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Miracle Nwosu


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Hello, I'm Miracle Nwosu and my career aspirations revolve around helping dissolve the mental health crisis in all communities. My greatest passion is saving lives. I feel that everyone deserves a second chance. I believe I am an excellent candidate because of my humble nature, unwavering dedication, and commitment to everything I involve myself in.


Texas Southern University

Bachelor's degree program
2024 - 2028
  • Majors:
    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

Jack Yates High School

High School
2020 - 2024
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Sciences, and Administration
    • Clinical/Medical Laboratory Science/Research and Allied Professions
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      I want to work in a field of medical / clinical research.

    • Bagger

      2023 – Present1 year
    • Photographer

      Houston Zoo
      2022 – 20231 year


    Track & Field

    2022 – 20231 year


    2023 – 2023


    Junior Varsity
    2021 – 20221 year


    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other

      P20 CURED — Researcher
      2024 – 2024


    • Jack Yates YearBook

      Yearbook 2022-2023, Yearbook 2023-2024
      2022 – Present

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Food Bagger/ Communicator
      2021 – 2023

    Future Interests





    Middle Eastern Scholarship for Political Science
    Joycelyn Elders, a trailblazing figure in American medicine, emerged as a key advocate for public health and social reform during her term as the first African American Surgeon General of the United States. Appointed by President Bill Clinton in 1993, Elders’ brief yet impactful 15-month term left an unforgettable mark on healthcare guidelines and kindled national debates on controversial issues that continue to resonate today. Born in 1933 in Schaal, Arkansas, Joycelyn Elders experienced firsthand the challenges of racial segregation and economic adversity in the segregated South. Her early life shaped her resolve to pursue a career in medicine and confront systemic inequalities in healthcare. Graduating from the University of Arkansas Medical School in 1960, Elders embarked on a journey marked by resilience and determination, eventually becoming a respected pediatric endocrinologist. Elders’ appointment as Surgeon General marked a historic milestone not only for her achievements but also for the visibility of African American women in positions of national leadership. Throughout her career, she has consistently advocated for progressive health policies, particularly in underserved communities. Her assignment as Surgeon General, however, catapulted her into the center of controversial debates. Central to Elders’ agenda was her advocacy for comprehensive sex education in schools. She argued that nourishing adolescents with accurate information about sexuality and contraception was essential for reducing unintentional pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Her stance on including discussions about masturbation as a normal aspect of human sexuality further fueled controversy, drawing sharp criticism from conservative sections of society and some politicians. Despite facing passionate opposition and pressure to retract her statements, Elders remained steadfast in her belief that education and openness were essential to improving public health outcomes. Her willingness to challenge societal taboos earned her admiration from progressive circles but intensified opposition from traditional quarters and religious groups. In December 1994, Elders resigned from her position amid mounting political pressure and controversies surrounding her outspoken views. Her departure marked the end of a stormy chapter in her career as Surgeon General but signaled the beginning of a new phase in her lifelong commitment to public health advocacy. Post-resignation, Joycelyn Elders continued to advocate causes close to her heart. She focused on initiatives such as HIV/AIDS prevention, teenage pregnancy reduction, and healthcare reform, aiming to address disparities and improve access to healthcare services for marginalized communities. Her efforts highlighted her tireless dedication to advancing health equity and social justice, cementing her legacy as an unwavering advocate for the underserved. Elders’ influence extends beyond her policy achievements; she remains a symbol of resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. Her career serves as an inspiration to aspiring healthcare professionals, particularly women and minorities, encouraging them to challenge conventional norms and pursue ambitious goals in the pursuit of societal progress. Reflecting on Elders’ legacy, her impact resonates in ongoing debates over healthcare, education, and social policy. Her advocacy for evidence-based approaches to public health challenges continues to shape discussions on sexuality education, reproductive health, and the role of government in promoting individual well-being. In conclusion, Joycelyn Elders’ term as Surgeon General demonstrated courage and conviction in advancing public health despite facing significant opposition. Her legacy endures through her advocacy, inspiring future generations to confront health disparities and advocate for inclusive and equitable healthcare systems. As an aspiring healthcare professionals, her journey serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the transformative power of leadership in advancing the common good.
    William A. Lewis Scholarship
    In pursuit of higher education, I faced the challenge of balancing my responsibilities as the oldest of nine siblings. I always felt the need to protect and fight for my siblings, which impacted my high school experience. However, I realized that constantly fighting their battles was not beneficial for me. This realization helped me understand the importance of focusing on my own path and not always being responsible for my siblings' actions. During my senior year, everything seemed to be going well. I was on track to graduate and was ranked 28th out of 188 students in my class. I was also excelling in sports and photography. One day, as I was returning home from school, I found my siblings getting into a confrontation with other students. I immediately tried to defuse the situation, but unfortunately, it escalated into a brawl, and I had to make a decision whether to fight or flee. As a result of the altercation, we all ended up in an alternative school. Graduating soon, I now find myself in DAEP regretting the decisions that led me there. However, I managed to adopt a positive mindset and see the silver lining. Despite the circumstances, I was surrounded by supportive teachers who believed in giving second chances to students. Although many of my teachers felt that I didn't belong there, I saw it as an opportunity to improve. While at DAEP, I maintained high academic standing, rediscovered my true motivation for pursuing education, and even developed a stronger passion for fashion. It's astonishing to me that a situation like this motivated me to take steps that benefited me. I love my siblings, and I never imagined that taking responsibility for them and helping them would lead to a negative outcome. Fortunately, I was able to turn things around and make better choices for myself. I have always had a passion for helping people and wanted to turn it into a profession. Even though I come from a family that isn't very successful and none of my family members have obtained a degree, I have always had good grades. However, I never dared to say that I wanted to attend college because of my family's background. With the support I received from DAEP, I was not only able to apply to over 70 universities, but also got accepted. It was now time to focus on how I could help people. Right from the start, I knew I wanted to be involved in the medical field in some way. I decided to pursue a career in pharmaceuticals because both my grandmothers have fought cancer and my dad has struggled with substance abuse. It only made sense to me. I knew that Texas Southern University had one of the best pharmacy programs for both undergrad and graduate school, so I decided to become a tiger. Later, after applying, I found out that they offered a research internship with Baylor College of Medicine. I was fortunate to receive the internship and explore opportunities in research medicine. I didn't regret sacrificing my summer to further my education at all. In the end, a tragic event showed me that I could still achieve greatness, or even greater than what I had originally planned for. Day by day, I live my life as an opportunist rather than thinking 'I have to do this'. Because of the incident with my siblings, I have been able to make decisions that benefit me.
    Linda Hicks Memorial Scholarship
    As a child of a parent who struggles with substance abuse, I have been deeply impacted mentally and emotionally. My father has struggled with substance abuse since I was about five years old. This has had a profound impact on our relationship. His drug use has caused him to become paranoid when angry, violent when sad, and dependent on drugs to be happy. Although I hate to criticize him, his usage has caused him to miss important events that meant a lot to me, such as prom and graduation. His absence has affected my emotions, leaving me very uncertain about being a daughter to him. I've always had this cloud around me, asking why he doesn't choose me or why I'm not good enough. Upon reaching high school, I made a conscious decision not to let my challenges dictate my future. Instead, I chose to use them as a source of motivation. After discussing my educational prospects with my college advisor, we agreed that pursuing a career in pharmacy could be a perfect fit for me. Given my background, I was particularly receptive to this suggestion. The prospect of playing a pivotal role in healthcare by ensuring the safe and effective use of medications deeply fascinated me. The idea that drove me further was the research opportunities in the field of drugs and cancer. I researched several top pharmacy programs and decided to pursue a pre-pharmacy track at Texas Southern University. Upon completing my first four years, I plan to enroll in their excellent pharmacy program. Once I become a licensed pharmacist, my goal is to establish an organization that will assist in finding affordable resources and reliable transportation for not only African American women but also all minorities in need. In my dedication to advancing the healthcare field, I am committed to leveraging my expertise to assist those in need. Many individuals lack access to crucial healthcare resources, and I am determined to address this gap by establishing a team that provides support and resources. Our efforts will focus on facilitating access to affordable healthcare options, such as insurance, and on offering internships to young individuals. By creating these connections early on, we can nurture a culture of meaningful work and ensure that younger generations are prepared to make a positive impact. The challenges I faced have ultimately fueled my deep-seated passion for entering the medical field as a career as a whole.
    MedLuxe Representation Matters Scholarship
    A strong introduction is essential to opening new opportunities. I want to express my gratitude to you all for taking the time to review my application, regardless of the outcome. My name is Miracle Nwosu, and I come from a family of nine children raised by a single mother. Alongside my dedication to academics, I excel in various sports and currently rank twenty-eight out of 186 students, placing me in the top 15% of my peers. My aspiration to enter the healthcare field is driven by a belief in the importance of diversity and reaching new heights as a whole. Growing up in Houston's Third Ward, a low-income community, has shaped my perspective. Witnessing the challenges my community faces has fueled my desire to contribute positively. Because of this, I was affected deeply by choosing what I wanted for my future, I am eager to make a change. This is why I've chosen Texas Southern University, located in the heart of my neighborhood, as my educational home for the next eight years. TSU is renowned for nurturing exceptional minority leaders, aligning with my goal to make a meaningful impact, particularly in underserved communities as a whole. More primarily in the path of pharmacy. Texas Southern University has an incredible Pharmacy school, as well as an excellent undergrad program. As a Black bisexual woman, I understand firsthand the importance of representation in healthcare. It goes beyond personal achievement; it's about paving the way for others who see themselves in me. Diversity in healthcare ensures that all individuals, regardless of race, sexual orientation, or ability, feel understood and valued. It creates a space where patients can find comfort and trust, crucial for effective care. For instance, members of the LGBTQ+ community often feel marginalized in medical settings. Seeing healthcare professionals who understand their experiences can relieve anxiety and improve health outcomes. Similarly, racial diversity enhances cultural competence, fostering a more inclusive environment where patients are treated holistically. Ultimately, my journey is driven by a deep-seated commitment to equity and compassion in healthcare. I believe that by embracing diversity, we not only elevate individual voices but also enrich the entire healthcare landscape. Together, we can build a future where every patient feels respected and supported, regardless of background or identity. Thank you for considering my application and for the opportunity to share my story and take on this very complex topic. I look forward to the possibility of contributing and making a meaningful difference in healthcare.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    For one to overcome adversity is to know adversity. Adversity refers to difficult or challenging circumstances or situations that individuals or communities face. I myself have faced adversity. My own journey of adversity was very unexpected when I landed myself in alternative school over a reaction based off blur emotions. At first, it seemed like a setback. I thought I would fall behind educational wise. However, it turned out to be a very vital moment in my life. Not only did I learn to face challenges, get ahead in classes, and think before I react. I also learned the true definition of resilience. In this moment I also learned what adversity is. Adversity is not just about-facing difficulties; it is about embracing them as opportunities for growth. Despite the environment of alternative school being unfamiliar to me, I realized that this experience allowed me to see things differently, promoting a mindset of adaptability and perseverance. The stigma developed around alternative education could have slowed down my progress, but instead, it put me ahead of my peers. I used it as an encouragement for personal and academic development. Maintaining my grades in this challenging setting required a level of dedication and self-discipline that I might not have developed at my home school. I learned to take responsibility for my own education path, seeking out resources and support when needed. This process not only improved my performance academically, but also created a sense of independence and resilience that helped me inside and outside the classroom. For example, my experience in the alternative school taught me the importance of learning from mistakes. Rather than dwelling on setbacks, I embraced them as opportunities to grow and improve. This mindset shift was vital in building my resilience, as it allowed me to view challenges not as obstacles but as steppingstones to success. I plan to inspire others to build resilience by sharing my personal stories and demonstrating the transformative power I had when facing challenges head-on. By being transparent about my alternative school journey, I can encourage others to look at setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. If I could give a word of advice to anyone facing the same circumstances as me, I would tell them not to give up now and to be open to new perspectives. I know at times it may feel as if you're at a dead end, but you will never see change if you decide to give in before you have the chance to grow. You may never be able to see growth if you don't be open-minded about what you are facing and what you have to do to overcome your challenges. Everyone deserves second chances but sometimes it's not as easy when you have to earn it.
    Janie Mae "Loving You to Wholeness" Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu and is not just a name; it's a beacon of hope and inspiration in the community. As the eldest of nine children raised by a single mother, I embody resilience, determination, and compassion. Holding the impressive rank of 28 out of 186 students, placing me in the top 15%, I am not only excelling academically but also balancing responsibilities as a student-athlete. Beyond the classroom and sports field, my days are filled with caring for my siblings, often taking on roles like cooking, driving, and attending to their needs. Yet, amidst my familial duties, I found time to give back to my community. My volunteering with the Teen Police Academy Program (TAPS) started in the 10th grade. Moved so passionately by it, that I continued throughout high school to volunteer with the Houston Food Bank., My commitment to service shines brightly and is something I plan to contribute to for the rest of my life. The TAPS program not only deepened my understanding of community needs but also fostered trust in law enforcement. It should be no surprise that I am determined to this forward by establishing my very own program post-college, aimed at aiding young children in my community and others nearby. Collaborating with the Houston Food Bank colleagues, I plan to set annual drives to support those in need, ranging from back-to-school supplies to holiday essentials like Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Growing up with limited means myself, I truly understand the struggles faced by many in my community. I recall the challenges of not having new clothes, wearing hand-me-downs, and feeling excluded due to a lack of material possessions. However, these experiences have only fueled my determination to make a difference. Looking forward, I ensure to be steadfast in my commitment to helping others. Beyond college, I will envision a future where my goal of alleviating the hardships of those less fortunate is not just a dream but a reality. With unwavering dedication and a compassionate spirit, I will be a true embodiment of service and leadership. As I mentioned before, being someone who can relate to having less than my peers, I understand the trauma and hurt that could put on a little child. I plan to bring a sense of hope to lower income communities near me and soon other states. I will give back, strength communities, and even appear as a role model for the generation after me. I want these little babies to know there is still hope in this world. I want to be a sign of hope and even inspire others to give back or volunteer in their own communities.
    Etherine Tansimore Scholarship
    Hi, I am Miracle Nwosu, the eldest of my nine siblings. My passions include music, art, and photography. I have a deep desire to help others face their own challenges. Overall, I want to contribute positively to people's lives. I aspire to pursue a career in pharmacy. Beginning the path towards a career in pharmacy is more than just a professional choice for me; it is a deep personal journey surrounded by my desire to comprehend and positively influence the complex interaction between drugs and the human mind, body, and soul. The aspiration has been shaped by the intense impact of my father's struggle with drug addiction, an experience that has fueled my fascination with the potential of a career in pharmaceuticals. From an early age, I witnessed the dreadful effects that drugs can have on an one’s life. My father's battle with addiction allowed me to experience the devastating consequences of substance abuse, both on a physical and emotional level. This challenging chapter in my family's history triggered my curiosity about the workings through which drugs interact with the body and mind. Instead of allowing this difficulty to define me, I channeled it into a source of inspiration that pushed my passion for pharmacy. The anticipation of becoming a pharmacist holds the promise of making a major difference in other’s lives, not only through the dispensing of medications but also through a deeper understanding of their impact. I am drawn to the idea of contributing to healthcare in a way that goes beyond the prescription pad, but also providing empathy, support, and guidance to those facing similar struggles as my father. The life-changing power of medications, when used responsibly, has the potential to heal not only physical afflictions but also the emotional and spiritual surface of a person's well-being. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy carries an important personal significant goal for me. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of limited education obtained within my family. If I am successful in this journey, I will become the first college graduate in my family, marking a milestone that extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. The opportunity of helping my father through his struggles is a driving force behind my choice to enter the field of pharmacy. By gaining in-depth knowledge about medications and their effects, I hope to contribute to his journey towards recovery. This mission ignites my pursuit of a pharmacy degree with a sense of purpose and personal investment, as I aspire not only to transform my own life but also to impact the lives of those I care about positively. In conclusion, my interest in taking the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in subjective experiences and a desire to understand and weaken the impact of drugs on individuals and communities. Through this journey, I aim to transform tragedy into inspiration, becoming an outlet for positive change in both my family's narrative and the broader community. The pursuit of a pharmacy degree represents not just a career choice but a heartfelt commitment to using knowledge and empathy to promote healing and change.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    For one to overcome adversity is to know adversity. Adversity refers to difficult or challenging circumstances or situations that individuals or communities face. I myself have faced adversity. My own journey of adversity was very unexpected when I landed myself in alternative school over a reaction based off blur emotions. At first, it seemed like a setback. I thought I would fall behind educational wise. However, it turned out to be a very vital moment in my life. Not only did I learn to face challenges, get ahead in classes, and think before I react. I also learned the true definition of resilience. In this moment I also learned what adversity is. Adversity is not just about-facing difficulties; it is about embracing them as opportunities for growth. Despite the environment of alternative school being unfamiliar to me, I realized that this experience allowed me to see things differently, promoting a mindset of adaptability and perseverance. The stigma developed around alternative education could have slowed down my progress, but instead, it put me ahead of my peers. I used it as an encouragement for personal and academic development. Maintaining my grades in this challenging setting required a level of dedication and self-discipline that I might not have developed at my home school. I learned to take responsibility for my own education path, seeking out resources and support when needed. This process not only improved my performance academically, but also created a sense of independence and resilience that helped me inside and outside the classroom. For example, my experience in the alternative school taught me the importance of learning from mistakes. Rather than dwelling on setbacks, I embraced them as opportunities to grow and improve. This mindset shift was vital in building my resilience, as it allowed me to view challenges not as obstacles but as steppingstones to success. I plan to inspire others to build resilience by sharing my personal stories and demonstrating the transformative power I had when facing challenges head-on. By being transparent about my alternative school journey, I can encourage others to look at setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Before I had left my home campus, I was giving the opportunity to be a part of the TAPS program. The Teen Police Academy Program is a community service program organized by the Houston Police. In this program we were taught to be active in our community and learn to put our trust in the law enforcement. Going back to my home school, I decided to jump back into volunteering. With my school, I helped volunteered with the Houston Food Bank every week. This frosted my love for helping my community. I was so motivated that I plan to start my own program after college. In this program, me and my team plan annual drives to support those in need, ranging from back-to-school supplies to holiday essentials like Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. We will also help young children understand the importance of being active in their very own community.
    Marie Jean Baptiste Memorial Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu and is not just a name; it's a beacon of hope and inspiration in the community. As the eldest of nine children raised by a single mother, I embody resilience, determination, and compassion. Holding the impressive rank of 28 out of 186 students, placing me in the top 15%, I am not only excelling academically but also balancing responsibilities as a student-athlete. Beyond the classroom and sports field, my days are filled with caring for my siblings, often taking on roles like cooking, driving, and attending to their needs. Yet, amidst my familial duties, I found time to give back to my community. My volunteering with the Teen Police Academy Program (TAPS) started in the 10th grade. Moved so passionately by it, that I continued throughout high school to volunteer with the Houston Food Bank. , My commitment to service shines brightly and is something I plan to contribute to for the rest of my life. The TAPS program not only deepened my understanding of community needs but also fostered trust in law enforcement. It should be no surprise that I am determined to this forward by establishing my very own program post-college, aimed at aiding young children in my community and others nearby. Collaborating with the Houston Food Bank colleagues, I plan to set annual drives to support those in need, ranging from back-to-school supplies to holiday essentials like Thanksgiving and Christmas meals. Growing up with limited means myself, I truly understand the struggles faced by many in my community. I recall the challenges of not having new clothes, wearing hand-me-downs, and feeling excluded due to a lack of material possessions. However, these experiences have only fueled my determination to make a difference. Looking forward, I ensure to be steadfast in my commitment to helping others. Beyond college, I will envision a future where my goal of alleviating the hardships of those less fortunate is not just a dream but a reality. With unwavering dedication and a compassionate spirit, I will be a true embodiment of service and leadership.
    Hubert Colangelo Literacy Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu. I am a dedicated student-athlete with a versatile skill set acquired through years of participation in various sports. I take pride in my academic achievements and am currently ranked 28th out of 186 students in my class, placing me in the top 15%. As the eldest of 9 siblings, I come from a single-parent household where my hardworking mother plays the role of both parents, providing for our family. Although my father isn't very involved in my life, I am fortunate to have the persistent support of my siblings' mothers, who contribute to shaping me into the person I am today. Being the first college graduate in my family is a strong motivation for me to pursue my education. I am determined to show my siblings that reaching this milestone is possible and to make my mom proud. I hope that my achievement will set the foundation for future generations in my family to succeed. I am committed to making the seemingly impossible, possible. My goals include graduating at the top of my class, making the president's list, attending pharmacy school, and preparing to excel as the best pharmacist I can be. Once I achieve my goal, I aim to inspire my family by exemplifying the importance of hard work and determination. I also seek to play an active role in efforts to mitigate the harmful effects of drug abuse on individuals and communities. Moreover, I am dedicated to sharing my experiences to motivate and support upcoming generations in their pursuit of success in higher education.
    Grandmaster Nam K Hyong Scholarship
    The underlying fear of failure has always been a significant obstacle for me, but it has also been the driving force behind my decision to pursue higher education. Growing up in a family where very few individuals have obtained a college degree or completed a full academic year, I have felt a strong pressure to break this cycle of underachievement. Despite this pressure, I am resolute in my determination to create a new path for myself and become the first person in my family to graduate from college. This goal is a deeply personal and meaningful one for me, and I am committed to overcoming any challenges that may come my way. In my mission, I will ensure to treat any opportunities as a blessing as attending college and succeeding is a very big deal to me. Throughout my life, I've achieved significant milestones, especially in sports and effective communication. These experiences have played a crucial role in shaping my personality, imparting resilience and determination that continue to guide me through life's challenges. My academic pursuits are deeply important to me, and I'm particularly passionate about Biomedical Science, with a strong focus on the pharmacy track. Although I love to help those in need, pursuing this field of study is important to me due to my very own father's drug addiction. This field perfectly aligns with my interests and long-term aspirations, driving me to pursue it with relentless commitment. After completing my high school journey, my sights are firmly set on Texas Southern University, a renowned institution where I envision immersing myself in the strict study of Biomedical Sciences. Within the distinguished halls of this university, I am eager to dive into the diverse world of pharmaceutical science, eager to gain a comprehensive understanding of the development and impact of medications on human health. My goal is to lay the groundwork for my future career as a pharmacist, driven by my passion for understanding the complexities of pharmaceuticals and their role in patient care. Ultimately, I aspire to pursue a doctoral degree in pharmacy, viewing it as both a beacon of aspiration and a testament to my unwavering dedication to this field. I hold an ultimate determination to succeed in this field where many don't. I am certain to have great success and positively impact his industry. As I find myself on the verge of tackling this profound and transformative journey, I am keenly aware of the multitude of changes and opportunities that may lie ahead. Embracing the certainty of personal growth and the challenges of learning, I approach this new chapter of my life with an overwhelming sense of excitement and eager anticipation. I understand that genuine growth often requires making sacrifices, and I am fully prepared to make the necessary concessions in pursuit of my academic aspirations. Although the party side of college does intrigue me, securing my future is way more important. I know bypassing the normal freshman college interests will be crucial for my success. I am making a conscious decision to reject the temporary enjoyment of parties and social events in college to fully concentrate on my academic pursuits. Although the allure of the vibrant campus social scene is strong, I am determined in my commitment to prioritize my studies above all else. This unwavering dedication to my academic goals will be the driving force behind my future success and will bring me closer to achieving my aspirations. In addition to my aspirations, I am acutely conscious of the wider impact of my academic endeavors. As a future pharmacist, I recognize the significant influence I will have in bringing about positive change within my community. I aim to provide comfort and assistance to those in need by supplying essential medications and sharing crucial health knowledge. I approach this responsibility with great seriousness and am dedicated to maintaining the utmost professionalism and integrity in fulfilling my role. I also will ensure to provide affordable reliable resources. This is vital to providing service to low-income communities like the one I grew up in. In deciding to pursue a higher education, I have drawn from a deep well of determination to overcome the challenges posed by my circumstances and set a course for a more promising future. With persistent commitment, hard work, and a pursuit of excellence, I am confident that I will not only become the first college graduate in my family but also serve as a source of inspiration for generations to come. As I stand at the threshold of this new chapter in my life, I am filled with a deep sense of purpose and relentless determination, poised to seize every opportunity that presents itself. Not only will completing this degree make my family proud, but it will also be a trophy for me. Allowing me a sense of fulfillment.
    Black Leaders Scholarship
    It is truly inspiring to think about the impact my mother, Cornelia Osborne, has had on my life. She is a remarkable Black leader in my eyes, consistently proving resilience, determination, and tireless dedication. As a single parent of nine children, she works tirelessly year-round at two jobs to provide for our family. Despite the lack of support from me and my sibling's father, my mother has never hesitated in her commitment to ensuring that we have everything we need. What makes her even more remarkable is that she has not completed a college degree. However, her determination and hard work serve as a testament to her strength of character. She is a living example of the fact that formal education is not the only path to success. Her relentless pursuit of a better life for our family is nothing short of awe-inspiring. What is even more incredible is that, despite her busy schedule, my mother has decided to enroll back in college to support me on my journey. She will be helping support me as I begin classes in the fall. This shows her unyielding commitment to self-improvement and personal growth. It is a testament to her belief in the value of education and the importance of leading by example. Her decision to pursue higher education while shouldering the responsibilities of a single parent is a testament to her strength and determination. As her child, I have had a front-row seat to witness her incredible journey. I have seen her face numerous challenges and obstacles with grace and relentless determination. She has taught me the value of hard work, perseverance, and the importance of never giving up, no matter how tough the circumstances may be. My mother's role in my life goes beyond that of a provider. She has been an incredibly supportive parent, offering love, guidance, and persistent encouragement. While she may not be perfect, her actions and sacrifices have made her a real-life superwoman in my eyes. Her example has inspired me to pursue my dreams and never shy away from challenges. As I look forward to starting classes in the fall, I am excited about the opportunity to take on this challenge alongside my mother. Her dedication and resilience have never let her family down, and I am determined to make her proud. I see it as my responsibility to honor her sacrifices and hard work by excelling in my endeavors. I am eager to continue her legacy and make a positive impact in my own right. In the years to come, I am determined to make the most of the torch that she will pass down to me. Her strength and tireless commitment have shaped me into the person I am today, and I am forever grateful for her love and guidance. My mother's leadership, resilience, and unwavering determination have left an indelible mark on my life, and I am truly inspired to follow her.
    Crawley Kids Scholarship
    I am deeply committed to community service, which stems from the empathy and responsibility I gained through volunteering. Engaging in community service has allowed me to develop valuable lifelong skills that have further fueled my passion for giving back. Each time I volunteer, I am driven by the knowledge that I am making a positive difference in people's lives. My ultimate goal is to contribute to creating a better world and supporting those in need, and my involvement in community service has greatly impacted my life. I view it as a solid foundation for my future, especially as I embark on my journey to become a pharmacist this fall.
    Concrete Rose Scholarship Award
    As the eldest of nine children, I have grown up in a large and close-knit family. Raised by a single mother with my father being less involved in my life, I have been supported not only by my mom but also by the mothers of my siblings. Recently, I experienced the loss of my grandmother, who was not just a family member but also my best friend. Her presence brought light into my life during times of darkness. This loss has been a defining moment for me and has further fueled my determination to succeed. Entering my senior year of high school, I found myself unsure about my future after graduation. However, one thing that remained clear to me was my deep-seated passion for helping people. My decision to pursue a college education, select my major, and plan for success has been influenced by the people and experiences that have shaped my life. While I was certain about my desire to further my education, the path to achieving this goal seemed uncertain. My mother graduated from high school but did not complete college, and the financial burden of attending college seemed overwhelming. Despite these challenges, my resolve to become the first college graduate in my family has remained unwavering. Choosing my major was a deeply personal decision for me. My desire to help others, particularly my father, who has struggled with drug abuse, has been a driving force in my life. From a young age, I have been determined to find affordable and effective treatments to support him and others facing similar challenges. I also yearned to understand the science behind addiction and the compounds that contribute to it. It was this passion that led me to aspire to become a clinical pharmacist. After extensive consideration, I made the decision to attend Texas Southern University (TSU). TSU boasts one of the top pharmacy programs in Texas, and the opportunity to stay close to my family was of utmost importance to me. Additionally, being a Historically Black College and University (HBCU), TSU holds a special significance for me as I embark on the journey to become the first college graduate in my family. The financial aspect of pursuing a college education has been a source of concern for me. The high cost of attending university made the dream of becoming the first college graduate in my family seem daunting. Nevertheless, I remain firm in my determination to achieve this dream and make my family proud. Winning this scholarship would be transformative for me and my aspirations. It would not only relieve the financial burden but also bring me closer to realizing my dream of becoming the first college graduate in my family. This opportunity would not just delight me, but it would also propel me towards my career goals and enable me to make a meaningful impact.
    Young Women in STEM Scholarship
    1.My name is Miracle Nwosu, and I am the eldest among nine siblings in a household led by my mother, who is a single parent. Although my father's presence in my life is minimal, I am fortunate to be supported by the mothers of my half-siblings as well. My family is my greatest motivation. The thought of making them proud and becoming the first college graduate in my family drives me to work harder every day. I am deeply enthusiastic about making a positive impact on the world. If I could pursue any path in life, I would choose to travel the world freely, helping those in need who lack the means to help themselves. My vision is rooted in a deep sense of empathy and compassion, which compels me to direct my efforts toward improving the lives of others and fostering positive change on a global scale. With determination, resilience, and the unwavering support of my family, I am committed to realizing my aspirations and making a difference in the world. Education and empathy are powerful tools for transforming lives, and I am dedicated to utilizing these tools to contribute to a better world for all. My goal is to create opportunities for those who are less fortunate and to advocate for positive change in communities around the globe. I am driven by the belief that everyone deserves a chance to thrive, and I am committed to working towards that goal with unwavering dedication. 2. What excites me about STEM is the vast opportunities and the potential to discover groundbreaking treatments while pursuing my studies. I am eager to make a positive impact on the world through a career in technology information because of my relentless determination and passion for the field. I passionately believe that to make a meaningful difference, one must genuinely care and be deeply invested in their pursuits. My goal is to help others, and this is where my true passion lies. The opportunity to contribute to advancements in technology information that can improve people's lives is incredibly motivating. The field of STEM offers the chance to be at the forefront of innovation and to be part of solutions that address real-world challenges. Whether it is developing new medical technologies, creating sustainable energy solutions, or enhancing communication systems, the potential to positively impact society is immense. I am particularly drawn to the idea of leveraging technology and information to improve healthcare and accessibility to medical treatments. The thought of being able to contribute to the development of new treatments or technologies that can enhance the quality of life for individuals around the world is both inspiring and humbling. I am driven by the belief that through dedication and hard work, I can play a role in advancing these critical areas. Overall, my passion for STEM draws from the opportunity to make a tangible, positive difference in the world. I am committed to pursuing a career where I can apply my skills and knowledge to help others and contribute to meaningful advancements in technology and information. 3. One of the most significant challenges I have encountered in my life was being forced to choose between prioritizing my education or standing by my siblings during a difficult time. The situation that unfolded led all of us, my siblings and I, to attend an alternative school. During the frenzy, I made decisions intending to protect them, but ultimately, it had a damaging impact on me. However, looking back, I realize that attending the alternative school turned out to be a blessing in disguise. It was there that I truly learned the meaning of resilience. Despite the initial struggles, I emerged from that experience as a stronger and more qualified individual. During my time at the alternative school, the support and guidance I received from my teachers at Harper played a key role in my personal and academic development. Their persistent motivation and encouragement inspired me to strive for academic excellence and to never compromise my education, regardless of the challenges I faced. They emphasized the importance of prioritizing my future and making choices that would benefit me in the long run. As a result, I emerged from that challenging period with a newfound determination to excel academically and to always place my educational pursuits at the forefront of my priorities. The experience taught me valuable lessons about resilience, perseverance, and the significance of making decisions that align with my long-term goals. Ultimately, it transformed me into a more resilient and focused individual, fitted with the wisdom to navigate future challenges with relentless determination.
    Onward and Upward Scholarship
    Hi, I am Miracle Nwosu, the eldest of my nine siblings. My passions include music, art, and photography. I have a deep desire to help others face their own challenges. Overall, I want to contribute positively to people's lives. I aspire to pursue a career in pharmacy. Beginning the path towards a career in pharmacy is more than just a professional choice for me; it is a deep personal journey surrounded by my desire to comprehend and positively influence the complex interaction between drugs and the human mind, body, and soul. The aspiration has been shaped by the intense impact of my father's struggle with drug addiction, an experience that has fueled my fascination with the potential of a career in pharmaceuticals. From an early age, I witnessed the dreadful effects that drugs can have on an one’s life. My father's battle with addiction allowed me to experience the devastating consequences of substance abuse, both on a physical and emotional level. This challenging chapter in my family's history triggered my curiosity about the workings through which drugs interact with the body and mind. Instead of allowing this difficulty to define me, I channeled it into a source of inspiration that pushed my passion for pharmacy. The anticipation of becoming a pharmacist holds the promise of making a major difference in other’s lives, not only through the dispensing of medications but also through a deeper understanding of their impact. I am drawn to the idea of contributing to healthcare in a way that goes beyond the prescription pad, but also providing empathy, support, and guidance to those facing similar struggles as my father. The life-changing power of medications, when used responsibly, has the potential to heal not only physical afflictions but also the emotional and spiritual surface of a person's well-being. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy carries an important personal significant goal for me. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of limited education obtained within my family. If I am successful in this journey, I will become the first college graduate in my family, marking a milestone that extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. The opportunity of helping my father through his struggles is a driving force behind my choice to enter the field of pharmacy. By gaining in-depth knowledge about medications and their effects, I hope to contribute to his journey towards recovery. This mission ignites my pursuit of a pharmacy degree with a sense of purpose and personal investment, as I aspire not only to transform my own life but also to impact the lives of those I care about positively. In conclusion, my interest in taking the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in subjective experiences and a desire to understand and weaken the impact of drugs on individuals and communities. Through this journey, I aim to transform tragedy into inspiration, becoming an outlet for positive change in both my family's narrative and the broader community. The pursuit of a pharmacy degree represents not just a career choice but a heartfelt commitment to using knowledge and empathy to promote healing and change.
    Stephan L. Daniels Lift As We Climb Scholarship
    Beginning the path towards a career in pharmacy is more than just a professional choice for me; it is a deep personal journey surrounded by my desire to comprehend and positively influence the complex interaction between drugs and the human mind, body, and soul. The aspiration has been shaped by the intense impact of my father's struggle with drug addiction, an experience that has fueled my fascination with the potential of a career in pharmaceuticals. From a young age, I witnessed the dreadful effects that drugs can have on an one’s life. My father's battle with addiction allowed me to experience the devastating consequences of substance abuse, both on a physical and emotional level. This challenging chapter in my family's history triggered my curiosity about the workings through which drugs interact with the body and mind. Instead of allowing this difficulty to define me, I channeled it into a source of inspiration that pushed my passion for pharmacy. The anticipation of becoming a pharmacist holds the promise of making a major difference in other’s lives, not only through the dispensing of medications but also through a deeper understanding of their impact. I am drawn to the idea of contributing to healthcare in a way that goes beyond the prescription pad, but also providing empathy, support, and guidance to those facing similar struggles as my father. The life-changing power of medications, when used responsible, has the potential to heal not only physical afflictions but also the emotional and spiritual surface of a person's well-being. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy carries an important personal significant goal for me. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of limited educational obtained within my family. If I am successful in this journey, I will become the first college graduate in my family, marking a milestone that extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. The opportunity of helping my father through his struggles is a driving force behind my choice to enter the field of pharmacy. By gaining in-depth knowledge about medications and their effects, I hope to contribute to his journey towards recovery. This mission ignites my pursuit of a pharmacy degree with a sense of purpose and personal investment, as I aspire not only to transform my own life but also to impact the lives of those I care about positively. In conclusion, my interest in taking the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a desire to understand and weaken the impact of drugs on individuals and communities. Through this journey, I aim to transform tragedy into inspiration, ultimately becoming a outlet for positive change in both my family's narrative and the broader community. The pursuit of a pharmacy degree represents not just a career choice but a heartfelt commitment to using knowledge and empathy to promote healing and change.
    Hicks Scholarship Award
    As the eldest of nine siblings, I've always carried a sense of responsibility, alongside a love for sports, music, and lending a helping hand. Yet, despite my typically cheerful demeanor, the recent loss of my grandmother has cast a very heavy shadow over my spirits. Just two weeks ago, cancer claimed her, leaving behind a void that's torn through our family, dampening the excitement for my upcoming milestones. My grandmother was more than just a family member; she was my best friend, our family's pillar of strength, and my inspiration. Her absence weighs on me deeply, especially knowing she won't be there to witness the very important moments like my prom and graduation. Witnessing the fractures in our family due to her passing only adds to the sorrow I feel. Which truly just makes my mind wonder and heart sadden. However, amidst the grief and discouragement, there's a promise I made to her that fuels my determination. I vowed to be the first in our family to graduate from college, a commitment I intend to honor. My path is clear: pursuing a degree in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on pharmacy. I'm driven by the desire to understand how compounds and treatments impact the human body, staying true to my passion for helping others. Being the greatest I can be while honoring her life and remaining true to myself. Beyond college, I see myself continuing on to pharmacy school, determined to become a pharmacist and make a tangible difference in people's lives. But my journey doesn't stop there. Throughout my time in college, I plan to explore various sports, volunteer for local events, and deepen my music appreciation. These pursuits are not just about personal growth; they're a tribute to the bond I shared with my grandmother, a reminder to hold onto the essence of who I am and who I am becoming. Despite the challenges and setbacks that life may throw my way, I refuse to let them derail my educational journey. My grandmother's memory serves as a beacon of strength, guiding me through the darkest moments. Her belief in me fuels my determination to persevere, to stay true to myself, and to emerge stronger from adversity. Furthermore, not only will I be honoring my grandmother, I plan to bring my family back together. Ensuring them we can heal as a family, and not just on our own. Making my grandmother overly proud.
    Kristie's Kids - Loving Arms Around Those Impacted By Cancer Scholarship
    As the eldest of nine siblings, I've always carried a sense of responsibility, alongside a love for sports, music, and lending a helping hand. Yet, despite my typically cheerful demeanor, the recent loss of my grandmother has cast a very heavy shadow over my spirits. Just two weeks ago, cancer claimed her, leaving behind a void that's torn through our family, dampening the excitement for my upcoming milestones. My grandmother was more than just a family member; she was my best friend, our family's pillar of strength, and my inspiration. Her absence weighs on me deeply, especially knowing she won't be there to witness the very important moments like my prom and graduation. Witnessing the fractures in our family due to her passing only adds to the sorrow I feel. Which truly just makes my mind wonder and heart sadden. However, amidst the grief and discouragement, there's a promise I made to her that fuels my determination. I vowed to be the first in our family to graduate from college, a commitment I intend to honor. My path is clear: pursuing a degree in Biomedical Sciences with a focus on pharmacy. I'm driven by the desire to understand how compounds and treatments impact the human body, staying true to my passion for helping others. Being the greatest I can be while honoring her life and remaining true to myself. Beyond college, I see myself continuing on to pharmacy school, determined to become a pharmacist and make a tangible difference in people's lives. But my journey doesn't stop there. Throughout my time in college, I plan to explore various sports, volunteer for local events, and deepen my music appreciation. These pursuits are not just about personal growth; they're a tribute to the bond I shared with my grandmother, a reminder to hold onto the essence of who I am and who I am becoming. Despite the challenges and setbacks that life may throw my way, I refuse to let them derail my educational journey. My grandmother's memory serves as a beacon of strength, guiding me through the darkest moments. Her belief in me fuels my determination to persevere, to stay true to myself, and to emerge stronger from adversity. Furthermore, not only will I be honoring my grandmother, I plan to bring my family back together. Ensuring them we can heal as a family, and not just on our own. Making my grandmother overly proud.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Determination, in its truest form, emerges from the overcoming of hardship. Hardship stands as the challenging obstacle on the path to success, serving to test one's willpower and courage. It is the ruthless force that seeks to delay progress, yet determination is the unyielding commitment to conquer these obstacles, to chart a course toward achievement despite the odds. My journey takes witness to this emotional interplay between family and myself. In a key moment of my life, I found myself confronted with an unbearable choice: to prioritize my aspirations or to shoulder the responsibility of my siblings. As the eldest sibling, I instinctively chose the option to protect my siblings, losing my pursuits and enduring the challenge of sacrificing half of my senior year. This decision led me into the discipline of an "at-risk" student, consigning me to the attendance roster of Harper Alternative School. While many would perceive this detour as a setback, I embraced it as a deep lesson in resilience. Within the nurturing embrace of Harper Alternative School, I encountered a team of dedicated educators who became reliable supporters in my pursuit of success. Despite entering with a challenging credit deficit, I departed improved with not only 27 credits but also a clear understanding of the academic material. Through this experience, I obtained the valuable wisdom that misfortune nourishes resilience and that prioritizing one's education. Upon returning to my home school, I found myself encouraged by a newfound determination to transcend the limitations placed around me by circumstance. Although uncertain of my future path, I maintained a determined ambition to become the first college graduate in my family. This aspiration was fueled by a deep-seated passion for the medical field, developed by the touching struggles of my father and grandmother with drug abuse and illness. Their experiences ignited within me an eager desire to help the suffering of others, pushing me toward a career in Biomedical Science with a focus on pharmacy. In contemplating where to pursue my higher education, I weighed various factors before ultimately selecting Texas Southern University. Proximity to home, outstanding pharmacy program, and the closeness of my alma mater, Jack Yates High School, all factored into my decision. Moreover, I viewed attending TSU as a commitment to my roots, a testament to the importance of remaining leveled amidst the soaring heights of academic achievement. As I tackle this next chapter of my educational journey, I carry with me the unforgettable lessons obtained from my past tribulations. I am determined to remain humble, to cherish my roots, and to stay persistent in the pursuit of excellence despite the hurdles that may lie ahead. It is through hardship that determination is forged, and it is through determination that success is achieved.
    Text-Em-All Founders Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu and I am seventeen years old. I am driven by a strong sense of responsibility as the oldest child of my mother's nine children. Alongside this role, I also own a clothing brand called MillyMillz Official. However, my true passion lies in my dedication to obtaining a degree in psychology. My career aspirations go far beyond addressing the mental health crisis solely within minority communities. I am committed to making an impact on mental well-being across all communities. It is my deepest desire to create an environment where discussing mental health is comfortable, free from stigma, and supported by reliable resources. I firmly believe that I deserve this scholarship due to my genuine commitment to addressing the mental health crisis. I possess a deep passion for learning about the difficulty of human thought and development. Having personally experienced the issues of mental health, being able to help others in their journey towards recovery would mean the world to me. Receiving this scholarship would provide significant benefits by granting me the necessary resources at hand to pursue my degree in psychology. Receiving higher education comes with financial burdens, and this scholarship would reduce the financial weight, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and professional growth. I chose the field of psychology because I strongly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to overcome their mental health issues. It is very crucial that individuals feel comfortable discussing their challenges and have access to the resources needed for their recovery. By advocating for mental health awareness and providing support, my goal is to create a society where everyone can overcome their mental health struggles. Mental health is a serious issue that deserves proper attention and care. By pursuing a degree in psychology, I am committed to contributing to the proper handling of this dreadful matter. I am dedicated to providing individuals with the support they need, encouraging them to overcome their struggles and live fulfilling lives. In conclusion, my persistent commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health crisis drives my pursuit of a degree in psychology. This scholarship would not only provide me with the means to achieve my educational goals but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of others. With this opportunity, I will tirelessly work towards creating a world where mental health is openly discussed, and individuals have access to the resources needed to overcome their struggles.
    PRIDE in Education Award
    I am Miracle Nwosu, the eldest of nine siblings, a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, and an aspiring pharmacist. Being the oldest among nine children comes with its own set of responsibilities, both challenging and joyful. The role of an elder sibling has created a sense of leadership and nurturing, molding my character in ways that extend beyond my identity. It is a role that I embrace with pride, and it constantly fuels my determination to set the bar high for my family’s future. As a member of the LGBTQ+ community, my journey has been greatly impacted by the supportive environment that this community holds. It serves as a crucial support outlet, offering a welcoming place where I can freely express myself, vent, and seek guidance during challenging times. Individuals within this community have become more than friends to me; they are a chosen family, providing constant support and understanding. The LGBTQ+ community has introduced me to some of the most compassionate individuals I've ever known. The friendship within this community extends beyond shared similarities; it expresses a spirit of acceptance and love. This network of support has played a vital role in shaping my resilience and empowering me to embrace my authentic self unapologetically. Attempting to pursue a career in pharmacy, my motivation is deeply rooted in a desire to make a positive impact on the lives of those like my father, struggle with drug abuse. My father, despite handling his own battles, was one of the few individuals who accepted me when I first came out. Our time together was unfortunately cut short due to his addiction, but his unconditional love and support remain engraved in my heart. It is this powerful connection that pushes me towards a career in pharmacy, as a tribute to his issues and a commitment to helping others facing similar struggles. The LGBTQ+ community has taught me the importance of empathy, understanding, and resilience. All of these are qualities that I carry with me into my chosen career path. In becoming a pharmacist, I aspire to be a source of support for individuals dealing with drug abuse, having both my professional knowledge and personal experiences to make a meaningful difference. In conclusion, my identity as Miracle Nwosu consists of the experience of being the eldest sibling, a member of the LGBTQ+ community, and an aspiring pharmacist. The LGBTQ+ community has provided me with a source of support, shaping my perspective and reinforcing the values of acceptance and compassion. My journey is inspired by the love and acceptance of my father, but also unfolds with the intention of contributing to the well-being of others, and making a positive impact in the field of pharmacy.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu and I am seventeen years old. I am driven by a strong sense of responsibility as the oldest child of my mother's nine children. Alongside this role, I also own a clothing brand called MillyMillzMasionette. However, my true passion lies in my dedication to obtaining a degree in biomedical science. This degree will help me move forward in my career of pharmacy. My career aspirations go far beyond addressing the drug abuse crisis solely within minority communities. I am committed to making an impact on well-being across all communities. It is my deepest desire to create an environment where discussing drug abuse is comfortable, free from stigma, and supported by reliable resources. I firmly believe that I deserve this scholarship due to my genuine commitment to addressing the drug abuse crisis. I possess a deep passion for learning about the difficulty of human development and how substances can affect it. Having personally experienced the issues of my own father’s drug problem, being able to help others in their journey towards recovery would mean the world to me. Receiving this scholarship would provide significant benefits by granting me the necessary resources at hand to pursue my career in pharmacy. Receiving higher education comes with financial burdens, and this scholarship would reduce the financial weight, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and professional growth. I chose the field of biomedical science because I strongly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to overcome drug abuse from others and themselves. It is very crucial that individuals feel comfortable discussing their challenges and have access to the resources needed for their recovery. By advocating for drug crisis and providing support, my goal is to create a society where everyone can overcome this issue and help others. Drug abuse is a serious issue that deserves proper attention and care. By pursuing a degree in biomedical science, I am committed to contributing to the proper handling of this dreadful matter. I provide individuals with the support they need, encouraging them to overcome their struggles and live fulfilling lives. In conclusion, my persistent commitment to making a positive impact on the drug abuse crisis drives my pursuit of a career in pharmacy. This scholarship would not only provide me with the means to achieve my educational goals but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of others. With this opportunity, I will tirelessly work towards creating a world where drug abuse is openly discussed, and individuals have access to the resources needed to overcome their struggles.
    William A. Stuart Dream Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu and I am seventeen years old. I am driven by a strong sense of responsibility as the oldest child of my mother's nine children. Alongside this role, I also own a clothing brand called MillyMillzMasionette. However, my true passion lies in my dedication to obtaining a degree in biomedical science. This degree will help me move forward in my career of pharmacy. My career aspirations go far beyond addressing the drug abuse crisis solely within minority communities. I am committed to making an impact on well-being across all communities. It is my deepest desire to create an environment where discussing drug abuse is comfortable, free from stigma, and supported by reliable resources. I firmly believe that I deserve this scholarship due to my genuine commitment to addressing the drug abuse crisis. I possess a deep passion for learning about the difficulty of human development and how substances can affect it. Having personally experienced the issues of my own father’s drug problem, being able to help others in their journey towards recovery would mean the world to me. Receiving this scholarship would provide significant benefits by granting me the necessary resources at hand to pursue my career in pharmacy. Receiving higher education comes with financial burdens, and this scholarship would reduce the financial weight, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and professional growth. I chose the field of biomedical science because I strongly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to overcome drug abuse from others and themselves. It is very crucial that individuals feel comfortable discussing their challenges and have access to the resources needed for their recovery. By advocating for drug crisis and providing support, my goal is to create a society where everyone can overcome this issue and help others. Drug abuse is a serious issue that deserves proper attention and care. By pursuing a degree in biomedical science, I am committed to contributing to the proper handling of this dreadful matter. I provide individuals with the support they need, encouraging them to overcome their struggles and live fulfilling lives. In conclusion, my persistent commitment to making a positive impact on the drug abuse crisis drives my pursuit of a career in pharmacy. This scholarship would not only provide me with the means to achieve my educational goals but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of others. With this opportunity, I will tirelessly work towards creating a world where drug abuse is openly discussed, and individuals have access to the resources needed to overcome their struggles.
    James Lynn Baker II #BeACoffeeBean Scholarship
    As I continue to further my education, I plan to study pharmaceutical science. I have chosen pharmaceutical science because I want to help the drug crisis in my community. Although I love owning a luxury streetwear brand and being my own boss, my eagerness to be a helping hand to my community continues to grow rapidly. I’ve always wanted a solid career centered around something I believed I had a strong passion for. While I though it would be in this fashion industry, I have begun to realize that I love to find solutions for others. Growing up in Third Ward Houston, I’ve noticed an uprising problem in drug use. Not only in my community, but the surrounding communities such as Sunnyside, Hiram Clarke and Fifth Ward as well. The usage out drugs like fentanyl, hydrocodone, and Percocet takes lives everyday starting off age’s young as sixteen years old. I believe it isn’t talked about enough because of where we all come from. Pharmaceutical science is the approach of solving drug therapy related problems. As I dug deeper into what exactly I wanted to do in life, I knew this was the proper career for me. Unfortunately, my very own father is one of the millions of people who suffer from drug abuse. Watching him for years only made me realized his addiction came from what was supposed to help him heal. Enduring a tragic incident which he could’ve lose his life, he was given a medicine and quickly became very dependent on the meds. Since then, I’ve been fascinated with the thought of learning the compounds of these drugs and what they can do to a person. Entering the world of STEM, my main goal is to be a success in find the answers to end the drug crisis and gain further help for those in my community. While pursing a degree, I also do plan to continue my business. Eventually putting it in a store. The income from that will then be used to help the people in Houston who suffer from drug abuse. Me and a very effective team of hand pick officials will offer free resources to those in need. After facing the drug stamina in Houston, my team and I will move on to the cities and states around us. One resource team at a time, we will defeat the drug crisis and the United States and soon offer effective resources worldwide. I also plan to spread the research and knowledge that I gain with others as well. I predict fifth years from now; we all will see change and or effective ways for drug therapy. Offering less expensive and maybe even free resources. It all starts with a dream that will be reality soon.
    Adam Montes Pride Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Miracle Nwosu, the eldest of my nine siblings. My passions include music, art, and photography. I have a deep desire to help others faces their own challenges. Overall, I want to contribute positively to people's lives. With this in mind I aspire to pursue a career in pharmacy. Beginning the path towards a career in pharmacy is more than just a professional choice for me; it is a deep personal journey surrounded by my desire to comprehend and positively influence the complex interaction between drugs and the human mind, body, and soul. The aspiration has been shaped by the intense impact of my father's struggle with drug addiction, an experience that has fueled my fascination with the potential of a career in pharmaceuticals. From a young age, I witnessed the dreadful effects that drugs can have on an one’s life. My father's battle with addiction allowed me to experience the devastating consequences of substance abuse, both on a physical and emotional level. This challenging chapter in my family's history triggered my curiosity about the workings through which drugs interact with the body and mind. Instead of allowing this difficulty to define me, I channeled it into a source of inspiration that pushed my passion for pharmacy. The anticipation of becoming a pharmacist holds the promise of making a major difference in other’s lives, not only through the dispensing of medications but also through a deeper understanding of their impact. I am drawn to the idea of contributing to healthcare in a way that goes beyond the prescription pad, but also providing empathy, support, and guidance to those facing similar struggles as my father. The life-changing power of medications, when used responsible, has the potential to heal not only physical afflictions but also the emotional and spiritual surface of a person's well-being. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy carries an important personal significant goal for me. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of limited educational obtained within my family. If I am successful in this journey, I will become the first college graduate in my family, marking a milestone that extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. The opportunity of helping my father through his struggles is a driving force behind my choice to enter the field of pharmacy. By gaining in-depth knowledge about medications and their effects, I hope to contribute to his journey towards recovery. This mission ignites my pursuit of a pharmacy degree with a sense of purpose and personal investment, as I aspire not only to transform my own life but also to impact the lives of those I care about positively. In conclusion, my interest in taking the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a desire to understand and weaken the impact of drugs on individuals and communities. Through this journey, I aim to transform tragedy into inspiration, ultimately becoming a outlet for positive change in both my family's narrative and the broader community. The pursuit of a pharmacy degree represents not just a career choice but a heartfelt commitment to using knowledge and empathy to promote healing and change.
    Xavier M. Monroe Heart of Gold Memorial Scholarship
    Life has an odd way of teaching us valuable lessons when we least expect it. Going into alternative school was an unexpected consequence of what I believed to be a worthy decision. Little did I know that defending my sister wasn’t such a noble act and would lead me down a path of major trouble. Surprisingly, this pushed me towards some of the most memorable lessons of my life. Initially, being sent to an alternative school filled me with deep worry. I feared that this held me back from the traditional academic route and would affect me academically and mentally. However, as I navigated the challenges of this new environment, I discovered what this obstacle had much to teach me. Firstly, I learned the importance of thinking before acting. In the heat of the moment, I defended my sister without fully considering the potential consequences. The quick change in my situation taught me that life can change within seconds, and decisions made impulsively can have extreme consequences. This also generated a sense of mindfulness, encouraging me to pause and reflect before reacting in the future. Another crucial lesson that I learned was the need to take accountability for my actions. In alternative school, there was no room for excuses. I had to confront my mistakes, acknowledge my wrongdoing and taking responsibility for them. The lesson became a petal stool personal growth, emphasizing that mistakes are sure to happen, but their impact can be reduced by acknowledging and learning from them. Furthermore, I learned the importance of letting my siblings face their own obstacles. As the eldest, I had often take upon a protective role, trying to shield my siblings from problems. However, being in alternative school made me realize that everyone is on their own path in life. I can’t fend for them in every situation. Pushing them to navigate their own challenges independently will become a vital step in their individual growth. Overall, the most impactable lesson I gained was the understanding that the only thing capable of holding me back was my own mindset. I realized that I am the controller of my faith, and I can overcome any obstacle if I don’t allow it to define me. Taking control of my life journey became a priority, and I learned to put my own well-being and aspirations first. In conclusion, my experience in alternative school, being a genuine desire to defend my sister, turned out to be an important chapter in my life. Lessons were learned about thoughtful decision-making, accountability, allowing others to face their own challenges. Taking charge of myself has shaped me into a more resilient individual. Life has unexpected challenges that can lead to some of the most crucial personal growth.
    Jiang Amel STEM Scholarship
    Hi, I'm Miracle Nwosu, the eldest of my nine siblings. My passions include music, art, and photography. I have a deep desire to help others faces their own challenges. Overall, I want to contribute positively to people's lives. With this in mind, I aspire to pursue a career in pharmacy. Beginning the path towards a career in pharmacy is more than just a professional choice for me; it is a deep personal journey surrounded by my desire to comprehend and positively influence the complex interaction between drugs and the human mind, body, and soul. The aspiration has been shaped by the intense impact of my father's struggle with drug addiction, an experience that has fueled my fascination with the potential of a career in pharmaceuticals. From a young age, I witnessed the dreadful effects that drugs can have on an one’s life. My father's battle with addiction allowed me to experience the devastating consequences of substance abuse, both on a physical and emotional level. This challenging chapter in my family's history triggered my curiosity about the workings through which drugs interact with the body and mind. Instead of allowing this difficulty to define me, I channeled it into a source of inspiration that pushed my passion for pharmacy. The anticipation of becoming a pharmacist holds the promise of making a major difference in other’s lives, not only through the dispensing of medications but also through a deeper understanding of their impact. I am drawn to the idea of contributing to healthcare in a way that goes beyond the prescription pad, but also providing empathy, support, and guidance to those facing similar struggles as my father. The life-changing power of medications, when used responsible, has the potential to heal not only physical afflictions but also the emotional and spiritual surface of a person's well-being. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy carries an important personal significant goal for me. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of limited educational obtained within my family. If I am successful in this journey, I will become the first college graduate in my family, marking a milestone that extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. The opportunity of helping my father through his struggles is a driving force behind my choice to enter the field of pharmacy. By gaining in-depth knowledge about medications and their effects, I hope to contribute to his journey towards recovery. This mission ignites my pursuit of a pharmacy degree with a sense of purpose and personal investment, as I aspire not only to transform my own life but also to impact the lives of those I care about positively. In conclusion, my interest in taking the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a desire to understand and weaken the impact of drugs on individuals and communities. Through this journey, I aim to transform tragedy into inspiration, ultimately becoming a outlet for positive change in both my family's narrative and the broader community. The pursuit of a pharmacy degree represents not just a career choice but a heartfelt commitment to using knowledge and empathy to promote healing and change.
    Kerry Kennedy Life Is Good Scholarship
    Choosing the medical route as a pharmacist is not just a career decision for me; it is a deep personal commitment rooted in my desire to understand the heartfelt impact of drugs on the mind, body, and soul. My fascination has been ignited by the obstacles my father has faced due to drug addiction. This has shaped my determination to pursue a career that allows me to make a positive difference in the lives of those affected by substance abuse. From a young age, I witnessed the life-changing and often destructive power of drugs through my father's struggles. Instead of allowing this difficulty to stop me, it became an outlet for my interest in the field of pharmacy. I am deeply intrigued by the complex interaction between pharmaceuticals and the human body, hoping to grip this understanding to contribute meaningfully to the lives of others facing the same challenges as my father. Having the opportunity to help my father on his journey to recovery serves as a driving force behind my decision to pursue pharmacy. I plan to access knowledge about the therapeutic and adverse effects of medications. Standing as a source of support and guidance for him. This personal mission pushing my pursuit with a sense of purpose that goes beyond the professional career itself. Beyond my own personal reasons, my commitment to becoming a pharmacist is also shaped by my desire to be the first college graduate in my family. This achievement represents breaking through barriers and setting a standard for future generations. The significance of this milestone adds an extra layer of determination to my journey, motivating me to overcome obstacles and excel academically. Learning to sacrifice the typical teenage experiences has been an intentional decision in pursuit of my goal. While many teens engage in parties, smoking, and drinking, I have picked a different path. My weekends are spent working so that I may save money for college rather than participating in activities that could jeopardize my goals. I know this decision will prove my unwavering commitment to the future I am determined to get for myself and my family. Most may see sacrificing my teenage years has a burden, but I prefer to make this conscious investment in a career that supports my aspirations. Choosing a path of responsibility and focus has allowed me to prioritize my education and personal growth. While this journey may be challenging, I believe it is definitely paving the way for a brighter future, not only for myself but for those that surround me. All in all, my interest in pursuing the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in personal experiences, such as helping my father, and the desire to be the first college graduate in my family. Sacrificing the typical teenage experiences has been a difficult choice, but it does reinforce my dedication to academic and personal success. Through this journey, I am not only to understand the effects of drugs but also to contribute positively to the lives of those affected. Allowing me to break curses and forge a path towards a brighter future.
    STAR Scholarship - Students Taking Alternative Routes
    Beginning the path towards a career in pharmacy is more than just a professional choice for me; it is a deep personal journey surrounded by my desire to comprehend and positively influence the complex interaction between drugs and the human mind, body, and soul. The aspiration has been shaped by the intense impact of my father's struggle with drug addiction, an experience that has fueled my fascination with the potential of a career in pharmaceuticals. From a young age, I witnessed the dreadful effects that drugs can have on an one’s life. My father's battle with addiction allowed me to experience the devastating consequences of substance abuse, both on a physical and emotional level. This challenging chapter in my family's history triggered my curiosity about the workings through which drugs interact with the body and mind. Instead of allowing this difficulty to define me, I channeled it into a source of inspiration that pushed my passion for pharmacy. The anticipation of becoming a pharmacist holds the promise of making a major difference in other’s lives, not only through the dispensing of medications but also through a deeper understanding of their impact. I am drawn to the idea of contributing to healthcare in a way that goes beyond the prescription pad, but also providing empathy, support, and guidance to those facing similar struggles as my father. The life-changing power of medications, when used responsible, has the potential to heal not only physical afflictions but also the emotional and spiritual surface of a person's well-being. Furthermore, pursuing a career in pharmacy carries an important personal significant goal for me. It represents an opportunity to break the cycle of limited educational obtained within my family. If I am successful in this journey, I will become the first college graduate in my family, marking a milestone that extends beyond personal achievement to serve as an inspiration for future generations. The opportunity of helping my father through his struggles is a driving force behind my choice to enter the field of pharmacy. By gaining in-depth knowledge about medications and their effects, I hope to contribute to his journey towards recovery. This mission ignites my pursuit of a pharmacy degree with a sense of purpose and personal investment, as I aspire not only to transform my own life but also to impact the lives of those I care about positively. In conclusion, my interest in taking the medical route as a pharmacist is deeply rooted in personal experiences and a desire to understand and weaken the impact of drugs on individuals and communities. Through this journey, I aim to transform tragedy into inspiration, ultimately becoming a outlet for positive change in both my family's narrative and the broader community. The pursuit of a pharmacy degree represents not just a career choice but a heartfelt commitment to using knowledge and empathy to promote healing and change.
    Hester Richardson Powell Memorial Service Scholarship
    For one to demonstrate resilience, they must know the true meaning. Resilience is the ability to bounce back from setbacks, embrace challenges, and adjust through difficult circumstances with grace and strength. It is a crucial characteristic that empowers one to endure and thrive despite harsh encounters. Usually, it takes a dedicated personal journey, shaped by unique experiences that test one's limits and push them to discover their strength within. My own journey of resilience was very unexpected when I landed myself in alternative school over a reaction based off blur emotions. At first, it seemed like a setback. I thought I would fall behind educational wise. However, it turned out to be a very vital moment in my life. Not only did I learn to face challenges, get ahead in classes, and think before I react. I also learned the true definition of resilience. Resilience is not just about-facing difficulties; it is about embracing them as opportunities for growth. Despite the environment of alternative school being unfamiliar to me, I realized that this experience allowed me to see things differently, promoting a mindset of adaptability and perseverance. The stigma developed around alternative education could have slowed down my progress, but instead, it put me ahead of my peers. I used it as an encouragement for personal and academic development. Maintaining my grades in this challenging setting required a level of dedication and self-discipline that I might not have developed at my home school. I learned to take responsibility for my own education path, seeking out resources and support when needed. This process not only improved my performance academically, but also created a sense of independence and resilience that helped me inside and outside the classroom. For example, my experience in the alternative school taught me the importance of learning from mistakes. Rather than dwelling on setbacks, I embraced them as opportunities to grow and improve. This mindset shift was vital in building my resilience, as it allowed me to view challenges not as obstacles but as steppingstones to success. I plan to inspire others to build resilience by sharing my personal stories and demonstrating the transformative power I had when facing challenges head-on. By being transparent about my alternative school journey, I can encourage others to look at setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning. Resilience is not a trait that only select few can gain but a skill that can be obtained through experience and a positive mindset. In conclusion, resilience is a great quality that empowers one to overcome challenges and thrive in the face of misfortunate. My journey through an alternative school served as a unique and transformative experience that not only allowed me to maintain my grades but also shaped my perspective on life all together. By sharing my story, I hope to inspire others to embrace challenges, learn from their mistakes, and develop the resilience needed to navigate the complexities of life.
    Chris Ford Scholarship
    I am Miracle Nwosu, and these are my interests. Fashion has always been special to me; it is a passion that has motivated me to create my own clothing brand. As my passion for photography grew, I have decided to merge the two. Combining two hobbies has not only allowed me to display my creativity but also made me eager to network and expand my business. As I shift into starting my journey as a fashion enthusiast, entrepreneur, and photographer, I am excited to express the ways in which my passions have shaped my life and the possibilities they hold for the future. At a young age, I was intrigued by the world of fashion. I draw inspiration from the world around me and trends that I love. My love for fashion led me to create my own clothing brand, where I have complete control over every item. I love creating versatile pieces that can be worn in at least five ways. Photography, another passion that has always held a special place in my heart and has now found its way into my fashion journey. I discovered capturing the power of fashion through a camera. Regardless of if it is capturing the details of a garment or capturing the emotions of my model's, photography has become the medium through which I tell the story of my brand. By combining aesthetics with my fashion, I have been able to create stunning visuals that relate to my audience and bring my designs to life. In the world of fashion and entrepreneurship, networking has played a crucial role in expanding my horizons. I have always been eager to work with like-minded individuals, professionals, and collaborators. Through social media and popup, I have had the opportunity to build strong relationships and expand my business portfolio. These connections have not only opened doors to new opportunities but have also allowed me to exchange knowledge, ideas, and resources, further fueling my growth as an entrepreneur. As I continue to grow my clothing brand and develop my photography skills, I am filled with excitement for the future. The fashion industry is a dynamic landscape that offers endless possibilities for innovation and creativity. I aspire to expand my brand's reach, collaborate with talented individuals, and explore new avenues for expression. Furthermore, I envision myself expanding my skills in fashion and photography to contribute to meaningful projects, such as using sustainable materials and promoting diversity within the industry. Fashion and photography have become the driving forces behind my entrepreneurial journey. Through my clothing brand, I have found a way to blend my love for fashion with my passion for photography, creating a platform for creative expression. This journey has not only allowed me to display my talents but has also received opportunities for networking and growth. As I look ahead, I am eager to embrace the ever-evolving fashion landscape, continue expanding my business portfolio, and make a lasting impact through my art and entrepreneurial endeavors.
    Shays Scholarship
    As I continue to further my education, I plan to study pharmaceutical science. I have chosen pharmaceutical science because I want to help the drug crisis in my community. Although I love owning a luxury streetwear brand and being my own boss, my eagerness to be a helping hand to my community continues to grow rapidly. I’ve always wanted a solid career centered around something I believed I had a strong passion for. While I though it would be in this fashion industry, I have begun to realize that I love to find solutions for others. Growing up in Third Ward Houston, I’ve noticed an uprising problem in drug use. Not only in my community, but the surrounding communities such as Sunnyside, Hiram Clarke and Fifth Ward as well. The usage out drugs like fentanyl, hydrocodone, and Percocet takes lives everyday starting off age’s young as sixteen years old. I believe it isn’t talked about enough because of where we all come from. Pharmaceutical science is the approach of solving drug therapy related problems. As I dug deeper into what exactly I wanted to do in life, I knew this was the proper career for me. Unfortunately, my very own father is one of the millions of people who suffer from drug abuse. Watching him for years only made me realized his addiction came from what was supposed to help him heal. Enduring a tragic incident which he could’ve lose his life, he was given a medicine and quickly became very dependent on the meds. Since then, I’ve been fascinated with the thought of learning the compounds of these drugs and what they can do to a person. Entering the world of STEM, my main goal is to be a success in find the answers to end the drug crisis and gain further help for those in my community. While pursing a degree, I also do plan to continue my business. Eventually putting it in a store. The income from that will then be used to help the people in Houston who suffer from drug abuse. Me and a very effective team of hand pick officials will offer free resources to those in need. After facing the drug stamina in Houston, my team and I will move on to the cities and states around us. One resource team at a time, we will defeat the drug crisis and the United States and soon offer effective resources worldwide. I also plan to spread the research and knowledge that I gain with others as well. I predict fifth years from now; we all will see change and or effective ways for drug therapy. Offering less expensive and maybe even free resources. It all starts with a dream that will be reality soon.
    Dan Gramatic Memorial Scholarship
    As I continue to further my education, I plan to study pharmaceutical science. I have chosen pharmaceutical science because I want to help the drug crisis in my community. Although I love owning a luxury streetwear brand and being my own boss, my eagerness to be a helping hand to my community continues to grow rapidly. I’ve always wanted a solid career centered around something I believed I had a strong passion for. While I though it would be in this fashion industry, I have begun to realize that I love to find solutions for others. Growing up in Third Ward Houston, I’ve noticed an uprising problem in drug use. Not only in my community, but the surrounding communities such as Sunnyside, Hiram Clarke and Fifth Ward as well. The usage out drugs like fentanyl, hydrocodone, and Percocet takes lives everyday starting off age’s young as sixteen years old. I believe it isn’t talked about enough because of where we all come from. Pharmaceutical science is the approach of solving drug therapy related problems. As I dug deeper into what exactly I wanted to do in life, I knew this was the proper career for me. Unfortunately, my very own father is one of the millions of people who suffer from drug abuse. Watching him for years only made me realized his addiction came from what was supposed to help him heal. Enduring a tragic incident which he could’ve lose his life, he was given a medicine and quickly became very dependent on the meds. Since then, I’ve been fascinated with the thought of learning the compounds of these drugs and what they can do to a person. Entering the world of STEM, my main goal is to be a success in find the answers to end the drug crisis and gain further help for those in my community. While pursing a degree, I also do plan to continue my business. Eventually putting it in a store. The income from that will then be used to help the people in Houston who suffer from drug abuse. Me and a very effective team of hand pick officials will offer free resources to those in need. After facing the drug stamina in Houston, my team and I will move on to the cities and states around us. One resource team at a time, we will defeat the drug crisis and the United States and soon offer effective resources worldwide. I also plan to spread the research and knowledge that I gain with others as well. I predict fifth years from now; we all will see change and or effective ways for drug therapy. Offering less expensive and maybe even free resources. It all starts with a dream that will be reality soon.
    Jessie Koci Future Entrepreneurs Scholarship
    As I continue to further my education, I plan to study pharmaceutical science. I have chosen pharmaceutical science because I want to help the drug crisis in my community. Although I love owning a luxury streetwear brand and being my own boss, my eagerness to be a helping hand to my community continues to grow rapidly. I’ve always wanted a solid career centered around something I believed I had a strong passion for. While I though it would be in this fashion industry, I have begun to realize that I love to find solutions for others. Growing up in Third Ward Houston, I’ve noticed an uprising problem in drug use. Not only in my community, but the surrounding communities such as Sunnyside, Hiram Clarke and Fifth Ward as well. The usage out drugs like fentanyl, hydrocodone, and Percocet takes lives everyday starting off age’s young as sixteen years old. I believe it isn’t talked about enough because of where we all come from. Pharmaceutical science is the approach of solving drug therapy related problems. As I dug deeper into what exactly I wanted to do in life, I knew this was the proper career for me. Unfortunately, my very own father is one of the millions of people who suffer from drug abuse. Watching him for years only made me realized his addiction came from what was supposed to help him heal. Enduring a tragic incident which he could’ve lose his life, he was given a medicine and quickly became very dependent on the meds. Since then, I’ve been fascinated with the thought of learning the compounds of these drugs and what they can do to a person. Entering the world of STEM, my main goal is to be a success in find the answers to end the drug crisis and gain further help for those in my community. While pursing a degree, I also do plan to continue my business. Eventually putting it in a store. The income from that will then be used to help the people in Houston who suffer from drug abuse. Me and a very effective team of hand pick officials will offer free resources to those in need. After facing the drug stamina in Houston, my team and I will move on to the cities and states around us. One resource team at a time, we will defeat the drug crisis and the United States and soon offer effective resources worldwide
    VonDerek Casteel Being There Counts Scholarship
    My name is Miracle Nwosu and I am seventeen years old. I am driven by a strong sense of responsibility as the oldest child of my mother's nine children. Alongside this role, I also own a clothing brand called MillyMillz Official. However, my true passion lies in my dedication to obtaining a degree in psychology. My career aspirations go far beyond addressing the mental health crisis solely within minority communities. I am committed to making an impact on mental well-being across all communities. It is my deepest desire to create an environment where discussing mental health is comfortable, free from stigma, and supported by reliable resources. I firmly believe that I deserve this scholarship due to my genuine commitment to addressing the mental health crisis. I possess a deep passion for learning about the difficulty of human thought and development. Having personally experienced the issues of mental health, being able to help others in their journey towards recovery would mean the world to me. Receiving this scholarship would provide significant benefits by granting me the necessary resources at hand to pursue my degree in psychology. Receiving higher education comes with financial burdens, and this scholarship would reduce the financial weight, allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on my studies and professional growth. I chose the field of psychology because I strongly believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to overcome their mental health issues. It is very crucial that individuals feel comfortable discussing their challenges and have access to the resources needed for their recovery. By advocating for mental health awareness and providing support, my goal is to create a society where everyone can overcome their mental health struggles. Mental health is a serious issue that deserves proper attention and care. By pursuing a degree in psychology, I am committed to contributing to the proper handling of this dreadful matter. I am dedicated to providing individuals with the support they need, encouraging them to overcome their struggles and live fulfilling lives. In conclusion, my persistent commitment to making a positive impact on the mental health crisis drives my pursuit of a degree in psychology. This scholarship would not only provide me with the means to achieve my educational goals but also allow me to contribute meaningfully to the well-being of others. With this opportunity, I will tirelessly work towards creating a world where mental health is openly discussed, and individuals have access to the resources needed to overcome their struggles.
    Brian J Boley Memorial Scholarship
    Mental health has emerged as a significant global concern since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its impact extends to many segments of society, including minority groups, mothers, children, people with disabilities, and our dedicated healthcare workers. It was through my own personal experience that I became convinced of the dying need to enter the mental health field. As I worked through my own struggles, I became very aware that many individuals do not feel comfortable seeking help or lack the necessary resources to confront their mental health issues. When I made the decision to pursue a career in mental health, I made a solemn vow to become a compassionate support amidst the ongoing mental health crisis. In my opinion, one of the main problems lies with the approach of our doctors and therapists. Additionally, the media often portrays mental health as a basic money-making scheme or disregards it as a result of personal shortcomings. This perception takes away from our collective opinion of healthcare professionals. Simply prescribing medications, diagnosing disorders, and focusing on financial aspects will not aid those who are struggling in their journey to recovery or obtain an environment of comfort. Instead, those entering the mental health field should adopt a mindset that treats patients as if they were our own family members. Engaging in meaningful conversations that allow us to truly understand the patient as an individual, rather than a source of financial gain, should become our primary goal. By prioritizing the establishment of a safe and welcoming environment, we can encourage individuals to seek the help they need. Furthermore, I am deeply committed to ensuring that accessible resources are available to all those in need. A major challenge within the mental health field is the depth of available support. To address this, I propose implementing various measures, including the provision of free counseling services, low-cost diagnostic options, and comprehensive information about medications. By offering reliable resources, we can take significant strides in alleviating the mental health crisis. In conclusion, my aspiration within the mental health field is to extend a helping hand to those in need. Through implementing comfortable and resourceful solutions, I am dedicated to helping the mental health crisis. By fostering an environment of empathy, understanding, and accessible support, we can empower individuals to start on their path to healing and well-being. Together, we can make a significant difference in the lives of those affected by mental health challenges.