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Melissa Dayne-Holliday


Bold Points






I’m currently a junior at CSU (Central State Union). I'm majoring in Criminal Justice. I transferred to CSU last years after graduating with my Associate's Degree from EGCC (Eastern Gateway Community College). At EGCC I was inducted to Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society, recognized for my GPA, by being added to the Dean's List. Can you imagine going back to school to complete your degree as a wife, mom, grandmother and while working 12 /12-16 1/2hr tours…lol. Neither could I, however I’m beyond grateful to be afforded the opportunity to continue my education. I've tried to stress the importance of education, and completing whatever you start. Now that my children are older I'm doing just that, by completing my requirements to obtain my Bachelor's Degree. Throughout my school journey I've learned that time management is a most!! Time management has been an essential tool with balancing this crazy thing called life. In my free time you'll find me doing activities with my family. Or alone writing, reading, playing word games, or watching crime shows on tv. My desire is to use to my degree to help troubled youth. Children are our future. Therefore we need to ensure that they have all of the necessary tools, resources, and support needed to help guide them into their greatness! Thanks for your time reading my bio, and consideration during this scholarship.


Central State University

Bachelor's degree program
2022 - 2025
  • Majors:
    • Criminology

Eastern Gateway Community College

Associate's degree program
2020 - 2021
  • Majors:
    • Criminology


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Graduate schools of interest:

  • Transfer schools of interest:

  • Majors of interest:

  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Individual & Family Services

    • Dream career goals:

    • Assistant Watch Commander

      2023 – Present1 year
    • S.P.O. (Armed)

      D.C. Housing Authority Police Department
      1999 – 20034 years
    • Police Dispatcher

      2003 – Present21 years

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      APCO — Registration
      2019 – 2019

    Future Interests



    Dimon A. Williams Memorial Scholarship
    Being raised by a single father greatly impacted my life, and the way I viewed the world. My father did not complete high school, nor middle school for that matter. He was too busy being a jokester and running the streets looking for chaos to get into. My grandmother no longer had control over him. My grandfather was too busy chasing women, and getting grossly intoxicated to notice anything not concerning him. I'm sure the lack of love, time, attention, and affection from his own father pushed him deeper into the streets seeking to fill that void. Fast toward to two clueless teenage parents welcoming a weighing a 9lb, 6 oz baby girl into the world. Regardless of their circumstances, parenting wasn’t high up on their agenda. I ended up being bounced between both of my grandmother’s homes. Until my maternal grandmother became ill with cancer. As cancer quickly spread and took over my maternal grandmother, I was ushered to my paternal grandmother's home. As life events began to transpire I was uprooted, and moved solely into the home of my father. By now my father had more of my grandfather's ways than I could’ve ever imagined. I walked into a world of exuberant drinking, drug usage, women constantly coming and going, mental/physical/verbal abuse, and being left alone for hours on end. I didn’t matter until I served a purpose. What else could I do, as I didn’t have anywhere else to go. So I myself started acting out by skipping school, skipping classes, being late for school, fighting, and getting suspended. Things got so bad that by my 10th grade year I was expelled from school. I was put on probation, had to attend court ordered counseling, and meet with my P.O. biweekly. Needless to say that schooling, education, stability, or guidance wasn’t big in my household. Through counseling I discovered that I could become more than my circumstances. I also learned how to process my feelings in a more constructive manner. I got real about my future regardless of who I had or did not have in my corner. No one, but me, could control my destiny. Through my positive changes I was able to go back to high school to complete my senior year as a normal teenager. I was scared, but elated at this chance of normalcy. I did it, I graduated from high school. Something neither one of my parents, or grandparents has done. My life’s journey had me determined to do things differently with my own children. Education, love, affection, conversations, family activities, involvement, and stability were top priorities for me. I encouraged my children to try various activities both inside, and outside of school. I made sure that I was very active at their schools (volunteering, showing up for all performances, assemblies, award ceremonies, etc). Fast toward today as I’m now in my late 40’s pursuing a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice. I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re simply misguided, hurting, or crying out for help. Their lack of mental development, results in them not adequately finding the right words to say. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic.
    Grandmaster Nam K Hyong Scholarship
    In 1977, I was born to a 15-year-old teenage mother and a recently 18-year-old father. Neither didn't realize the commitment of being a parent or particularly didn’t want to be a parent. Through her battle with cancer, my maternal grandmother tried her best to help take care of me. Once it simply became too much for her body to handle, I was uplifted and taken care of by both my paternal grandmother and aunt. Although both of my birth parents were close by, neither took the time out of their lives to raise me, nurture me, or care for me. This is why I’m beyond grateful that despite both my grandmother and aunt having lives of their own they took me in. All because they wanted better for me. This reality completely broke me down along this crazy journey that we call life. From being molested from the age of 9-11. To being raped multiple times, and one of them being at gunpoint. Being mentally, physically, and emotionally abused all by people that’s supposed to love, and protect me made me someone I no longer knew. Through therapy, lots of self-reflection, evaluation, and putting in work to grow I’ve become much more than anyone even expected. As a mother of 2 daughters, I’m inspired to be the best that I can be. If not for myself, then for them because they deserve so much more than a dysfunctional, absentee, and/or emotionally unavailable mother. As a black woman growing up in the Southeast part of Washington, DC. I must show not only my girls but also children in general that you do not have to become a product of your surroundings. You do not have to be another statistic. You can become anything that your heart deserves, but you have to put in that way for it! My then 7-year-old daughter wrote a piece on me for school which resonates within my soul. After reading her words, how can I not pick myself up, and keep on keeping on? I know that at the end of the day that troubles don’t last all ways, and that I’m blessed. I know that I have children looking, watching, and absorbing everything that I’m releasing into the world. Especially during times when I think that they’re not looking, watching, and/or paying attention. I’m going to leave you with the words of my precious baby girl. Thanks for your time and consideration for this scholarship. “My mommy is my everything. She takes care of both me and my sister. My mommy always puts us first, she makes sure that we know how proud she is of us and how much she loves us, by telling us every day. Every chance she gets my mom gives me hugs and kisses. We talk about our day after we both return home. I love to see the smile on my mother’s face as she’s reading my report card or as I’m reading to her. I look forward to the moments when my mother & I snuggle up to watch TV, cook, do puzzles, and/or color together. My mom’s cooking is super yummy. Her steak is out of this world! My mommy is the sweetest and most loving person that I know. She’s the reason that I’m here. For that, I’m beyond happy to have her as my mommy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll never give her away for nothing in this world”. At the age of 44 I decided to finally pursue my dreams of obtaining a college degree. I initially attended a community college to kickstart my journey. Here I am today at a 4yr university conquering things that I never knew were even possible for myself. As a wife, mother, and now grandmother I've been inducted into the honor society for my stellar performance throughout my years in college. In addition to being on the deans list, and graduating Summa Cum Launde. This process has not been an easy one. However what I can say is that it's the most rewarding. To know that I'm doing things that not one person in my family has ever done before. By stepping out on faith and fulfilling my dream of going to college. This might not seem like much to some, but it's everything to me. Neither one of my parents completed high school. Neither one of my grandparents completed middle school. Schooling overall was a major debacle for my great grandparents. Most importantly I'm showing not only my children, but also my grandchildren that anything's possible when you put in the work. One thing that I've done to be apart of the changes that I wanted to see was by stepping up and becoming more involved. I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. Started making financial donations to different organizations. Begin sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I've even inquired about becoming a foster parent. Through constant communication with my local governing agency I've started my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Joy Of Life Inspire’s AAA Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents, grandparents, or great grandparents graduated from High school. I can only hope that they're proud. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Career Test Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Bright Lights Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Endeavor Public Service Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Hines Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Ken Larson Memorial Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    MISS Award
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This journey comes with various emotions, as neither one of my parents, grandparents, or great grandparents graduated from High school. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I hope they're proud of me. I've always wanted attend college, becoming pregnant at 19 changed had a direct effect on my plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Simon Strong Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Fallen "Freaks" Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    CATALYSTS Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Debra S. Jackson New Horizons Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship
    Greetings, My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday, a rising senior at Central State University majoring in Criminal Justice. I am keen on applying for the Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship given my passion and dedication in my respective field of study. I strongly believe in the ideology that the launch pad to alleviate societal issues stems from comprehending and reshaping our criminal justice mechanisms. My major in Criminal Justice is a form of commitment to society, where I aspire to delve into the underlying causes of criminal behavior and explore appropriate responses to crime. My current GPA of 3.8 is a testament to my academic prowess and my devotion to my discipline aligns perfectly with my career aspirations. I am fascinated by the intricate and complex mechanisms of our justice system and my ambition to unearth and improve these mechanisms is unstinting. As a black woman, the journey hasn't been clear-cut, but I am happy to report that it has been rewarding. Each challenge has advanced my resilience and determination to bring about change in our society. I am moved by the idea of using my career to potentially decrease sentencing disparities and work towards a more equitable justice system. I also wish to leverage my academic expertise to further diverse representation within the criminal justice profession. My motivation is deeply rooted in my personal experiences, as well as historical injustices faced by the black community, stimulating my impetus to mold an egalitarian society. Being a part of the Central State University community has enriched me with a plethora of opportunities and experiences that have stretched my mind, sharpened my skills, and fortified my dedication to my discipline. However, the expansion of my academic horizons comes with financial obligations. The Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship would not only alleviate this financial burden but also provide a huge moral boost to continue heading toward my academic and career goals. The scholarship will also allow me to fully immerse myself in my studies and to spend more time on community engagement. I am highly passionate about giving back and influencing change, and with the scholarship supporting my educational journey, I would be able to dedicate more time to actively participate in programs and initiatives geared towards social and criminal justice reform. Moreover, I am primed to take full advantage of this opportunity to continue my in-depth exploration of the criminal justice field. I am thrilled at the prospect of further coupling education with action to accelerate the realization of my dreams. I stand today with a strong sense of purpose, fortified by the dedication to serve justice, and fervently believe that Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholarship presents an essential stepping stone on my voyage to accomplish change. By awarding this scholarship, you are not only investing in my education, but also in paving the path to fair, equitable, and effective justice. Thank you for considering my application, and I look forward to potentially having the honor of being Charles Cheesman's Student Debt Reduction Scholar. Yours Sincerely, Melissa Dayne-Holliday, Central State University, Major: Criminal Justice.
    Top Watch Newsletter Movie Fanatics Scholarship
    I would watch the 1959 version of Imitation of Life. This movie taught me many lessons in life. One’s to never be ashamed of who you are. Stand tall, and firmly into your heritage regardless of what others think. Two never take your parents for granted. They’re only given to us for temporary moments in time. After that time has passed, all were left with are memories. Third, yes money could change one’s entire world for the better. If you are not careful that same money can and will destroy everything that you cherish the most. In the movie Susie tearfully told her mother “And how about a mother’s love? Her mother replied Love? But you’ve always had that! Susie painstakingly replied yes, by telephone, by postcard, by magazine interviews. You’ve given me everything, but yourself! It was at that moment her mother Lora had to stop to allow those words to sink in, and process exactly what she just heard. Lora’s overzealous need to never hit rock bottom ever again often caused her to be away from home months on end. She would break promises to her loved ones simply to star in another play, movie, etc. Make no mistake, Susie did enjoy the things afforded to her by her mother's success. However, what she wanted was her mother’s physical love, and affection. As someone who’s been raised as a motherless child this movie pulled at my heartstrings. Whereas Susie appreciated life and wanted her mother’s active involvement. Sarah Jane on the other hand constantly disrespected and despised everything that her mother Annie tried to do for her. Throughout her early adolescent stage all the way up to adulthood Sarah Jane had a bitter chip on her shoulder. She remained stagnant in her contempt of being a person of color. So much so that her anger manifested itself in her ruthless mannerisms towards her mother. Sarah Jane treated everyone in a pleasant manner except for the one person who did everything in her power for her. As someone who was abandoned by my mother, those parts of the movie had me screaming at the screen. The little girl inside me heart bled for Annie. Like Sarah Jane I always wanted and craved my mother’s love. Sarah Jane disregarded and treated her mother horribly her whole life. During Annie’s beautiful homegoing service Sarah Jane appears distraught as she clung to her mother’s casket while repeating “Mama Mama! I didn’t mean it. Mama, do you hear me? I’m sorry, Mama. Mama, I did love you”. As Lora comes to get her, she says “Miss Lora, I killed my mother. I killed her. I wanted to come home, now she’ll never know how much I wanted to come home”. Reality came crashing down around her as she realized what kind of mother she had. No matter how many times I watch this movie tears always find themselves falling down my face. Once I became a mother myself, I vowed to love my girls unconditionally. This way they’ll never have to wonder if, and how much, I loved them. As a single mother, and an essential employee there were many times throughout my career that I had to work 10-18hrs shifts, nights, weekends, holidays, and during inclement weather. Yet I remained a vigilant active presence in my girls' day-to-day lives. Fresh off work, tired and all I was there for it all! From the parent/teacher conferences, school plays, games, dances, assemblies, cheerleading competitions, tumbling classes, etc.
    Carole Willis Criminal Justice Reform Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? I began to I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    TEAM ROX Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Dr. Christine Lawther First in the Family Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    A Man Helping Women Helping Women Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for everyone so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Empowering Motherhood Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what they need. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. There was a point in time when I was once a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in, and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I produced was stepping up and becoming more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and extremely excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all of the children that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Janean D. Watkins Overcoming Adversity Scholarship
    Back in 1977, I was born to a 15-year-old teenage mother and a recently 18-year-old father. Neither either didn’t realize the commitment of being a parent or particularly didn’t want to be a parent. Through her battle with cancer, my maternal grandmother tried her best to help take care of me. Once it simply became too much for her body to handle, I was uplifted and taken care of by both my paternal grandmother and aunt. Although both of my birth parents were close by, neither took the time out of their lives to raise me, nurture me, or care for me. This is why I’m beyond grateful that despite both my grandmother and aunt having lives of their own they took me in. All because they wanted better for me. The reality of it completely broke me down along this crazy journey that we call life. From being molested from the age of 9-11. To being raped multiple times, and one of them being at gunpoint. Being mentally, physically, and emotionally abused all by people that’s supposed to love, and protect me made me someone I no longer knew. Through therapy, lots of self-reflection, evaluation, and putting in work to grow I’ve become much more than anyone even expected. As a mother of 2 daughters, I’m inspired to be the best that I can be. If not for myself, then for them because they deserve so much more than a dysfunctional, absentee, and/or emotionally unavailable mother. As a black woman growing up in the Southeast part of Washington, DC. I must show not only my girls but also children in general that you do not have to become a product of your surroundings. You do not have to be another statistic. You can become anything that your heart deserves, but you have to put in that way for it! My then 7-year-old daughter wrote me a piece on me for school which resonates within my soul. After reading her words how can I not pick myself up, and keep on keeping on? I know that at the end of the day that troubles don’t last all ways, and that I’m blessed. I know that I have children looking, watching, and absorbing everything that I’m releasing into the world. Especially during them times when I think that they’re not looking, watching, and/or paying attention. I’m going to leave you with the words of my precious baby girl. Thanks for your time and consideration for this scholarship. “My mommy is my everything. She takes care of both me and my sister. My mommy always puts us first, she makes sure that we know how proud she is of us and how much she loves us, by telling us every day. Every chance she gets my mom gives me hugs and kisses. We talk about our day after we both return home. I love to see the smile on my mother’s face as she’s reading my report card or as I’m reading to her. I look forward to the moments when my mother & I snuggle up to watch TV, cook, do puzzles, and/or color together. My mom’s cooking is super yummy. Her steak is out of this world! My mommy is the sweetest and most loving person that I know. She’s the reason that I’m here. For that, I’m beyond happy to have her as my mommy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll never give her away for nothing in this world”.
    Hakim Mendez Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor's degree in criminal justice I plan to become a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. They’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus, why are so many of them acting out in a rebellious form? Most of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with, I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So, I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I decided to do was step up and become more involved. So, I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. I started sending out emails regarding how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and overly excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all the children so that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Single-Parent Household Undergraduate Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice I plan on becoming a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up, and believe in them makes a world of a difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all of the children that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Milan Alexander Memorial Scholarship
    This has been a long-awaited journey, towards obtaining my degree has been bittersweet. Delayed, but not denied. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19, and a mother at 20 instantly changed my immediate plans. Neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. I'm sure they're all watching over me while beaming with pride. Seeing me conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. My children are now 26, and 16 years old, so it's now time for me to fulfill my wishes. Currently, I have almost 25 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current position as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one does not have to become a product of their environment. Simply because they live in, and have been exposed to the things in that area. There are plenty of opportunities out there merely waiting to be discovered. Gifted children are abundant out here, who are eagerly awaiting someone to help them unlock their potential. All they need is a bit of patience, guidance, and support. Show them that they’re not alone in this world. That someone believes in them. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Hyacinth Malcolm Memorial Scholarship
    As a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice this journey resonates differently to me. Neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. Seeing me conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it'll also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Girls Ready to Empower Girls
    I can't particularly say that I've ever had a woman in my life who's inspired or supported me wholeheartedly throughout my journey in this thing that we call life. I was born to a 15-year-old teenager who didn't comprehend the meaning of motherhood. Nor did she ever grow into that, well not for me at least. As a direct result of this, I was uplifted and taken care of by my paternal grandmother, and aunt. Though both had lives of their own I do appreciate what all they tried to do for me. Now those who have inspired me to bet the best that I can be would be my 2 daughters. I know for them I have to be everything that I wanted and needed while growing up in the Southeast part of Washington, DC. Reading this written by my then 7-year-old daughter speaks volumes. My mommy is my everything. She takes care of both me and my sister. My mommy always puts us first, she makes sure that we know how proud she is of us and how much she loves us, by telling us every day. Every chance she gets my mom gives me hugs and kisses. We talk about our day after we both return home. I love to see the smile on my mother’s face as she’s reading my report card or as I’m reading to her. I look forward to the moments when my mother & I snuggle up to watch TV, cook, do puzzles, and/or color together. My mom’s cooking is super yummy. Her steak is out of this world! My mommy is the sweetest and most loving person that I know. She’s the reason that I’m here. For that, I’m beyond happy to have her as my mommy and I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’ll never give her away for nothing in this world. This is exactly what I read whenever I’m feeling low, or discouraged. I know that at the end of the day that troubles don’t last all ways, and that I’m blessed. So I pick myself up, dust myself off, and keep on keeping on. For I know that I have two little people looking, watching, and absorbing everything that I’m releasing into the world. Especially during them times when I think that they’re not looking, watching, and/or paying attention. Children tend to know more than we even expect. Thanks for your time and consideration.
    Grand Oaks Enterprises LLC Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    “Be the Change” Essay Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one person was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. I too would love to be that vessel to someone else that's in need. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Additionally, my coworkers and I participate in food, clothing, and toiletries a few times a year for the less fortunate. We also adopt an at-risk school to assist around Christmas. Just seeing the element of surprise, and complete joy makes my heart overflow with happiness. The simple innocence of appreciation the children have words can't even begin to describe how that feels. Lastly, I contribute to various organizations throughout the DMV area through my government DC Onefund program. This program allows us to donate a set amount, or percentage of our paycheck to the organization (s) of our choice. This is one thing outside of everything else that I'm mindful to do. I sit and completely go through the whole book reading about different organizations to see what all they're about. In addition to how the monies donated it used. I then select 10-15 organizations to donate to. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Charles E. Nettles Continued Graduate Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Private (PVT) Henry Walker Minority Scholarship
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions. Thank you for your time and consideration.
    Barbara J. DeVaney Memorial Scholarship Fund
    My name is Melissa Dayne-Holliday. I’m a 46-year-old woman of color who's currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. This has been a long-awaited journey, as neither one of my parents graduated from High school. Nor did any of my grandparents, or great-grandparents. This puts a heightened expectation on me to successfully obtain my degree. Throughout it all I know that they're all looking down beaming with pride. As I'm doing, and conquering things that weren't in the realm of possibility for them. I always wanted to one day attend college, but becoming pregnant at 19 changed my immediate plans. Now that my children are 26, and 16 years old it's time for me to fulfill my wishes. I consider my journey as delayed, but most definitely not denied. Obtaining my degree will make me feel that Currently, I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. Thus so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else. Winning this money will not only bless me by helping me to pay for school, but it will also help others with my financial and physical contributions.
    Linda Fontenot-Williams Memorial Scholarship
    My oldest daughter said "Mommy you've sacrificed so much for us. You've worked evenings, nights, weekends, and holidays all the while trying to ensure that we never had to go without. It's because of your love and undying dedication to us that I stand here today as a college graduate with my bachelor's degree. You made sure to support me in attending the college of choice, even when everyone else tried to talk us both out of it. It's because of you that I had the chance to live out my lifelong dream of becoming an AKA. Mom, it's time for you to start doing it for yourself, and living out some of your dreams! With tears in my eyes, I hugged my oldest tight and logged onto my laptop to begin my quest to become enrolled in college. Throughout all of my fear, despair, and hopelessness I pressed through and officially became a college student in January 2020. By no means was that journey an easy one. There were so many times that I wanted to give up, but I knew that my girls were watching me. They loved and encouraged me throughout all of my rough patches. Especially when it came for me to that my statistics course. I just knew that class was going to take me out. There were so many nights that I cried while studying, and seeking help from a tutor. my son-in-law, my cousin, and my coworker. I asked just about everyone good in math for help. I refused to submit to defeat. I ended up passing that class with a C. That was good enough for me because deep down I knew that I gave it my all. The best part of it all was when I texted my girls my congratulations letter and information for my graduation. The pride beaming from my girls' eyes as they read the email for my upcoming graduation made me feel as if I was on top of the world. Not only did I graduate, but I graduated Magna Cum Laude, with a whopping 3.89 gpa. I also was inducted into the honor society. I graduated with my associate's degree in Criminal Justice in 2022. I reenrolled in school to pursue my bachelor's degree. Currently, I'm an upcoming senior at a university. I'm looking forward to walking across the stage and holding up my degree. See neither one of my parents completed high school. My grandparents didn't get to complete grade school. Now for me to be graduating from college, not once but twice speaks volumes. I'm living proof... it's never too late. Thanks for your time and consideration
    Joshua A. Vaughn Memorial Scholarship
    As a woman born and raised in the heart of a troubled area of Southeast Washington, DC I found myself going down the wrong path and almost becoming a trouble statistic. Fortunately for me, I was allowed to have the right people to enter my life, at just the right time. That made a world of a difference in my social outcome. I’m currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. This is why so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was by stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up, and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all of the children that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope. We have to remember these children are the future.
    Harvey and Geneva Mabry Second Time Around Scholarship
    Becoming a mother required me to put myself on the back burner to ensure my children were adequately provided for. I helped provided the means for my oldest to live out her dreams of attending college. In 2019 she graduated from Johnson & Wales with her bachelor's degree. One day my oldest daughter came to see me after reading one of my emails stating that I could go to school for free. My schooling would be paid for by a partnership with the union at my job. After some convincing from her, I begin to look more into it and applied. Needless to say that in June 2022 I graduated with my associate's degree in Criminal Justice. I’m currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. Unfortunately, that program has now ended, and now I have to pay to continue my education. I've come too far to give up now. I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. This is why so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development, some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. I asked myself how do I go about affecting a more desirable change? One thing that I came up with was by stepping up and becoming more involved. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails regarding volunteering at different organizations. I even reached out to my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up, and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all of the children that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope.
    Valiyah Young Scholarship
    I’m a 46 yo woman born and raised in the DMV area. I attend school in DC, PG County, as well as Montgomery County. I’m currently pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice. I currently have a little over 24 years in the law enforcement profession. My goal is to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support, and let them know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. This is why so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was by stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up, and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all of the children that I’ll be able to become their beacon of hope. We have to remember these children are the future.
    Operation 11 Tyler Schaeffer Memorial Scholarship
    After successfully obtaining my bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice I plan on becoming a mentor to troubled juveniles in my area. I also plan to transition from my current career as a Police Dispatcher, to one working directly with at-risk juveniles. I’m a firm believer in one not having to become a product of their environment. That there are plenty of opportunities out there waiting to be discovered. There are so many gifted children out here, simply awaiting someone to unlock their abilities. All they need is for someone to give them a bit of guidance, and support. To know that they’re not alone in this world. Not all troubled youth are problem children. In reality, they’re a bit misguided, hurting, and/or crying out for help. This is why so many of them are acting out in a rebellious form. The majority of the time what they need is love, time, and attention. However, due to the lack of mental development some can’t begin to formulate the words to say exactly what he/she needs. At times some can’t even begin to grasp why they’re feeling that way. Due to them not being able to fully process their feelings. This is why it’s important to intervene as soon as a pattern is noticed. The sooner the intervention, the better the chances of that juvenile becoming a success story, and not another statistic. I was a misguided youth, who was mentored. From my mentee, I was provided the necessary tools needed to transform my life. Subsequently, those tools afforded me to become the woman, wife, mother, and grandmother that I am today. After listening day in and day out to all of the criminal activities the juveniles are now involved with I made up my mind that change needs to occur. So I asked myself how do we go about affecting a more desirable, and positive change? One thing that I came up with was by stepping up and becoming more involved. So I began to search the internet for places to help, and ways that I could become a part of changing someone’s life. I began to make financial donations to different organizations. Started sending out emails in regards to how I could volunteer at different organizations. I even inquired about becoming a foster parent. I’ve been in constant communication with a woman from my local governing agency to start my process of becoming a foster parent in my county. It’s a bit of a process, yet I’m hopeful and very excited to be that vessel to someone in need. Just as one was that vessel of hope that I desperately needed as a youth. There’s no greater blessing than to know that you’ve blessed someone else with an endless opportunity. Every child needs to be afforded equal opportunities in life. Having someone show up, and believe in them makes a world of difference to them. That impact will affect them for the duration of their lives. Thank you for allowing me to win this scholarship. This win won’t only be a win for me, but a win for all of the children that I’ll be able to be that vessel to.