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Natalie Katsaros


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My name is Natalie Katsaros, and I attend the University of Tampa. I graduated from Prospect High School, IL in 2022, and I am pursuing a master's degree in business management. There are a few things that I am most passionate about, even though I am deeply committed in many different areas. Sports, personal development, and giving back to others are a few of these. I have overcome many obstacles, which has helped me become more assertive and keep going even when things get more challenging. My pursuit of a business degree will give me a chance to network with business colleagues and professionals. I can then gain knowledge in data analysis, informed decision-making, risk assessment, and strategy development for dealing with business difficulties.


The University of Tampa

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2024
  • Majors:
    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Management Information Systems and Services
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Program Development

    • Dream career goals:

    • Hostess

      Cantina Viajero
      2023 – Present1 year
    • Tennis Instructor

      Park District
      2021 – 20221 year
    • Private Tennis Instructor

      Private Business
      2018 – Present6 years
    • Sales Assosiate

      TJ Maxx
      2020 – 20222 years



    2018 – 20224 years


    • State Finalist


    2018 – 20224 years


    • Top of varsity for four years
    • Two-time state qualifier
    • Four-time conference medalist
    • Four division titles
    • Elite Leadership Award


    • Photography
      2019 – 2022

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Private Tennis Volunteers — Instructor
      2018 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Feed My Starving Children — Preparing Meals
      2019 – 2021

    Future Interests





    WCEJ Thornton Foundation Low-Income Scholarship
    Picture a young girl, eight years old, eagerly watching her older brother show off his tennis skills at the local park district. Inspired by his drive, she begins practicing on her own nearby, loving the sport. Fast forward four years, and that same girl, now twelve, finds herself immersed in a rigorous routine of harsh coaching, attending agility training sessions, and pushing herself to the brink of exhaustion, all with a singular focus: to win. That girl, driven by her determination and passion, is none other than me. This regimen lasted for six years until I finally realized that I was not happy, and my approach to the sport changed. A big part of my life was when I started to teach at the park district when I was fourteen. It was the summer of 2018 that I began teaching tennis; little did I realize that my summer job was about to take an extraordinary turn. Through teaching these students, I discovered the impact that a mentor can have on a student's confidence and self-esteem. I realized that I had been exposed to the sport in the wrong way. Teaching young children the art of tennis kindled a passion within me. This job shaped my path, leading me toward a future filled with purpose and fulfillment. Teaching these children and learning their stories has left such a mark on me that I have volunteered and taught them every summer since then. It brings joy to my heart to see the way their eyes light up when they make contact with the ball. Being able to have this experience with these children has given me so much more perspective than I ever could have imagined. Through teaching tennis, I have been able to accomplish so much, gain so many new perspectives on life, and hold a newfound humility. I am forever thankful for the children I have met while teaching—collectively, they have changed my life forever. I have come to learn that no matter how insignificant something may seem in the moment, it has the opportunity to alter my life and the lives of others. The thought of tennis used to lead me to frustration. I learned that the sport is about having the confidence and calm composure to rise to the occasion when it matters most. Helping these kids who could not afford lessons, let alone a racket or balls, taught me something important. They came to the lessons with a smile on their face and the sport released stress for them, and finally, it did for me too. These practices with the kids were not just about having fun; they were about feeling motivated to do our best together. As a leader, I try to be inclusive and supportive. I encourage everyone to speak up, listen to their ideas, and work with them to solve problems and reach our goals. I can now say that my greatest achievement to date is building connections through volunteering that have changed me as a person. I hope to influence more kids to see the court as a safe space to come to without any financial stress. As I look back on my time with these kids, I realize that we did not just play tennis; the sport taught us life lessons. We were transformed from a group of players into a cohesive unit, where every member felt valued and motivated. We did not just win games; we won together, and that is a victory that I will always cherish.
    Neal Hartl Memorial Sales/Marketing Scholarship
    From a young age, I was captivated by the energy of my father’s small business. I remember the excitement in his eyes as he closed a deal and the satisfaction that followed when a customer left happy. It was in these moments that I realized sales and marketing are not just professions but powerful avenues for connecting with people and driving change. My father’s passion was contagious, and it ignited a spark in me that has only grown over the years. This has guided me towards a major in Business Management and a future in sales and marketing. The spark began with observing my father, a small business owner, who navigated the challenges of running a business. His ability to communicate effectively, build strong customer relationships, and create value through his services left a lasting impression on me. Watching him, I realized that sales and marketing are not just about transactions, but about understanding needs, building trust, and creating lasting impacts. In addition to my personal experiences, my academic journey has further solidified my commitment to this field. Courses in marketing principles, consumer behavior, and sales strategies have provided me with a foundation and an understanding of the dynamics of the marketplace. I have learned how essential it is to adapt to ever-changing market conditions and to continuously innovate to meet consumer demands. Moreover, I am driven by my motivation to help businesses grow and succeed. I believe that effective sales and marketing strategies are the backbone of any thriving business. The idea of being able to influence a company’s direction and contribute to its growth through well-thought-out marketing campaigns and sales techniques excites me. I am eager to bring my knowledge, creativity, and enthusiasm to the industry, where I can play a role in driving business success. My passion for this career path is also driven by the potential for personal growth and the opportunity to make a positive impact. Sales and marketing offer a dynamic and challenging environment that constantly pushes me to learn, adapt, and improve. The prospect of connecting with diverse people, understanding their needs, and crafting solutions that meet those needs is incredibly fulfilling. It is the human element of sales and marketing that truly inspires me – the ability to touch lives, influence decisions, and build lasting relationships. In conclusion, my decision to pursue a career in sales and marketing is rooted in a combination of personal inspiration, academic experiences, and a strong desire to make an impact in the business world. I am passionate about utilizing the power of communication and strategy to drive success and am committed to excelling in this field. Receiving the Neal Hartl Scholarship would not only honor his legacy but also empower me to achieve my career aspirations and continue to make a positive difference in the world of business.
    Henry Respert Alzheimer's and Dementia Awareness Scholarship
    Losing my grandma to Alzheimer's disease was one of the toughest experiences my family and I have ever faced. For us, it meant watching someone we loved dearly gradually slip away, losing touch with reality and the memories that once defined her. Before Alzheimer's began its progression, my grandma and I shared a special bond over crossword puzzles. We would spend hours poring over the clues, laughing at the tricky ones, and playing together every chance we got. It was more than just a hobby; it was a ritual that brought us closer together, creating lasting memories. But as the disease tightened its grip, those memories started to fade. Simple tasks became increasingly challenging for my grandma, and moments of forgetfulness became more frequent. It was heartbreaking to witness her struggle to recall names, places, and even basic details of our time together. There were times when she would look at me with a confused expression, unable to recognize the person standing before her. It felt like a piece of our connection was slipping away with each passing day. The impact of Alzheimer's extended beyond just my relationship with my grandma; it affected my entire family. We all felt the weight of her decline, dealing with feelings of helplessness and grief as we watched her lose herself to the disease. Simple pleasures, like family gatherings and celebrations, were tinged with sadness as we witnessed her absence, both physically and mentally. Navigating the complexities of Alzheimer's taught me invaluable lessons about compassion, patience, and resilience. It required me to dig deep within myself to find strength and understanding in the face of adversity. I learned to cherish the moments of clarity and connection, no matter how fleeting they may have been. Even as the disease stole my grandma's memories, I held onto ours tightly, refusing to let them slip away completely. As we journeyed through the highs and lows of Alzheimer's, my family became a source of support and solidarity. We leaned on each other for comfort, sharing the burden of caregiving and finding solace in our shared experiences. Through it all, we remained united in our love for my grandma, determined to honor her legacy and preserve the essence of who she was, even as the disease ravaged her mind. In the end, Alzheimer's may have taken my grandma from us physically, but it could never erase the imprint she left on our hearts. Her spirit lives on in the memories we hold dear, serving as a reminder of the love and joy she brought into our lives. And while the pain of her loss lingers, so too does the gratitude for having known and loved such a remarkable woman.
    HeySunday Eco-Innovation Scholarship
    Tennis may seem like a game of elegance, but beneath the surface lies an environmental challenge demanding attention. As someone deeply involved in tennis, I have only recently become aware of an often-overlooked issue: the environmental impact of our sport. Within the thrill of competition and the friendship of the tennis community, it is crucial to acknowledge the ecological footprint we leave behind and take action to prevent it. Professional tennis players face a significant challenge in terms of their carbon footprint. With an annual average of at least 60,000 air miles due to the necessity of traveling between tournaments, air travel becomes an unavoidable aspect of their careers. Recently, the men's ATP Tour introduced an app allowing players to monitor their carbon emissions, a step towards promoting greener travel. It's encouraging to see players like world number 47 Emil Ruusuvuori taking proactive steps to reduce their environmental impact, motivated by a desire to preserve cherished natural spaces like Ruusuvuori's holiday home in Finland. Furthermore, the environmental impact of tennis extends beyond travel to the equipment used on the court. Recreational players rarely reuse tennis balls for multiple games, as the balls "die" quickly, especially if they are not stored correctly. These balls are then discarded without any thought of where they may end up, oftentimes left outside of courts or in fields. Furthermore, professionals typically discard balls after just a few hours of play. This contributes to the significant number of tennis balls used in major events like the US Open, where around 70,000 balls are utilized over two weeks. The production and disposal of tennis balls pose significant environmental challenges that extend far beyond the confines of the court. At the heart of this issue lies the manufacturing process, which relies heavily on petroleum-based materials such as nylon for the felt coating and rubber sourced from plantations. Not only do the extraction and processing of these materials contribute to carbon emissions, but they also pose threats to biodiversity, particularly in regions where rubber plantations encroach upon natural habitats. From the extraction of raw materials to the manufacturing process itself, and finally, to distribution and transportation to various markets worldwide, each step in the supply chain contributes to carbon emissions. The extensive travel involved in transporting tennis balls across continents further worsens the environmental impact, adding to the overall carbon footprint of the sport. The environmental challenges posed by the production and disposal of tennis balls stress the need for sustainable practices within the tennis industry. From sourcing eco-friendly materials to optimizing supply chain logistics, there is a pressing need for innovation and collaboration to lessen the environmental footprint of this essential component of the game. Addressing these environmental challenges in tennis should spark an approach involving personal responsibility and industry-wide initiatives. From reducing air travel through carbon tracking apps to promoting the reuse or recycling of tennis balls, there are numerous opportunities for players, organizers, and manufacturers to make a positive impact. By embracing sustainability as a core value, we can ensure that tennis remains not only a source of joy and inspiration but also a sponsor for environmental awareness.
    Student Life Photography Scholarship
    Arthur and Elana Panos Scholarship
    Faith, particularly rooted in my Christian beliefs, has been constant in my life, offering guidance, strength, and a profound sense of purpose. It's more than just a set of doctrines or rituals; it's a deeply personal connection to something greater than myself. In moments of uncertainty or struggles, my faith has served as an anchor, providing me with courage to navigate life's challenges. Through prayer and reflection, I've found comfort in the belief that I am not alone, that there is a divine presence guiding me through every twist and turn. Moreover, my Christian faith has instilled within me a moral compass, shaping my values and influencing my decisions. Concepts such as compassion, forgiveness, and integrity aren't just abstract ideals—they're principles that I strive to embody in my daily life, both personally and professionally. Higher education, for me, has been intertwined with my faith journey. I see education as a gift and an opportunity to fulfill my potential, to make a positive impact on the world around me. It's a calling to steward the talents and resources entrusted to me by God, to use them in service to others and to contribute meaningfully to society. As I look toward my future career, I recognize the importance of integrating my faith into my professional endeavors. Whether it's through ethical decision-making, fostering a supportive work environment, or advocating for social justice, I aspire to be guided by the principles of love, compassion, and integrity that are central to my Christian faith. My faith is tied into everything I do, so it is inevitable that it will follow me into my professional career in the future, no matter what. Furthermore, I believe that my faith will play a vital role in helping me strike a balance between my career, family, and personal life. In a world that often prioritizes productivity over well-being, I am committed to maintaining perspective and ensuring that my actions align with my values and priorities. When I am struggling with an overload of work, assignments, or stress; I always have Sunday morning to reflect on my week and to connect with God. My faith has been a part of my identity, shaping my views and influencing my life choices. As I continue on my journey, both academically and professionally, I am grateful for the strength, guidance, and inspiration that my Christian faith provides. It is my hope and prayer that I may honor God in all that I do and make a positive difference in the lives of those around me.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    The sudden loss of my close friend in a devastating car accident hit me hard. It was like a wake-up call, reminding me just how fragile life can be. In the midst of the pain and sorrow, I realized that I needed to change how I lived. So, I made a promise to myself and to my friend's memory: I would live every moment with gratitude and purpose. Since then, I've tried to approach each day with a heart full of love. I've learned to appreciate the little things and spread kindness wherever I go. Whether it's lending a helping hand to a friend or simply smiling at strangers, I'm on a mission to make the world a brighter place. Through volunteering and my studies, I've seen how much of a difference compassion can make. From mentoring kids to getting involved in community projects, I've found that true happiness comes from giving back to others. My goal is simple: to spread love in a world that can often feel dark and overwhelming. I believe that by showing kindness and gratitude, I can inspire others to do the same. With this scholarship, I'm excited to continue my journey of making a positive impact and honoring the memory of my friend. So, here's to embracing life, cherishing every moment, and spreading love wherever we go. It's a journey that I'm grateful to be on, and I can't wait to see where it takes me. Each day, I wake up with a renewed sense of purpose, eager to make a difference in the lives of those around me. Whether it's through small acts of kindness or larger-scale volunteer efforts, I am constantly seeking opportunities to spread positivity and uplift others. One of the most rewarding experiences I've had in my journey of helping others was volunteering at a local homeless shelter. As I served meals and listened to the stories of those who had fallen on hard times, I was struck by the resilience and strength of the human spirit. It was a humbling reminder of the importance of empathy and compassion in our interactions with others. In addition to my volunteer work, I have also sought out opportunities to advocate for causes that are important to me. Whether it's raising awareness about mental health issues or advocating for environmental conservation, I believe that every voice has the power to spark change. By using my platform to amplify the voices of those who may not have the same opportunities, I hope to create a more inclusive and compassionate society. Of course, my journey of helping others has not always been easy. There have been moments of doubt and frustration, times when it felt like my efforts were not making a difference. But through it all, I have remained steadfast in my commitment to making the world a better place. Because I know that even the smallest act of kindness has the power to ripple outwards and create meaningful change. As I look towards the future, I am filled with hope and optimism for what lies ahead. With the support of this scholarship, I am excited to continue my journey of service and leadership, knowing that I am part of a larger movement of individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world.
    Yolanda and Sam Shuster Scholarship
    "Do it right, or don't do it at all." I heard this from my mother growing up these past twenty years. I am also the same age as my mother immigrated to the United States. She traveled alone from Poland, dreaming of creating a better life for herself. As I grew up, I witnessed my mother constantly taking opportunities to improve herself, taking classes and learning new skills whenever possible. Seeing her continual growth and how she tackled challenges head-on, I learned the value of perseverance and lifelong learning. Sometimes I wonder how my mother is so strong and has much willpower and passion to succeed. My mother is capable of anything, and I admire that. I have grown up to learn I should be a strong, independent woman like my mother. She believes in being able to be independent and successful. I hope others see me the way I see her one day. One of the most meaningful ways my mother influenced my life was by supporting my passions. When I discovered my love for tennis, she ensured I had the means to pursue it. Despite our financial constraints, she made sacrifices to pay for my tennis lessons and equipment, encouraging me to succeed, and over time, I did. Her belief in me fueled my determination to work hard and succeed in all aspects of my life, not just in tennis. With her as my role model, I developed a strong sense of responsibility toward my studies. As I look back on my life so far, my mother's sacrifices have pushed me to strive for greatness, and I know that I must overcome any obstacles that come my way. I am determined to honor her legacy by continuing to work hard and pursue my dreams with the same passion she displays.
    Dr. Alexanderia K. Lane Memorial Scholarship
    The Butterfly Effect: How Your Acts of Kindness Can Change the World A butterfly flaps its wings. Immediately, nothing seems to have changed—but on the contrary, a massive change could have occurred. As unlikely as it seems, this is the theory of the butterfly effect. When I play tennis, the seemingly random interactions that result, as insignificant to most as a flap of a butterfly's wings, have had the most significant impact on my life. The first ripple I felt from the small butterfly's flap that was my love for tennis was when I began to teach tennis to disabled children. It was the summer of 2018 that I began teaching tennis; little did I realize that my summer job was about to take an extraordinary turn. During this journey, I immersed myself in a world that would forever change how I viewed my role as a mentor. Teaching young children the art of tennis kindled a passion within me. This summer job touched the lives of those I taught. It shaped my path, leading me towards a future filled with purpose and fulfillment, working alongside incredible children and utilizing tennis to bring joy. Teaching these amazing children and learning their stories has left such a mark on me that I have volunteered and taught them every summer since then. I teach the kids the fundamentals of playing and the love and passion for the game that I have. It brings joy to my heart to see the way their eyes light up when they make contact with the ball. Being able to have this experience with these children has given me so much more perspective than I ever could have imagined without tennis. This truly is a butterfly effect moment. Having such a good experience with the children, however, is a direct result of my fourteen years of playing the sport. Again, the butterfly effect granted me new experiences that I would have never thought possible. Through tennis, I have been able to accomplish so much, gain so many new perspectives on life, and hold a newfound humility. I am forever thankful for the children I have met while teaching—collectively, they have changed my life forever. I have come to learn that no matter how insignificant something may seem in the moment, it has the opportunity to alter my life and the lives of others. After all, you never know when a butterfly might flap its wings. Receiving this scholarship would greatly help my family and me because we are facing financial difficulties due to the increased cost of my school fees. The sudden rise in expenses has made it tough to manage the payments. I am working to complete my master's degree in 4 years to save us money as well. Getting this scholarship would provide much-needed support. It would allow me to continue my education without worrying too much about money and not having to work so much during the school year, and having two jobs. This scholarship would not only ease our immediate financial worries but also provide a way for me to pursue my education and future career without causing financial strain on myself and my family.