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Marrissa Bastien-Buie


Bold Points




My life goals are to become a behavioral-developmental pediatrician and to one day open my own clinic. I'm most passionate about children and the science behind anything medical or medicine-related. I'm a great candidate because I know my talents can make a better and more significant impact in the society we live in today.


Mundy'S Mill High School

High School
2021 - 2024


  • Desired degree level:

  • Majors of interest:

    • Biological and Biomedical Sciences, Other
    • Psychology, General
  • Planning to go to medical school
  • Career

    • Dream career field:

      Medical Practice

    • Dream career goals:

      open my own doctoral clinic

    • Tutor

      2023 – 2023



    2022 – 20242 years


    2021 – 20221 year


    • Iron Tiger Award


    • Art Club

      2021 – 2024

    Public services

    • Volunteering

      Finkelstein Memorial Library — Library Assistant
      2018 – 2019

    Future Interests



    Shays Scholarship
    The pursuit of higher education is often motivated by a combination of personal aspiration, intellectual curiosity, and the desire to contribute positively to society. For students particularly interested in the fields of biology pre-med and child psychology, the journey towards becoming a behavioral developmental pediatrician embodies these motivations, offering a unique blend of scientific rigor and compassionate caregiving. The initial draw towards higher education in these fields can be deeply personal. Many students are inspired by their own experiences with healthcare professionals during childhood, or they may have witnessed the challenges faced by siblings or peers with developmental issues. Such personal encounters often ignite a passion for understanding the complexities of human development and a resolve to help others from a young age. Academically, biology pre-med provides a robust foundation in the natural sciences. Courses in genetics, physiology, and anatomy equip students with the necessary knowledge to understand the biological underpinnings of health and disease. This rigorous scientific training sharpens analytical skills and fosters a methodical approach to problem-solving, preparing students for the challenges of medical school and beyond. Concurrently, a focus on child psychology allows students to explore the cognitive and emotional development of children. This discipline delves into how children learn, think, and react to their environments, providing insights that are crucial for diagnosing and treating developmental disorders. Classes might cover topics from behavioral therapy techniques to the impact of family dynamics on mental health, offering a comprehensive view of the factors that influence a child’s psychological well-being. The integration of these disciplines is particularly powerful. Biology pre-med focuses on the 'what' of bodily functions and malfunctions, while child psychology addresses the 'why' behind behaviors and developmental stages. This holistic approach is critical in the field of behavioral developmental pediatrics, where professionals need to assess not only the physical aspects of a child's health but also their emotional and psychological states. The role of a behavioral developmental pediatrician is as challenging as it is rewarding. These specialists work with children who have a range of developmental disorders, such as autism spectrum disorders, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), learning disabilities, and behavioral problems. The ability to alter a child’s developmental trajectory through early intervention can have profound implications not just for the child, but also for their families and communities. What’s exciting about this field is the dynamic nature of the work. Every child is unique, and so too are their developmental needs. Behavioral developmental pediatricians must constantly adapt and apply their knowledge in innovative ways to meet these needs effectively. They collaborate with a team of healthcare professionals, including therapists, educators, and social workers, to devise and implement comprehensive treatment plans. This interdisciplinary collaboration enriches the learning experience and enhances the quality of care provided to children. Moreover, the field is continuously evolving with advances in medical research and psychological theories. New treatments and intervention strategies are regularly introduced, providing ongoing opportunities for professional development and lifelong learning. Ultimately, the motivation to pursue higher education in biology pre-med and child psychology en route to becoming a behavioral developmental pediatrician is fueled by the desire to make a tangible difference in children's lives. The combination of scientific inquiry and the opportunity to deliver personalized care that addresses both medical and psychological needs offers a fulfilling career path that is both intellectually and emotionally rewarding. This is what excites and drives students towards this noble profession, where every day provides a chance to change lives for the better.
    Deborah Thomas Scholarship Award
    To positively impact the world, I aim to improve the lives of children and their families through comprehensive care, support, and advocacy. In working towards becoming a behavioral-developmental pediatrician, my foremost goal is to provide holistic care for children, addressing not only their physical health but also their mental, emotional, and developmental well-being. By conducting thorough assessments and collaborating with other healthcare professionals, educators, and caregivers, I aim to ensure that each child receives personalized treatment and support tailored to their needs. Early intervention is one of the most impactful ways to promote positive developmental outcomes in children. By identifying and addressing developmental delays, behavioral challenges, and mental health concerns as early as possible, I can help prevent possibly long-term issues and empower children and young adolescents to reach their full potential. This might involve behavior therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, or referrals to other specialists as needed. I believe that empowering parents and caregivers with knowledge and resources is essential for promoting the healthy development of children. Through educational workshops, counseling sessions, and ongoing support, I plan to equip parents with the skills and strategies they need to support their child's growth and development at home. This may include guidance on effective parenting techniques, understanding child development milestones, managing obstacles in behavior, and fostering positive parent-child relationships. I recognize the significance of advocating for the needs and rights of children within healthcare systems, schools, and communities. I plan to be a vocal advocate for policies and programs that promote children's health and access to quality care. This may involve taking part in raising awareness about child health issues, legislative efforts, and collaborating with community organizations to address systemic barriers to care. In addition to providing clinical care, I am committed to advancing the field of pediatric behavioral development through research and innovation. By conducting studies, contributing to scientific literature, and staying abreast of the latest evidence-based practices, I hope to continually improve the quality of care provided to children and contribute to the development of new interventions and treatment approaches. Recognizing the diverse backgrounds and experiences of the families I will serve soon, I'm committed to providing culturally competent care that respects and honors their beliefs, values, and traditions. By encouraging trust and understanding within culturally diverse communities, I aim to reduce disparities in healthcare access and outcomes and ensure that all children and young adolescents have the opportunity to thrive.
    Black Leaders Scholarship
    As we celebrate Black History Month, it is essential to recognize and honor the impactful contributions of Black leaders who have shaped history and inspired individuals worldwide. One such inspirational figure is Malcolm X, a prominent civil rights activist and a powerful orator whose influence continues to resonate. Malcolm X, born Malcolm Little on May 19, 1925, in Omaha, Nebraska, underwent a transformative journey from a troubled youth to a charismatic and fearless advocate for Black empowerment. Raised in a challenging environment marked by racism, poverty, and the tragic loss of his father, Malcolm X faced adversities that fueled his determination to seek justice and equality. In his early years, Malcolm X struggled with crime and ended up incarcerated. It was during his time in prison that he discovered the teachings of the Nation of Islam and its leader, Elijah Muhammad. Under the influence of these teachings, Malcolm X experienced a profound personal transformation, embracing a newfound identity and commitment to the struggle for racial justice. Malcolm X's journey serves as a testament to the power of self-discovery and the capacity for individuals to change for the better. His ability to rise above his circumstances and emerge as a powerful voice for the disenfranchised reflects resilience and determination. This aspect of his life has inspired countless individuals facing adversity to believe in their capacity for change and growth. One of Malcolm X's most significant contributions to the civil rights movement was his unwavering commitment to radical change. Unlike some leaders advocating for nonviolent resistance, Malcolm X believed in defending oneself against systemic oppression. His philosophy of "by any means necessary" underscored the urgency and intensity with which he approached the fight for justice. This resonated deeply with those who felt the weight of systemic racism and sought a more assertive stance in the struggle for civil rights. Malcolm X's eloquence as a speaker and his ability to articulate the experiences and frustrations of Black Americans brought attention to the harsh realities of racial inequality. His speeches, including the iconic "Message to the Grass Roots" and "The Ballot or the Bullet," challenged the status quo and urged Black individuals to take control of their destiny through education, economic empowerment, and political engagement. Beyond his advocacy for civil rights, Malcolm X also emphasized the importance of unity within the Black community. He encouraged solidarity, self-reliance, and the creation of economic opportunities within Black neighborhoods. His vision extended beyond immediate reforms, aiming for a fundamental transformation of societal structures to ensure lasting equality. In conclusion, Malcolm X's life and legacy are a source of inspiration during Black History Month and beyond. His journey from adversity to advocacy, his unyielding commitment to justice, and his powerful rhetoric continue to resonate with those who strive for equality and social change. By remembering and celebrating leaders like Malcolm X, we honor the ongoing struggle for civil rights and acknowledge the transformative power of individuals dedicated to making a difference.
    Sloane Stephens Doc & Glo Scholarship
    Growing up in a small town, I faced numerous challenges that tested my determination and resilience. My journey to pursue a career in medicine and attend an HBCU was marked by a defining moment that shaped my character. As a teenager, I faced a mental health crisis that turned my world upside down. Spiraling depression, anxiety, and social fear threw me into a whirlwind of doctor appointments and uncertainty. Many doubted my ability to overcome the challenges that lay ahead, but deep inside, a spark of determination ignited. Despite the physical and emotional toll, I pushed myself to excel in my studies. Talking to my therapist or confiding in my significant other became a second home, and the medical professionals who cared for me became my inspiration. Witnessing their dedication and compassion fueled my desire to join their ranks and make a difference in the lives of others. Navigating the complexities of my mental health taught me resilience, patience, and the importance of empathy. The support I received from my community, particularly from mentors who were graduates of Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs), left an indelible mark on me. Their stories of triumph over adversity inspired me to dream bigger and aim higher. With unwavering determination, I set my sights on attending an HBCU, drawn to the sense of community, inclusivity, and rich history they offered. The vibrant academic environment and the opportunity to contribute to a legacy of excellence in healthcare fueled my ambition. As I embarked on my journey toward a career in medicine at an HBCU, I carried with me the lessons learned from my challenges. Every obstacle became a stepping stone, and every setback fueled my determination. My resilience became my greatest asset in the pursuit of my dreams. Today, as I stand on the threshold of realizing my goals, I am grateful for the challenges that molded me into a resilient and compassionate individual. The journey has not been easy, but it has shaped my character, influencing my commitment to making a meaningful impact in the field of medicine and contributing to the legacy of excellence at my chosen HBCU. It is a narrative that has shaped my character, influencing my decision to attend an HBCU and reinforcing my dedication to the pursuit of a medical profession. Through it all, I have come to understand that challenges are not roadblocks but rather stepping stones toward personal and professional growth.
    Russell Koci Skilled Trade Scholarship
    Individuals choose to study or pursue skilled trades for various reasons, and the decision often depends on personal interests, aptitudes, and career goals. Here are some common considerations: Many people choose a skilled trade based on their interests and passions. If someone enjoys working with their hands, solving practical problems, or building things, a trade that aligns with these preferences might be appealing. Certain trades are in high demand due to ongoing needs in the job market. Individuals may choose a trade with strong job prospects and stability, increasing the likelihood of finding employment after completing their training. Skilled trades often involve specialized skills that are acquired through hands-on training. Some individuals may be drawn to the idea of becoming experts in a specific field, mastering a craft, and developing unique skills that are valued in the industry. Skilled trades can provide opportunities for entrepreneurship. Some individuals choose a trade to eventually start their own business, whether it's in construction, plumbing, electrical work, or another field. Many skilled trades offer competitive salaries, and some individuals may choose a trade based on the potential for financial success. Additionally, some trades require less time and financial investment for education compared to traditional four-year degree programs. Why One Plans a Career: The reasons for planning a career in a chosen trade can vary widely. It may be driven by a desire for job satisfaction, financial stability, a sense of purpose, or the opportunity for personal and professional growth. Why One Would Be Successful: Success in a skilled trade often depends on a combination of factors, including Dedication and Hard Work: Success in any field requires commitment and a strong work ethic. Continuous Learning: Staying updated on industry trends and technologies is crucial for success in many trades. Attention to Detail: Precision and attention to detail are often essential in skilled trades to ensure quality work. Problem-Solving Skills: Tradespeople often encounter challenges that require creative problem-solving. The definition of a successful life varies from person to person. It may include achieving personal goals, maintaining a healthy work-life balance, making a positive impact on others, and finding fulfillment in one's chosen career and personal life. Success is subjective, and individuals can achieve it by setting realistic goals, staying focused, adapting to challenges, and continually improving their skills and knowledge. Ultimately, the path to success in a skilled trade is as unique as the individual pursuing it.
    Deborah Thomas Scholarship Award
    As I embark on my journey toward achieving a meaningful career, I am exhilarated by the opportunities it presents to make a positive impact on the world. Through my utmost dedication, I plan to contribute to global well-being by pursuing a career in sustainable development and taking concrete steps toward transforming our societies for the better. To truly make a positive impact, it is essential to comprehend the pressing issues that our world currently faces. Climate change, social inequality, poverty, and the depletion of natural resources are just a few of the challenges we must confront. By delving deep into the complex interconnections between economic growth and environmental preservation, I aim to bring about informed change. To be effective in addressing these challenges, I recognize the need to gain education and skills relevant to sustainable development. Pursuing a degree in biomedical sciences combined with psychology studies would provide me with a solid foundation for understanding and implementing sustainable solutions. Furthermore, participating in internships and global conferences on sustainable development would enhance my knowledge and enable me to network with like-minded individuals who share my commitment to change. As I progress in my career, I anticipate advocating for policies that prioritize sustainability and social justice, Recognizing the need for systemic change, I plan to collaborate with governments, non-profit organizations, and industry leaders to develop and implement programs that address the urgent issues at hand. By engaging in dialogues and negotiations on a national and international level, I believe we can foster a collaborative approach toward creating a sustainable future for all. Education others about sustainable practices play a crucial role in driving widespread change. By becoming a proficient communicator, I will effectively raise awareness among individuals, communities, and businesses about the importance of adopting green practices. Hosting workshops, delivering presentations, and utilizing social media platforms will enable me to reach a broader audience, empowering others to take action for a sustainable future. In conclusion, my career aspirations revolve around making a positive impact on the world through my commitment to sustainable development. By immersing myself in the study of biomedical sciences and psychology, creating partnerships, advocating for change, and fostering awareness, I believe I can contribute to resolving global challenges and ensuring a more sustainable and equitable future for generations to come. With dedicated efforts, compassionate leadership, and a steadfast commitment to change, great progress can be made toward achieving a better world for all.
    Henry Bynum, Jr. Memorial Scholarship
    Overcoming adversity is an inevitable part of life's journey. These challenging circumstances served as stepping stones toward personal growth and development. In my own life, I faced many obstacles, ranging from academic setbacks to personal struggles. However, by embracing resilience, determination, and a positive mindset, I have managed to overcome these challenges. As I look to the future, I am driven by a strong desire to give back to my community and make a lasting impact. In this essay, I will discuss how I have surmounted adversity and outline my vision for community involvement in the years ahead. In my life, adversities have presented themselves in different forms, pushing me to find strength within. One of the most significant academic adversities I faced so far is during my high school career. Despite initially struggling with a rigorous curriculum, I refused to let setbacks define me. I sought guidance from teachers, implemented effective study strategies, and prioritized time management skills. Through perseverance and dedication, I managed to improve my grades and graduate with distinction. In addition to academic challenges, I have also encountered personal adversities that have assisted shape my character. When faced with difficult family circumstances, I learned to find solace in resilience and finding solutions. By surrounding myself with a strong support network, I gained the strength to persevere and adapt, ultimately emerging as a stronger individual. Looking ahead, my experience has fueled a deep-rooted desire to give back to my community and help individuals facing their adversities. Inspired by the kindness and generosity I received, I aim to pay it forward and make a meaningful impact. One of my future goals is to establish mentorship programs for underprivileged youth in my community who may have faced similar challenges. I am passionate about promoting educational opportunities and accessible resources for marginalized communities. In the future, I also plan to involve myself in community service initiatives. By volunteering with local organizations that tackle social issues such as poverty, homelessness, and environmental concerns, I aim to make a tangible difference within my community. I already have done some volunteer work such as soup kitchens, assisting children in the library, and so much. I believe in actively engaging with the community and giving a voice to those who are often unheard. Overcoming adversity has taught me valuable lessons, pushing me to emerge resilient, compassionate, and determined to lead a life of significance. As I move forward, my vision is to spite others to navigate their challenges while striving for positive community impact. By investing my time, talents, and energy into mentorship programs and community services, I aim to create a better world for all. Together, we can overcome adversity and build a more inclusive society.
    Healing Self and Community Scholarship
    In recent years, the significance of mental health has come increasingly the focus of attention. This newfound understanding is promising, awakening from the shadows where mental health was once broached only in hushed tones. However, the reality is that while recognition of mental health's importance escalates, the accessibility and affordability of mental health remain significant impediments for countless individuals like myself. As society continues to grapple with this issue, I find myself compelled to articulate my unique contribution that can assist actualize the vision of mental health for all. My commitment to fostering accessible and affordable mental health care arises from my deep-seated belief in humanity's need for understanding, support, and healing. This belief fuels my pursuit of techniques and strategies spanning diverse sectors, from technology to policy advocacy, to revolutionize our mental health landscape. I suffer from depression, social anxiety, and ADHD. My depression started in the 1st grade but never took it into consideration or realization. I knew about it in my 6th-8th grade year of middle school. I was bullied to the point where I wanted to end my own life. I had a counselor at my school but it didn't last long. I developed social anxiety during the pandemic. Having a fresh start in a somewhat new state wasn't easy. I moved to Georgia and finally found a young, black therapist who can understand what I was going through and what I'm currently going through now.