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Natalie Cabrera


Bold Points




Hello everyone! I am Hispanic, very involved and active in my community, I am interested in getting a my bachelors degree. I love the movie Coraline and my favorite color is purple. I enjoy meeting and interacting with new people. I enjoy traveling all of the Staes in the U.S and Mexico.


Sterling City High School

High School
2021 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
    • Military Technologies and Applied Sciences, Other
    • Cooking and Related Culinary Arts, General
    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      Forensic Pathologist



      Junior Varsity
      2021 – 20232 years


      2023 – 2023


      2023 – 20241 year

      Track & Field

      2021 – 20243 years


      • regional quailifer

      Cross-Country Running

      2022 – 2022


      • Regional quialifers


      • Sterling City ISD

        2022 – 2024

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        Golden Eagle Society — washing first responders trucks
        2024 – 2024
      • Volunteering

        Catholic Church — Teacher
        2023 – Present

      Future Interests



      Valentine Scholarship
      Ways that I will help out member in my community? Organizing events for your community. As a community everyone should come together and socialize to get to know one another. This will increase the trust and enjoyment of our community. Another one is being able to support your local business such as, advertising, volunteering, and being present. As communities we should put ourselves out there so show our member that we care and want to come together and unite. Cleaning is a good way to help the community. Makes it look heartwarming and presentation for anyone who comes by. People will think that it is such a calming and peaceful community. Donating supplies to the ones in need is a huge impact that can happen in your community. Not many of us will know who needs what until we all come together as a community and socialize. As a student who lives in a small town with everyone knowing everybody it is very simple to do things as volunteering. There is always help needed all around the town. Volunteering experiences I have done was being able to help out at my local nursing home. Interacting with the elders who used to live in the same town and is known, is very nice makes you feel appreciated. Maybe three times a year our town hosts local track meets and cross country country meets. I have helped through those such as moving hurdles, handing out metals, water, and brining papers back and fourth which isn't the funnest things . I am also till this day a CDD teacher at my local Catholic Church. I teach 4th and 5th graders and they are the best! I signed up for this opportunity because I do enjoy making sure the kids know what they are learning about who is God. I think this is one of my favorite volunteering do's. Every Wednesday we do lions club, we host them and make them very spectacular dishes. As a person who enjoys and loves cooking I took the time to do it. Doing this for over 4 years of living in this small town I have learned many things! One of my most appreciated things that I have learn and that is going to make an impact on my future is the communication skills I have gained throughout this. I use it in my everyday life and I am glad I have. Another thing is socializing, I wasn't very social back then and know I feel like I have opened myself up a lot more. As a student I am in a program called FCCLA. This organization has helped me with presenting skills, dress code, and speaking. As our project is about raising awareness on AI, and we are trying to disconnect people from being on their phones and have more peer interactions. As in result of this we have organized events for our community to disconnect from their phones. With these activities we ran them without being payed or anything. Many people in our community seemed to enjoy these. From them on I have realized the doing something for my community has helped me realized the person I am. I am grateful I have done this activities and makes me a better person in the future.
      Nabi Nicole Grant Memorial Scholarship
      I was raised in a catholic household. Growing up we were involved in the church but not as much. Over time as I grew older I started struggling and witnessing certain things in life that weren't good. As time passed I met some challenges but not as bad as this one. I started to notice that the way I accepted and behaved towards my family and friends was odd. I've started being rude, talking back, and being violent. It had gotten to the point where my parents wouldn't know or have control of me. One day I visited one of my tia's, a very religious woman. I walked into her house and noticed all the crosses and pictures of Jesus. At that moment it all came to me. I noticed and remembered so many memories and things. When I was little we used to go to church and take communion. At that moment I realized how memorable and beautiful it was. As my tia welcomed me, I asked her why she believed in and served god. Her response was, "he died for our sins Natalie, your sins, my sins. Then gave us the beautiful life to wake up to, everything you have he gave you, look around all this he died for you". I sat there in science for a moment, then cried. All of the mistakes choices, and decisions I've made. This is all going through my head, I'm thinking at that moment why would he make me go through this, make people feel this way? I later realized God puts things in our lives, he makes us suffer at times so we can realize that we, as a person are drifting away from him. From that day on, I have realized how important we need God in our lives. He makes everything possible, he has a plan for us.I soon became very active in my Catholic Church, I teach at my local church too. Now I see the beauty and freedom our savior has given us. I grew closer and changed for my people, the choice and plan god had for me. I appreciate that he gave me this position at a young age, to realize how important and how much we need him in our lives. Just know we are perfect and great in the hands of our god, he has a plan for you, and that plan is wonderful. Amen.
      F.E. Foundation Scholarship
      I am one of three kids in the household and the only female. I'm Hispanic and bilingual. I am very active in my community and school. I struggle in school and make the effort to get through and better. I would want to put pressure on my education to become an ER nurse. The change I want to make in this world is the distractions and how it affects people. I want to witness the suffering and pain people go through, because of a cause of a distraction. For example, phones are a huge distraction. Growing up we were very limited in our screen time and I thank my parents for that. It makes an impact on me. Another distraction, which isn't much of a distraction is drugs. I've spoken with many first responders and some ER nurses. They have witnessed many drug substance usage and they did mention how awful it is to witness a human being going inane. That is where the desire to be in that field is to talk and explain to my family members friends and people. That we need to make a difference or have a limit on these things. I want to have real-life stories and tell them to my people so they can have an understanding that this shouldn't be right. These distractions need to go away. But as we are in this world and environment, it keeps getting worse and worse by the day. The other reason for being a nurse is wanting the ability to help others. I want my people to know that I will always hold their hand. As of now, I'm always putting my friends and family's feelings and worries ahead of mine. To that it isn't a problem to me, it brings me joy that the people I love and care for can come to me for help. That is how I want it to be in the real-life world. Have and make a change, but also allow people to rely on me that I will always care for them. I might not be the smartest or always have answers to the solution but you can trust me that I'll hold your hand along the way to joy. For me becoming a nurse I will want to make those two changes to the world. I want to make an impact on the world and my community. I want people to know what goes on behind the doors that no one talks about. Show them the real-life world and how awful it is, and make a slow change through it. I hope the influenceablility on how I would like to pursue and makes an impact. Thank you for reading.
      Natalie Cabrera Student Profile |