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Nathaniel Shamine


Bold Points




As a junior in Mechanical Engineering at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNCC), I am passionate about leveraging my diverse experiences to excel in both engineering and leadership roles. My hands-on experience as an inspector at Louise Beck Properties honed my attention to detail and problem-solving skills. As a gym manager and coach at Bull and Bear, I developed strong leadership and management abilities, ensuring smooth operations and client satisfaction. Currently, I work at Topgolf as a caddie, where I excel in customer service, event coordination, and team collaboration. Additionally, I am proud to be ranked the #4 amateur MMA fighter in North Carolina, demonstrating my dedication, discipline, and strategic thinking.


Wake Technical Community College

Associate's degree program
2021 - 2023
  • Majors:
    • Engineering Science

Holly Springs High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Engineering, General
    • Accounting and Computer Science
    • Engineering Science
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Mechanical or Industrial Engineering

    • Dream career goals:



      2019 – 20234 years


      • Captian
      • MVP
      • Most Improvied

      Future Interests




      Brian Leahy Memorial Scholarship
      Life can be unpredictable, and for me, its most profound lessons came early on. When I was just a child, my parents' divorce shook the foundations of my world. Amid the turmoil and uncertainty, one figure emerged as a pillar of strength and guidance: my grandmother. Her unwavering support and love were the constants I needed during those tumultuous times. However, the most significant and challenging chapter of our journey together began when I was 13 years old, and my grandmother was diagnosed with breast cancer. The news of my grandmother's diagnosis hit like a tidal wave. The woman who had been my rock was now facing a battle with a formidable adversary. The subsequent months were a whirlwind of doctor's appointments, treatments, and emotional highs and lows. Watching her strength and resilience in the face of such a dire diagnosis was both inspiring and heart-wrenching. She never let her spirit waver, even as her body weakened. Her courage taught me the true meaning of strength and perseverance. During her illness, I spent countless hours with my grandmother, helping her with daily tasks and attending medical appointments. I saw firsthand the incredible impact that compassionate and skilled healthcare professionals had on her quality of life. Nurses, doctors, and support staff worked tirelessly to provide not only medical care but also emotional support. Their dedication left a lasting impression on me. However, as much as I admired their work, I realized that my calling lay elsewhere. I have always had a knack for problem-solving and a deep interest in technology. While nursing was not my chosen path, I knew I wanted to contribute to the healthcare field in a meaningful way. My grandmother's experience and the sadness of losing her fueled my determination to find a way to help others avoid such pain. This led me to the field of mechanical engineering, where I could leverage my skills to advance healthcare technology. My goal as a mechanical engineer is to revolutionize the tools and technologies used in hospitals and clinics. I envision developing innovative medical devices and systems that improve patient care, enhance the precision of diagnoses, and streamline treatment processes. By advancing healthcare technology, I hope to provide healthcare professionals with better tools, ultimately leading to better outcomes for patients. Every step I take in my academic and professional journey is a tribute to my grandmother's legacy. Her battle with cancer and her unwavering strength in the face of adversity continue to inspire me. I want to honor her memory by making a tangible difference in the healthcare field. Through innovation and engineering, I aim to create solutions that ease the burden on patients and their families, helping them navigate their own difficult journeys with hope and improved care. My grandmother's influence on my life extends far beyond her role during my parents' divorce. Her courage during her fight with cancer and the profound impact she had on my formative years have shaped my aspirations and career path. By pursuing a career in mechanical engineering with a focus on healthcare, I aim to contribute to a future where fewer people experience the sadness and loss that I did. In this way, I hope to honor her memory and make a lasting impact on the world.
      Skybrook Men's Golf Association Scholarship
      In the vast realm of aspirations, I find my calling at the intersection of innovation and compassion: mechanical engineering. Beyond mere machines, I aim to craft solutions that uplift communities, foster inclusivity, and empower individuals. My journey began with an unexpected beacon: golf. College life initially felt daunting, with social connections seeming like a puzzle beyond my grasp. In need of a job I randomly got hired at Top Golf. I didn't think much at the time except I now have money to help pay rent. However, my job at Top Golf became a gateway to both a newfound passion and a sense of belonging. Through the rhythm of each swing and the camaraderie on the greens, I discovered not just a sport, but a community where I was celebrated for who I was. This newfound confidence propelled me to join the college's golf club, where bonds flourished over our shared love for the game. This sense of belonging ignited a passion within me to give back. As I dive deeper into mechanical engineering, my goal remains steadfast: to engineer solutions that bridge gaps, from designing assistive devices to crafting sustainable technologies. In envisioning a future where my innovations serve as conduits for social change, I am inspired by the transformative power of community. Just as golf provided me with a sense of belonging, I aspire to create spaces where everyone feels seen, heard, and valued. Through my engineering endeavors and presence within the community, I am committed to building bridges that unite us, ensuring that no one feels alone in their journey.
      North Carolina Scholarship
      In the grand tapestry of human progress, passion serves as the driving force behind innovation, propelling us toward a future defined by limitless possibilities. As I embark on my academic journey in mechanical engineering, my unwavering passion for machines and robotics emerges as the cornerstone of my quest to shape a better tomorrow. At the heart of every revolutionary breakthrough lies an unyielding passion to challenge the status quo. Since my formative years, I have been captivated by the intricacies of machines and the transformative potential of robotics. This passion ignites a fire within me, propelling me to delve deeper into the realms of mechanical engineering, where I can explore the dynamics, mechanics, and control systems that underpin the technologies of tomorrow. Machines stand as silent sentinels, shaping the very fabric of our existence. Through my education in mechanical engineering, I aim to unlock the full potential of machines as catalysts for progress. From precision manufacturing equipment to transportation systems, my passion for machines drives my endeavor to create efficient, sustainable technologies that enrich lives and empower communities. In the realm of robotics, the fusion of technology and imagination opens doors to boundless innovation. My passion for robotics fuels my conviction that these technologies hold the key to overcoming some of humanity's most pressing challenges. From automating mundane tasks to revolutionizing healthcare, my education in mechanical engineering equips me to design intelligent systems that enhance productivity, efficiency, and quality of life. The impact of my passion for machines and robotics extends far beyond technical domains, reverberating across societies and shaping the world we inhabit. By leveraging my passion, I aspire to be a catalyst for positive change, driving innovation, fostering collaboration, and building a more inclusive and sustainable future. Through my education and future career in mechanical engineering, I am not merely pursuing a profession; I am answering a calling – a calling to harness the transformative power of passion to shape a better tomorrow for all. As I embark on this odyssey into the realm of mechanical engineering, one truth remains self-evident: that passion has the power to change the world. My journey is guided by an unwavering dedication to machines and robotics, fueled by the belief that innovation knows no bounds. Through my education, I am not only preparing for a career; I am preparing to embark on a lifelong mission – a mission to harness the boundless potential of passion to shape a future where technology serves as a beacon of hope, progress, and possibility.
      Coach "Frank" Anthony Ciccone Wrestling Scholarship
      Coach Frank always rooted for an underdog, a role that is never easy to accept or embrace. As someone with two older brothers and one younger brother, I was born into that role. Our household, filled with four rambunctious kids, saw my mother enrolling us in every sport she could, including wrestling. Unlike my siblings, I stuck with wrestling all the way through high school. Alongside wrestling, I also trained in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and Muay Thai at Bull and Bear, driven by my dream of becoming a professional MMA fighter. This goal ran parallel to my pursuit of a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering. When I shared my ambitions, most people scoffed, doubting my ability to match my brothers in both intellect and athletics. Yet, as the underdog, I trained and studied harder than anyone I knew. Throughout high school, I juggled AP courses, dual enrollment classes, and rigorous training sessions before and after school. By the end of my senior year, my hard work paid off: I graduated with an associate’s degree in science and ranked as one of the top wrestlers and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu athletes in the state. These achievements marked the first steps towards my goals. A few months later, at 18, I started my first semester of college and prepared for my first MMA fight. Fight camp, an intense training period leading up to a fight, was grueling. It was my first fight camp, and I was determined to outwork everyone. Being the underdog, I wasn’t just defending my own reputation but also the reputation of my gym and coaches. After two months of relentless training, fight night arrived—the night I had envisioned countless times. Walking into the arena and stepping into the octagon for the first time, I felt a whirlwind of emotions: excitement, fear, and anticipation. As I entered the cage, I took in the scene—the wire fences and the matted floor, ready to showcase the art of fighting. The moment had arrived. Walking out to the roar of the crowd and the cheers of my family and gym friends, I felt ready. My opponent was older, bigger, heavier, and a veteran fighter, making me the clear underdog. But I embraced the challenge head-on. When the referee signaled the start of the fight, time seemed to freeze. My mind stopped thinking, and my body moved instinctively. We touched gloves, and the battle began. Exchanging punches, my opponent attempted a kick, which I swiftly caught, sweeping him to the floor. Years of practice and training culminated in that moment as I submitted him in less than two minutes. This victory ranked me 4th in the state of North Carolina and brought me one step closer to my goal of making my professional debut. Being an underdog has always pushed me to prove myself in every situation. My first MMA fight was no different, and through hard work and determination, I turned skepticism into belief and achieved a milestone in my journey towards becoming a professional fighter.
      Enders Scholarship
      Your story is both powerful and inspiring, reflecting resilience and determination in the face of significant personal challenges. Navigating the loss of a loved one, especially at a young age, often brings a complex mix of emotions. For you, the passing of your grandfather and the subsequent family changes brought confusion, anxiety, and a profound sense of loss. These experiences highlighted the transient nature of life and the enduring, albeit sometimes distant, bonds of family. Through these challenging times, you and your brother found solace and strength in martial arts, a unique form of meditation and self-discipline. Martial arts, particularly Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, Wrestling, Muay Thai, and Mixed Martial Arts, became your sanctuary. It allowed you both to channel your emotions constructively, turning what many perceive as a brutal sport into a profound journey of self-discovery and inner peace. The discipline and resilience required in these sports taught you not just how to fight others, but how to confront and overcome your internal battles. These lessons of perseverance and facing obstacles head-on have significantly shaped your life. They have driven you to excel academically, achieving an associate's degree in science by the time you graduated high school, and athletically, becoming one of the top wrestlers and MMA fighters in North Carolina. This relentless pursuit of excellence is not just for your own sake but also to set a high standard for your younger brother, ensuring he has a role model to look up to and someone who demonstrates that no obstacle is insurmountable. Your decision to pursue a degree in Mechanical Engineering is a testament to your dedication to continuous learning and growth. Education offers a pathway to not only enhance your skills and knowledge but also to fulfill your potential and achieve your aspirations. This journey is also about being a pillar of support and inspiration for your brother, providing him with the guidance and encouragement you once sought. In terms of influences, it seems clear that your brother is a significant one. Your mutual journey through martial arts and life's challenges has created a bond that drives you to be the best version of yourself. While you haven't explicitly mentioned other influences, it’s likely that the lessons from martial arts and the resilience you’ve developed play substantial roles in shaping who you admire and the values you uphold. In summary, your story is one of overcoming adversity through determination, discipline, and the support of family. You've learned that true strength lies not in avoiding difficulties but in facing them directly and with perseverance. This mindset will undoubtedly continue to serve you well in your academic pursuits and beyond.
      Christian Dunbar Athletics Scholarship
      I am deeply honored to apply for the Christian Dunbar Memorial Scholarship, a scholarship that not only provides an opportunity for financial support but also offers a chance to carry forward the legacy of a remarkable young athlete who embodied passion, sincerity, and a commitment to making a difference. From a young age, my journey in the world of sports has been a defining aspect of my life. I have faced unique challenges and opportunities that have shaped my perspective on athletics and its potential for impact. My athletic dreams are not solely about personal achievement but also about the potential to make a lasting difference in my community. Whether on the field, the court, or the track, I have witnessed the unifying power of sports, transcending barriers of race, background, and circumstance. It is my aspiration to leverage this power to inspire and uplift those around me. In pursuing my athletic goals, I aim to lead by example, demonstrating the values of dedication, teamwork, and perseverance. I believe that these qualities extend beyond the arena and have the potential to drive positive change in my community. By working tirelessly to improve my skills and excel in my chosen sport, I hope to inspire others to pursue their own passions with determination and vigor. Furthermore, I am committed to using my involvement in sports as a platform for community engagement and service. I envision organizing sports clinics, workshops, and events that provide opportunities for underprivileged youth to participate in sports and experience the transformative benefits it offers. Through mentorship and coaching, I aim to instill in them not only the fundamentals of the game but also important life lessons such as discipline, resilience, and the importance of setting and achieving goals. In essence, my athletic dreams are intertwined with my desire to make a positive impact on my community. I believe that by pursuing excellence in sports and using my platform to give back, I can contribute to the growth and development of those who may face obstacles similar to those I have encountered. Receiving the Christian Dunbar Memorial Scholarship would not only provide essential financial support but also serve as a validation of my commitment to using sports as a tool for change. It would enable me to continue my athletic journey with unwavering dedication and enthusiasm, knowing that I am part of a legacy that values both excellence in sports and a dedication to making a difference in the lives of others. In conclusion, I am deeply grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Christian Dunbar Memorial Scholarship. My athletic dreams are not just about personal success; they are about using the lessons and values I learn through sports to uplift and empower my community. I am eager to embrace this opportunity to continue my athletic journey and carry forward the legacy of Christian Dunbar, striving to be a "game-changer" not only on the field but in the lives of those around me.
      Richard P. Mullen Memorial Scholarship
      I am deeply honored to apply for the Richard P. Mullen Scholarship, which represents not only a financial opportunity but also a chance to carry forward the legacy of a remarkable individual who epitomized integrity and selflessness in both his personal and professional life. My journey in the field of engineering began with a profound fascination for problem-solving and a deep-rooted curiosity about how things work. As I progressed through my academic studies, this passion evolved into a commitment to making a meaningful impact through engineering. I have pursued my education diligently, maintaining a strong academic record and actively engaging in projects and activities that allow me to apply my knowledge to real-world challenges. However, like many aspiring engineers, I have encountered financial hurdles along the way. The cost of tuition, textbooks, and laboratory fees can be daunting, and it often forces students to juggle multiple responsibilities, including part-time jobs, to make ends meet. This scholarship would alleviate a significant portion of the financial burden, allowing me to focus more on my studies and extracurricular pursuits, ultimately enhancing my educational experience. Beyond the financial aspect, receiving the Richard P. Mullen Scholarship would hold a special meaning for me. It would be a testament to the values of integrity and selflessness that Mr. Mullen exemplified throughout his life. It would inspire me to continue not only my academic journey but also my commitment to giving back to the community and supporting those who need guidance and assistance, just as Mr. Mullen did. Moreover, this scholarship would have a positive impact on my family. My parents have always been my pillars of support, encouraging me to pursue my dreams and aspirations. However, the financial strain of education can place additional stress on my family's resources. This scholarship would not only ease their financial burden but also bring them pride and joy, knowing that their sacrifices and support have been recognized and rewarded. In conclusion, I am profoundly grateful for the opportunity to apply for the Richard P. Mullen Scholarship. It would not only alleviate the financial challenges associated with pursuing an engineering degree but also serve as a source of inspiration and motivation to continue embodying the principles of integrity and selflessness in my academic and personal endeavors. I am committed to honoring Mr. Mullen's legacy by striving for excellence in the field of engineering and making a positive impact on both my family and my community.
      Walters Family Oak Grove High School Scholarship
      I am deeply honored to apply for the Walters Family Oak Grove Scholarship, and I am eager to express why I believe I am a deserving candidate for this invaluable opportunity. First and foremost, I want to emphasize my unwavering commitment to academic excellence and my passion for learning. Throughout my high school journey at Oak Grove High School, I have consistently strived for excellence in my studies. This dedication to my education has not only allowed me to maintain a strong GPA but has also instilled in me a deep appreciation for the transformative power of knowledge. Furthermore, I am a firm believer in the principle of giving back to one's community. During my time at Oak Grove High School, I actively engaged in community service initiatives, volunteering my time and skills to various causes and organizations. I believe that education is not just a personal pursuit but also a means to contribute positively to society. Receiving this scholarship would not only enable my academic growth but also empower me to continue serving my community. Financial considerations have always been a significant factor in my educational journey. As a dedicated student who is determined to achieve my academic goals, I understand the importance of scholarships like the Walters Family Oak Grove Scholarship. These opportunities provide the financial support necessary to access higher education and pursue dreams that might otherwise remain unattainable. In addition to my academic and community involvement, I possess a strong work ethic and a genuine desire to make the most of the educational opportunities presented to me. I am committed to not only excelling in my chosen field of study but also utilizing my education to create a positive impact in my community and beyond. Lastly, my background is rooted in a family that values education as a cornerstone of personal and societal progress. My parents have instilled in me the belief that knowledge is the key to unlocking one's full potential, and they have encouraged me to relentlessly pursue my educational aspirations. In conclusion, I am truly honored to be considered for the Walters Family Oak Grove Scholarship. I believe that my dedication to academic excellence, commitment to community service, financial need, strong work ethic, and family values align with the values and objectives of this scholarship. Receiving this scholarship would not only alleviate the financial burden of pursuing higher education but also serve as a testament to the belief that hard work, determination, and a passion for learning can open doors to a brighter future. I am eager to embrace this opportunity and continue the tradition of excellence at Oak Grove High School.
      Coach "Frank" Anthony Ciccone Wrestling Scholarship
      In my own journey, I found myself in a situation where I was considered an underdog during a high school debate competition. Our school had a strong history of success in debate tournaments, and expectations were high for our team. However, I was a relatively new member, having joined the debate club just a few months before the competition. The debate topic was complex and required a deep understanding of economics and policy issues, an area where many of my fellow debaters had more experience. I, on the other hand, had a background in environmental science, which was quite distinct from the subject matter at hand. Initially, I felt overwhelmed and doubted my ability to contribute significantly to the team's success. However, I decided to embrace the role of the underdog and use it as motivation rather than a hindrance. I knew I couldn't change my limited experience in economics overnight, but I could control my work ethic, determination, and willingness to learn. I started by immersing myself in research, reading books, articles, and academic papers related to the debate topic. I sought guidance from experienced debaters on my team and reached out to teachers who could provide insights into economic concepts. I was determined to become a subject matter expert despite my initial disadvantage. As the competition approached, I realized that my unique background in environmental science could be an asset rather than a liability. I incorporated environmental sustainability arguments into our debate strategy, arguing that economic policies should consider their environmental impact. This approach not only added depth to our team's arguments but also showcased my ability to think creatively and bring a fresh perspective to the topic. During the competition, my team and I faced formidable opponents who had more experience in traditional economic arguments. However, by embracing my underdog status, working tirelessly to bridge my knowledge gap, and leveraging my unique perspective, I managed to hold my ground and contribute meaningfully to our team's success. While we didn't win the competition, we exceeded expectations, and my performance was recognized by both my teammates and coaches. More importantly, the experience taught me valuable lessons about determination, adaptability, and the power of leveraging one's unique strengths. This experience as an underdog in the debate competition not only helped me pursue my passion for debate but also reinforced my belief in the value of perseverance and embracing challenges as opportunities for growth. It taught me that being an underdog doesn't define your destiny; rather, it's your response to that status that can lead to personal and team success.
      Windward Spirit Scholarship
      In the contemporary landscape, the Millennials and Gen Z find themselves at a profound crossroads, akin to the pivotal juncture that defined the "Greatest Generation." We have inherited a nation and a world ensnared in financial turmoil and besieged by pressing societal issues, just as our predecessors navigated the tumultuous waters of a world at war and the depths of economic adversity with poise and a profound sense of duty. For me personally, this scholarship holds the promise of not only alleviating the financial burdens of education but also enabling me to channel my passions and aspirations into tangible actions that can contribute to the betterment of society. It represents an opportunity to further my education, to expand my horizons, and to develop the skills necessary to address the pressing challenges that our generation faces. In my pursuit of higher education, I have been unwavering in my commitment to exploring solutions to some of the most pressing issues of our time. From climate change and environmental sustainability to social justice and economic equality, I have immersed myself in research, community engagement, and activism. I have worked alongside like-minded individuals, pushing the boundaries of what is possible, all while striving to be a voice for change and progress. However, the path to achieving these goals is not without its obstacles. The financial strain of tuition fees, textbooks, and living expenses often threatens to divert one's focus away from their true passion. This scholarship, if awarded, would serve as a beacon of hope, allowing me to continue my educational journey without the encumbrance of financial stress. It would empower me to invest my time and energy more fully into research projects, community initiatives, and advocacy work, amplifying my capacity to make a meaningful impact. Moreover, this scholarship would signify more than just monetary support. It would represent a vote of confidence in my vision and determination. It would affirm that my commitment to addressing the challenges facing our generation is recognized and valued. This recognition would fuel my drive to accomplish great things, instilling in me an even greater sense of responsibility and purpose. In the midst of this generational transition, questions may arise regarding our readiness to shoulder the responsibilities that come with inheriting a world in turmoil. Skeptics may ponder whether we, the inheritors of a complex and challenging era, can truly rise to the occasion. However, our generation is characterized by its polite and kind disposition, a testament to our unwavering commitment to the greater good. We embrace the call of duty with open hearts and open minds, free from the burden of resentment that often plagues the more mature segments of society. It is this very spirit, this unyielding determination, that leads me to believe that the Millennials and Gen Z are poised to become "The Greatest Generation 2.0." We are the torchbearers of progress and change, ready to craft a brighter future from the ashes of the past. The challenges we face may be daunting, but they are met with a resolve that knows no bounds. In the face of adversity, we stand united and resolute, a generation destined to leave an indelible mark on the annals of history. We are, without a doubt, the architects of a better tomorrow, ready to shape the world with our collective vision, resilience, and unwavering sense of duty. This scholarship is not merely an investment in my education; it is an investment in the potential of our generation to achieve greatness and lead the way toward a brighter, more equitable future for all.