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MiaZoe Corral


Bold Points




¡Hola! I'm MiaZoe Corral, a senior at Mansueto High School in Chicago, IL and I'm on a mission to unravel the mysteries of the universe through science and STEM. From a young age, I've been fascinated by the wonders of the natural world. Whether it's the intricacies of cellular biology or the vastness of outer space, I'm constantly seeking to understand the underlying principles that govern our universe. My passion for science extends beyond the classroom—I've participated in science fairs, 3D Printing Summer Camps, and research projects, eager to explore new frontiers and push the boundaries of knowledge. As I prepare to graduate, I'm excited to continue my journey in STEM at college. I dream of pursuing a degree in Biology or a related field, where I can combine my love for Biology and physics with my desire to make a meaningful impact on society. Whether it's discovering new exoplanets or developing sustainable technologies, I'm determined to use my skills and knowledge to contribute to a better future for all. I believe that diversity and inclusivity are essential in STEM, and I'm committed to advocating for underrepresented voices in the scientific community. As I embark on this next chapter of my life, I'm grateful for the support of my family, teachers, and mentors who have encouraged me to pursue my dreams fearlessly. With determination, resilience, and a touch of curiosity, I know that the possibilities are endless. ¡Sí se puede!


Mansueto High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Physical Sciences
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

    • Mural Artist

      One Summer Chicago
      2023 – 2023



    2020 – 20222 years


    • yes

    Cross-Country Running

    2021 – 20243 years
    Big Picture Scholarship
    As a female Hispanic high school senior navigating the intricate maze of life's choices, one film stands out among the rest, profoundly impacting my perspective and shaping my aspirations: "Hidden Figures." Directed by Theodore Melfi, this cinematic masterpiece not only captivated my imagination but also ignited a fervent passion for pursuing my dreams in the field of STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics). "Hidden Figures" recounts the remarkable true story of three African-American women—Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson—who defied societal expectations and shattered barriers of gender and race at NASA during the space race era of the 1960s. As I watched their inspiring journey unfold on the silver screen, I was struck by the profound resonance of their struggles and triumphs with my own experiences as a Hispanic woman aspiring to excel in the male-dominated realm of STEM. What resonated most deeply with me was the unwavering determination and resilience exhibited by Katherine, Dorothy, and Mary in the face of systemic discrimination and prejudice. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable obstacles, these trailblazing women refused to be confined by the limitations imposed upon them by society. Instead, they boldly challenged the status quo, proving that brilliance knows no bounds and that talent is not defined by one's gender or ethnicity. Through their unwavering perseverance and unyielding commitment to excellence, Katherine, Dorothy, and Mary paved the way for future generations of women, including myself, to pursue their passions and achieve their fullest potential in the field of STEM. Their story serves as a powerful reminder that diversity is not only a moral imperative but also a driving force for innovation and progress. As a Hispanic woman with a fervent interest in STEM, "Hidden Figures" has served as a guiding light, illuminating the path to possibilities and inspiring me to defy expectations and carve out my own place in a male-dominated industry. Their story has instilled in me a profound sense of pride in my heritage and a deep appreciation for the resilience of women who have come before me, paving the way for future generations to follow in their footsteps. Moreover, "Hidden Figures" has reinforced my belief in the transformative power of education and the importance of providing equal opportunities for all individuals to pursue their passions and realize their dreams. It has ignited within me a fervent desire to advocate for greater diversity and inclusion in STEM fields, ensuring that no aspiring scientist or engineer is ever held back by the constraints of prejudice or discrimination. In conclusion, "Hidden Figures" has had a profound impact on my life, serving as a source of inspiration and empowerment as I embark on my own journey in the field of STEM. Through the remarkable story of Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan, and Mary Jackson, I have learned that with perseverance, passion, and determination, anything is possible, and the sky is truly the limit.
    Empower Her Scholarship
    As a Hispanic high school senior from Chicago, empowerment to me means breaking through barriers and shattering stereotypes that limit individuals based on their gender. Growing up in a society where gender roles and expectations are deeply ingrained, I have witnessed firsthand the obstacles that women, especially women of color, face in their pursuit of success. Empowerment, therefore, becomes a beacon of hope, a driving force that propels me forward despite the challenges I may encounter. Empowerment is about recognizing that there are no doors that cannot be opened, no ceilings that cannot be shattered, solely because of one's gender. It is about advocating for gender equality and challenging the societal norms that perpetuate discrimination and inequality. For me, empowerment means believing in my own abilities and refusing to let gender stereotypes dictate my path in life. Growing up, I have seen too many individuals, particularly women, being held back or underestimated simply because of their gender. Whether it's in the classroom, the workplace, or society at large, women are often subjected to double standards and unfair treatment. However, rather than being discouraged by these obstacles, I am fueled by a fierce determination to prove that gender should never be a barrier to success. Empowerment has had a profound impact on my life, shaping my beliefs, values, and aspirations. It has instilled in me a sense of resilience and perseverance, knowing that I must work twice as hard to overcome the gender biases that exist in our society. It has taught me the importance of standing up for myself and advocating for gender equality in all aspects of life. Moreover, empowerment has encouraged me to pursue my passions and dreams without limitations. As a Hispanic woman, I am acutely aware of the need for representation and visibility in fields where women are traditionally underrepresented. I am inspired to break through glass ceilings and pave the way for future generations of women to follow in my footsteps. Empowerment has also influenced my educational and career goals, motivating me to strive for excellence and pursue opportunities that challenge societal norms. I am determined to pursue a career where I can make a positive impact and advocate for gender equality in my community and beyond. Whether it's in the field of STEM, business, or social justice, I am committed to breaking down barriers and creating a more inclusive and equitable world for all. In conclusion, empowerment is not just a concept; it is a way of life. It is about recognizing the inherent worth and potential of every individual, regardless of their gender. Empowerment has shaped my identity and influenced my aspirations, driving me to challenge the status quo and advocate for gender equality in all aspects of life. As I embark on the next chapter of my journey, I am empowered by the belief that there are no limits to what I can achieve, and I am committed to breaking through barriers and creating a more equitable world for future generations.
    Ojeda Multi-County Youth Scholarship
    Growing up in the inner city of Chicago as a Mexican American high school senior has been both a blessing and a challenge. From the bustling streets of Gage Park to the hallways of my school, I have witnessed firsthand the complexities of urban life, including the pervasive presence of gun violence that has cast a shadow over my community. However, despite the obstacles I have faced, I have learned to harness my experiences as fuel for my determination to create a better future for myself and my family. Living in the inner city has exposed me to the harsh realities of gun violence, both within my school and in my neighborhood. The sound of gunshots echoing through the streets has become all too familiar, a grim reminder of the dangers that lurk just beyond my doorstep. In school, lockdown drills are a regular occurrence, a sobering reminder of the potential for violence to intrude upon the sanctuary of education. Yet, despite the fear and uncertainty that gun violence brings, I refuse to let it define me or dictate my future. One of the greatest challenges I have faced growing up in the inner city is the constant fear of violence and the pressure to succumb to the cycle of despair that grips so many young people in my community. However, I have been fortunate to have parents who have sheltered me from many of the problems that plague our neighborhood. Their unwavering support and guidance have provided me with a sense of stability and hope, even in the face of adversity. They have instilled in me the values of hard work, perseverance, and education as the keys to unlocking a brighter future. Despite the challenges I have faced, I have refused to succumb to the cycle of violence and despair that plagues so many young people in my community. Instead, I have chosen to channel my experiences into fuel for my determination to succeed. I have thrown myself into my studies, recognizing education as the pathway to a better life. I have sought out opportunities to engage with my community, volunteering at local organizations and participating in youth leadership programs aimed at addressing the root causes of violence and inequality. Living in the inner city has also fueled my determination to break the cycle of poverty and violence for future generations. I refuse to accept that the circumstances of my upbringing should dictate the trajectory of my life or the lives of my children. Instead, I am determined to create a better future for myself and my family through education and hard work. I am committed to breaking down barriers and overcoming obstacles so that my children will never have to experience the hardships that I have faced. In conclusion, growing up in the inner city has been a journey marked by both challenges and opportunities. From the pervasive presence of gun violence to the pressure to succumb to despair, I have faced numerous obstacles on my path to success. However, through resilience, determination, and the unwavering support of my family, I have refused to let these challenges define me. Instead, I have focused on my education as the pathway to a better future, determined to break the cycle of poverty and violence for future generations. Living in the inner city has made me acutely aware of the need for change, and I am committed to being a catalyst for that change in my community and beyond.
    Kenyada Me'Chon Thomas Legacy Scholarship
    In a world where disparities in access to healthcare persist, my unequivocal choice for the one change to make would be the implementation of universal healthcare. This change is not just a policy tweak; it embodies a fundamental shift in societal values towards recognizing healthcare as a human right, not a privilege contingent upon one's financial means. At the heart of my advocacy for universal healthcare lies a deeply held belief in the inherent dignity and worth of every individual. Access to healthcare should not be determined by the thickness of one's wallet or the geographic lottery of birth. It is a basic necessity, essential for individuals to live healthy and fulfilling lives. Universal healthcare would dismantle the barriers that currently prevent millions of people worldwide from accessing the care they need, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The current system, characterized by profit-driven motives and fragmented coverage, perpetuates inequality and leaves many vulnerable individuals behind. Medical emergencies should not be followed by financial ones, yet this is the reality for far too many families. Universal healthcare would alleviate the burden of exorbitant medical costs, ensuring that individuals can seek treatment without fear of bankruptcy or debt. Moreover, universal healthcare promotes preventative care and early intervention, addressing health issues before they escalate into more serious conditions. Routine check-ups, vaccinations, and screenings become accessible to all, leading to healthier populations and reduced healthcare costs in the long run. By prioritizing preventive measures, universal healthcare shifts the focus from treating illness to promoting wellness, ultimately improving overall public health outcomes. Furthermore, universal healthcare fosters social cohesion and solidarity within communities. In times of illness or crisis, no one should be left to navigate the healthcare system alone. By providing comprehensive coverage to everyone, universal healthcare promotes a sense of shared responsibility for each other's well-being. It embodies the principle of "leaving no one behind," ensuring that the most vulnerable members of society receive the care and support they need to thrive. While the implementation of universal healthcare presents logistical and financial challenges, the benefits far outweigh the costs. Investing in universal healthcare is an investment in human capital and economic prosperity. Healthy individuals are better equipped to contribute to their communities, drive economic growth, and fulfill their potential. By prioritizing the health and well-being of all citizens, universal healthcare lays the foundation for a more equitable and prosperous society for generations to come. In conclusion, universal healthcare is not just a policy change; it is a moral imperative. It embodies the principle that access to healthcare is a fundamental human right, not a privilege. By implementing universal healthcare, we can create a world where everyone has equal access to the care they need to live healthy and fulfilling lives. It is time for us to stand up and advocate for a healthcare system that prioritizes people over profit and ensures that no one is left behind.
    Williams Foundation Trailblazer Scholarship
    Growing up in Chicago, I witnessed firsthand the struggles faced by marginalized and underserved populations in my community. Inspired by my mother's dedication to uplifting those in need, I embarked on a journey to make a difference through local projects. One such endeavor was my involvement in organizing a neighborhood Mother's Day 5K event to support a local nonprofit called Gifts from Liam. At the heart of this initiative is my mother, who runs a running group for women in our neighborhood. These women come from diverse backgrounds, but they share a common goal: to improve their health and well-being through running. Witnessing the positive impact of this group on the lives of its members inspired me to find ways to extend our reach beyond fitness and into community service. With the support of my mother and the running group, I took the lead in organizing a Mother's Day 5K event to benefit Gifts from Liam, a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing essential items, including diapers, to families in need. Recognizing the critical need for diapers among low-income families, especially single mothers, we saw an opportunity to make a tangible difference in the lives of underserved populations in our community. As a high school senior, I embraced the challenge of coordinating the logistics of the 5K event, from identifying a location to mapping out the race route. I also played a key role in mobilizing volunteers and promoting the event through social media and community outreach efforts. Additionally, I spearheaded the donation drive for diapers, reaching out to local businesses and community members to solicit contributions. On the day of the event, I worked tirelessly alongside volunteers to ensure that everything ran smoothly. From setting up registration tables to directing runners along the course, every aspect of the race was carefully orchestrated to maximize participation and support for Gifts from Liam. Seeing the community come together to support a worthy cause was incredibly rewarding and reinforced my belief in the power of grassroots initiatives to effect positive change. The success of the Mother's Day 5K event was not measured solely in terms of number of participants or diapers collected but in the impact it had on the lives of those we sought to serve. By raising awareness about the needs of marginalized families and providing tangible support through diaper donations, we were able to make a meaningful difference in our community. My involvement in organizing the Mother's Day 5K event taught me valuable lessons about leadership, teamwork, and the importance of giving back to those in need. It also instilled in me a sense of responsibility to continue advocating for marginalized and underserved populations in my community. Moving forward, I am committed to exploring new ways to leverage my skills and resources to create lasting change and empower those who need it most. In conclusion, my experience with Gifts from Liam taught me that even the smallest acts of kindness and compassion can have a profound impact on the lives of others. By harnessing the power of community and innovation, we can work together to build a more inclusive and equitable society for all.
    Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
    In a world brimming with cinematic treasures, one film stands out among the rest as my absolute favorite: "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World." From its quirky characters to its vibrant visual style, this movie has captured my heart in a way that no other film ever has. Not only is it endlessly entertaining, but it also possesses qualities that resonate with me on a deeply personal level, making it a movie I could watch for the rest of my life. At its core, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" is a hilarious comedy that never fails to bring a smile to my face. The wit and humor infused into every scene by director Edgar Wright are nothing short of genius. From Scott's awkward encounters with his exes to the hilarious banter between the members of his band, every moment is filled with laugh-out-loud comedy that never gets old no matter how many times I watch it. The film's ability to blend humor with heart is truly remarkable, making it a timeless classic in my eyes. But beyond its comedic brilliance, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" is also a testament to creativity and artistic expression. The film's visual style is like nothing I've ever seen before, combining elements of comic books, video games, and pop culture into a cohesive and visually stunning masterpiece. From the dynamic fight scenes to the inventive use of on-screen text and graphics, every frame feels like a work of art. Edgar Wright's meticulous attention to detail is evident in every aspect of the film, creating a world that is both fantastical and yet oddly familiar. What truly sets "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" apart, however, is its ability to inspire. At its heart, the film is a coming-of-age story about self-discovery, love, and the power of perseverance. Scott Pilgrim's journey from aimless slacker to unlikely hero is one that resonates with me deeply. Like Scott, I have faced my own share of challenges and obstacles on the path to adulthood, and watching him navigate his way through his own struggles has been both empowering and inspiring. The film reminds me that no matter how daunting the odds may seem, with determination and a little bit of courage, anything is possible. But perhaps the greatest thing about "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" is its ability to bring people together. Whether I'm watching it alone or with friends, the film never fails to foster a sense of camaraderie and shared enjoyment. Its universal themes and relatable characters make it a movie that transcends age, gender, and background, bringing joy to all who experience it. In conclusion, "Scott Pilgrim vs. the World" is more than just a movie to me—it's a source of endless joy, inspiration, and artistic wonder. Its unique blend of humor, creativity, and heart make it a film that I could happily watch for the rest of my life. From its unforgettable characters to its visually stunning aesthetic, every aspect of the film speaks to me on a profound level, making it a true masterpiece in my eyes. So, if given the opportunity, I would be honored to receive a scholarship that celebrates the things that I am passionate about, including my love for this extraordinary film.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    Growing up in the vibrant city of Chicago as a Latina, I have been shaped by a rich tapestry of cultures, experiences, and challenges that have ignited within me a fervent desire to make a positive impact on the world. As a senior in high school with aspirations in biology and STEM, I am driven by a passion to contribute to the betterment of society through scientific innovation and advocacy. From a young age, I was captivated by the wonders of the natural world. Whether it was observing the intricate patterns of leaves in my neighborhood park or marveling at the diversity of life in Lake Michigan, I found solace and inspiration in the beauty of biology. As I delved deeper into my studies, I became acutely aware of the pressing environmental and health issues facing our communities, particularly those in underserved areas like my own. Growing up in a city marked by economic disparities and environmental injustices, I witnessed firsthand the disproportionate impact of pollution, lack of access to healthcare, and limited educational opportunities on marginalized communities. These inequities fueled my determination to pursue a career in STEM, where I could leverage scientific knowledge and innovation to address pressing social and environmental challenges. In college, I plan to major in biology with a focus on environmental science and public health. By combining rigorous scientific inquiry with a commitment to social justice, I aim to develop innovative solutions to improve the health and well-being of underserved communities. Whether it's researching sustainable agriculture practices to combat food insecurity or studying the effects of pollution on public health, I believe that my work in biology can contribute to building a more equitable and sustainable future for all. Beyond the lab, I am deeply committed to advocating for environmental and social justice in my community. As a proud Latina, I am passionate about amplifying the voices of underrepresented groups in STEM and advocating for inclusive policies that address the needs of marginalized communities. Whether it's organizing community clean-up events, mentoring aspiring young scientists from diverse backgrounds, or advocating for environmental legislation, I am dedicated to using my platform to create positive change. In addition to my academic and advocacy pursuits, I am also passionate about fostering diversity and inclusion in STEM fields. As a Latina woman navigating predominantly male and white spaces, I understand the importance of representation and mentorship in empowering underrepresented groups to pursue careers in STEM. Through initiatives such as mentoring programs, STEM outreach events, and diversity workshops, I hope to inspire the next generation of scientists and engineers from diverse backgrounds to pursue their passions and make a difference in the world. In conclusion, as a Latina from Chicago with a passion for biology and STEM, I am committed to using my knowledge, skills, and experiences to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's through scientific research, advocacy, or mentorship, I am dedicated to addressing pressing social and environmental challenges and creating a more just, equitable, and sustainable society for future generations. With determination, resilience, and a steadfast commitment to social justice, I am confident that I can contribute to building a brighter and more inclusive future for all.
    William Griggs Memorial Scholarship for Science and Math
    Growing up in the vibrant city of Chicago as a Latina, I've always felt a deep connection to the world of science and mathematics. From the towering skyscrapers that dot the skyline to the intricate patterns of the city's neighborhoods, I see the beauty of numbers and equations woven into the fabric of my everyday life. Now, as a high school senior with a burning passion for STEM, I am determined to not only pursue my dreams but also pave the way for others who may follow in my footsteps. My journey in STEM began with a simple fascination for how things work. As a child, I would spend hours tinkering with gadgets and building contraptions from spare parts. It was this curiosity that led me to join my high school's robotics team, where I found a community of like-minded individuals who shared my love for innovation and problem-solving. Serving as the captain of the robotics team has not only honed my leadership skills but has also provided me with invaluable hands-on experience in engineering and design. Beyond robotics, my academic pursuits have further fueled my passion for math and science. I have immersed myself in challenging coursework, from advanced calculus to theoretical physics, constantly seeking to expand my understanding of the natural world. Yet, my journey has not been without its challenges. As a Latina navigating the predominantly male-dominated field of STEM, I have often encountered stereotypes and biases that threaten to hinder my progress. But instead of allowing these obstacles to deter me, I have used them as fuel to propel me forward. One of my proudest achievements has been my involvement in STEM outreach initiatives within my community. Recognizing the importance of representation in STEM, I have dedicated my time to mentoring young girls from underprivileged backgrounds, inspiring them to pursue their interests in math and science. Through workshops, hands-on activities, and mentorship programs, I strive to break down barriers and empower the next generation of STEM leaders. As I look towards the future, I am excited to continue my journey in STEM at the collegiate level. My dream is to pursue a degree in science, with a focus on biology or engineering, where I can further explore my passion for understanding the fundamental laws of the universe. Whether it's conducting research in quantum mechanics or designing innovative technologies, I am committed to making a meaningful contribution to the field of math and science. In conclusion, my identity as a Latina from Chicago has shaped not only my journey in STEM but also my aspirations for the future. I am determined to break down barriers, challenge stereotypes, and pave the way for diversity and inclusion in the field of math and science. With resilience, determination, and a passion for innovation, I am ready to embark on this next chapter of my life and make a lasting impact on the world of STEM.
    “I Matter” Scholarship
    As a Latina high school senior, I have been fortunate to grow up surrounded by a strong sense of family and community. One particular experience stands out vividly in my mind, illustrating the profound impact of helping someone in need. It was the time when I stepped up to care for my 90-year-old grandmother after she was discharged from the hospital, a moment that reaffirmed the values of compassion, resilience, and familial love ingrained in me since childhood. It all began when my grandmother, a resilient matriarch who had weathered life's storms with grace and dignity, fell ill and was admitted to the hospital. As the family rallied around her, providing comfort and support, I witnessed firsthand the fragility of life and the importance of cherishing our loved ones. Despite her advanced age and declining health, my grandmother's spirit remained unyielding, her eyes reflecting a lifetime of wisdom and resilience. When the time came for her discharge from the hospital, it became evident that she would require ongoing care and assistance to ensure her well-being. Without hesitation, I volunteered to take on the responsibility of caring for her, knowing that it would be a challenging yet deeply rewarding experience. As a senior in high school juggling academics, extracurricular activities, and college preparations, the decision to prioritize my grandmother's needs was a testament to the values of family and selflessness instilled in me. In the weeks that followed, I assumed the role of caregiver with unwavering dedication and love. From assisting with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and meal preparation to providing emotional support and companionship, I was determined to make my grandmother's transition from hospital to home as smooth and comfortable as possible. Despite the physical and emotional toll it took on me, seeing the gratitude and appreciation in her eyes made every sacrifice worthwhile. As I navigated the challenges of balancing my responsibilities as a caregiver with my academic and personal commitments, I discovered reservoirs of strength and resilience within myself that I never knew existed. Each day brought new challenges and uncertainties, from managing her medications to addressing unexpected health issues, but I faced them head-on with courage and determination. Through this experience, I learned invaluable lessons about empathy, patience, and the transformative power of selfless acts of kindness. Caring for my grandmother not only strengthened our bond as family but also deepened my appreciation for the interconnectedness of humanity and the importance of extending a helping hand to those in need. In conclusion, the experience of caring for my 90-year-old grandmother after her discharge from the hospital was a defining moment in my life, highlighting the profound impact of helping someone in need. As a Latina high school senior, I am grateful for the opportunity to embody the values of compassion, resilience, and familial love that have shaped me into the person I am today. With this scholarship, I am committed to continuing my journey of service and making a positive difference in the lives of others. Thank you MiaZoe Corral
    Dr. Michal Lomask Memorial Scholarship
    Empowering Through STEM: A Latina's Journey As a Latina high school senior deeply involved in robotics and passionate about STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), the question of why I am drawn to an education in STEM resonates profoundly with my personal journey and aspirations. For me, STEM is not just a field of study; it's a gateway to empowerment, innovation, and opportunity. Growing up in a family where educational opportunities were limited, I witnessed firsthand the barriers faced by marginalized communities, especially Latinas, in accessing quality education and pursuing careers in STEM. However, instead of letting these challenges deter me, they ignited a fire within me to defy stereotypes and break down barriers. Joining the robotics team in high school was a pivotal moment that ignited my passion for STEM. Being part of a team where creativity, critical thinking, and collaboration are the cornerstones, I found a sense of belonging and purpose. Through robotics, I discovered the transformative power of applying STEM concepts to real-world challenges, from designing and programming robots to competing in regional competitions. What drives my passion for an education in STEM is the opportunity it presents to make a tangible difference in the world. STEM disciplines provide the tools and knowledge needed to tackle pressing global issues, whether it's developing sustainable energy solutions, combating climate change, or advancing medical research to improve healthcare access. As a Latina, I am inspired to leverage my STEM education to address the unique challenges faced by underrepresented communities and contribute to building a more inclusive and equitable society. Moreover, STEM offers endless possibilities for innovation and creativity. Whether it's coding an app to address social inequality, engineering solutions for clean water access in underserved communities, or designing breakthrough technologies for space exploration, STEM empowers individuals to turn their ideas into reality and make a positive impact on the world. Beyond the practical applications, STEM fosters a mindset of lifelong learning and adaptability, essential qualities in today's rapidly evolving world. The interdisciplinary nature of STEM encourages curiosity, problem-solving skills, and a willingness to embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. These are skills that transcend the classroom and are invaluable in navigating the complexities of the modern workforce. As a Latina, I am acutely aware of the need for diverse representation in STEM fields. By pursuing an education in STEM and actively participating in initiatives to promote diversity and inclusion, I hope to inspire and mentor future generations of Latinas and underrepresented minorities to pursue their passions in STEM. In conclusion, my passion for an education in STEM stems from a deep-seated desire to challenge stereotypes, make a meaningful impact, and empower underrepresented communities. Through robotics and my involvement in STEM activities, I have found my voice and discovered the limitless possibilities that STEM offers. With this scholarship, I am eager to continue my journey in STEM, fueled by passion, determination, and a commitment to creating a brighter future for all. Than you -Mia Zoe Corral