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Isabella Mock


Bold Points




I am currently a College Freshman '27 who plans on becoming an entrepreneur in the food and beverage industry. I care about assisting my community, and have gained networking and public speaking skills through clubs/organizations that I am apart of. I am hardworking, passionate, and outspoken when it comes to the things I love and care about. I have had to adapt and love being spontaneous. Since taking up my recent job with small kids, I've learned to expect the unexpected and take it one day at a time! Resume: Spanish Honors Society Membership Secretary (22-23) National Honors Society Member and officer finalist College Vine Junior Scholarship 2021 Vice President of Public Relations on the FCCLA SC Executive Council Vice President of Finances for FCCLA (21-22) Vice President for FCCLA (22-23) Won Bronze in Baking and Pastry Star Event for SC 2022 Servsafe food handlers certified Servsafe managers certified Earned ACT Workkeys National Career Readiness Certificate at the Platinum level Proficient in the Spanish Language through Bronze Seal of Biliteracy


Johnson & Wales University-Charlotte

Bachelor's degree program
2023 - 2027
  • Majors:
    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services

Clover High School

High School
2019 - 2023


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
    • Foods, Nutrition, and Related Services
    • Hospitality Administration/Management
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Food & Beverages

    • Dream career goals:

      Owning my own Business within the food and beverage space

    • Culinary Assistant

      Johnson & Wales University
      2024 – Present10 months
    • Culinary Purchasing front desk

      Johnson & Wales University
      2023 – 20241 year
    • Summer Camp Counselor

      2023 – Present1 year
    • After School counselor

      2022 – Present2 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      FCCLA — Representing as a student leader
      2022 – 2022

    Future Interests



    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    By attending Johnson and Wales, with my intended major of Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship (baking path), I hope to reach my career goal of opening up my bakery. I knew what I wanted to pursue in this life since I was little. Fond memories of making quick breads with my grandmother before she passed and reading cookbooks my dad bought me at the ripe age of ten influenced me to grow a passion for the culinary arts. I was addicted to my newfound hobby, and the only television I wanted to watch had to stream on the Food Network. Pursuing this dream, I hope to become established in my community and inspire others to chase after their ambitions. I am just from a simple working-class family. My mother resided in Ecuador until her early twenties when she decided to move to seek better job opportunities. At times, she worked multiple jobs to raise us in the house we currently live in. When our father was working a late night shift at our local grocery store, we would fix our dinner, complete our chores, and finish our homework. Through my experiences, everything happens for a reason, and it only made me stronger. Without the restless nights of watching my mother clean office buildings while completing my homework in the darkness, I wouldn't have gained the same understanding of motivation and respect. I hope to open my own business as a tribute to my hard-working parents. I also would like to implement monthly charity donations or events where I teach kids in the community how to bake. By doing so, my goal would be to inspire the younger generation to go after their ambitions. Sustaining my motivation was vital in becoming a successful high school student; therefore by setting an example, I can encourage others to do the same. I wrote this a year ago as a senior in High School. Now I have just completed my first year at Johnson & Wales University and I can proudly say my education in baking and pastry skills has allowed me to make a difference. I have worked within the childcare industry for 2 years and they alongside my family have inspired me to constantly pursue my dreams. As mentioned before my mother and father were very hard working a did so much to provide for my sister and I. It is that hard working mentality that I try to instill in the children I work with. By showing them all I do at my university, Ive sent the message that perseverance can equal success. With that, I have noticed many of the children spark passion for different hobbies, and I cant help but think I was their role-model. Their faces light up when they speak of their future goals, and the glimmer in their eyes when speaking, is the same as I when speaking of baking and the culinary arts. In a couple weeks I will have to say goodbye to this special group of children. Though heartbreaking, I know they will thrive as they begin to grow. As easy as it is to allow aspects of life to remain the same, it is through change and adversity where one can flourish. Ive found this sentiment to be true in my life. As I say goodbye to my very first job, I step into a new opportunity within my university that aligns with my career path. My passion has led me to meet incredible people, and through my story I can only hope that I have made my mark within my community.
    GUTS- Olivia Rodrigo Fan Scholarship
    Olivia Rodrigo constantly inspires me to live authentically while also being able to feel comfortable with vulnerability. Many different lyrics from the GUTS album stick out to me as I face life as a teenage girl. Though tempted to pick the line "got your whole life ahead of you, you're only 19" since I am 19 and do struggle with feeling burnt out, lyrics from Lacy encapsulate my personal teenage experience a bite more accurately. Lacy, oh, Lacy, I just loathe you lately And I despise my jealous eyes and how hard they fell for you Yeah, I despise my rotten mind and how much it worships you The lyrics I chose above felt personal as it exactly explains how jealousy towards one particular person can plague your mind. During my early teenage days while being in school, the concept of comparison was always on my mind. Every word, movement, sound, look was all curated to fit in with the other girls at my school. I wanted to be the smartest, the prettiest, the thinnest; I wanted to be perfect. I wanted to be Lacy. The first line "I just loathe you lately" feels like an explanation directed towards Lacy. Its as if Olivia is downplaying her obsession with Lacy by saying she only found Lacy to be intolerable as of recent. We know this to be a lie as rewinding in the song, there is a build up as Olivia points out all the things she notices about Lacy, while also stating her proximity to her. She mentions she's 'hidden in plain sight' yet she sees Lacy everywhere, and her constant presence is torture. This feeling of almost being trapped by your tormentors is what middle and high school feel like. No matter how hard I tried not to stare at the girls who I thought were better than me, it was impossible. It was impossible not to look at them and compare the things they had to the things I didn't have. So even though Olivia says she's been loathing Lacy as of late, the audience knows this feeling had been building up for a while. The idea of jealously remains as Olivia then goes to hating herself for her obsessive behavior. She uses the word hate when describing her eyes, and compares the concept of obsessive comparison to falling for someone. When infatuated with someone romantically, it is common to be caught staring excessively, and the same can be said for its extremity. Olivia is saying that her obsession with being jealous of Lacy has become so extreme that her eyes are practically glued onto Lacy, thus saying how they 'fell for her'. In high school, one girl I was friends with had this same effect on me. I wanted to be her immensely due to her likeness with our peers. I practically studied her so that I could emulate her, and so I could be liked too. The idea of worshipping is brought up in the last line in regards to how Olivia feels about Lacy. She is compared to a god as Olivia says her mind places Lacy on a pedestal. In essence, Olivias obsession stems from adoration; like one of a religious God or Deity. In current media, there is excessive praise for "perfect people", this translated in how I wanted others to view me. I took online advice to seem 'perfect' because I wanted others to worship me in the ways I worshipped the "Lacy's" of my school. Similarly to Olivia, I too hated the way I'd became possessed with craving perfection.
    Richard P. Mullen Memorial Scholarship
    I am from a working-class family and I currently live in South Carolina. My biological parents are divorced but one has remarried. I live with my mom, stepdad, and my twin sister, who will also be attending college in the fall. My mother resided in Ecuador until her early twenties when she decided to move to seek better job opportunities and a clearer mind. My immigrant mother has been my main source of financial support and even with my stepfather trying to assist, between my sister and I, it will be hard for both of us to lean on them. At times they both worked multiple jobs to raise us in the house we have currently lived in for about 5 years. During endless nights of them cleaning abandoned office buildings, my sister and I would sit in the darkness trying to complete our homework. When our father was working a late shift at our local grocery store, we would fix our dinner, complete our chores, and finish our homework. Though I knew my efforts had a purpose, transparent conversations forced me to realize that paying for higher education would be costly for our family. Alongside this, my dad was recently demoted, which caused his pay to be reduced tremendously. To try and secure a bit of saving, both my sister and I took up jobs at our local YMCA as after-school counselors. Though very fulfilling, the job does have an hourly rate that borders minimum wage, which has only earned slightly more than 2,000 within the last 5 months. So even with the money earned, plus all my scholarships and grants, the total to attend JWU would be above 15,000 per year, totaling up to over 60,000. Winning this scholarship would help me get closer to closing the financial gap and help reduce the amount I take out in student loans. I plan on studying Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship (baking path) to fulfill my childhood dreams of opening up my bakery. I know starting your venture is risky, but this scholarship would allow me to financially take that step after college. Through my experiences, everything happens for a reason, and it only made me stronger. Without the restless nights of watching my mother clean abandoned office buildings while completing my homework in the darkness, I wouldn't have gained the same understanding of motivation and respect. I hope to open my own business as a tribute to my hard-working parents. I also would like to implement monthly charity donations or events where I teach kids in the community how to bake. By doing so, my goal would be to inspire the younger generation to go after their ambitions. Sustaining my motivation was vital in becoming a successful high school student; therefore by setting an example, I can encourage others to do the same.
    Kevin R. Mabee Memorial Scholarship
    For the past few months, I have debated attending a 4-year university for business or majoring in the culinary arts. I want my college experience to be in an environment where I know I can thrive, and it will all depend on what I make of it. I crave the social interactions and career opportunities I will earn by attending college. I yearn to sense accomplishment after years of hard work and dedication, which is why I've accepted my offer to Johnson and Wales University. Johnson and Wales is the school that will help make my dream come true. It will prepare me to own my own business alongside the ins and outs of how it runs. In the next five years, I hope to develop my own business. With my intended major of Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship (baking path), I hope to graduate with the skills to accomplish my career goals. I knew what I wanted to pursue in this life since I was little. Fond memories of making quick breads with my grandmother before she passed and reading cookbooks my dad bought me at the ripe age of 10 influenced me to grow a passion for the culinary arts. I was addicted to my newfound hobby, and the only television I wanted to watch had to stream on the Food Network. Learning something new every episode, I soaked up as much knowledge as possible. I attribute my interest in the culinary arts to the media. Without the boom in home cooks during the pandemic and the beloved shows I grew up watching, I wouldn't have the culinary knowledge I do today. At points during my high school career, I lost sight of this dream. I wanted to fit into the box of practicality and pursue my dream that seemed impossible to reach. Embarrassed to let out my passions, I kept this goal hidden for some time. As the surge of typical college questions came my way, I knew I could no longer lie to myself and others. Thankfully those around me supported my ambitious dreams, and thus I began researching my future. The opportunity of taking culinary art courses in high school also expedited my goals. Able to put years of TV trivia knowledge to use, I was able to grow as a chef. Just recently, I earned my certification in the ServSafe Managers Exam. Intense weeks of studying led to me passing the two-hour exam, and I accredit that to my fantastic chef, who provided me with the resources to score well. The culinary arts have remained with me through years of doubt and uncertainty. When imagining my future, I think about how I want to be happy, so I know I must follow my passion, and with time the money will follow. Knowing it would be risky to major in entrepreneurship, I've decided to follow my interest despite the uncertainty.
    Book Lovers Scholarship
    Given the choice, I would have everyone read 'The Giver' as it is a fundamental staple to modern American literature. The novel is set in a dystopian society where everyone is made equal, in which no competition exists, and is told from the perspective of the main character Jonas. Once twelve, the government decides the future of the children by assigning their spouse, career, and children. Though Jonas feels indifferent to the upcoming ceremony, he begins to notice a special ability he has that he shares with no one. When he intently stares at an object, he begins to see flickers of color. In his world of sameness, the ability to see color was taken away as it is seen as an inconvenience. When his society swapped to a more equal way of living, this also meant memories of pain and sorrow were wiped clean, causing only 1 person to know the truth and agony of the past, and his name is the Giver. Since Joans was later assigned to the giver as his future occupation, he is now responsible for bearing all memories from the giver, which includes the good and the bad. His sole reason for enduring so much is so that future mistakes can be avoided. This sentiment alone can connect to our current society, as we all bear trauma and regret that in ways we wish we could erase, but without it, we wouldn't be the individuals we currently are. Throughout the novel, Jonas goes on an adventure to help one of the developing new children within the nursery his father works at. Not only does Jonas become attached to one child in particular named Gabriel, but he also learns that he's about to be released. The people of this society have the notion that being released is equivalent to relocation, yet Jonas learns the truth that in actuality, it is equivalent to death. In the end, Jonas merely escapes with Gabriel and learns of a new world with color and animals, but also feelings of hunger and sorrow. Everyone can learn and gain a new perspective through reading this novel. It presents themes of the importance of individuality and emotions, pleasure with pain, and family. The Giver makes one reflect on small aspects of life we take for granted, and shows the true value of living in an individualized society.
    David Foster Memorial Scholarship
    My high school culinary arts teacher has had the most significant impact on my high school career and has deeply influenced me to be who I am today. Ever since I was little I have always had a love for cooking. Fond memories of making baked goods with my grandmother before she passed and reading cookbooks my dad bought me at the ripe age of 10 influenced me to grow a passion for the culinary arts. I was addicted to my newfound hobby, and the only television I wanted to watch had to stream on the Food Network. Learning something new every episode, I soaked up as much knowledge as possible. I attribute my initial interest in the culinary arts to the media. Without the boom in home cooks during the pandemic and the beloved shows I grew up watching, I wouldn't have the obscure culinary knowledge I do today. At points during my high school career, I lost sight of this dream. I wanted to fit into the box of practicality and pursue my dream that seemed impossible to reach. Embarrassed to let out my passions, I kept this goal hidden for some time. As the surge of typical college questions came my way, I knew I could no longer lie to myself and others. My culinary teacher showed me that having this ambition was perfectly attainable. He gave me options and helped me know what I needed to do. At the start of my senior year I applied to Johnson & Wales for their Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship program, that way I could pursue both business and baking and pastry. When I got in he was one of the first people I told as the news was so exciting for me. Around the same time as applying to college, he also helped me get my first job. He kindly allowed me to have him as a reference name on my resume. Thanks to him and the help of others, I am now an after-school counselor at my local YMCA. He has ultimately helped me so much with setting up my future, that I truly can't thank him enough. Not only has he helped further my career, but he has also taught me many life lessons and skills that I implement in my everyday life. Though my arbitrary culinary knowledge from my favorite tv shows initially engaged me, it was learning the foundations of culinary arts through my chef that drew me in the most. Guiding my class through how to pass our ServSafe and Prostarts certification, he always helps to educate us through not only the food labs but also through our rigorous curriculum. My culinary teacher has taught me so much within the field of culinary arts. He has also instilled different life lessons along the way. As a self-proclaimed people pleaser, it isn't uncommon for me to always be busy as I commit fully to every opportunity that comes my way. He taught me the importance of saying no and standing my ground when people walk all over me, and lastly the significance of putting myself first.
    I Can Do Anything Scholarship
    As I lock the doors for the night, my small-town bakery leaves a lingering smell on my clothes, the scent of warm cookies, accomplishment, and happiness.
    North Star Dreamers Memorial Scholarship
    For the past few months, I have debated attending a 4-year university for business or majoring in the culinary arts. I want my college experience to be in an environment where I know I can thrive, and it will all depend on what I make of it. I crave the social interactions and career opportunities I will earn by attending college. I yearn to sense accomplishment after years of hard work and dedication, which is why I've accepted my offer to Johnson and Wales University. Johnson and Wales is the school that will help make my dream come true. It will prepare me to own my own business alongside the ins and outs of how it runs. In the next five years, I hope to develop my own business. With my intended major of Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship (baking path), I hope to graduate with the skills to accomplish my career goals. I knew what I wanted to pursue in this life since I was little. Fond memories of making quick breads with my grandmother before she passed and reading cookbooks my dad bought me at the ripe age of 10 influenced me to grow a passion for the culinary arts. I was addicted to my newfound hobby, and the only television I wanted to watch had to stream on the Food Network. Learning something new every episode, I soaked up as much knowledge as possible. I attribute my interest in the culinary arts to the media. Without the boom in home cooks during the pandemic and the beloved shows I grew up watching, I wouldn't have the culinary knowledge I do today. At points during my high school career, I lost sight of this dream. I wanted to fit into the box of practicality and pursue my dream that seemed impossible to reach. Embarrassed to let out my passions, I kept this goal hidden for some time. As the surge of typical college questions came my way, I knew I could no longer lie to myself and others. Thankfully those around me supported my ambitious dreams, and thus I began researching my future. Pursuing this dream, I hope to become established in my community and inspire others to chase after their ambitions. I am just from a simple working-class family. My mother resided in Ecuador until her early twenties when she decided to move to seek better job opportunities. At times, she worked multiple jobs to raise us in the house we currently live in. When our father was working a late night shift at our local grocery store, we would fix our dinner, complete our chores, and finish our homework. Through my experiences, everything happens for a reason, and it only made me stronger. Without the restless nights of watching my mother clean abandoned office buildings while completing my homework in the darkness, I wouldn't have gained the same understanding of motivation and respect. All my hard work and success have solely come from believing in myself. Winning this scholarship would help further my education and accomplish goals that I thought were impossible. I hope to open my own business as a tribute to my hard-working parents. I also would like to implement monthly charity donations or events where I teach kids in the community how to bake. By doing so, my goal would be to inspire the younger generation to go after their ambitions. Sustaining my motivation was vital in becoming a successful high school student; therefore by setting an example, I can encourage others to do the same.
    Sylvester Taylor "Invictus" Hospitality Scholarship
    I am from a working-class family and I currently live in South Carolina. My biological parents are divorced but one has remarried. I live with my mom, stepdad, and my twin sister, who will also be attending college in the fall. My mother resided in Ecuador until her early twenties when she decided to move to seek better job opportunities and a clearer mind. My immigrant mother has been my main source of financial support and even with my stepfather trying to assist, between my sister and I, it will be hard for both of us to lean on them. At times they both worked multiple jobs to raise us in the house we have currently lived in for about 5 years. During endless nights of them cleaning abandoned office buildings, my sister and I would sit in the darkness trying to complete our homework. When our father was working a late shift at our local grocery store, we would fix our dinner, complete our chores, and finish our homework. Though I knew my efforts had a purpose, transparent conversations forced me to realize that paying for higher education would be costly for our family. To try and secure a bit of savings, both my sister and I took up jobs at our local YMCA as after-school counselors. Though very fulfilling, the job does have an hourly rate that borders minimum wage, which has only earned slightly more than 2,000 within the last 5 months. So even with the money earned, plus all my scholarships and grants, the total to attend JWU would be above 15,000 per year, totaling up to over 60,000. Winning this scholarship would help me get closer to closing the financial gap and help reduce the amount I take out in student loans. I plan on studying Food and Beverage Entrepreneurship (baking path) to fulfill my childhood dreams of opening up my bakery. I know starting your venture is risky, but this scholarship would allow me to financially take that step after college.
    Holt Scholarship
    For the past few months, I have been debating about attending a typical 4-year university for business or taking a more creative route and attending a culinary institution. As a senior in high school, the thought of having a make a choice was daunting at first, yet naturally, it came, and I can only hope that it's the right one for me. I want my college experience to be in an environment where I know I can thrive, and it will all depend on what I make of it. I crave the social interactions and career opportunities I will earn by attending college. I yearn for a sense of accomplishment after years of hard work and dedication, which is why I've accepted my offer into a school where I will be pursuing a major in the culinary arts. Ever since I was little I knew what I wanted to pursue in this life. Fond memories of making simple quick bread with my grandmother before she passed and reading cookbooks my dad bought me at the ripe age of 10 truly influenced me. I was addicted to my passion, and the only television I wanted to watch had to stream on the Food Network. Soaking up as much knowledge as I could, every episode taught me something new. I attribute a large amount of my interest in the culinary arts to the media. Without the boom in home cooks during the pandemic and the beloved shows I grew up watching, I wouldn't have the culinary knowledge I do today. At points during my high school career, I lost sight of this dream. I wanted to fit into the box of practicality, and pursuing this dream seemed impossible to reach. Embarrassed to let out my passions, I kept this goal hidden for some time. As the surge of typical college questions came my way, I knew I could no longer lie to myself and others. Thankfully those around me supported my ambitious dreams, and thus I began researching my future. Having the opportunity to take culinary art courses in high school also expedited my goals. Being able to put years of TV trivia knowledge to use helped me grow as a chef. Just recently I earned my certification in the ServSafe Managers Exam. Intense weeks of studying led to me passing the two-hour exam, and I accredit that to my fantastic chef who provided me with the resources to pass. Just to put the difficulty of the exam into perspective, only 7 out of 13 students in the course passed. With barely half of the class passing, this was an improvement from the pass rate of about 30% from the year prior. The culinary arts have remained with me through years of doubt and uncertainty. When imagining my future, I think about how above all I just want to be happy, so with that I know I must follow my passion, and with time the money will follow. Knowing it would be risky to major in entrepreneurship, I've decided to follow my passion in hopes it takes me far.
    Aurora Yanto Poblete Scholarship
    The cultivation of the two led me to my dream of pursuing a career in the culinary arts. Both members of my family, and the culture I became surrounded by, led me to the decision to study culinary arts. I have fond memories of drawing what my small business would look like, creating the ultimate menu, and inviting school friends to add to the concept. Every time I drew it, the look remained the same; a local bakery where friends and family could gather and with that, it became my dream. Other memories included making simple quick breads with my grandmother before she passed and reading cookbooks my dad bought me at the ripe age of 10. I was addicted to my passion, and the only television I wanted to watch had to stream on the Food Network. Soaking up as much knowledge as I could, every episode taught me something new. I attribute a large amount of my interest in the culinary arts to the media. Without the boom in home cooks during the pandemic and the beloved shows I grew up watching, I wouldn't have the culinary knowledge I do today. At points during my high school career, I lost sight of this dream. I wanted to fit into the box of practicality, and pursuing this dream seemed impossible to reach. Embarrassed to let out my passions, I kept this goal hidden for some time. As the surge of typical college questions came my way, I knew I could no longer lie to myself and others. Thankfully those around me supported my ambitious dreams, and thus I began researching my future. Having the opportunity to take culinary art courses in high school also expedited my goals. Able to put years of TV trivia knowledge to use helped me grow as a chef. Just recently I earned my certification in the ServSafe Managers Exam. Intense weeks of studying led to me passing the two-hour exam, and I accredit that to my fantastic chef who provided me with the resources to pass. Just to put the difficulty of the exam into perspective, only 7 out of 13 students in the course passed. With barely half of the class passing, this was an improvement from the pass rate of about 30% from the year prior. Alongside my culinary arts teacher, I have had the opportunity to speak with many others within the profession. To show her support, my mother scheduled a 3-day private cake decorating class as a birthday present to help with a baking competition I did. To advance my skills, I also agreed to compete in the Prostart culinary competition at the state level. Even though opportunities have presented themselves, I will always continue to further my culinary education. In the end, if I were to decide, the people I have met guided me to my decision. Though both media culture and people inspired me to take up culinary arts, the confidence I had in myself ultimately pushed me to take that leap of faith. Without the aspirations my younger self had, I wouldn't have had the courage to pursue my higher education in the culinary arts. People and culture go hand and hand, so between those influences, I had my destiny engraved within me since the day I was born.