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Maya Paternostro


Bold Points






I'm a highschool senior looking to fulfill my dream in forensic psychology. I have always loved the idea of practicing behavioral analysis and using it to help in the forensic field. I would love to do music as a side career and I'm looking for opportunities to help me achieve my goal!


Sheridan Technical High School

High School
2020 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

    Bachelor's degree program

  • Majors of interest:

    • Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, Other
    • Marketing
    • Public Relations, Advertising, and Applied Communication
    • Criminology
    • Criminal Justice and Corrections, General
    • Behavioral Sciences
    • Chemistry
    • Biology, General
    • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Operations
  • Not planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:


    • Dream career goals:

      Forensic Psychologist

    • Lice Removal

      2021 – Present3 years



    2017 – Present7 years


    2022 – Present2 years


    2021 – Present3 years


    2019 – Present5 years


    2014 – 20184 years


    • No


    • Environmental Geosciences

      Sheridan Technical High School — Researcher
      2022 – 2023


    • Cultural Community Center

      2018 – Present
    • Cultural Community Center

      2014 – 2018

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Delta Sigma Phi Fraternity at Florida International University — Organizer
      2021 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Sheridan Technical College — Organizer
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Sheridan Technical Highschool — Organizer/Secretary
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Sheridan Technical Highschool — Wolf Mascot
      2023 – Present
    • Volunteering

      Feeding South Florida — Inspector
      2021 – Present

    Future Interests





    Sean Carroll's Mindscape Big Picture Scholarship
    The pursuit of knowledge is a fundamental aspect of human nature. We are naturally curious beings, and our exploration extends beyond the boundaries of our planet to the vastness of the cosmos. In this essay, we will delve into why it is essential to strive for a better understanding of the universe and the ideas and concepts that drive this endeavor. One compelling reason for our quest to understand the universe is scientific progress. Throughout history, scientific discoveries have been the driving force behind technological advancements that have significantly improved our quality of life. By studying the universe, we gain insights into the fundamental laws that govern the cosmos. These insights, in turn, lead to breakthroughs in various fields, from medicine to telecommunications. For instance, research in astronomy and astrophysics has given rise to technologies such as the Hubble Space Telescope. Beyond expanding our understanding of the universe, these technologies have had practical applications in imaging technology and data analysis, benefitting a wide range of industries. Similarly, the study of particle physics has led to the development of particle accelerators like the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), which have practical applications in medical diagnostics and treatment. Beyond the practical benefits of scientific progress, understanding the universe satisfies a deep human desire for knowledge. From the time of our earliest ancestors, humans have gazed at the night sky with wonder, seeking to comprehend the stars and their place in the cosmos. This innate curiosity is a driving force behind our scientific exploration. The pursuit of fundamental knowledge about the universe can be deeply fulfilling on a personal and societal level. It gives us a sense of purpose and a connection to the broader universe. It reminds us that we are part of something much greater than ourselves, sparking inspiration and wonder. Moreover, the universe is replete with mysteries waiting to be unraveled. Dark matter and dark energy, two enigmatic components that make up a significant portion of the universe, continue to elude our understanding. Solving these cosmic mysteries not only expands our scientific knowledge but also has the potential to revolutionize our understanding of the universe. Additionally, the origin of the universe itself remains a topic of profound interest. The Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe began with a colossal explosion, is a remarkable concept. However, many questions about the initial conditions, the nature of time before the Big Bang, and the ultimate fate of the universe remain open. Pursuing answers to these questions can fundamentally reshape our understanding of reality. In our quest to understand the universe, we must also consider the practical implications for our planet. The study of celestial bodies and cosmic phenomena can help us identify potential threats to Earth. One such threat is the impact of near-Earth objects (NEOs) like asteroids and comets. By tracking and understanding these objects, we can develop strategies to mitigate the risk of catastrophic collisions with our planet. Solar flares, and intense bursts of energy from the Sun, can also pose a threat to our technological infrastructure, including power grids and communication systems. Understanding solar activity and predicting solar flares is essential for safeguarding our way of life. In this way, the study of the universe directly impacts our planet's safety and survival. To better understand the nature of our universe, we employ various ideas and concepts from fields like astrophysics, cosmology, and particle physics. These ideas are the building blocks of our quest for knowledge. Astrophysics involves the study of celestial objects and the processes that govern them. It provides insights into the formation, evolution, and behavior of stars, galaxies, and other cosmic entities. Concepts like gravity, electromagnetic radiation, and the life cycles of stars are fundamental to this field. Cosmology focuses on the large-scale structure and evolution of the universe as a whole. It seeks to understand the universe's origin, expansion, and ultimate fate. The Big Bang theory and the concept of cosmic inflation are central to cosmology. Particle physics delves into the smallest constituents of matter and the fundamental forces of the universe. Concepts like subatomic particles, quantum mechanics, and fundamental forces (gravity, electromagnetism, strong and weak nuclear forces) are critical to this field. Advanced technologies play a crucial role in our exploration of the universe. Space telescopes, like the Hubble Space Telescope, allow us to observe distant galaxies and celestial phenomena. Particle accelerators, such as the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), enable us to study subatomic particles at energies not found in any other context. Powerful computational simulations help us model complex astronomical phenomena and analyze massive datasets. In conclusion, the quest to better understand the nature of our universe is driven by scientific progress, human curiosity, and planetary survival. It leads to advancements that benefit society, fulfills our innate desire for knowledge, and helps us prepare for potential cosmic threats. By employing concepts from astrophysics, cosmology, particle physics, and advanced technology, we continue our ongoing journey of discovery, enriching our understanding of the cosmos and reaffirming our place within it.
    La Matriz Sagrada Scholarship
    Becoming a teen mom was never in my plans. When Luna arrived, I was faced with the challenge of raising a child while still navigating my teenage years. Yet, her presence became a powerful source of motivation for me. I realized that her birth wasn't the end of my dreams but a reason to strive for a brighter future. In the midst of sleepless nights, financial struggles, and endless chores, I found hope in my dream of becoming a forensic psychologist. Life as a teen mom is tough, but it's also a journey of growth and resilience. Forensic psychology, a field that blends my passion for psychology with a desire to make the world better, became my guiding star. I faced obstacles on this path that could have easily derailed my dreams. Sleepless nights, the weight of providing for Luna, and a never-ending to-do list were constant companions. But I saw these challenges as opportunities to grow, learn, and become a stronger person. Forensic psychology has always captivated me. The idea of using my knowledge of human behavior to contribute to the rehabilitation of offenders, conflict resolution, and the pursuit of justice was deeply inspiring. I knew this field wasn't just about personal fulfillment but about making a positive impact on society. To make this dream a reality, I needed clear goals and a plan. Education was the key, but I also had to be a dedicated parent. With the support of my family and close friends, I enrolled in online courses and juggled my schedule to fit my parenting responsibilities. It was far from easy, but the vision of giving Luna a life full of opportunities kept me going. One of the biggest challenges was finances. College tuition, textbooks, and other educational expenses seemed insurmountable. As a young mom, resources were limited. Yet, I hunted for scholarships, sought financial aid, and took on part-time jobs to cover my educational costs while caring for Luna. The journey has been tough. There were moments of doubt and exhaustion, but Luna's laughter and unwavering love, along with the dream of a better future, kept me moving forward. With each passing semester, I got a little closer to my dream of becoming a forensic psychologist. In the end, being a teen mom isn't an obstacle to my dreams; it's a reason to pursue them with even more determination. My journey toward a career in forensic psychology is not just about me. It's a commitment to creating a brighter future for Luna and me. It's a story of persistence, dedication, and the unwavering support of loved ones. Through education, perseverance, and the power of love, I'm on the path to realizing this dream, and I'm confident it will lead to a brighter, more secure future for Luna and me.
    Paschal Security Systems Criminal Justice Scholarship
    As I embark on my journey in the field of criminal justice, my aim is clear: to make a resounding positive impact on the world through my work. Guided by my aspirations and personal values, I envision a career that operates behind the scenes, specifically within the forensic science departments, while also focusing on providing closure to victims and preventing crimes before they occur. Through these interconnected avenues, I intend to contribute significantly to the betterment of society. The realm of forensic science has always held a deep fascination for me. The intricate dance between science and law that plays out in this field presents an opportunity to unravel mysteries and bring justice to those who have suffered. Working in forensic science, I intend to employ cutting-edge techniques to meticulously analyze evidence, connecting dots that may otherwise remain hidden. This pursuit of truth serves as the cornerstone of my commitment to justice. One of my most profound motivations is the desire to provide closure to those affected by crimes. The impact of a crime extends far beyond the immediate victim; it reverberates through families, communities, and society as a whole. By dedicating myself to meticulously solving cases, I aim to help individuals and families find solace in knowing that justice has been served. In cases where crimes have been committed against people close to them, the emotional scars run deep. By working tirelessly to piece together evidence, I hope to bring a measure of healing and closure to these wounded hearts. However, my ambitions go beyond addressing the aftermath of crime. I am resolute in my aspiration to prevent crimes before they happen. The notion of being able to intervene and prevent a tragedy from occurring fuels my dedication to this profession. Drawing on the principles of criminal justice and the insights gleaned from my work in forensic science, I aim to contribute to the development of proactive strategies and measures that thwart criminal activities. This preventive approach is a testament to my commitment to a safer world for everyone. In envisioning this approach to criminal justice, I recognize the challenges that lie ahead. The pursuit of truth, justice, and prevention demands dedication, an acute sense of ethics, and a commitment to continuous learning. I intend to immerse myself in ongoing education and training, staying attuned to the ever-evolving landscape of forensic science and criminal justice practices. By staying current with advancements, I can ensure that my contributions remain effective. As I reflect on my motivations, I am reminded of the countless lives that can be positively impacted through my chosen path. Each solved case, each ounce of closure provided, and each crime prevented contributes to a safer and more just society. I can be a catalyst for change and an advocate for truth. Through my efforts, I aspire to leave an indelible mark on the world, one that signifies hope, healing, and the relentless pursuit of justice. In conclusion, my criminal justice career is not just a profession; it is a calling to make a positive impact on the world. Through my work in forensic science departments, I intend to illuminate the truth and bring justice to the forefront. By providing closure to victims and their families, I hope to ease their pain and foster healing. Moreover, my determination to prevent crimes before they occur speaks to my commitment to a safer society. With dedication, ethics, and ongoing learning as my guide, I am steadfast in my mission to contribute meaningfully to the realm of criminal justice and to create a world that is defined by justice.