Hobbies and interests
3D Modeling
Graphic Design
Painting and Studio Art
Video Editing and Production
Bible Study
Drawing And Illustration
Exercise And Fitness
Movies And Film
I read books multiple times per week
Noah Martin
Bold Points
Noah Martin
Bold PointsBio
Appreciate your life and others. That is something I have lacked and wish to change, so do not be me, be you. There's purpose in life if nothing else. If not, why am I even telling you this. Well, best could be said that I believe there is purpose. Purpose in simplicity and in love. Two things our world misconstrues for reasons - to others - unknown. But to me; this makes perfect sense. Sin has long been a proprietor of all this evil and we are the main cause for its havoc. Although, I have seem glimmers of hope in some people who - on the surface - appear to be degenerates show the grace of God despite their unfortunate situation. Call this an act of mercy, but that is far from what we think. So consider that the Lord calls onto everyone but not everyone knows they have been called. Just know there is more to life than meets the eye.
Peotone High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Majors of interest:
- Graphic Communications
Dream career field:
Graphic Design
Dream career goals:
R.O.M.P.2021 – 2021
Intramural2021 – 20243 years
Peotone High School — Researcher2024 – 2024
Peotone High School
Drawing2021 – 2024
Public services
R.O.M.P. — Parader2021 – 2021
Future Interests
RonranGlee Literary Scholarship
"We fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (Corinthians 4:18) This alludes to the fact we look at the short-term, not long. In many cases, it would be ignorant to not live in the present, focusing on the things that be. However, that sentiment resounds no reason for the fact it attributes nothing to what life really is. Life in itself has purpose, what that'd be is up to you, but I understand that this book has shown a divine purpose. Much of that is attributed to God's calling to us to avoid temptation, and be faithful servants. Not only to him, but through him we are servants to others. As he didn't come to be served but to serve. What an unbelievable act of grace for a people who we think are undeserved. As undeserved as we are, he determines our outcome, not us. By that alone we must do our part in helping others and give not to the wants. For we want now can be something completely pointless later. Give to people as much as you are able without relenting, as your God has done to you. In as much as you give to yourself, you are only storing up punishment for later. So in this case, best to give to those who are as undeserved as you. Whether that'd be your neighbor or a criminal, whomever you wish. All it is for you is that your life has purpose. Today, it seems we are blindsighted by our own possessions and other miscellaneous goods. Any of that you'd think has its purpose, but it doesn't. No, we only but give it purpose to justify the urge. Much of that was like in olden times when there was many idols and possessions that people would consistently worship under the assumption it could save. As for you, there's no purpose in idolizing things over people, stuff over faith. Why can't we, as people, give even in the worst circumstance? Well, maybe that's due to our desire, our wants, our needs. My friend, our needs are fulfilled in Christ alone. No need to take from the needy and give to yourself. All food, water, and shelter is given to you from the heavens above. Give glory and thanks to the one who saves you day by day. From your own desires, and frees you from oppression. When suffering is apparent, know that God is saving you from the background. Know that he, he alone, is saving you from wrath and yet you will not know it. We, as people, lack knowledge yet we feel the need to gloat over those we think have none. In reality, they have as much intelligence as you, but may not express as willingness to do good as you. However, our attempts to do good are overshadowed by our attempts to do evil, much evil. As much as we can claw away, our lives are made from sin and we can't do much about it. Our work means nothing, and our efforts to be saved aren't existent. What is, however, is God's saving grace. It is not you who are saving, but you are being saved. Saved by one who can do no wrong, even when we feel it is. Any desires found in us are taken over by the moral compass given by none other. Take your stand against this self, and give all to faith. For man cannot live by bread alone, but in Christ he will thrive.
STLF Memorial Pay It Forward Scholarship
Earlier this year I had worked on a website for Ray Olley Memorial Project (R.O.M.P.) and that had been a joy to do. In all honesty, I couldn't have done it without them and my dad. That aside, this oppurtunity came up in June of 2023, which I had been at a parade at the time. Simply put, I held the banner so not that much. Although I felt I had contributed something but I didn't think there's much to get into. Moving on, my dad gave me a task to do, but I was hesitant at first (in hindsight, that was stupid.) In reality, the whole task was relatively easy to do, but I loved tweaking the wesbite to look as simple and modern as possible. Previously, it was a bit difficult to navigate and I understand that making a modern website then didn't mean much. Nevertheless, I thought they deserved a good interface and so I went to work. Maybe this project should've been shorter than anticipated but I was a tad lazy. In the end, I managed to compile everything into one page, and still wished I could do a bit better. If, of course, you want to visit it type "rayolleymemorial.com" into your search bar and it should send you there. Be the judge of how I did and see some areas for improvement. As it is, though, the group was appreciative of my minimal efforts and I didn't think I deserved it. Come to think of it this one oppurtunity I thought I butchered, but it turns out it wasn't that bad. Still, I need to push myself so I can continue helping people - not to my benefit. Take that from some biblical readings I've done and a mission to be humble. Sometime in a couple years I wish to go much, much further into non-profits. Even though I go to church almost regularly, I feel it's a service for me not me for them. One thing I must count on is that God will there through thick and thin, and come suffering, love endures. Putting myself through the worst of it is the only way I can understand. You, the reader, many thanks are given to you and your dedication to helping people unlike or like me. All of god's grace is unto you and nothing can take that away. Thank you and have a good day.
Matthew E. Minor Memorial Scholarship
Well, as of today, at least, I'm not that involved. In all honesty, I see that it isn't in the benefit of myself, and that sentiment isn't what I should have. Instead, going out there and celebrating the hard work others put forth should be at my top priority, and previously in 2023, I had done so. In the summer of that year, I had been given the opportunity to volunteer as a paradegoer for the Ray Olley Memorial Project - although my role was minor. At the very least, I felt I had done something for someone else, not to my benefit. This relationship would see a different turn in 2024. That year I would be able to work on their website. Me being into graphic design and art in its entirety - this intrigued me. So I begun with a template from Godaddy.com with its Airo functionality, and got to work. Over a couple months I slowly got the website to the working order and design I wanted. Soon I got feedback on my work, and to my surpise, they loved it. Now I don't know if that was the fact I was a kid and critiquing it would be wrong, or something else. Nevertheless, I felt validated and that's not the greatest trait. Validation is something often asked of from parents, bosses, or friends. Often times this can be misconstrued with attention-seekinng behaviors, and that's one of the reasons cyber bullying exists. Sometimes it comes from lack-luster parents who neglects their children, to some extent. One way kids get around this is going online, and since the introduction of social media, it's been on the rise. Everyday people are getting harassed for no particular reason other than the bully has issues at home and this their way of coping. Not to sound like the bully in question is a loser or is less than I can give him/her credit for, but the behavior is deplorable. Only one way to mitigate this is to give instruction to parents. More often than not, parents are to blame for most issues when it comes to their kids. Outside influences usually have little to no effect on how they act, and I wish more people can understand this. Due to the parents negligence, kids need some way to relieve stress, and parents should be the primary reliever. However, when that primary is removed, kids stick to their friends or other people. Unlike adults, lashing out on your friends is like talking to a bunch of yes-men. With adults, there is some constructive criticism given to eliminate the behavior. As stated previously, that aspect isn't present so it continues, and riskier actions are done. Without that factor of authority, there's no way that child will respect anyone. Asking parents to give children lenicancy in some areas and strictness in others is difficult, but I feel this is the area we should be targeting. That, of course, is my opinion and you have every reason to critique it and discard it.
Hicks Scholarship Award
At a young age my mom was diagnosed with cancer - don't know when. This was a bit stressful but not as stressful like other people's situations. Besides the fact that the doctors had gone on and on saying she's not going to live for more than a month or something. However that was nonsense, and I'm sorry for anyone who had to deal with doctors assuming so. Although this event played little problem in my life, it defintitely did to my mom. I have no idea what she had felt and continues to feel about it. Nevertheless, this prompted me to try harder at school. Now I had gotten straight A's, I still felt I was lacking behind. So I kept pushing and pushing, until now I've been at it. Of course, I don't think this played too much of a motivational factor in my academics, I'm sure others had. There's a lot I don't give credit for is the people making this work, and dealing with the stress of a sick loved one. Never in my life have I dealt with it, and maybe I have taken advantage of it. Growing up I had little connection with my school and little connection with students. This hurt me later in life and now I'm feeling the effects. So even when I had my mom facing life and death, still did I not push hard enough. Why? For some reason I was content with my current situation despite the fact there's a world out there. Instead of telling you a sob story, I will highlight some of the uplifting moments from this otherwise depressing event. Currently, I'm going to do graphic design, and I give credit to my mom for this. Despite the fact that I thought drawing all the time meant nothing, it began to pay off in 2024. Towards the end of that year, I had the oppotunity to design a website. The website is still up now and I don't necessarily accept it as my work, yet I wouldn't want to disrespect the offer. Anyhow, I give thanks to my mom and this organization for helping me in spite of their setbacks. In conclusion, there's mutiple reasons I shouldn't be speaking to you at this current moment - I don't deserve it. Many others besides me have accomplished far better while dealing with far worse. In the end, you and only you can decide.
Al Luna Memorial Design Scholarship
Hi, I'm currently on the way to becoming a graphic designer. Now I've found that it can be quite influential for businesses to have someone with these characteristics. Although now it may be a tad more difficult with AI coming into the scene. To combat this, I have tried to be unique in my works and understand the company I am designing for on a deep level. Meaning that I have to communicate one-on-one with these people, understanding their motivations behind their business to get a sense what they truly want. With that, I can make a piece of material - for example, websites, logos, ads - that reflects their business model but improving it for markets. Thereby opening their business to larger demographics as their marketing material is more easily digestable and mainstream. Furthermore, it could clearly state a business' intention rather than before. These benefits, however, are could of and should ofs. In reality, it may play out entirely different. In this context, though, I wish to explore this path with my abilities and hopefully give nuance to some lesser-known businesses. By me alone this could not be fulfilled and will be of the assistance of the people themselves. I don't expect them to do the heavy work and I wish to be helpful to their business entirely. Which means, I want to be ingrained into the company, doing all that can be done. At this point I have puffed my chest, explaining to you all the possibilities and future successes that await - but what? If I indeed wish to help said groups and levitate some of the burden that is marketing, will I receive anything for my due reward? No, not in the slightest. Instead, I opted for helping for the sake of it, to the best of my ability, of course. By and large, I find no gain in this and never should I. Creating a positive impact for the sake of it is enough for me. No way should I take for granted these gifts people have given me, and I should be forever grateful for them. Perhaps gloating at all to you, to anybody is purposeless. Maybe by now you had at least a hundred people explain their woes but never highlight others. On the other hand, maybe you had people explain their desperate situations while being in the aid of people regardless. Either case I find that remaining humble is the only way to go. Today, I find myself resisting my pleasures to gloat but its not always easy, but I'll try. In faith and in due time.
Selin Alexandra Legacy Scholarship for the Arts
Over the years, art has been my escape and also a hobby. Usually it's when a distressing situation occurs and I find calmness in doing so. Furhermore, it has been a tool in building relationships and still is. Namely, when I had made, say a comic, there's some area to make conversation. Either that comes from the content itself, or it inspires someone to think of such and such. It seems there's been a grand influence of my art upon not only me but other people, which makes me feel validated. Although that's not always the case as I just doodle just out of boredom at most times. Where I have moments to doodle out of frustration, it's not always the best. Fortunately, the likelihood of me experiencing such frustration has gotten rarer over the years. That is a result of me finding more ways to appreciate even the most debilitating aspects of life. Reason?: well that's because I have read the Bible and attempted to carry out its teachings. I genuinely believe this is the sole reason why I have not been so angry recently. However, I have been failing to always understand its teachings as many do. It's been due to our selfish desires to remain on top - whatever it takes. Many could speculate and dissect its purpose, but the Bible has a profound effect upon people. Whether they wish to believe it isn't up to them though. Having said this, we don't have as much control in life as we wish. God, of course, retains all control over our being and environment. Our problem here is that we want control in our lives, but that's the opposite of what we need. What we need is stability and sustainability. A life without purpose is no life at all. Some wish to live idlely by without any knowledge of a life beyond our own, but I don't as many others have. Accepting things as it is not my thing anymore. No, I'm done with complacency - I'm taking action. That's why I feel taking my art and using it productively for the sake of others, not me. Today, I am pursuing graphic design and I have already practiced this skill with a organization (which I will refrain of speaking of so not to boast) and I am happy that they liked what I did. So, I hope you enjoyed this essay and understand my motivations behind my art. Not all of it is the best but so is life. We try our hardest but always fall short. Instead, try to help despite the pitfalls, the miseries, the doubt, and you will begin to look long-term. Thank you for helping me and have a great day!
Valerie Rabb Academic Scholarship
As I plan to pursue a career in graphic design, I have begun to see its potential impact on me and others. Namely, I've found that the career encourages collaboration and ingenuity. Collaboration amongst team members when discussing the future of a brand and how it must represent this and that. Ingeunity when there's a slump in a company and there's a need for fresh ideas. All of these are covered by my career. In essence, graphic design is at the heart of marketing. How ads are designed, logos are made, and packages are printed determines how the customer will receive your company. However branding and the marketing end are two completely different areas, but with some similarities. One of which is the thought process of the customer. If I wish to make a logo with my team that markets to a younger demographic, we'll incorporate trendy design cues that resemble the media that customer base consumes. This tactic is key for a company to remain afloat, but not all the time. Like Ford, it had remained to be trustworthy in its marketing and branding that they had yet tried to appeal to a different demographic (with the only exception being the ford mustang.) Come 2024 I had done something that I feel had appealed to the group my organization was trying to reach. That group, Ray Olley Memorial Project, had tasked me (or, at least, my dad did) of designing their website. With little to no knowledge how to do so, I was at a loss. Nevertheless I pressed on and I felt that paid off. By the end of it I had finished the website, compiling it only to one page. Simply put, I had only modernized and simplified the website to appeal to a current climate. If you wish to view the website, feel free to search "rayolleymemorial.com" in your url and you should arrive at our landing page. As with the logo, that had also been altered with this new website. To view it, just look at the icon on the tab or favicon and open image in a new tab. Although it may not appear as high quality as it was made. Either way, I think this was a starting point for my career to start helping people. You have heard the hurdles, the problems, and the wins, so I think you should hear how it ends. By the end of this year, I plan to attend college and begin doing more of these projects. In conclusion, life doesn't have to be sorrow only if you rise above it and get out of that headspace, making your impact. If you have a complaint, don't whine, take action. I'm beginning my impact, are you? Thank you for reading this, and I believe you will prevail in the darkest times, even in darkness light cannot be overcome. However a star can't shine without it.
Devin Chase Vancil Art and Music Scholarship
Art and it original purpose dates back two-thousand years. Those times it was used for communication and worked rather well. Today, though, its purpose has changed a bit. Now it's considered entertainment with cartoons, comic strips/books, and the like. There's some variants with our art museums, which, mainly showcase ancient work where art had a different meaning. However I remain to think that art still has that ability - there just needs to be changed. Hi, I'm Noah and I have quite a lot of insight when it comes to art (preferably design.) In recent years, I had been disappointed by its current lack of effort to convey meaning. Some come to the conlcusion that the abscense of skill shows that the art had some deep idea. In reality, there is no such thing. That boils down to people's severe takes on society and all that it entails. It feels more like college kids advocating about something completely arbitrary meanwhile they live day-in/day-out in a studio apartment. Hypocritical might emphasize this point that I am making. To continue, the world has great people, great sites, and poor ideas. Furthermore, the ideas usually reside out of spite or hatred for one person. Whether that would be some gruesome image of a dictator or someone that had committed some crime. Either way, I find it unnecessary and pitiful. What we should be doing it is using our skills to bring together - not break down. Being together makes us more productive as a people and more connected. That's why the importance of art is key to communication. As we may have many languages, at least with art, we all speak one. So before you release your anger onto that canvas of yours, remember what you are doing. If we want any semblance of unity in this world we need to begin to enjoy each other while we can. Life is short, and we can't predict who may live long to see the fruits of our labor. So even if we are fighting for good reason, be in the moment. Live as if you are going to live on for a second. Not saying pursue your darkest desires, but give all that you can when you can. That is our responsibility, as artists, to do for the greater good. Thank you for reading this and I hope you have a great day! - N.M.
Christal Carter Creative Arts Scholarship
Art has deeply impacted me and has helped me befriend many people in school. As many in my school had yet to attain a trained drawing ability, I standed out. So many were in awe of how I had simply made a quality drawing in just a few seconds. Well this whole idea had been a bit of a ego boost - I'd admit - but it really helped me make friends. Initially, though, I had not been much of the artist as I am today. Yes, way back when I though I sucked at art, but, in reality, that was a bit farfetched. However I could say that people around me could be equally as good if they wish to do it. You see the idea of a good artist comes down to vision and time. If you envision yourself doing a certain thing, do it. If not, why are you attempting to do it in the first place? Now, of course, there might play a bit of creativity and imagination, but I digress. On to why it has been such a draw for me. That question is interesting because it's difficult for me to answer. I though that I couldn't do several other things that art would be something I could excel at. As it turns out, it does, but I think it comes natural. For some reason I can easily decipher bad design from good ones and find there issues down to the smallest detail. Yet, I can not think why this comes natural to me but not anyone else - at least, those I know. Although some can at least pick out what seems to be a good design besides the fact I might find it more crude than anything. Moving on. So it seems that there is some natural draw to art and I sort of adapted to it. Drawing is one of my favorites, and I can make a realistic person under a minute. I have found that it takes little to no effort, and I when I do the art turns out - in my opinion - bad. Furthermore, this ability might actually have some pratical use. As of recent years I have gotten into graphic design. Graphic design, as you know, involves designing usually for marketing. Back in 2024, I had been given the opportunity to work on a website for Ray Olley Memorial Project. R.O.M.P. is a non-profit, helping veterans and animals effected by PTSD and other conditions. Relaying back, I was given the mission to make their website great and I think I did a decent job but someone can always do better. In life its always about improvement and this marks one of them. I thank you and I thank many others for giving me the opportunity to explain why I do this and how that's helped. Maybe God had set me out on doing this but I hope I can help people (not myself) with this. Looking back, I was ashamed that I was cocky and arrogant while I could have been compassionate and teach people. Today, I think that is changing. No matter how great you are at something, know that this is gift, a gift is not taken for granted.
Angelia Zeigler Gibbs Book Scholarship
Way back when I had a affinity for drawing and just plain doodling. Mainly, I would focus on drawing people and then finally animals, which would lead me to houses. From that, came designing logos alongside all the aforementioned subjects. Logos weren't that easy for me to do per say. That was due to the fact I was so stimulated by all this tech that my mind didn't think of anything creative. To elinmate this drought of inspiration, I had begun to diverge away from entertainment, and with that, my ability improved. Although this would take several years and was not easy at all. I mean, when technology is all around you, it's hard to look away. Nevertheless, I became more disconnected which helped my drawings flourish. So at the age of ten or eleven I came up with the idea of a TV show. That TV show in question would be named "Mystery Galaxy." Starting out as a rather stupid idea really started to branch off into several other ideas. As of 2024, there was at least ten to twenty different logos I made, all of which are from different genres. With that in mind what had set my career in place? Well that would be in Spring 2023 where I begun a abrtibatryary career path project. Obviously I took this as a easy way to get that A+, but eventually I became deeply invested in the field of Graphic Design. Which is now what I am pursuing because I found this to fall in line with my abilities. So things look like they were meant to be.
Freddie L Brown Sr. Scholarship
Lucent Scholarship
Earlier in my life (which, to be honest, was only seven years ago) I had begun to experiment drawing logos. What I found rather arbitary at the time really propelled me down this route. What had cemented this the most was my knack for drawing - that begun ten years ago. In 2017, I started this little project called "Mystery Galaxy". Well that 'little' project was going to be the title for my TV show. I had gone through several revisons until 2018 when I cut off the project completely (not a long run, right?) That was not in vain, though. Eventually I began to use different, more well-known, logos. Although this would come later in the beginning of 2024. At that point I had determined my career path but with no material to prove it. In actuality, I had begun thinking this back in the school project about careers. Initially, I paid little to no attention to this project and just did it just to fill the course requirement. Slowly but surely I became deeply invested into the Graphic Design sphere. Why? Well I could say that boils down to previous abilities, and my innate sense to find good designs. In the summer of that year I began to draw cars, logos, and even houses. Things I would have otherwise avoided back then came in the forefront to achieve this goal. Currently, I have made a website and some (unofficial) logos. The website in question is called "rayolleymemorial.com" and was not without the support of the R.O.M.P. (Ray Olley Memorial Project) and my dad. All have been great contributors to my success and my furture successes. Moving on. Now I began to fiddle with digital software and predominately Canva. Canva is a great tool for all businesses and independent Graphic Designers. Whether that would be for marketing and logos Canva is an all 'round great software. Shifting gears, I used other more amateur softwares like: Pencil2D, Libreoffice, WPS Office, and Openoffice. Primarily for these office softwares I used their presentation compatibility feature. Utilizing shapes and other graphical elements got me to make this logo of a pharmaceutical company. Although the lack of proper resources, it was relatively easy and intuitive. Typically I like to live with less. So all that summed up and you got me right now. On the verge of applying for college and getting a degree in Graphic Design I think I made a great decision.
Charles B. Brazelton Memorial Scholarship
Initially, I wanted to be a cartoonist for a TV show of mine. However, in later years, that has changed. Well that boils down to the fact I think that was too much to ask for and just not feasible for my current lifestyle. Today, that perspective has been long lost--for good reason too. I do not wish to embark on the path everyone else is and not really improve or add anything nuanced but just be more of the same. That was going to happen until I realized graphic design was a thing. Way back when I had experimented with logos and other design aspects just for the fun of it. Now, that is almost a daily occurrence. For reasons unknown, I got really knees deep into the whole graphic design sphere. Which, was motivated by my designs for that TV show back then. I called the show "Mystery Galaxy" it would feature myself along with various past and future versions of me. Each episode would involve some sort of cosmic mystery (hence the name) and our character would travel across the stars. Furthermore--I thought--to add a aspect of time travel. At the time I was heavily invested into Dr. Who (not a direct inspiration as I had made this long before i got into it). Nevertheless I kept going and going and then nothing. Eventually I became so interested in just art in general--not so much the idea but the part in which it is relaxing. Out of all hobbies, art seems to be the most relaxing. Not to say others are not but I found this to be so. So there it came and went; my TV show. Looking back, I had seen my whole aspiration being purely self-motivated. Instead, my options have broadened as well as my perspective. In recent years I have gotten into religion which has changed my whole perception of life itself. It has also gotten me to be more compassionate to others. Seeing that the world needed help I found that I can put my art skills to good use. beginning with designing logos for a memorial project for veterans. Not only, but I began to do their website as well. I would attribute all this success to the God Almighty. He and only he has set me up for greatness. So in this section of my paragraph its time to reflect upon the previous perception of a career. As time has gone on I have become less selfish and more selfless but some could attest that I am the same as I was before and they might be right. As humans we are always looking out for ourselves over one another. Not that we always want to but that the devil always has his pangs on our flesh. And that is my leaving remark. I hope this finds you well whoever is reading this. For Though my grammar is not on par with many others, and my whole perspective is purely dictated on my experiences. I hope you could see the fruitfulness in helping others not by kindness, but compassion.
LGBTQ+ Wellness in Action Scholarship
Well,this is going to be an easy one. I guess you could say that I'm a bit of a incompetent fool who wants to suck your money out of your pocket because I have to deal with the ridiculously overpriced tuition in this country. And that you'd be right. That's because these times are easy but also there's some difficulty, as is most things. Difficulties relating to costs and overall financial wellbeing has become quite severe as of late. However, that was easily overcome by pursuing what I love besides the financial burdens that come with it. As you could be going all your life to get the bag, which leaves you back at square one; craving for more. As money can't and won't be able to fulfill your desires no matter how much there is. That's why there's a lot of trouble with people working nine to fives. They always seem to be in a never-ending rat race to get by. Which is why I don't look towards money, instead I opt for passion in the creatives. Meanwhile everyone's stressing about what they're getting paid that week, I'll keep on drawing, designing, and creating despite the shortcomings. But that's what they are 'short' and that means absolutely nothing when you think about it. So perhaps challenges may not pertain to me at the moment in relation to my physical, mental, or spiritual well-being. That's all thanks to my creative abilities and a knack for drawing. (I love to draw by the way) Anyways, the point is that my life is in a perfect place right now and I have nothing to complain about. However I can't say that about other people. My heart goes out to you who are experiencing financial worry or are struggling with relationships. Put it simply, I can't be one to decide on whether or not the situation you're in is much of a bother because I'm not you---whether fortunately or unfortunately. Moving on, I have to face facts and realize not everything is as doom and gloom as it appears and that is all based on perspective. (There's that word again) Perspective matters so deeply in the subject of all things. Hence why it is so important, and why I like to tell this to people. Maybe someday we may all share the same perspective so we won't face these hurdles in life but that's perhaps a bit far fetched. Got to admit, I'm not so open-minded but the improvement is subtle. Slowly I've looked at several people's stories not just here, but across the globe. All have their variations but the worries remain the same. This fact brings us together in a way. When one struggles with a problem they can, at least, know that someone out there is in the same place they're in---that's comforting. Nevertheless overcoming obstacles require proper venting through sharing, creating, and adapting. Adapting, as in adjusting to the problems that lie. Now I know the prompt explicitly said it was about me but there's many more people that need the attention besides me.
Student Life Photography Scholarship
Level Up Scholarship
Video games as a genre has not only impacted my life but the life of so many others. That's because the video gaming industry is founded off of the idea of a person exploring worlds and being the main character in a story. So then it branched out offering several subgenres that you could get into. Most of which encourage collaborative play whether online or with your family. Interestingly though, this wasn't the reason I got into this in the first place. No, this was a result of my love for cars. Cars of all types and especially the fast ones. Which made me stumble upon a game called "Need for Speed: Most Wanted" (2012 version, not 2005.) This game brought the concept of driving recklessly through neighborhood in a very expensive car to the next level. Bringing up several activites throughout the map to really get you chasing for that high score. One car that I could not stay away from was the Ford GT 2006, with its rowdy five liter v8 pumping out more horsepower than the chariots in Rome. This really was the ideal car for me. However it wasn't just the power but the sound. The developers had curated the best sounding cars in gaming ever---in my opinion. Delivering quite gutteral sounds to an already exciting game. Furthermore, the sense of speed in the game is great ableit unrealistic, but dang is it engaging. Moving on. Today, though, I've gotten into a whole new genre of gaming. That being the simulation games. Those style of games got that realism without making it boring. "How does this attribute to the impact of your life?", you may ask. Well that's easily summed up by saying it brought my family together during those time where we're stuck indoors. Along with others boradening my knowledge of things in the real world. Yes video games can give you pracitical knowhow in real life (despite what many say.) Otherwise games can provide decent entertainment when I'm bored, which, covers most of my free time. On the other hand there's an incentive to spend time with friends when say, it's storming outside. Perhaps there's a bit of worry on it destroying our attention span, but I haven't seen that being a problem. Of course, many of my peers may or may suffer under the same circumstance but that's beyond my knowledge. So, in summary, games have helped my life as well as others and it shows everyday.
John Young 'Pursue Your Passion' Scholarship
I've chosen graphic designing as a career because it could very well help local businesses with modern advertising. Not only that, but helping them with branding to convey a certain idea that wasn't clear previously. By enhancing product design and promotion in a modern sense, but also including creative or innovative imagery that sets apart the brand from others. Thus creating a more distinct style that will drive a business to success with their customer base. Moving on...I wish to harness my creative abilities for the greater good of the community not so myself. As more I see the whole idea of helping the self while everyone else is neglected. Not in this case. Instead, advertising and websites---like this one: https://rayolleymemorial.com/ ---show how there's an innate need for improvement for those businesses that don't have a true set and stone marketing. Now graphic design doesn't inherently mean that it's marketing and advertising, but I like to think of it that way. Think of it as a alternative to fine art but its paintings and sculptures are the way to get the eyes of corporations. (Not that they don't arleady but I digress) Graphic design is a broad field and there's many pathways; this is what I chose. Hopefully my awful grammar can be brushed over and the main message is still made clear. That message being for those that desire a career such as this; never give up. No matter how many hurdles come your way and whomever doubts your abilities as a person---don't listen. More likely they're envious of your success (or future success) and how that might effect theirs. To them, I'd say that they are as capable as anyone in terms of success and it doesn't matter what career it may be...kinda. Well I hope this message is received well with you and I hope you carry this for the rest of your life. Thank you.