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Natalia Pino


Bold Points






I am determined and insanely honest. My goal in life is evidently to inspire and educate through visual means such as animation to ultimately stop people from being uneducated. I can make anything into a profitable business and allegedly have the creativity that is oftentimes compared to the vast oceans that I came from. A lot of what I do revolves around my need to be free and expressive and encourage others to do the same. No one should ever feel like their voices must be subjected to silence.


Creekside High School

High School
2021 - 2022


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Film/Video and Photographic Arts
    • Arts, Entertainment, and Media Management
    • Design and Applied Arts
    • Fine and Studio Arts
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Creative Director

    • Drawing what people tell me for a set price.

      2015 – 20205 years



    2018 – 20191 year


    • N/A


    • Global Warming

      Earth Club — Social Media Cordinator
      2019 – 2021


    • Campbell High School and Creekside High School

      I decorated allot of school doors
      2019 – 2021

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Earth Club — Social Media Cordinator
      2019 – 2021

    Future Interests




    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    If I could share one sentence in the world, it would be that “after meeting someone our hearts are always connected. No matter how far they may be or how long we have not seen each other, we are connected by the memories and love we share for one another”. I remember the reason these words became too precious to me is that I fear the idea of loss or abandonment. Many people who carry relation to me by blood have scorned me and even rejected to see me eye to eye because of my nationality. However, when I reconsider that the world consists of more loving souls and hearts the pain from inside lessens. I choose to feel loved instead of enduring the pain inflicted by those who claim to have my best interests. In admiration, I also realize the endless possibilities and arrays of emotions I can demonstrate to others as they have shown me. It all boils down to knowing that no one is ever truly alone, no matter how lonely things may feel. One must realize there is someone who loves you.
    Bold Influence Scholarship
    If I were an influential figure, I would spread a message of love to all. Usually, when people consider love, they begin to consider romantic notions. Nevertheless, I want humanity to perceive that emotions are just as flexible as one’s ideas. Everyone has a different form of love just as there are many degrees to love. Currently, I am struggling with figuring out my brother’s love language and forming a solid connection with him. As a child, I was close with my little brother. However, as time went on one can imagine both our love languages evolved. I depend more on physical affirmation to feel loved, while my brother personally feels loved with materialistic indulgences. These differences caused a grand divide in our conversations. I do not feel like it should be that way between him and me. I hope that notions like kids being kids and little brothers having the ability to be harsher to their older siblings are obliterated. In life, there should be no excuse to exhibit hate and encourage violence. Playful or not actions that have the potential to harm should not be supported. Whether it is an ideal or a person, we should all strive to find those who believe in love and the betterment of the world. Because if we all fail to acknowledge and develop greater ideals then progress will be stunned and almost lost. So let us do all we can to love those who love us back sincerely.
    Bold Love Yourself Scholarship
    I love that I never give in the towel when things get difficult. As strange as that sounds I have met many quitters in my life and my family who always complain about not doing enough to fulfill their happiness. I never understood people who whine with the idea that things will get accomplished. Accomplishment stems from having a clear mind and taking active steps to achieve goals. Whether it is a class assignment or an important email one cannot say that a small portion of the effort is necessary to get results. Even to this day, I take pride in my work ethic and my ability to produce high-quality work. Not many people can say they are competent and have the confidence to confess such a thing. Especially because taking pride in one’s talent is perceived as immodest. However, I feel like one should not depend on another individual validation to feel contempt. I validate my effort and that is enough for me.
    Bold Learning and Changing Scholarship
    One of the most enlightening moments I had in my academic career pertains to listening to my AP history teacher, Mrs. Sung. She was a beautiful Korean woman with a catholic background. I was fascinated by her intellect and prominent knowledge of the materials we reviewed in class. She always took the time to explain the perspective of different individuals and demographics in a historical context. However, she did not only focus on history as she spoke of modern politics respectfully. Nevertheless, she deeply clung as a history major to the quote “History always repeats itself”. When I first heard the quote in her class, I did not deeply consider its underlined implications. Sung always made it a point to remind the class that if people ignore history then certain ideals will never be changed or prevented. Once I started looking back at history and observing the constant turmoil between democrats and republicans. Noting similar notions that never changed about war. Ultimately, how negligence towards different minority groups only changed form over time I began to realize the world needed to voice its concerns. I am an environmentalist attempting to bring awareness to matters that concern global warming not only through art but also through building communities. My teacher taught me not to wait for others to create the solutions we want to see in the world since those in power do not consider the impoverished and the hungry. I am forever grateful to my teacher for showing me the true nature of this country, along with the tools needed to make it better.
    Bold Mentor Scholarship
    I am personally an artistic mentor, I love seeing children develop their skills and find their artistic voices come to life. The thing about art is that it is a very emotional subject; it is difficult to be a sensational artist without tapping into one’s struggles and adorations. Especially when kids have an artist block it is easy for even grown adults to grow frustrated and impatient. As a young mentor, I have profound hopes that my pupils will learn that life is filled with tribulations. However, regardless of these struggles, I desire that my students are fully aware that with patience solutions are always attainable. Whether it is a mistake or a disproportioned piece, it is important to know how to improvise in life. Many things in art are applicable in day-to-day life. Whether it is a positive perspective or the ability to discover efficient answers to problems. I hope my students find a way to get the results they desire in the end. Because the purpose of anything in life is to be pleased with the result in regards to the amount of time and labor we put into things. If there is no sense of satisfaction in our efforts one can even debate that it is meaningless. With this in mind, it all boils down to wanting the best for my students’ lives.
    Bold Future of Education Scholarship
    One of the grandest changes that would influence our education system is personalizing our children’s education to their personal needs. Commonly kids confess that they only genuinely use 10% of what they learned in either elementary or high school. Especially because schools focus on results, actual content knowledge is lost. In fact, over the years kids admit to not having a helpful method of studying even with classes created with the sole purpose of teaching kids how to learn. These courses struggle because the courses cater to no one. Especially because everyone has a different passion for what they want to do in life. What I suggest is ultimately having schools formulated as colleges are. Students get to pick classes based on their skills and passions as opposed to enforcing unwanted classes just so then they can pass. One thing I noticed is that many kids are put into PE or classes like JROTC because of their lack of physical ability or family history. At the end of the day sometimes, these decisions limit kids from pursuing their dream occupations. Realistically it is understood that sometimes classes are chosen according to the lack of space in different classes, but one cannot deny the discrimination in the school system. As a Latina woman, I have been placed into Spanish classes multiple times despite desiring French classes. The reason I was in Spanish is that it is simple. Honestly, I would love to see children having a say in what they want to learn regardless of their parent’s beliefs. Especially in America, I do not think it is fair to limit certain information because of religious or social affiliations. If parents worry deeply that their kids are going to be exploited to unwanted information. Honestly, schools with similar ideals are created privately for those parents. What I want to see for my child is that the adults in the facility take their dreams seriously and put in the effort to teach them based on what they need. Many personalized programs exist on the internet to help children learn what they want in school. In Ireland, there are personalized projects and assignments kids get to do. I know what would elevate our education is having flexibility with a person’s curiosity. Once we accomplished this, I feel like kids will have the ability to not only make close connections but also use what they learn outside of school.
    Bold Loving Others Scholarship
    I concentrate on reminding my boyfriend that he is enough by complimenting his positive attributes. For context when I first met him regardless of the amount of practice or time he would put into perfecting something he would still lash himself out. Verbally or physically, he would either tell himself he was not good enough or fear the worst. I sensed his uneasiness when we were friends and always took time out of my day to highlight his brilliance. The thing about making people feel loved is ultimately they also take the time to love you back. He has continuously taken time off his busy schedule to visit me and spend time walking across forests and a variety of natural sceneries. There are times when we both feel like we are not providing each other with sufficient love and admiration. However, we also take the time to communicate these emotions and come up with possible solutions. For example, I feel like my efforts, as an artist is inefficient because it is something I find simple. While he takes the time to engineer his gifts but to him, it may only take mere seconds. However, the most precious works of art and moments we share are the ones we plan together. Whether it is a gift for another person, I am deeply fond of or a challenge I have for him. Ultimately, we indulge each other in our different passions and find ways to learn more about each other daily. Making someone feel loved is not a matter of committing a single act of adoration. We show people we love them by continuously making an effort to spread happiness to others. My lover taught me this much and it is something I am grateful for.
    Bold Community Activist Scholarship
    As an individual, I am compassionate to a fault. I see people struggle around my school community and feel an obligation to assist either through hands-on aid or passive donations. I help the janitors in my school pick up trays and sometimes clean up the classrooms to prevent people from getting sick. Granted the people in my high school are competent but everyone deserves a lighter load from time to time. Usually, janitors are the first to get disrespected by the student body. Sometimes many of the staff members don’t even acknowledge the existence of the school cleaning ladies. This sense of under-appreciation always managed to make my skin boil furiously, almost in disgust for those who cannot comprehend the roles played by each unique individual. I was prepared to take my leave and head to class until I noticed the ocean of trays on top of the tables. I was almost speechless because I never witnessed so much wasted food and trash lying around. In simpler terms the lunchroom was chaotic, and no one bothered to care about the potential dangers a contaminated plate can have on the janitor’s health. Especially during these times, it’s vital to have optimal health to survive. I rolled up my sleeves and rubbed hand sanitizer on my hand and took on matters myself. As one can fathom one of the janitors, Harrison, saw me pacing and almost stood there mesmerized. I was later acquainted with Jose and Tony who always told me that I was a rather strange kid in comparison to the indifference of my peers. I never thought of myself as strange always figured the world could be kinder. They gave me a letter expressing their gratitude and encouraging me to tackle issues I find directly.
    Bold Generosity Matters Scholarship
    To some generosity is a form of charitable action that undoubtedly benefits struggling individuals. However, many people in our modern-day commit numerous acts of charity for purposes of validation, recognition, and reputation. This manipulative mindset gets awarded endlessly under the umbrella known as generosity but to me being generous comes from a place of genuine concern. Generous people don’t have expectations of compensation or reward. There is a sense of pleasure that comes from giving back to either’s one’s community or our environment. Knowing the fact that one gives enough to spread positive vibes, tools for further progression, or even words to evoke hope and compassion. I learned the meaning of generosity through my loving mother. She would always assist my grandmother in all her needs despite being racially slandered and ridiculed by her. Despite all the hatred, my grandmother exhibited my mother made it a point to recognize my grandma was human and in need of aid. There was not even an ounce of gratitude received on my mother’s end, just the fact that she knew my grandmother would live longer with a proper shower and medication. With this all considered it’s safe to assume I admire my mother for also showing the same amount of love to me and my brother. I take what I learn from my mother to teach people ways to better improve their lives not only academically but also emotionally. In short, being kind and helping others come from a place of the heart.
    Bold Meaning of Life Scholarship
    To me, life is made worth living by the person who makes choices that ultimately reaches some form of contempt. Everyone’s definition of happiness can range from family to materialistic needs. But for me, as someone whose been close to the brink of death on multiple occasions I desire to share and have more experiences. Whether it is the simplicity of playing by a stream or running across many coastlines. Especially because I lived extremely sheltered the only way, I saw the world was through my phone. Constantly googled countries and places I wanted to go to, seeing food I knew I could never afford to try. Portions of my childhood are saddening but my whole life doesn’t have to be, especially as an adventurous soul I deserve opportunities to widen my horizon and soak in the wonder of the sun. Since I am entering my journey into adulthood my first step is to get a driver’s license so I can take myself and my boyfriend places. Once I manage to maneuver a vehicle, I’d love to learn how to navigate a boat across waters that spread beyond one’s view. I want to get a license in anything that will grant me immense mobility. With everything accounted I’ll also ask friends and family of different locations I also want to relive and revisit as well; the funding will come from renting mowing tractors and other investments that will essentially pay for this dream of mine. Also pursuing a stable job in case side hustles don’t function is crucial because nothing is guaranteed in life. Especially because I am not doing all this on my own, I am confident that I will succeed and see everything life has to offer. I am a firm believer life is meant to be lived.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    As someone who didn’t always possess self-confidence, I can say with immense certainty that a sense of command comes with confidence. Whether it is the capability to stand up for oneself morally, emotionally, or physically. Especially in a world of many differing views and perspectives, it is essential to find something to be confident about whether it’s a skill, an array of knowledge, or something you are constantly improving in mentally. To be rather frank I am confident in my capabilities as an artist, along with the skills I acquired from looking out for my little brother. But I would be lying if I stated that my confidence doesn’t falter from time to time. Whether it’s negative commentary or pitiful excuses people come up with to bring me down the reality of the situation is that it is unethical and almost uneducated to act so crass. I work on developing my own set of truths and boundaries that I expect other people to respect and understand. I do not think it is unreasonable to ask others to take their time to understand me. Getting to know me does not ultimately mean there should be an automatic connection but as an individual I expect transparency. Especially after everything I have been through, I think it’s fair to say I don’t enjoy playing mind games with other individuals. Setting my priorities and asking others to do the same at a first encounter clears out not only expectations but limits blame on me for future conflicts. I work on my confidence by demanding and asserting my words without any loopholes or double standards. I mean what I say, and I say what I mean. In brief being confident is having the ability to not fear leadership roles and positions.
    Bold Growth Mindset Scholarship
    A growth mindset refocuses one’s perspectives into considering forms in which one can ultimately develop their current circumstances or skills. A growth mindset conflicts with the idea that a person is essentially born talented and capable which renders them perfect from the start. A growth mindset acknowledges people’s imperfections but also recognizes one’s strengths which can get polished over time. The way I keep a growth mindset is essentially constantly reflecting on my strengths and weaknesses. As a person, I am creatively innovative and always in pursuit of finding solutions. Especially because the schools I attended were relatively poor they lack the resources especially in underappreciated programs like art to save money. Because of this, I had to reinvent how I thought about the world, I began noticing the lack of paint pallets, brushes, and materials which began my search for alternative resources. Plastic note boards were used as pallets, plastic forks and spoons from the cafeteria were used as brushes, old showering towels were transformed into washcloths. Realistically my creativity is sparked when I need results, usually, the item that will give me positive outcomes is irrelevant. I credit my adaptability for proving itself useful for all these years. I observed that my negative traits pertain to my sentimentality and how sometimes my emotions can cloud my sound judgment. To clarify being sentimental is vital but not when it limits one from finding essential information in a conflict. The way I have been working to terminate this bad habit ultimately is meditating and drawing to relieve personal stressors. Free expression of these bottled emotions builds a sense of confidence that is reflected in my public speaking. In short, I work progressively to reflect on my shortcomings to calculatedly decide what I urgently must enhance to further advance.
    Bold Optimist Scholarship
    One of the grandest hardships I endured growing up is the tyranny of someone I loved dearly manipulating me to live a life of servitude. It commenced with my grandmother who suffered from Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, and many other disabilities that rendered her unable to walk and process her actions. Because she was in constant need when I was a child, I never recognized her gaslighting or her ill-mannered comments towards my appearance. Despite all the rubbish I received, unlike many people, I always carried a reason to be optimistic. As an older sister, I carried the responsibility of brightening my brother’s days and trying to protect him from my grandfather’s scorns and insults. The task at hand wasn’t simple, I was only a child with limited capabilities due to my age. Nevertheless, when my parents would argue with my grandparents, I would hold my brother closely in my arm and make up stories about magical cups that could soak away tears and bread that could multiply if they were fed enough nutrients. As children, we would play with dolls and other toys together and create stories and worlds that were more pleasant to live in. Looking back on the experiences didn’t only humble me but encouraged me to continue pursuing happiness with my passions. For clarity, my grandmother died, and my grandfather abandoned us a few years ago which also gave me the strength and confidence to tell my story to others. Even though it is not always possible to be optimistic sometimes considering who one should be optimistic for makes things easier. Especially because in all fairness as people we only have one life to live, which is not something we should take for granted. Instead, give people reasons to be happy and remember things will always get better.
    Bold Patience Matters Scholarship
    Patience is a matter of taking the time to fully comprehend a situation. If I decide to act promptly and undoubtedly do something crass in the grand scheme of things, I will evoke more conflict than I will solutions. In consideration of this referring to patience in a period of immense confliction is of the grandest importance to me since it is a rather effective trait that should be utilized frequently. The reason I mention its benefits is that there was a point in my life where I neglected my thoughts and didn’t carry enough humility to be patient with myself. I’d self-sabotage myself verbally and state things like my efforts were not sufficient to progress in life. The constant mental bickering drove me insane to the point where I began to fail not only comprehending my frustration but the struggles of those dearest to me were undergoing. Once I began to contact people who were patient with me, I mentally quarrel for the rationale they were operating under. I realized that the friends who didn’t blatantly disregard me or sprint out in a verbal fury recognized they could learn more from me by waiting for me to express when I felt when I am the most comfortable. Keeping a calm demeanor and a gentle smile always omits a warm and soothing aura which is something I desire others to sense when they are around me. Especially because I love communicating and hearing the thoughts people have to offer, I must grasp where they are coming from. Because if I do not take the time to acknowledge a person’s differences and trials, how can I possibly hope to form any deep connections with them? Patience is vital for the development of other traits such as empathy, sympathy, comprehension, and love.
    Bold Fuel Your Life Scholarship
    What fuels my life is the ability to enrich someone’s perspective and general knowledge through my passions. To elaborate I possess a grand passion for creative mediums. Whether it’s a digital illustration, pottery, or physical painting realistically the methods I utilize are endless, but notably, that artistic medium is not the center of my passion. Usually, the true enlightenment is not so much the journey but the result and conclusion my pieces lead me to. For example, I may receive a request from someone I cherish to illustrate a flower. Even though I may not be fond of flowers I still put an astounding amount of effort to polish and finesse the piece. Usually, the part that keeps me motivated is the smile and inspiration people receive from witnessing and taking possession of my art. Doing something that can provoke immense joy in others is what makes me feel fulfilled in life. Because sadly people cannot encounter many reasons to beam brightly. Whether it is because of their home environment or some form of immense stressor it almost pauses people from being productive. In every regard, I know the power of not only my words but also my talent has on people. For instance, I can come across someone who feels worthless in any field and teach them how to draw a simple hand which can boost up their self-confidence. Especially to artists willing to progress I endearingly donate materials to further gloss and bring a sense of finesse into their pieces. In the long run me teaching other people art makes them not only consider the splendor of the world around them but also demonstrate and make artists consider the nature of the world that we live in. Being capable of creating an understanding of empathy is a gift.
    Hobbies Matter
    My passion as a creative mind resides in things that essentially provide creative exploitation. For example, a favored pastime of mine is being able to illustrate what is in my mind and having the capability to show my ideas in their physical form. Whether it is a character I deeply and humbly enjoyed creating or clothes I desperately want to wear. Being able to display my thinking is almost a form of opening my heart to others. Like many passions in my life drawing did initially start as a hobby. I wanted desperately to capture a moment I always wanted to remember on a sheet of paper. Even though granted I did not have the skills or the experience to elaborate and accentuate certain features the desire to learn became my main motivation. Before I developed my vision, I tried drawing what I saw before me. Whether it was an old man looking debonair as he’s walking with a coat and red scarf. Or a lady displaying her utmost confidence as she struts in the finest couture. My hobby in drawing also collides with my joy of observation which brings immense amusement. I love appreciating my surroundings and being able to demonstrate the functionality of my eyes. Especially because I wear glasses, I have a critical fear of going blind as a person and as an artist. Drawing also gives me a sense of consolation that I can view the world not only with creativity but as well as the people next to me. My loved ones even debate that my eyesight is almost unmatched because I can appreciate and make most of what I have. It all comes down to just compassion I carry for being able to express. Art to me commenced as I hobby but once my skills were honed to their highest potential it became a matter of life. It’s not just something I do for a living if I cannot draw it’s almost like not being able to breathe. I cannot envision myself without my visual voice.
    Bold Deep Thinking Scholarship
    One of the greatest issues in the world is the affordability of education not only financially but also socially. Many individuals are restricted from a proper education cause of poverty or religious pretenses, this, in turn, limits the capabilities and general intellect of many potentially remarkable individuals. To specify it is not impossible to make a name of oneself without education, but one cannot deny the facility of job opportunities with immense credentials. To fix this problem globally school funds should be carefully monitored. For context majority of schools focus their funds on renovating bathrooms and other parts of the building when the money can be wisely spent to open opportunities to students. For example, art programs, clubs, and other recreational activities like music are always low on funds. Instead of schools focusing on spending money on things that will elevate their “reputation” the focus of schools should be to make direct impacts on students by providing necessary tools. On a worldwide scale, kids in financially stable countries should provide school uniforms and other materials that tend to end up in landslides like notepaper and pencils. Especially in America, most kids buy an immeasurable number of school supplies only to let them go to waste by the end of the school year. Especially since the majority of the classwork and lessons are digitally done now in days the need for paper and pencil has declined. In an environmental aspect, the progression of technology has a positive impact environmentally but inevitably rendering no use for preexisting materials is idiotic. Getting people who can afford to donate or provide money to reduce school expenses would be beneficial. Especially for college more people need to offer opportunities to reduce school costs and even food costs through not only scholarships but reasonable job opportunities.
    Isaac Yunhu Lee Memorial Arts Scholarship
    My favorite piece of art is one I illustrated for my father. Out of love and admiration for my beloved dad, I wanted to consider drawing the very thing he cherishes most in the world, me, and my brother. The reason I hold this drawing dear is that it doesn’t only show my father’s character but also shows a sense of development as a person on my end. When I commenced my endeavors as an artist, I did not pertain qualities of an incredible artist. I lacked confidence in not only my capabilities but my appearance. Because of this, I began creating fictional characters to practice clothes and other essential skills. However, as I started to practice realism, I was ashamed of drawing other people because I was afraid of ruining someone’s self-esteem with my lack of experience. So, I started drawing myself in hopes of improving and then being able to draw others a lot more conviction. As my father gazed over my work and complimented me on my progression, he asked if I could draw something for him. I agreed and then started to consider many things throughout the artistic journey. My father is fond of photography, but he enjoys having things he can hang on the wall. I resonated with the photos my father would then filter with black and white to truly bring out the contrast of the surroundings. Usually, when my father has his camera, he can always manage to capture the light in people’s eyes. Once I began to consider this for the style of the piece the next step was trying to find a picture, I took that captures an important moment not only to me but to my father. The reason I am in a dress in the drawing is that it’s a photo I took with my brother while we were in New York for my quinces. My grandmother came to the United States through New York in her sandals while it was cold out. If it wasn’t for New York’s open and accepting nature towards immigrants my grandmother would’ve struggled to bring my family to the US. For me going to the place that ultimately led my family to a better future wasn’t only out of respect to my grandmother, I also wanted to respect my father in that he spent all his savings so I could have a special week over there. The fact that my family celebrated me during Pride Month is something indescribable in terms of matter. As I started to draw my brother, I began to consider all the things I appreciate about him. From how he refuses to smile in photos and pose for the camera. Small quirks but things I wanted to accurately incorporate in my art piece. Really in the grand scheme of things my inspiration for this piece is my family. My family despite not being perfect unconditionally demonstrates their love and support not only towards me and my aspirations but to my brother equally. Everything my family does is for my well-being, and it is not something I want to gloss over. Drawing this like my confirmation letter to my father. I want him to know that I see him working hard daily and want to commemorate him for all the nights he comes home worked to the bone. The moon in the art piece is inspired by the nights we as a family spend together. In its entirety, I am trying to look at myself through my fathers’ eyes and share a message of not only family love but self-love.
    Noah Wilson "Loaded Spinach" Arts & Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    The necessity to draw and essentially illustrate different sentiments commenced with a form of mental suffocation that enabled me to express myself. To elaborate as a child, I was taught to doubt my judgment and rely on others for solid answers. This in turn made speaking confidently difficult because I dreaded the fact that my thoughts were incorrect and almost unjustifiable. In a way, art almost presented to me a form to rebel against the beliefs of my oppressors and form connections with my loved ones. Commencing with my beliefs I don’t desire my experiences and suffering on other individuals, but sadly many people in this world endure hardships that I cannot even fathom. Many cannot advocate for proper living conditions and a drug-free body, even in my own family. Crucially you can imagine the endless amounts of stress I felt like I needed to contain only to suddenly release it all out in a visual manner. Especially because most of my childhood occurred inside a confined room being able to draw open the doors for me to capture what the world was beyond the windows of my room. In fascination, I began to research about different cultures and develop not only my morality but my necessity to progress. The realization that progression is attainable and I’m fully capable of assisting others in their struggles almost makes me feel powerful as a woman. My family always tried to encourage me to become a mother, became a lawyer or doctor, and do stable things. However, the lack of variety and experiences other professions provide is what instantly drew me to art. In terms of my relations, I developed long-lasting commitments with people through art. The reason is that people who can take the time to appreciate other people’s passions tend to have a compassion that rivals the norm. Growing up I couldn’t explain why my hands needed to touch a pencil for an excruciatingly long time. Then I realized even though I was made to feel worthless the small words from people telling me I was gifted and talented almost became addictive. For an instance the validation made me question my initial perspective on myself and started to open to the idea that I am generally optimistic and caring. On a realistic note, I did struggle mentally because of many artists developing immense jealousy over my capabilities. What made it frustrating was not the lashing and pettiness from the people around me. Honestly the fact that people were envious of a trait I did not even acknowledge in me was essentially what made things complicated with some people. My closest friends are usually the ones to give me credit where it is due. In consideration of the amount of effort, I dedicate to my craft, primarily the most important drive I have is wanting to do something with my skills. Regarding a career, my mental health has shown me that many people tend to forget their value and recede into a stage of self-neglect. Art can illustrate not only emotions but also convey messages that words struggle to elaborate. Because of this motion pictures also known as animation always had a sense of strength in storytelling that I strive to comprehend. I desire to leave an impact on people and ultimately inspire millions to find their voices. No one in this world deserves to feel speechless and teaching youth through animation just like animators have done for me is humbling. Especially because animation can be applicable in many work fields like education, medicine, and entertainment gives me flexibility in my life.
    Bold Wise Words Scholarship
    The wisest words I ever heard honestly came from my great grandmother, she always told me “it doesn’t matter what you have, what matters is what you do with what you got”. For context when I was younger, I was always trying to find ways to get more money without the idea of further investing or making use of what I had. In the grand scheme of things, I never apprehended the felicity my family pertained in having almost nothing. Like many people, I perceive an ideal that my family deserves more than what life has provided for them but through my great grandmother, I began to note the issue is not what we lack. Everyone is responsible for making the most out of their situation, in some ways that is one of the best ways to look at life. I almost lost sight of the fact that despite not having many materialistic things I still have a family, a talent, a dream, and many other aspirations. Unfortunately, not many people are fortunate to say they come from a loving and supporting family that has no conditions for the affection they provide. What I do not have in luxury I make up with experiences and love that I wish to give to those who are closest to me. The center of my great grandmothers’ wisdom also comes from the fact that she is an incredibly humble woman who gave birth to 20 kids in her lifetime. Many mothers struggle to care for one child but she carries enough wisdom and adoration for her family to find the best in everything. Keeping a positive outlook is not only healthy for one’s mental state but is also beneficial if one wants to do outstanding things in life.
    Bold Study Strategies Scholarship
    I am personally a visual learner, which means I need to watch what I am doing to comprehend what I am trying to learn. Visually does not only signify watching videos and looking at demonstrations done by other people when it comes to studying. Just looking at videos and mimicking steps is a matter of regurgitation for a test and undoubtedly forgetting the content later. Trying to understand for oneself is a challenge but if a person studies to spread their knowledge by teaching then it becomes easier to grasp the content. The reason for this is that the person I teach usually may have a different learning style from me. This is beneficial since the person I am studying with may have questions that I did not consider beforehand. Asking questions and trying to find resolutions make the material I am studying ingrained into my mind. Usually, it is because of the amount of typing and practices it takes to be fully certain my answer is correct. The exertion of effort I need to put on my part to gain confidence to teach another clueless person shows almost a sense of mastery as well. When I teach I always tend to resort to finding out what that individual is confused about, maybe they cannot grasp an emotional concept in a story. I usually teach through an example so I may try to associate the topic with the real world and my personal experiences so they can better grasp what I am talking about and associate answers with the conversation we had. Having more than one source to refer to make me feel certain in my content knowledge. There are many ways to study but becoming a teacher usually tends to be the method I am most familiar with utilizing.
    Bold Empathy Scholarship
    I define empathy as the deep understanding of compassion and suffering that others face. Many claim to be empathetic but cannot comprehend what they truly feel is “pity” for others. Empathy is not a matter of wishing others well in their moments of misfortune. True comprehension comes from the time one takes to consider where a person is coming from. Mental health is a big factor in truly observing and demonstrating true compassion. The reason for this is that everyone comes from different backgrounds and has differing opinions of what is acceptable and excruciating. I take time to befriend people not because I solely desire company but because I want to know where a person is coming from with every nuisance or word. As a person, I do tend to analyze the tone and diction people use because of my personal experiences, for a time I felt like I needed to lie to the world to secure my safety. It was not until I began to notice other people using the same words and utilizing the same form of speech as me that I realized people generally struggle emotionally. The way I help people is usually pointing out certain attributes I observe to them through a one on one conversation. I take pleasure speaking to people as individuals as opposed to trying to read in between the lines in a large gathering. I usually find people feel more comfortable with fewer eyes on them and feel more open to lowering their guard. All I can do is make sure people are aware that they can be themselves around me and ultimately I will never be in a place to judge their past actions or present faults. In brief, I strive to be a good friend to everyone I come across.
    Bold Nature Matters Scholarship
    I love the abundance of tools and nourishments nature provides not only to our physical bodies but also to the soul. In all truth, I did not experience the splendor and beauty of nature as a child because of the rubble and torment of the cement in the city. Once I moved to a place that displayed greenery beyond the eyes could see I was speechless. How can something so colorful and luscious not have been present? This question lingered in my mind as I began to consider how it was like to be uneducated on the relevance of Earth’s health. Sadly as people, many take things for granted because it has been around before one can recall. Nevertheless, to appreciate something I take time out of my day to consider and surround myself with the item of admiration. I enjoy hiking sometimes outside of the supposed hiking trail to see if I can observe something new I did not see before. I especially take pleasure in hiking with people who have been doing so for more time than I have. Exploring nature with friends not only gives me new insight into previous views but also makes me feel like I am reliving my first time. My deepest desire as a person is that other people realize that not only is nature beautiful but it is essential for us to perform simple tasks like breathing and construction. Nature provides the necessary tools for us to make what is essential to survive but we also need to be considerate of other animals and lifeforms. We all need nature to grow and sometimes even mature into who we want to be. I learned a lot from drawing still life with flowers just like a person could do so much in other fields.
    Bold Creativity Scholarship
    I apply creativity to my life constantly as an artist. Ever since I was a child, I always carried the Cuban spirit of finding ingenious answers to complicated questions. For context majority of my family struggle from poverty so it is not relatively new that we would find side hustles or observe our surroundings enough until a new idea strikes. As a child, I was always ashamed to ask my father or mother for any form of money for something I strongly desired. Even though my father would gladly supply money for things like candy or game consoles. However, to my disarray, I gained a sense of insecurity in not being able to support myself. With the dissatisfaction of being dependent, I began to review different possibilities. The end goal was gaining a sense of independence. I started to consider talents I possessed and forms in which I could get my hands on money. I realized I have an immense charisma and sense of energy that makes me believable and trustworthy. I experimented with business by getting items like chopsticks, lemonade, and anything people disregarded and ultimately finding ways to sell them. The idea essentially is if I get items from other people not only would it amuse the kids in my school and almost spark a sense of curiosity as to what I would do next, but it also built a solid customer base. My inconsistency in tactics and my natural skill in hustling granted me connections with all kinds of people. As an artist and young entrepreneur, I always make it my business to see what others think only to improve and consider new ideas. In short, creative thinking is not only a positive trait but also a lifelong skill; if one uses it wisely, one reaps benefits.
    Devin Chase Vancil Art and Music Scholarship
    I believe art is important to society because art is not only a form in which one can express, but explain without the usage of words. For context, I am a multi-cultural student meaning that I speak more than one language and always seek to learn more in my spare time. As a kid, I would struggle to convey my emotions in either Spanish or English because my young mind would combine both languages in a single sentence. To my family, comprehension was not challenging but to those who were unfamiliar with both languages, it would essentially be difficult to express rage, contempt, and other emotions that deserve to be recognized. I honestly learn how to speak fluent English through art; I would sit down as a child and watch TV. Even though to many this may appear rather strange, seeing the form in which the artists illustrated delight on a character’s face gave a new context to the words being used to me. Granted words have a sense of dignity and strength alone but illustrations and movement to capture the essence of a moment described verbally have more value than one can consider. The importance of art is the importance a smile from your loved one has on you. Humans are visual creatures who need to visualize to collect additional information. People also fail to understand that the visibility of art is not what makes it art, the medium also plays with various textures, invokes one to consider sound, and can even make one feel like they can taste what is before them. If an artist does their job right, the fact that artwork can make one consider the nature of reality is productive. If people stop empathizing with the world we would almost become cold and calculated as a society. To those who desire to pursue art, it is not just a matter of money, fame, or beauty. Art is almost like one’s lifeblood, you take away an artist’s tools and it is almost equivalent to stealing one’s voice. Sadly, not many individuals comprehend or understand that but with the message, an artist is trying to convey we very much desire to shape the world for the better. I am personally an environmentalist that wants people to consider not only the importance of nature but also the many ways it ought to be utilized. When a person carries a tool like a paintbrush, we are so quick to dismiss it as “man-made” without considering the origins of the materials we use. Even down to the colors in the paints we use in art originates from some form of mineral or plant. Relative to its societal importance there would be no way for me to convey this without the usage of art. Even though I can explicitly explain my message in words, the fact that I took the time to illustrate and create something makes that theme much more relevant. It is the difference between saying and doing something of significance. A person can say they are talented or express that they have immense self-worth but if they do not display their talents or demonstrate some form of proof then their efforts collectively carry no meaning. By showing what I created, I am clearly showing my confidence to display my lifework before many. The ability has to not only boost the confidence of others but also develop one’s voice is something unrivaled by anything else. Many creative professions deserve to strive and many creative minds deserve a chance to fully display their capabilities.
    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    What motivates me in life is the desire to prove my worth and the importance of my talent to the world. Commonly artists face ridicule for having a profession that appears to be equivalent to a kindergartner’s hobby. However, that is far from accurate. Many people do not consider the fact that more than half of humanity in our current age are visual learners. Because we learn and gather information visually, it is relevant to encourage others to partake and gain a sense of empathy towards those who are unafraid to express themselves through visual means. I have genuinely seen the effects that my aspirations have on my beloved muses and supporters. Just like me, countless people are afraid to speak in the terror of facing negligence or invalidation because of the absurdity of our ideas. Because artists learn to think outside of a societal box it is coherently understood that we are “insane” to those who lack creativity. I am determined to remove those stigmas not only inside of the artistic community but to prove the potential and power art truly has over the world. As a child I saw these capabilities in my TV, watching animation, and the potential that storytelling has to not only make life fulfilling but teach valuable messages of self-worth and confidence. I take the time to educate people about my passion so not only my support system grows but ultimately so others who join my support system also develop their unique voices. Encouraging others to be unique and seeing their growth as individuals is a beautiful life moment I feel others should partake and relish. In short, I gather that if my passion does not touch the hearts of many then there is no point in pursuing a senseless dream for money alone.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    Mentally I suffer from my perception of not only my self-worth but also my identity. To elaborate growing up I was oftentimes compared to a monster, this idea stayed ingrained in my mind. Because as a child I was fully aware that monsters were oftentimes scorned and hated with good reason. This picture of me being hated by my grandmother and brother because of my lack of competence made me disregard my own life and prioritize the world over myself. Because to me, every lifeform is beautiful, but my existence is meant to be of service to others. This nature of servitude is also something my grandfather nurtured to later manipulate me to control family politics. Realistically I knew people around me, friends, and other people found use out of using me as a pawn. My most significant role for a time is to follow instructions academically and otherwise for a good number of years. The reason I studied hard is for the future stability of my brother and family because we came from immense poverty. Then as I started to acquire knowledge and compliments, I began to realize people are willing to take the time to tell me that I am “smart” and “beautiful”. For the most part, my first instinct is to shun those words because I was taught as a woman, I must toxically shun words of others for purposes of modesty. To specify it is important to be modest but not to the point where you cannot recognize your strengths and virtues. Even as more people began to tell me that they admired my efforts and passions I found myself diving deeper in my work to not need to process the conflicting natures of mankind. Art became a temporary escape for me, I began to illustrate what I felt and show others what I drew to get some sense of validation. The constant need to be told that I was “talented” became a social addiction. Any moment I was not receiving praise the voices in my head would tell me to get a grip and process the possibility that others only felt pity and were possibly lying to me. Because there were many reasons, I could gather people would feel sorry for me I took that as the answer and discarded the genuine nature of those compliments. Many seeds of mistrust began to plant, and my grandparents were content to see their actions made me close others out of my life except their voices. For context, to become a pawn usually the first step is to make a person question their judgment and morals. Even if the pawn has reason in a situation disregarding their thought process completely and teaching your pawn how you desire them to process information ultimately is mentally shattering and useful for the manipulator in question. As a child, I was rather inquisitive which made controlling me difficult but not impossible. Then most of my problems got better once I started to make actual friends who were persistent to look after me. A boy my age sat alone in the back of the classroom completely isolated from everyone else. I was going around at the time fishing for compliments and trying to find my place in the world. I was fascinated by the fact that the boy was incredibly well dressed but indifferent to his surroundings. He was always thinking to himself and always smiling, like the thoughts he was having were inherently pleasant. I couldn’t truly comprehend what was so compelling in his mind but never had the urge to talk to him because many people warned me that he prefers to be alone. Confused by all the rumors surrounding this notably gentle kid I decided to ignore and get the facts myself. Once the teacher moved me away from my previous seat for being too loud, she believed moving me next to him would ultimately silence me. She was mistaken because I made it my business to bother the daylights out of him. Poking his dress shoes and yelling “HEY YOU!” to grab his attention. He did not know my name but continued to think until I slammed his desk with my hand, he realized I was trying to talk to him, and he appeared relatively shocked. We both made eye contact with one another and for the first time, I think we found solace in a gaze. To this day even when I try to insult myself and casually put myself down, he’s always there to remind me of his admiration for me. Safe to say we’ve fallen deeply in love with one another and quite frankly I’m content he reciprocates my emotions for him. During our friendship, we helped one another gain confidence and a sense of self-worth. Quite honestly, I think my mental distress helped me connect with many people and make long-lasting connections. Currently, I believe that I do not have a say in how others decide to perceive me in the end. I cannot control other people’s emotions and love for me, all I can do as a person is accept their feelings and express my gratitude to them. Fondly love is one of the many things that keeps me from feeling like a broken porcelain doll. This love is elaborated and seen thoroughly in my artwork and a newfound appreciation for the world. I hope through my artwork I can encourage others who have been hurt to also love openly as well. It is difficult not only to love but also to elaborate one’s desire and do what you love without ridicule these days. In terms of my career aspirations, I hope to develop a sense of empathy in our youth through cartoons and animations. If kids learn to love and care early in their lives it becomes easier to accept the compassion and respect of others. I truly believe that art is vital if we desire to progress as people emotionally and mentally.
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    In terms of knowledge, this may be common sense, but I always felt inadequate as a person and undeserving of love. This may appear peculiar since I am a person who wishes well on others but tends to undermine my necessities and desires. The reason for this is that I would constantly listen to other people’s perceptions of me without validating my observations. With time and people I love profoundly, I began to realize not only how talented I am artistically but also how motivated I tend to be as an individual. I began to realize my worth through my accomplishments and acknowledge that I am not as worthless as my grandparents tried to make me out to be. Realizing my self-worth and seeing my craft take form in t-shirts, bags, posters, and many other forms for multiple organizations and uses ultimately created my aspirations. As an artist, I’m fully aware of how my art impacts those around me. Bringing positive and inspiring others to find their voices doesn’t only hold value to me but also makes others realize their worth as well. Learning to love oneself and constantly finding things to love doesn’t only ease my mental state but also makes room for me to provide support to others as well. We should all strive to improve not only ourselves but the community we live in, with a piece of art at a time.
    Bold Legacy Scholarship
    The legacy I want to leave behind is most recognized through my actions and strong resolve. I desire to be remembered for my unconditional love and pursuit of not only knowledge but a creative expression. As a person, I strive to teach and inspire others to do better and to openly divulge in their emotions. Even though admittedly verbalizing my insecurities is challenging seeing others feel more comfortable around me gives me a sense of courage to continue being fearless. The moment I started to reconcile these notions began when I observed the traits and good deeds of my family. My uncles always told me if I wanted to make an impact making a long-lasting positive effect on others. These actions would include donating to cancer, singing in the streets, or even helping the homeless who begged on the sides of the road. Even individuals I deeply admire like Maya Angelou stated similar ideals, “At the end of the day people won’t remember what you said or did, they will remember how you made them feel.”. In short, I am not immensely concentrated on doing something grand to secure my legacy. I know the people I love detect my general warmth and will to make sure they’re unhurt. As a person, I only wish the best on others even when I find difficulty in doing so and I wish others do the same. So, I want to leave behind a lesson filled with love and respect for others because everyone deserves to feel loved and respected.
    New Year, New Opportunity Scholarship
    Consisting of curved lines and a petite figure, I am best elaborated for my spontaneous nature and usage of warmer colors in my tone and my art. I take pleasure around people who tend to have cooler personalities, whether best described by a hue of blue or purple. Ultimately, my finished product is to be able to reflect many aspects of myself without the fear of being brushed off like some acute angle. I demand respect in my life and seek to grow not only emotionally but mature in my many crafts. In essence, I wish everyone beautiful bright skies.
    Bold Persistence Scholarship
    It is difficult to pursue a career that does not hold the same societal values of a doctor, athlete, lawyer, or engineer just to name a few. I have always been determined to become a Chief Animator but inadequate validation and confirmation from family and previous friends when I commenced my artistic venture. I was told numerous times that a profession in the arts would be a waste of my expanding intelligence and numerous talents. Despite the verbal assault from other artists and people, I continued to pick up my pencil and sketch out my emotions without bounds. As I improved and polished my skills, I stopped needing to prove my worth verbally and my worth became more visually valuable. In truth, my current muses felt moved by my persistence and unfathomable confidence that they began to find their own. Seeing the effects my passion has on others, providing endless reasons to feel delighted and pleasure is what drives me to continue perfecting my crafts. In the present day, my family sees my dreams as worth pursuing because of the many years they have observed and studied not only my drive but also constant progression. One of the most heartfelt moments is when I was suddenly asked what I wanted to pursue in life. I never lied about my objectives and answered honestly in anticipation of some negative feedback. My father warmly smiled and gave me a drawing tablet, which is tremendously expensive, to be frank. He smiled and commended me on my efforts, encouraged me to pursue what I love, and make good use of his investment. After almost a decade of ridicule, I wanted to shed tears but not from being upset. I am joyous of the amount of love I am receiving and will continue to improve.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    I gather success to be an emotion of immeasurable gratification achieved through either work or experience. For reference, my definition originates solemnly from living in extreme poverty. In my family’s home countries, there is not any form of materialistic measure such as a car or designer shoes to measure true success. From an American standpoint, the contempt others find in their circumstances despite suffering endless hunger and death is perplexing. However, with my personal experience, I gathered working to contribute not only to the family but also to one’s community effectively builds one sense of belonging. One does not need big stacks of cash to be successful but one cannot deny that money does build a grand sense of stability to live. With this in mind, my future goal is to obtain a massive index of experience through college to become a Chief Animator. The gratification of going to college and getting a job stems from my desire to become an individual that ultimately breaks the chain of misery and bankruptcy in my family. Many of my family members including my parents are currently struggling as laborers, unemployed, and discontent because they wasted their youth and ultimately ruined their chances to be successful. As a person, I want to take advantage of every opportunity and pursue something I love in the art to encourage other creatives in my life the possibilities determination can bring. Simply through my efforts to work towards my future with my counselors and every form of resource I can get my hand on I know my efforts will pay off in the end.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    I am an advocate for individuals who struggle to find their voices and speak out for causes they truly believe in. To explain when I first entered Campbell High School I already accomplished many feats ranging from community clean-ups and many artist progression programs. However, it has not truly been until senior year that I began to surmise the purpose of my actions and contributions. When I was younger for as long as I can recall my parent’s countries of origin struggled to express not only verbally but also artistically on a sheet of paper perspectives that go against the government. I then began to notice American kids around my age taking their freedom of speech for granted, which in a sense infuriated me. Many individuals decide not to speak because of social notions such as embarrassment and unpopularity of opinion and silence themselves even though no one is directly silencing them. This is most common in artists because not many people respect and admire the craft or form of expression. Many artists struggle daily to prove themselves to others through their talents without realizing the most important validation is in themselves. I am a mentor in Creekside High School; I provide art materials because the majority of the school funds always are cut off from the art department. I also assist my peers by offering tricks and tips on how to achieve the vision that is oftentimes trapped in their minds. In the grand scheme of things, I help the school staff obtain profits for their clubs and continue to contribute indirectly and directly. Many artists deserve to know that there is someone who supports their aspirations. As an artist, I did not experience immense support from my family and desire to be the one that encourages other creatives.
    Bold Listening Scholarship
    Listening to me is the base skill to comprehend not only the person in front of you but also the world around you. When I was a child, I genuinely had to manage several internal strife’s when it came to listening because to preserve my mental state, I needed to ignore the world around me. Then I started to make acquaintance with individuals who find pleasure in listening not only to others but also to me. I am intrigued by others’ delight in their surroundings and commenced gaining an appreciation for the formulation of, thoughts, and emotions. To many, I am a baffling personality because I speak endlessly although I do not shut people out. I do put in the effort to recognize tiny nuances in people’s speech and behaviors as I talk. This amusement continues to expand with everything I learn and gather both psychologically and socially. In a way, listening is a simple form of respect, I owe the people I love a listening and caring ear after all the effort they put to care and listen to me. I actively call my folks and ask about the well-being of others so I can grasp the current circumstances of their mood and thought processes. There are several ways one can develop a profound understanding but from my experience, the best thing is to understand another person’s background. Once you comprehend the roots and origin a person has, their thought process becomes clear. The development of a base understanding of what a person is truly trying to convey is almost direct. Usually questioning and allowing others to also ask questions makes it easier to comprehend things other people find intriguing. Listening is not exclusive to what we hear but how far we go to consider alternative solutions from others.
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    One tip I got in terms of investing is from my previous landlord. She mentioned that if one has the money, they should always invest in a house because if they pay for a property, the value of that property can increase over time. There are many benefits to investing in a home. For example, if your current home is at risk of being demolished or taken away, there is always another dependable shelter. That sense of security in having a backup plan and a source of income through renting a home is something not many jobs can provide. On a realistic note, investing in a home is also genius because of the consumer in question. People will always need homes and a place to raise their families, sleep, and just live. Most people will debate that homes are expensive, but usually getting your first home is the most difficult. After getting your first house, you can easily buy another to rent, so then the renters can pay off your debt. In the grand scheme of things, the positives of being a landowner are that, aside from getting revenue with each property, one can pursue their dream careers because of the multitude of incomes. From my experience, most landlords tend to be old and travel to many parts of the world with a sense of leisure. I desire to provide my family with that same stability, so in the grand scheme of things, I am going to buy many things that can be rented out, like a lawnmower, and let others use my items while I am paid per hour or month. Not only homes can be rented, but many other items as well, which in a way is clever if you desire to make others pay for your luxuries.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    I am passionate about teaching others about topics I find relevant in our modern-day. Namely, I am an artist that empathetically views the world through the eyes of someone who desires to understand and share my understanding with the world. I divulge myself in psychology, sociology, and general human emotion and intellect. For me not knowing what the world has to offer can be a bit stressful because it feels like I am not putting my part as an academic to better my situation. The reason I enjoy instructing is not necessarily the process of explaining and blabbing facts out of my mouth but the satisfaction when people use what I taught in their current lives. Seeing how people interpret my wisdom and grow as individuals both mentally and emotionally is ultimately my drive to continue educating and bringing awareness from a young age. I truly believe knowledge and the ability to express not only visually but also socially is important if one desires to have a positive life. Usually getting results and seeing things progress gives me personal gratification and satisfaction. As a creative mind, I hope to continue inspiring not only close friends, classmates but also the average person to continue finding solutions through extensive research and immense passion. Ever since I became an artist, I began to comprehend my own emotions but also the emotions of the people I am trying to enlighten. In a way, my dedication and desires have created a sense of community not only in my school but also just throughout my life, I hope others join me in my passion and encourage the spreading of knowledge not only to our youth but also to our descendants.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    My ultimate goal for the future is to inspire the hearts and souls of as many individuals as I can before I die. For context, I am physically frail and petite in comparison to many teens my age. Because of many things my body inherited genetically, I suffer from acid reflexes which makes my body prone to vomit if I do not chew properly or suffer a great deal of anxiety. In terms of health, I have been struggling to survive ever since I was a baby and always contemplated the significance of my life. Once I commenced illustrating on paper, my frustrations and fears I began to realize my real fear was not death but not doing enough with my life before I died. I began considering the words of my peers and the roots of their fears and trying to use art as a medium of expression to help others find their voices. The majority of my friends are introverted and struggling with home issues or mental illnesses and disabilities. Seeing people struggle and making their lives easier with a couple of jokes, a shoulder to cry on or even a moment of peace is what fulfills me. Now that I can grasp my future, I want to inspire through what I love because no one deserves to feel voiceless or feel the need to go silent. It is painful to wear a mask and even more painful to feel alone. People make me feel fulfilled in life and for my future, I want to become an animator to inspire others to voice their opinions and express their real emotions. Animated movies and shows are a vital form of storytelling and effective in relying upon important messages to the youth and people who need any piece of wisdom.
    Robert Lee, Sr. and Bernice Williams Memorial Scholarship
    The greatest form of adversity I possess is becoming the woman in my family that ultimately breaks the chain of getting involved with gang activity and other political struggles that my family needs to handle overseas. For context majority of my cousins and family members are either mentally ill, drug users, selling drugs in Colombia, or extremely aggressive. Even though my parents are clean and supportive of me, it is difficult to maintain my sanity with the amount of gang and unnatural-related deaths. Sometimes the only thing I can cling to is the fact that my grandmother fought to get my father and her children to America so I can manage to make a brighter future underneath the bloodshed. To distract from the agony I rely on my aspirations in the arts to liberate my thoughts and give voice to the struggles of my parents’ home countries. In Cuba, my family struggle with immeasurable poverty and yet manage to keep a bright head and depend on their creative minds to come up with solutions for their survival. In Colombia, with a lack of education and housing, my family stick together under one roof and depend on the love of family to continue getting through each passing day. From my family, I learned to love unconditionally and smile endlessly for the people who suffer both financially and emotionally. In terms of my aspirations, I first started to fall in love with the craft of color, shape, and line with my first drawing of an anatomically accurate heart. As I sketched, I felt my own heart aching in desperation to stop concealing the pain. As a young girl and older sister, I felt responsible and obligated to smile. Keeping face and deeming my struggles minimal in comparison to my family caused me to invalidate my sentimentality and thoughts. Until I allowed myself to be vulnerable, I began to go on a spiritual journey with each sheet of paper and realized many people struggle as I do. As of now, I am still working on progressing my life and feel more capable than I did even 2 years ago. I have helped my community by educating those close to me about the struggles of my country and people. I truly believe in educating youth so they can build a profound pool of empathy and compassion when they reach an age of maturity. I also listen to my friends and their stories and struggles and share their stories with people who I feel need to hear them. In the grand scheme of things, word of mouth is powerful not only in person but through social media. With not only written art but also visual art, one can better comprehend emotions and thoughts that are oftentimes contained in the depths of our souls. Encouraging my peers in my art classes to dabble with a brush and find their voices is one of the most beautiful moments in the world to me. Even though I am doing many things to give back to my community currently, in the future I wish to contribute as a Latin American citizen. I wish to exercise my rights to vote and speak on political matters through art like global warming and the reduction of gang activity. I am immensely passionate about opening the minds and hearts of other people; we all carry struggles and need a friend or loved one to guide us. As a person, I hope my message of raising one’s voice continues and never ends.
    Bold Reflection Scholarship
    Through the stretch of my life, I was always trembling about the instabilities of not only my environment but also my consciousness. I was always waiting for some turbulence or current to move me around while I quietly saw my life pass me without really making an effort to build my stability until currently. As of late, I have considered and reflected on everything I have accomplished but also everything I represent. I am a young individual with hopes of becoming a better person not only academically but also mentally. I hope that with my precise craft and love of expression I can artistically construct a future where I inspire others to find their voices. As an animator, I want to teach people through story and passion that perfection is nonexistent, but determination, the will to learn, and empathy are key to a fulfilling life. I wish I knew sooner that life contains various complicated faucets of thought and emotions but at least now, I learned to appreciate those aspects in other individuals and myself. For many individuals I am aware animation does not seem significant but usually, I take the time to remind people that animation is significant because it makes us be able to tell stories and communicate sentiments and ideas in a unique, easy-to-perceive way that both children and adults can comprehend. Animation has helped connect people across the globe in a form that sometimes books and live-action films are incapable of doing. Whether it is “Encanto” about Colombian struggles with the guerilla or to widen one’s worldview one cannot deny its relevance. So in short, with my newfound confidence, support system, and aspirations to take life by my own hands, I desire to be the one to inspire the next generation of kids through animation.
    Bold Equality Scholarship
    Comprehension of true diversity and equality is relevant before one can discuss how to tackle such matters. To me, equality comes from sincere respect and gratitude for differing cultures and beliefs. My appreciation stems from being diverse myself, I am a biracial woman that comes from a multi-religious family. What this implies in regards to my perspective of the world is that honestly from being different I love to divulge myself around others with unique experiences and learn all I can from them. In acknowledging that I can retain exuberant amounts of knowledge from those with different backgrounds, I also set a standard for equality since there is a sense of validation in their wisdom. Promoting respect on social platforms and supporting the Black Lives Matter movement is one of the many ways I try to promote equality in my community. On Instagram and other platforms, sadly people spread misinformation about the movement and their true intentions. For those who are unaware, the movement is concentrated on giving black people support against police violence and other racially targeted attacks. The organization does not invalidate whites and other lives as people suggest, it just points out the societal problems against blacks and fights to make things better for blacks so then everyone has equal standing ground. I have participated in peaceful marches around the Atlanta region and encouraged others to speak their minds out to the world. I also share my own experiences with those who never experienced or learned much about my Cuban background, not only supporting other diversities but also advertising and educating others about one’s background encourages other people to do the same. Really, my goal as an individual is to encourage others to support causes they believe in and to be proud of their individuality.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    The most useful financial advice I ever received was from my mother. She always told me if I could not pay for something in cash at least two times then one shouldn’t risk and spend off one’s money. The reason for this is because it is easy for people to be consumed by desires but forget they also need to balance their desires with their needs. Our wants have no limits, but our pockets and banks do. If a person can only purchase something one time without any money left over then that is irresponsible spending. The goal of getting something you want is always having money to spare in case something occurs to one’s financial situation. If you can pay for the same product twice the goal is to only spend on it once with the idea of keeping money to spare. The idea of being able to pay something twice is to give oneself a measurement of what is appropriate or less likely to leave you dependent on credit. Saving money and knowing the amount of money you can spend on a product is relevant to one’s financial stability. Controlling your money and having control over one’s impulses not only makes one a better person but a better consumer. A good personal example is during the Christmas season one needs to decide what to buy according to their set budget. I had to split the prices between me and my uncle so we both would pay under fifty dollars for gifts. Sharing things like soap and perfume and buying them once also helps to save money. In brief, using different methods to save money is applicable, and smart in considering that money is a limited resource.
    Normandie Cormier Greater is Now Scholarship
    The greatest form of adversity I have ever had to overcome takes the form of a mental scuffle. In my childhood, I lacked faith in not only myself but in humanity’s ability to progress. Because I grew up with many adults who possess extremely twisted morality and mindsets it’s safe to assume mines wasn’t fully developed. Lacking a moral and mental stance caused many problems in my life. An instance is when I was asked academically the question, “how does one solve a problem?”. The concept of having control over a situation was relatively new to me. I used to depend on others for solutions and for them to solve conflicts for me, but not once have I considered I had any ability to ease extreme muddles. I contemplated on the solution and figured out concerning my life majority of problems spark from insufficient communication. I gathered conflicts between other individuals in similar circumstances and noticed a distinctive pattern. I realized that several issues could stem from internal conflicts and battles. My need to suddenly find an answer to many unresolved situations is ultimately what shapes me as a person. I don’t only take initiative to find out more about myself but also to understand others as well. This constant need to understand is what makes me an avid learner and intelligent person. I started to help and comfort other people’s internal struggles by providing support to those who are mentally suffering. I would distribute drawings and positive messages to bring light and hope into people’s lives. Especially during Covid19, I find it important to keep a positive outlook and a bright smile. I assist janitors with cleaning up the lunchroom and formed many deep connections with people from different age groups. Gaining consciousness of my surroundings has also made leadership roles a lot easier for me, I’ve encouraged many people from my community to start charities and clubs and even became a social media coordinator for Earth Club. Ultimately in educating youth about global warming through social media I started to do more things to self-define my worth to myself. With my newfound confidence from an array of academic and personal accomplishments, my expectation towards myself is to always aim to become a better person. No one can ever achieve anything resembling perfection, but people can always work to become smarter, healthier, faster, and hard workers. My goal in life is to become an animator and inspire people to gain their own voices just like I found my own. Art is a visually simple form of communication and if done right can teach people things about the world that they wouldn’t have considered otherwise. Animation has essentially helped me understand people’s visual interpretation of the world and even given me insight into valuable skills such as conflict resolution. I want to be someone that does what I love most and essentially makes something greater out of what I got. Because everyone should have the opportunity to grow.
    Bold Great Minds Scholarship
    Someone I commend from history is Cleopatra’s sister Arsinoe IV. The reason I respect her is that she maintains a strong resolve to defend Egypt from her sister and Julius Caesar regardless of her age. Even though she was not successful in her reign she did maintain respect for sending Julius off a tower and into the waters to flee from her violent revolution. My fascination lies in her duty not only to her people but also in her lack of remorse towards anyone who opposes her. A lot of what she does and even her apparent opportunistic mindset to get into the Egyptian throne at any cost is a curious ambition for someone so young. In a way, her need to become someone of title and prestige makes me reflect on my objectives. When I was her age, I was struggling to comprehend my capabilities and self-worth. The fact that Arsinoe managed to even get support from the Romans when Caesar wanted to choke her in a coliseum says a lot about her. My admiration for her goes beyond her accomplishment in consideration for her age. As a woman, she is studious and confident which is something I strive for not only in myself but in others too. I’ve learned a lot from her not only in terms of leadership but also in consideration of myself. People are only limited if we feel limited and don’t look for opportunities to elevate our lives and status. Only we set our boundaries and limitations. If someone like Arsinoe can become queen regardless of her circumstances and society what prevents us from becoming brilliant-minded individuals. We are all capable of leading and being someone of substance if we have clear aspirations.
    Terry Crews "Creative Courage" Scholarship
    My vision compromises an undeniable determination of inspiring youth and the general population about not only the horrors but also the beauty of the environment we live in. As people, we can preserve all of Earth’s wonders or drown from the consequences and guilt of not acting sooner. Both as consumers and as inhabitants of this beautiful planet it is our responsibility to stay well informed. Through my art, I illustrate my perspective and always try to keep light elements and darker elements in my art pieces to demonstrate the hopes and dreams that we should all cling to regardless of our harsh circumstances. The life experience that molded my vision is ultimately realizing not only how polluted city life is but also how much life is being obliterated. I moved to Georgia, and I got sick because of how sweet the air was. My lungs were so used to immense carbon emission it never experiences fresh air before. The fact that I needed to get my body adjusted to a healthier environment was mind-boggling to me. I started to question how I could be so oblivious to the devastation around me. I have always been considerate of other people so imagining I was negligent to the Earth I took for granted made me weep. My dream for the future is through animation I want to ultimately give someone else passion not only towards Earth but towards everything on Earth. One cannot appreciate what they don’t comprehend so educating through visual means is a legitimate method to make people realize what they cannot see in their daily lives. Everything I do both as an artist and an advocator is motivated by my ambition to do what I love while making the world a progressively greater place.
    Jameela Jamil x I Weigh Scholarship
    Growing up I always felt sorry for people who become janitors of huge facilities. The reason for this commences with my grandfather, he would plop down on the couch every night looking like he wrestled his bucket and a mop restlessly. I remember being so perplexed as to why janitors and other work professionals but immense and intensive labor but gain minimum wage for it. What I feel for people working in sanitation is sympathy because of the lack of appreciation given to them. Especially now during Covid-19, not many precautions are being taken to protect them from sickening themselves. The first day I came back to school face to face I was shocked by the number of trays students would leave behind for the janitors to throw away. There is a lack in the amount of time given in-between lunches for the janitors to sanitize tables and wipe down the floors. This endangers not only the custodian staff but also puts students who take off their masks to eat their lunches at risk because their bodies are in contact with the dirty table. For the first few school days, I was nervous to even take out my mask because of the immense mess kids were making on the table. Then I decided it was about time someone took the clear initiative to help cause administration and many folks do not care about those in direct contact. Even though it Is a small act it’s one with a great impact, I picked up trays and started throwing them in their proper bins. The men, their names being Jose, Tony, and Harrison. They began to take notice of my efforts in trying to assist them and their work. As you can imagine this is not necessarily a common occurrence since socially and mentally people are accustomed to just taking them for granted. In many other cultures including my own usually, the cleanliness of a room is not reliant on another individual’s labor. If a person makes a mess, they should take initiative and clean it themselves. Unfortunately, people are not taught this at home, and it shows in restrooms and other parts of the school. The reason I assist in cleaning the lunchroom is honestly to lighten the load and demonstrate my appreciation to the staff. One day I was stopped by Harrison as he told me he had something for me, I was rather surprised cause he stopped me in the middle of the hallway. The contempt he showed in his eyes was indescribable. There was a lot of pep in his step as he extends his hand out to me, a beautiful blue envelope enwrapped with something inside. I was excited but nervous to open it, I hugged him and thanked him even though at that moment I did not know what was inside. Quite honestly, I did not need to know to thank him because I knew whatever it was it was a pleasant gesture from the entire staff. Once I finally got to open the envelope there was a card and a twenty-five-dollar gift card. The card read “thank you for being kind and doing what you always do”, it was short and simple but for a second, I thought I was going to cry. Having such an immense effect on other individuals in a good way helped me see myself in a more positive light. I currently suffer from self-hate but experiences like this make me realize that if others can love and appreciate me then I should be able to love myself too.
    Scholarship Institute Future Leaders Scholarship
    Being a leader is important to me because if I cannot lead myself towards a path to success, I am truly limited by what I am told. In life, people tell you what to do but not always with your best intentions in mind. Leaving your thoughts untouched while others take lead is almost like a sense of negligence to oneself. So being a leader is like owning one’s thoughts and usually a public demonstration of one’s competence. In my family, I am the oldest child which means most of the responsibilities tend to be delegated to me. Always supervising and managing my brother’s tempers and behaviors to control the stability of an unstable household was always a challenge for me. Sometimes growing up I would forget I was only a child because the pressures I carried resembled that of a mother. Carrying and handling pressures and situations sometimes with the assistance of my father and mother were some of my first early signs of leadership. In my school, I always advocated for women’s rights and social equality for the Latino community. I oftentimes publicly spoke on behalf of my community in pep rallies and read poems from voices that are not oftentimes heard by the majority. For the kids struggling in ESOL, I would tutor them and help them get out of the program and into Magnet so they can have better opportunities in life. No one was ever going to take the time to help children who struggled with the English language, so I donated books to public libraries and tried to expand their available resources. Realistically my contributions expand beyond just assisting and educating youth. Through social media, I advocate for several environmental and social issues occurring across the globe. Through Earth Club’s account @earthclubchs on Instagram, I reused lined paper and made better use of my materials not only for visual purposes but for educational ones as well. The community got 980 followers around the time I decided to leave and start on other social projects. As an artist, I find it crucial to express myself especially when others are afraid to do so. As a leader, I inspire others to find their voices and become leaders themselves. I do not believe that people should be forced to follow with their eyes blinded to their truths. People who listen or follow me are not just followers but lifetime friends. It is not only important for me to be a leader and stand up for myself, but people fail to mention how important it is to inspire others to find those same qualities. Helping people gain confidence and find love in themselves is important for not only our future but theirs as well. With the amount of passion that I have as an individual, I have no room for doubt in my mind that I will succeed and do more incredible things in life.
    Pro-Life Advocates Scholarship
    When I was just a baby, I was born extremely fragile and thin. The doctors expected me to decease promptly since I lacked the nutrition necessary to survive ever since I was in my mother’s womb. My parents and one doctor from a private institution had faith that I would survive regardless of the hardships I needed to endure the first couple of months. Because of this love and faith, I managed to survive but worryingly not many babies are fortunate enough to be even given a fighting chance. Most times than not when I listen to people contemplate the idea of aborting their child I pause in deep thought. I start to wonder if my parents decided to kill me off because of something I had no control over ultimately how much life I would’ve missed. The idea of a person that will never have the chance to grow, celebrate birthdays, experience love, or even have the right to become somebody. Even though some people argue it’s because of financial reasons, from a moral perspective majority of families struggle financially but still put effort to care for a child. The love that my family has given me is nothing short of unconditional and the love I share with others is just as unlimited. Ever since I learned about the concept of money, I started making drawings and donating them to causes. Most of my proceeds go to organizations like Human Life International and Focus on the family. Helping organizations that support pro-life is essential to provide support to children who cannot support themselves. People need to make sure that these children get the love and attention they deserve because of the simple fact that they exist. We should not need any more reason to love a child aside from the reality that no one should be mistreated. I advocate on social platforms about the importance of human life and how people should appreciate the fact that we are fortunate enough to even live. No matter how hard life gets, not everyone is fortunate enough to say they have lived long enough or even at all because of circumstances. Realistically social media tends to be effective when it comes to reaching various people in one instance. Making artwork as an advocate of children and other people’s sons and daughters is another way, I advocate social media. Usually, the other reason many people abort is that they do not appreciate human life but want to get pleasures from sexual intercourse. Educating people about the reproduction system and informing youth about ways to avoid getting into a predicament where they feel like abortion is the only option is essential. Many programs exist for mothers trying to cope with rape and many other situations. There are many ways to assist children through adoption and many other means. In a true sense, there should be no reason for a person to abort a child and consider it as a choice. All humans are equal and as a person, I always worked hard to prove as a Latin woman that I am as capable as the people around me through marches and many other means. Every life and baby is beautiful and capable of doing amazing things for their family, and the world.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    The quality that I value most in myself is my need to be transparent with people. Even though transparency is an overlooked quality now in days it is something I value because I came from an environment that was incredibly dishonest. I do not desire to make anyone feel like I have secondary intentions or plans that they are completely caught unaware with. Whenever a person asks me, a question I will answer as bluntly and as honest, as I can with an explanation as to why I formulate certain answers. I do not like leaving things up to interpretation or uncertain to the people I am talking to because I feel like lack of communication also causes allot of issues between two individuals. Really being transparent minimizes conflicts not only between people but also with myself. Because if people do not appreciate my honesty at least I can proudly say that, I was myself the whole time. I know it will and always has helped me with my future. Usually I am told that my sense of honesty is almost entertaining and comedic because I unapologetically say what resides in people’s minds. I have no fear when it comes to telling the truth and standing up for my own truths. Really being honest also has given me a fulfilled life with friends who appreciate being told the truth. Usually people who cannot handle the truth leave my life and in a way, it benefits my mental and emotional health immensely. My career of choice revolves around my ability to express myself honestly. Wanting to become an animator comes from my need to let everything that I want to say be visibly out in the open. I did not always feel this confident growing up because many girls my age were always jealous that I would stand up for where I come from and all I know either in an educational or informal setting. Really, my transparency has led me to expose social and environmental issues not only in school but also through social media. I am an advocate to equality and many other struggles not only in the Latin community but for women as well. Kids my age would always claim that because I was a girl I was unable to do sports or anything that is typically seen as masculine. You can imagine their faces when I won and I honestly told every single kid to go make better life choices and to respectfully keep their wrong opinions to themselves. I always have to prove myself, and doing it through honest means has always worked out for me. If I had to be frank people, being real about my situation has even helped me inspire other people of different age groups, demographics, and religions. I want to continue drawing and helping people find their own voices, as I have done for my best friends, my boyfriend, my family, and many other introverts. I do my best to be an inspiration to people who are nervous and afraid to express because not many people are confident and honest in this world upsettingly. I want to make the world a better place by opening opportunities and showing the potential that art has on our society through means of animation. Animation beautifully puts people’s experiences through perspective of storytelling and visuals; I want to be a part of the group of people that want to inspire our youth and generations beyond us. The opportunity to do more with my talents by being myself is ultimately my goal.
    Clairo "For Atlanta" Scholarship
    One of my greatest struggles is coming into terms with the fact that I am a bi-sexual woman. Growing up my grandparents but immense pressure on me not only to pursue an education but also to continue life as a “straight woman” with dreams of having many children. However, those dreams belonged to my family and not to me. I had no intentions of finding love especially because I was in fear that if I fell for a person he would not come to terms with the fact that I also have an attraction to females. It went to girls who could not stand to comprehend why I was attracted to the opposite gender. Allot of people told me I was invalid and that I was simply confused because I am relatively young but I know that I have been secretly attracted to both females and males from a very young age. One of the hardest things I had to do was to come clean to my mother about who I am and what I stand for. She lashed out at me in fear pointing out all the males I have fallen for in my life, the reason she was so scared was because she knew how hard it is to be gay in our current society and how evidently hard it is to not get shot by people who hate those who are themselves. I stayed my ground and even though it was difficult to validate myself and stay sane, my mom saw through all the tears and heartbreak that my pain was sincere. I was not faking and ultimately her fears of things becoming hard for me were already active because of the lack of support I needed to live with. She apologized once I got into high school and I cried in relief when she came to accept who I am, and whom I choose to love. I am currently with a boyfriend who has been friends with me ever since we were in Middle School. He is fully aware of my bisexuality and accepts me for being unapologetically myself. He is straight but he is fully aware that I do not plan to be with anyone else but him. All my bisexuality means is that if I am single I am open to either being with a female or male more so based on their personality as opposed to their actual appearance. The first song I ever heard from Clairo is “Sofia”. The lyrics “I think we could do it if we tried If only to say, you're mine Sofia know that you and I Shouldn't feel like a crime” makes me cry every time as it still correlates to how I feel currently. I have to remind myself that falling in love is not criminal and feeling what I do feel is all right. No one, not even I can dictate who I fall for but coming into terms with one’s own emotions can be difficult. Knowing that someone as famous as Clairo can come into terms with her emotions gave me the courage to be confident about mines. I am proud that unlike many people in the world I have allot of love to give not only to myself but also to others. Love can strive between two people if both parties put in the love and effort to make it work. Love always overcomes millions of hardships and honestly if it was not for the love and support of friends and those who love me I maybe dead now.
    Environmental Impact Scholarship
    A problem I am passionate about is global warming and how ultimately individual action can influence the future of our planet. Many people do not realize how waste a single person must accumulate into landfills. A single individual uses around 8 gallons of water to shower daily. It is astounding how many people are aware that humans are the product of our own demise but do not take much action to influence others to be more self-conscious. People love to blame the government for not putting much effort but governments are not the only ones to blame. When I lived in Florida, I had no exposure to trees, bio-diversity of animals or anything remotely natural. Anything that is kept natural such as the Everglades are kept that way because people desire it to be natural, or certain parts of the land are deemed unusable to humans. To give you an idea in the city it is a topic of praise whenever a tree is cut down to form manmade beaches through scientific means. Allot of the Americas are becoming desert like and extremely dried up to the point where they cannot inhabit or care for any form of life. Dehydration of soil is becoming a huge issue and many folks in agriculture are not making much of an effort to restore destroyed terrain. Really, the lack of education and knowledge spread to youth is astounding as our Earth is suffering because of people’s blissful ignorance. I began to realize this once I came to Georgia and saw trees for the first time, the changing of the seasons, many varieties of animal life, and millions of flowers on the side of the road. I was astonished with how much wildlife I missed growing up and just how uneducated I was about the world around me. I came to the realization that the environment is not some foreign thing but more so something, we all are a part of. I joined a club dedicated to youths raising our voices about many environmental issues called Earth Club. I played the role of social media coordinator and raised our social counts to 980 followers on social media. I reached countless people educating about Global warming, Air pollution, Deforestation, Water pollution, Biodiversity loss, Waste management, Personal action, resource depletion and many other environmental issues. For the actual club itself I went around Campbell, picked up recyclable things, and repurposed notebook paper that was laying around and made drawings out of them. Got a grand total of 280 dollars from reusing what I found in those bins. With the money, I donated to charity and attempted to help my community. Even though I am still educating friends and family of creative ways to help the environment the best thing I can do is to tell people to also take the initiative to take care of themselves. I plan to use animation as a form of getting youth educated about environmental, social and other matters going around the world. If we desire a bright future for Earth, we must encourage kids to also take the initiative and help kids understand the severity of the situation. There is still hope that Earth can prosper if people put a little love and care into our planet. Learning to live more environmentally friendly is a difficult challenge but not impossible. Giving hope and teaching kids to have hope through the cartoons they watch is a good idea. Sadly, I learned to care later in life but it does not need to be that way.
    Bold Art Matters Scholarship
    My favorite piece of art is actually the beautiful graffiti alligator I would see outside of my dad’s car window every morning before going to school. The alligator is beautifully sprayed with pinks; harsh black outlines some turquoise contrast, and yellow for highlights. I remember trying to figure out who was the original artist for the piece I would see every day in the streets. Then I found out a man by the name of Xavier Cortada made the piece, as a child I was surprised a Spanish man took the time to make the neighborhood I lived in feel somewhat more alive. I would look at the lettering in different stores made by gangs that also wanted to express messages of territory but nothing captivated me like the strength and majesty of that reptile. The way the alligator stands strong and spikey, almost unafraid of anything that may surround it. The form in which the alligator stood in grandeur in comparison to my tiny frail self. In my mind when things went wrong despite being short physically, mentally I was as strong and as capable as the alligator. I wanted and always knew I could stand on both water and land if needed. Really, the way the alligator appeared motivated and full of life reminded me always to keep the same motivation towards my own goals and ambitions. I do not want to be a street artist like Xavier but I do have dreams to become an animator and follow a creative pathway for my career. Ultimately, the reason I love grafitti stems from childhood nostalgia and inspiration. For many kids they get nostalgic from a TV show or a movie, but for me when it comes to art it is all about what I can learn and see.
    Bold Art Scholarship
    A piece of art that inspires me is one I actually saw painted in front of me when I was just 5 years old. My father is friends with a Cuban artist by the name of David Rodriguez. He is not a famous painter, but he was the most inspirational to me. When he paints, he does not buy the most expensive of colors but instead reuses red, white, blue and yellow paint alone to create his artwork. His resourcefulness and vision as he looked at mannequins and other junk for reference to make them into subjects for his painting truly astounded me. What excites me about this piece specifically was in the time that he painted it, the painting was an homage to his wife. They long since divorced but remembering his explanation of how the painting was essentially based off the childlike innocence of his wife’s face when she was a child intrigued me. I could not understand as a kid the amount of love that he had to drive him to paint days without end until I began to find my own muse. David always reminded me with his methods not just in art but in life, one can make allot out of nothing. What starts out as a blank canvas, or sheet of paper can become a sentimental display of affection and love. Love should be shared more and expressed to the public. Art is a beautiful form not only to express but also to tell people from our same communities that we can go far despite our upbringing. David came from immense poverty just like me and made it big through ambition. I also have the same determination and admiration towards art because I learned to appreciate as a little girl cause of him.
    Elevate Women in Technology Scholarship
    One technology that ultimately inspires me is the printer, even though it is something many people tend to take for granted people do not realize the amount of help a printer has been to our lives. Many newspapers and professional fields such as graphic design, businesses, law firms, and even families depend on printers to print out important documents for daily tasks. I cannot even begin to imagine how many artistic jobs are created because people can draw digitally and then print it out to be used a nameplate, pamphlet, resume, and many other things. Usually when people thing printer they imagine the printers used to only print paper but do not realize that technically designs printed in glass and other mediums require a special printer. The notion of printing comes from using inks or a variety of materials and pressing it down on a surface. This inspired me ultimately to want to draw as precise as a printer and create something that ultimately feels like it was printed. Many artists today have similar sentiments; I know that the printer has helped many individuals reconnect with family. Make better impressions not only to our bosses but also to those close to us. Really, the printer is revolutionary as more forms of printing such as lasers, to 3D printing and even something as intricate and essential as a fingerprint. Anything can be printed with many motives all along the lines of improving the time it takes not only to create but also to distribute certain ideas and sentiments. In medicine, prints of organs are making a difficult process such as organ donations go more smoothly and benefit a majority of people who can support these 3D printed replicas. Really, the potential of what can be replicated and printed is limitless. I hope in the future that more jobs are created with the intention of benefitting various technological fields. Anyone and everyone can benefit from a printer and different varieties if they become mass produced and cheaper can make a major difference in other countries. Nevertheless, one thing that is certain about printing today and always is that it saves time, effort, labor and if we develop it further it can even save lives. If we can make printers more environmentally safe since printers do not only work on paper the world is bound to change for the better.
    Mark Caldwell Memorial STEM/STEAM Scholarship
    From a young age, I grew up in a multi-cultural, religious, and ethnic household. I was never following a single narrative as a kid and always needing to prove my capabilities from a young age. Despite being a natural born citizen because, my parents were Spanish I was put into ESOL. To be honest the program never checked to see how I was progressing in English. I always needed to work hard from a young age for not just myself but also my brother. I knew if I got low grades I would be forced to go into a middle school which contained majority of criminal’s children’s (their parents were in jail or the kids already managed to have felonies), gun fights and other forms of violence’s that I knew I could not survive if I was caught in the middle of the gunfire’s. Literally, every grade felt like life and death. Despite getting high grades and being the smartest in my school, no one bothered to notice or take action to take me out. Allot of the ESOL teachers loved how much I taught and helped the kids in the class and had no intention of helping me and less the kids in there. Therefore, I took actions upon myself and led a revolt of sorts. I taught my whole ESOL class how to speak in English and we all made a commitment to only speak in English. I made sure to tutor every single child and essentially, we were the highest scoring class in the school. I spoke in behalf of my class to the principal and she felt bad of the injustices and blatant racism of the system so evidently I got every single kid in my class into Magnet so none of us had to go to the designated schools of our area. Then getting into Middle School I felt more compelled to prove myself since I did not write an essay or get into Magnet by conventional means like all the kids in there. Especially as a kid raised in the ghetto’s I had so much to prove but at least I had the ease that my brother was not going to be killed due to reasons of environment and lack of security. In Middle School, I had all honor classes and even worked with NASA to develop different means of growing food out in outer space with ultra violet light. Nevertheless, my greatest accomplishments lies in creating leaders not so much having leadership positions in high school. I got many introverts out of their shells and am even currently dating an introvert who is Vice President of Earth Club. Helping people gain confidence, hope, and over all learn how to use their voices and gain comfort in their surroundings is something I want to continue doing with my life. Therefore, even though things have always been difficult for me, my desire to educate by visual means and entertain is stronger than anything else is. I want people to do well and over all I help raise cash for organizations like St. Jude Hospital and other organizations by raising money with my art and assisting other kids who also sell their things to charity by advertising their causes. I lost count of how many times I’ve helped kids sell chocolates to other students for choir and ultimately see that money go to breast cancer and many other good deeds. I may never be in an organization directly but I do help my community indirectly allot.
    Young Women in STEM Scholarship
    I am a girl that comes from a multicultural, multi-religious, and am bi-racial. Having many identities in not only my family but also myself made life interesting for me because of the exposure of multitude of different perspectives. My motivation is prominent in my desire to become a better person. When I was a kid I was often times told by toxic people that I would not go anywhere in life. This affected my self-esteem but once I started to gain the courage to dream I also gained the ability to hope. My dream of becoming an animator is based on my desires to do what I love most. Art has gotten me through some hardships and difficult parts of my life. I started to see I was competent as I began polishing my skills and trying different mediums to better express my desires and deepest emotions. My desire to inspire others and help others gain the courage to use their voices is what motivates me to create art. Allot of what I do starts from a place of boredom but once people who were also doubting themselves came to me to learn some tips and tricks they also began to gain their own confidence. It is a beautiful thing to see kids such as myself get inspired by cartoons to try to do the same but most times than not better. We learn allot from artists and carry the motives to speak up because not everyone can sadly cannot. STEM essentially excites me because it encourages young adults and kids to look into jobs not only in the work force but also beyond just part times and internships in STEM. My dad is an IT person so my desire to be an animator comes from my knowledge of computers and general skills in computer science and information technology. My dad used to own a computer store when I was just a little girl so I learned a variety of things from viruses to business management from my father. I am fully aware of my capabilities not only in coding but also in webpage design. There are many artistic aspects in technological fields that do capture my interests. I know I can make a grand impact with my knowledge of computers and already have through means of socials. Using social media and evidently taking advantage of the web to advertise my father’s business is only a few ways I have used technology to benefit me. Using IT for networking purposes is one of my greatest strengths. I have also advocated for environmental issues such as global warming through many technological means. Computers carry allot of potential to make grand changes the only thing a computer needs is someone who understands what it takes to get them used to their maximum potential. Realistically allot of the world runs on technology so it would be foolish to try to get a career without help from online sources or work in technological fields. One of my greatest challenges growing up was essentially being denied certain rights as a natural born American citizen. Despite being a natural born citizen because, my parents were Spanish I was put into ESOL. To be honest the program never checked to see how I was progressing in English. I always needed to work hard from a young age for not just myself but also my brother. I knew if I got low grades I would be forced to go into a middle school which contained majority of criminal’s children’s (their parents were in jail or the kids already managed to have felonies), gun fights and other forms of violence’s that I knew I could not survive if I was caught in the middle of the gunfire’s. Literally, every grade felt like life and death. Despite getting high grades and being the smartest in my school, no one bothered to notice or take action to take me out. Allot of the ESOL teachers loved how much I taught and helped the kids in the class and had no intention of helping me and less the kids in there. Therefore, I took actions upon myself and led a revolt of sorts. I taught my whole ESOL class how to speak in English and we all made a commitment to only speak in English. I made sure to tutor every single child and essentially, we were the highest scoring class in the school. I spoke in behalf of my class to the principal and she felt bad of the injustices and blatant racism of the system so evidently I got every single kid in my class into Magnet so none of us had to go to the designated schools of our area. Then getting into Middle School I felt more compelled to prove myself since I did not write an essay or get into Magnet by conventional means like all the kids in there. Especially as a kid raised in the ghetto’s I had so much to prove. I still have so much to prove as an intellectual and as a person but I get through it knowing I am always going to put my best foot forward and continue working hard as an individual.
    Ethel Hayes Destigmatization of Mental Health Scholarship
    I grew up with a grandfather, who had a wide range of bi-polar disorders. On my dad’s side, both friends and family suffered from immense grief and depression, and even my grandmother from my dad’s side had Alzheimer. The instability people in my family had over identity and many other issues essentially affected not only my own health but also my awareness of how mental problems can break a family if one is not careful. My mental health essentially caused me to believe for a time that majority of people are cold and indifferent. To the average human being it would be clear that the indifference is a bad thing but to me it was a simple normality. I seek out people that claimed to love and ultimately care for me; even if there was no proof in their words, I did not know how to search for healthier relations. Honestly whenever I found myself in a good relationship with a friend or even with some romantic relations, I would always wait for things to go downhill. I always told myself that if I knew everything was bound to end and wait for things to go south it would hurt less when it does. As I got older many toxic people left and died in my life, I felt unbelievably relived. I cried myself to sleep because I felt sick to the head for being relieved that people in my family left me. Later I realized I was not alone in that sentiment and many of my current friends share similar sentiments. Even people in my family were hurt and verbally assaulted as well. Once I found a group of friends that ultimately love me and even gained the courage to ask the love of my life to be my boyfriend allot has changed for me. I have a passion for inspiring creative minds and using my creative mind to create drawings and express myself through colors and lines. I have immense amount of support from my mother and father to pursue a career in animation. I want to shed light not only to mental health but also of many social struggles across the world. I want to educate youth through the cartoons that they watch that they do not need to take any form of abusive and much less from the people they love. There are many people in this world like my uncles who are misunderstood by society because they did not grow up with the same struggles as they did. Being mental should not excuse certain actions but it should not limit others from wanting to help. Many people fear people who claim to be mental simply because they do not understand what causes a person to go mental. Mental people are either born with circumstances but most times than not they are a product of their environment and form of life. Not many people understand that people who struggle and act coldly cause of it are not monsters. Many people are hurt just as I was and need someone to be patient with them so they can mentally progress and grow. I understand that people are not limited by their mental situation; instead, they become stronger in attempts to living a better life. Understanding psychology also helped me come to terms with my own trauma and my own suffering. It also helped me better understand those who desired to abuse me mentally as well. Really, I wish more psychological classes were provided in schools as a mandatory thing. However, in short I understand how to read people and their situation based on what I am told of it in consideration to religion, culture, environment, and many other factors.
    Robert Wechman Mental Health Scholarship
    I grew up with a grandfather, who had a wide range of bi-polar disorders. On my dad’s side, both friends and family suffered from immense grief and depression, and even my grandmother from my dad’s side had Alzheimer. The instability people in my family had over identity and many other issues essentially affected not only my own health but also my awareness of how mental problems can break a family if one is not careful. My mental health essentially caused me to believe for a time that majority of people are cold and indifferent. To the average human being it would be clear that the indifference is a bad thing but to me it was a simple normality. I seek out people that claimed to love and ultimately care for me; even if there was no proof in their words, I did not know how to search for healthier relations. Honestly whenever I found myself in a good relationship with a friend or even with some romantic relations, I would always wait for things to go downhill. I always told myself that if I knew everything was bound to end and wait for things to go south it would hurt less when it does. As I got older many toxic people left and died in my life, I felt unbelievably relived. I cried myself to sleep because I felt sick to the head for being relieved that people in my family left me. Later I realized I was not alone in that sentiment and many of my current friends share similar sentiments. Even people in my family were hurt and verbally assaulted as well. Once I found a group of friends that ultimately love me and even gained the courage to ask the love of my life to be my boyfriend allot has changed for me. I have a passion for inspiring creative minds and using my creative mind to create drawings and express myself through colors and lines. I have immense amount of support from my mother and father to pursue a career in animation. I want to shed light not only to mental health but also of many social struggles across the world. I want to educate youth through the cartoons that they watch that they do not need to take any form of abusive and much less from the people they love. There are many people in this world like my uncles who are misunderstood by society because they did not grow up with the same struggles as they did. Being mental should not excuse certain actions but it should not limit others from wanting to help. Many people fear people who claim to be mental simply because they do not understand what causes a person to go mental. Mental people are either born with circumstances but most times than not they are a product of their environment and form of life. Not many people understand that people who struggle and act coldly cause of it are not monsters. Many people are hurt just as I was and need someone to be patient with them so they can mentally progress and grow. I hope people and especially kids become more sympathetic towards people who are mentally struggling for the hope that stigmas go away. I do explain to my friends in detail about how mental health differs between people with examples. I do not see my life as pathetic but an amazing platform to use what I have been through to tell people I survived and ultimately plan to help others as well.
    Bold Joy Scholarship
    Joy is essentially the feeling of immeasurable satisfaction and appreciation towards something that one does for oneself, or others do for you. Joy is something that is shared and received and is honestly quite hard to take away when you find it. Many things can give a person joy but for me the presence of people, the feeling of not being alone is the best of all. My reason for this is that from a young age I was not always fortunate to be surrounded by the best of company. Because of my previous experiences, I am now more aware of what works best for me now. For example to brighten up my morning I try to do, something productive to feel accomplished for the day. I can productively finish something I draw or do something that I feel is necessary for my future. Another way I pursue happiness is ultimately connecting and speaking to people that I know have my best interests in mind. Really just being able to call and laugh in the morning is fulfilling since I did not only make myself smile with their presence but I make my folks laugh with some jokes and puns. Realistically many methods help me seek out joy, but being joyful as a person I find is very important. If I do not do what I can to keep a positive mindset and a bright smile, it can become easier to be depressed. Seeing the good in life and waiting for better is the best advice I can give not only to myself but also to others. Really to keep a positive mindset the goal is always to remember there is always something positive to think about and appreciate whether that be family, friends, accomplishments, dreams, goals and other things.
    Bold Perseverance Scholarship
    Despite being a natural born citizen because, my parents were Spanish I was put into ESOL. To be honest the program never checked to see how I was progressing in English. I always needed to work hard from a young age for not only myself but also my brother. Because of the area, I lived in Florida if I did not apply myself I was bound to go to a school that was famous for gang activity, drug distribution, and allot of gunfights. My brother and I are relatively thin when compared to most folks and are extremely frail. The reason I needed to work hard because in Florida there is a program that ensures if one sibling is admitted into a school through a Magnet program, then the other sibling can attend the premise despite being out of county or having relatively low grades. Majority of my leadership was led by my drive to defend not only myself but also kids in my classroom who stood no chance at a better life because of similar circumstances or they were not American themselves. I took it upon myself to tutor them and become a rebellion leader of sorts. I lead several riots in the school commons demanding a finer education not only myself but also for others. We spoke against the racism of our system and the lack of support the system had for us to the principal of the school. She was heartbroken because of the fight every single child put at such a young age to demand for a better life. From immense guilt the principal gathered all the ESOL teachers and realized the downfall of the system, every kid in my class was granted recommendations into getting into the Magnet program because of perseverance of key morals.
    Elevate Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    I was always mentally ill because I could not distinguish the difference between what is right and what is ultimately wrong. My lack of foresight stems from people in my life that claimed to be righteous and told me I was ultimately “out of line” for questioning their hypocrisies and inconsistencies both in actions and mentality. The lack of consistency made me believe that the world could not stay calm or consistent in anyway. Demanding people to be honest and less pessimistic felt extremely out of the question so I felt like I could do nothing but sit and watch every argument pass by like a boat in the middle of a storm. Then I moved away to another state and both my grandparents died. I remember feeling sick to my stomach because of the sudden relief I had from leaving such a suffocating environment. This sudden relief affected my relationships because I started to try to remind myself in desperation that I was loved by my mental abusers. Almost in grief I seek friendships that were as controlling as my grandparents since honestly that was all I was familiar with. People who told me they cared and ultimately wanted me dead. Because I pursued people who wanted to use me or bring me down I had little to no self-worth in myself. I couldn’t tell who loved me from who didn’t, so I just stopped looking for people’s intentions and listened to people’s words alone. It was a lot easier that way, but it didn’t inherently help me in the long run. When I started to meet people with similar or the same circumstances as me, I felt a sudden rage. Many questions spiraled my mind and I started to wonder why genuine people always get shot in the leg by life. While people who desire pain and harm get rewarded until karma finally strikes them down. I started to believe people who were kind were more inclined to get backstabbed or worse, so I put on a cold face and demeanor to defend myself. This doesn’t mean I was rude to anyone but whenever I felt people were trying to mock me, I would shut them down with word bullets. Then my life changed because of this quiet boy the teacher made me sit next to because she wanted me to stop talking. He was so calm and just clueless of the world around him. From the looks of things, one could say he couldn’t afford to care about the madness and the corruption around him. I was amazed with how he could find joy in his own thoughts and mind. I personally needed to draw, talk to others, or do anything to get out of my head. Honestly my thoughts were the most unpleasant parts of my day and doing anything to get out of my mind if only for a second was relieving. Once I started to talk to him and saw how nice he was I was quick to make the judgement that everything he was doing was a face to hide his real intentions. Nobody else doubted him but I swore to him I’d find some dirt on him, not to harm him but to satisfy my own curiosity. He found me intriguing because I was always transparent about how growing up in the ghetto parts of Miami messed me up badly. He found amusement in the way I constantly cursed almost empty because I really meant no real harm on anyone. He noted I was defensive when I was scared or had no power over my circumstances. We both bonded over the fact that we desired an easier world and life for not only ourselves but others. The biggest relief I had was being able to tell him about every absurdity and telling him of every aspiration I had. He saw me draw one day and his eyes lit up like a beautiful night sky when he muttered shyly “you draw incredibly”. When I was about to talk him down he showed eyes of immense disapproval of the amount of “modesty” I would force down my throat. My mother, my best friend at the time and other family members encouraged me to pursue art as my career. Even though I wasn’t sure of my own capabilities seeing my best friend being moved to tears because of things I drew for him made me realize I wanted to give the same joys to others. I started to draw and do commissions as a temporary career to ultimately make people smile. I started to realize because of my friend that I could make and improve people’s lives by giving them something to smile about. I realized I inspired allot of people to do things they love and to just be fearless in who they are. Once I started taking more control over my life, I gained confidence and a will to live. I started to realize I had a crush on my best friend and the issues changed from holding past pains to coming in terms with the fact that I feel and it’s totally alright. One tired night I accidentally confessed my love to him and panicked cause my honest self couldn’t keep it to myself. He laughed and asked me what I said as I tried to play it like I said nothing by being silent. He then smiled and I started to curse at him for smiling in realization that he felt the same way. Now we are currently in a relationship, and I still have ambitions to become an animator in the future. My desire to animate comes from the fact that cartoons and movies helped me allot mentally when I felt like there was no light in the world. It managed to keep me longing to live and help others feel better mentally. Really my desire to inspire and educate comes from an empty feeling when I was younger.
    3Wishes Women’s Empowerment Scholarship
    The main reason women do not feel empowered is ultimately rooted to many variables such as family, lack of gender equality and damaging stereotypes. Most of people’s empowerments starts with family, if a family feels that their daughter has no worth beyond making babies and caring for domestic duties. Usually that same woman growing up will need to carry and disprove those claims throughout their lives not necessarily to their families but more so to themselves. It’s physically impossible to change the mindsets of people who lived under sexist pretenses for either themselves or enforced them on others. Though it is not impossible for a woman to form her own values after recognizing that certain sentiments towards women in general are invalid. The thing with society is that there are way too many people with differing opinions and upbringings. There are good parts that focus on educating and enforcing better ideals into the world, but one cannot help that the bad always makes it to the news first. If society minimized attention towards negative women and prosecutes disrespectful men as opposed to making them more infamous for their “bad reputation” things would be better. Societies biggest issue towards women is not only fat shaming but shaming women for having qualities that men do. Essentially when a woman tries to become a leader or is the boss of a place a man’s first instinct is to be disgusted because “you are not my mother”. But notably women do not have similar notions to men and tell men who are assigned leadership roles “you’re not my dad”. Ultimately changing the mindsets of youth to appreciate and admire strong and independent women is essential because if they learn to aspire from a young age whether it’s in schools or in a cartoon on the tv their minds will expand beyond just what they are told. I remember as a kid when I first heard of Maya Angelou and everything she did not only as a woman but also as a person I almost shed tears. As a child I was always told pursuing a creative career would not only be a waste of my time but also a waste on my life. But seeing that she could make a name to herself and spread her wisdom around I want to honestly do the same with my art. Capitalizing on women achievements and inspirational people is one form of empowerment since we should all be celebrating not only accomplishments but also dreams. Realistically nothing is going to rapidly change but getting more women in collage and assisting women towards their path of success is a must. If people stop trying to help women and our struggle to be better, then things will truly be hopeless. The world needs not only genuine people but most importantly women who are willing to not only help themselves but to help others too. It becomes easy to be stronger when a woman sees another woman demonstrating immense emotional and mental strength. Setting examples to our youth and responsibly looking for empowering things online is a must. Spreading body positivity and as women making other women embrace their bodies by embracing our own is the best thing we can do. Really there are many ways we can empower women but encouraging everyone to be positive and make safe spaces online and in the world is our best bet. People with opposing views tend to be more silent when they realize their sentiments are not shared by the general population.
    Bold Mental Health Awareness Scholarship
    The best way to help people struggling with mental health is prioritizing self-care and promoting one’s happiness daily. The reason I emphasis happiness is because many people know to take care of their essential medications and find forms to love oneself. But most people forget that happiness is vital to mental health. Usually, people with the most health complications are usually unsatisfied with their lives and are not motivated to move forward. Pessimistic mindsets tend to limit one not only physically but emotionally. The best example I have to someone living through trauma is my aunt. She lived to be 95 years old and running in heels and dancing like a young lady despite losing her son to a boat accident. Everyone around her believed she would turn frail because of her age and circumstances but she needed to find strength to live. Whenever she felt pain, she would do everything in her power to do things that made her jovial. Prioritizing in her appearance and wardrobe gave her immense contempt. Her spirit is what made her mentally healthy, she did everything in moderation and took herself more seriously than her problems. Even though it may feel like a generic answer it is the truth of the matter. People who are content are less likely to make decisions that would not only endanger their mental health but also their lives. Notably there has always been a correlation between depression and the rise of suicide. It all comes down to how much an individual knows about their own personal needs and their perspective when things don’t always go their way. If I learned anything from her it’s honestly that hobbies and finding things that make you happy in life help elongate one’s life and give a sense of mental serenity.
    Bold Longevity Scholarship
    The best way to live a long and healthy life is prioritizing self-care and promoting one’s happiness daily. The reason I emphasis happiness is because many people know to take care of their essential medications and find forms to love oneself. But most people forget that happiness is vital to health. Usually, people with the most health complications are usually unsatisfied with their lives and are not motivated to move forward. Pessimistic mindsets tend to limit one not only physically but emotionally. The best example I have to someone living a long and healthy life is my aunt. She lived to be 95 years old and running in heels and dancing like a young lady. Everyone around her believed she would turn frail because of her age, but she had not only an optimistic attitude but a great amount of motivation to live. Whenever she felt pain, she would do everything in her power to keep her remedies natural. She only took pills if they were recommended by doctors, but not for falling asleep or relieving stress. Her spirit is what made her healthy, she did everything in moderation and took her body more seriously than anything else in the world. Even though it may feel like a generic answer it is the truth of the matter. People who are content are less likely to make decisions that would not only endanger their health but also their lives. Notably there has always been a correlation between depression and the rise of suicide. It all comes down to how much an individual knows about their own medical needs and their perspective when things don’t always go their way. If I learned anything from her it’s honestly that hobbies and finding things that make you happy in life help elongate one’s life.
    Bold Turnaround Story Scholarship
    From a young age, I grew up in a multi-cultural, religious, and ethnic household. I was never following a single narrative as a kid and always needing to prove my capabilities from a young age. Despite being a natural born citizen because, my parents were Spanish I was put into ESOL. To be honest the program never checked to see how I was progressing in English. I always needed to work hard from a young age for not just myself but also my brother. I knew if I got low grades I would be forced to go into a middle school which contained majority of criminal’s children’s (their parents were in jail or the kids already managed to have felonies), gun fights and other forms of violence’s that I knew I could not survive if I was caught in the middle of the gunfire’s. Despite getting high grades and being the smartest in my school, no one bothered to notice or take action to take me out. Allot of the ESOL teachers loved how much I taught and helped the kids in the class and had no intention of helping me and less the kids in there. Therefore, I took actions upon myself and led a revolt of sorts. I taught my whole ESOL class how to speak in English and we all made a commitment to only speak in English. I made sure to tutor every single child and essentially, we were the highest scoring class in the school. I spoke in behalf of my class to the principal and she felt bad of the injustices and blatant racism of the system so evidently I got every single kid in my class into Magnet. Now I am in AP classes and ultimately getting the quality education, I deserve.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    I personally give back by assisting to do what most people would consider irrelevant or insignificant. I reuse waste from recycling bins and artistically come up with ways to reduce waste and recycle things other people consider carries no value. The way this started is a strong desire to participate in my school community in Campbell High School and ultimately join a group of young adults who desire a brighter future for the planet earth. The reason this is important to me is because if humans are reckless about their own personal actions our Earth is more prone to die sooner than anyone anticipated. Even if people feel like it doesn’t affect one directly it is a global problem. Global warming does affect us medically and substantially, many animals being prone to extinction can leave humans to resort to gruesome methods such as cannibalism to survive. So, I find the issue urgent. I put in effort during my school hours, I pick up waste and then make something of it at home. This led to educating people about environmental issues through social media, donating to a multitude of charities with the money I received from selling art and many other remarkable feats. Everything I accomplished meant I wasn’t as feeble as I made myself out to be. Realistically gaining a sense of self-worth and understanding that as a person I can make anything out of nothing is a lesson that not only do I hold dear to my heart, but I also teach others. Realistically, I give to others by trying to do small actions that I feel is going to help the general health, understanding, and compassion shared throughout my community. I maybe young but I am capable not only as a creative mind but also as a leader.
    Bold Simple Pleasures Scholarship
    A simple pleasure I have is the ability to observe simple shapes, colors, perspectives, personalities, and whatever the world has to offer visually. The reason I get pleasure from something as simple as sight is because for a time, I thought I would go completely blind. Like the world would go pitch black. Even though I was 4 years old I was unable to see the world like all my peers, everything appeared blurry. Even the posters in the room held no relevant meaning to me because I could not understand the content in them. Almost in a way my lack of foresight limited the amount of knowledge I had access to in class. Really it wasn’t until I got my glasses in kindergarten that then I realized how much of the world, and my life that I was missing. There were things happening all around me, even things as simple as the alphabet felt foreign to me because I could not visually recognize the lines that form an A like everyone else. All I captured were the blurs formed by my pencil and prayed it was legible. Getting glasses gave me the ability to not only write but also to draw. Everything the requires sight even down to reading I learned to take pleasure in because it was not something I could always do. Really the pleasure of sight for me goes down to now being capable. As a child I felt weak and helpless but with my ability to comprehend the world, read a room, even see people gives me an edge in life. Colors are a joy to me because they come in many hues and provoke all kinds of emotions. Honestly, I’m just glad I can see an array of emotions in people’s faces and bodies.
    Bold Great Books Scholarship
    My favorite book is written by the famous civil rights activist Maya Angelou “ I know why the caged bird sings “. When I was a child, my school held a funeral in her honor where the principal sat in front of many students and administrators to read in her honor. The reason my school held the funeral was because the elementary school I went to was dedicated to Maya Angelou and her bravery during the Civil Rights Movement. Allot of her poems were taught to kids in my school, my principal gracefully said showed the liberties of the “free bird” in comparison to the turmoil and sorrow of the “caged bird”. In terms of story the message was simple, the caged bird wants the freedoms that the free bird takes for granted. As a kid I always felt like the caged bird always demanding the ability to do more with my life, but my capabilities were always limited by my age and not my mind. It was always frustrating but knowing that limits aren’t permanent gave me hope for the future. Realistically I was more so infatuated with everything Maya Angelou stood for when I was little. Down to her confidence to convey messages of hope to other people I knew I wanted to inspire. She inspired me to pursue a creative career and ultimately try to do the same for my community. I want to give hope to people and ultimately see a day where people are not only free but also appreciative of what they have. Taking things for granted to the point where we do not realize other people’s circumstances is common, but it shouldn’t be. The poem serves as a criticism not only to the free bird but to those who feel trapped.
    Bold Books Scholarship
    My favorite book is written by the famous civil rights activist Maya Angelou “ I know why the caged bird sings “. When I was a child, my school held a funeral in her honor where the principal sat in front of many students and administrators to read in her honor. The reason my school held the funeral was because the elementary school I went to was dedicated to Maya Angelou and her bravery during the Civil Rights Movement. Allot of her poems were taught to kids in my school, my principal gracefully said showed the liberties of the “free bird” in comparison to the turmoil and sorrow of the “caged bird”. In terms of story the message was simple, the caged bird wants the freedoms that the free bird takes for granted. As a kid I always felt like the caged bird always demanding the ability to do more with my life, but my capabilities were always limited by my age and not my mind. It was always frustrating but knowing that limits aren’t permanent gave me hope for the future. Realistically I was more so infatuated with everything Maya Angelou stood for when I was little. Down to her confidence to convey messages of hope to other people I knew I wanted to inspire. She inspired me to pursue a creative career and ultimately try to do the same for my community. I want to give hope to people and ultimately see a day where people are not only free but also appreciative of what they have. Taking things for granted to the point where we do not realize other people’s circumstances is common, but it shouldn’t be. The poem serves as a criticism not only to the free bird but to those who feel trapped.
    Bold Technology Matters Scholarship
    Artificial intelligence is ultimately exciting because of its capabilities to become more intelligent. Even though I am aware it is controversial I started to consider how artificial intelligence can limit the amount of people sent to war. I remember when I was younger China was developing an artificially intelligent aircraft with the mobility to not only bomb certain routes but also to comprehend where it is and can even be further improved to report fuel necessity. The reason it excites me is not because I desire war or desire people to get harmed. Honestly to opposite of that, if less people are involved in military conflict, then people will strive to develop technology under the name of war. Many people will dedicate to improving machinery as opposed to racing in battle fields in fear. Machines do not carry the same traumas that humans do later after doing acts of service and will improve the general mental health of our population. Granted technological warfare will cost more than just deploying people but at the same time I can reason that a life should be valued more and is worth protecting. Realistically as much as I desire war would end as things stand people will always just find reason to clash in unnecessary conflict. So instead of just fighting senselessly making war a matter of technological advancement can be beneficial not only to society but also to the world. There will always be people who abuse artificial intelligence, but people tend to say that like there aren’t people who are abusing technology already. Technology is like drugs is overused in excess it can have negative effects but if used productively it opens doors to advancement and improvement.
    Bold Wisdom Scholarship
    If I could share a sentence with the world I would share “I’ve learned people will forget what you said, People will forget what you did. But people will never forget how you made them feel. “As said by Maya Angelou. As a child I went to a school dedicated to her name and ultimately read many of her poems and can say with the most tenacity that the woman was a genius. Many people in our society struggle to be remembered and fear being forgotten. Realistically wanting to feel important is not new as it’s a sentiment shared throughout time. Many people dictate importance through their legacy, their efforts, or their commitments but the reality of most circumstances is that there is no reassurance policy that one will truly be remembered. But emotionally when people smile cause of something you said or an impact you have on others, you’re more likely to be remembered. Even though Maya Angelou is dead I still remember reading that quote and the inevitable excitement I had that a woman said something so powerful. As a kid growing up my grandparents only saw me as a baby making machine but seeing a woman of great prestige make it far in a creative field inspired me to become an artist. I will never forget the hope and the joy Maya Angelou brought to me as a child as she spoke and wrote of the liberties she desired to pursue. I will never forget the excitement she gave me as a Spanish speaker to also learn the English language because of the form in which she weaved words and sentiments together on a sheet of paper. So, in short if you do something that resonates with a person emotionally you be revered as important.
    Bold Self-Care Scholarship
    I practice selfcare by ultimately looking for things I need to take care of, for example mental health is very important to me because if I don’t mentally feel alright it becomes difficult to do daily tasks. To take care of my mental health I already identified my mental problems to be many variations of trauma and self-loathing. To work with my trauma, I remind myself of everything my family has accomplished ever since I first got trauma from a toxic environment. My parents are independent and don’t need assistance from toxic family members anymore, on a brighter note there has been more tranquility in my environment to now be openly creative. Appreciation of different things such as familiar and friendly support, dreams, and desires. In accordance with my self-loathing, I try to draw myself to improve my own self-perception. When I draw myself, I do not draw what I feel of myself but more so what I physically see. In taking care of my skin and essentially doing things that make me feel better about myself I have made some incredible art of myself. In improving my skills artistically, I also gain confidence in my own capabilities and lower my feelings of hate towards myself by being productive. Everything I do for myself is ultimately impacts my quality of life. I am getting into a better mind space and am working diligently to keep it that way. I also want to love myself as much as my significant other does. In terms of impact everything I do is for positive reasons. I am now currently helping others with similar issues and trying to help others have brighter lives. I even gained enough confidence to actually tell my parents about my relationship with my boyfriend and life is good overall.
    Bold Friendship Matters Scholarship
    Friendship is not a blank title of having acquaintanceship with another person who happens to know some things about you. To me a friend is a person who is committed to supporting you in every stage of life. Whether it’s before a nerve-racking task or a fall out with another person. A friend is not afraid to tell you the truth even if you don’t want to hear it. Friends must also have a sense of respect towards set boundaries. If a person does not respect you then my definition, they most likely are not close friends. Respect in a friendship or any form of relation is important because it builds a solid ground for mutual understanding. If I’m constantly disrespected, I will feel less inclined to respect and much less form a friendship with a person. Realistically many people can claim to be friends but to have a solid friendship it takes effort from both sides. A friendship cannot be a one-sided ordeal where one person put’s in allot of investment and the other person doesn’t share the same priorities. Really there shouldn’t be contemplation in a person’s honesty either. A great friendship is built on trust, care, and mutual understanding. Really when I form friendships with people, I do not take it for granted because I know people do not owe me any of their time. People choose to be friends with me, and I choose to take their perceptions and emotions seriously. People are incredible and those who stick around are like legends. You don’t hear stories of strong bonds often but when they are formed it’s a lifelong treasure. Mainly because friendships also make a good portion of one’s support system as well. So, in brief a friendship is an important part of life for me.
    Bold Be You Scholarship
    I stay true to myself by not caring about how other people want to change me. I’m proud to say I am a biracial, bisexual, multicultural, multiethnic Latin woman who comes from a multi-religious household. And even though majority of people do not understand the diversity of my identity I don’t seek validation from others to validate my existence. Usually, people now in days find it hard to be themselves because our society runs on confirmation from other people. Whether it’s an employer, a teacher, or social media most people do not realize self-confirmation is more important than the words of others. Daily I dress in things that make me comfortable, essentially baggy clothes because I tend to get chilly easily. I don’t care how my dressing compares to other girls because my only priority is doing what makes me content. My pursuit of happiness is ultimately what makes me who I am daily. Drawing things that make me smile as opposed to drawing what others want to see of me is also evident in my personality. Unapologetically loving people regardless of the hatred around me is also a key trait of mine. I send messages to my boyfriend daily and express myself as a tomboy in my relationship because I was raised by various masculine influences. Because of my lack of feminine traits, I also have a different sense of humor and surround myself around people who appreciate my jokes and one-liners. Really improving my confidence in the mirror and telling myself sweet things also make it easier to be myself daily. A quote I live by is that one shouldn’t wish to be someone else because you do not know what other people are going through. Really being myself, all comes down to being surrounded by positivity daily.
    Bold Helping Others Scholarship
    My favorite way to help others is ultimately a more psychological approach. I have a special skill of being able to understand parts of people that most people do not quite understand of themselves. For example, I tend to spot people’s nerves without the person even being conscious of their own unsettlement. To ease them I will tell a couple jokes or talk to them until they calmed down. If talking doesn’t work I proceed to talk and let people discover their own problems inside of a conversation with simple questions such as, “does anything feel different today?”. A majority of what I do takes patience and a will to understand others struggles. I’ve been fascinated with human behavior ever since I was a child. People always act and say things with a purpose that is affected by many variables such as environment, background, upbringing, morals, and many other faucets. I find psychology important when helping people because if you do not understand the person in front of you it can become difficult to give people what they need in terms of advice or materialistic needs. Most people claim to need it all but to understand how to help you must be able to differ a person wants with their essential needs. For example, a person can want a pair of brand-new shoes but someone who is homeless may just need a pair of shoes regardless of quality. I donate allot of my clothes to clothing runs and try to do all I can to give people what they need. Usually, the reason I enjoy ultimately providing needs is because it gives me a sense of fulfillment to do more for others. Helping others is not only fulfilling but healthy mentally and I encourage others to do the same.
    Bold Best Skills Scholarship
    My best skill is being an artist who has a creative mind that is as vast as the ocean. Essentially, I’ve been sharpening my skills ever since I was in middle school. With my skills I have accomplished establishing connections with people. I’ve also sold mounts of drawings and donated the funds to charities such as St. Jude Hospital with a grand total of 280 dollars, American Red Cross got 50 dollars from me, Save the Children received 100 dollars, and many other organizations benefitted from my skills. Being an artist is not only about having skills artistically but also being able to sell oneself with charisma. My skills when it comes to business tends to overlap with my artistic talents because art alone doesn’t tend to sell. Quite honestly, I am ranged from ceramics, painting, oil pastel, pencil shading, digital, resin and many other fields. To say I am wide ranged with capability is an understatement. I improve daily by trying to learn more from people online and trying to emulate other styles. Essentially most artists tend to put self-pressures of needing to be self-taught but really if I can learn a skill faster, I don’t mind getting assistance from other people. I also get people to challenge my capabilities by making me draw what they want, usually people always enforce me to draw outside of my comfort zone which has a positive impact on my skills. So, in brief my desire to learn more about my profession is what drives me to improve my skills. I’ll always try to find ways to draw faster then I did before and even emulate textures with unorthodox materials. Really experimentation is the driving force to improvement because with every new discovery I learn an new way to execute my ideas.
    Bold Impact Matters Scholarship
    One way I try to make a positive impact on the world is by doing things that make people smile. Surely smiling sounds simple to do, maybe nothing that significant but the reality of life is many people forget how to smile. Especially in circumstances of misfortune, most people cannot fathom how the world can improve or become better. Allegedly I love spreading positive vibes to various people because then it makes people want to replicate the same sentiments to others. Especially during Covid-19 the need to build a closer sense of community is important. I try assisting my community in public cleanups and try to liven classrooms by cleaning them up. By improving the environment in which everyone lives in it gives people less reason to complain or feel upset. Usually when people feel saddened, I try to be a listening ear or provide warm hugs. Honestly people tend to tell me that my smile and my laugh are contagious. Really being a positive driving force is important in not just in community service but in the tiny ways too. If people are not positive as a person, it is difficult to make a positive impact overall. In short, I’m positive so others can find hope or something to smile about. Laughter usually helps people through tough times. I think the best jokes are ultimately the one’s that carry the best intentions. Being able to joke about things to others can teach the world to not take things so seriously and even relax. Ultimately the world can be improved by appreciating small positive gestures and learning to do the same, but my biggest impact is wanting to be the change I want to see in the world and encouraging others to do the same.
    Bold Dream Big Scholarship
    My dream life would be one where I wasn’t dependent on other people. Ultimately, I want to reshape the way my family lives. For as long as I can remember I always wondered when my family would end up homeless under many landlords. Now thankfully I live under a semi stable roof but even then, I am still unsure of whether this sense of stability will last. I just don’t want to owe anyone for my success and labor. Many artists struggle to make solid careers because not many people can respect the effort and time that is put into it. Saying artists are just “gifted” and “talented” is almost an insult because it doesn’t validate the time and effort put into the profession. Quite honestly, I dream to gain respect in my field and ultimately be the one that educates others through visual means. I hope through animation I can make the world more open minded, that through my perspective others will follow and ultimately try to do the same. I want the world to be as expressive as the internet, for people to stop fearing judgement and feel loved when they watch a cartoon or listen to a fully animated song. Literally my dreams revolve around change and improvement. I want to not only improve my own quality of life but of the people around me. Ultimately my dreams interconnect with many of my personal desires to see people change for the better. Most times than not people complain about how bad life is getting but honestly if people can capture childlike hope and curiosity for life, one tends to notice a sense of fulfillment. In making art my career it’s almost like I am admitting my desire to be child willing to learn for eternity.
    Bold Financial Literacy Scholarship
    One of the most important lessons I found in personal finance is a simple one, but also an easy one to forget it ultimately budgeting. The thing about life is ultimately one’s wants are endless. Humans are never content with what they have and always find something more to want. The thing is people are limited to their salary and bound to their needs. But not everyone prioritizes their money properly. My father for a time gave up on saving money because he could never see how in-between rent and family needs how he could get what he wants to live, in his words “there will never be enough money to live”. My family got deep into credit allegedly to go to more trips and such and even though we were having fun our financial situation wasn’t getting better. Then as I got older, I realized I could just save money by investing and ultimately controlling what I spend. Budgets ultimately give a rough estimate of how much a person is willing to spend around certain price range. For example, going to a mall is extremely difficult because everything is laid out in a way where you can perfectly see what you want and more inside the store. That’s why you see most stores have glass window displays, it’s ultimately a marketing ploy to get people to spend more. Once my family started to set budgets as we got our more, we ultimately gained enough to save for things we wanted to accomplish. Getting loose change and limiting oneself from spending loose change is also important because any amount of money you can save over time can later be invested in a business making idea. Ultimately even a penny has worth and should be taken with care.
    Bold Happiness Scholarship
    Being surrounded by people in a creative environment gives me a sense of contempt with not only my life but also to others around me. Happiness is an emotional state characterized by feelings of joy, satisfaction, contentment, and fulfillment. The joy I feel when completing an art piece is immeasurable. It makes me feel more productive and almost gives me a need to do more in life. The fulfillment ultimately comes when I see my artwork used for it’s intended purpose. Whether it’s supposed to display the emotions of others or demonstrate a social situation in the world. Whenever the message comes across it’s almost satisfactory. Usually, my artwork brings joy to other people because of the intentions I tend to have in every piece I make. When I give art to people, I may want to commemorate a meaningful conversation I had with a person, maybe even illustrate an emotion they make me feel. But everything comes down to admiration, when one can say they admire something openly whether it’s a personality trait, someone else’s ideas, and over all enabling thoughts and feelings it all comes down to freedom. Artists have liberties and freedoms that the average person does not. For example, if an artist stares at a person for an excessive amount of time it is not seen as strange if the person is drawing the subject they are observing. Ultimately it makes me smile to know that the world is just strange beyond our comprehension. The freedom people have to be complex artistically and otherwise is what makes me happy.
    Dark and Light Scholarship
    I am a mixed kid, this means ultimately, I mixed with a multitude of backgrounds racially and otherwise. My main passion essentially is most noted in artistic fields. My attraction to art commenced with my desire to see the world. I was always limited to what my eyes would allow me to see as I began to lose vision, colors blurred and so did the shape of people but once I got glasses, I almost broke into tears. I was only 5 years old when I lost my ability to see clearly, but even then, I was afraid. I was afraid my eyes were not working like they were supposed to until I got into art. As I started to draw what I could see I started to realize my eyes were more observant than my peers. I realized many kids my age didn’t share the same passion about the world simply because they took majority of what they have for granted. In terms of plan, I am planning into getting into a 4-year collage in Georgia, Savannah Art Institute (SCAD). The reason I want to attend SCAD is simply because of a career path I resonate with, Animation. I want to pursue an animation major because I desire a future where my passion is my job. I’m not worried about job scarcity since it is one of the fastest growing fields and is in high demand. Most of the big industries wish to hire animators like the film industry, medicine, education, advertisement, and many other fields. The openness of job variety inside of animation is impressive. Even down to the fact that I can choose when to work and not work under a company or as a landscaper is an advantage of sorts especially if I want kids in the future. Quite honestly my goal lies in wanting to change the field I am getting into. I want to be an animator that creates illustrations that makes people question the world they currently live in, just like animation did for me growing up. I want to expand people’s understanding of emotions visually and make them feel empathy over certain ideas and personal problems. Essentially the way I want to do that is play with a child’s notion of curiosity a strike a sense of admiration. Once kids learn to admire things and people from a young age it becomes easier to show them how to capture and appreciate a moment. But with animation those memories and emotions are in visual motion like they would be in real life. Once one can apply those emotions to real life, they are more intelligent than your average joe. Appreciation is key to getting people to want to learn from an early age. In terms of what I want to do with my future I plan to get enough scholarships to not need to pay for college. I also wish to engage with my community and use my talents for charitable purposes such as making logos and educating youth. Essentially my future is a dream I want to make a reality. I want to do many things with my talent but in terms of career I narrowed it down to film. Whether it’s Cartoon Network, Disney, or a studio like Ghibli I have the intelligence and the motivation to pursue. With all that I earn I plan to support my family humbly and give my dad the life he gave me, a happy one. So, saying I have grand plans for my future is an understatement.
    Educate the SWAG “Dare to Dream” STEAM Scholarship
    Art means everything to me, quite honestly, I cannot see having a life without the ability to express and share the ideas of others. The best way I can explain my passion and its relevance to me is explaining what drove me to draw in the first place. As a child I lost a good portion of my vision and still am losing allot of my eyesight. I was devastated and honestly enraged with myself because of my lack of sight. But then I figured I should appreciate what I could see. Any color or shape I can see felt more valuable than gold itself. Many people take visuals and many other art forms for granted because they are capable to see. But no one focuses on how beautiful art truly is, to be able to see the world in different styles and perspectives. Art brought out allot of my empathy and my thoughts in a necessary way. Even people do not pursue art as a career ultimately one cannot deny that creativity is the key to many incredible ideas. Without creatives minds and people who desire to be different nothing in the world would progress. My life would probably feel more constant and duller if I didn’t have an outlet to explain things. Art gave me a form to challenge not only society but the notions of people who desire “normality”. Quite honestly art helped me meet more people of diverse thought processes and lifestyles. In teaching art I also gave confidence to people who didn’t possess any beforehand. Just the meaning of art is as simple as the importance of air. Without it the world would be in many shades of white and grey without hints of red to beautifully contrast our streets and rooms. Considerably I used to be a part of STEAM and didn’t quite understand why people took away STEAM and encouraged “STEM” more. Honestly, I also enjoy math but realistically you see more design in the world then you do anything else. Kids see the logos of their shoes before they even understand the numbers that make up the cost of their shoes. Everything is important quite honestly; nothing prevails without the help or need of other professions. I want to become an animator which ultimately combines Art and Technology in my career. In terms of my choice of profession it all started with my father owning a computer store in Florida. Visually I loved to see how a computer would comply with one’s demands and how code works with allot of what we do virtually. I learned allot from my dad in terms of viruses, code, webpage, and many other technological fields. I knew from a young age and then later taking classes that majority of our future is shifting to a more technological age. Many people jumped on the bandwagon and quite honestly schools like SCAD offer a variety of technological artistically inclined professions. The reason I want to be an animator goes back to why I want to be an artist. I want to capture memories and emotions visually and essentially set them all in motion. I want to be able to inspire people to do better in life and further process the world they currently live in. Cartoons like many other things in life also inspired me to want to draw. When I realized people created the visuals, I saw daily you can say a light bulb came into mind. I started to wonder why I couldn’t do what many others sought to do. Go to a 4-year collage and learn evidently a skill that I’m never going to forget. The opportunities animation has is limitless, down to flexibility of gigs and entrepreneurship opportunities animation has its perks. But in terms of profession the main reason I want to do this profession is ultimately because I want to do something I love without feeling like it’s actual work. The fulfillment art gave my life for over a decade is unexplainable. Emotions of passion and determination, it’s what drives me into doing what I love most, making people smile. Especially in a world consumed by materialism and meaningless things, giving reason and purpose to those younger than me is a strong desire. Keeping hope and magic alive through storytelling and long-term life lessons. The reason I want to ultimately pursue an education is because many of my family members didn’t, and if they did it’s almost far too late in life. I don’t want to end up dependent on my boyfriend or family solely. I want to have feet to stand on and a wallet to fall back on. The sad truth of life is to be successful you need to have money to life. No one lives peacefully or fulfilled lives without the greens in their pocket. My desire to be educated goes back to my desire of changing social narratives towards Latinos. When most people think of my community it all falls back to seeing women and cleaning ladies and nannies, men as janitors and construction workers, but commonly in some form of labor force. Artistically I want to stand out from the average joe and pave a way for other artists in my community to get the lives they deserve. Growing up many uncles told me not to go to collage because of the massive amounts of debt I would rake. But quite honestly, seeing the jobs and meals they eat on a daily I don’t want to live like that. With so many pressures under one’s shoulder to provide what one does not have. I mean what kind of life is that? I personally owe it to my grandmother who brought my family from Cuba to America to go to college and make something of my life to myself. So in short I want to be better as a person and I think that is a noble pursuit if any.
    Bold Music Scholarship
    The song that inspires me most is Howl’s Moving Castle “Carousel of life”. As a child I was blown away by the soft instrumentals and upbeat sound of the violin. The music paired with the animation of Howl walking with Sophie in mid air always got me close to crying. I couldn’t process how beautiful the music made the scene and my childhood. The colors and the form everything moved to the beat of the melody. I remember as a kid thinking, I want to make something this incredible. I want to move someone into tears but for all the good reasons. Because honestly many things is rough in life but music is something anyone can enjoy and relate to. I want to be the reason people smile and ultimately find reason to live in life. As a kid I lived tough in the hood, but anytime a CD popped, and I could investigate the screen my body and soul relieved with the melodies created by several. It inspired me into wanting to become an animator and song writer. I want to be able to give a child the same joys I experienced from a young age honestly. I want to be able to work with people who also want to make the same melodies that made me smile. Having the honor with working with a multitude of geniuses in film would be my goal. And majority of it was realized with one song. Music in short is universal and no matter where one comes from, believes in, or feels we can all look to music to be there for us when no one is. Honestly the song got me through deaths and countless of other things. In short, I hope the song continues to carry me through life.
    Theresa Lord Future Leader Scholarship
    My educational goals are essentially to be a lifelong learner. Ever since I was a kid, I could never comprehend people who desired to be ignorant. I would question endlessly how people could be content with not knowing or staying where they are currently. People who fail to desire more in life always perplexed me. Even down to the way they try to convince themselves that they are content with not knowing better. The constant state of false contempt bewildered and troubled me academically. In terms of relations, I would refuse to build relations with people unless they demonstrated some form of complex thinking. As a person if someone doesn’t make me think beyond my current field of knowledge, I tend to get bored easily. Because of that I was always the leader, the one who essentially open people’s perspectives in debates, reassure in conversation and educate someone until their silent and lose their unnecessary egos. Usually, people who feel like they are better than me because of their parent’s wallets, number of materials and other unrealistic standards were always problematic to me. They’d blabber their mouths nonstop until someone reminds them of their actual accomplishments and lack of character. Really my goals tie into wanting to make sure younger children don’t end up stupid. I don’t mean becoming a teacher and getting low wages but being an animator is more effective for what I want to do. Many people use entertainment as a form to learn and detach from reality. In simpler words children are attracted to pictures and visuals. Now in days most kids learn visually because pictures help store information longer. Images are the simplest and the most effective way to make sure people remember vital information. Honestly even before I knew how to speak English and Spanish, I would communicate by trying to form visuals to be understood. Passionately I want to be an artist who takes a different approach onto animation. Allot of obstacles in my life were always over come with visuals when words were not enough. Really, I believe allot of obstacles can be solved with a will to learn and a desire to teach. If society develops a need to become better not only as a person but in life. We probably wouldn’t have many obstacles to begin with. What I learned from school and life is ultimately to always keep an open mind and an open heart. If people close themselves and refuse to listen to others many things are bound to go downhill. As a person I hope my perspective and need to help touches people, because I want to be the one that inspires our youth and anyone willing to listen.
    Moriah Janae Dance Grant
    Well as a child my cousins would play various instruments. Many of my family members were music inclined with guitar, piano, trumpets, and many other instruments, but for me it was difficult to pick up an instrument and learn. I was always saddened by this, but I always felt like music is a deep portion of my life. Then I learned how to dance from videos online and many events that required dance. I usually used dance in my life as a form of expression. When I want to get stress from my body, I shake it off. When I want to try to appreciate something about myself, I dance in the mirror to encourage self-love. In terms of impact, I always saw dance as a form to spread joy to those who love me. When I turned 15 years old me and my father danced in the streets of New York to celebrate the years of life I managed to live. Every time I get the chance to dance with my boyfriend it always fills me with hope. Being able to dance so closely to someone you love and teach people to be more confident through body movement is imperative. Essentially confidence is one of the major impacts dance has on my life. When I was younger, I felt like I had nothing to be confident over because I had no talent back then. As I got older, I realized that realistically I had every reason to trust in myself because as a human being even if I possess no current capabilities, I can build up my abilities with time. Another major impact dance has on my life is building up muscles and core strength. In terms of health, I’m an asthma carrier, in my stomach I have acid reflexes and many other complications. It was difficult for me to life weights without any core muscles and bone strength. Even my body was struggling to process food because I was extremely dehydrated in my youth. Once I started to dance my feet become stronger and more capable to support my body. My appetite improved and even my perspective of the world changed. Ultimately dance changed my life in forms I cannot even fathom to explain. It’s got me through losses and even helped me become smarter and more aware of my body. In terms of my future, I plan to animate dances from all parts of the world and educate people. I want to give people a means to not only learn but also a creative form to get people to take better care of themselves. Sadly, not many people go to art studios, gyms, and other places now in days. Majority of people spend their time in the comfort of their homes sitting and lounging with desires to move and learn but usually methods such as trainers and personalized courses are not entertaining. By making dance more entertaining and even appealing to kids through cartoons and other shows there is a hope to help obesity in youth and lowering other social issues through dance. In short, I hope to improve our society through artistic and creative means by combining two major passions into one. If my dreams of spreading information and body awareness becomes a thing, I know the world will become a better place.
    Bold Memories Scholarship
    One experience that has shaped who I am today is this one time I went to a Walgreens. I remember seeing a woman who did not have any money, barely any clothes. It was cold out and the only blanket she had she used it to shelter a dog and her babies from the cold. The pups were trying to feed from their mother, but the dog had no strength and appeared anorexic. My dad saw the woman and asked the woman what she would need. My father never believed in giving money but he was always more than willing to buy things to help homeless people. My dad listened and got her the blanket, a big bag of dog food, milk, some food and a sleeping bag so she could sleep comfortable that night. I will never forget the tears that streamed that woman's eyes as she thanks my father. I then get in the car and was surprised by father was not boasting about his good deed, blowing his own horn as some call it. However, that experience gave me a sense of empathy and understanding towards humanity. I started to become intrigued with psychology. I wanted to know what made people behave, what made people cry and ultimately with so many years of observation I started to draw what I saw in people. My need to learn about other's struggles and convey emotions is what makes me the artist I am today.
    Bold Climate Changemakers Scholarship
    I personally educate the masses about global warming and it's effects on the enviornment. To elaborate global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere generally attributed to the greenhouse gases which effects causes an increase in the levels of carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants in not only air but also our waters, and land. Even things that are not physically tangible like sound can cause pollution. The average person loves to blame global warming on world leaders and even though the president of Brazil is responsible for the lack of defense in the Amazon Rainforest he is not the main issue. Individual action is one of the main causes of global warming. The average human being uses 5-8 gallons of water to shower in a day, wastes more than 50% of food and even clog pipelines with excessive amounts of tissue paper down toliets without even realizing it. The reason there is trash cans in public restrooms is to avoid plumbing issues and further pollution. In educating people about how they can affect but most importantly on how they can reduce waste, compost food, or find secondary use for the same things in a creative way we can all help in Earth's struggle to survive. The average population is not aware on how even clothes can actually affect the enviornment, especially products like denim pants because of the amount of water needed to dye them blue ultimately. In the long scheme of things I hope to help people to come up with creative solutions and make art with the waste that they find lurking around their neighboorhoods and communities. So in short the sense of inspiration I give to people to try new things and learn is my positive impact on climate change.
    Natalia Pino Student Profile |