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Noelle Iglesias


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Hello! I am an English major and Training and Workforce development minor at Auburn University. I am currently a full time student, substitute teacher at the middle school on Monday's, Wednesday's, and Friday's, and a student photographer for Auburn athletics. My dream is to become a high school English teacher and head back home to teach at the school I graduated from. I have always loved school and have a true servants heart so becoming a teacher is something I have dreamed about and can't wait to see come to fruition. Passion and purpose are the two things that fuel my motivation and love for my career field and I can wait to exude love and inspiration as I continue on my journey in education. Down the road, I hope to use my leadership skills to become an Administrator, principal, and then county office leader. However, most importantly I hope to make a lastly impact and form meaningful relationships with every student I encounter over the next several years.


Auburn University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2026
  • Majors:
    • English Language and Literature, General
  • Minors:
    • Education, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Intern. Scheduling, cleaning, client proofs, editing

      In and Out Photo
      2020 – 20211 year
    • Swim instructor

      Swim Warriors Inc.
      2021 – 20232 years
    • Owner of Company, photographer, and editor

      Noelle Marie Photography
      2018 – Present6 years



    2018 – 20224 years


    • Rookie of the Year award, Leadership award x3, Captain x3, Bulldog award

    Future Interests





    RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
    EXCERPT: From The Awakening (Ch. XXVII) "Do you know Mademoiselle Reisz?" she asked irrelevantly. "The pianist? I know her by sight. I've heard her play." "She says queer things sometimes in a bantering way that you don't notice at the time and you find yourself thinking about afterward." "For instance?" "Well, for instance, when I left her to-day, she put her arms around me and felt my shoulder blades, to see if my wings were strong, she said. 'The bird that would soar above the level plain of tradition and prejudice must have strong wings. It is a sad spectacle to see the weaklings bruised, exhausted, fluttering back to earth.' Whither would you soar?" "I'm not thinking of any extraordinary flights. I only half comprehend her." "I've heard she's partially demented," said Arobin. "She seems to me wonderfully sane," Edna replied. "I'm told she's extremely disagreeable and unpleasant. Why have you introduced her at a moment when I desired to talk of you?" "Oh! talk of me if you like," cried Edna, clasping her hands beneath her head; "but let me think of something else while you do." "I'm jealous of your thoughts tonight. They're making you a little kinder than usual; but some way I feel as if they were wandering, as if they were not here with me." She only looked at him and smiled. His eyes were very near. He leaned upon the lounge with an arm extended across her, while the other hand still rested upon her hair. They continued silently to look into each other's eyes. When he leaned forward and kissed her, she clasped his head, holding his lips to hers. It was the first kiss of her life to which her nature had really responded. It was a flaming torch that kindled desire. CLOSE READING: First published in 1899, Kate Chopin’s novel The Awakening serves as a representation for women surpassing societal standards and breaking social norms. Through the story of Edna (the protagonist), symbolism, imagery, and allusions develop the ideas of self-discovery and feminism. Chapter by chapter, Chopin’s upbringing, sense of identity, and experience as an intelligent and independent women can be seen as she uses her own life as a model for what Edna’s life could be. This is modeled through the character of Mademoiselle Reisz-arguably the character who modeled what Edna’s life could’ve been had she lived to be the same age. In the excerpt, Edna Pontellier has a conversation with Arobin. In which she asks him if he knew Mademoiselle Reisz. It is important to note that Mademoiselle Reisz serves as a mentor for Edna throughout the novel due to her unconventional ideas and independent nature that Edna admires. In Edna’s conversation with Arobin, she expressed the wisdom of Mademoiselle and describes the comparison she makes about the bird with strong wings. This comparison symbolizes Edna’s desire to break away from societal expectations and maintain her individuality. Her comment about the bird with strong wings soaring above tradition and prejudice reflects the central theme of the novel. While Edna recognizes this longing for independence, she hasn’t comprehended the extent of these desires. While Edna discusses her inspiration, Arobin becomes quite jealous because he can tell her mind is not present with him. This causes him to feel as though there is someone or something more important than his relationship with her, so he decides to kiss her in response. In this moment is the first time Edna decides to let herself really feel. This kiss marks a turning point in Edna's emotional journey, signifying her awakening desire and newfound understanding of her own needs and wants. Recounting Mademoiselle Reisz prior to the kiss served as a small foreshadowing of what was to come. Thinking of her values, sense of identity, and unconventional thinking, retelling the symbolism of the bird was a form of Edna telling herself to break the standard and experience life outside of societal expectations. Thus, leading to her decision to finally feel the kiss with passion and persistence. The description of the kiss as a "flaming torch that kindled desire" emphasizes the intensity of her feelings. This kiss serves as a symbol for newfound emotional connection that was not shown in her previous kisses. The text states, “When he leaned forward and. Kissed her, she clasped his head, holding his lips to hers”. The imagery provided implies that she was passionate in pursuing him as well and demonstrates a strong desire for him. In relation to the entirety of the novel, this passage from Chapter 27 showcases Edna’s evolution as a character, marks a turning point in her Awakening, reveals the complexity of their relationship, and ultimately foreshadows the following events in the novel. Her longing for individuality and self discovery serve as important parts in her story however also isolate her from the rest of society. This creates an internal conflict she must deal with for the rest of her life. While this passage encompasses a major turning point in her character development and relays themes of freedom, desire, and self-worth, it also emphasizes the external pressures that encapsulate Edna’s ultimate fate.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    It’s 10am and I just walked from my science to my AP language class. I sat at my desk located at the front of the room. This was my favorite class but something felt different today. My teacher had a different facade about her; while normally very friendly and all smiles when we walked in, today her head was hung as if she was thinking about something intensely. Five minutes later the bell rang and we all sat down in silence as class was about to begin. My teacher walked to the front of the room, pulled her unstable stool to the center and sat on it with papers in hand. Usually, a joke was made about how the stool is bound to break soon and it was just a matter of time. Today, no jokes were made. Instead, she started class with, “So I usually don't like to share too much personal information with my students but this is something that affects you guys as well so I need to tell you guys”. She’s right. She never over-shared or talked about her personal life with us; she always kept conversations focused on our life or the material we were learning, until now. Her tone got somber and the mood changed as she told us she would need eye surgery. My heart sank along with others. This was a very well respected teacher and it was hard to digest that something so terrible could happen to someone so loved. But because she had poured so much love into us, it was only fair that we helped her in any way possible. The first day she was absent, we texted her encouragement when she just happened to be in the waiting room for her surgery. Then the next day we had our assignments completed before class and spent the class period making cards to put in the basket that a few other students and I had put together the night before. We included our cards, some of her favorite treats, flowers, and little knick knacks for her kids in the basket and then had one of the other teachers deliver it that evening. Almost immediately she sent out a message to everyone thanking us and expressing her love. She went as far as to say, “On rare occasions we meet friends that almost immediately feel close, such is the case with you. I am so fortunate”. This was a day I will never forget. “It takes a village” and from that day on our class was one big family. We leaned on each other in times of need and always helped one another no matter what. My teacher was more open with us and we all felt the sense of community that filled the room each day. The rest of that year we made sure our work was extra legible and did little things to show our appreciation for her. While there are many ways to help others and some more extravagant than ours, this was a simple expression of kindness to help ease the difficulty she was facing. This small gesture led to a home away from home, a “school mom” for me, and my biggest inspiration. Three years later, I am now in college and keep in touch with her to this day; we go out for coffee and spend hours catching each other up on our lives. All of this only makes me wonder how different my life would be had we not exuded kindness, grace, encouragement, and support during one of the darkest points in her life.