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Natalie Jenkins


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I am a highschool senior aspiring to be dermatologist. I have coped with many hardships such as my grandfather dying and having to take care of my grandmother after. Even though I have been clinically diagnosed with depression, anxiety, and ADHD I still strive to complete my eduction and to be able to provide a stable life for my family.


Texas Connections Academy At Houston

High School
2022 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biology, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Hospital & Health Care

    • Dream career goals:

    • Babysitter
      2020 – Present4 years



    2014 – 20195 years


    • No


    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services

      Carnegie Vanguard High School — Sole researcher
      2022 – 2023



      Only a unreleased work in progress
      2022 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Houston SPCA — Kennel Assistant
      2022 – Present

    Future Interests




    Anime Enthusiast Scholarship
    My best friend is actually the one who reintroduced me to anime. I had watched a couple old of ones when I was younger but I eventually fell out interest in anime altogether. But then my friend introduced me to an anime called "My Hero Academia" it absolutely enthralled me when I first watched it. The main character was interesting and the plot was unique. I had loved the idea of a world compromised of superheroes and the story of the main plot. The anime was full of strange and unique characters that piqued my interest and I even got merchandise of my favorites. When I had caught up to the most recent episode I would excitedly wait for the next one that would have me at the end of my seat. The intense battles were thrilling and action packed, the voice acting was full of emotion, and the animation was a esthetically pleasing. When the anime would go on break I would scroll through social to look at art and posts about "My Hero Academia" as well as even making my own art. I absolutely hold "My Hero Academia" near and dear to my heart and consider it my favorite anime of all time.
    Social Anxiety Step Forward Scholarship
    I have experienced anxiety since young. However I was only officially diagnosed with it as well as major depressive disorder and ADHD a couple years ago. These mental illnesses run in the family so it was not surprising that I had them. I was diagnosed with anxiety when I was admitted into a mental hospital after attempting to take my own life after my Opa's (grandfather in German) death. I have since recovered and push myself everyday to continue living for my Opa and my family. Anxiety has had a big impact in my life before I was medicated and even after. When I was younger I had a hard time making new friends, talking to people such as clerks and waiters, and I didn't have much confidence in myself. Even to this day it is hard for me to speak up and approach people or to talk in front of an audience. I have trouble calling people be it family or a teacher and I constantly overthink the simplest of things. Anxiety is often ridiculed as not being a major mental illness. However having anxiety is a life changing thing and affects the most basic things in day to day life. I have aspired to go to college due to my Mom inspiring me to do big things with my life. As a single mother she still wants to go back to school to become a lawyer and she is the only person in my family to have two master degrees although her career ended up in finance. To me it is a blessing to be able to go to college as not many people in my family have been able to go to one. Studying Biology and earning a degree is important to me because I have always had a love for science which I got from my Opa. I will take my Biology degree to go to medical school and become a dermatologist. As a dermatologist I will help others and my community with affordable Healthcare and even my own skincare line. And hopefully in the future I will be able to better my own mental health so I can become a psychologist as I have always wanted to be one. Although dermatology is also one of my passions mental health is even more important to me due to it heavily affecting my family and my life.
    Daelyn Bledsoe Legacy of Love and Leadership Scholarship
    I have some innovative ideas that will help the major problems of today being climate change, obesity, and the homeless population. Climate change is one of the more long term problems the world has dealt with. It was originally called global warming until further research had shown that it was not just increasing the temperature in certain parts of the world but also changing the weather, making other areas colder, and even causing food and water insecurity. Solving climate change is incredibly important as with the time that goes on and nothing is done about it some places will become unlivable and many habitats will be destroyed. As for how ways the general public can help climate change people can reduce their carbon footprint, energy use, and general waste. But what really needs to happen is for the government and big organizations to help out by reducing the use of fossil fuels, using renewable energy sources, creating more sustainable transportation and buildings as well as making agriculture more environmentally friendly, preserving nature and protecting endangered life, advancing helpful technology and reducing industrial emissions. The main problems are definitely energy use being the continuous use of fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and gas, the release of greenhouse gases by factories and vehicles, the large amount of trees cut down every year, and the detrimental farming of livestock. Obesity is also a considerable issue in America. I believe more awareness needs to be spread about obesity through education of good eating habits and an increase of physical education and exercise. Obesity affects forty two percent of the population in the United States. The youth and general public should be properly educated on the effects of obesity and how to prevent it. However, it is not seen as a major focus in most places. Although obesity is acknowledged as a problem it is not being addressed nor is there work being put in to prevent it. If obesity was more often taught and learned about by the people then more people would try to prevent become overweight and improve their eating habits as well as increase their physical activity. I also believe a wider accessibility to fresh groceries and more knowledge about nutrition and the negatives of too much fast food would lead to less obesity. Many people do not know how to read nutrition labels or what on the labels are bad or good for you. There is also a lack of knowledge on good portion sizes of foods or how many calories someone should be eating. More information on how to lose weight would also help those who are overweight and want to get healthier as just eating salads does not work nor is it healthy for you. It is mostly seen that exercise is important to lose weight and while it does play a factor into it the more important part is your diet. Weight loss surgeries should also be more well known and accessible for those who cannot lose the weight on their own. If these ideas were put in place it would help reduce obesity in America. In Houston we have a large homeless population. Many homeless people line the sidewalks walking with signs asking for money or food. Some sleep at bus stops or under roadways to stay protected from the elements. I believe this is a large problem in my community and that the homeless go largely uncared for. Instead new expensive buildings are constructed or the roads are "patched up" poorly using up taxpayer money for a temporary fix. What should really be focused on are the people who are sleeping on the streets everyday begging for help to support their family. Although many don't give money to homeless people due to thinking they will just spend it on money or drugs. However there are other ways to help the homeless without fear that they will waste generous peoples efforts on unhealthy comforts. Such as gift cards to restaurants, fast food places, or even stores. These gift cards will ensure that the receiver can only spend the money on food or necessities. The gift cards don't even have to be brand new or fully loaded. Even just a Mcdonald's gift card left with ten dollars will help feed someone in need. Or daily necessities could even be provided directly to the homeless. This could be warm meals, water, clothes, shoes, toiletres, or baby supplies that would assist homeless people tremendously. It would also be beneficial to properly educate the public about the homeless and what they can do to help. Due to the negative stigma of homeless people many people who are of good financial stability or have the ability to help often avoid providing the support they could. More public knowledge about the homeless could help people in need receive more aid. Of course this is just what the general public can do to help the homeless. What really needs to be addressed is what the government can do for homeless people. With the large amount of tax money and other funds the government has they could build more accessible homeless shelters and food pantries. The government could play a major part in reducing the homeless population or at the very least supporting them. A larger availability for jobs with less requirements would allow more homeless people to become employed. With more homeless people becoming employed less people would be living on the streets as they earn money to be able to support themselves and their families. Higher minimum wages would also let the homeless have a easier time renting homes and paying for food. Another beneficial idea would be more widely available scholarships especially for homeless people or those with low income. These scholarships would let homeless people be able to attend school and get higher paying jobs. Or even loans specifically for the homeless with a long time to repay them so they could at least get on their feet. I believe these ideas could help aid the homeless and reduce the homeless population.
    MedLuxe Representation Matters Scholarship
    I am a black woman who was raised by a single mother as an only child. There have been times in my life were we have had trouble with money and couldn't afford rent or groceries without support from someone else or food stamps. Sometimes we couldn't even get a doctor's appointment with whatever insurance my mother had or if Medicaid wouldn't pay for it. My absent father wouldn't ever pay child support and owes my mom thirty thousand dollars. He also wouldn't help pay for medical appointments like he was supposed to as ordered by the custody paperwork. So my Mom and I were mostly on our own especially when we moved away from our family in Alaska to Houston, Texas. But, my Mom worked hard to support us and I did my best to help her by taking care of the house and cooking meals. I have been taking care of my Oma (grandmother in German) ever since my Opa passed in 2021. My Oma developed Korsakoff (a memory disorder) after becoming an alcoholic following my Opa's passing. I have sacrificed my education and personal life to take care of her and be with her through every step of recovery. My Oma can now fully walk and her memory improves everyday. After my Opa passed my Mom had to take care of my Opa's affairs in Alaska and take care of my Oma. I left Texas and school behind to help her and take care of my Oma's daily needs as well as her move to Texas. After my Opa's death I was deeply grieved and depressed leading to me attempting to take my life twice and being admitted into a mental hospital. I have since been driving myself to keep living with the thought of my Opa's wish for me to have a good life and my family's need for my support. My life experience has inspired me to help others and my community. I aspire to major in Biology and become a dermatologist. I aim to provide affordable Healthcare and to create my own line of skincare products for those with lower income. It is my medical goal to help those in need and not just the ones that can afford high prices. I believe it's important to raise racial diversity in Healthcare because it helps minorities find people to relate to and be inspired by in the field and gives medical professionals a different perspective of struggles and issues that people of other races face. It also gives more knowledge of different cultures and the care that they need as well as any other needs that minorities have.
    Ward Green Scholarship for the Arts & Sciences
    I plan to study in Biology during college so I can become a dermatologist. I have always had a deep interest in Biology and feel it will help me achieve my career goal of becoming a dermatologist and making my own line of skincare products. I want to study the body and world around as well as how it works. I believe studying Biology will further my passion for science and be the stepping stone for my future. I have always wanted to help others and show them kindness and compassion. I will also earn an MD at a medical school to become a licensed physician so I can medically support my community. Although I originally wanted to become a psychologist to take care of others and their mental health I decided not to do so due to my own poor mental health as I felt I can not better others if I am in a poor state. Instead I felt dermatology suited me more due to my interest in the skin and my want to help people. However I would still like to become a psychologist in the far future after I improve my own mental health and have the time to properly study the subject. I believe that as being a dermatologist that I can help people with their bodies and make them more confident in themselves. While beauty should not be determined by what's on the outside I know that people would still feel more comfortable with themselves if their appearance is taken care of. Be it by dealing with acne issues or getting rid of cysts. It is also important to deal with any skin diseases or problems with the hair or nails. I believe I can help my community with affordable dermatological care as there is a low amount of working dermatologists in the United States. As well as due to the fact that many do not properly take care of their skin, hair, and nails with my involvement I can improve the livelihoods of people in my community. I also want to help my community through volunteer work. I have volunteered at animal shelters and fostered kittens without a mother who unfortunately passed due to a disease they had caught when they were younger. I aspire to do more volunteer work by taking care of veterans, helping the homeless, and to continue caring for sheltered and/or stray animals.
    Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
    I am a black woman who was raised by a single mother. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, anxiety, and ADHD a couple years ago. My father has been mostly absent in my life and has only seen me when it's convenient for him. After seeing him in Summer of 2019 in Maryland during my stay with his side of the family I cut contact with him after him tried to villainize my Mom in his reasoning as to why he wasn't part of my life. I have not seen him since 2019 although he did send me a necklace for my birthday in 2021 despite not attempting to call me since 2020. Although I am open to repairing our relationship I will only do so if my father makes the first move. As for how I support my family I have been taking care of my Oma (grandmother in German) ever since my Opa (grandfather in German) passed in 2021. My Oma developed Korsakoff (a memory disorder) after becoming an alcoholic following my Opa's passing. I have sacrificed my education and personal life to take care of her and be with her through every step of recovery. My Oma can now fully walk and her memory improves everyday. After my Opa's passed my Mom had to take care of my Opa's affairs in Alaska and take care of my Oma. I left Texas and school behind to help her and take care of my Oma's daily needs as well as her move to Texas. After my Opa's death I was deeply grieved and depressed leading to me attempting to take my life twice and being admitted into a mental hospital. I have since been driving myself to keep living with the thought of my Opa's wish for me to have a good life and my family's need for my support. My life experience has inspired me to help others and my community. I have volunteered at animal shelters and fostered kittens without a mother who unfortunately passed due to a disease they had caught when they were younger. I aspire to do more volunteer work by taking care of veterans, helping the homeless, and to continue caring for sheltered and/or stray animals.
    Outside the Binary: Chineye Emeghara’s STEAM Scholarship
    I am pursuing a degree in Biology to become a dermatologist. I have always had a deep interest in Biology and feel it will help me achieve my career goal of becoming a dermatologist and making my own line of skincare products. I want to study the body and world around as well as how it works. I believe studying Biology will further my passion for science and be the stepping stone for my future. The person who inspires me most in my life is my Opa (grandfather in German) who passed in 2021. He worked for NASA and is the one who gave me my love for all science. We used to watch the stars through a telescope and open up geodes together in the garage. I remember the days I would spend with him as he taught new and unique things such as the phases of the Moon or would do science experiments like crystal growth or the physics of a marble going through a homemade tube course. My Opa shaped who I am as a person today and continues to inspire me through our memories. I fell into deep grief after he passed and experienced major depression causing me to even attempt to take my life twice. But, I push myself forward everyday to continue moving on to fulfill my Opa's wishes of a good life for me and to take care of my Oma (grandmother in German) who got Korsakoff after becoming an alcoholic following my Opa's death. I still take care of my Oma with my Mom and have sacrificed my education and personal life to help her recover. My Oma is now capable of fully walking and her memory improves everyday. As for what topic I would like to learn apart from Biology it would definitely be Psychology as I have always been interested in the human mind and mental illnesses as I even have major depressive disorder, anxiety, and ADHD myself. For my career I originally wanted to become a psychologist but due to my own poor mental health I felt that I could not help others work through their problems as I believe I cannot tell others how to get better if I myself do not follow my own advice. However this does not lessen my interest in Psychology as well as Sociology as I still want to deepen my education on these subjects. Perhaps even one day I could become a psychologist if I am able to first better my own mental health. My mom even pursued a degree in Psychology as well although she ended up working in finance for her career. But, just as she still aspires to work in psychological field I also would like to help others with their mental state myself. So I will also study Psychology in college to fulfill my other interest. However, dermatology is currently my dream passion and I am thrilled to be able to have the opportunity to help others and make them feel more confident about themselves.
    Text-Em-All Founders Scholarship
    I am a black woman who was raised by a single mother. I was diagnosed with major depressive disorder, anxiety, and ADHD a couple years ago. Although I have suicidal tendencies I have committed myself to helping others. I originally wanted to become a psychologist to help others with their mental health but due to my own mental health I decided I can help others better by becoming a dermatologist. I want to help people feel better and more confident about themselves. All my life I have wanted to help others and show the people around me kindness and care. I currently take care of my grandma who got Korsakoff (a memory disorder) after becoming an alcoholic due to my grandpa's death in 2021. I have been with her through every step of her recovery and have even sacrificed my education and personal life to care for her. She now is much better as she is able to fully walk and her memory improves everyday. My mom also takes care of my grandma and as she had to take care of affairs in Alaska after my grandpa's death I supported her and my grandma the best I could by going to Alaska with my mom to take care of my grandma and her daily needs as well as helping with her move to Texas. Although I was deep in grief and suffering depression I made sure to support my family through such difficult times. I even attempted to take my own life twice after my grandpa's death and was admitted to a mental hospital but I recovered and drove myself to move forward with the memory of my grandpa's wishes of a good life for me and my family's need for me. During this time is how I decided I wanted to become a dermatologist to help others. I felt that dermatology was the best way I could help people as I didn't want to be a normal doctor or surgeon as I enjoy dealing with the skin and wanted to stay away from too much blood. I also enjoy volunteering at animal shelters to help animals in need. I have even fostered kittens without a mother to the best of my ability however they unfortunately passed due to a disease they had caught when they were younger. But, this has not stopped my journey to care for animals and help people. I hope to improve my community and help the people within it by my volunteer work and future career.
    James Lynn Baker II #BeACoffeeBean Scholarship
    In Houston we have a large homeless population. Many homeless people line the sidewalks walking with signs asking for money or food. Some sleep at bus stops or under roadways to stay protected from the elements. I believe this is a large problem in my community and that the homeless go largely uncared for. Instead new expensive buildings are constructed or the roads are "patched up" poorly using up taxpayer money for a temporary fix. What should really be focused on are the people who are sleeping on the streets everyday begging for help to support their family. Although many don't give money to homeless people due to thinking they will just spend it on money or drugs. However there are other ways to help the homeless without fear that they will waste generous peoples efforts on unhealthy comforts. Such as gift cards to restaurants, fast food places, or even stores. These gift cards will ensure that the receiver can only spend the money on food or necessities. The gift cards don't even have to be brand new or fully loaded. Even just a Mcdonald's gift card left with ten dollars will help feed someone in need. Or daily necessities could even be provided directly to the homeless. This could be warm meals, water, clothes, shoes, toiletres, or baby supplies that would assist homeless people tremendously. It would also be beneficial to properly educate the public about the homeless and what they can do to help. Due to the negative stigma of homeless people many people who are of good financial stability or have the ability to help often avoid providing the support they could. More public knowledge about the homeless could help people in need receive more aid. Of course this is just what the general public can do to help the homeless. What really needs to be addressed is what the government can do for homeless people. With the large amount of tax money and other funds the government has they could build more accessible homeless shelters and food pantries. The government could play a major part in reducing the homeless population or at the very least supporting them. A larger availability for jobs with less requirements would allow more homeless people to become employed. With more homeless people becoming employed less people would be living on the streets as they earn money to be able to support themselves and their families. Higher minimum wages would also let the homeless have a easier time renting homes and paying for food. Another beneficial idea would be more widely available scholarships especially for homeless people or those with low income. These scholarships would let homeless people be able to attend school and get higher paying jobs. Or even loans specifically for the homeless with a long time to repay them so they could at least get on their feet. I believe these ideas could help aid the homeless and reduce the homeless population.