awareness campaigns is paramount to destigmatizing mental health and fostering open dialogue. These campaigns would involve a series of educational workshops, seminars, and informational sessions designed to disseminate accurate information about mental health, challenge prevailing misconceptions, and encourage empathetic conversations. By engaging community members in discussions and sharing personal stories, we aim to humanize mental health struggles, ultimately breaking down the barriers that inhibit individuals from seeking the help they require. Secondly, collaboration with local healthcare providers, mental health professionals, and community organizations is crucial to improving the availability of mental health resources. Advocacy efforts would include working towards increased funding for mental health programs, establishing support networks, and promoting the integration of mental health services into primary healthcare settings. Creating accessible and culturally sensitive resources, such as counseling services, support groups, and helplines, is pivotal in ensuring that individuals feel comfortable and supported in reaching out for assistance. Education plays a pivotal role in shaping attitudes towards mental health. As part of the initiative, there would be a concerted effort to incorporate mental health education into school curricula. By introducing discussions about mental health early on, we aim to reduce stigma, foster resilience, and equip young individuals with the tools to prioritize their mental well-being. Additionally, providing resources for teachers and school staff to recognize and address mental health concerns among students would contribute to creating a supportive educational environment. Leveraging technology is another integral component of the strategy. Establishing online platforms or helplines staffed by mental health professionals can provide confidential and immediate assistance to those in need. This approach overcomes geographical barriers and ensures that support is available to a broader audience, including those who may hesitate to seek help in person. Collaboration with local businesses and workplaces is an essential aspect of the initiative. Promoting mental health awareness programs in workplaces and providing resources for employees creates a supportive environment and reduces the stigma associated with seeking help. Encouraging flexible work policies and destigmatizing mental health days can contribute to a workplace culture that prioritizes the well-being of its employees. In conclusion, addressing the lack of accessible mental health resources and combatting the stigma surrounding mental health requires a holistic and collaborative effort. By combining community-wide awareness campaigns, advocacy for improved resources, educational initiatives, technological solutions, and workplace engagement, we can foster a culture that values mental health, supports those in need, and contributes to positive change. It is a collective endeavor involving community members, healthcare providers, educators, employers, and policymakers working together to build a society where individuals feel empowered to prioritize and seek help for their mental well-being.
      Natalie Joy Poremski Scholarship
      Living out my faith in the intricacies of my day-to-day life involves a dedicated commitment to principles deeply rooted in my religious beliefs, focusing on my support for Pro-Life initiatives. As a fervent believer in the sanctity of life, I actively engage in many activities and advocacy efforts to uphold the inherent value and dignity of every human being. I regularly volunteer with Pro-Life organizations dedicated to fostering a culture that cherishes life from conception to the natural end. This involvement extends beyond mere participation in events; it entails actively contributing to initiatives that advocate for the protection of unborn children, supporting alternatives to abortion, and working towards the creation of an environment that values the sanctity of every life. Through these efforts, I strive to be an agent of positive change, aligning my actions with the core tenets of my faith. The impact of my faith is not confined to specific Pro-Life activities; it permeates every aspect of my life, including my future goals and career path. Inspired by the principles of compassion and justice and the profound belief that every individual is created with inherent worth, I have consciously chosen a career in healthcare with a distinct focus on nursing. This decision is a deliberate reflection of my desire to contribute to the well-being of others actively and to be a vocal advocate for the vulnerable, including unborn children. As I embark on my educational journey in nursing, I envision leveraging my studies to enact change and protect all stages of life. The healthcare profession, especially nursing, provides a unique and influential platform to integrate faith-based values into practical care. I aspire to work in healthcare environments that align with Pro-Life principles, where I can advocate for comprehensive healthcare that respects the dignity of every patient, from the earliest stages of life to its natural end. This encompasses providing compassionate care to expectant mothers, supporting alternatives to abortion, and actively engaging in initiatives that promote the sanctity of life. Moreover, my educational pursuits extend beyond clinical skills and theoretical knowledge; they explore healthcare policies and practices prioritizing protecting life. I am eager to delve into research that sheds light on the ethical considerations surrounding life issues and to actively contribute to discussions that shape healthcare policies with a Pro-Life perspective. This multifaceted approach to education will serve as a foundation for my future endeavors in the field. My faith is not just a guiding force but an active and integral part of my daily life, future goals, and career path. Through advocacy, compassionate care, and active engagement in healthcare policies, I aim to use my education as a powerful instrument for positive change. My goal is to contribute to creating a society that values and safeguards the sanctity of every individual, from the earliest stages of life to its natural conclusion.
      Pangeta & Ivory Nursing Scholarship
      The decision to pursue a career in nursing is the culmination of a journey marked by personal experiences, a deep-seated passion for service, and a profound understanding of the vital role healthcare professionals play in shaping the well-being of individuals and communities. From my earliest memories, I naturally gravitated towards situations where I could offer support and comfort to those facing challenges. Whether helping a friend through an illness or participating in volunteer activities at local community events, these experiences ignited a sense of purpose and fulfillment within me. It became increasingly evident that my true calling lay in making a positive impact on the lives of others, particularly in the realm of healthcare. As I navigated different career possibilities, the holistic and patient-centered approach inherent in nursing resonated deeply with my values. The prospect of addressing physical health and attending to individuals' emotional and psychological needs appealed to my sense of empathy and compassion. Witnessing firsthand the transformative care provided by nurses during personal encounters with healthcare institutions solidified my conviction that nursing was the path I wanted to pursue. Moreover, the dynamic and ever-evolving nature of the healthcare industry intrigued me. As a profession, nursing presents a rich tapestry of specialties and opportunities for continuous learning. The prospect of being at the forefront of medical advancements and contributing to the well-being of diverse patient populations fueled my desire to embark on this challenging yet advantageous career path. My profound admiration also influences my decision to pursue nursing for the resilience and compassion nurses exhibit. Their ability to navigate complex medical situations gracefully, comfort patients in times of distress, and serve as advocates for those in need stood out as qualities I aspired to embody. The role of a nurse goes beyond the technical aspects of healthcare; it encompasses the capacity to make a genuine difference in the lives of individuals during their most vulnerable moments. In essence, the choice to pursue a career in nursing is a multifaceted decision that aligns with my intrinsic desire to contribute meaningfully to the welfare of others. It represents a calling that combines my passion for service, empathy for those in need, and a recognition of the diverse and impactful opportunities within the healthcare profession. I am eager to embark on this journey, fully committed to honing my skills, expanding my knowledge, and dedicating myself to a career that allows me to impact the lives of those entrusted to my care.
      William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
      My educational and career aspirations center around a deep-seated passion for nursing. I am wholeheartedly committed to pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) as the foundation for my professional journey. Beyond obtaining my BSN, my ultimate career goal is to specialize in critical care nursing, which demands expertise, resilience, and a profound commitment to delivering exceptional care to patients in intensive care settings. The path toward achieving these goals is laden with academic rigor, clinical experiences, and a continuous quest for knowledge. Pursuing a BSN represents a significant step in my educational journey, equipping me with the theoretical foundation, practical skills, and critical thinking abilities essential for success in the dynamic nursing field. This degree will broaden my understanding of healthcare and provide me with the qualifications to make a substantial impact as a registered nurse. However, pursuing higher education comes with its own set of financial challenges. This is where the importance of this scholarship becomes paramount. The financial support offered by this scholarship would play a pivotal role in alleviating the burden of tuition fees, textbooks, and other educational expenses. By reducing the financial strain, the scholarship allows me to focus more on my studies and clinical training, ensuring that I can immerse myself fully in the educational experience without the constant concern of financial constraints. Moreover, the scholarship represents more than just financial aid—it is a gateway to additional resources and opportunities that are instrumental in shaping a well-rounded nursing education. Attending workshops and conferences and engaging in extracurricular activities can significantly enhance my learning experience, expose me to the latest advancements in healthcare, and provide networking opportunities with professionals in the field. In addition to academic pursuits, critical care nursing demands dedication and a commitment to continuous improvement. With the support of this scholarship, I can dedicate more time to my studies, clinical rotations, and practical training. This focused commitment will not only ensure that I meet the academic requirements of my program but also excel in applying nursing principles in real-world scenarios, preparing me for the challenges and responsibilities inherent in critical care nursing. Receiving this scholarship is a financial boost and an investment in my potential to contribute meaningfully to the nursing profession. The scholarship catalyzes my educational and career aspirations, providing the necessary resources to pursue my studies with diligence, passion, and an unwavering commitment to excellence. With this support, I am confident that I will achieve my dream of becoming a skilled and compassionate critical care nurse and make a lasting impact on the lives of the patients under my care.
      FAR Impact Scholarship
      Throughout my life journey, I have actively sought out opportunities to make a meaningful impact on the lives of individuals and contribute to the betterment of my community. Engaging in various community service initiatives has allowed me to witness firsthand the transformative power of collective efforts in creating positive change. Whether it was volunteering at local shelters, participating in community clean-up events, or organizing health awareness campaigns, these experiences have shaped my understanding of the profound impact that individuals can have on their communities. My commitment to public service goes beyond these experiences and is deeply rooted in a genuine desire to contribute positively to the well-being of others. Reflecting on my journey and considering my career goals, I am drawn to nursing as the perfect avenue to extend and amplify this impact. Pursuing a career in nursing aligns with my values of compassion and empathy as I aspire to provide holistic and patient-centered care. I envision myself advocating for patients, being a source of comfort during challenging times, and playing a crucial role in enhancing individuals' overall health and quality of life. The choice to enter the nursing field is not just a personal and professional goal for me; it is a commitment to public service in its most accurate form. I believe that the impact of healthcare professionals goes far beyond the clinical setting, influencing the fabric of communities and society as a whole. By immersing myself in nursing, I aim to contribute to a healthcare system that prioritizes empathy, inclusivity, and equitable access to quality care. As I embark on this journey, my overarching goal is to excel academically and gain practical experience that will enable me to make a tangible and lasting difference in healthcare. I am passionate about leveraging my skills, including my empathetic nature and strong communication abilities, to connect with patients on a personal level and address their unique needs. Through continuous learning, collaboration with diverse healthcare teams, and a dedication to ongoing improvement, I am confident in my ability to impact the lives of those I serve positively. In Conclusion, the pursuit of a career in nursing demonstrates my commitment to serving the public. As someone passionate about making a difference in the world, I see this as an opportunity to combine my passion with a job that is fulfilling and relevant to the lives of people in my surrounding vicinity. The nursing profession is one that I believe is not only fulfilling but also pertinent to the world that I live in. To contribute to the ultimate goal of establishing a society in which people can flourish in terms of their physical, mental, and emotional well-being when they can thrive, I want to follow this course of action. I want to do this to contribute to the ultimate goal. I will be able to achieve my objective if I proceed in this manner and pursue this course of action. Additionally, I would want to contribute to constructing healthier and more resilient communities simultaneously. Additionally, I would like to do this.