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Nemecis Murillo


Bold Points






Hi, my name is Nemecis, I am a current High School Senior. I am an Upper Bound Scholar. I would describe myself as an active person who likes to read, and do any type of sport( very competitive). I am into music, puzzles, and computer design. I was born in Honduras, Centro America in a small village. When I was ten my parents brought me to the United State to study due to the lack of a source to survive. I am a first-generation in my family who have the ability to an education. I want to persuade a career in Traver Nursing and specialize as an anesthesiologist.


Central High School

High School
2019 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Medicine
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

      Traveling Nursing, anesthesiologist, and youth congress medical team

    • Intern

      Mercer Community Colleges
      2019 – 2019



    2019 – 20201 year


    • no


    • High School

      2020 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Church — A Human
      2020 – Present

    Future Interests





    Rita's First-Gen Scholarship
    For me, college means an act of rebellion against the stereotypical system that keeps trying to make me one more number in the statistics as a failure-college is a door to a new world, a world in which I can be anything or anyone freely. A successful mission escaping from the prejudgement and pride of the toxic misogynist culture, I was born into-a hope for a better job and higher pay: a potential opportunity for a better life. I am a full-time high school student-both of my parent's work- babysit my little siblings after school until my mother comes back from work at 5:45 P.M. I am current an upper bound scholar, a youth church member, the secretary of the senior class at my high school. After school, I pick my little brothers from their current babysitter. Then, come to the home to clean the house, cook, make my little brother of six do his homework, check my other baby brother of one year old is well cared off, make sure both are well physically and mentally. Do my assignment, and keep up with personal care. During my self-care time, I make a list to keep everything in order and give myself time to handle everything properly. Do hygiene, clean my room, and take a break for meditation. I like to read while listening to music, do yoga, and dance in my free time. People have told me that I am a curious person. Which, I agree. I like to explore and learn new things. I usually do a fun fact quest to add more knowledge to myself every day. Especially English is the second language I like to expand my vocabulary. So when I communicate, I can express myself better. I feed my curiosity by reading and searching everywhere.
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Nemecis Murillo, a high school senior. Latina from Honduras in Central America. I am Five-two feet, olive skin, and brunette hair. I have black eyes, eyebrows, and long eyelashes. My body is slim, and I have long wavy hair. I love to take pictures, dance, and be active. My friend would describe me as a ray of sunshine and a very extrovert, with which I agree! My favorite color would be baby blue, and the animals would be bears. My clothing is neutral and cream colors aesthete. First-generation to go to college. I am bilingual speak Español and English. Peruse Traver Nursing as my career. Algebra Scholarship
    Math is a subject that many dislike and few like. If you had asked me if I liked math when I was little, I would have told you a big no that it was too difficult to handle. However, now that I am older, I have to admit I have developed a liking toward math. My pleasure in solving math problems started was in my seventh grade, a middle student. At the time, my math teacher shows us a math video game. We had to solve a math problem to level up or fight each other to see who solved more problems. That was how I was- introduced to the math world. One of the main reasons I played was because Higher levels mean you have more power and flexibility. An example would be their appearances and abilities. I could also add them to our account. The higher you level you got more potential you got to be the ruder of the little village. It was a fun game to play. I found out since a little that I would use math in my daily life. But, simple math is not the challenging one that includes letters and numbers. I don't need to know how much Pie or solve for x when I go to market. But, I do need to know basic math such as adding, multiplication, and subtracting to exchange goods. However, to pursue a profession, we do need more complex math. Doctors need to know more than simple math to prescribe to their patients. Engineers need to know more than simple math to build without worrying that it would fall. Some of the men and women the made history knew more than simple math. Although it doesn't seem we need algebra or any challenging math to survive or live our daily-basic. We do need more than the basics to sustenance and maintain our world. To create and develop better ways of living our lives. Mathematics makes our life orderly and prevents chaos. Certain qualities nurtured by mathematics are a power of reasoning, creativity, abstraction. And spatial thinking, critical thinking, problem-solving ability, and successful communication skills. Math is an important skill we use in our daily life. As a woman interested in STEM, I know that to be successful. I need to be passionate about numbers and feel comfortable with a subject such as algebra, geometry, reading chart, and how to get percent. In my observation of the world around me. It was impossible not to notice how math shapes our world. From the globe, trees, houses, cars, streets, and even how the rives flow are math shaping.
    Evie Irie Misfit Scholarship
    I am a bold, loud, confident female who speaks up about what I think is right or wrong. I was born in a macho culture, where women are submissive in general to men, and being like me was wrong. My parents had girls before males. My sister and I; were taught by our parents to be independent- no needing a man. However, My parent family members would disagree and educate us to be submissives showing our role as women. I never like the character of submission, and I act the oppositive. My father's family members' neighbors label and stereotypes me as a lost cause and not good enough. I was called machorra (women who act like a man in a terrible way). They would curse at me, mock my parent because they had daughters first and not sons. While growing up, I heard them predict my future as a young pregnant girl who doesn't know how to do anything or as a single woman forever-no man would want me. I was filled with anxiety, depression, and stress by those words. My parents were poor. They didn't have a house, live within their father's parents' house. It was an awful experience that I don't even wish my worst enemy passed through. I would hear them speak ill every day and night. My parents came to the United States to work and to bring me to study. When I come to the United States of America, I look different from the people around me. I had used to be bully for my accent and looks. It got to a point where I wouldn't talk because I would fear being mock off. I biter the idea that I was different from others, in not only look but midset. I wish to pursue a career in the medical field as an anesthetist, and being shy is not use in such a file. I have seen people in need of medical services-myself need medical services in which were not provide. I have seen people dying of pain to death in front of me, and I want to help them. I am a spoken person; I am not afraid of speaking in public health care perfect fit for me. I want to be a model role toward Latinos and any other race girls, show them that we born as women are not a curse but a blessing, we can do anything in these worlds, and being unique and different makes us special. I want to contribute to the destruction of stereotypes toward women being weak. I want to show my cousins that born as a woman doesn't mean we called be submissives with no dreams or goals. We can be anything we desire. My goals are to use my unique perspective to make a move in the world to change olds mindsets to a new opportunity for humanity. To change the old generation's point of view to predicting our futures, that we don't have to suffer as they did, neither make their mistake. I am a unique masterpiece created for purposes as a woman!
    Simple Studies Scholarship
    Being the first generation to having the opportunity to have an education, colleges are a most get goal. For I am not only representing myself but my family honor and all Hispanic female like me. We are in twenty-twenty-one college has become unneeded to be successful. However, the career I want to pursue is in the medical file and college has medical programs that would especially train me to be certified and treat patients. I want to be anesthesia because anesthesia stops people from feeling pain or reduces pain. Since I was little, I had always had leg pained, sometimes would hurt for a whole night. I even stopped playing outside for a long time because a night would suffer leg pain. When I was outside, I had to wear warm clothing because my legs would hurt because of the cold. My poor mother did not know what to do, she took me to the hospital, and the doctor told my mom that my legs hurt because I was growing. However, he didn't give me any medicine to reduce pain. Foward on, my father suffered an accident and broke one of his legs and arm. He could walk neither moved in general because it hurt. He got surgery -now he can move and do ordinary stuff, but he suffers from severe pain. I have seen my father cry out of pain. My grandfather suffered from an illness that killed him. When he was alive, he suffered from severe pain. He laughed it off, but the pain makes him suffer a lot. At the end of my grandfather's lifetime, he told us that we need to let him go-he was going happy if we let him go because it was too painful for him. All of that leads me to decide that I want to make a career in the medical file. However, I didn't know what role I wanted. I search and learn about anesthetists-I truly felt I called. I want to help people who are suffering pain similar to my family and me. I want to help to release pain and see them smile in their life. I think college can grant me that opportunity to choose a medical career.
    Brynn Elliott "Tell Me I’m Pretty" Scholarship
    While growing up, I have mostly been around by women. In my country-culture women stay at home, take care of kids, make food, clean, fix anything that needs to be done, and teach the next generation. Out of those women, I admire my mother, who raised my sister and me mostly alone. She didn't follow the same path as other women, giving up their rights and dream to teach their kids to depend on the male figure to lead them, even if they are wrong. My mother didn't have the opportunity to study. However, she learns the basics of high school mostly by herself. Her father didn't allow her to have an education. My grandfather thought my mom wanted to do the same thing that my mother's sisters did, my aunts. Pregnant at an early age with boys in the school. I admire my mom, who was label as a lost cause by her loved ones, and instead of giving up, she upgrades herself to be better for us, her daughter. She came to the United-State letting my sister and me alone with only a promise of " In one year I would bring you two to me" In a year working two full Job's she brings my sister and me to these countries. She allowed us to study, dream and make a change in society. I admire her because she let us dream of being anyone we want to-she shows me values, personal value, and worthiness. My mother showed me the confidence to do anything in this world if I am determined. She also told me that I couldn't excuse myself for not try in our low-income-family if you desire-do it. Past defines us neither society label. I will carry some life lessons that my mother taught me in my career; Humanity, determination, hard-working, self-love, and worthiness. She taught me boundaries and not limitations not matter the situation. The woman who I most admire is my mother. She taught me how to be bold, determinate, and empower.
    Bold Moments No-Essay Scholarship
    On the day I spoke in a museum about stereotypes. It was my first time that I stoop up to speak about my culture. How was growing up in a macho culture that tried to define me by labeling me as a lost cause and good for nothing. How people like me are being stereotyped for being Hispanic/Latino. It was an experience that changes my life-I started to like public speaking. Even though my all life I had been shy and afraid to speak up. The photo reminds me to be brave, bold, making my voice heard.
    Hailey Julia "Jesus Changed my Life" Scholarship
    Jesus, the son of God, the holy lamp, he who rises from the death, change my life for complete. He saves me from suicide and death. I was born between a Christian and catholic family. However, my grandmothers were the only ones genuinely devoted to their beliefs. Since I was a child, I liked the idea of someone watching over me. So, it didn't bother me that my grandma would bring me to church. Both of them were leaders in their church. However, belief doesn't inherit but your experiences, right! My mom raises me free, without religion nor a tradition. My dad came to the United States when I was only three years old, and my sister five years old. Both of my parents weren't believers. My dad was alcohol, and my mom; was mistreated by her mother-in-law ( suegra) and didn't believe in religion. I am from Honduras in Central America, a low-income family, where women don't have many rights. While I was growing, I hated the idea that God created Adam, a man before Eva, a woman, because a macho culture surrounded me; my country is very macho( a place where women are treated as nothing and men are treated as Gods). I hated God because he created me as a woman and not a man. My sister, myself, mother, aunt, and any female related were mental and physical abuse. When I came to the United States, my father and mother became Christian, my sister and I didn't want to be involved in anything related to God. However, our parents would have brought us to church every week. I already had high-level stress, traumas, anxiety, depression, and many other things from my country, and they were increasing. Then, my classmate bullying me by my appearance in school and hated God even more because he created me to live in this world where people like me were treated less. Therefore, I decided to comment suicide; I hit rock bottom. A day like any other day on the morning of the summer of 2018, I decided to take my own life, and I drank chlorine. My body immediately trouts out, have a horrible taste. I was only fourteen years old, and I freak out; no one around me could have to help me, I was alone at home, and I grabbed my stuff and went to school. While I was outside walking, there was preaching. I don't know where it comes from; it was loud, someone in my neighborhood maybe, but in the preaching, God said, " I create you in this era because I knew you could overcome, come on, step on and move" In the middle of the street I cry until there were no more tears and felt something in me that wake-up. I wiped my tears and went to school. On the same night, my mother took me to church, and the Holy Spirit confront and console me. I cry until there were no more tears; I also cream until I couldn't more. I accept Jesus as my only savior on the night, being serving Jesus since.
    One Move Ahead Chess Scholarship
    I start playing chess around my fourth grade. However, I didn't actually pay attention or care about my sixth grade in middle school. I didn't care about losing or winning. It was just a game. I remember my very first time playing chess; it was red and black ones, cardboard. They didn't have a figure. It was more flat and round with a solid color like a coin. A friend asked to play, but I decline because I didn't know how to play. She thought me the "basic," but what I did was move the piece's front and back. Now, make sense of why she always wins! At the time, I wouldn't say I liked it much, so I left it for like a year. Then, I pick up again when I found an online chess game that makes it easier and funnier. In the beginning, they explain chess and all the basics, and they also collect the game date of before so you can see your progress. You played with a robot and decided the levels from beginner to advance. Things I learn from chess that I include in every part of my life were order and think outside the box. Also, think fast. When playing chess, you have to order everything in line and their positions. You have to think in advance what your opponent thinks and think fast because time is limit. My dream career is being a surgeon, and like chess, people, insider organs have a position. Move wrong is your loose, not only a game but a life. Chess had me understand the importance of move the piece to the right position and think carefully about every move. I would put into practice my experiences in chess in my career. Also, chess has taught me to study. Similarly, we study our opponent's move, and we study our daily school and learning. I played chess once a day, depending on my time. Chess is a great game to learn time management, especially in completion. I do have to give credit to chess for teaching me that practices actually do make the master. I thought I was going never to be good at it because I was terrible from the beginning. However, it was not like that. I can't say I am the best out of the best; there a people who have more practices and experiences than me. But I am good, and I have fun do it.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Nemecis Murillo, and I am a Junior High school student. As a teenager, I several struggles with my mental health. Since I was a little girl, I had away face the fact that I was the chubby kid in my classroom. My classmates were always saying harsh words to me, and my relatives prejudge me. I am a Hispanic female, and our reputation is shallow. I come from a "macho" culture, meaning a male has more opportunities, freedom, and the ability to study, which girls can only dream of. Women stay home, have kids, and submitted to their men's ( marido) order. Therefore, there is no way of loving yourself neither think of the high value of you. I remember once my aunts and uncles told my dad and mom in front of my face that I was good for nothing, to please a man physically, be at home, and have kids. I was only ten when they said it. All around me shortly gave me extreme anxiety and depression. They crush in pieces of my dreams and hopes. I felt not good enough for even being alive. While I was growing, my anxiety grew bigger. I remember once that I sat down at a table in my school cafeteria and saw myself moving and doing embarrassing things while I was actually sitting. I am a good student, straight As and Bs; I actually like to study and learn new things. I work so hard to change society's minds and thoughts. But, it never works. I wanted to die- decided to suicide. If I suicide, it will solve problems, and I would never have to hear them calling me names again. One day I told my sister how I felt and what are were going to do. She advises and told me that suicide doesn't solve problems. It took me six months to talk with a helper, talking to myself in the mirror, a loss of tears, and personal time. In the quest, I learned about my goals, dreams, hopes, and myself. Also, ignore nasty comments. I overcome anxiety. It left a scarf, but proudly I can exhibit it as my journey. I am Hispanic women who survive the stress of being stereotypes. My past defines me, neither people—my fate in my own hands. I am at the beginning of my journey, and mental health is vital. There will be a time when I will doubt, but I try to maintain healthy mental health.
    Low-Income Student Scholarship
    Hi, my name is Nemecis Murillo, and I am a Junior High school student. My family and I are originally Hispanic, Honduras, we are a low-income family. The greatest challenge that I face is the anxiety of being stereotype as a female Hispanic. I come from a "macho" culture, meaning a male has more opportunities, freedom, and that ability to study, something that girls can only dream off. My mother's generation and past generation of women have not education at all. Being in this toxic culture is something that I don't even wish for my enemy to live in. It Is a culture where women's stay home, has kids, and submitted to their men( marido) order, someone of them is even not married, man see that marry as stupid, and just a gay will do it. ( Gay mean not manly enough). I am 16, and most girls in my villages at my age have a husband and kids. When people see me, they judge me. They define my fate as one of those girls. My parents bring my sister and me to this country to study and be someone in life. My mother suffers a lot back in our country. My dad didn't want us through pass the same as her. We run away from our native land to a new one for a better life. However, when we got here, we face a vital trial, lots of our families judge us, and in front of my faces, they told my parent that I was good for nothing, just to please a man physically, be at home, and have kids. Being stereotype like that gave me anxiety. I was only ten when they said it. Even though I heard before, it was never for me, and it felt like it was hell. They crush in pieces of my dreams and hopes. I survive in this country, pass through different nations, immigrations, weather, and a river that I could had killed me, and I was just right for nothing. I felt not good enough for even being alive, but, died was not an option. While I was growing, my anxiety grew bigger. I remember that I sat down at a table in the cafeteria and saw myself moving and doing embarrassing things while I was sitting. I am a good student, straight As and Bs; I actually like to study and learn new thin. I work so hard to change their mind and thoughts. But, it never works. I wanted to die- decided to suicide. If I suicide, it will solve problems, and I would never have to hear them calling me names. One day I told my sister how I felt and what are was going to do. To my surprise, she said that she had passed the same as me, and suicide doesn't solve problems. It took me six months to talk with a helper, talking to myself in the mirror, a loss of tears, and personal time. In the quest, I learned about my goals, dreams, hopes, and myself. Also, ignore nasty comments.stereotype is something that has come from ages we decided to overcome it or go along with it. I overcome anxiety. It left a scarf, but proudly I can exhibit it as my journey. I am Hispanic women who survive the stress of stereotypes. My last don't define me, neither people, my fate in my own hands.
    Nemecis Murillo Student Profile |