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Mumtaz Cooper


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Mumtaz Cooper, affectionately known as Taji, is a passionate individual with a profound interest in the realms of Law and Humanitarian Aid. With an unwavering commitment to making a meaningful impact on society, Taji aspires to carve a path towards success in this field, ultimately realizing the dream of owning their own law firm. An avid reader and a fervent advocate for causes that resonate with their heart, Taji embodies a perfect blend of intellect and compassion. They are not only dedicated to expanding their knowledge but also actively seek opportunities to translate their passion into action. Currently in pursuit of opportunities in their chosen field, Taji's dedication to their goals is nothing short of inspiring, making them an ideal candidate for any scholarship aimed at fostering change-makers in the realms of Law and Humanitarian Aid.


Alexander Hamilton Preparatory Academy

High School
2022 - 2025


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Law
    • African Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics
    • History and Political Science
    • Political Science and Government
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Law Practice

    • Dream career goals:



      2023 – Present1 year


      • Public Policy Analysis

        Teen Think Tank — Associate
        2024 – 2024

      Public services

      • Volunteering

        2022 – Present

      Future Interests





      Simon Strong Scholarship
      As a passionate advocate for public speaking and social change, I have encountered adversity that has profoundly shaped my journey and reinforced my commitment to making a positive impact. One pivotal moment stands out: the day I faced imminent danger for daring to raise my voice in defense of my beliefs. This experience, while daunting, served as a catalyst for personal growth, resilience, and the establishment of my own nonprofit organization dedicated to public speaking empowerment. The incident occurred during a community gathering where I spoke out against injustice, unaware of the hostility brewing among people . As I articulated my convictions, tensions escalated, and I found myself targeted with threats of violence. In that moment, fear threatened to silence me, but my determination to stand up for what I believed in prevailed. In the case of a gun trying to silence me, I had found my voice. Overcoming this adversity required a multifaceted approach. First and foremost, I prioritized my safety, seeking refuge and support from trusted allies who offered both solace and strategic counsel. Drawing strength from their encouragement, I resolved not to let fear dictate my actions but rather to confront adversity with resilience and determination. In the aftermath of this harrowing experience, I embarked on a journey of self-discovery and empowerment. I honed my communication skills, refining my ability to articulate my convictions effectively while navigating potentially volatile situations. Moreover, I recognized the profound impact that community support can have in times of adversity, fostering a sense of solidarity and empowerment that bolstered my resolve. This adversity has fundamentally shaped me, instilling in me a steadfast commitment to speaking truth to power and effecting positive change. It has reinforced the importance of resilience, resourcefulness, and unwavering dedication in the face of adversity. Moreover, it has inspired me to channel my passion for public speaking into tangible action, leading me to establish my own nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering individuals through effective communication. To those who find themselves confronting similar challenges, I offer the following advice: First, prioritize your safety above all else. Assess risks carefully and take proactive measures to protect yourself from harm. Second, seek support from trusted mentors, friends, and allies who can offer both emotional support and practical guidance. Third, embrace adversity as an opportunity for growth and self-discovery. Approach challenges with resilience, determination, and a willingness to learn from setbacks. Fourth, believe in your ability to effect positive change. Trust in your convictions and remain steadfast in your commitment to making a difference. Finally, pay it forward by empowering others to find their voice and advocate for change. By supporting and uplifting one another, we can collectively overcome adversity and create a brighter, more just future for all. In conclusion, adversity may test our resolve, but it also presents an opportunity for growth, resilience, and empowerment which I had found from almost dying for speaking . By confronting challenges with courage, determination, and a sense of community, we can transform adversity into a catalyst for positive change, both in our own lives and in the world around us. Remember that your soul and your voice will always, will always be free.
      Book Lovers Scholarship
      If I could share just one book with the entire world, it would unquestionably be "Swing Time" by Zadie Smith. This book holds a special place in my heart because it's not merely a tale; it's a profound journey through the intricate web of human experiences. The story unfolds in the bustling and diverse backdrop of London, a city that pulsates with life and culture. In "Swing Time," we meet two unforgettable characters who resonate deeply with the readers: the unnamed protagonist and her childhood friend, Tracey. Their friendship, a dance of differences and similarities, mirrors the complexities of real-life relationships. Tracey embodies grace and beauty, a world apart from the protagonist's personal struggles. This dynamic reflects the ebb and flow of friendships we all encounter. What sets "Swing Time" apart is its exploration of profound themes such as race, class, and personal identity. These are subjects that touch every human being. As we follow the characters' journeys, we see echoes of our own quests for self-discovery. Zadie Smith's quote, "People aren't poor because they make bad choices. They make bad choices because they are poor," strikes a powerful chord, reminding us of the systemic issues that shape our lives. But what truly makes this book exceptional is its ability to transcend words on a page. It becomes a reflection of our shared humanity. Through the lens of friendship, the challenges of life, and the relentless search for our true selves, "Swing Time" resonates with readers on a profound level. In a world that often feels disconnected, this book binds us together with the threads of the intricate dance of life. So, if I could recommend one book to the world, it would be "Swing Time." It's a story that touches the soul, invites introspection, and bridges the gaps that sometimes divide us. With its rich narrative and relatable characters, it inspires us to reflect on our own journeys and our connections with others. In a world where books have the power to unite and illuminate, "Swing Time" by Zadie Smith stands as a shining example of literature's ability to capture the essence of the human experience. Reading it is not just an act of storytelling; it's an exploration of what it means to be human, to dance through life, and to discover ourselves along the way.
      Al-Haj Abdallah R Abdallah Muslim Scholarship
      Walking the bustling streets of New York City, I found myself at Columbia University's doorstep, a place where dreams thrive and futures take shape. Here, I've chosen to embark on my journey in Political Journalism, driven by an unwavering dedication to helping people and making a difference. Why Columbia? It's simple. Columbia University is a beacon of academic excellence where innovation and impact seamlessly merge. With a rich history of producing journalism trailblazers, it's the perfect place for my aspirations. I've always believed in the power of words and journalism's ability to shine a light on society's darkest corners. Political Journalism at Columbia offers the chance to sharpen my writing skills and make a real-world impact. It's a fusion of my passion for storytelling and my commitment to serving others. In a diverse and vibrant city like New York, I look forward to immersing myself in the ever-evolving world of politics and journalism. Now, let's talk strengths and weaknesses. Confidence is my ally. I stand up for what I believe in, whether addressing a crowd or tackling a challenge. But like many, I've grappled with self-doubt. Yet, I've learned to view it as a catalyst for growth, pushing me to continually improve. Who am I, and why do I deserve this scholarship? I am Mumtaz, a name that embodies excellence. I don't seek handouts; I aim to earn my place through diligence, dedication, and an unquenchable passion for my field. I deserve this scholarship because I am determined to make the most of this opportunity, learn, grow, and utilize my education to drive positive change. My favorite book, "Swing Time" by Zadie Smith, resonates with its complex characters and themes of identity and pursuit of dreams. It's a narrative that mirrors my own journey. As a Muslim, my greatest achievement is representing Islam positively. I've worked tirelessly to dispel misconceptions and promote the religion's values of peace and inclusivity. It's a journey that has taught me the power of empathy and the significance of building bridges in a divided world. In conclusion, my journey to Columbia, strengths, and unwavering commitment to representing Islam shape who I am today. I approach this scholarship as an opportunity to earn my place through hard work and a genuine passion for Political Journalism. Columbia represents a canvas where words and stories create positive change, and where I continue to champion inclusivity and understanding as me.
      Dounya Discala Scholarship
      Picture this: a chapter from my life where tenacity became my guiding star. As someone with both Black and Arab heritage, I've navigated a world where racism and Islamophobia are all too real. Let me take you through the challenge I faced, how I battled through it, and the invaluable lessons it etched into my soul. Here's the scene: I was standing alone in a crowd, not because I wanted to, but because I felt forced to. The challenge I confronted was a tangled web of prejudice, discrimination, and ignorance. From racially insensitive comments to outright discrimination, I was constantly reminded that I didn't quite fit into the mold society had carved for me. Ostracization was a bitter pill to swallow. But here's where tenacity enters the stage. Instead of letting these challenges break me, I chose to stand tall, firm in my convictions. I decided that I wouldn't let anyone's ignorance define my worth. I embarked on a journey to educate, to enlighten, and to break down barriers. Conversations became my weapon of choice, and I engaged with those willing to engage with me. It was through these conversations that I learned something profound: education can be a potent antidote to prejudice. I made it a mission to challenge stereotypes, dispel misconceptions, and create a bridge of understanding. Every dialogue, every debate, and every shared moment was an opportunity to bring about change. It wasn't always easy, but it was necessary. But I didn't face this challenge alone. I found solace and strength in a circle of like-minded individuals who had trod similar paths. Together, we created a support network that was more than just a safety net; it was a lifeline. We organized events, campaigns, and initiatives that championed diversity and inclusivity, confronting prejudice head-on. Through this rollercoaster of experiences, I realized that tenacity is not just about enduring hardships; it's about transforming adversity into a catalyst for change. It taught me that empathy and education are powerful tools in the fight against prejudice and discrimination. And it underscored the significance of community and support when navigating stormy waters. Now, imagine how this journey has shaped my aspirations in law and humanitarian aid. It's reaffirmed my unwavering commitment to advocate for justice and equality, especially for those who face discrimination. My future is dedicated to using the law as a force for good, fighting against the very prejudice I've experienced and working tirelessly to foster inclusivity and diversity. So, dear reader, as I share this personal chapter of my life, I invite you to reflect on your own experiences. Have you faced challenges that tested your tenacity? How did you overcome them? What did you learn along the way? Remember, every challenge is an opportunity to grow, to evolve, and to make a difference.
      Nicholas Hamlin Tennis Memorial Scholarship
      Tennis, my not-so-secret passion, has been more than just a sport in my life; it's been my personal boot camp for the challenges ahead in my quest to conquer the world of law and humanitarian aid. The lessons I've learned on the court have not only shaped my game but also my vision for the future. Picture this: A tennis match unfolding under the blistering sun, a relentless rally back and forth, and a fierce opponent pushing me to the limit. It's a lot like life's battles. And just as I've learned to strategize, adapt, and never give up on the tennis court, these very principles have become the cornerstone of my goals in law and humanitarian aid. Discipline, my friends, is the name of the game. Just like I diligently practice my forehand and backhand, I'm committed to perfecting my skills in the legal arena. Late-night study sessions, early morning court appearances—I'm all in. This discipline isn't just about acing my next match; it's about nailing every case, every project, and every opportunity that comes my way. Resilience? Oh, tennis has schooled me in that department. When you're a few points away from victory and your opponent stages a comeback, you've got to dig deep. Life, too, throws curveballs, but I've learned that every setback is a setup for a comeback. Whether it's a tough match or a daunting legal challenge, I thrive under pressure, bouncing back stronger than ever. My tennis journey has shown me that mediocrity is a no-go zone. Excellence isn't just a goal; it's a lifestyle. Whether it's nailing a cross-court winner or advocating for justice, I aim for nothing less than excellence. If I'm going to play the game, I'm playing to win, and that mindset extends to my future career. Strategic thinking? Tennis is a mind game as much as it is a physical one. Analyzing my opponent's moves and adjusting my strategy on the fly has become second nature. The courtroom? It's no different. Crafting legal strategies, negotiating, and finding innovative solutions are the tools of the trade. And let's not forget sportsmanship. Tennis has taught me that winning with grace and losing with dignity is what truly matters. Integrity and ethics are non-negotiable, whether I'm on the court or in the pursuit of justice and humanitarian causes. In the end, tennis is more than just a sport; it's a reflection of my life's aspirations. With each swing of the racket, I'm not just chasing a ball; I'm chasing my dreams of making a meaningful impact in the world of law and humanitarian aid. Just as I approach every match with a mix of passion and strategy, I'm ready to tackle the challenges and opportunities ahead in my chosen career path. Tennis has been my training ground, and I'm geared up to serve justice and humanitarian aid with the same vigor and determination
      Bald Eagle Scholarship
      When I think about who's had the biggest impact on my life, no doubt, it's my mom. Her life's journey, filled with incredible ups and downs, has been a massive source of inspiration for me. My mom's story is a rollercoaster of determination and never-give-up attitude. She came to a new country as an immigrant, full of dreams and hope for a better life. But then, life threw a curveball with a challenging divorce. Suddenly, she found herself a single mom, taking care of two young kids, with uncertainty hanging over us like a dark cloud. During those turbulent times, we faced homelessness, a situation that could've crushed our spirits. But not my mom's spirit. She showed me that even in the toughest times, you've got to summon your inner strength and keep moving forward. It was during those days, struggling to make ends meet and living on welfare, that I learned the value of resilience and hard work. My mom was relentless in her pursuit of a brighter future for our family. She worked multiple jobs, often putting her own well-being on the line just to make sure we had the basics. She was determined to give us opportunities she never had. I watched her juggle work, parenting, and her own dreams, learning firsthand about the importance of time management and priorities. But what truly stood out was her kindness and generosity. Even when we were going through tough times, my mom never hesitated to help others in need. She taught me that it's not about how much you have but how much you're willing to share. Her acts of kindness, whether helping out a struggling neighbor or lending a hand to a total stranger, left an indelible mark on me. As the years passed, my mom's unyielding commitment to self-improvement became evident. She made the bold decision to return to school, determined to build a brighter future for herself and, by extension, for us. Her dedication to education was nothing short of incredible. Late nights of studying, juggling coursework with work, and managing the responsibilities of single parenthood – she did it all with grace and determination. And the culmination of her efforts was nothing short of amazing. My mom achieved her dream of becoming a pharmacist. It was proof that with resilience and self-belief, you can rewrite your future, no matter what your past looks like. Her journey from immigrant to pharmacist was a shining example of hard work, dedication, and an unwavering belief in oneself. So, when I think about the most influential person in my life, it's undoubtedly my mom. Her life's journey, with all its twists and turns, has illuminated my own path. She taught me the value of resilience, the significance of hard work, and the magic of kindness. Her story is a constant reminder that no matter where you start, with determination and a heart full of compassion, you can achieve incredible things. As I venture into my own educational journey, I carry the lessons I've learned from my mom's life. Her story continues to light my way, inspiring me to chase my dreams, conquer obstacles, and make a positive impact on the world, just as she has done for me.
      Frank and Nelcie Williams Memorial Scholarship
      As Mumtaz Cooper, affectionately known as Taji, embarks on my educational journey, I am driven by a profound sense of purpose and a vision for a future marked by meaningful accomplishments. Through my education, I aspire to achieve several significant goals that reflect my passions and ideals. First and foremost, my fervent goal is to excel in the field of law and humanitarian aid. I envision myself as a dedicated advocate for justice, working tirelessly to uphold the rights and dignity of individuals, particularly those who are marginalized and vulnerable. My education will equip me with the legal knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of our legal system and effect positive change in the lives of those I serve. Furthermore, I am driven to establish my own law firm. This endeavor is not merely a career aspiration but a reflection of my commitment to fostering a more just and compassionate society. Through my firm, I aim to provide accessible legal services, particularly in areas related to human rights, immigration, and social justice. My education will empower me with the expertise and credibility needed to establish and lead such an institution. In addition to my legal pursuits, I am an ardent lover of literature and knowledge. My goal is to foster a lifelong love of learning, continually enriching my mind and broadening my horizons. I envision myself as a voracious reader, constantly exploring diverse topics and perspectives. My education will be a lifelong journey of intellectual growth and enlightenment. Looking ahead, I see myself engaged in work that resonates deeply with my values. Whether it's representing refugees seeking asylum, advocating for policy changes to address social inequalities, or contributing to humanitarian efforts globally, I aspire to make a tangible difference in the lives of others. Moreover, I envision a future where I am not only professionally successful but also personally fulfilled. I hope to strike a harmonious balance between my career and personal life, nurturing meaningful relationships and cherishing the moments that bring joy and contentment. In summary, my educational goals are intrinsically tied to my vision for the future. Through my education, I aim to acquire the knowledge, skills, and experiences necessary to be a compassionate advocate for justice, a successful entrepreneur, and a lifelong learner. I envision a future where my actions contribute to positive change in the world, where I find fulfillment in my pursuits, and where my journey is marked by continuous growth and purposeful impact.
      Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
      As a Black Moroccan Woman who will one day pursue a Law Degree with a passion for advocacy of mental health. My life has been a journey and in which this journey will continue giving. My idea of a better life always starts in the mind, you can not be better if you do not feel better. Growing up in the Arab and Black community, I witnessed the pervasive stigma surrounding mental health issues, which often left individuals suffering in silence, feeling isolated and misunderstood. In I have also suffered from this stigma. This sparked a spirit in me, I did not want anyone else in the future to ever experience this. I have a determination to change the lives of people who are struggling with mental health. My study of law in the future will help me with the legal knowledge and advocacy tools I will need for social change. If awarded this scholarship, I would utilize the funds to be able to reach my goal. I will further my education in mental health law and advocacy for people who are suffering. I would gain insight with these classes and work and help people who are living with mental health in Morocco. In the future, this may lead me to my envisioned goal to collaborate with local health clinics, policymakers and health care professionals in Morocco to tackle this issue of Mental Health Stigma. This scholarship would help me to afford to attend conferences and workshops around the world that have to deal with Mental Health and Human Rights around the world. I would use parietal of which to advocate for mental health in Morocco, to set up workshops and seminars at schools, hospitals and as community outreach. Fostering the idea of an open conversation will help deflate this stigma. I would also like to include technology, which is an app or a website in the local Moroccan Dialect of Darija, that will help provide resources that are easy to access with local mental health professionals that are available around the clock in multiple areas of the country. This platform would also be in multiple languages in multiple African Countries as the stigma is strong and would be able to help break barriers. Finally, I would be able to set up Community Mental Health centers that would provide help to women and children who need it, most of them would not feel safe getting that help and in which the services would be free and anonymous. This scholarship would help me pursue my dream of improving the lives of people with mental health challenges in Morocco. With my law degree and advocacy skills, I want to challenge stigmas, advocate for better policies, and provide accessible support systems. Empowering individuals to embrace their identities, overcome challenges, and thrive in society would be the ultimate reward. Thank you for considering my application and supporting my journey to make a positive impact on mental health in Morocco.
      Barbie Dream House Scholarship
      Welcome to the beautiful Barbie Dream House, located in the heart of Manhattan, New York City! This classic residence stands high amidst the buzzing cityscape, designed to be an embodiment of inclusivity, diversity, and significant representation of different cultures and faiths. Exterior: The Barbie Dream House stands as a beautiful tower, distinguished by its shimmering glass wall that reflects the lively energy of Manhattan's roads. The structures blend modern aesthetics with traditional elements, celebrating the city's rich history while embracing modern design trends. It features beautiful curves, top gardens, and cascading water characteristics that create a tranquil oasis amidst the industrial rush. Entrance and Foyer: Upon entering the Barbie Dream House, guests are welcomed by an awe-inspiring great lobby. The surfaces are adorned with beautiful art pieces from different cultures, showcasing the elegance and significance of world artistic expression. A huge chandelier hangs from the great sky, representing unity in diversity through its different crystal patterns. Islamic Prayer Room: To maintain inclusivity and regard for all faiths, the Barbie Dream House includes a quiet Muslim prayer room. The room is adorned with intricate Persian lettering and beautiful Muslim artwork, providing a calming environment for those seeking religious connection. Jewish and Christian Prayer Rooms: Adjacent to the Muslim prayer room are areas dedicated to Jewish and Christian blessings. The Jewish meditation room is adorned with the Star of David and contains historic scriptures and conventional relics. However, the Christian meditation room features breathtaking stained glass windows depicting bible scenes and a quiet ambiance for representation and worship. Interfaith Meditation Room: Recognizing the importance of diversity for non-Abhramic faiths, the Barbie Dream House also boasts an interfaith mindfulness room. This tranquil sanctuary is designed for pleasant individuals from various religious backgrounds, offering a quiet ambiance for meditation, yoga, and self-reflection. Library: The Barbie Dream House's collection is a bibliophile's sanctuary, with floor-to-roof bookshelves filled with an extensive collection of literature from around the globe. The selection includes not only typical literature but also contemporary works from different authors, celebrating the beauty of various cultures and perspectives. Big Kitchen: The house is a gastronomic wonder, fully equipped with state- of- the- skill appliances and enough space for aspiring chefs to create their masterpieces. The home design draws inspiration from various cuisines globally, reflecting the ethnic diversity manifesting in Manhattan. Entertainment and Recreation Areas: The Barbie Dream House offers a plethora of amusement and entertainment choices. A state- of- the- art home theatre invites guests to enjoy the latest films from different cultures, while a performing arts studio encourages imaginative expression through music, dance, and theater. Garden Terrace: Amidst the town's practical jungle, the Barbie Dream House's top garden terrace serves as a spectacular escape. Lush greenery, scented flowers, and quiet water features produce a relaxing retreat to relax and unwind. The Barbie Dream House in the heart of Manhattan stands as a will to unity in diversity, celebrating different cultures, and promoting diversity. By including spaces for meditation and mirror for various religions, a different library, and numerous pleasure options, this vision home aims to inspire and empower individuals from all walks of life. It serves as a reminder that when we come together and appreciate our variations, we create a more peaceful and beautiful world.
      Youssef University's Muslim Scholarship Fund
      As a Moroccan and Black Muslim Woman, my identity has shaped the way my educational career has gone. Having such a rich cultural and Islamic background has always tied into everything I’ve done as a student, such as being the only hijabi, getting bullied for being who I am, and realizing that I needed to stress more about my education. The stress instilled in me has made me want to become a better person for my community and to give back as it is my responsibility. In my academic interests, My main goal is to become a diplomat and in which my Muslim background has shaped me to have a better understanding of cultures and many different perspectives of the subject. I was fueled to learn the different intersections of Islam, social justice and global issues going on right now. I have been studying the idea of Women’s rights in Islam and the misconception that it may play in this world and how I may be able to change that narrative and provide a more accurate education on this to people around me. My identity has encouraged me to work alongside my faith which will align with my values and in which I would like to serve the community of Muslim women and men of color. I aspire to work in Human Rights and social justice which Islam encourages. Receiving this scholarship would be immensely beneficial in helping me achieve my academic and career goals. Pursuing higher education, especially in the areas of international relations and human rights, can be financially challenging. The financial support provided by this scholarship would alleviate the burden of tuition fees and living expenses, allowing me to focus on my studies and engage in extracurricular activities that enrich my learning experience. The recognition and support from this scholarship would also help me boost my confidence, as a Muslim woman sometimes it is hard to not fit into the stereotypes of what is portrayed for us. The scholarship would be able to introduce me to opportunities that I may not be able to have. In conclusion, my Muslim identity has shaped my academic and career aspirations, driving me to seek knowledge, promote understanding, and work towards creating a more inclusive and just world. Receiving this scholarship would be a stepping stone towards achieving these goals, enabling me to pursue higher education and make a meaningful impact in the areas I am passionate about. With the support of this scholarship, I am confident that I can contribute to positive change and inspire others to embrace their identities while striving for excellence and compassion.