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Mika De Ridder


Bold Points






I believe I deserve to be selected for scholarships because as a hard-working student, I commit myself to effectively taking advantage of the opportunities the scholarships will provide me. I believe education is the key to success, and I try to connect my passion for education with my desire to help others. As a child, I grew up to be very shy. My biological father was never in the picture due to a prolonged drug addiction, and eventually, my brother also went down the path of drug addiction. I grew up very isolated because it was just me and my mom with a low income, and all of my family lived in Belgium. All of my childhood events and solitude caused me to suffer from anxiety and depression. Over the past 6 years, I have been working hard to overcome my fears, come out of my shell, and show everyone who I am. Receiving a scholarship would mean the world to me because it means I am one step closer to achieving my dream: Becoming an international social worker. I will remain persistent and keep working hard until I reach my career goals. I hope to become a scholarship recipient so I can help children like me and children in need, not just in the United States but worldwide.


Carroll High School Career Center

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • International/Globalization Studies
    • Social Work
    • Law
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      social work

    • Dream career goals:

    • Attorney's Assistant

      2023 – 2023

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Local animal shelter — Cleaning litterboxes, sweeping, crushing cans, playing with cats and dogs, taking dogs on walks, feeding cats
      2017 – 2023

    Future Interests





    Eden Alaine Memorial Scholarship
    I was with my ex-girlfriend for almost a year, and in that time, I grew very close to her Grammy and her father, Charles. He was a remarkable individual, deeply connected to nature and captivated by the spiritual significance of rocks and stones. Charles firmly believed in spirits watching over us even after passing. Our shared interests in these topics gave us endless conversations to indulge in. I was always in awe of his immense knowledge and his eagerness to share it with others. Whenever "the fish were biting," as Charles would say, he would invite me and my ex-girlfriend to join him on his fishing adventures. Charles would happily share his wisdom on which lures to use for specific fish, the best time of day for fishing, and the most effective techniques to reel in a catch. As we whiled away the hours on the grass, Charles would give invaluable life advice and recount the experiences he had accumulated over the years. His passion was contagious, and I learned something new every time we crossed paths. Whether he emerged victorious or found himself at the tail end of the race, Charles always smiled as he thanked God for the opportunity to compete. Racing was not just a hobby for him but an avenue for personal growth. Charles saw each practice session as an opportunity to better himself, never viewing any time spent on the racetrack as a waste. His dedication was unwavering, and he would tirelessly work on his car in Grammy's garage, occasionally inviting my ex-girlfriend and me to witness his progress with unlimited pride. The joy from Charles when he secured a race win was truly indescribable. He didn't need fame or fortune on grand stages; all he yearned for was to leave a lasting impression, whether it be on a small racetrack in Kinston, Alabama, or in the hearts of those who cheered him on. As our time together drew to a close, Charles excitedly shared a peculiar idea he had envisioned, urging us to connect our energies through a metal rod to unlock the door of an escape room. His enthusiasm was infectious, and we couldn't resist giving in to his idea before celebrating our success with a victory snack from the nearby Krystal drive-thru. Before Charles passed away, my ex-girlfriend and I made a few more visits to spend quality time with him. During what would unknowingly be our final encounter, he embraced me tightly with his caring arms, enveloping me in a warm and heartfelt hug. As he held me close, his tender voice spoke words I will forever cherish: "I love you." At that moment, little did I know that it would be the last time I would hear those words escape his mouth. It was unbelievable when he passed, for Charles had the thrill of experiencing all aspects of life and still had countless adventures awaiting him. Reflecting on my time with Charles, if I had to choose one thing I learned from him, it would be his deep understanding of what it truly means to live. He showed me the essence of embracing life to the fullest and ingrained within me the desire to be remembered, just as he aspired to be. And as long as I am alive, Charles will forever live on in my heart, for he has taught me invaluable lessons on what it truly means to live.
    VonDerek Casteel Being There Counts Scholarship
    As a passionate student majoring in social work and international studies, I am deeply committed to positively impacting society and fostering cross-cultural understanding. My motivation stems from a burning desire to create a better world where everyone has equal opportunities and can thrive. By combining these two fields, I aim to develop a comprehensive understanding of the intricate social, cultural, and economic factors that shape communities globally, enabling me to address the root causes of social issues and implement effective solutions. Regarding my career goals, I am determined to work towards social justice, advocating for marginalized populations, and promoting sustainable development. Through social work, I aspire to empower individuals and communities by providing them with the necessary resources, support, and guidance to overcome challenges and improve their well-being. Everyone deserves equal access to opportunities, and by supporting and uplifting marginalized populations, we can create a more inclusive and equitable society. Simultaneously, my studies in international studies will equip me with the knowledge and skills to tackle global issues, such as poverty, inequality, and human rights violations, on a broader scale. Together, these fields provide me with a powerful toolkit to effect change locally and globally. Considering my dedication to my academic pursuits and commitment to making a difference in the world, I deserve this scholarship. I have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, leadership skills, and a genuine passion for social justice throughout my educational journey. Receiving this scholarship not only alleviates the financial burden of pursuing my education but would also allow me to immerse myself fully in my studies and engage in extracurricular activities that further enhance my skills and knowledge. Moreover, this scholarship holds immense significance for me as it would enable me to focus on my studies and delve into internships, research projects, and community service opportunities that align with my career goals. The financial support would also facilitate attending conferences, workshops, and seminars that broaden my understanding of social work and international studies. Ultimately, the choice to pursue a career in social work and international studies arises from my sincere desire to contribute to society's betterment and foster global change. I am inherently passionate about understanding diverse cultures, addressing social inequalities, and advocating for the rights of marginalized communities. By combining these two fields, I can make a lasting and meaningful impact by working toward social justice, promoting cross-cultural understanding, and effectively addressing our world's daunting challenges. Together, we can create a harmonious global community where every individual's dignity and rights are respected, and opportunities for success and growth are accessible.
    PRIDE in Education Award
    I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself and express how the LGBTQ+ community has impacted every single aspect of my life, from the very core of my being to the way I navigate the world around me. As a proud member of the LGBTQ+ community, I have encountered triumphs and challenges that come hand in hand with embracing one's genuine and authentic identity. It's incredible how this resilient and vibrant community has gifted me with an unshakeable sense of belonging, unwavering support, and an unbeatable strength that empowers me daily. Through this beautiful embrace, I have learned priceless lessons in the art of self-acceptance, the power of perseverance, and the unyielding force that unity can bring. Without a doubt, I can wholeheartedly say that the LGBTQ+ community has not only shaped my personal life but has also profoundly influenced my academic journey. Given my passion for advocacy and supporting the rights of others, it's no surprise that I have actively pursued majors that align with my passions and desires. Hence, I remain persistent and committed to embarking on a path of study encompassing the education of International Studies and Social Work. These interconnected fields will undoubtedly give me the necessary tools, skills, and knowledge to actively engage with individuals from diverse backgrounds across the globe, promoting understanding, empathy, and above all, fostering the belief that one's true identity is something to be celebrated and cherished, rather than something that should ever be concealed or ashamed of. It is my personal and heartfelt experiences within the LGBTQ+ community that continue to serve as a driving force behind my desire to initiate positive change in the lives of others. Education and awareness are potent motivations for social transformation. Thus, I aspire to actively contribute to the ongoing efforts to create a more inclusive, unbiased, and compassionate society for all. To transform this aspirational vision into a definite reality, I am determined to engage actively with this noble cause in multifaceted ways. This encompasses fostering acceptance, relentlessly battling against all forms of discrimination, and actively creating safe havens where individuals can freely express their authentic selves, unencumbered by fear or prejudice. By harnessing my firsthand experiences within the LGBTQ+ community, my academic knowledge, and my passion for social work, I am unequivocally confident in my ability to create a meaningful and lasting difference in the lives of those within the LGBTQ+ community, as well as extend my impact to reach and uplift individuals beyond this cherished community.
    Reach For Your Future Scholarship
    I am a hard-working student, fully dedicated to pursuing my educational goals and making the most of this scholarship's opportunities. As I firmly believe in the power of education, I am constantly striving to bridge my passion for learning and my desire to make a positive impact on the lives of others. Growing up, I faced numerous challenges that have shaped my character and fueled my determination. From a young age, I experienced severe anxiety, which was amplified by the absence of my biological father in my life due to his prolonged battle with drug addiction. Unfortunately, this pattern continued as my brother also struggled with addiction. With my mother as my only support system, our low income and the distance from our family in Belgium created a sense of isolation throughout my childhood. These circumstances, along with the weight of my family's struggles, led me to battle anxiety and depression. However, over the past six years, I have dedicated myself to overcoming my fears, shedding my introversion, and embracing my true potential. Fueled by the belief that your past does not define your future, I have worked tirelessly to prove to myself and others that I can achieve great things. Receiving this scholarship would be an incredibly significant milestone, bringing me one step closer to realizing my dream of becoming an international social worker. The impact of being granted this scholarship extends beyond personal accomplishment; it symbolizes the gateway to making a definite difference in the lives of children like myself and vulnerable children worldwide. With a profound understanding of their struggles, I am driven to provide support, guidance, and opportunities to those who need it most. Not confined by geographical boundaries, my ambition is to create positive change on a global scale. Battling against misfortune, I have developed persistence as my constant companion. Despite the challenges that may arise, I am committed to working diligently and relentlessly to pursue my career goals. Through unwavering dedication, I am determined to excel in my studies and acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to become a competent and compassionate international social worker. The significance of receiving this scholarship, from a personal and professional standpoint, cannot be understated. It would allow me to fulfill my ambition of helping children in need and empower them with a sense of hope, resilience, and self-belief. By harnessing the transformative power of education, I aspire to break the cycle of despair that has plagued many young lives. In conclusion, being selected as a scholarship recipient would profoundly impact my journey. It represents an invaluable opportunity to realize my dreams, prove my capabilities, and inspire others who have faced similar hardships. With this scholarship, I can emerge as a beacon of hope, spreading positivity and making a lasting difference in the lives of children worldwide.