Hobbies and interests
Painting and Studio Art
Community Service And Volunteering
Spending Time With Friends and Family
Adult Fiction
Young Adult
Chick Lit
Literary Fiction
I read books daily
Olivia Moses
Bold Points1x
Olivia Moses
Bold Points1x
I am a type one diabetic who works hard and doesn't let my illness get in the way living my best life. I believe in challenging myself to become the best I can be. One of my favorite quotes" If you were born with the weakness to fall, you were born with the strength to rise."- Rupi Kaur I apply this in my life. I firmly believe that even in the tough times that are demanding, I can push past them because I can choose what I think is best for me, and I have that power, and I am the only one who can change my own life.
Center For Global Studies
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Sports, Kinesiology, and Physical Education/Fitness
- Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
Dream career field:
Medical Practice
Dream career goals:
I want to become a Sports Medicine PA / Sports Medicine Physican
summer camp consuler 3-6 year olds
Weston Field Club2021 – Present4 yearsTo help a little girl with her homework
Private2020 – Present5 yearscashier
Michaels2020 – Present5 years
Junior Varsity2018 – 20202 years
Varsity2012 – Present13 years
- Present
- Present
Public services
Norwalk Youth Football and Cheer — Student Demonstrated2018 – 2022Volunteering
Stepping Stones Children's Musem — To help clean up and makesure that everyone was a havinag good visit2016 – 2017Volunteering
Connecticut Stars — Buddy2018 – 2022
Future Interests
Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship
Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
The Halloween Mystery
"Where are we, Archie? It's very dark and cold; can we please leave now," Mer, Kali, and Miles asked.
You are probably wondering what is happening right now; let's start from the beginning. My name is Archie, and welcome to Boring, Oregon. It is pretty dull most of the time, outside of Halloween, my favorite holiday. This is when my friends and I hang out the most. For the entire month of October, I have been counting down until Halloween. Still, during this month at school, we have been hearing loud booms, water dripping from the ceilings, screams in the hallway, and bringing the lockers, which was really scary for most people. Unlike me, I was the only one excited for Halloween excited.
Today is the day before Halloween, which means having a Halloween party at Mer's house. She diets like the horror and gore of Halloween, but she still likes to party with everyone invited in the town. Each year we have a theme; this year, there are the 70s, 80s, and 90s eras. School just got out as we were leaving, this mist blew by us, and we all wondered what was going on. On the other hand. Was imaging maybe that this Halloween might not be so brought in boring after all.
when we arrived at St Mary's house, Miles asked me a random question "Archie, do you think we might solve the mystery this year?" "No, I hope not, "Mer stop being so scared live a little enjoy life while we can; we are young, and we should be fearless" "Easy for you to say Kali, but you not like me scared and shy" "well I will be we can help get you out of your shell before the night is over ."Mer just rolled her eyes. The party was about to start, so we all got dressed; while we were getting dressed, Kali, Miles, and I talked about finishing the Halloween mystery on Mer. It has been a few hours since the party started, and Kali came to me and said, "we are about to do this" GUYS!!!! Mer called to come, I think there is a ghost, and it is telling me to go outside to the pumpkin patch, well I think we should do what it says, I said as I winked at the others, so we all went outside to the pumpkin patch through the maze we can barely see through the maze so then it said to go the graveyard. The ghost said there was another message that told us to go to the cave as we all watched as Mer was getting scared, we couldn't help but laugh, so we said Merit it was a prank, though she was mad at first she finally and sarcasm filed her eyes saw the humor and laughed. We all went back to the party and enjoyed the rest of the night.
Bold Great Books Scholarship
My favorite book is The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky. The reason why it is my favorite book is because of how the book is written. Chbsoky writes The Perks of Being a Wallflower in main charter Charlie's view only. I like that we can see what's happing in Charlie's head and what he thinks is happing in his life, and how he solves his problems. I like that this book also highlights mental health and how especially in highschooler sin a hard time in our pivotal years that everyone is in their head and everybody is hiding and has secrets. I like that everybody has a problem, but we always assume it is only ourselves that have the issues. One of my favorite aspects about this book is it is all written in letter format. I like the fact that Charlie I speaking to someone else and sending them a letter, but we don't get to see the other side of the conversation. Through out the book I grew closer to charlie in a way I could relate to how he was feeling more than any other charter I have read about in a book. Stephen Chbosky dida really good job being able to have the book be a onesided view and have a wholelistic view of the story at the same time.I feel that charilie also grows with you as aperosn and where you are at atime in your life I feel that anybody can realte to him in some way or another it really is meant for evreyone.