Nikya Fields
Bold Points1x
Nikya Fields
Bold Points1x
Tupelo High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Technical bootcamp
Majors of interest:
- Military Technologies and Applied Sciences, Other
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Collision Repair Technician
Future Interests
Bold Speak Your Mind Scholarship
Goodmorning! As a young black woman I believe speaking my mind is a very critical thing to learn at a young age. My mother always taught us to watch our surroundings and observe everything at all times. As a young child I would see things that I knew were not right and at first I wouldn’t say anything to anyone but when I saw people getting the wrong treatment or getting blamed for something they didn’t do I knew that I had to speak up and tell what I had witnessed.
I am now 19 years old and I speak my mind proudly! I do not do it aggressively, I do not do it rudely, but I do it boldly. There are lots of things that happen to people but woman in general that make us feel like our voices do not matter and that’s not the case. We have to make sure that we are making our voices heard and standing up for what right. Integrity will take you a long way and I learned when I was in high school. I was bullied and I saw other getting bullied. Boy and girls would just stand by and let other pick on certain people but I believed that it was wrong so I was their voice and stopped it. Speaking up has help me gain confidence and now I won’t back down from any obstacle. I want everyone to know that they are heard. Thank you for reading!
Bold Gratitude Scholarship
Goodmorning! My name is Nikya Fields and I am 19 years old. I attend UTI in Houston,TX but I am from a small city called Tupelo,MS. My whole life is a blessing! I was raised up in church and taught to always be thankful for what I ahem because things could be much worse than what they are. Lot of people focus on the negative in their life but I choose to look at the positive because I know that I don't own all of the problems in the world so why not smile?! I have a grateful heart and I always will. Ofcourse I would be very grateful to receive this scholarship and help my mother financially but if I don't I can accept that it might not be my time right now. Nothing in my life has been easy but everything I ave been through has been worth it because God never fails to show me how good he is and how good I have it even when its bad. Thank you for taking out the time to read my application. have a nice day
Robert Lee, Sr. and Bernice Williams Memorial Scholarship
Goodmorning! How are you? My name is Nikya Fields and I am 19 years hold. My life has always been full of adversity and challenges and at I was a very shy and scared person but over time I found out that I could overcome anything or anyone that came int my life with negativity. As a child I was bullied and I never knew how to handle but my mother taught to me to love myself and use the word of God to overcome everything. Loving God taught me to love myself and over time time this showed me that the negativity, the harsh words, being treated differently was happening to mold and shape me into the person that I am meant to be. Many people use hardships to quit but I use it to fuel my passion for success.
My skin color played a major role in how people treated me. I am currently in college but before I got accepted into school I was working as a painter in a body shop and when people, mainly males, would see me working they would criticize me and say things that were rude and/or sexual to me. I would let a lot slide to keep my professionalism but when I needed to I stood up the them because being a young black female in the career I chose is very challenging but I handle it well. I can truly say I overcome adversity with kindness. I always hear my family say "It is easy to be kind to someone that is kind to you but you find out who you really are when you can treat someone kind while they treat you wrong" and I live by that because treating someone how you expect to be treated is how you will always succeed.
My plan after college is to open up my own body shop. I love my craft and what I do and I want to let everybody, especially females, that there is no such thing as a "gender role" job! People have made it seem like doing something out of the ordinary is wrong but it is an amazing thing. I plan to hire as many females as I can at my shop that have the proper training. I also want to make sure I support and donate to my community. Supplying many discounts and free tours for schools at my shop. I also want to start a program for little girls to come and get some training at the shop just to see if they would like I. The world will always need mechanics and collision repair technicians so I plan to make sure male and/or females are available! Thank you for reading and I would very grateful to receive this scholarship and get some financial help for tuition. Enjoy your day!
Collision Repair Technology Scholarship
WinnerGood-morning, I am choosing collusion repair as my career because I have developed a love for the craft over my high school journery. Collision repair is a mixture of automotive, welding, painting and body work. I love collision repair for that very reason because I am not just learning how to do one thing I am learning a variety of trades just by investing in collision repair. I believe I will be awarded this scholarship because I am dedicated in pursuing a higher education and it would definantly be financially beneficial to not just me but my mother as well. My plan is to move to a different state to attend one of the best technical colleges to make sure I am certified in everything that my field requires me to be the best in. I am a hard worker and I am dedicated to becoming a better collision repair technician and I think this schorarship would help me in many ways in the present and in the future. I intend on advertising and making it known that collision repair is for anybody of any age and can be done by any gender. If someone is lost in what they want to do as a career I would definitely introduce them to collision repair as a start to help them figuring their future out. I promise to achieve being one of the most successful FEMALE collision repair body shop owners. Throughout my time doing collision repair I have seen and heard many things of females not being welcome in the field but I want to be here to not only let males know but females as well know that they are capable of anything. My main goal is to open up my own body shop and simply be the best I can be and help others to perfect the craft that we will all have a love for. I would love for one day to maybe start my own scholarship or even program to assist them that want to pursue the career but need guidance or even financial help. Things in this field change daily and I can't wait to see what the collision repair field has in store for me. I am going to attend Universal Technical Institute in Houston,TX. I will be attending there for a year and getting all of my certificates to in collision repair. Thank you for taking out your time and reading my essay. Have a great day!