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Michael Reebel


Bold Points




I plan on getting my degree in mechanical engineering from Cedarville University. I am going to be paying for my own college tuition and would love to get some scholarships to help cover the cost. I plan on one day starting my own business to create purposeful devices with the intent to help those in need. I love creating items that work to solve problems, and I would love to know that what I am doing is benefiting individuals who are less fortunate. I truly believe that I will make a difference.


Christian Community School

High School
2019 - 2022
  • GPA:


  • Desired degree level:

    Master's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:


    • Owner

      Fresh Cuts Lawncare
      2018 – Present7 years
    • Summer Help

      Hooks Greenhouse
      2020 – 2020
    • Carpenter assistant

      Byler Woodworks
      2021 – 2021



    2020 – 2020


    • 1st place regional 2nd division

    Table Tennis

    2007 – Present18 years


    • Sports Psychology

      AP Research — Researcher
      2021 – Present


    • Christian Community School

      A Midsummer Night's Dream
      2020 – 2021

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Faith Baptist Community Center — Leader
      2021 – 2021
    • Volunteering

      Missionary Acers — I did tasks such as mowing, pressure washing, and weed wacking
      2019 – 2019

    Future Interests




    Bold Motivation Scholarship
    With the new year, my Life is going to drastically change and start progressing quickly. It can be hard sometimes to feel motivated to keep pushing on, to keep going even when you feel like there is no reason to do so. Motivation should push an individual to not give up or give in. One thing that motivates me is failure. Failure seems like an odd motivation, but it makes sense when you consider the idea of it. There is so much pain and sadness that comes along with failure. The motivation behind it is that it causes an individual to work their hardest to avoid failure, persevere through trials, and succeed. With this being said, failure is not always a bad thing. It can be used to teach and guide someone's ideas and plans. Though failure motivates me to try my hardest and to be successful, I welcome failure as a tool for correction and humility. It is never fun to do poorly on an assignment or test, however, these failures help teach me how to better study and prepare to achieve more. I would also like to mention another source of daily motivation that I am thankful for, my parents. My parents are very supportive of what I do and encourage me to pursue my dreams. They motivate me through leading by example, doing everything to the best of their ability. Without my parents' support and leadership, I do not think I would be able to keep working as hard as I do. Motivation is a huge aspect of my day-to-day life. It keeps me going, helping me to keep pushing through hours and hours of school and work. I am very thankful for those around me that motivate me and keep pushing me to do my best.
    Bold Confidence Matters Scholarship
    Confidence is oftentimes how people are measured in modern-day society; confidence to say something, confidence to wear something, confidence to achieve. The idea of confidence is looked highly on by many individuals. It is the conception of success or failure. Sometimes confidence can create a sense of superiority which can often condemn a person's status. With this being said, it is important to have confidence, but also to know what kind of confidence to portray. I can think of many times where people have too much confidence to the point where it clouded their judgment. I think that this form of confidence should be avoided to prevent something troubling to happen. However, I have met many people that have strong confidence without it getting in the way of perception and decisions. I truly admire people that can be confident in who they are. It is not just impressive, but it inspires me to be more comfortable with who I am. There are a few things that I have realized as I am trying to become more confident in myself. Firstly, is that it does not matter what other people think of me. If someone can not love me for who I am, then they need to change, not me. Next, it is important to be who I am to be a light for those around me. Many people struggle with confidence, which is why, the more people that can be confident in themselves, the more inspiration there is for those around you. Finally, it is important to be confident because it will help to shape me as I continue through life. It is not easy to be confident, but it is worth it to be comfortable with who you are. In the end, it is always important to portray confidence.
    Bold Success Scholarship
    The future is an intimidating and uncertain prospect that contains unknown possibilities. Many people are fearful of the future because they do not know what it holds. However, I think that the future is an amazing idea to consider. It helps an individual to plan and to work towards what they are dreaming of, giving unlimited possibilities for a bright future. I plan on getting a bachelor's in mechanical engineering. There are many reasons for this, but my main reason for pursuing this degree is because I will be able to help the most amount of people possible with it. Right out of college, I plan on getting a job at Rolls Royce to learn how to completely assemble a car from start to finish. I will be able to do this because, at Rolls Royce, an engineer will completely build a car from start to finish to create a unique and quality vehicle. After working at this company for a few years, I will have made enough to pay off my student debt and will have saved a large sum. It is my dream to then start a business of my own to modify and create cars in ways that have never been thought possible. This dream will not be achieved easily, however, I know that I am going to make sacrifices and work countless hours. But, when it comes to something difficult, I will not quit, I will work tirelessly just to accomplish success. I will not let difficulties and hardship define what I accomplish, I will persevere to create a future constructed by hard work and dreams. I know that I will not be able to achieve success on my own, which is why it would mean the world to me to be awarded this generous scholarship.
    Bold Driven Scholarship
    During my Freshman and Sophomore year, I was homeschooled. I did not like school in the least. My plans at that point had nothing to do with further education, or anything relating to it. I told myself that I was not smart enough to go to college and that I would never make something out of my life. Then my parents sent me to a private school and everything changed. I started excelling in academics, climbing my way to the top of the class. The teachers have helped me to become motivated, to do my best in everything that I do. With my mindset towards academics now completely changed, I am planning on getting my bachelor's in mechanical engineering and a master's in business. My future plan is to start my own business that will allow me to work with what I am passionate about, while simultaneously helping those in need. I still have a lot of work left to accomplish this dream, but hard work is not going to stop me from pursuing what I love. Throughout my education in the years to come, I will have to work hard and diligently to achieve my goals. I am motivated to maintain my straight A's, though it will not be easy. I know that I will have to sacrifice things that I love doing, just to meet my goal. However, in the end, it will all be worth it. I believe that hard things make an individual stronger, making them better than they could have ever imagined being. With this being said, I know that I can make a difference in the world. There need to be more individuals willing to stay strong in the face of challenges, to work hard for their dreams, no matter the difficulties they face.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    As soon as I read this question, one quality immediately came to my mind. In the past year, my life has become increasingly busier, to the point where it seems that all I do is work. With the combination of college classes, high school classes, extracurriculars, and other tasks, there is barely any time to do other activities that I love. However, through all the confusion of this work, I keep pushing through, learning to enjoy it immensely despite the challenge. I believe that challenge builds character and produces individuals that are hardworking and determined. With this being said, the quality I consider to be my most valuable is perseverance. Without perseverance, I would not be able to make it through long hours of work and school. Pushing on even when I want to quit is always rewarding in the end. I have a thankful heart that I am able to make it through all the exhausting work with diligence and patience. Through all the hard times, there is always going to be the temptation to give up and quit. Some people will, however, those who resist those temptations will not regret it. It is so easy to want to give in to those small temptations, to say that all the work you're doing is not worth it, that you can just quit and try something else that's easier. This course of action is not worth it! While it is easy, you will be worse off for it because you learned nothing. As President John F. Kennedy said, "Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger men." If we want what is easy, we will never be the best that we can be. Difficulty builds stronger, better individuals that have a powerful will to persevere through difficulties. I am especially thankful for my perseverance over the past couple of years. With the event of COVID-19, there have been so many areas of life that have been affected. The biggest change in my life was that I had to do online school for the majority of the year. During this time, it was a challenge to keep motivated for schoolwork. I think this is mainly due to the fact that I felt disconnected from school. It seemed useless to put effort into school if I didn't have to go to school. Through this time, I learned the value of perseverance as I had never before seen. Without this quality, I would have not been motivated to give my best effort towards my school. I know that having this quality will benefit me in many different ways throughout my lifelong journey. Firstly, this quality will help me through college. College will be difficult, but by not allowing myself to give up, I will grow stronger in the process. Long hours of school and studying will be tiring, however, the reward is worth the journey. This quality will also allow me to achieve my dream of starting a business. A business will rarely be successful without many hardships. Many startups fail because of different trials that they face. I believe that the majority of this problem could be solved if a greater number of people were willing to work harder and persevere through the trials they face. Starting a business is not easy. I know that I will face many difficulties in starting one, but I will persevere and achieve my dream. In the end, I know that perseverence will bring me through many trials yet to come. I am thankful for the trials of life, for they make me stronger.
    Bold Passion Scholarship
    Someone without a passion for what they are doing is not living their life to the fullest it could be. Being in a career that you have no passion for is not going to truly satisfy your desires. If you are not passionate about what you are doing, then there is no motivation to do the best that you can do. The best way to succeed in what you do is to pursue your passion. Passion motivates, and motivation can push you to limits you never thought possible. With this being said, it is important to identify something that I am passionate about. What I am most passionate about is fairly common among everyday households. The thing I am referring to is cars. Now, I know that many people see cars as just something to get you from one place to another, however, it is so much more than that. I see cars as a possibility, not just as another asset or thing to collect. They are machines created for all purposes: everyday use, racing, adrenaline, and even just a peaceful drive through the country. Cars are one thing that has driven my decision in pursuing a degree in mechanical engineering. I want to be able to fix, create, and modify them to make them better than they have ever been before; to change the auto industry by creating faster and more powerful cars. Cars that are affordable to those who do not have the means or resources otherwise to purchase one. I believe that we each have different passions for a reason and that those passions have the power to initiate positive change in our world. I know that I am going to make a difference someday. So, I will continue to pursue my dreams and achieve my goals.
    Bold Acts of Service Scholarship
    Act of service is a blessing no matter who is receiving the benefit. Making even the smallest kind gesture can positively affect someone's mood greatly. In the end, You are benefiting yourself as well as the person you are blessing because it brings joy to everyone involved. In this essay, I will be discussing the acts of service that I do for those I love most, my family. First, my parents. I am one of six kids, so, as you can imagine, they have a lot to do around the house. They are always working trying to provide and keep things organized, so, I love to perform acts of service for them. The best acts of service, in my opinion, are the ones that come as a surprise. This could be things such as washing the dishes, cleaning the house, mowing the lawn, etc. Doing tasks without being asked not only makes you feel good but also makes the other person happy too. I also complete acts of service for my siblings as well. In my family, there are lots of things happening all the time, so my siblings greatly appreciate it when they are helped with tasks. My sister who is in nursing college will often need extra help with things because she is always busy. I love helping her out with things because I know she truly appreciates it. In conclusion, there are so many ways to perform acts of service. This can be done for anyone, not just family and friends. Acts of service can change a person's entire outlook and can inspire them to go out and help those they encounter in their day-to-day lives. If people took the time to perform acts of service for those around them, the world would benefit immensely from it.
    Bold Know Yourself Scholarship
    One thing I learned that I consider valuable is that I am very conscientious about how other people feel. I feel like most of the time this is not something that men like to admit because it makes them somewhat venerable. However, when reflecting on some of my positive traits, I realized that this quality is very important for an individual to have. So many people get caught up in life trying to achieve success but they have no consideration of how it's affecting those around them. I truly believe that if more people genuinely cared about those around them, no one would feel lonely or apart. Before I make any decision I seriously consider how it could affect those around me. If there is any way that my decision could negatively affect someone, I make sure to ask them before I come to a final decision. People's feelings can be hurt if I chose to do something without considering how it will affect them. There are three specific things that I hate: when someone is mad at me, when I do something that hurts someone else, and when people take no time to consider how they are affecting others. All of these things can be fixed by simply being conscientious about people's emotions. Sometimes it is hard to think about others before you do what you want. However, as I have shown, it is so important to be aware of others' feelings. I have greatly benefited from reflecting on my attributes and will continue to put others first no matter the cost.
    Bold Investing Scholarship
    The Principle I have taken to heart about investing is a simple one but it is crucial to profitable investments. This principle is that you should never invest in something without careful research and consideration. So many people invest in things without doing any research on what they are putting their money in. Taking the time to examine everything about the investment will help guarantee a profitable outcome. I have noticed this fact in my personal life as well. My brother is very intelligent and researched greatly the companies he was investing in before he put his money into them. This resulted in him making a sizable profit. I know other individuals that have not done the research and have lost a great deal of money. I think that some people believe that investments are foolproof. However, what they do not realize is that most investments involve a great deal of risk. Researching investments will also help prevent the possibility of loss. Learning how to make a profit is important, but it is just as important to learn how to avoid loss. By researching, you can better predict what that investment will do. knowing what type of investment to put your money in is also important to research. There are many different forms of investments that an individual can utilize. They must know what types of investments are best for them. This can be done by researching online as well as asking financial professionals. By utilizing all the possible ways of gathering wise ideas for investing, an individual can find the best areas to invest in. This simple principle of researching before investing can help countless individuals in their journey to producing good investments. I will use this principle for all my investing and advise others to do the same.
    Bold Giving Scholarship
    I think that giving is one of the most valuable lessons anyone can learn. Learning how to be selfless and give of money, resources, and time can go a long way to show love in today's world. If people would learn how to give to their friends, family, community, and world, the world would be a much more joyful place. This Christmas my family has decided to put the money that we would normally put towards gifts and give it to those in need. My parents are always looking for ways to bless others which, has inspired me to do the same, whether I have a lot of money or a little. The amount of joy brought to those receiving the gift is worth the small sacrifice of monetary assets that we give. This solid principle that my parents have built into my life is part of the reason that drives me to become successful. I have put countless hours into my school because I want to help people with my own personal success. I want to have a high-paying job or start a business because I can help others with the money I make. Currently, I give back through time. I have been going to a community center to help out with events and projects they have. This center has lots of needs due to the lack of funds that they have, so it is rewarding to be able to help. I also help elderly individuals in my community that can not do tasks on their own. There is a huge need for help among the elderly that needs to be fulfilled through the abilities of younger generations. This scholarship would help me achieve my dream of helping others in need as much as possible with what I have.
    Bold Make Your Mark Scholarship
    I hope to leave an everlasting impact on the world. There are millions of people who do not have essential everyday items. I am going to be getting a degree in mechanical engineering to try and help solve this problem. But I can't do it alone, I need donors like you to help me accomplish my dream. Last year a family came to my school and shared how they had converted a bus into a shower house for the homeless. This family is using their resources to help those in need. This also shows that there are needs everywhere I go. By creating items to help families and individuals I will be able to make a difference wherever I am. I do not have to go far from home to make a difference (even though I will). Wherever I go and Whatever I do, I will attempt to make life easier for those in need.
    Bold Financial Freedom Scholarship
    Smart financial living information is arguably the most useful helpful thing in an individual's life. Over the years, I have gotten lots of financial advice from my dad, who is an accountant. However, the most valuable advice I have ever gotten was from a book that I got to read for one of my classes. That is that 1/10th of all you earn is yours to keep. This principle at first does not seem very important, but when you consider the fact that most people spend the majority of their money on bills and necessities, you realize that this idea is very smart. Most people live within their budget, but what if you took away 10% of that budget? The shocking thing is that even with less money, you will still be able to pay bills and purchase necessities. Most people think that things are a necessity, but when they cut back their spending, they realize that they can do without things they thought were essential. Now, by putting aside money we realize that we can still live comfortably with the remaining amount. This poses the question, what should be done with the extra 10%. You could spend it on luxuries that you were not able to have previously, which would be fine. However, the smartest thing to do with it is to invest it. Many people do not consider the value of investing; I believe that this is a huge reason many people do not prosper. Investing the 10% extra must be done smartly, however, if you hope to see an increase in profit. Lots of research should be done about the investments made to avoid the possibility of loss. In conclusion, I think that everyone should listen to this advice because it would help individuals to prosper greatly.
    Michael Reebel Student Profile |