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Nickolas Rau


Bold Points




Chase County High School

High School
2018 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Mathematics and Statistics, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:




      2019 – Present6 years


      2020 – Present5 years

      Cross-Country Running

      2021 – 2021

      Future Interests




      Skin Grip Diabetes Scholarship
      Pro-Life Advocates Scholarship
      I live in a small town of 2,000 people. Every day, on my way to school, I see this sign that says 'Remember, your parents chose life.' I always see that sign and remember that I am lucky to be born into a great family that did choose for me to live. When my older brother was born with down syndrome, the doctor's first option was to have my brother be aborted. With my parents being Christian, they instantly, without thought, chose not to kill my older brother. When I first heard this story, I was shocked that this was the first option that my parents heard after they found out that he was disabled. I simply couldn't believe that it was true. Now, I look at my older brother as one of the greatest people in my life. I couldn't imagine living without him. Just a month ago, I was doing research for a research paper in my college English class. The paper wasn't about abortion, but I included it because the paper connected with it in a way. I looked up how many babies were aborted per year, and found out that in 2018, close to 200 per 1000 babies are aborted every year according to the CDC. When I saw this stat, I quickly remembered what my parents told me about my brother. This stat hit me like a truck. I had no idea that that many babies were killed each year. Although I have not personally had the experience of promoting pro-life, I will never even think about abortion when having kids. I have heard stories of people who were born only expected to live for a few hours or days, living for more than 30-40 years. I always know that miracles can happen, and so even if my future kids have slim to no chance of making it to even one year old, I will let that baby live and I will cherish every moment that I have with that kid until it's dying day. It is annoying to me that parents would ever give up on their kids. The fact of just knowing that there are millions of babies not making it out of the hospital makes me sick. It is your kid, and I don't understand how parents can live knowing that they killed their own child. If my parents were to be asked to kill me. I would guarantee that no matter what I did. Nothing could make them upset enough to make them want to kill me. Their unconditional love for me would always trump their hate for me at any moment. With the knowledge of that, there is no reason that I should be any different. This is why I firmly believe that no babies should ever be aborted, and why I will always stick up for the unborn. There is no life that doesn't matter in my opinion, even the one that can't do anything for themselves.
      New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
      I am the type of person who works on something until it is perfect or very close to perfection. Whether that be a piece of music on one of many instruments or an art project that I randomly start. I like to also always add the small things into these projects that make them just that much more fun or just overall better. Once that process is done, I feel accomplished and also sad that I know that there is nothing else that I need to do because it is as close to perfect in my eyes that I can see it.
      Nickolas Rau Student Profile |