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Clara Newman


Bold Points




My main goal in life is to use my education to better myself and others. In college, I plan to focus my studies around chemistry and how it can be used in environmental and health sciences. I am passionate about being active in my community through volunteering and extracurricular activities. I am an immensely motivated person, and I am dedicated to fulfilling my educational and career aspirations.


Millennium High School

High School
2022 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
    • Chemistry
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Future Interests





      Windward Spirit Scholarship
      The comparison between "The Greatest Generation" and Millennial-Gen Z highlights the resilience of younger generations. During the 1930s and World War II, young people at that time were faced with difficult decisions. War, poverty, and economic turmoil all posed obstacles to achieving their present and future goals. Similarly, youth today are challenged by many of the same factors. The Ode To Millennials-Gen Z illustrates that many see a divide between younger and older generations. Technological and cultural barriers seem to separate people of different age ranges. Rather than working apart, I think it is essential for the future of our world to collaborate. In modern times, we experience many of the issues older generations faced. There are ongoing wars, humanitarian crises, and financial struggles. Just as older generations persevered toward success, I believe youth today can follow in their footsteps. By taking inspiration from the Greatest Generation, Millennials and Gen-Z can find a way to overcome these hardships. The passage also states that many older generations feel blamed by youth today for the modern state of our world. I sympathize with those experiencing feelings of guilt. In no way should any generation different be held accountable for the current craze of today's time. We all "rendezvous with destiny", as President Roosevelt said, thus we should all have a common understanding of the importance of helping one another. Age differences aside, we must all work together to better ourselves and our community.
      New Kids Can Scholarship
      On the first day of junior year, my life completely changed. I went from my small, sheltered charter school to one of the largest public schools in my state. The culture shock I experienced changed the trajectory of my educational and social life. For the first two years of high school, I went to a classical charter school. Our studies were focused on traditional art and literature. We learned Latin, memorized poetry, and read the works of ancient writers. If any word of pop culture was mentioned, students received a detention. This trained us to fear modern culture and embrace the traditions of the past. With this rule in place, it was very difficult to make friends. Beethoven's symphonies were not the easiest conversation starters in comparison to modern-day albums. I felt very secluded and alone, not knowing how to create relationships with my peers. I unenrolled the summer after sophomore year. I had nothing to lose, so I thought a change of schools would be beneficial. After the first bell rang, that feeling of solidarity sunk in once again. I stared at already-established friendships and connections, fearing it was too late for me to fit in. On my way to lunch, I asked a girl where the cafeteria was. She directed me, and I thanked her while explaining I was new. To my surprise, she told me that was her first day at that school as well. I felt so grateful to have someone who understood what I was going through. We have been best friends ever since. Being "the new kid" has affected my life by introducing me to people I never would have gotten the chance to meet. Beforehand, I felt my unfamiliarity with the school put me at a disadvantage in meeting new people and trying different things. Contrastingly, it gave me new opportunities to go out of my comfort zone and build new relationships. My social life is filled with amazing friends I cherish and clubs I am passionate about. By changing schools, I was also able to experience new educational opportunities. My participation in forensic studies and physics experiments has developed my love of science. This has inspired me to pursue a degree in chemistry and use my education in environmental activism. Going to a new school has immensely impacted my future career and education goals, as I have been inspired to follow my passions. I am very dedicated to bettering my community, and one day I hope to participate in climate change efforts on an international scale. Being "the new kid" has changed the trajectory of both my present and future. I am eternally grateful for the connections I have made and look forward to what lies ahead.
      Marian Haley Memorial Scholarship
      My favorite place was a classroom before I was ever enrolled in school. My mother, an Arizona public school teacher, invited me to her school to see her teach and work with students. I was fascinated from my very first visit. I stamped papers, restocked supplies, and gleefully watched the seemingly grown fifth-grade students. Over a decade later, the impact of seeing the dual perspectives of both teachers and students has given me a life-long respect for educators. Starting high school, I was set on becoming a physician. I am fascinated by healthcare, especially with the impact it creates by bettering the quality of life for many. My ambition of pursuing a medical degree will be a product of many years spent learning in college. Experienced professors will share their decades of knowledge with younger generations, preparing them for their trials ahead. My life goal is to get a doctorate and dedicate myself to bettering others. To me, the greatest fulfillment is assisting others both mentally and physically. My goal is to aid communities, whether it be my own or in foreign places. Education is the foundation of self-growth. To truly better yourself, you must learn to accept and overcome change. When I was in middle school, my mom retired from teaching to work at home. I was devastated thinking that I'd never experience the bonds that I had created with the teachers and students at her school. When I started high school, my fear became even worse. I went from a small, sheltered school to one of the largest public schools in the valley. I quickly realized that my fellow students had the same goals and aspirations as me. We all wanted to better ourselves and worked together to do so. As I prepare to graduate, I am eternally grateful for what education has brought me. It is so much more than a classroom, and the impact it brings spans far beyond any campus. Education has inspired me to follow what I love, ultimately driving me to become a doctor. Education has also allowed me to experience new opportunities, such as travel and creating new friends. The lifetime bonds I have made with my peers will forever influence me to collaborate and work with others. To me, education is an essential factor in cultivating greatness. It is knowledge passed down to others, using the past to inspire the future.