Hobbies and interests
Mental Health
Maya Hollander
Bold Points1x
Maya Hollander
Bold Points1x
My life goals are to help others and change the world of medicine for mental illness. I want to experiment with schizophrenia specifically due to the history of it in my family and the affect its has on my personal life. Mental illness is only growing and I want to be apart of the change. Ive always loved kids and had a passion in helping them grow. I am currently a swim instructor at a swim school called Fish Factory. I have extreme ambitions and do not plan on settling for anything less. I've always been a hard worker with anything I've been passionate about. At the age 13, I trained three times a day even to reach the the goal and dream of becoming a professional athlete, obviously some things have changed since that is no longer my passion. My new passion is medicine and helping others and has been for my whole life. I am going the attend University of New Mexico for my bachelors degree and then transfer to university of Austin to finish my Doctorates degree. At a young age I've always been fascinated with the brain and its functions, I'd fall asleep to medical YouTube videos. Ive taken Psychology, AP psychology, and Anatomy/physiology. I knew more about the human anatomy at age 12 than I knew basic algebra. I didn't realize how drawn I was to medicine and mental illness until I stopped playing soccer and focused on what I wanted in life. Choosing my career path was quite easy for me since at age five I wanted to know why humans were the way they were.
Cibola High School
High SchoolMiscellaneous
Desired degree level:
Doctoral degree program (PhD, MD, JD, etc.)
Majors of interest:
- Behavioral Sciences
- Neurobiology and Neurosciences
- Registered Nursing, Nursing Administration, Nursing Research and Clinical Nursing
Dream career field:
Dream career goals:
Club2013 – 20218 years
- Team captain
- Ceramics2019 – 2021
Public services
food drive — member2020 – 2020
Future Interests
@normandiealise National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
@GrowingWithGabby National Scholarship Month TikTok Scholarship
Evan James Vaillancourt Memorial Scholarship
My goals as a nurse are the research and discover new ways to treat the mental health crisis that occurs in today's society. I plan to work with pediatrics neuro departments. You might ask why I'm specific about mental health. well... it's not a pretty story but it's one I'm willing to tell. On October 16th, 2019 I was admitted into the mental hospital due to attempting to take my own life. the fear that I caused my family and myself are things I never want anyone to have to experience. Schizophrenia runs in my family and the effect it has had on us has caused relationship issues and depressive states. I do fear that one day I will have symptoms of this illness but I'm more worried about helping people in the future deal with things that society likes to call "not normal". Everyone with mental illnesses is just as normal as anyone else, their brains just think differently, which doesn't make anyone an outcast... ever. As you can tell I'm extremely passionate about this subject, receiving this ward to help achieve my dreams would mean the world to me and I would not disappoint. I would listen to a lot of medical videos at a very young age. I didn't know that what I wanted in life was right in front of me. I played soccer for most of my life and up until this last year it was everything to me. I didn't have much of a financial plan for college due to my athletics. I leaned on it thinking it would take me through life and id be covered but I fell out of love, it's a sad truth but since I was discharged from the hospital everything changed I focused on my future and becoming a nurse is my dream.
My great-grandpa served in the Vietnam war and recently just passed away. It took a hard toll on my family, but it brought us together to know that our family has good genes to be amazing people and do things to help or serve others. I know that he would be very proud of what I strive to succeed in life. He loved to talk about the things he saw while on the field, and even though they were awful pictures to imagine it brought me some kind of comfort in who I am as a person. the world is cruel and if I can even have little impact on making it a little easier for some people, I'd feel complete.
-Maya Hollander
University of New Mexico
Jared Ethan Trueba Memorial Scholarship
My name is Maya Hollander and I attend Cibola high school, I'm currently a senior. I play soccer and saxophone, trumpet, drums, piano, and guitar. I was in band my freshman year and participated in senate. My aunt and I have an extremely big heart for the homeless population here in Albuquerque, due to its growth over the past decade we've done many food drives with our church and made goodie bags and handed them out in hopes of making someone smile. I attended distract for the senate and I can say it was an incredible experience. I played soccer for 8 years and was constantly travelling, I currently have two jobs for the reason, well... you might guess soccer took up my whole life and I had no financial plan going into college. You might ask what made me quit my dream of becoming a professional soccer player well it's not a pretty story but it's one I'm willing to share. I don't like to say that my depression was the reason I gave up my dreams but it played a part. Covid was the other half, I was admitted into the UNM mental hospital due to my attempt and self-harm. After this event happened I strived to always want to help others. I want to work with mental health in young kids, specifically how our brain plays a part. Neuroscience is my new passion and since the day I got out of the hospital I never stopped learning about it, I took anatomy and physiology, and AP Psychology and watched an unbelievable amount of youtube videos since I was sheltered and protected by my parents. Scaring them is something I never want to do again and I'm determined to make them proud. I don't plan to settle for anything less than to help others not feel alone. I'm an extremely loving and caring person, and this might sound crazy but curing schizophrenia or at least being a part of the start is my dream. I have many people around me affected by it and my grandpa currently has it. It's not a pretty picture and seeing him feel the way he does know many other people feel the same way as he breaks my heart into pieces. If I was awarded this financial help I would not disappoint. I've been accepted into the university of new Mexico and plan to start my future there continuing Jared's legacy and the love that he brought to the community and Cibola High School.
Dashanna K. McNeil Memorial Scholarship
My life goals are to help others and change the world of medicine for mental illness. I want to experiment with schizophrenia specifically due to the history of it in my family and the affect its has on my personal life. Mental illness is only growing and I want to be apart of the change. Ive always loved kids and had a passion in helping them grow. I've always been a hard worker with anything I've been passionate about. At the age 13, I trained three times a day even to reach the the goal and dream of becoming a professional athlete, obviously some things have changed since that is no longer my passion. My new passion is medicine and helping others and has been for my whole life. At a young age I've always been fascinated with the brain and its functions, I'd fall asleep to medical YouTube videos. I knew more about the human anatomy at age 12 than I knew basic algebra. I didn't realize how drawn I was to medicine and mental illness until I stopped playing soccer and focused on what I wanted in life. Choosing my career path was quite easy for me since at age five I wanted to know why humans were the way they were.
Mental Health Importance Scholarship
I believe mental health is extremely important because it can affect education, social life, and emotional wellbeing. Struggling with mental health as a student can make us experience greater challenges throughout school and adulthood. From poor attendance, concentration problems, and many more, Ive seen what mental health can do first hand.
On October 13th 2020 I was admitted into a mental hospital for a week due to attempting to take my own life. It affected my academic success and motive to maintain good grades in a negative way. It taught me many coping mechanisms that I learned from professionals and peers, which is why I've been able to maintain a healthier life style for the last few years.
My biggest helper has been counselling and always looking at the bright side no matter the situation. Having negative thoughts can turn into depression and depressive states of mind. Surrounding yourself with people who only want the best for you and your success story is what has made a huge difference on how I look at life. I know longer look at life as "you only live once" and can do whatever. Your success is determined by your choices and determination.
Ms. Susy’s Disney Character Scholarship
My favourite Disney character is Remy from Ratatouille because he has a goofy personality and the movie comforts me in sickness or hard times. When I was in the hospital for a week I watched the movie and it brought me back to home and made me feel safe. It was the first Disney movie I watched as an infant and Remy was my first word.
Maureen "Moe" Graham Memorial Scholarship
This past year has been one of the most challenging times in my life, financially. My parents decided that they no longer can support me with college, so from working two jobs and doing side work for money it's been really hard to see college working out. I've stayed extremely positive by using the mindset of "everything will work out the way its supposed to," I've qualified for free college due to my academics and I always find the time and money to give to those in need, I always love to give homeless food, money, and clothing. Not everyone is as lucky as I am in the aspect of free college and the academic opportunities that I've been given and have received. Due to my academic success and determination in the Medical field I received the nomination - National Academy of Future Physicians and Medical Scientists, I was given the opportunity to go to Massachusetts and see what its like first hand, to be a doctor. Due to covid, I was not able to go sadly, but it really helped me be pushed into the right direction.
Tim Watabe Doing Hard Things Scholarship
October 23rd, 2020 marks one of the worst days and hardships of my life. I was 15 years old when I attempted to take my own life, struggling with alcoholism, depression, anxiety, and sexuality. I identify as lesbian now and that took me many years to accept. Ending up in a mental hospital Locked away from my family, it was only me and my thoughts. I stayed for 5 days and I can say it was the worst experience of my life. Realizing my worth and the amazing things I was about to accomplish from many soccer offers for universities and just finding myself was the most relief I felt for awhile. After getting out I changed my life for my family and myself to make sure I was here for my little sister and my future. I stopped drinking and furthered my eduction. I maintained a 3.5 through it all and have never let my grades fall. I'm stronger today because of what I've gone through and I'm thankful that I've found my future and have so much determination to prove to myself that I can be successful.
Analtha Parr Pell Memorial Scholarship
I'm choosing nursing as my occupation because well it chose me, at a very young age I would subconsciously fall asleep to medical videos and heath YouTube videos. I knew and know so much about the brain and human bodies, and it wasn't until about two years ago when I realized how much medical science intrigued me. I've always been a very hard worker in anything and everything I do. I've trained 3 times a day at age 13 to pursue my dreams of becoming a professional soccer player, obviously my dreams have changed since that's no longer my passion. Medicine is my passion and always has been. I don't plan on settling for anything less.