Hobbies and interests
Movies And Film
Adult Fiction
Folk Tales
Science Fiction
I read books multiple times per month
Nattala Dunkley
Bold Points21x
Nattala Dunkley
Bold Points21x
My Name is Nattala Dunkley, and in the future, I want to become a lawyer. I am very passionate about helping people, and I feel that this career path will be of aid in me doing so. Additionally, I want to help the homeless and women, and girls who have nowhere to go when in trouble. Therefore, I have decided that once I am financially stable enough, I will create centers here and in my home country for them. Also, I hope that I will be able to expand worldwide so that I can help more people.
CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice
Bachelor's degree programMajors:
- Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
Desired degree level:
Bachelor's degree program
Graduate schools of interest:
Transfer schools of interest:
Majors of interest:
Dream career field:
Law Practice
Dream career goals:
Customer Service Representative
MaxiMed Pharmacy2017 – 20181 year
Club2020 – 2020
St. Elizabeth Technical High School — Researcher2020 – 2020
Bishop Gibson High School
Drawing2014 – 2019
Public services
MaxiMed Pharmacy — Customer Service Representative2017 – 2018
Future Interests
@normandiealise National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
There are multiple difficult times that I have gone through in my nineteen years of being on earth. However, the one that I will be talking about is the one that I am currently trying to push through right this minute. I am an international undergraduate student, currently going through my sophomore year at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. My difficult situation is that I am struggling to pay my tuition, and honestly, the 'light at the end of the tunnel' seems to be dimming the more I try to reach it. My tuition is over nine thousand dollars and I was really stressing about how I was going to be able to pay it because I am not working at the moment. However, I have prayed and continue to pray, and recently I was awarded a scholarship of a thousand dollars and I was really happy and grateful. It was as if the light got brighter at that moment. Receiving that scholarship caused me to be more hopeful that my tuition will be paid and I will be able to continue my education. I know I am not out of the situation as yet and have thousands of dollars left to pay, but I am trying my best to acquire as many scholarships as I can, that will aid in my tuition.
Snap Finance “Funding the Future” Scholarship
My name is Nattala Dunkley, called Rehannah by family and some close friends. I am a Caribbean girl. I was born and raised in Jamaica, I actually moved here to the US in 2020 for college. I went to an all girls high school, and I am really happy that I did, because they trained us in a way that has caused me to become a young woman full of ambition and class. I am the first of four children for my parents, and the pressure was always on me while growing up, because I had to set the path for my siblings to follow. I decided at fourteen that I wanted to become a lawyer. However, I did not always want to be a lawyer. There were times when I wanted to be a nurse, bank manager, soldier, doctor and detective. the detective option is still a part of my vision though. I first wanted to become a lawyer because of the movies that I usually watch, I became inspired. I feel as if I can really help people like I see lawyers in movies do, and yes I know that the work may not be as exciting in the movies, but I have a passion for helping people, therefore this is what I want to do.
I want to go further than just helping clients. I want to also help other people in society who are less fortunate, or victims of circumstances or bad decisions. When I am financially able to afford it, I hope to create a center for the homeless, where they can be taken care of and given proper training or skills so that they will be able to enter the workforce. I really dislike seeing the condition that some of them are in when I pass them in the streets, therefore, I want to help where I can. In addition to this, I also want to have another center for females. This will be for females who are being abused and are forced to stay in the relationship because they have nowhere else to go. I have seen too many females from my home country on social media complain about the fact that they are being abused, either by parents or spouses and can't leave because they have nowhere else to go. As a female and an empathetic person, I really understand, sympathize with and feel their pain, therefore, I want to do something about that.
I really hope and want my dreams/aspirations to come true because there are a lot of people in the world that needs help.
Empowering Women Through Education Scholarship
I come from a poor family in the country are in Jamaica, and growing up my mother would always tell me and my siblings that "education is the only way out of poverty." Therefore, it has become sort of instilled in me that education is needed for me to become successful. Additionally, I have chosen a career path in which only education will allow me to achieve. I dream of being a lawyer in the future, therefore I have to endure the full force of the education system. I am very passionate and dedicated to become a lawyer, therefore education and being educated is very important for me, so that I can achieve my dreams. Additionally, another reason why education is so important to me is because I personally just like to know things. I really don't like to see when people make fun of or take advantage of uneducated people, it hurts my heart to see it, and I don't want that to ever happen to me, therefore my education is a vital part of my survival. I see it on social media a lot, where people in my country are made a 'laughing stock' because of the fact that they are uneducated and most definitely poor as a result. Sometimes they are even treated as less than other human beings, which is not right, sometimes people are just victims of the circumstances that they were born in, or some bad decisions that they made.
Moreover, education is important to me because I am able to pass down that knowledge to my siblings. As the eldest child, I was always taking care of my siblings whenever my parents weren't around, and this made them connect to me on a deeper level and also caused them to look up to me and turn to me for advice. One of my brothers actually believe that I know everything, and is always saying "you are smart, so you should know" whenever he would ask me a question. This honestly warms my heart, the fact that my siblings think so highly of me even when I think that I have fallen short, or am not worthy of being their role model. Therefore, being educated so that I can help them is very important to me.
I honestly want people to feel the way that I do when I know something. Therefore, I intend to use my education as a stepping stone or doorway to help others. In the future, I hope to be financially stable enough to provide scholarships for children and youth who are in an unfortunate situation, and want to make something of their lives. Therefore, my education is not just for me, but for those around me, and future generation.
Bold Giving Scholarship
Giving is important to me because it is just in my nature. It is embedded in my DNA, and I couldn't escape even if I tried. I just want to add that when I was younger and in middle school, there were times when my classmates would ask me for food, not because they are hungry, but just because they want to taste what I have. At times I was hungry and didn't want to share, and I would say "no," and the second they would turn to walk away, I had to call them back and give them. It was just hard for me to say "no" to someone that asked me for something, and it still is. If I say "no," the whole time it is just going to eat at me in my mind. My thoughts are just going to be, "you should've said yes" or "you could've given them". I just feel really bad whenever I do not help someone, or give them something when I had it and could've given them. From multiple experiences similar to this, I have learnt that it is just a part of me to feel compelled to help or give.
I try to give back by always supporting street performers, homeless people, or just some random person who asks me for something. I feel happy when I give to people, especially when I see their faces light up with gratitude. I think that if a person approaches you and asks for something, and you have it, you should definitely give, especially if you are able to spare it.
Bold Joy Scholarship
To me, joy means being happy, not stressed, and being at peace. To have joy means that you are living, and I don't mean being alive. I mean living your life to the fullest. True joy means that you are not being worried or stressed by the rough patches you face in life, rather you focus on the fact that you are going to get through those tough times. Joy means living in the moment, making the best of the time you have, and doing spontaneous things at times.
The way that I seek out joy in my life is by always trying to be happy, or finding a silver lining through tough times. Additionally, I encourage myself always and remind myself that things will get better. This, however, is not an easy task, because life can get very bad at times, which is why I pray. I ask God for the strength that is needed to carry me through my bad times and I give thanks for the good times. Moreover, whenever I find myself in a bad mood, I watch something funny to cheer myself up. Also, sometimes I sing out loud and dance, this makes me very happy because I love to sing and dance. Basically, to achieve joy in life, just do what makes you happy or what you love.
Bold Perseverance Scholarship
There are multiple difficult times that I have gone through in my nineteen years of being on earth. However, the one that I will be talking about is the one that I am currently trying to push through right this minute. I am an international undergraduate student, currently going through my sophomore year at John Jay College of Criminal Justice. My difficult situation is that I am struggling to pay my tuition, and honestly, the 'light at the end of the tunnel' seems to be dimming the more I try to reach it. My tuition is over nine thousand dollars and I was really stressing about how I was going to be able to pay it because I am not working at the moment. However, I have prayed and continue to pray, and recently I was awarded a scholarship of a thousand dollars and I was really happy and grateful. It was as if the light got brighter at that moment. Receiving that scholarship caused me to be more hopeful that my tuition will be paid and I will be able to continue my education. I know I am not out of the situation as yet and have thousands of dollars left to pay, but I am trying my best to acquire as many scholarships as I can, that will aid in my tuition.
Bold Helping Others Scholarship
My name is Nattala Dunkley, and I have a passion for helping people. My favorite way to help others is by providing financial assistance. Whenever I am out in the streets and I give money to homeless people or people who perform for money; whether by dancing, singing, or playing an instrument, I feel a sense of fulfillment or accomplishment. Especially when I see how grateful they are for my contribution, I feel really pleased to be of service to them. Some people might think this is just a dollar, but to those people, it can be the difference between whether they are able to have dinner or not. I like putting smiles on people's faces, because I am an empath so if a person is sad, that sadness is projected on, and frankly I like to be happy, I like to smile. Therefore, I like when people around me smile.
Additionally, I have decided that when I grow up and am financially able to afford it, I will be creating a center for homeless people, where they can be taken care of and given proper training or skills so that they will be able to enter the workforce. In addition to this, I also want to have another center for females. this will be for females who are being abused and are forced to stay in the relationship because they have nowhere else to go. I really hope and want my dreams/aspirations to come true because there are a lot of people in the world that need help.
Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
My name is Nattala Dunkley. I am a nineteen years old young woman from the island of Jamaica. I am an aspiring lawyer and or detective. I am attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice, pursuing my bachelor's in Criminal Justice. One obstacle that I have faced and am currently going through right now is the lack of family support ad potentially being homeless. I came from Jamaica last year to attend school here and I stayed with my aunt. The first year was not bad, but since this year she has started being "mean," for lack of a better word. She doesn't want me to stay at her home anymore, and the only reason that I am still able to be here is because of my uncle. I have nowhere else to go because unfortunately, I am not working. Therefore, I have to stay in a place where I am not wanted, and as you can imagine, it is "hell." Every day I pray for a way out, I haven't seen a clear way out as yet, but I am not and will not give up. Because I am a very ambitious person and I am determined to be successful in all my endeavors and also to make my parents proud.
What I have learned from my current experience, is that family doesn't always have your back and sometimes they pretend as if they want to see you become successful but in actuality, they want to see you fail. I have also learned that God really favors me because he is the one that has been carrying me through this tough time. At one point I was so stressed that I started thinking of ways to commit suicide. however, God brought me through that dark time and I am really happy that I am here today. I will always pray and thank God every day because I know what he has brought me through. This scholarship would really be of help to me because the train tickets to get to school from where I am are very expensive and as I stated before, I am unemployed thus I am dependent on funds from my parents back in Jamaica.
Bold Longevity Scholarship
I think the best way to live a long, healthy life is by being happy. If you live your life without being angry or stressed most of the time, I think that your lifespan will definitely be longer. Stress may cause a person to "stress-eat," which is always or most likely junk food. The consumption of too much junk food can cause your health to deteriorate very quickly, which may have an impact on your lifespan. Being angry a lot may cause or lead to heart problems or even increased stress levels. When you remain in a happy or calm state, you are less likely to be stressed and affected by the problems that come along with it. Therefore, staying happy and positive is the best way for a person to live a long, healthy life, and not only that, but you will also live the best possible life.
Bold Optimist Scholarship
Well, to be honest, I think that I am naturally an optimistic person. However, there are times when I do get 'down'. But let me tell my secret on how I stay optimistic through those times, through God. I mean, I know not everyone believes in God or in one god, but I do, and he helps me to stay optimistic in my rough patches. There are two phrases that I always use during those times; "why worry when you can pray" and "Ask, and it shall be given; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened; for every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened" (Matthew 7:7-8). These are phrases that keep me going all the time. Not going to lie, I've been through some dark phases in my life, and praying is what helped me through them. I talk to God like he is my best friend, and I will never leave him out of anything that I do. And I know he is there for me because he has always come through for me, no matter what. I love God with all my heart, and I believe he loves me too, and not only that, but he also favors me, which is why I am even still alive today.
Recently, I went through the worst thing that has ever happened to me in my entire life and at one point I was thinking of ending it. However, I prayed and God delivered me, I am not fully out of this rough patch as yet, but I know he will continue to deliver me because I am praying, asking, seeking, and knocking, and he will fulfill my requests.
Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
I have learned quite a good amount that drastically changed my perspective on multiple significant things in my life. Anyhow, I will be telling you about a change that I thought would have never happened in a million years. However, the learning that took place came from within, and not from another person. The important aspect of my life that changed from what I learned from myself, was my sexuality. Growing up, I have always been heterosexual, I mean I had to be; I grew up in a Christian home where they are against homosexuality because of the teachings of the bible. So being 'straight' was the only thing I knew, it was embedded in me since birth. As I got older, I started frowning upon homosexuals, I was strictly against it. However, in the latter part of my eighteenth year, I started to develop feelings for the same sex. At first, I tried to deny them, but the more I tried to block them out, was the more they manifested. Then, I finally accepted the fact that I am also into females.
So, I learned that I am not fully heterosexual. I am also attracted to females, and that has caused me to be open-minded in regards to my sexuality. And one day I will satisfy that urge of being with a female.
Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
My name is Nattala Dunkley and one thing that I really love about myself is that I have a passion for helping people. I love being of service to others. Whenever I help someone who is in need of something that I am able to provide them with, my heart leaps for joy. A feeling of accomplishment and happiness takes over when I help people. For example, when a homeless person approaches me and asks for money, and I give them, I feel really good. Happy that I was able to help someone. Additionally, I get that same feeling whenever I give money to musicians playing on the street and also when I give tips to the hotdog man.
The reason why I love this about myself is that I believe that it is a good trait to have in this 'dog eat dog world', where some people don't care about others. Moreover, I think that if more people cared about others the way I do, there would be less chaos, war, and hate. Therefore, I love that I love people.
Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
WinnerThe quality that I value most in myself is that I am very passionate about helping others. Somehow, I find comfort and peace in being able to help others. My heart jumps for joy whenever I do, and whenever I am unable to help a person, it feels as if my heart sinks into an abyss. On occasions when I am out and a person who is in need of money approaches me, I always try to give what I can, because I believe that the little that I give can definitely make a difference. Additionally, I always give money to street performers because I love to help others. I strongly believe that if someone is in need of something, be it money, food, etc., once we are able to spare, if even a little bit, we should give. Thus, I practice that every time I go out. I really like this about me because the world could do with a little more kindness, and I am happy to be playing a part in doing so.
One of my aim in life is to create two centers. One for the homeless and one for women and young girls who are being abused and have nowhere to go and those who have been kicked out of their homes. I was inspired to build a center for females because of the stories I have read on Instagram from females in my home country. I do not stand for females to be abused, and some have to stay with the abuser because they have nowhere else to go. Therefore, I want to build a place for them to go. Hence, I hope to have two centers in Jamaica, and two here. Additionally, I hope that one day I will be able to go globally with my movement so that I can help more people from around the world. Therefore, having this quality will give me the drive and determination to fulfill my aspirations. I believe that if you are giving or doing something for another person, it should be done from the heart, or don't do it at all if you are going to feel bad or second guess after.
Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
I believe that I was made specifically to leave a positive impact on everyone with whom I come in contact. This is something that comes very naturally, and even when I do not realize it. I am a very calm, reserved, kind, and jovial person who is always smiling even on the worst of days. I try to be very kind to everyone because I think this world needs more of that and as I stated before, being kind comes naturally to me, thus I do not have to try very hard. Whenever I go out and a homeless person or someone who is in need of money approaches me, I always give them what I can and whenever I am unable to help my heart aches. I believe that if a person has even a quarter to spare they should help because that quarter can be the difference between whether the person in need will be able to eat or not, we never know. So, therefore I always try to help when I can. Additionally, I like to see the look on their faces when I give them money. It is as if a glimmer of light just shines through their eyes and their faces become brighter. This is my simple little way in which I try to have a positive impact on the world, by making someone else's day better or giving them hope.
Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
Generosity to me means being selfless; helping others, putting the needs of others above my own, giving the last of what I have to someone, whether they need it more than I do or not, as long as they ask for it. To me, generosity is all of this, but also doing it and not having a heavy heart. When giving, or doing something for someone, I believe that you should feel happy or have a sense of relief in your heart. Being able to love someone is a very lovely feeling, it really makes me happy, and I think everyone should feel that way whenever they are helping a person. Do not help a person because you think that it will make you look good or because you feel as if you have to or are being forced to. If you are going to help, do it from the heart. You should not have a sour feeling, doubt, or second thoughts about what you have just done for a person. That is what generosity really means to me, carrying out an act of kindness from the heart. Anything less than that is not really generosity, that is straight-up hypocrisy.
Bold Hope for the Future Scholarship
Myself. Yes, I give myself hope that the future will be much better. I have never met a more selfless person than myself. Out of all my friends, siblings, and relatives, I am the nicest, kindest, most caring one of all. I am always happy and reserved around others, and mostly tend to put the needs and happiness of others above my own, and I can't seem to help it. About two years ago, one day my cousin told me that she admired that I am always smiling and that I don't allow anything to bother me; and that really melted my heart. Additionally, people, including strangers, always tell me that they like my smile because I'm always smiling. However, I have been told that I am too nice and that I should be a little mean at times. To be honest, I have tried, but being mean is not me; if I try to be mean, I do not feel right in my heart.
I have a passion for helping people, therefore I cannot be mean to them. I feel a sense of accomplishment whenever I help someone; it brings joy to my heart. I have a plan to help those in need. Therefore, I plan to work really hard to accomplish my goals. When I get older, I want to be wealthy enough to be able to build a center for the homeless and another one for women and young girls. Every time I walk on the road and I see homeless people, my heart aches because I am not able to help. Therefore, when I get older and start working I want to build a place for homeless people to go. I have read multiple stories on Instagram about women and young girls in Jamaica, my home country, being abused and thrown out or have to stay because they have nowhere else to go. This is why I was inspired to make a place for them to go, where they won’t have to worry about their next meal, and I also intend to help them find stable jobs which will help get them back on their feet. I really wish I could help everyone in the world, but from where I’m standing and looking into my future right now, I can only see me building four centers, two here and two in Jamaica. Hopefully, though, I will be able to get help or funding to expand, so that I can be able to make a difference worldwide.
This is why I give myself hope that the future will be better. I don't know if I will be able to make the whole world better, but at least I will be able to make it better for quite some people.
Darryl Davis "Follow Your Heart" Scholarship
My name is Nattala Merriham Dunkley. I am an eighteen-year-old aspiring lawyer from the island of Jamaica. I have a passion to help people, thus I have chosen a career path that will aid in my ‘calling’, that is, to become a lawyer. Originally, I was inspired to become a lawyer by television shows and movies that portrayed lawyers as people who help those in need to get justice, and additionally, my investigative personality also aided in my decision. To achieve my goal of becoming a lawyer, I am attending John Jay College of Criminal Justice, where I am currently majoring in Criminal Justice. I am a first-generation college student, however, my parents do not have sufficient amount of funds to fully fund my education because they also have to fund my three younger siblings. Therefore, receiving a scholarship would be very beneficial and appreciative. What I hope to achieve in life are; to become a very successful lawyer, make my family proud, help others who are in need, and also be financially stable enough to take care of my parents and grandparents.
What excites me most in this world is living, and not just in the sense that I am alive, but living my life. Going out with my friends, partying, spending time with my family, traveling, having fun, and making and capturing memories. I love life and I hope to get the most out of it.
When I get older, I want to be wealthy enough to be able to build a center for the homeless and another one for women and young girls. Every time I walk on the road and I see homeless people, my heart aches because I am not able to help. Therefore, when I get older and start working I want to build a place for homeless people to go. I have read multiple stories on Instagram about women and young girls in Jamaica, my home country, being abused and thrown out or have to stay because they have nowhere else to go. This is why I was inspired to make a place for them to go, where they won’t have to worry about their next meal, and I also intend to help them find stable jobs which will help get them back on their feet. I really wish I could help everyone in the world, but from where I’m standing and looking into my future right now, I can only see me building four centers, two here and two in Jamaica. Hopefully, though, I will be able to get help or funding to expand.